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Note: This file-bundle is functional but is still Beta. Its intended for local instances only. Please test it out and provide feedback, contributions are always welcome too!

Meltano project file bundle for Superset. These files were pulled from the Superset docker guide with some minor adjustments.


See for the full list of bundled files.


To install this file bundle run the following command and provide git+ for the pip_url:

meltano add files --custom superset

Then in order to call the docker-compose files properly you must add a custom utility to the meltano.yml manually. This sets the ui command needed to start the containers.

  - name: superset
    namespace: superset
        executable: /usr/local/bin/docker
        args: compose -f analyze/superset/docker-compose.yml up -d
        executable: /usr/local/bin/docker
        args: compose -f analyze/superset/docker-compose.yml down
        executable: /bin/bash
        args: analyze/superset/
        executable: /bin/bash
        args: analyze/superset/
        executable: /bin/bash
        args: analyze/superset/
        executable: /bin/bash
        args: analyze/superset/
          - name: tables
            description: An array of table names to import into Supserset. They must be in dbt format e.g. `model.my_meltano_project.customers`.
            kind: array
          - name: load_all_dbt_models
            description: A boolean whether to import all known models from dbt or not. If not, use the `tables` array to select by name.
            kind: boolean
            value: false
          - name: sqlalchemy_uri
            description: The full SQLAlchemy uri for your database engine.
              Make sure additional dependencies are installed to use the particular engine.
          - name: database_name
            description: The alias for your database once imported into Superset.
          - name: additional_dependencies
            kind: array
            description: An array of python dependencies to include as part of startup.
              A list of database driver dependencies can be found here
      database_name: my_postgres
      sqlalchemy_uri: postgresql+psycopg2://${PG_USERNAME}:${PG_PASSWORD}@host.docker.internal:${PG_PORT}/${PG_DATABASE}
      - model.my_meltano_project.table_name_x
  - name: dev
      SUPERSET_API_URL: http://localhost:8088
      SUPERSET_USER: admin
      SUPERSET_PASS: admin

If you're datasource is not included in Superset out of the box then you need to install it in the requirements-local.txt for it to be avaiable. See available database drivers and installation instructions.

Add execution permission on the script files that were installed so that docker can use them on startup:

chmod +x analyze/superset/docker/*.sh

If you'd like to sync your dbt tables to Superset, first run a dbt compile, then use the ui command to turn Superset on. Use the settings in the example meltano.yml entry to configure what tables to sync into Superset. If you change these settings or update your dbt models, just run the load_datasources command to refresh Superset.

meltano --environment=dev invoke dbt:compile
meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:ui

Once Superset is on, navigate to http://localhost:8088/. The default Superset username and password are both admin.

The other available commands are:

  • meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:up - Starts all required docker containers in the background using the docker-compose.yml.

  • meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:down - Stops all docker containers defined in the docker-compose.yml. This includes the -v argument which destroys all volumes so any assets in the local instance of Superset will be destroyed. If you want stop Superset but still preserve your assets you can either remove this -v argument or use the following export/import workflow.

  • meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:export_dashboards - Runs the script that uses the CLI to export all dashboards from Superset to the superset/assets/dashboard directory.

  • meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:import_dashboards - Runs the script that uses the CLI to import the dashboard definitions in the superset/assets/dashboard directory into Superset.

  • meltano --environment=dev invoke superset:load_datasources - Uses the dbt manifest.json file to generate a Superset compliant datasource.yml which is then imported via the CLI.

Notes and Warnings

A caveat with the export/import commands are that you currently need to open up imported databases in the Superset UI and re-save them because the passwords dont seem to be initialized properly when imported using the CLI.