#Java Server
This project is an implementation of a simple web server in Java, designed to pass a suite of acceptance tests, Cob Spec.
##Why did I make this?
Writing this Java server is one of several projects normally completed by 8th Light apprentices (of which I am currently one). Although there are too many objectives to list out, the more significant takeaways include:
- a better understanding of the HTTP protocol, especially its formatting requirements
- the importance of SOLID and package principles for software design
- an opportunity to learn and use a new language (this was my first time working with Java)
To install and run the server:
git clone [clone-url]
cd java-server
mvn package
java -jar target/javaserver-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -d [public directory]
the public directory option is required and must exist on your system
Unit tests for this project are written with JUnit and can be run in an IDE with support for JUnit or using maven with mvn test
There is also a suite of acceptance tests, available in a separate repository here.
If you run into any problems, please open an issue on GitHub with the relevant details.