This repository contains the documents that will be used in the econometrics portion of the Harvard Economics math camp for incoming first-year Ph.D. students.
The folder 'Notes' contains a master notes document that covers all of the content we will cover in math camp.
The folder 'Slides' contains the main sets of slides that I will present during our sessions.
The folder 'Worksheets' contains worksheets that will be worked on in group problem-solving exercises each day.
Worksheet 1 (Day 1, Morning)
Worksheet 2 (Day 1, Afternoon)
Worksheet 3 (Day 2, Morning)
Worksheet 4 (Day 2, Afternoon)
This content was developed between 2018 and 2021 by Ashesh Rambachan, Frank Pinter, and myself (Michael Droste). Notes are drawn from many sources referenced in the text, with a particular aim to align with Gary Chamberlain's econometrics lecture notes and Isaiah Andrews' course materials for first-year graduate econometrics.