MetaES is a JavaScript metacircular interpreter. It is a building block for other libraries and tools. It was created to speed up applications development.
Try it out at the playground.
For the latest stable version:
npm install metaes
For dev builds:
npm install metaes@dev
It's highly recommended to read docs first. You can skip it if you just want to use MetaES in a most basic way.
const { metaesEval } = require("metaes");
metaesEval(`2+a`, console.log, console.error, { a: 2 });
For browser usage you have to create build yourself using tools like Webpack, Parcel or others.
will print out 4
Available at docs page.
For development repository installation use following:
git clone
cd metaes
npm install
npm test
Use GitHub issues or pull requests.