HackRU 2018 Project - A collaborative music queue
This web-application serves to function as a collaborative music queue. Users are able to add songs, up-vote, and down-vote based on their personal music preferences. The song with the highest priority (number of up-votes) gets played. Once a song finishes, the song with the next highest priority automatically starts. Each user is given a unique ID upon connecting to the server, and that ID is used to make sure that no user can have a more than 1 point total impact on the score of the song.
This project was developed to incorporate the BOSE SoundTouch API
- requests
- datetime
- flask
- random
- json
- string
- spotify
- threading
- Queue
- bosesoundhooks
- webbrowser
- time
Mike Giannella @mgiannella Caleb Frey @calefrey Adam Romano @aromano31
This project is distributed under the MIT license. See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT for details.