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Blynk Setup

Tobias Sandhaas edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 10 revisions

Blynk App Dashboard

Unfortunately you have to manually build your dashboard (config does not fit in QR code). Please stick to the following screenshots and use the "virtual pin mapping" as described:

Blynk application screenshots

Blynk Short Movie Showcase

Blynk Pin Mapping

Current mappings can be found in the source code

Alternative way to clone blynk app dashboard (experimental)

  • Login to your server on which blynk is installed
  • install the programm jq (should be included in any distribution)
  • Shutdown blynk Service
  • Search for file in blynk/data which looks like .Blynk.user. This is the config file. Make a backup of this file.
  • Download this project's config rancilio_v2.json and put it in the same folder as the config file.
  • Execute following command in this folder:
    jq --argjson blynkInfo "$(<rancilio_v2.json)" '.profile.dashBoards += [$blynkInfo]' YOUR_EMAIL.Blynk.user
  • Startup blynk service
  • Open App, Search newly create project, Open the "Project Settings" then devices-> Master -> Master and Press "Refresh Token". Use this token in the rancilio software as auth token.