meilisearch-http 0.29.1 USAGE: meilisearch [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: --config-file-path Set the path to a configuration file that should be used to setup the engine. Format must be TOML --db-path Designates the location where database files will be created and retrieved [env: MEILI_DB_PATH=] [default: ./] --disable-auto-batching Deactivates auto-batching when provided [env: DISABLE_AUTO_BATCHING=] --dumps-dir Sets the directory where Meilisearch will create dump files [env: MEILI_DUMPS_DIR=] [default: dumps/] --env Configures the instance's environment. Value must be either `production` or `development` [env: MEILI_ENV=] [default: development] [possible values: development, production] -h, --help Print help information --http-addr Sets the HTTP address and port Meilisearch will use [env: MEILI_HTTP_ADDR=] [default:] --http-payload-size-limit Sets the maximum size of accepted payloads. Value must be given in bytes or explicitly stating a base unit (for instance: 107374182400, '107.7Gb', or '107374 Mb') [env: MEILI_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT=] [default: 100000000] --ignore-dump-if-db-exists Prevents a Meilisearch instance with an existing database from throwing an error when using `--import-dump`. Instead, the dump will be ignored and Meilisearch will launch using the existing database. This option will trigger an error if `--import-dump` is not defined. [env: MEILI_IGNORE_DUMP_IF_DB_EXISTS=] --ignore-missing-dump Prevents Meilisearch from throwing an error when `--import-dump` does not point to a valid dump file. Instead, Meilisearch will start normally without importing any dump. This option will trigger an error if `--import-dump` is not defined. [env: MEILI_IGNORE_MISSING_DUMP=] --ignore-missing-snapshot Prevents a Meilisearch instance from throwing an error when `--import-snapshot` does not point to a valid snapshot file. This command will throw an error if `--import-snapshot` is not defined. [env: MEILI_IGNORE_MISSING_SNAPSHOT=] --ignore-snapshot-if-db-exists Prevents a Meilisearch instance with an existing database from throwing an error when using `--import-snapshot`. Instead, the snapshot will be ignored and Meilisearch will launch using the existing database. This command will throw an error if `--import-snapshot` is not defined. [env: MEILI_IGNORE_SNAPSHOT_IF_DB_EXISTS=] --import-dump Imports the dump file located at the specified path. Path must point to a `.dump` file. If a database already exists, Meilisearch will throw an error and abort launch [env: MEILI_IMPORT_DUMP=] --import-snapshot Launches Meilisearch after importing a previously-generated snapshot at the given filepath [env: MEILI_IMPORT_SNAPSHOT=] --log-level Defines how much detail should be present in Meilisearch's logs. Meilisearch currently supports five log levels, listed in order of increasing verbosity: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. [env: MEILI_LOG_LEVEL=] [default: INFO] --master-key Sets the instance's master key, automatically protecting all routes except `GET /health` [env: MEILI_MASTER_KEY=] --max-index-size Sets the maximum size of the index. Value must be given in bytes or explicitly stating a base unit (for instance: 107374182400, '107.7Gb', or '107374 Mb') [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEX_SIZE=] [default: 107374182400] --max-indexing-memory Sets the maximum amount of RAM Meilisearch can use when indexing. By default, Meilisearch uses no more than two thirds of available memory [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_MEMORY=] [default: "21.33 TiB"] --max-indexing-threads Sets the maximum number of threads Meilisearch can use during indexation. By default, the indexer avoids using more than half of a machine's total processing units. This ensures Meilisearch is always ready to perform searches, even while you are updating an index [env: MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_THREADS=] [default: 5] --max-task-db-size Sets the maximum size of the task database. Value must be given in bytes or explicitly stating a base unit (for instance: 107374182400, '107.7Gb', or '107374 Mb') [env: MEILI_MAX_TASK_DB_SIZE=] [default: 107374182400] --schedule-snapshot Activates scheduled snapshots when provided. Snapshots are disabled by default [env: MEILI_SCHEDULE_SNAPSHOT=] --snapshot-dir Sets the directory where Meilisearch will store snapshots [env: MEILI_SNAPSHOT_DIR=] [default: snapshots/] --snapshot-interval-sec Defines the interval between each snapshot. Value must be given in seconds [env: MEILI_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL_SEC=] [default: 86400] --ssl-auth-path Enables client authentication in the specified path [env: MEILI_SSL_AUTH_PATH=] --ssl-cert-path Sets the server's SSL certificates [env: MEILI_SSL_CERT_PATH=] --ssl-key-path Sets the server's SSL key files [env: MEILI_SSL_KEY_PATH=] --ssl-ocsp-path Sets the server's OCSP file. *Optional* Reads DER-encoded OCSP response from OCSPFILE and staple to certificate. [env: MEILI_SSL_OCSP_PATH=] --ssl-require-auth Makes SSL authentication mandatory [env: MEILI_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTH=] --ssl-resumption Activates SSL session resumption [env: MEILI_SSL_RESUMPTION=] --ssl-tickets Activates SSL tickets [env: MEILI_SSL_TICKETS=] -V, --version Print version information