This is a somewhat cleaned up version of bocsimacko-b0.83, my final submission to the Google AI Planet Wars Challenge [1].
Gabor Melis [2]
- install ACL or SBCL
- do ‘./configure –lisp acl’ or ‘./configure –lisp sbcl’
- make
You can run and view games with any two (even the official one), but the best is this:
Clone it just next to this README so that scripts find its binaries.
It needs to be patched to compile with recent gcc:
diff –git a/BotCppStarterpack.cpp b/BotCppStarterpack.cpp index 3a1e139..9b68edb 100644 — a/BotCppStarterpack.cpp +++ b/BotCppStarterpack.cpp @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ #include <iostream> +#include <unistd.h> #include “game.h”
./bin/ <binary1> <binary2>
This will create two log files in games/<date> for each map. You can view the games played:
./planet_wars-cpp/showgame < games/2014-05-17-08-06-48/map_finals-1_01.txt-1-vs-2.log
In src/ read model.lisp, player.lisp and maybe alpha-beta.lisp. The rest is plumbing and small third party libs (alexandria, parse-number).