Item | Content |
Review | 平和記念公園へも徒歩圏内で駐車場もあり、便利なホテルです。 |
SCUD | 平和記念公園が▔ホテルから▔徒歩圏内だ。 駐車場が▔ホテルに▔ある。 ホテルが▔便利だ。 |
- Data:
- A part of hotel reviews
- Phrases are separated by
(U+2594) meta["exphora"]
if it is necessary to refer to a sentence other than the target sentence for SCUD generation, elsefalse
- Phrases are separated by
- SCUD correctness annotation:
- Japanese dialogs between a customer and an operator in a fictitious accommodation consultation service
- Each dialog ends with
- Each recommendation and recommended hotel is selected from hotel reviews
Name Utterance agent チェックアウトされてからのご予定はありますか? user 特にありません。最終日も、なるべく長い時間ホテルで過ごしたいです。 agent それでは、チェックアウト時間が遅いほうがよろしいですか? user そうですね、その条件で探して頂けますか? agent それでは、「16時チェックアウトでゆっくり出来ました。」とレビューにある、こちらの宿はいかがでしょうか?
Formats of all files in data are the same as used in asdc.
- 林部祐太. 発話とレビューに対する解釈文生成とトピック分類. 言語処理学会第29回年次大会論文集,pp.2013-2017. 2023. (NLP 2023) [PDF]
Recruit Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Recruit") publishes the data set with linguistic annotations (hereinafter referred to as this "Data Set") for the purpose of contributing to the study of natural language processing.
This Data Set is constructed using various methods of extraction from Customer Reviews. Annotators provide judgment via labels. Labels and recommendation sentences are provided by the cloud-sourced annotators and do not reflect the experience, assessment, or Recruit’s assessment of the review contributor.
This Data Set may contain content that is contrary to the facts.
This Data Set is subject to change or deletion without notice.
The copyrights to Customer Reviews included in this Data Set belong to Recruit.
- 文例: 本研究では株式会社リクルートが提供するxxxxを利用しました。
When publishing a study using this dataset, please cite papers in References and describe the source of the data as follows.
- Example: To conduct this study, we used xxxx provided by Recruit Co., Ltd.
本データセットのライセンスはクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス (表示-非営利-継承 4.0 国際)です。
The license of this Data Set is in the same scope as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Recruit discloses this Data Set for non-profit public use. It is strictly prohibited to use for profit purposes beyond the scope necessary for the presentation of analysis, research and results.
Even when publishing research results, users should not post data in the data set beyond the appropriate exemplary range in the publications and other materials set forth in the preceding paragraph. Users should not describe information obtained from the data set that violates public order and morals, promote or encourage criminal or other illegal acts.
If you have any inquiries and/or problems about a dataset or notice a mistake, please contact NLP Data Support Team nlp_data_support at