Usage: meilisearch [OPTIONS] Options: --db-path The destination where the database must be created [env: MEILI_DB_PATH=] [default: ./] --http-addr The address on which the http server will listen [env: MEILI_HTTP_ADDR=] [default:] --master-key Sets the instance's master key, automatically protecting all routes except GET /health [env: MEILI_MASTER_KEY=] --env This environment variable must be set to `production` if you are running in production. More logs wiil be displayed if the server is running in development mode. Setting the master key is optional; hence no security on the updates routes. This is useful to debug when integrating the engine with another service [env: MEILI_ENV=] [default: development] [possible values: development, production] --max-index-size The maximum size, in bytes, of the main LMDB database directory [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEX_SIZE=] [default: 107374182400] --max-task-db-size The maximum size, in bytes, of the update LMDB database directory [env: MEILI_MAX_TASK_DB_SIZE=] [default: 107374182400] --http-payload-size-limit The maximum size, in bytes, of accepted JSON payloads [env: MEILI_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT=] [default: 100000000] --ssl-cert-path Read server certificates from CERTFILE. This should contain PEM-format certificates in the right order (the first certificate should certify KEYFILE, the last should be a root CA) [env: MEILI_SSL_CERT_PATH=] --ssl-key-path Read the private key from KEYFILE. This should be an RSA private key or PKCS8-encoded private key, in PEM format [env: MEILI_SSL_KEY_PATH=] --ssl-auth-path Enable client authentication, and accept certificates signed by those roots provided in CERTFILE [env: MEILI_SSL_AUTH_PATH=] --ssl-ocsp-path Read DER-encoded OCSP response from OCSPFILE and staple to certificate. Optional [env: MEILI_SSL_OCSP_PATH=] --ssl-require-auth Send a fatal alert if the client does not complete client authentication [env: MEILI_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTH=] --ssl-resumption SSL support session resumption [env: MEILI_SSL_RESUMPTION=] --ssl-tickets SSL support tickets [env: MEILI_SSL_TICKETS=] --import-snapshot Defines the path of the snapshot file to import. This option will, by default, stop the process if a database already exists, or if no snapshot exists at the given path. If this option is not specified, no snapshot is imported [env: MEILI_IMPORT_SNAPSHOT=] --ignore-missing-snapshot The engine will ignore a missing snapshot and not return an error in such a case [env: MEILI_IGNORE_MISSING_SNAPSHOT=] --ignore-snapshot-if-db-exists The engine will skip snapshot importation and not return an error in such case [env: MEILI_IGNORE_SNAPSHOT_IF_DB_EXISTS=] --snapshot-dir Defines the directory path where Meilisearch will create a snapshot each snapshot-interval-sec [env: MEILI_SNAPSHOT_DIR=] [default: snapshots/] --schedule-snapshot Activate snapshot scheduling [env: MEILI_SCHEDULE_SNAPSHOT=] --snapshot-interval-sec Defines time interval, in seconds, between each snapshot creation [env: MEILI_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL_SEC=] [default: 86400] --import-dump Import a dump from the specified path, must be a `.dump` file [env: MEILI_IMPORT_DUMP=] --ignore-missing-dump If the dump doesn't exist, load or create the database specified by `db-path` instead [env: MEILI_IGNORE_MISSING_DUMP=] --ignore-dump-if-db-exists Ignore the dump if a database already exists, and load that database instead [env: MEILI_IGNORE_DUMP_IF_DB_EXISTS=] --dumps-dir Folder where dumps are created when the dump route is called [env: MEILI_DUMPS_DIR=] [default: dumps/] --log-level Set the log level. # Possible values: [ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE] [env: MEILI_LOG_LEVEL=] [default: INFO] --max-indexing-memory The maximum amount of memory the indexer will use. In case the engine is unable to retrieve the available memory the engine will try to use the memory it needs but without real limit, this can lead to Out-Of-Memory issues and it is recommended to specify the amount of memory to use. [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_MEMORY=] [default: "21.33 TiB"] --max-indexing-threads The maximum number of threads the indexer will use. If the number set is higher than the real number of cores available in the machine, it will use the maximum number of available cores. It defaults to half of the available threads. [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_THREADS=] [default: 5] --disable-auto-batching The engine will disable task auto-batching, and will sequencialy compute each task one by one [env: DISABLE_AUTO_BATCHING=] --config-file-path The path to a configuration file that should be used to setup the engine. Format must be TOML -h, --help Print help information (use `-h` for a summary) -V, --version Print version information