This repository contains the (unofficial) LaTeX template for the European Sections of the Combustion Institute (ESCI). This repository is a fork of the USSCI template developed by Bryan W. Weber and Kyle E. Niemeyer. The source for the original template can be found online at This fork for the ECM/ESCI is hosted at
- Download a zip file of this repository and extract it
- Open and try to build the
file to make sure that everything works properly - If your references don't end up as numbers, make sure that your TeX environment/editor is set to use biber to compile the references. By default, most editors (such as TeXStudio) default to using BibTeX.
- Copy the
file and edit it to add your paper content
The template uses the following packages that must be installed with their dependencies:
- authblk
- biblatex
- biber
- calc
- fancyhdr
- fontenc
- geometry
- hyperref
- inputenc
- mathptmx
- multicol
- titlesec
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Standard figure and table floats may not display as desired in the multicol environment. Floats may be made to span the page using the * variants, e.g.
% figure here (includegraphics or whatever)
\caption{Figure description}
Alternatively, you may wish to define a new environment, e.g. the multicolumn figure (mcfigure):
To include captions in the new environment use the caption package:
% figure here (includegraphics or whatever)
\captionof{figure}{Figure description}
The interword spacing may be made increasingly elastic by adding \sloppy
to the preamble.
This helps in cases where words are overrunning the column bounds.