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Improve GoVoteHandler with updates from the community
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mezz committed Sep 20, 2020
1 parent 713f677 commit 9b4153e
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 29 deletions.
71 changes: 43 additions & 28 deletions src/main/java/mezz/jei/vote/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@

import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack;
import mezz.jei.api.constants.ModIds;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
Expand All @@ -21,6 +23,11 @@

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
Expand All @@ -32,11 +39,12 @@
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

* This class is derived from Botania and released for public use via the Waive Clause of the Botania License.<br />
* You are encouraged to copy and use it. Keep the marker file path the same so multiple mods don't show the screen
* at once.<br />
* You are encouraged to copy, read, understand, and use it. You should always understand anything you copy.<br />
* Keep the marker file path the same so multiple mods don't show the screen at once.<br />
* If you are uncomfortable with the network access to ip-api, feel free to remove it. The fallback is to examine the
* computer's current locale.<br />
* <br />
Expand All @@ -48,22 +56,14 @@
@EventBusSubscriber(modid = ModIds.JEI_ID, value = Dist.CLIENT)
public class GoVoteHandler {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
private static final String BRAND = "mezz's mods";
private static final String BRAND = "mezz";
private static final String MARKER_PATH = ".vote2020_marker";
private static final LocalDate ELECTION_DAY = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.NOVEMBER, 3);
public static final String VOTE_ORG_LINK = "";
private static final int HEADER_COLOR = 0xFFD0163E; // matches header
private static final int BG_COLOR = 0xFF205493; // matches body
private static boolean shownThisSession = false;
private static final List<String> commonUsaLanguages = Arrays.asList(

private static volatile String countryCode = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();
private static boolean markerAlreadyExists = false;

public static void init() {
Expand All @@ -73,37 +73,52 @@ public static void init() {

try {
Path path = Paths.get(MARKER_PATH);
/* NB: This is atomic. Meaning that if the file does not exist,
* And multiple mods run this call concurrently, only one will succeed,
* the rest will receive FileAlreadyExistsException
Files.setAttribute(path, "dos:hidden", true);
// Set it to hidden on windows to avoid clutter
if (Util.getOSType() == Util.OS.WINDOWS) {
Files.setAttribute(path, "dos:hidden", true);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException ex) {
LOGGER.debug("Go vote handler: Marker already exists");
markerAlreadyExists = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("IO exception when trying to create marker", e);
// default to assuming the marker exists, to avoid showing multiple screens
markerAlreadyExists = true;

new Thread(() -> {
try {
URL url = new URL("");
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
try (InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
Type typeToken = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {}.getType();
Map<String, String> map = new Gson().fromJson(reader, typeToken);
countryCode = map.get("countryCode");
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
LOGGER.warn("IO exception when trying to get geo-ip country code", e);
}, "Go Vote Country GeoIp Check").start();

public static boolean isAfterElectionDay() {

public static boolean isProbablyUsaLocale() {
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
if (locale == null) {
return false;

public static boolean isInUsa() {
String usaCountry = Locale.US.getCountry();
if (!usaCountry.equals(locale.getCountry())) {
return false;

.anyMatch(language -> language.equals(locale.getLanguage()));
return usaCountry.equalsIgnoreCase(countryCode);

public static void clientTick(GuiOpenEvent event) {
public static void onGuiOpen(GuiOpenEvent event) {
Screen curr = event.getGui();
if ((curr instanceof WorldSelectionScreen || curr instanceof MultiplayerScreen) && shouldShow()) {
event.setGui(new GoVoteScreen(curr));
Expand All @@ -112,7 +127,7 @@ public static void clientTick(GuiOpenEvent event) {

private static boolean shouldShow() {
return !shownThisSession && !isAfterElectionDay() && !markerAlreadyExists && isProbablyUsaLocale();
return !shownThisSession && !isAfterElectionDay() && !markerAlreadyExists && isInUsa();

public static void displayOpenLinkScreen(String url, Minecraft minecraft, Screen currentScreen) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +159,7 @@ protected GoVoteScreen(Screen parent) {
addGroup(s("it is tempting to succumb to apathy,"),
s("to think that nothing you do will matter."));
addGroup(StringTextComponent.EMPTY, s("But power is still in the hands of We, the People."));
addGroup(s("The Constitution and its amendments guarantee every citizen the right to vote."));
addGroup(s("The Constitution and its amendments guarantee us the right to vote."));
addGroup(s("And it is not only our right, but our ")
.append(s("responsibility").mergeStyle(TextFormatting.ITALIC, TextFormatting.GOLD))
.appendString(" to do so."));
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/java/mezz/jei/vote/
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public void registerIngredients(IModIngredientRegistration registration) {

public static boolean isGoVoteEnabled() {
return !GoVoteHandler.isAfterElectionDay() && GoVoteHandler.isProbablyUsaLocale();
return !GoVoteHandler.isAfterElectionDay() && GoVoteHandler.isInUsa();

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