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Myos Backend

npm version Code style: airbnb License: MIT

Table of Contents


This is a RESTful API for a simple cart service.

Style guide

Airbnb (Javascript style guide)

Project Structure

├── src
    ├── components
        ├── auth
        ├── cart
        ├── product
        ├── user
    ├── database
    ├── lib
    ├── typings
        ├── express
├── .env.sample
├── .gitignore
├── .sequelizerc
├── package.json
├── README.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock

HTTP Response Codes

Each response will be returned with one of the following HTTP status codes:

  • 200 OK The request was successful
  • 201 New Resource The request was successful and created a new resource
  • 400 Bad Request There was a problem with the request (security, malformed)
  • 404 Not Found An attempt was made to access a resource that does not exist in the API
  • 500 Server Error An error on the server occurred

Features Implemented

Authentication APIs

  • Users can sign up.
  • Users can login.

Product API

  • Users can get product lisitings
  • Users can search product by title and description

Checkout Process APIs

  • Users can add product to cart
  • Users can remove product from cart
  • Users can get cart items
  • Users can initiate cart checkout process

Getting Started


This project uses Express.js v4.16. It has the following dependencies:


  • Ensure you have NodeJS installed by entering node -v on your terminal If you don't have NodeJS installed, go to the NodeJS Website, and follow the download instructions

Getting the Source

You can clone this project directly using this command:

git clone

Installation & Usage

  • Create a PostgreSQL database by running the cmd below:
createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres <database_name>
  • After cloning the repository, create a .env file from .env.example and set your local .env. variable(s).
cp .env.example .env
  • Install the dependencies
yarn install
  • Run database migrations
yarn run db:migrate
  • Run database seed
yarn run db:seed
  • You can run the development server using
yarn run start:dev
  • Other yarn scripts are also available for handling database migrations and database seeding:
    • yarn run db:migrate runs script that is responsible for creating tables and their columns in the database,
    • db:migrate:undo: undoes the effect of npm run db:migrate,
    • db:reset: undoes all the migrations, then runs migration on the database,
    • db:seed: responsible for seeding records in the database,

Working Routes

API Endpoints

  • Public API documentation of this project is available on postman docs
Endpoint Functionality HTTP method
/api/v1/users/register Create a user account POST
/api/v1/users/login Login a user POST
/api/v1/products Get All Product Listing GET
/api/v1/products?title=title&description='description' Search Books by Title and Description GET
/api/v1/carts Add Items to cart POST
/api/v1/carts/:cartId Get A Cart and Items in it GET
/api/v1/carts/:cartId/products/:productId Remove a single product from cart DELETE
/api/v1/carts/:cartId/checkout Checkout Cart GET

Assumptions made (Thought process)

  • Admins are not required for this MVP, hence every logged-in user can perform all actions
  • Since there are no admins to add products. I created a seed data with each of products with each asset image file (hosted on cloudinary) (this can be found in my src/database/seeders).
  • I did not authenticate product listings and product search routes, this needs to be available to non-logged in users.
  • I assumed only users that are logged-in would be able to access cart, this may not be optimal and can be improved.
  • There are no payment gateway integration, so Check-Out process displays a summary showing total amount, cart id and user id
  • An order is created in the order table on successful Check-Out

Improvements that can be made

  • non-logged in users should be able to access cart
  • Redis can be used as a store to persist cart. This would reduce the latency of read/write operations to the database
  • Checkout process can be optimized

License 💥

This project is under the MIT LICENSE


No description, website, or topics provided.







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