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BHHT Datascape

Sources and scripts related to BHHT's static website hosted at this url:


The building scripts relie on python and the static website relies on node.

I recommend nvm to install node. And pyenv to cleanly manage a python environment. But any will (virtualenv, conda, miniconda, spyder etc.).

Building the necessary data files

First you will need to install the required python dependencies using pip in the desired python environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the aggregation script thusly:

python scripts/ <path-to-data.csv>

Developing the static website

After having built the necessary data files, you will first need to install npm dependencies:

npm install

Then you can develop the website (whose code is in the src folder) thusly:

npm run dev

The dev version of the app will then be served on http://localhost:3000.

This website is basically a static React web application loading the pre-aggregated data.

Building and deploying the static website

If you are happy with your code changes or if you need to refresh the data you just built, you can use the following commands to build the static website:

# To only build the website into ./build folder:
npm run build

# To build then serve the website to http://localhost:8000
npm run serve

# To build and deploy the website in production
npm run deploy