This is a simple Java client for Riemann. It is based on Netty and uses Guava futures for results. The code is also JSR305 compatible; I prefer to use Guice.
The current "stable" version is 3.0.0
This client sets up a netty pipeline with the following stages:
- ReturnableHandler
- ProtobufEncoder
- FrameEncoder
- BlockingWriteHandler
When data is sent, objects of type ReturnableMessage are sent down the pipeline. A ReturnableMessage is an AbstracFuture with a payload. The ReturnableHandler strips the future from the payload and sends the payload further down the pipeline. The future is enqueued and later mated with and ack from Riemann corresponding to this message. The payload is a protobuf message of type Msg so the ProtobufEncoder encodes this message into a ChannelBuffer and passes it on. The encoded protobuf message is then framed with a two byte length field by the FrameEncoder. Lastly, the framed message is passed to the BlockingWriteHandler. The BlockingWriteHandler is a buffer for outgoing messages. If the channel is writeable the message is written directly to the channel sink (the socket) and sent, otherwise it is enqueued until the channel becomes writeable again. Once the channel is able to accept data again the buffer is flushed and all subsequent writes are forwarded on to the sink until the channel once again becomes saturated and buffering begins again. The buffer is a BlockingQueue with a set, configurable, capacity. When the buffer is full writes to the channel will block until it becomes writeable again. This has the effect of applying a liberal amount of back pressure to a client which is producing enough data to saturate the connection. The back pressure extends all of the way back from Riemann: Riemann, if saturated, will not be able to accept new data off the connection. The receive buffer on riemann's interface will become full and it will begin to drop packets. Un-acked packets will cause the client's send buffer to fill. Netty's NIO write buffer will fill. The BlockingWriteHandler will fill it's buffer. The client will block. And on and on...
There is a Riemann load test tool included in this repo. To build it:
mvn clean install
cd load-test
mvn package assembly:single
There will be a tarball under in the target directory, this is a standalone version of the tool. To run, extract the tarball and run ./bin/ -h
The options available are:
usage: ./ [options] [host:port]
-b,--batch-size <arg> number of Events to send in each Msg
-c,--connections <arg> number of concurrent connections
-n,--netty-workers <arg> number of netty worker threads
-r,--reports-dir <arg> base directory for generated reports
-s,--buffer-size <arg> netty pipeline buffer size in bytes
-w,--client-workers <arg> number of client workers
Reports are deposited in the CWD by default unless -r is specified. The tool uses Coda's Metrics Lib and the CsvReporter. The csv files are all self documenting.
A copy of 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT is located here
package org.robobninjas.riemann;
import com.aphyr.riemann.Proto;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static;
import static;
import static makeClient;
public class SampleClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Client client = makeTcpClient("localhost");
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = client.makeConnection();
final Future<Boolean> isOk = connection.sendEvent(
Futures.addCallback(isOk, new FutureCallback<Boolean>() {
public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
System.out.println("It's OK");
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
Both of the client implementations have constructors annotated with the @Inject annotation. These constructors are also make use the Guice's AssistedInject extension and annotate the appropriate constructor arguments. The beautiful thing about annotations is that you do not need to include the dependency if you are not using them.