""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ import typing __all__ = ['', 'COMMTIMEOUTS', 'CopyProgressRoutine', 'DOCINFO', 'ExportCallback', 'FORM_INFO_1', 'ImportCallback', 'LARGE_INTEGER', 'NCB', 'PRINTER_DEFAULTS', 'PyACL', 'PyBITMAP', 'PyBLENDFUNCTION', 'PyCEHANDLE', 'PyCERTSTORE', 'PyCERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY', 'PyCERT_ALT_NAME_INFO', 'PyCERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO', 'PyCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO', 'PyCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO', 'PyCERT_CONTEXT', 'PyCERT_EXTENSION', 'PyCERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO', 'PyCERT_NAME_INFO', 'PyCERT_NAME_VALUE', 'PyCERT_OTHER_NAME', 'PyCERT_POLICY_INFO', 'PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO', 'PyCOMSTAT', 'PyCOORD', 'PyCREDENTIAL', 'PyCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE', 'PyCREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATION', 'PyCREDUI_INFO', 'PyCRYPTHASH', 'PyCRYPTKEY', 'PyCRYPTMSG', 'PyCRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT', 'PyCRYPTPROV', 'PyCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER', 'PyCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE', 'PyCRYPT_BIT_BLOB', 'PyCRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA', 'PyCRYPT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA', 'PyCRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA', 'PyCRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA', 'PyCTL_CONTEXT', 'PyCTL_USAGE', 'PyConsoleScreenBuffer', 'PyCredHandle', 'PyCtxtHandle', 'PyDCB', 'PyDEVMODE', 'PyDEVMODEW', 'PyDISPLAY_DEVICE', 'PyDLGITEMTEMPLATE', 'PyDLGTEMPLATE', 'PyDS_HANDLE', 'PyDS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM', 'PyDateTime', 'PyDialogTemplate', 'PyEVTLOG_HANDLE', 'PyEVT_HANDLE', 'PyEVT_RPC_LOGIN', 'PyEventLogRecord', 'PyGROUP_INFO_0', 'PyGROUP_INFO_1', 'PyGROUP_INFO_1002', 'PyGROUP_INFO_1005', 'PyGROUP_INFO_2', 'PyGROUP_USERS_INFO_0', 'PyGROUP_USERS_INFO_1', 'PyGdiHANDLE', 'PyGetSignerCertificate', 'PyHANDLE', 'PyHDESK', 'PyHDEVNOTIFY', 'PyHHNTRACK', 'PyHHN_NOTIFY', 'PyHH_AKLINK', 'PyHH_FTS_QUERY', 'PyHH_POPUP', 'PyHH_WINTYPE', 'PyHINTERNET', 'PyHKEY', 'PyHTHEME', 'PyHWINSTA', 'PyICONINFO', 'PyIID', 'PyINPUT_RECORD', 'PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_0', 'PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_1', 'PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_1002', 'PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_0', 'PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1', 'PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_2', 'PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_3', 'PyLOGBRUSH', 'PyLOGFONT', 'PyLSA_HANDLE', 'PyLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES', 'PyLsaLogon_HANDLE', 'PyMSG', 'PyNETRESOURCE', 'PyNET_VALIDATE_AUTHENTICATION_INPUT_ARG', 'PyNET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_INPUT_ARG', 'PyNET_VALIDATE_PERSISTED_FIELDS', 'PyNMHDR', 'PyNOTIFYICONDATA', 'PyOVERLAPPED', 'PyOVERLAPPEDReadBuffer', 'PyPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION', 'PyPERF_OBJECT_TYPE', 'PyPOINT', 'PyPROFILEINFO', 'PyPerfMonManager', 'PyPrinterHANDLE', 'PyRECT', 'PyResourceId', 'PySCROLLINFO', 'PySC_HANDLE', 'PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES', 'PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR', 'PySERVER_INFO_100', 'PySERVER_INFO_101', 'PySERVER_INFO_102', 'PySERVER_INFO_402', 'PySERVER_INFO_403', 'PySERVER_INFO_502', 'PySERVER_INFO_503', 'PySHARE_INFO_0', 'PySHARE_INFO_1', 'PySHARE_INFO_2', 'PySHARE_INFO_501', 'PySHARE_INFO_502', 'PySID', 'PySID_AND_ATTRIBUTES', 'PySIZE', 'PySMALL_RECT', 'PySTARTUPINFO', 'PySecBuffer', 'PySecBufferDesc', 'PyTOKEN_GROUPS', 'PyTOKEN_PRIVILEGES', 'PyTRIVERTEX', 'PyTRUSTEE', 'PyTS_HANDLE', 'PyTime', 'PyUSER_INFO_0', 'PyUSER_INFO_1', 'PyUSER_INFO_10', 'PyUSER_INFO_1003', 'PyUSER_INFO_1005', 'PyUSER_INFO_1006', 'PyUSER_INFO_1007', 'PyUSER_INFO_1008', 'PyUSER_INFO_1009', 'PyUSER_INFO_1010', 'PyUSER_INFO_1011', 'PyUSER_INFO_11', 'PyUSER_INFO_2', 'PyUSER_INFO_20', 'PyUSER_INFO_3', 'PyUSER_INFO_4', 'PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_0', 'PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_1', 'PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_2', 'PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_3', 'PyUSE_INFO_0', 'PyUSE_INFO_1', 'PyUSE_INFO_2', 'PyUSE_INFO_3', 'PyUnicode', 'PyUrlCacheHANDLE', 'PyWAVEFORMATEX', 'PyWINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS', 'PyWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_100', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_101', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_102', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_302', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_402', 'PyWKSTA_INFO_502', 'PyWKSTA_TRANSPORT_INFO_0', 'PyWKSTA_USER_INFO_0', 'PyWKSTA_USER_INFO_1', 'PyWNDCLASS', 'PyXFORM', 'Pymmapfile', 'RASDIALEXTENSIONS', 'RASDIALPARAMS', 'SC_ACTION', 'SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS', 'SERVICE_STATUS', 'TRACKMOUSEEVENT', 'ULARGE_INTEGER', 'WIN32_FIND_DATA', 'com_error', 'connection', 'cursor', 'error', 'COMPONENT', 'COMPONENTSOPT', 'COMPPOS', 'COMPSTATEINFO', 'DEFCONTENTMENU', 'ELEMDESC', 'EXP_DARWIN_LINK', 'EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER', 'EXP_SZ_LINK', 'FUNCDESC', 'IDLDESC', 'MAPIINIT_0', 'NT_CONSOLE_PROPS', 'NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS', 'PROPSPEC', 'PyADSVALUE', 'PyADS_ATTR_INFO', 'PyADS_OBJECT_INFO', 'PyADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO', 'PyBIND_OPTS', 'PyCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO', 'PyDSBCAPS', 'PyDSBUFFERDESC', 'PyDSCAPS', 'PyDSCBCAPS', 'PyDSCBUFFERDESC', 'PyDSCCAPS', 'PyDSOP_FILTER_FLAGS', 'PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO', 'PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFOs', 'PyDSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS', 'PyFORMATETC', 'PyGFileOperationProgressSink', 'PyGSecurityInformation', 'PyIADesktopP2', 'PyIADs', 'PyIADsContainer', 'PyIADsUser', 'PyIActiveDesktop', 'PyIActiveDesktopP', 'PyIActiveScriptDebug', 'PyIActiveScriptError', 'PyIActiveScriptErrorDebug', 'PyIActiveScriptParseProcedure', 'PyIActiveScriptSite', 'PyIActiveScriptSiteDebug', 'PyIAddrBook', 'PyIApplicationDebugger', 'PyIApplicationDestinations', 'PyIApplicationDocumentLists', 'PyIAsyncOperation', 'PyIAttach', 'PyIBindCtx', 'PyIBrowserFrameOptions', 'PyICancelMethodCalls', 'PyICatInformation', 'PyICatRegister', 'PyICategoryProvider', 'PyIClassFactory', 'PyIClientSecurity', 'PyIColumnProvider', 'PyIConnectionPoint', 'PyIConnectionPointContainer', 'PyIContext', 'PyIContextMenu', 'PyICopyHookA', 'PyICopyHookW', 'PyICreateTypeInfo', 'PyICreateTypeLib', 'PyICreateTypeLib2', 'PyICurrentItem', 'PyICustomDestinationList', 'PyIDL', 'PyIDataObject', 'PyIDebugApplication', 'PyIDebugApplicationNode', 'PyIDebugApplicationNodeEvents', 'PyIDebugApplicationThread', 'PyIDebugCodeContext', 'PyIDebugDocument', 'PyIDebugDocumentContext', 'PyIDebugDocumentHelper', 'PyIDebugDocumentHost', 'PyIDebugDocumentInfo', 'PyIDebugDocumentProvider', 'PyIDebugDocumentText', 'PyIDebugDocumentTextAuthor', 'PyIDebugDocumentTextEvents', 'PyIDebugDocumentTextExternalAuthor', 'PyIDebugExpression', 'PyIDebugExpressionCallBack', 'PyIDebugExpressionContext', 'PyIDebugProperty', 'PyIDebugSessionProvider', 'PyIDebugStackFrame', 'PyIDebugStackFrameSniffer', 'PyIDebugStackFrameSnifferEx', 'PyIDebugSyncOperation', 'PyIDefaultExtractIconInit', 'PyIDirectSound', 'PyIDirectSoundBuffer', 'PyIDirectSoundCapture', 'PyIDirectSoundCaptureBuffer', 'PyIDirectSoundNotify', 'PyIDirectoryObject', 'PyIDirectorySearch', 'PyIDispatch', 'PyIDispatchEx', 'PyIDisplayItem', 'PyIDocHostUIHandler', 'PyIDropSource', 'PyIDropTarget', 'PyIDropTargetHelper', 'PyIDsObjectPicker', 'PyIEmptyVolumeCache', 'PyIEmptyVolumeCache2', 'PyIEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack', 'PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO', 'PyIEnumConnectionPoints', 'PyIEnumConnections', 'PyIEnumContextProps', 'PyIEnumDebugApplicationNodes', 'PyIEnumDebugCodeContexts', 'PyIEnumDebugExpressionContexts', 'PyIEnumDebugPropertyInfo', 'PyIEnumDebugStackFrames', 'PyIEnumExplorerCommand', 'PyIEnumFORMATETC', 'PyIEnumGUID', 'PyIEnumIDList', 'PyIEnumMoniker', 'PyIEnumObjects', 'PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads', 'PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplications', 'PyIEnumResources', 'PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG', 'PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG', 'PyIEnumSTATSTG', 'PyIEnumShellItems', 'PyIEnumString', 'PyIErrorLog', 'PyIExplorerBrowser', 'PyIExplorerBrowserEvents', 'PyIExplorerCommand', 'PyIExplorerCommandProvider', 'PyIExplorerPaneVisibility', 'PyIExternalConnection', 'PyIExtractIcon', 'PyIExtractIconW', 'PyIExtractImage', 'PyIFileOperation', 'PyIIdentityName', 'PyIInitializeWithFile', 'PyIInitializeWithStream', 'PyIInputObject', 'PyIInternetBindInfo', 'PyIInternetPriority', 'PyIInternetProtocol', 'PyIInternetProtocolInfo', 'PyIInternetProtocolRoot', 'PyIInternetProtocolSink', 'PyIInternetSecurityManager', 'PyIKnownFolder', 'PyIKnownFolderManager', 'PyILockBytes', 'PyIMAPIContainer', 'PyIMAPIFolder', 'PyIMAPIProp', 'PyIMAPISession', 'PyIMAPIStatus', 'PyIMAPITable', 'PyIMachineDebugManager', 'PyIMachineDebugManagerEvents', 'PyIMessage', 'PyIMoniker', 'PyIMsgServiceAdmin', 'PyIMsgStore', 'PyINameSpaceTreeControl', 'PyINamedPropertyStore', 'PyIObjectArray', 'PyIObjectCollection', 'PyIObjectWithPropertyKey', 'PyIObjectWithSite', 'PyIOleClientSite', 'PyIOleCommandTarget', 'PyIOleControl', 'PyIOleControlSite', 'PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject', 'PyIOleInPlaceFrame', 'PyIOleInPlaceObject', 'PyIOleInPlaceSite', 'PyIOleInPlaceSiteEx', 'PyIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless', 'PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow', 'PyIOleObject', 'PyIOleWindow', 'PyIPersist', 'PyIPersistFile', 'PyIPersistFolder', 'PyIPersistFolder2', 'PyIPersistPropertyBag', 'PyIPersistSerializedPropStorage', 'PyIPersistStorage', 'PyIPersistStream', 'PyIPersistStreamInit', 'PyIProcessDebugManager', 'PyIProfAdmin', 'PyIPropertyBag', 'PyIPropertyChange', 'PyIPropertyChangeArray', 'PyIPropertyDescription', 'PyIPropertyDescriptionAliasInfo', 'PyIPropertyDescriptionList', 'PyIPropertyDescriptionSearchInfo', 'PyIPropertyEnumType', 'PyIPropertyEnumTypeList', 'PyIPropertySetStorage', 'PyIPropertyStorage', 'PyIPropertyStore', 'PyIPropertyStoreCache', 'PyIPropertyStoreCapabilities', 'PyIPropertySystem', 'PyIProvideClassInfo', 'PyIProvideClassInfo2', 'PyIProvideExpressionContexts', 'PyIProvideTaskPage', 'PyIQueryAssociations', 'PyIRelatedItem', 'PyIRemoteDebugApplication', 'PyIRemoteDebugApplicationEvents', 'PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread', 'PyIRunningObjectTable', 'PyIScheduledWorkItem', 'PyIServerSecurity', 'PyIServiceProvider', 'PyIShellBrowser', 'PyIShellExtInit', 'PyIShellFolder', 'PyIShellFolder2', 'PyIShellIcon', 'PyIShellIconOverlay', 'PyIShellIconOverlayIdentifier', 'PyIShellIconOverlayManager', 'PyIShellItem', 'PyIShellItem2', 'PyIShellItemArray', 'PyIShellItemResources', 'PyIShellLibrary', 'PyIShellLink', 'PyIShellLinkDataList', 'PyIShellView', 'PyISpecifyPropertyPages', 'PyIStorage', 'PyIStream', 'PyITask', 'PyITaskScheduler', 'PyITaskTrigger', 'PyITaskbarList', 'PyITransferAdviseSink', 'PyITransferDestination', 'PyITransferMediumItem', 'PyITransferSource', 'PyITypeComp', 'PyITypeInfo', 'PyITypeLib', 'PyIUniformResourceLocator', 'PyIUnknown', 'PyIViewObject', 'PyIViewObject2', 'PyMAPINAMEIDArray', 'PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS', 'PyPROPERTYKEY', 'PyPROPVARIANT', 'PySAndRestriction', 'PySBinaryArray', 'PySBitMaskRestriction', 'PySContentRestriction', 'PySExistRestriction', 'PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE', 'PySNotRestriction', 'PySOrRestriction', 'PySPropTagArray', 'PySPropValue', 'PySPropValueArray', 'PySPropertyRestriction', 'PySRestriction', 'PySRow', 'PySRowSet', 'PySSortOrderItem', 'PySSortOrderSet', 'PySTGMEDIUM', 'PyTASK_TRIGGER', 'RTF_WCSINFO', 'SHFILEINFO', 'SHFILEOPSTRUCT', 'SI_ACCESS', 'SI_INHERIT_TYPE', 'SI_OBJECT_INFO', 'STATSTG', 'TLIBATTR', 'TYPEATTR', 'TYPEDESC', 'VARDESC', 'CHARFORMAT', 'CREATESTRUCT', 'LV_COLUMN', 'LV_ITEM', 'PARAFORMAT', 'PyAssocCObject', 'PyAssocObject', 'PyCBitmap', 'PyCBrush', 'PyCButton', 'PyCCmdTarget', 'PyCCmdUI', 'PyCColorDialog', 'PyCComboBox', 'PyCCommonDialog', 'PyCControl', 'PyCControlBar', 'PyCCtrlView', 'PyCDC', 'PyCDialog', 'PyCDialogBar', 'PyCDocTemplate', 'PyCDockContext', 'PyCDocument', 'PyCEdit', 'PyCEditView', 'PyCFileDialog', 'PyCFont', 'PyCFontDialog', 'PyCFormView', 'PyCFrameWnd', 'PyCGdiObject', 'PyCImageList', 'PyCListBox', 'PyCListCtrl', 'PyCListView', 'PyCMDIChildWnd', 'PyCMDIFrameWnd', 'PyCMenu', 'PyCOleClientItem', 'PyCOleDialog', 'PyCOleDocument', 'PyCOleInsertDialog', 'PyCPrintDialog', 'PyCPrintInfo', 'PyCProgressCtrl', 'PyCPropertyPage', 'PyCPropertySheet', 'PyCRect', 'PyCRgn', 'PyCRichEditCtrl', 'PyCRichEditDoc', 'PyCRichEditDocTemplate', 'PyCRichEditView', 'PyCScrollView', 'PyCSliderCtrl', 'PyCSpinButtonCtrl', 'PyCSplitterWnd', 'PyCStatusBar', 'PyCStatusBarCtrl', 'PyCTabCtrl', 'PyCToolBar', 'PyCToolBarCtrl', 'PyCToolTipCtrl', 'PyCTreeCtrl', 'PyCTreeView', 'PyCView', 'PyCWinApp', 'PyCWinThread', 'PyCWnd', 'PyDDEConv', 'PyDDEServer', 'PyDDEStringItem', 'PyDDETopic', 'PyDLL', 'SCROLLINFO', 'TV_ITEM', 'EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK', 'HSE_VERSION_INFO', 'HTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT', 'HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT', 'HTTP_FILTER_LOG', 'HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS', 'HTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA', 'HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP', 'HTTP_FILTER_VERSION'] class COMMTIMEOUTS: """A tuple representing a COMMTIMEOUTS structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class CopyProgressRoutine: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class DOCINFO: """A tuple of information representing a DOCINFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def DocName(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of document""" ... @property def Output(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of output file when printing to file. Use None for normal printing.""" ... @property def DataType(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Type of data to be sent to printer, eg RAW, EMF, TEXT. Use None for printer default.""" ... @property def Type(self) -> typing.Any: """Flag specifying mode of operation. Can be DI_APPBANDING, DI_ROPS_READ_DESTINATION, or 0""" ... class ExportCallback: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class FORM_INFO_1: """A dictionary containing FORM_INFO_1W data""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """FORM_USER, FORM_BUILTIN, or FORM_PRINTER""" ... @property def Name(self) -> str: """Name of form""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """A dictionary representing a SIZEL structure {'cx':int,'cy':int}""" ... @property def ImageableArea(self) -> typing.Any: """A dictionary representing a RECTL structure {'left':int, 'top':int, 'right':int, 'bottom':int}""" ... class ImportCallback: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class LARGE_INTEGER: """A Python object used wherever a COM LARGE_INTEGER is used.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class NCB: """A Python object that encapsulates a Win32 NCB structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Command(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Retcode(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Lsn(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Num(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Bufflen(self) -> typing.Any: """read-only""" ... @property def Callname(self) -> str: """- The strings need to be space padded to 16 chars exactly""" ... @property def Name(self) -> str: """- The strings need to be space padded to 16 chars exactly""" ... @property def Rto(self) -> str: """- The strings need to be space padded to 16 chars exactly""" ... @property def Sto(self) -> str: """- The strings need to be space padded to 16 chars exactly""" ... @property def Lana_num(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Cmd_cplt(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Event(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Post(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PRINTER_DEFAULTS: """A dictionary representing a PRINTER_DEFAULTS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def pDatatype(self) -> str: """Data type to be used for print jobs, see win32print::EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes, optional, can be None""" ... @property def pDevMode(self) -> PyDEVMODE: """A PyDEVMODE that specifies default printer parameters, optional, can be None""" ... @property def DesiredAccess(self) -> typing.Any: """An ACCESS_MASK specifying what level of access is needed, eg PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER, PRINTER_ACCESS_USE""" ... class PyACL: """A Python object, representing a ACL structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self) -> None: """ Initialize the ACL. Args: Returns: None """ ... def IsValid(self) -> None: """ Determines if the ACL is valid (IsValidAcl) Args: Returns: None """ ... def AddAccessAllowedAce(self, revision: typing.Any, access: typing.Any, sid: PySID, access1: typing.Any, sid1: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds an access-allowed ACE to an DACL object. The access is granted to a specified SID. Args: revision(typing.Any):Pre-win2k, must be ACL_REVISION, otherwise also may be ACL_REVISION_DS. access(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be denied to the specified SID. sid(PySID):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being denied access.Alternative Parameters access1(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be denied to the specified SID. sid1(typing.Any):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being denied access.CommentsNote that early versions of this function supported only two arguments. This has been deprecated in preference of the three argument version, which reflects the win32 API and the new functions in this module. Returns: None """ ... def AddAccessAllowedAceEx(self, revision: typing.Any, aceflags: typing.Any, access: typing.Any, sid: PySID) -> None: """ Add access allowed ACE to an ACL with ACE flags (Requires Win2k or higher) Args: revision(typing.Any):Must be at least ACL_REVISION_DS aceflags(typing.Any):Combination of ACE inheritance flags (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE, and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) access(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be granted to the specified SID. sid(PySID):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being granted access. Returns: None """ ... def AddAccessAllowedObjectAce(self, AceRevision: typing.Any, AceFlags: typing.Any, AccessMask: typing.Any, ObjectTypeGuid: PyIID, InheritedObjectTypeGuid: PyIID, sid: PySID) -> None: """ Adds an ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE to the ACL Args: AceRevision(typing.Any):Must be at least ACL_REVISION_DS AceFlags(typing.Any):Combination of ACE inheritance flags (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE, and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) AccessMask(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be granted to the specified SID ObjectTypeGuid(PyIID):GUID of object type or property set to which ace applies, can be None InheritedObjectTypeGuid(PyIID):GUID of object type or property that will inherit ACE, can be None sid(PySID):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being granted access. Returns: None """ ... def AddAccessDeniedAce(self, revision: typing.Any, access: typing.Any, sid: PySID, access1: typing.Any, sid1: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds an access-denied ACE to an ACL object. The access is denied to a specified SID. Args: revision(typing.Any):Pre-win2k, must be ACL_REVISION, otherwise also may be ACL_REVISION_DS. access(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be denied to the specified SID. sid(PySID):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being denied access.Alternative Parameters access1(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be denied to the specified SID. sid1(typing.Any):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being denied access.CommentsNote that early versions of this function supported only two arguments. This has been deprecated in preference of the three argument version, which reflects the win32 API and the new functions in this module. Returns: None """ ... def AddAccessDeniedAceEx(self, revision: typing.Any, aceflags: typing.Any, access: typing.Any, sid: PySID) -> None: """ Add access denied ACE to an ACL with ACE flags (Requires Win2k or higher) Args: revision(typing.Any):Must be at least ACL_REVISION_DS aceflags(typing.Any):Combination of ACE inheritance flags (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE, and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) access(typing.Any):Specifies the mask of access rights to be denied to the specified SID. sid(PySID):A SID object representing a user, group, or logon account being denied access. Returns: None """ ... def AddMandatoryAce(self, AceRevision: typing.Any, AceFlags: typing.Any, MandatoryPolicy: typing.Any, LabelSid: PySID) -> None: """ Adds a mandatory integrity level ACE to a SACL Args: AceRevision(typing.Any):ACL_REVISION or ACL_REVISION_DS AceFlags(typing.Any):Combination of ACE inheritance flags (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE, and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) MandatoryPolicy(typing.Any):Access policy for processes with lower integrity level, combination of SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_* flags LabelSid(PySID):Integrity level SID. This can be created using CreateWellKnownSid with Win*LabelSid. Also can be constructed manually using SECURITY_MANDATORY_LABEL_AUTHORITY and a SECURITY_MANDATORY_*_RID Returns: None """ ... def AddAuditAccessAce(self, dwAceRevision: typing.Any, dwAccessMask: typing.Any, sid: PySID, bAuditSuccess: typing.Any, bAuditFailure: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds an audit ACE to a Sacl Args: dwAceRevision(typing.Any):Revision of ACL: Pre-Win2k, must be ACL_REVISION. Win2K on up, can also be ACL_REVISION_DS dwAccessMask(typing.Any):Bitmask of access types to be audited sid(PySID):SID for whom system audit messages will be generated bAuditSuccess(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access success should be audited, else 0 bAuditFailure(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access failure should be audited, else 0 Returns: None """ ... def AddAuditAccessAceEx(self, dwAceRevision: typing.Any, AceFlags: typing.Any, dwAccessMask: typing.Any, sid: PySID, bAuditSuccess: typing.Any, bAuditFailure: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds an audit ACE to an Sacl, includes ace flags Args: dwAceRevision(typing.Any):Revision of ACL: Must be at least ACL_REVISION_DS AceFlags(typing.Any):Combination of FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG,SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG,CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE dwAccessMask(typing.Any):Bitmask of access types to be audited sid(PySID):SID for whom system audit messages will be generated bAuditSuccess(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access success should be audited, else 0 bAuditFailure(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access failure should be audited, else 0 Returns: None """ ... def AddAuditAccessObjectAce(self, dwAceRevision: typing.Any, AceFlags: typing.Any, dwAccessMask: typing.Any, ObjectTypeGuid: PyIID, InheritedObjectTypeGuid: PyIID, sid: PySID, bAuditSuccess: typing.Any, bAuditFailure: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds an audit ACE for an object type identified by GUID Args: dwAceRevision(typing.Any):Revision of ACL: Must be at least ACL_REVISION_DS AceFlags(typing.Any):Combination of FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG,SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG,CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE,INHERIT_ONLY_ACE,INHERITED_ACE,NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE and OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE dwAccessMask(typing.Any):Bitmask of access types to be audited ObjectTypeGuid(PyIID):GUID of object type or property set to which ace applies, can be None InheritedObjectTypeGuid(PyIID):GUID of object type or property that will inherit ACE, can be None sid(PySID):SID for whom system audit messages will be generated bAuditSuccess(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access success should be audited, else 0 bAuditFailure(typing.Any):Set to 1 if access failure should be audited, else 0 Returns: None """ ... def GetAclSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the storage size of the ACL. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAclRevision(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns revision of the ACL. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAceCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of ACEs in the ACL. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAce(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Gets an Ace from the ACL Args: index(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the ACE to retrieve.Return ValueConventional ACE's (types ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE, ACCESS_DENIED_ACE, SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE) are returned as a tuple of:Items[0] (int, int) : aceType, AceFlags[1] int : Mask[2] PySID : sidObject ACE's (types ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE, ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE, SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE) are returned as a tuple:[0] (int, int) : aceType, AceFlags[1] int : mask[2] PyIID : ObjectType[3] PyIID : InheritedObjectType[4] PySID : sidFor details see the API documentation. Returns: typing.Any:Zero-based index of the ACE to retrieve.Return ValueConventional ACE's (types ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE, ACCESS_DENIED_ACE, SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE) are returned as a tuple of: Items[0] (int, int) : aceType, AceFlags [1] int : Mask [2] PySID : sid Object ACE's (types ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE, ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE, SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE) are returned as a tuple: [0] (int, int) : aceType, AceFlags [1] int : mask [2] PyIID : ObjectType [3] PyIID : InheritedObjectType [4] PySID : sid For details see the API documentation. """ ... def DeleteAce(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes specified Ace from an ACL. Args: index(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the ACE to delete. Returns: None """ ... def GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl(self, trustee: PyTRUSTEE) -> typing.Any: """ Return access rights (ACCESS_MASK) that the ACL grants to specified trustee Args: trustee(PyTRUSTEE):Dictionary representing a TRUSTEE structure Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl(self, trustee: PyTRUSTEE) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Return types of access for which ACL will generate an audit event for specified trustee Args: trustee(PyTRUSTEE):Dictionary representing a TRUSTEE structureCommentsThis function is known to return the success and failure access masks in the the wrong order on Windows 2000 service pack 4. Problem has been reported to Microsoft. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... class PyBITMAP: """A Python object, representing an PyBITMAP structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def bmType(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def bmWidth(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def bmHeight(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def bmWidthBytes(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def bmPlanes(self) -> int: """""" ... class PyBLENDFUNCTION: """Tuple of four small ints used to fill a BLENDFUNCTION struct Each int must fit in a byte (0-255).""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCEHANDLE: """A Python object, representing a remote Windows CE handle""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERTSTORE: """Handle to a certificate store""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def HCERTSTORE(self) -> typing.Any: """Integer handle""" ... def CertCloseStore(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Closes the certificate store Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CERT_CLOSE_*_FLAG flags Returns: None """ ... def CertControlStore(self, Flags: typing.Any, CtrlType: typing.Any, CtrlPara: int) -> None: """ Controls sychronization of the certificate store Args: Flags(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_CTRL_*_FLAG flags CtrlType(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_CTRL_* flags CtrlPara(int):Event handle, can be None (not used with CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT) Returns: None """ ... def CertEnumCertificatesInStore(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Lists all certificates in the store Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def CertEnumCTLsInStore(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Finds all Certificate Trust Lists in store Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def CertSaveStore(self, MsgAndCertEncodingType: typing.Any, SaveAs: typing.Any, SaveTo: typing.Any, SaveToPara: typing.Union[str, int], Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Serializes the store to memory or a file Args: MsgAndCertEncodingType(typing.Any):Only used when saveas is CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_PKCS7 - usually X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING SaveAs(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_* constants SaveTo(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_* constants (CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_MEMORY not supported yet) SaveToPara(typing.Union[str, int]):File name or open file handle depending on SaveTo parm Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 Returns: None """ ... def CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(self, CertEncodingType: typing.Any, CertEncoded: typing.Any, AddDisposition: typing.Any) -> PyCERT_CONTEXT: """ Imports an encoded certificate into the store Args: CertEncodingType(typing.Any):Usually X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING CertEncoded(typing.Any):Data containing a serialized certificate AddDisposition(typing.Any):Combination of CERT_STORE_ADD_* flags Returns: PyCERT_CONTEXT """ ... def CertAddCertificateContextToStore(self, CertContext: PyCERT_CONTEXT, AddDisposition: typing.Any) -> PyCERT_CONTEXT: """ Adds a certificate context to the store Args: CertContext(PyCERT_CONTEXT):Certificate context to be added AddDisposition(typing.Any):CERT_STORE_ADD_* constant Returns: PyCERT_CONTEXT """ ... def CertAddCertificateLinkToStore(self, CertContext: PyCERT_CONTEXT, AddDisposition: typing.Any) -> PyCERT_CONTEXT: """ Adds a link to a cert in another store Args: CertContext(PyCERT_CONTEXT):Certificate context to be linked AddDisposition(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_ADD_* values Returns: PyCERT_CONTEXT """ ... def CertAddCTLContextToStore(self, CtlContext: PyCTL_CONTEXT, AddDisposition: typing.Any) -> PyCTL_CONTEXT: """ Adds a certificate trust list to the store Args: CtlContext(PyCTL_CONTEXT):CTL to be added AddDisposition(typing.Any):CERT_STORE_ADD_* constant Returns: PyCTL_CONTEXT """ ... def CertAddCTLLinkToStore(self, CtlContext: PyCTL_CONTEXT, AddDisposition: typing.Any) -> PyCTL_CONTEXT: """ Adds a link to a CTL in another store Args: CtlContext(PyCTL_CONTEXT):CTL to be linked AddDisposition(typing.Any):One of the CERT_STORE_ADD_* values Returns: PyCTL_CONTEXT """ ... def CertAddStoreToCollection(self, SiblingStore: PyCERTSTORE, UpdateFlag: typing.Any = ..., Priority: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Adds a sibling store to a store collection Args: SiblingStore(PyCERTSTORE):Store to be added to the collection UpdateFlag(typing.Any):Can be CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_ADD_ENABLE_FLAG to enable changes to persist Priority(typing.Any):Determines order in which store are searched and updatedCommentsA collection store is created by using cryptoapi::CertOpenStore with CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION Returns: None """ ... def CertRemoveStoreFromCollection(self, SiblingStore: PyCERTSTORE) -> None: """ Removes a sibling store from a collection Args: SiblingStore(PyCERTSTORE):Store to be removed from the collection Returns: None """ ... def PFXExportCertStoreEx(self, Flags: typing.Any, Password: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Exports certificates and associated private keys in PKCS#12 format Args: Flags(typing.Any):Options to be used while exporting Password(typing.Any):Passphrase to be used to encrypt the output Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY: """Represented as a 2-tuple""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERT_ALT_NAME_INFO: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO: """Dict containing the identity of a CA""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def KeyId(self) -> typing.Any: """Unique identifier of private key, usually a hash""" ... @property def CertIssuer(self) -> typing.Any: """Encoded DN of the Certificate Authority. Decode using X509_UNICODE_NAME""" ... @property def CertSerialNumber(self) -> typing.Any: """Serial nbr of the CA's signing certificate""" ... class PyCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO: """Dict representing a CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def fCA(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates if cert represents a certificate authority""" ... @property def fPathLenConstraint(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates if PathLenConstraint member is used""" ... @property def PathLenConstraint(self) -> typing.Any: """Limits number of intermediate CA's between root CA and end user""" ... class PyCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO: """Dict representing a CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def SubjectType(self) -> PyCRYPT_BIT_BLOB: """Contains a combination of CERT_CA_SUBJECT_FLAG,CERT_END_ENTITY_SUBJECT_FLAG""" ... @property def fPathLenConstraint(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates if PathLenConstraint member is used""" ... @property def PathLenConstraint(self) -> typing.Any: """Limits number of intermediate CA's between root CA and end user""" ... @property def SubtreesConstraint(self) -> typing.Any: """Sequence of encoded name blobs""" ... class PyCERT_CONTEXT: """Handle to a certificate context""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def HANDLE(self) -> typing.Any: """Pointer to CERT_CONTEXT struct""" ... @property def CertStore(self) -> PyCERTSTORE: """Handle to the certificate store that contains this certificate""" ... @property def CertEncoded(self) -> typing.Any: """Content of the certificate as encoded bytes""" ... @property def CertEncodingType(self) -> typing.Any: """Method used to encode the certifcate, usually X509_ASN_ENCODING or PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING""" ... @property def Version(self) -> typing.Any: """One of the CERT_V* values""" ... @property def Subject(self) -> str: """Encoded CERT_NAME_INFO struct containing the subject name. Can be decoded using cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx with X509_UNICODE_NAME, or formatted using cryptoapi::CertNameToStr""" ... @property def Issuer(self) -> str: """Certificate Authority that issued certificate as encoded CERT_NAME_INFO. Use cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx to decode into individual components, or cryptoapi::CertNameToStr to return a single formatted string""" ... @property def NotBefore(self) -> PyTime: """Beginning of certificate's period of validity""" ... @property def NotAfter(self) -> PyTime: """End of certificate's period of validity""" ... @property def SignatureAlgorithm(self) -> typing.Any: """Object id of the certifcate's signature algorithm""" ... @property def Extension(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCERT_EXTENSION, ...]: """Sequence of CERT_EXTENSION dicts containing certificate's extensions""" ... @property def SubjectPublicKeyInfo(self) -> PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO: """Encoded public key of certificate""" ... @property def SerialNumber(self) -> typing.Any: """Serial number assigned by the issuer""" ... def CertFreeCertificateContext(self) -> None: """ Frees the certificate context Args: Returns: None """ ... def CertEnumCertificateContextProperties(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Lists property ids for the certificate Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCRYPTPROV]: """ Retrieves the private key associated with the certificate Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CRYPT_ACQUIRE_*_FLAG constantsCommentsOnly the owner of the certificate can use this methodReturn ValueReturns the KeySpec (AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURE) and a CSP handle to the key Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCRYPTPROV]:Combination of CRYPT_ACQUIRE_*_FLAG constants Comments Only the owner of the certificate can use this method Return ValueReturns the KeySpec (AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURE) and a CSP handle to the key """ ... def CertGetIntendedKeyUsage(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the intended key usage from the certificate extensions (szOID_KEY_USAGE or szOID_KEY_ATTRIBUTES) Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCERT_CONTEXT.CertGetIntendedKeyUsage int = CertGetIntendedKeyUsage()Returns the intended key usage from the certificate extensions (szOID_KEY_USAGE or szOID_KEY_ATTRIBUTES) Return ValueReturns a combination of CERT_*_KEY_USAGE values """ ... def CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Finds the enhanced key usage property and/or extension for the certificate Args: Flags(typing.Any):CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG, CERT_FIND_PROP_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG, or 0Return ValueReturns a sequence of usage OIDs Returns: typing.Any:CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG, CERT_FIND_PROP_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG, or 0 Return ValueReturns a sequence of usage OIDs """ ... def CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> str: """ Serializes the certificate and its properties Args: Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use only 0 if passed in Returns: str """ ... def CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext(self, Issuer: PyCERT_CONTEXT, Flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Checks the validity of the certificate Args: Issuer(PyCERT_CONTEXT):Certificate of authority that issued the certificate Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG,CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG and CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG indicating which checks should be performedReturn ValueReturns flags indicating which validity checks failed, or 0 if all were successful. Returns: typing.Any:Combination of CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG,CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG and CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG indicating which checks should be performedReturn ValueReturns flags indicating which validity checks failed, or 0 if all were successful. """ ... def CertDeleteCertificateFromStore(self) -> None: """ Removes the certificate from its store Args: Returns: None """ ... def CertGetCertificateContextProperty(self, PropId: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the specified property from the certificate Args: PropId(typing.Any):One of the CERT_*_PROP_ID constantsPropIdReturned valueCERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_IDBooleanCERT_DATE_STAMP_PROP_IDPyTimeCERT_ACCESS_STATE_PROP_IDintCERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_IDintCERT_DESCRIPTION_PROP_IDUnicodeCERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_IDUnicodeCERT_PVK_FILE_PROP_IDUnicodeCERT_AUTO_ENROLL_PROP_IDUnicodeCERT_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_SUBJECT_NAME_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_IDPyCRYPTPROVCERT_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hashCERT_CTL_USAGE_PROP_IDEncoded CTL_USAGE, decode as X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE (CTL_USAGE and CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE are identical)CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_IDEncoded CTL_USAGE. Can be decoded using cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx with X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGECERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_IDCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO dictCERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_IDDict representing CERT_KEY_CONTEXT structCERT_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION_PROP_IDEncoded CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO, decode using cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx with szOID_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATIONReturn ValueType of object returned is dependent on the property id requested. Returns: typing.Any:One of the CERT_*_PROP_ID constants PropId Returned value CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_IDBoolean CERT_DATE_STAMP_PROP_IDPyTime CERT_ACCESS_STATE_PROP_IDint CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_IDint CERT_DESCRIPTION_PROP_IDUnicode CERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_IDUnicode CERT_PVK_FILE_PROP_IDUnicode CERT_AUTO_ENROLL_PROP_IDUnicode CERT_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_SUBJECT_NAME_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_IDPyCRYPTPROV CERT_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing a hash CERT_CTL_USAGE_PROP_IDEncoded CTL_USAGE, decode as X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE (CTL_USAGE and CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE are identical) CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_IDEncoded CTL_USAGE. Can be decoded using cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx with X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_IDCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO dict CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_IDDict representing CERT_KEY_CONTEXT struct CERT_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION_PROP_IDEncoded CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO, decode using cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx with szOID_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION Return ValueType of object returned is dependent on the property id requested. """ ... def CertSetCertificateContextProperty(self, PropId: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets a property for a certificate Args: PropId(typing.Any):Id of property to be set, CERT_*_PROP_ID Data(typing.Any):The value to be set for the property. Type is dependent on PropId. Use None to delete a property. Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CERT_SET_* flagsPropIdType of inputCERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_IDNone causes Archived flag to be cleared, any other causes it to be set no actual data, non-NULL pvData indicates presence of flagCERT_DATE_STAMP_PROP_IDPyTime specifying when cert was added to storeCERT_DESCRIPTION_PROP_IDUnicode stringCERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_IDUnicode stringCERT_PVK_FILE_PROP_IDUnicode stringCERT_AUTO_ENROLL_PROP_IDUnicode stringCERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_IDInt, usually AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURECERT_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containingg the hashCERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_IDString containing the key idCERT_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_SUBJECT_NAME_MD5_HASH_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_RENEWAL_PROP_IDString containing the hashCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_IDString containing an encoded PyCTL_USAGE. Use cryptoapi::CryptEncodeObjectEx with X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE.CERT_CTL_USAGE_PROP_IDSame as CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_ID Returns: None """ ... class PyCERT_EXTENSION: """Dict containing a certificate extension""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ObjId(self) -> typing.Any: """The OID identifying the type of extension""" ... @property def Critical(self) -> typing.Any: """If true, any contraints or limits contained in the extension should be considered absolute""" ... @property def Value(self) -> typing.Any: """Binary string containing ASN encoded data. To interpret or display extension data, see cryptoapi::CryptDecodeObjectEx and cryptoapi::CryptFormatObject.""" ... class PyCERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO: """Dict representing a CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def KeyId(self) -> typing.Any: """Usually a hash that uniquely identifies the key""" ... @property def IntendedKeyUsage(self) -> PyCRYPT_BIT_BLOB: """Contains a byte with CERT_*_KEY_USAGE flags""" ... @property def PrivateKeyUsagePeriod(self) -> typing.Any: """Private key's begin and end effective dates, may be None""" ... class PyCERT_NAME_INFO: """Sequence of CERT_RDN's""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERT_NAME_VALUE: """Dict containing type (CERT_RDN_*) and a unicode string""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERT_OTHER_NAME: """Dict containing {ObjId, Value}. ObjId is one of the string object id's identifying the type of name. Value is a binary string containing an encoded CERT_NAME_VALUE that can be decoded using X509_UNICODE_NAME_VALUE to return the actual unicode string""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCERT_POLICY_INFO: """Dict containing a certificate policy""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def PolicyIdentifier(self) -> typing.Any: """OID identifying the policy""" ... @property def PolicyQualifier(self) -> typing.Any: """Sequence of CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER dicts""" ... class PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO: """Dict containing an exported public key""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Algorithm(self) -> PyCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER: """Dict containing OID of the public key algorithm""" ... @property def PublicKey(self) -> PyCRYPT_BIT_BLOB: """Dict containing the encoded public key""" ... class PyCOMSTAT: """A Python object, representing an COMSTAT structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def cbInQue(self) -> int: """Specifies the number of bytes received by the serial provider but not yet read by a win32file::ReadFile operation""" ... @property def cbOutQue(self) -> int: """Specifies the number of bytes of user data remaining to be transmitted for all write operations. This value will be zero for a nonoverlapped write.""" ... @property def fCtsHold(self) -> int: """Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the CTS (clear-to-send) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.""" ... @property def fDsrHold(self) -> int: """Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the DSR (data-set-ready) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.""" ... @property def fRlsdHold(self) -> int: """Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.""" ... @property def fXoffHold(self) -> int: """Specifies whether transmission is waiting because the XOFF character was received. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.""" ... @property def fXoffSent(self) -> int: """Specifies whether transmission is waiting because the XOFF character was transmitted. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting. Transmission halts when the XOFF character is transmitted to a system that takes the next character as XON, regardless of the actual character.""" ... @property def fEof(self) -> int: """Specifies whether the end-of-file (EOF) character has been received. If this member is TRUE, the EOF character has been received.""" ... @property def fTxim(self) -> int: """If this member is TRUE, there is a character queued for transmission that has come to the communications device by way of the TransmitCommChar function. The communications device transmits such a character ahead of other characters in the device's output buffer.""" ... @property def fReserved(self) -> int: """Reserved; do not use.""" ... class PyCOORD: """Wrapper for a COORD struct. Create using PyCOORDType(X,Y)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def X(self) -> typing.Any: """Horizontal coordinate""" ... @property def Y(self) -> typing.Any: """Vertical coordinate""" ... class PyCREDENTIAL: """A dictionary containing information for a CREDENTIAL struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Combination of CRED_FLAGS_PROMPT_NOW, CRED_FLAGS_USERNAME_TARGET""" ... @property def Type(self) -> typing.Any: """Type of credential, one of CRED_TYPE_* values""" ... @property def TargetName(self) -> str: """Target of credential, can end with * for wildcard matching""" ... @property def Comment(self) -> str: """Descriptive text""" ... @property def LastWritten(self) -> PyTime: """Modification time, ignored on input""" ... @property def CredentialBlob(self) -> str: """Contains password for username credential, or PIN for certificate credential. This member is write-only.""" ... @property def Persist(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies scope of persistence, one of CRED_PERSIST_* values""" ... @property def Attributes(self) -> typing.Any: """Tuple of PyCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE dicts containing application-specific data, can be None""" ... @property def TargetAlias(self) -> str: """Alias for TargetName, only valid with CRED_TYPE_GENERIC""" ... @property def UserName(self) -> str: """User to be authenticated by target. Can be of the form username@domain or domain\\username. For CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE, use win32cred::CredMarshalCredential to marshal the SHA1 hash of user's certficate""" ... class PyCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE: """A dictionary containing information for a CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Keyword(self) -> str: """Attribute name, at most CRED_MAX_STRING_LENGTH chars""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved, use only 0""" ... @property def Value(self) -> typing.Any: """Attribute value, at most CRED_MAX_VALUE_SIZE bytes. Unicode objects are treated as raw bytes.""" ... class PyCREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATION: """A dictionary representing a CREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATION struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def TargetName(self) -> str: """Target of credentials""" ... @property def NetbiosServerName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def DnsServerName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def NetbiosDomainName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def DnsDomainName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def DnsTreeName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def PackageName(self) -> str: """Name of security package which mapped TargetName""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """CRED_TI_* flags""" ... @property def CredTypes(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """Tuple of CRED_TYPE_* values indicating which types of credentials are acceptable to target""" ... class PyCREDUI_INFO: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Parent(self) -> int: """Handle to parent window, can be None""" ... @property def MessageText(self) -> str: """Message to appear in dialog""" ... @property def CaptionText(self) -> str: """Title of the dialog window""" ... @property def Banner(self) -> int: """Handle to a bitmap to be displayed""" ... class PyCRYPTHASH: """Handle to a cryptographic hash""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CryptDestroyHash(self) -> None: """ Frees the hash object Args: Returns: None """ ... def CryptDuplicateHash(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCRYPTHASH: """ Clones the hash object Args: Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed Returns: PyCRYPTHASH """ ... def CryptHashData(self, Data: str, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Adds data to the hash Args: Data(str):Data to be hashed Flags(typing.Any):CRYPT_USERDATA or 0CommentsIf Flags is CRYPT_USERDATA, provider is expected to prompt user to enter data. MSDN says that MS CSPs ignore this flag Returns: None """ ... def CryptHashSessionKey(self, Key: PyCRYPTKEY, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Hashes a session key Args: Key(PyCRYPTKEY):The session key to be hashed Flags(typing.Any):CRYPT_LITTLE_ENDIAN or 0 Returns: None """ ... def CryptSignHash(self, KeySpec: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> str: """ Signs the hash Args: KeySpec(typing.Any):The key to be used to sign the hash, AT_KEYEXCHANGE,AT_SIGNATURE Flags(typing.Any):CRYPT_NOHASHOID,CRYPT_X931_FORMAT or 0CommentsThis methods signs only the hash, not the data that the hash represents Returns: str """ ... def CryptVerifySignature(self, Signature: str, PubKey: PyCRYPTKEY, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Verifies that a signature matches hashed data Args: Signature(str):Signature data to verify PubKey(PyCRYPTKEY):Public key of signer Flags(typing.Any):CRYPT_NOHASHOID,CRYPT_X931_FORMAT or 0 Returns: None """ ... def CryptGetHashParam(self, Param: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Union[typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the specified attribute of the hash Args: Param(typing.Any):The parameter to retrieve: HP_ALGID, HP_HASHSIZE, or HP_HASHVAL Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed inCommentsAfter this method has been called, no more data can be hashedReturn ValueType of returned object is dependent on the Param passed in Returns: typing.Union[typing.Any]:Reserved, use 0 if passed in Comments After this method has been called, no more data can be hashed Return ValueType of returned object is dependent on the Param passed in """ ... class PyCRYPTKEY: """Handle to a cryptographic key""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def HCRYPTPROV(self) -> typing.Any: """CSP used by the key""" ... @property def HCRYPTKEY(self) -> typing.Any: """Plain integer handle to the key""" ... def CryptDestroyKey(self) -> None: """ Releases the handle to the key (does not delete permanent keys) Args: Returns: None """ ... def CryptExportKey(self, ExpKey: PyCRYPTKEY, BlobType: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Exports key or key pair as an encrypted blob Args: ExpKey(PyCRYPTKEY):Public key or session key of destination user. Use None if exporting a PUBLICKEYBLOB BlobType(typing.Any):One of OPAQUEKEYBLOB,PRIVATEKEYBLOB,PUBLICKEYBLOB,SIMPLEBLOB,PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB,SYMMETRICWRAPKEYBLOB Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CRYPT_DESTROYKEY,CRYPT_SSL2_FALLBACK,CRYPT_OAEP or 0Return ValueReturns a binary blob that can be imported via PyCRYPTPROV::CryptImportKey Returns: typing.Any:Combination of CRYPT_DESTROYKEY,CRYPT_SSL2_FALLBACK,CRYPT_OAEP or 0 Return ValueReturns a binary blob that can be imported via PyCRYPTPROV::CryptImportKey """ ... def CryptGetKeyParam(self, Param: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves key parameters Args: Param(typing.Any):One of the KP_* constants Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use only 0Return ValueType of returned object is dependent on the requested attribute Returns: typing.Any:Reserved, use only 0 Return ValueType of returned object is dependent on the requested attribute """ ... def CryptDuplicateKey(self, Reserved: typing.Any = ..., Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCRYPTKEY: """ Creates an independent copy of the key Args: Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Flags(typing.Any):Also reserved, use 0 Returns: PyCRYPTKEY """ ... def CryptEncrypt(self, Final: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any, Hash: PyCRYPTHASH = ..., Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Encrypts and optionally hashes data Args: Final(typing.Any):Boolean, use True if this is final encryption operation Data(typing.Any):Data to be encrypted Hash(PyCRYPTHASH):Hash to be updated with data passed in, can be None Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CryptDecrypt(self, Final: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any, Hash: PyCRYPTHASH = ..., Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Decrypts data Args: Final(typing.Any):Boolean, use True is this is last (or only) operation Data(typing.Any):Data to be decrypted Hash(PyCRYPTHASH):Hash to be used in signature verification, can be None Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use only 0 Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCRYPTMSG: """Wrapper for a cryptographic message handle""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def HCRYPTMSG(self) -> typing.Any: """Raw message handle""" ... def CryptMsgClose(self) -> None: """ Closes the message handle Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT: """A tuple representing a CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCRYPTPROV: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CryptReleaseContext(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Releases the CSP handle Args: Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def CryptGenKey(self, Algid: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any, KeyLen: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCRYPTKEY: """ Generates a key pair or a session key Args: Algid(typing.Any):Algorithm identifier, one of the CALG_* values, or AT_KEYEXCHANGE/AT_SIGNATURE Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CRYPT_CREATE_SALT,CRYPT_EXPORTABLE,CRYPT_NO_SALT,CRYPT_PREGEN,CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED,CRYPT_ARCHIVABLE KeyLen(typing.Any):Length of key to generate, can be 0 to use provider's default key lengthCommentsDiffers from Api call in that the length is passed in separately Returns: PyCRYPTKEY """ ... def CryptGetProvParam(self, Param: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Retrieves specified attribute of provider Args: Param(typing.Any):One of the PP_* values Flags(typing.Any):If param if PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR, can be a combination of OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION,GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATIONReturn ValueType of returned object is dependent on the attribute requested Returns: None:If param if PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR, can be a combination of OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION,GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION Return ValueType of returned object is dependent on the attribute requested """ ... def CryptGetUserKey(self, KeySpec: typing.Any) -> PyCRYPTKEY: """ Returns a handle to one of user's key pairs Args: KeySpec(typing.Any):AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURE (some providers may implement extra key specs) Returns: PyCRYPTKEY """ ... def CryptGenRandom(self, Len: typing.Any, SeedData: str = ...) -> str: """ Generates random data of specified length Args: Len(typing.Any):Number of bytes to generate SeedData(str):Random seed data Returns: str """ ... def CryptCreateHash(self, Algid: typing.Any, Key: PyCRYPTKEY = ..., Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCRYPTHASH: """ Creates a hash object for hashing large amounts of data Args: Algid(typing.Any):An algorithm identifier, CALG_*. Key(PyCRYPTKEY):Used only for keyed hashes (MAC or HMAC), use None otherwise Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: PyCRYPTHASH """ ... def CryptImportKey(self, Data: typing.Any, PubKey: PyCRYPTKEY = ..., Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCRYPTKEY: """ None Args: Data(typing.Any):The key blob to be imported PubKey(PyCRYPTKEY):Key to be used to decrypt the blob, not used for importing public keys Flags(typing.Any):Combination of CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, CRYPT_OAEP, CRYPT_NO_SALT, CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED Returns: PyCRYPTKEY """ ... def CryptExportPublicKeyInfo(self, KeySpec: typing.Any, CertEncodingType: typing.Any) -> PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO: """ Exports a public key to send to other users Returned dict can be serialized for sending to another python application using pickle.dump Args: KeySpec(typing.Any):AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURE CertEncodingType(typing.Any):Specifies encoding for exported key info Returns: PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO """ ... def CryptImportPublicKeyInfo(self, Info: typing.Any, CertEncodingType: typing.Any) -> PyCRYPTKEY: """ Imports another user's public key Args: Info(typing.Any):PyCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO dictionary as returned by PyCRYPTPROV::CryptExportPublicKeyInfo CertEncodingType(typing.Any):Specifies encoding for exported key info Returns: PyCRYPTKEY """ ... class PyCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER: """Dictionary containing information that identifies an encryption algorithm and any extra parameters it requires""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ObjId(self) -> typing.Any: """An szOID_* string identifying the algorithm""" ... @property def Parameters(self) -> typing.Any: """Blob of binary data containing encoded parameters""" ... class PyCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE: """Dict representing a CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ObjId(self) -> typing.Any: """An szOID_* string identifying the attribute""" ... @property def Value(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """A sequence of buffers containing the attribute values""" ... class PyCRYPT_BIT_BLOB: """Dict containing raw data of a certain bit length""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Data(self) -> typing.Any: """Binary data""" ... @property def UnusedBits(self) -> typing.Any: """Nbr of bits of last byte that are unused""" ... class PyCRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def CertStores(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """Sequence of certificate stores to be searched for a certificate with a private key that can be used to decrypt the message""" ... @property def MsgAndCertEncodingType(self) -> typing.Any: """Encoding types, optional. Defaults to X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. CRYPT_MESSAGE_SILENT_KEYSET_FLAG can be used to suppress any dialogs that might be triggered by accessing a key container, such as a request for a PIN.""" ... class PyCRYPT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ContentEncryptionAlgorithm(self) -> PyCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER: """Identifies the algorithm to be used""" ... @property def CryptProv(self) -> PyCRYPTPROV: """Optional. Handle to provider that will perform encryption, can be None for default provider""" ... @property def EncryptionAuxInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. Extra info required by some CSP's. Not supported yet, use only None""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. Combination of CRYPT_MESSAGE_*_FLAG constants""" ... @property def InnerContentType(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. Only used if message to be encrypted is already encoded""" ... @property def MsgEncodingType(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. Defaults to X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING""" ... class PyCRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA: """Dict of parms defining how a message will be signed""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def SigningCert(self) -> PyCERT_CONTEXT: """Certficate to be used to sign message""" ... @property def HashAlgorithm(self) -> PyCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER: """Algorithm to be used for signed hash""" ... @property def HashAuxInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional. Param is reserved, use only None.""" ... @property def MsgCert(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCERT_CONTEXT, ...]: """Optional sequence of certificate to be included in the message.""" ... @property def MsgCrl(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """Optional. Sequence of certificate revocation lists. Not yet supported, use only None.""" ... @property def AuthAttr(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE, ...]: """Sequence of canonical attributes to be added to the message""" ... @property def UnauthAttr(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE, ...]: """Sequence of arbitrary attributes""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional CRYPT_MESSAGE_*_FLAG that indicates content type if output is to be further encoded.""" ... @property def InnerContentType(self) -> typing.Any: """Optional, one of the CMSG_* content types if message is already encoded, .""" ... @property def MsgEncodingType(self) -> typing.Any: """Encoding types, optional. Defaults to X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING""" ... class PyCRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def MsgAndCertEncodingType(self) -> typing.Any: """Encoding types, defaults to X509_ASN_ENCODING combined with PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING""" ... @property def CryptProv(self) -> PyCRYPTPROV: """CSP to be used to verify signature. Use None for default provider.""" ... @property def PyGetSignerCertificate(self) -> typing.Any: """Callback function that locates signer's certificate.""" ... @property def GetArg(self) -> typing.Any: """Argument to be passed to above function, can be any object.""" ... class PyCTL_CONTEXT: """Object containing a Certificate Trust List""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def HCTL_CONTEXT(self) -> typing.Any: """Raw message handle""" ... def CertFreeCTLContext(self) -> None: """ Closes the CTL handle Args: Returns: None """ ... def CertEnumCTLContextProperties(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Lists property id's for the context Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...] """ ... def CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], ...]: """ Retrieves trusted subjects contained in CRL Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], ...]:PyCTL_CONTEXT.CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL ((str,str),...) = CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL()Retrieves trusted subjects contained in CRL Return ValueReturns a sequence of tuples containing two strings (SubjectIdentifier, EncodedAttributes) """ ... def CertDeleteCTLFromStore(self) -> None: """ Removes the CTL from the store that it is contained in Args: Returns: None """ ... def CertSerializeCTLStoreElement(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> str: """ Serializes the CTL and its properties Args: Flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use only 0 if passed in Returns: str """ ... class PyCTL_USAGE: """Sequence of string OIDs (szOID_*). This struct is identical to CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyConsoleScreenBuffer: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(self) -> None: """ Sets this handle as the currently displayed screen buffer Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetConsoleCursorInfo(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves size and visibility of console's cursor Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:PyConsoleScreenBuffer.GetConsoleCursorInfo (Size, bVisible) = GetConsoleCursorInfo()Retrieves size and visibility of console's cursor Return ValueReturns the size of the console's cursor expressed as a percentage of character size, and a boolen indicating if cursor is visible """ ... def SetConsoleCursorInfo(self, Size: typing.Any, Visible: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the size and visibility of console's cursor Args: Size(typing.Any):Percentage of character size that cursor will occupy Visible(typing.Any):Determines if cursor is visible Returns: None """ ... def GetConsoleMode(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the input or output mode of the console buffer Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyConsoleScreenBuffer.GetConsoleMode int = GetConsoleMode()Returns the input or output mode of the console buffer Return ValueReturns a combination of ENABLE_*_INPUT or ENABLE_*_OUTPUT constants """ ... def SetConsoleMode(self, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the input or output mode of the console buffer Args: Mode(typing.Any):Combination of ENABLE_*_INPUT or ENABLE_*_OUTPUT constants Returns: None """ ... def ReadConsole(self, NumberOfCharsToRead: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Reads characters from the console input buffer Args: NumberOfCharsToRead(typing.Any):Characters to read Returns: typing.Any """ ... def WriteConsole(self, Buffer: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Writes characters at current cursor position Args: Buffer(typing.Any):String or Unicode to be written to consoleReturn ValueReturns the number of characters written Returns: typing.Any:String or Unicode to be written to consoleReturn ValueReturns the number of characters written """ ... def FlushConsoleInputBuffer(self) -> None: """ Flush input buffer Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetConsoleTextAttribute(self, Attributes: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets character attributes for subsequent write operations Args: Attributes(typing.Any):Attributes to be set, combination of FOREGROUND_*, BACKGROUND_*, and COMMON_LVB_* constants Returns: None """ ... def SetConsoleCursorPosition(self, CursorPosition: PyCOORD) -> None: """ Sets the console screen buffer's cursor position Args: CursorPosition(PyCOORD):A PyCOORD containing the new cursor position Returns: None """ ... def SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(self, Size: PyCOORD) -> None: """ Sets the size of the console screen buffer Args: Size(PyCOORD):COORD object containing the new dimensions Returns: None """ ... def SetConsoleWindowInfo(self, Absolute: typing.Any, ConsoleWindow: PySMALL_RECT) -> None: """ Changes size and position of a console's window Args: Absolute(typing.Any):If False, coordinates are relative to current position ConsoleWindow(PySMALL_RECT):A SMALL_RECT containing the new window coordinates Returns: None """ ... def GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the state of the screen buffer Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(self) -> PyCOORD: """ Returns the largest possible size for the console's window Args: Returns: PyCOORD """ ... def FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self, Attribute: typing.Any, Length: typing.Any, WriteCoord: PyCOORD) -> typing.Any: """ Set text attributes for a consecutive series of characters Args: Attribute(typing.Any):Text attributes to be set, combination of FOREGROUND_*, BACKGROUND_*, and COMMON_LVB_* constants Length(typing.Any):The number of characters to set WriteCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position to begin atReturn ValueReturns the number of character cells whose attributes were set Returns: typing.Any:The screen position to begin atReturn ValueReturns the number of character cells whose attributes were set """ ... def FillConsoleOutputCharacter(self, Character: typing.Any, Length: typing.Any, WriteCoord: PyCOORD) -> typing.Any: """ Sets consecutive character positions to a specified character Args: Character(typing.Any):A single character to be used to fill the specified range Length(typing.Any):The number of characters positions to fill WriteCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position to begin atReturn ValueReturns the number of characters actually written Returns: typing.Any:The screen position to begin atReturn ValueReturns the number of characters actually written """ ... def ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(self, Length: typing.Any, ReadCoord: PyCOORD) -> str: """ Reads consecutive characters from a starting position Args: Length(typing.Any):The number of characters positions to read ReadCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position start reading from Returns: str """ ... def ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(self, Length: typing.Any, ReadCoord: PyCOORD) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Retrieves attributes from consecutive character cells Args: Length(typing.Any):The number of attributes to read ReadCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position from which to start readingReturn ValueReturns a sequence of ints containing the attributes of a range of characters Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]:The screen position from which to start readingReturn ValueReturns a sequence of ints containing the attributes of a range of characters """ ... def WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(self, Characters: typing.Any, WriteCoord: PyCOORD) -> typing.Any: """ Writes a string of characters at a specified position Args: Characters(typing.Any):Characters to be written WriteCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position at which to start writingReturn ValueReturns the number of characters actually written Returns: typing.Any:The screen position at which to start writingReturn ValueReturns the number of characters actually written """ ... def WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(self, Attributes: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], WriteCoord: PyCOORD) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the attributes of a range of character cells Args: Attributes(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):A sequence of ints containing the attributes to be set WriteCoord(PyCOORD):The screen position at which to start writingReturn ValueReturns the number of attributes set Returns: typing.Any:The screen position at which to start writingReturn ValueReturns the number of attributes set """ ... def ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(self, ScrollRectangle: PySMALL_RECT, ClipRectangle: PySMALL_RECT, DestinationOrigin: PyCOORD, FillCharacter: typing.Any, FillAttribute: typing.Any) -> None: """ Scrolls a region of the display Args: ScrollRectangle(PySMALL_RECT):The region to be scrolled ClipRectangle(PySMALL_RECT):Rectangle that limits display area affected, can be None DestinationOrigin(PyCOORD):The position to which ScrollRectangle will be moved FillCharacter(typing.Any):Character to fill in the area left blank by scrolling operation FillAttribute(typing.Any):Text attributes to apply to FillCharacter Returns: None """ ... def GetCurrentConsoleFont(self, MaximumWindow: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCOORD]: """ Returns currently displayed font Args: MaximumWindow(typing.Any):If True, retrieves font size for maximum window sizeCommentsOnly exists on XP or later. MSDN docs claim the returned COORD is the font size, but it's actually the window size. Use PyConsoleScreenBuffer::GetConsoleFontSize for the font size.Return ValueReturns the index of current font and window size Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCOORD]:If True, retrieves font size for maximum window size Comments Only exists on XP or later. MSDN docs claim the returned COORD is the font size, but it's actually the window size. Use PyConsoleScreenBuffer::GetConsoleFontSize for the font size. Return ValueReturns the index of current font and window size """ ... def GetConsoleFontSize(self, Font: typing.Any) -> PyCOORD: """ Returns size of specified font for the console Args: Font(typing.Any):Index of font as returned by GetCurrentConsoleFontCommentsOnly exists on XP or later. Returns: PyCOORD """ ... def SetConsoleFont(self, Font: typing.Any) -> None: """ Changes the font used by the screen buffer Args: Font(typing.Any):The number of the font to be setCommentsFunction is not documented on MSDN Returns: None """ ... def SetStdHandle(self, StdHandle: typing.Any) -> None: """ Replaces one of calling process's standard handles with this handle Args: StdHandle(typing.Any):Specifies handle to be replaced - STD_INPUT_HANDLE, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, or STD_ERROR_HANDLE Returns: None """ ... def SetConsoleDisplayMode(self, Flags: typing.Any, NewScreenBufferDimensions: PyCOORD) -> None: """ Sets the display mode of the console buffer Args: Flags(typing.Any):CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE or CONSOLE_WINDOWED_MODE NewScreenBufferDimensions(PyCOORD):New size of the screen buffer in characters Returns: None """ ... def WriteConsoleInput(self, Buffer: typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]) -> typing.Any: """ Places input records in the console's input queue Args: Buffer(typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]):A sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objectsReturn ValueReturns the number of records written Returns: typing.Any:A sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objectsReturn ValueReturns the number of records written """ ... def ReadConsoleInput(self, Length: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]: """ Reads input records and removes them from the input queue Args: Length(typing.Any):The number of input records to readCommentsThis functions blocks until at least one record is read. The number of records returned may be less than the nbr requestedReturn ValueReturns a sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objects Returns: typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]:The number of input records to readComments This functions blocks until at least one record is read. The number of records returned may be less than the nbr requested Return ValueReturns a sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objects """ ... def PeekConsoleInput(self, Length: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]: """ Returns pending input records without removing them from the input queue Args: Length(typing.Any):The number of input records to readCommentsThis function does not block as ReadConsoleInput does. The number of records returned may be less than the nbr requestedReturn ValueReturns a sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objects Returns: typing.Tuple[PyINPUT_RECORD, ...]:The number of input records to readComments This function does not block as ReadConsoleInput does. The number of records returned may be less than the nbr requested Return ValueReturns a sequence of PyINPUT_RECORD objects """ ... def GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of unread records in the input queue Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCredHandle: """Handle to a set of logon credentials, used with sspi authentication functions""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Detach(self) -> typing.Any: """ Disassociates object from handle and returns integer value of handle, Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def FreeCredentialsHandle(self) -> None: """ Releases the credentials handle and makes object unusable Args: Returns: None """ ... def QueryCredentialsAttributes(self, Attribute: typing.Any) -> None: """ Returns information about the credentials Args: Attribute(typing.Any):SECPKG_* constant specifying which type of information to returnCommentsOnly SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMES currently supportedAttributeReturn typeSECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMESPyUnicode - returns username that credentials representSECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_ALGSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedAlgs:SECPKG_ATTR_CIPHER_STRENGTHSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_CipherStrengths:SECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedProtocols:Return ValueType of returned values is dependent on Attribute Returns: None:SECPKG_* constant specifying which type of information to returnComments Only SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMES currently supported Attribute Return type SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMESPyUnicode - returns username that credentials represent SECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_ALGSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedAlgs: SECPKG_ATTR_CIPHER_STRENGTHSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_CipherStrengths: SECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLSNot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedProtocols: Return ValueType of returned values is dependent on Attribute """ ... class PyCtxtHandle: """Security context handle, as used with sspi functions""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Detach(self) -> typing.Any: """ Disassociates object from handle and returns integer value of handle Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CompleteAuthToken(self, Token: PySecBufferDesc) -> None: """ Completes the authentication token Args: Token(PySecBufferDesc):The buffer that contains the token buffer used when the context was initializedCommentsThis method should be invoked on a context handle if the InitializeSecurityContext call that created it returned SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED or SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE Returns: None """ ... def QueryContextAttributes(self, Attribute: typing.Any) -> None: """ Retrieves info about a security context Args: Attribute(typing.Any):SECPKG_ATTR_* constantCommentsNot all attributes are available for every security packageAttributeReturn typeSECPKG_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKENPyHANDLE - returns a handle to the context's access tokenSECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITYPyUnicode - returns the name of the authenticating entitySECPKG_ATTR_CIPHER_STRENGTHS(int,int) - returns the mininum and maximum cipher strengths allowedSECPKG_ATTR_CONNECTION_INFOReturns a dictionary of connection info representing a SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo structSECPKG_ATTR_SESSION_KEYstring - returns the session key for the contextSECPKG_ATTR_ISSUER_LIST_EX(int, string) - Returns names of trusted certificate issuersSECPKG_ATTR_FLAGSint - returns flags negotiated when context was establishedSECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFOdict - returns dictionary containing info for context's security packageSECPKG_ATTR_NEGOTIATION_INFO(int, dict) - returns state of negotiation (SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_COMPLETE, SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_OPTIMISTIC,SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS) and info for negotiated packageSECPKG_ATTR_NAMESPyUnicode - returns the user name for the contextSECPKG_ATTR_SIZESdict containing buffer sizes to be used with the contextSECPKG_ATTR_PASSWORD_EXPIRYPyTime - returns time password expiresSECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN(PyTime,PyTime) - returns time period during which context is validSECPKG_ATTR_NATIVE_NAMES(PyUnicode,PyUnicode) - returns client and server namesSECPKG_ATTR_TARGET_INFORMATIONstring - returns the target for the contextSECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZESdict (see SecPkgContext_StreamSizes) containing message buffer sizesSECPKG_ATTR_KEY_INFOdict (see SecPkgContext_KeyInfo) containing encryption key parametersSECPKG_ATTR_DCE_INFOnot supported yet SecPkgContext_DceInfoSECPKG_ATTR_LOCAL_CERT_CONTEXTnot supported yet PCCERT_CONTEXTSECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXTnot supported yet PCCERT_CONTEXTSECPKG_ATTR_ROOT_STOREnot supported yet HCERTCONTEXTSECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_ALGSnot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedAlgsSECPKG_ATTR_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLSnot supported yet SecPkgCred_SupportedProtocols Returns: None """ ... def DeleteSecurityContext(self) -> None: """ Frees the security context and invalidates the handle Args: Returns: None """ ... def QuerySecurityContextToken(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the access token for a security context Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def MakeSignature(self, fqop: typing.Any, Message: PySecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates a crytographic hash of a message using session key of the security context Args: fqop(typing.Any):Flags that indicate quality of protection desired, specific to each security package Message(PySecBufferDesc):Buffer set that includes buffers for input data and output signature MessageSeqNo(typing.Any):A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedCommentsThe buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one input buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA and an output buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKENReturn ValueReturns None on success, and output buffer in Message will contain the signature Returns: None:A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedComments The buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one input buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA and an output buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKEN Return ValueReturns None on success, and output buffer in Message will contain the signature """ ... def VerifySignature(self, Message: PySecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: Message(PySecBufferDesc):SecBufferDesc that contains data buffer and signature buffer MessageSeqNo(typing.Any):A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedCommentsThe buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is a data buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA and a signature buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKENReturn ValueReturns quality of protection flags used to create signature Returns: None:A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedComments The buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is a data buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA and a signature buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKEN Return ValueReturns quality of protection flags used to create signature """ ... def EncryptMessage(self, fqop: typing.Any, Message: PySecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: typing.Any) -> None: """ Encrypts data with session key of security context Args: fqop(typing.Any):Flags that indicate quality of protection desired, specific to each security package Message(PySecBufferDesc):PySecBufferDesc that contains data buffer(s) to be encrypted MessageSeqNo(typing.Any):A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedCommentsThe buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one input buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA to be encrypted in-place and another empty buffer of type SECBUFFER_PADDING or SECBUFFER_TOKEN to receive signature or padding dataReturn ValueReturns None on success, and buffer(s) will contain encrypted data Returns: None:A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedComments The buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one input buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA to be encrypted in-place and another empty buffer of type SECBUFFER_PADDING or SECBUFFER_TOKEN to receive signature or padding data Return ValueReturns None on success, and buffer(s) will contain encrypted data """ ... def DecryptMessage(self, Message: PySecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: Message(PySecBufferDesc):PySecBufferDesc containing data buffers to be decrypted MessageSeqNo(typing.Any):A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedCommentsThe buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA which is modified in place and a second buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKEN or SECBUFFER_PADDING containing signature, padding, or other extra data from encryption process that doesn't fit in first bufferReturn ValueReturns flags specfic to security package indicating quality of protection Returns: None:A sequential number used by some packages to verify that no extraneous messages have been receivedComments The buffer configuration is dependent on the security package. Usually there is one buffer of type SECBUFFER_DATA which is modified in place and a second buffer of type SECBUFFER_TOKEN or SECBUFFER_PADDING containing signature, padding, or other extra data from encryption process that doesn't fit in first buffer Return ValueReturns flags specfic to security package indicating quality of protection """ ... def ImpersonateSecurityContext(self) -> None: """ Impersonates a client security context Args: Returns: None """ ... def RevertSecurityContext(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDCB: """A Python object, representing an DCB structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def BaudRate(self) -> int: """current baud rate""" ... @property def wReserved(self) -> int: """not currently used""" ... @property def XonLim(self) -> int: """transmit XON threshold""" ... @property def XoffLim(self) -> int: """transmit XOFF threshold""" ... @property def ByteSize(self) -> int: """number of bits/byte, 4-8""" ... @property def Parity(self) -> int: """0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space""" ... @property def StopBits(self) -> int: """0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2""" ... @property def XonChar(self) -> str: """Tx and Rx XON character""" ... @property def XoffChar(self) -> str: """Tx and Rx XOFF character""" ... @property def ErrorChar(self) -> str: """error replacement character""" ... @property def EofChar(self) -> str: """end of input character""" ... @property def EvtChar(self) -> str: """received event character""" ... @property def wReserved1(self) -> int: """reserved; do not use""" ... @property def fBinary(self) -> int: """binary mode, no EOF check""" ... @property def fParity(self) -> int: """enable parity checking""" ... @property def fOutxCtsFlow(self) -> int: """CTS output flow control""" ... @property def fOutxDsrFlow(self) -> int: """DSR output flow control""" ... @property def fDtrControl(self) -> int: """DTR flow control type""" ... @property def fDsrSensitivity(self) -> int: """DSR sensitivity""" ... @property def fTXContinueOnXoff(self) -> int: """XOFF continues Tx""" ... @property def fOutX(self) -> int: """XON/XOFF out flow control""" ... @property def fInX(self) -> int: """XON/XOFF in flow control""" ... @property def fErrorChar(self) -> int: """enable error replacement""" ... @property def fNull(self) -> int: """enable null stripping""" ... @property def fRtsControl(self) -> int: """RTS flow control""" ... @property def fAbortOnError(self) -> int: """abort on error""" ... @property def fDummy2(self) -> int: """reserved""" ... class PyDEVMODE: """Python object wrapping a DEVMODE structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def SpecVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """Should always be set to DM_SPECVERSION""" ... @property def DriverVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """Version nbr assigned to printer driver by vendor""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure""" ... @property def DriverExtra(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of extra bytes allocated for driver data, can only be set when new object is created""" ... @property def Fields(self) -> typing.Any: """Bitmask of win32con.DM_* constants indicating which members are set""" ... @property def Orientation(self) -> typing.Any: """Only applies to printers, DMORIENT_PORTRAIT or DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE""" ... @property def PaperSize(self) -> typing.Any: """Use 0 if PaperWidth and PaperLength are set, otherwise win32con.DMPAPER_* constant""" ... @property def PaperLength(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified in 1/10 millimeters""" ... @property def PaperWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified in 1/10 millimeters""" ... @property def Position_x(self) -> typing.Any: """Position of display relative to desktop""" ... @property def Position_y(self) -> typing.Any: """Position of display relative to desktop""" ... @property def DisplayOrientation(self) -> typing.Any: """Display rotation: DMDO_DEFAULT,DMDO_90, DMDO_180, DMDO_270""" ... @property def DisplayFixedOutput(self) -> typing.Any: """DMDFO_DEFAULT, DMDFO_CENTER, DMDFO_STRETCH""" ... @property def Scale(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified as percentage, eg 50 means half size of original""" ... @property def Copies(self) -> typing.Any: """Nbr of copies to print""" ... @property def DefaultSource(self) -> typing.Any: """DMBIN_* constant, or can be a printer-specific value""" ... @property def PrintQuality(self) -> typing.Any: """DMRES_* constant, interpreted as DPI if positive""" ... @property def Color(self) -> typing.Any: """DMCOLOR_COLOR or DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME""" ... @property def Duplex(self) -> typing.Any: """For printers that do two-sided printing: DMDUP_SIMPLEX, DMDUP_HORIZONTAL, DMDUP_VERTICAL""" ... @property def YResolution(self) -> typing.Any: """Vertical printer resolution in DPI - if this is set, PrintQuality indicates horizontal DPI""" ... @property def TTOption(self) -> typing.Any: """TrueType options: DMTT_BITMAP, DMTT_DOWNLOAD, DMTT_DOWNLOAD_OUTLINE, DMTT_SUBDEV""" ... @property def Collate(self) -> typing.Any: """DMCOLLATE_TRUE or DMCOLLATE_FALSE""" ... @property def LogPixels(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixels per inch (only for display devices""" ... @property def BitsPerPel(self) -> typing.Any: """Color resolution in bits per pixel""" ... @property def PelsWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixel width of display""" ... @property def PelsHeight(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixel height of display""" ... @property def DisplayFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """Combination of DM_GRAYSCALE and DM_INTERLACED""" ... @property def DisplayFrequency(self) -> typing.Any: """Refresh rate""" ... @property def ICMMethod(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates where ICM is performed, one of win32con.DMICMMETHOD_* values""" ... @property def ICMIntent(self) -> typing.Any: """Intent of ICM, one of win32con.DMICM_* values""" ... @property def MediaType(self) -> typing.Any: """win32con.DMMEDIA_*, can also be a printer-specific value greater then DMMEDIA_USER""" ... @property def DitherType(self) -> typing.Any: """Dithering option, win32con.DMDITHER_*""" ... @property def Reserved1(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved, use only 0""" ... @property def Reserved2(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved, use only 0""" ... @property def Nup(self) -> typing.Any: """Controls printing of multiple logical pages per physical page, DMNUP_SYSTEM or DMNUP_ONEUP""" ... @property def PanningWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Not used, leave as 0""" ... @property def PanningHeight(self) -> typing.Any: """Not used, leave as 0""" ... @property def DeviceName(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most 32 chars""" ... @property def FormName(self) -> typing.Any: """Name of form as returned by win32print::EnumForms, at most 32 chars""" ... @property def DriverData(self) -> typing.Any: """Driver data appended to end of structure""" ... def Clear(self) -> None: """ Resets all members of the structure Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDEVMODEW: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def SpecVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """Should always be set to DM_SPECVERSION""" ... @property def DriverVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """Version nbr assigned to printer driver by vendor""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure""" ... @property def DriverExtra(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of extra bytes allocated for driver data, can only be set when new object is created""" ... @property def Fields(self) -> typing.Any: """Bitmask of win32con.DM_* constants indicating which members are set""" ... @property def Orientation(self) -> typing.Any: """Only applies to printers, DMORIENT_PORTRAIT or DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE""" ... @property def PaperSize(self) -> typing.Any: """Use 0 if PaperWidth and PaperLength are set, otherwise win32con.DMPAPER_* constant""" ... @property def PaperLength(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified in 1/10 millimeters""" ... @property def PaperWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified in 1/10 millimeters""" ... @property def Position_x(self) -> typing.Any: """Position of display relative to desktop""" ... @property def Position_y(self) -> typing.Any: """Position of display relative to desktop""" ... @property def DisplayOrientation(self) -> typing.Any: """Display rotation: DMDO_DEFAULT,DMDO_90, DMDO_180, DMDO_270""" ... @property def DisplayFixedOutput(self) -> typing.Any: """DMDFO_DEFAULT, DMDFO_CENTER, DMDFO_STRETCH""" ... @property def Scale(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified as percentage, eg 50 means half size of original""" ... @property def Copies(self) -> typing.Any: """Nbr of copies to print""" ... @property def DefaultSource(self) -> typing.Any: """DMBIN_* constant, or can be a printer-specific value""" ... @property def PrintQuality(self) -> typing.Any: """DMRES_* constant, interpreted as DPI if positive""" ... @property def Color(self) -> typing.Any: """DMCOLOR_COLOR or DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME""" ... @property def Duplex(self) -> typing.Any: """For printers that do two-sided printing: DMDUP_SIMPLEX, DMDUP_HORIZONTAL, DMDUP_VERTICAL""" ... @property def YResolution(self) -> typing.Any: """Vertical printer resolution in DPI - if this is set, PrintQuality indicates horizontal DPI""" ... @property def TTOption(self) -> typing.Any: """TrueType options: DMTT_BITMAP, DMTT_DOWNLOAD, DMTT_DOWNLOAD_OUTLINE, DMTT_SUBDEV""" ... @property def Collate(self) -> typing.Any: """DMCOLLATE_TRUE or DMCOLLATE_FALSE""" ... @property def LogPixels(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixels per inch (only for display devices""" ... @property def BitsPerPel(self) -> typing.Any: """Color resolution in bits per pixel""" ... @property def PelsWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixel width of display""" ... @property def PelsHeight(self) -> typing.Any: """Pixel height of display""" ... @property def DisplayFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """Combination of DM_GRAYSCALE and DM_INTERLACED""" ... @property def DisplayFrequency(self) -> typing.Any: """Refresh rate""" ... @property def ICMMethod(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates where ICM is performed, one of win32con.DMICMMETHOD_* values""" ... @property def ICMIntent(self) -> typing.Any: """Intent of ICM, one of win32con.DMICM_* values""" ... @property def MediaType(self) -> typing.Any: """win32con.DMMEDIA_*, can also be a printer-specific value greater then DMMEDIA_USER""" ... @property def DitherType(self) -> typing.Any: """Dithering option, win32con.DMDITHER_*""" ... @property def Reserved1(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved, use only 0""" ... @property def Reserved2(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved, use only 0""" ... @property def Nup(self) -> typing.Any: """Controls printing of multiple logical pages per physical page, DMNUP_SYSTEM or DMNUP_ONEUP""" ... @property def PanningWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Not used, leave as 0""" ... @property def PanningHeight(self) -> typing.Any: """Not used, leave as 0""" ... @property def DeviceName(self) -> str: """String of at most 32 chars""" ... @property def FormName(self) -> typing.Any: """Name of form as returned by win32print::EnumForms, at most 32 chars""" ... @property def DriverData(self) -> typing.Any: """Driver data appended to end of structure""" ... class PyDISPLAY_DEVICE: """Python object wrapping a DISPLAY_DEVICE structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure""" ... @property def DeviceName(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most 32 chars""" ... @property def DeviceString(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most 128 chars""" ... @property def StateFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """Bitmask of win32con.DISPLAY_DEVICE_* constants indicating current device status""" ... @property def DeviceID(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most 128 chars""" ... @property def DeviceKey(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most 128 chars""" ... def Clear(self) -> None: """ Resets all members of the structure Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDLGITEMTEMPLATE: """A tuple describing a control in a dialog box.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDLGTEMPLATE: """A tuple of items describing a dialog box, that can be used to create the dialog.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDS_HANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM: """A tuple representing a DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDateTime: """A Python object, representing an instant in time.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Format(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyDialogTemplate: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyEVTLOG_HANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyEVT_HANDLE: """Handle to an event log, session, query, or any other object used with the Evt* event log functions on Vista and later. When the object is destroyed, EvtClose is called.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyEVT_RPC_LOGIN: """Tuple containing login credentials for a remote Event Log connection""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyEventLogRecord: """An object containing the data in an EVENTLOGRECORD.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Reserved(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def RecordNumber(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def TimeGenerated(self) -> PyTime: """""" ... @property def TimeWritten(self) -> PyTime: """""" ... @property def EventID(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def EventType(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def EventCategory(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def ReservedFlags(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def ClosingRecordNumber(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def SourceName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def StringInserts(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, ...]: """""" ... @property def Sid(self) -> PySID: """""" ... @property def Data(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def ComputerName(self) -> str: """""" ... class PyGROUP_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group""" ... class PyGROUP_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """The group's comment.""" ... class PyGROUP_INFO_1002: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_INFO_1002 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyGROUP_INFO_1005: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_INFO_1005 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def attributes(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyGROUP_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """The group's comment.""" ... @property def group_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def attributes(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyGROUP_USERS_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group or user""" ... class PyGROUP_USERS_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 GROUP_USERS_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group or user""" ... @property def attributes(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyGdiHANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyGetSignerCertificate: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyHANDLE: """A Python object, representing a win32 HANDLE.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def handle(self) -> typing.Any: """Integer value of the handleMethodsCloseCloses the handle closeSynonym for PyHANDLE::Close DetachDetaches the Win32 handle from the handle object. __nonzero__Used for detecting true/false. is nb_bool in Python 3.0 __int__Used when an integer representation of the handle object is required. __print__Used when the object is printed. tp_print __hash__Used when the hash value of an object is required tp_hash __str__Used when a string representation is required tp_str """ ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Closes the underlying Win32 handle. Args: Returns: None """ ... def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the underlying Win32 handle. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Detach(self) -> typing.Any: """ Detaches the Win32 handle from the handle object. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyHANDLE.Detach int = Detach()Detaches the Win32 handle from the handle object. Comments After calling this function, the handle is effectively invalidated, but the handle is not closed. You would call this function when you need the underlying win32 handle to exist beyond the lifetime of the handle object. Return ValueThe result is the value of the handle before it is detached. If the handle is already detached, this will return zero. """ ... class PyHDESK: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetThreadDesktop(self) -> None: """ Assigns this desktop to the calling thread Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnumDesktopWindows(self) -> typing.Tuple[int, ...]: """ Returns a list of handles to all top-level windows on desktop Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[int, ...] """ ... def SwitchDesktop(self) -> None: """ Activates the desktop Args: Returns: None """ ... def CloseDesktop(self) -> None: """ Closes the desktop handle Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyHDEVNOTIFY: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyHHNTRACK: """A Python object, representing an HHNTRACK structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def action(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the action the user is about to take. This is an HHACT_ constant.""" ... @property def hdr(self) -> typing.Any: """Standard WM_NOTIFY header(win32help::NMHDR).""" ... @property def curUrl(self) -> str: """A multi-byte, zero-terminated string that specifies the topic navigated to, or the name of the help window being created.""" ... @property def winType(self) -> typing.Any: """A pointer to the current HH_WINTYPE structure (win32help::HH_WINTYPE).""" ... class PyHHN_NOTIFY: """A Python object, representing an HHN_NOTIFY structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def hdr(self) -> typing.Any: """Standard WM_NOTIFY header.(win32help::NMHDR)""" ... @property def url(self) -> str: """A multi-byte, zero-terminated string that specifies the topic navigated to, or the name of the help window being created.""" ... class PyHH_AKLINK: """A Python object, representing an HH_AKLINK structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def indexOnFail(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies whether to display the keyword in the Index tab of the HTML Help Viewer if the lookup fails. The value of window specifies the Help Viewer.""" ... @property def keywords(self) -> str: """Specifies one or more ALink names or KLink keywords to look up. Multiple entries are delimited by a semicolon.""" ... @property def url(self) -> str: """Specifies the topic file to navigate to if the lookup fails. url refers to a valid topic within the specified compiled help (.chm) file and does not support Internet protocols that point to an HTML file.""" ... @property def msgText(self) -> str: """Specifies the text to display in a message box if the lookup fails and indexOnFail is FALSE and url is NULL.""" ... @property def msgTitle(self) -> str: """Specifies the caption of the message box in which the msgText parameter appears.""" ... @property def window(self) -> str: """Specifies the name of the window type in which to display one of the following: The selected topic, if the lookup yields one or more matching topics. The topic specified in url, if the lookup fails and a topic is specified in url. The Index tab, if the lookup fails and indexOnFail is specified as TRUE.""" ... class PyHH_FTS_QUERY: """A Python object, representing an HH_FTS_QUERY structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def uniCodeStrings(self) -> typing.Any: """TRUE if all strings are Unicode.""" ... @property def proximity(self) -> typing.Any: """Word proximity.""" ... @property def stemmedSearch(self) -> typing.Any: """TRUE for StemmedSearch only.""" ... @property def titleOnly(self) -> typing.Any: """TRUE for Title search only.""" ... @property def execute(self) -> typing.Any: """TRUE to initiate the search.""" ... @property def searchQuery(self) -> str: """String containing the search query.""" ... class PyHH_POPUP: """A Python object, representing an HH_POPUP structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def hinst(self) -> typing.Any: """Instance handle of the program or DLL to retrieve the string resource from. Ignored if idString is zero.""" ... @property def idString(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies zero, or a resource ID in the program or DLL specified in hinst.""" ... @property def clrForeground(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the RGB value to use for the foreground color of the pop-up window. To use the system color for the window text, specify -1.""" ... @property def clrBackground(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the RGB value to use for the background color of the pop-up window. To use the system color for the window background, specify -1.""" ... @property def text(self) -> str: """Specifies the text to display if idString is zero.""" ... @property def font(self) -> str: """Specifies the font attributes to use for the text in the pop-up window. Use the following format to specify font family, point size, character set, and font format: facename[, point size[, charset[ BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE]]] To omit an attribute, enter a comma. For example, to specify bold, 10-pt, MS Sans Serif font, font would be: MS Sans Serif, 10, , BOLD""" ... @property def pt(self) -> typing.Any: """(x,y). Specifies (in pixels) where the top center of the pop-up window should be located.""" ... @property def margins(self) -> typing.Any: """(left,top,right,bottom). Specifies (in pixels) the margins to use on the left, top, right, and bottom sides of the pop-up window. The default for all rectangle members is -1.""" ... class PyHH_WINTYPE: """A Python object, representing an HH_WINTYPE structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def uniCodeStrings(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies whether the strings used in this structure are UNICODE.""" ... @property def validMembers(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies which members in the structure are valid.""" ... @property def winProperties(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the properties of the window, such as whether it is the standard HTML Help Viewer or whether it includes a Search tab.""" ... @property def styles(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the styles used to create the window. These styles can be ignored, combined with extended styles, or used exclusively depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties parameters.""" ... @property def exStyles(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the extended styles used to create the window. These styles can be ignored, combined with default styles, or used exclusively depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties parameters.""" ... @property def showState(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the initial display state of the window. Valid values are the same as those for the Win32 API ShowWindow function.""" ... @property def hwndHelp(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the handle of the window if the window has been created.""" ... @property def hwndCaller(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the window that will receive HTML Help notification messages. Notification messages are sent via Windows WM_NOTIFY messages.""" ... @property def hwndToolBar(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the handle of the toolbar.""" ... @property def hwndNavigation(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the handle of the Navigation pane.""" ... @property def hwndHTML(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the handle of the Topic pane, which hosts Shdocvw.dll.""" ... @property def navWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the width of the Navigation pane when the Help Viewer is expanded.""" ... @property def toolBarFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies which buttons to include on the toolbar.""" ... @property def notExpanded(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies that the Help Viewer open with the Navigation pane closed.""" ... @property def curNavType(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the default tab to display on the Navigation pane.""" ... @property def idNotify(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies a non-zero ID for enabling HTML Help notification messages. This ID is passed as the wParam value of Windows WM_NOTIFY messages.""" ... @property def typeName(self) -> str: """A null-terminated string that specifies the name of the window type.""" ... @property def caption(self) -> str: """A null-terminated string that specifies the caption to display in the title bar of the window.""" ... @property def windowPos(self) -> typing.Any: """(left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates of the window in pixels.""" ... @property def HTMLPos(self) -> typing.Any: """(left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane.""" ... @property def toc(self) -> str: """Specifies the contents (.hhc) file to display in the Navigation pane.""" ... @property def index(self) -> str: """Specifies the index (.hhk) file to display in the Navigation pane.""" ... @property def file(self) -> str: """Specifies the default HTML file to display in the Topic pane.""" ... @property def home(self) -> str: """Specifies the file or URL to display in the Topic pane when the Home button is clicked.""" ... @property def jump1(self) -> str: """Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump1 button.""" ... @property def jump2(self) -> str: """Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump2 button.""" ... @property def urlJump1(self) -> str: """Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump1 button is clicked.""" ... @property def urlJump2(self) -> str: """Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump2 button is clicked.""" ... class PyHINTERNET: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyHKEY: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyHTHEME: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyHWINSTA: """Wrapper for a handle to a window station - returned by CreateWindowStation, OpenWindowStation, or GetProcessWindowStation""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumDesktops(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Lists names of desktops in the window station Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...] """ ... def SetProcessWindowStation(self) -> None: """ Associates the calling process with the window station Args: Returns: None """ ... def CloseWindowStation(self) -> None: """ Closes the window station handle Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyICONINFO: """Tuple describing an icon or cursor""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIID: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyINPUT_RECORD: """Interface to the INPUT_RECORD struct used with console IO functions. Create using PyINPUT_RECORDType(EventType)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def EventType(self) -> typing.Any: """One of KEY_EVENT, MOUSE_EVENT, WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT, MENU_EVENT, FOCUS_EVENT. Cannot be changed after object is created""" ... @property def KeyDown(self) -> typing.Any: """True for a key press, False for key release""" ... @property def RepeatCount(self) -> typing.Any: """Nbr of repeats generated (key was held down if >1)""" ... @property def VirtualKeyCode(self) -> typing.Any: """Device-independent key code, win32con.VK_*""" ... @property def VirtualScanCode(self) -> typing.Any: """Device-dependent scan code generated by keyboard""" ... @property def Char(self) -> str: """Single unicode character generated by the keypress""" ... @property def ControlKeyState(self) -> typing.Any: """State of modifier keys, combination of CAPSLOCK_ON, ENHANCED_KEY, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED, NUMLOCK_ON, RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED, RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED, SCROLLLOCK_ON, SHIFT_PRESSED""" ... @property def ButtonState(self) -> typing.Any: """Bitmask representing which mouse buttons were pressed.""" ... @property def EventFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """DOUBLE_CLICK, MOUSE_MOVED or MOUSE_WHEELED, or 0. If 0, indicates a mouse button press""" ... @property def MousePosition(self) -> PyCOORD: """Position in character coordinates""" ... @property def Size(self) -> PyCOORD: """New size of screen buffer in character rows/columns""" ... @property def SetFocus(self) -> typing.Any: """Reserved - Used only with type FOCUS_EVENT. This event is Reserved, and should be ignored.""" ... @property def CommandId(self) -> typing.Any: """Used only with event type MENU_EVENT, which is reserved and should not be used""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the group""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """The group's comment.""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_INFO_1002: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_INFO_1002 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def sid(self) -> PySID: """""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def sid(self) -> PySID: """""" ... @property def sidusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def sid(self) -> PySID: """""" ... @property def sidusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def domainandname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """string containing the name of the member prefixed by the domain name and the "\\" separator character""" ... class PyLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_3: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_3 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def domainandname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """string containing the name of the member prefixed by the domain name and the "\\" separator character""" ... class PyLOGBRUSH: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Style(self) -> typing.Any: """Brush style, one of win32con.BS_* values""" ... @property def Color(self) -> typing.Any: """RGB color value. Can also be DIB_PAL_COLORS or DIB_RGB_COLORS if Style is BS_DIBPATTERN or BS_DIBPATTERNPT=""" ... @property def Hatch(self) -> typing.Union[int, typing.Any]: """For BS_HATCH style, one of win32con.HS_*. Not used For BS_SOLID or BS_HOLLOW. For a pattern brush, this should be a handle to a bitmap""" ... class PyLOGFONT: """A Python object, representing an PyLOGFONT structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def lfHeight(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfWidth(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfEscapement(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfOrientation(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfWeight(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfItalic(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfUnderline(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfStrikeOut(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfCharSet(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfOutPrecision(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfClipPrecision(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfQuality(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfPitchAndFamily(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def lfFaceName(self) -> str: """Name of the typeface, at most 31 characters""" ... class PyLSA_HANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES: """A sequence containing (LUID,Attributes) representing an LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyLsaLogon_HANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyMSG: """A tuple representing a win32 MSG structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyNETRESOURCE: """A Python object that encapsulates a Win32 NETRESOURCE structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwScope(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def dwType(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def dwDisplayType(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def dwUsage(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def localName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def remoteName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def provider(self) -> str: """""" ... class PyNET_VALIDATE_AUTHENTICATION_INPUT_ARG: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyNET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_INPUT_ARG: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyNET_VALIDATE_PERSISTED_FIELDS: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyNMHDR: """A Python object, representing an NMHDR structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def hwndFrom(self) -> typing.Any: """Window handle to the control sending a message. ??? 64-bit problem here ???""" ... @property def idFrom(self) -> typing.Any: """Identifier of the control sending a message.""" ... @property def code(self) -> typing.Any: """Notification code. This member can be a control-specific notification code or it can be one of the common notification codes.""" ... class PyNOTIFYICONDATA: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyOVERLAPPED: """A Python object, representing an overlapped structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Offset(self) -> int: """Specifies a file position at which to start the transfer. The file position is a byte offset from the start of the file. The calling process sets this member before calling the ReadFile or WriteFile function. This member is ignored when reading from or writing to named pipes and communications devices.""" ... @property def OffsetHigh(self) -> int: """Specifies the high word of the byte offset at which to start the transfer.""" ... @property def object(self) -> typing.Any: """Any python object that you want to attach to your overlapped I/O request.""" ... @property def dword(self) -> typing.Any: """An integer buffer that may be used by overlapped functions (eg, win32file::WaitCommEvent)""" ... @property def hEvent(self) -> int: """Identifies an event set to the signaled state when the transfer has been completed. The calling process sets this member before calling the win32file::ReadFile, win32file::WriteFile, win32pipe::ConnectNamedPipe, or win32pipe::TransactNamedPipe function.""" ... @property def Internal(self) -> int: """Reserved for operating system use. (pointer-sized value)""" ... @property def InternalHigh(self) -> int: """Reserved for operating system use. (pointer-sized value)""" ... class PyOVERLAPPEDReadBuffer: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION: """An object encapsulating a Windows NT Performance Monitor counter definition (PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION).""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def DefaultScale(self) -> int: """The default scale of the counter.""" ... @property def DetailLevel(self) -> int: """The detail level of the counter.""" ... @property def CounterType(self) -> int: """The counter type.""" ... @property def CounterNameTitleIndex(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def CounterHelpTitleIndex(self) -> int: """Sentinel""" ... def Increment(self) -> None: """ Increments the value of the performance counter Args: Returns: None """ ... def Decrement(self) -> None: """ Decrements the value of the performance counter Args: Returns: None """ ... def Set(self) -> None: """ Sets the counter to a specific value Args: Returns: None """ ... def Get(self) -> None: """ Gets the current value of the counter Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyPERF_OBJECT_TYPE: """A Python object, representing a PERF_OBJECT_TYPE structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ObjectNameTitleIndex(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def ObjectHelpTitleIndex(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def DefaultCounterIndex(self) -> int: """""" ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Closes the object. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyPOINT: """Tuple of two ints (x,y) representing a POINT struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyPROFILEINFO: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def UserName(self) -> str: """Name of user for which to load profile""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Combination of PI_* flags""" ... @property def ProfilePath(self) -> str: """Path to roaming profile, can be None. Use win32net::NetUserGetInfo to retrieve user's profile path""" ... @property def DefaultPath(self) -> str: """Path to Default user profile, can be None""" ... @property def ServerName(self) -> str: """Domain controller, can be None""" ... @property def PolicyPath(self) -> str: """Location of policy file, can be None""" ... @property def Profile(self) -> PyHKEY: """Handle to root of user's registry key. This member is output.""" ... class PyPerfMonManager: """A Python object""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Closes the performance monitor manager. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyPrinterHANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyRECT: """Tuple of 4 ints defining a rectangle: (left, top, right, bottom)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyResourceId: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySCROLLINFO: """A tuple representing a SCROLLINFO structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySC_HANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES: """A Python object, representing a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def bInheritHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies whether the returned handle is inherited when a new process is created. If this member is TRUE, the new process inherits the handle.""" ... @property def SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(self) -> PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: """A PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, or None""" ... class PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: """A Python object, representing a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self) -> None: """ Initialize the SD. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(self) -> PySID: """ Return the owner of the security descriptor. Args: Returns: PySID """ ... def GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(self) -> PyACL: """ Return the discretionary ACL of the security descriptor. Args: Returns: PyACL """ ... def GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(self) -> PyACL: """ Return system access control list (SACL) of SD Args: Returns: PyACL """ ... def GetSecurityDescriptorControl(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns tuple of Control bit flags and revision of SD. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(self, sid: PySID, bOwnerDefaulted: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set owner SID. Args: sid(PySID):The sid to be set as owner in the security descriptor. bOwnerDefaulted(typing.Any):Normally set to false since this explicitely set the owner. Returns: None """ ... def SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(self, sid: PySID, bOwnerDefaulted: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Set group SID. Args: sid(PySID):The group sid to be set in the security descriptor. bOwnerDefaulted(typing.Any):Normally set to false since this explicitely set the owner. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetSecurityDescriptorSacl(self, bSaclPresent: typing.Any, SACL: PyACL, bSaclDefaulted: typing.Any) -> None: """ Replaces system access control list (SACL) in the security descriptor. Args: bSaclPresent(typing.Any):A flag indicating if SACL is to be used. If false, last 2 parms are ignored. SACL(PyACL):The SACL to set in the security descriptor bSaclDefaulted(typing.Any):Flag, set to false if user has specifically set the SACL. Returns: None """ ... def IsValid(self) -> None: """ Determines if the security descriptor is valid. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetLength(self) -> None: """ return length of security descriptor (GetSecurityDescriptorLenght). Args: Returns: None """ ... def IsSelfRelative(self) -> None: """ Returns 1 if security descriptor is self relative, 0 if absolute Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetSecurityDescriptorControl(self, ControlBitsOfInterest: typing.Any, ControlBitsToSet: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the control bit flags related to inheritance for a security descriptor Args: ControlBitsOfInterest(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags to be modified ControlBitsToSet(typing.Any):Bitmask containing flag values to setCommentsOnly exists on Windows 2000 or later Returns: None """ ... class PySERVER_INFO_100: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_100 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_101: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_101 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def version_major(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def version_minor(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """one of the SV_TYPE_* constants""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_102: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_102 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def version_major(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def version_minor(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """one of the SV_TYPE_* constants""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def users(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def disc(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def hidden(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def announce(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def anndelta(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def userpath(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_402: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_402 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ulist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def glist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def alist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def security(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numadmin(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def lanmask(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def guestacct(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def chdevs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def chdevq(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def chdevjobs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def connections(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def shares(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def openfiles(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessopens(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessvcs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessreqs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def opensearch(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def activelocks(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sizreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numbigbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numfiletasks(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def alertsched(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def erroralert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logonalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def accessalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def diskalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def netioalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxauditsz(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def srvheuristics(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_403: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_403 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ulist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def glist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def alist_mtime(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def security(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numadmin(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def lanmask(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def guestacct(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def chdevs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def chdevq(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def chdevjobs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def connections(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def shares(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def openfiles(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessopens(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessvcs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessreqs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def opensearch(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def activelocks(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sizreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numbigbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def numfiletasks(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def alertsched(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def erroralert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logonalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def accessalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def diskalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def netioalert(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxauditsz(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def srvheuristics(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def auditedevents(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def autoprofile(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def autopath(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_502: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_502 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def sessopens(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessvcs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def opensearch(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sizreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def initworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def rawworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def irpstacksize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxrawbuflen(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessusers(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessconns(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxpagedmemoryusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxnonpagedmemoryusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enableforcedlogoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def timesource(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def acceptdownlevelapis(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def lmannounce(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PySERVER_INFO_503: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 SERVER_INFO_503 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def sessopens(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessvcs(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def opensearch(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sizreqbuf(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def initworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def rawworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def irpstacksize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxrawbuflen(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessusers(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def sessconns(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxpagedmemoryusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxnonpagedmemoryusage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enableforcedlogoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def timesource(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def acceptdownlevelapis(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def lmannounce(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def domain(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def maxkeepsearch(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def scavtimeout(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def minrcvqueue(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def minfreeworkitems(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def xactmemsize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def threadpriority(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxmpxct(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def oplockbreakwait(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def oplockbreakresponsewait(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enableoplocks(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enablefcbopens(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enableraw(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def enablesharednetdrives(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def minfreeconnections(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def maxfreeconnections(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PySHARE_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 SHARE_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def netname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySHARE_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 SHARE_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def netname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def remark(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySHARE_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 SHARE_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def netname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def remark(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def permissions(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_uses(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def current_uses(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def passwd(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PySHARE_INFO_501: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 SHARE_INFO_501 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def netname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def remark(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PySHARE_INFO_502: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 SHARE_INFO_502 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def netname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def remark(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def permissions(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_uses(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def current_uses(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def passwd(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def reserved(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def security_descriptor(self) -> PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: """""" ... class PySID: """A Python object, representing a SID structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, idAuthority: typing.Any, numSubauthorities: typing.Any) -> None: """ Initialize the SID. Args: idAuthority(typing.Any):The identifier authority. numSubauthorities(typing.Any):The number of sub authorities to allocate. Returns: None """ ... def IsValid(self) -> None: """ Determines if the SID is valid. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetSubAuthority(self, index: typing.Any, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets a SID SubAuthority Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the sub authority to set val(typing.Any):The value for the sub authorityCommentsSee the function SetSidSubAuthority Returns: None """ ... def GetLength(self) -> typing.Any: """ return length of SID (GetLengthSid). Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSubAuthorityCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ return nbr of subauthorities from SID Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSubAuthority(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns specified subauthority from SID Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSidIdentifierAuthority(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns a tuple of 6 SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY constants Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... class PySID_AND_ATTRIBUTES: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySIZE: """Tuple of two ints (cx,cy) representing a SIZE struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySMALL_RECT: """Wrapper for a SMALL_RECT struct Create using PySMALL_RECTType(Left, Top, Right, Bottom). All params optional, defaulting to 0""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Left(self) -> typing.Any: """Left side of rectangle""" ... @property def Top(self) -> typing.Any: """Top edge of rectangle""" ... @property def Right(self) -> typing.Any: """Right edge of rectangle""" ... @property def Bottom(self) -> typing.Any: """Bottome edge of rectangle""" ... class PySTARTUPINFO: """A Python object, representing an STARTUPINFO structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwX(self) -> int: """Specifies the x offset, in pixels, of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created. The offset is from the upper left corner of the screen.""" ... @property def dwY(self) -> int: """Specifies the y offset, in pixels, of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created. The offset is from the upper left corner of the screen.""" ... @property def dwXSize(self) -> int: """Specifies the width, in pixels, of the window if a new window is created.""" ... @property def dwYSize(self) -> int: """Specifies the height, in pixels, of the window if a new window is created.""" ... @property def dwXCountChars(self) -> int: """For console processes, if a new console window is created, specifies the screen buffer width in character columns. This value is ignored in a GUI process.""" ... @property def dwYCountChars(self) -> int: """For console processes, if a new console window is created, specifies the screen buffer height in character rows.""" ... @property def dwFillAttribute(self) -> int: """Specifies the initial text and background colors if a new console window is created in a console application. These values are ignored in GUI applications""" ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """This is a bit field that determines whether certain STARTUPINFO attributes are used when the process creates a window. To use many of the additional attributes, you typically must set the appropriate mask in this attribute, and also set the attributes themselves. Any combination of the win32con.STARTF_* flags can be specified.""" ... @property def wShowWindow(self) -> int: """Can be any of the SW_ constants defined in win32con. For GUI processes, this specifies the default value the first time ShowWindow is called.""" ... @property def hStdInput(self) -> typing.Union[int]: """""" ... @property def hStdOutput(self) -> typing.Union[int]: """""" ... @property def hStdError(self) -> typing.Union[int]: """""" ... @property def lpDesktop(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def lpTitle(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """""" ... class PySecBuffer: """Python object wrapping a SecBuffer structure Created using win32security.PySecBufferType(type,size) where type is a SECBUFFER_* constant""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def BufferType(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Buffer(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def BufferSize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def MaxBufferSize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... def Clear(self) -> None: """ Resets the buffer to all NULL's, and set the current size to maximum Args: Returns: None """ ... class PySecBufferDesc: """Sequence-like object that contains a group of buffers to be used with SSPI functions.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def append(self, buffer: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: buffer(typing.Any):PySecBuffer object to be attached to the group of buffers Returns: None """ ... class PyTOKEN_GROUPS: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyTOKEN_PRIVILEGES: """An object representing Win32 token privileges.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyTRIVERTEX: """Dict representing a TRIVERTEX struct containing color information at a point""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def x(self) -> typing.Any: """X coord in logical units""" ... @property def y(self) -> typing.Any: """Y coord in logical units""" ... @property def Red(self) -> typing.Any: """Red component""" ... @property def Green(self) -> typing.Any: """Green component""" ... @property def Blue(self) -> typing.Any: """Blue component""" ... @property def Alpha(self) -> typing.Any: """Transparency value""" ... class PyTRUSTEE: """A dictionary representing a TRUSTEE structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def TrusteeForm(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def TrusteeType(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Identifier(self) -> typing.Any: """Depends on the value of TrusteeForm (string or sid)""" ... @property def MultipleTrustee(self) -> typing.Any: """default is None""" ... @property def MultipleTrusteeOperation(self) -> typing.Any: """default is None""" ... class PyTS_HANDLE: """Handle to a Terminal Server""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyTime: """A Python object, representing an instant in time.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def year(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def month(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def weekday(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def day(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def hour(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def minute(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def second(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def msec(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... def Format(self, _format: str) -> str: """ Formats the time value. Args: _format(str):The format. See the comments section for a description of the supported flags.CommentsThe following format characters are supported.CharacterDescription%aAbbreviated weekday name%AFull weekday name%bAbbreviated month name%BFull month name%cDate and time representation appropriate for locale%dDay of month as decimal number (01 - 31)%HHour in 24-hour format (00 - 23)%IHour in 12-hour format (01 - 12)%jDay of year as decimal number (001 - 366)%mMonth as decimal number (01 - 12)%MMinute as decimal number (00 - 59)%pCurrent locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock%SSecond as decimal number (00 - 59)%UWeek of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 - 51)%wWeekday as decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0)%WWeek of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 - 51)%xDate representation for current locale%XTime representation for current locale%yYear without century, as decimal number (00 - 99)%YYear with century, as decimal number%z, %ZTime-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown%%Percent signAs in the printf function, the # flag may prefix any formatting code. In that case, the meaning of the format code is changed as follows.Format CodeMeaning%#a, %#A, %#b, %#B, %#p, %#X, %#z, %#Z, %#%# flag is ignored.%#cLong date and time representation, appropriate for current locale. For example: "Tuesday, March 14, 1995, 12:41:29".%#xLong date representation, appropriate to current locale. For example: "Tuesday, March 14, 1995".%#d, %#H, %#I, %#j, %#m, %#M, %#S, %#U, %#w, %#W, %#y, %#YRemove leading zeros (if any). Returns: str """ ... class PyUSER_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def script_path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_10: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_10 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def usr_comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1003: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1003 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1005: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1005 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1006: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1006 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1007: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1007 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1008: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1008 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1009: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1009 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def script_path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1010: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1010 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def auth_flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_1011: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_1011 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_11: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_11 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def usr_comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def auth_flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def password_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def parms(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def last_logon(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def last_logoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def bad_pw_count(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def num_logons(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_server(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def country_code(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def workstations(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def max_storage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def units_per_week(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_hours(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def code_page(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def script_path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def auth_flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def usr_comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def parms(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def workstations(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def last_logon(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def last_logoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def acct_expires(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_storage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def units_per_week(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_hours(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def bad_pw_count(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def num_logons(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_server(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def country_code(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def code_page(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_20: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_20 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def user_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_3: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_3 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def script_path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def auth_flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def usr_comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def parms(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def workstations(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def last_logon(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def last_logoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def acct_expires(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_storage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def units_per_week(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_hours(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def bad_pw_count(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def num_logons(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_server(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def country_code(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def code_page(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def user_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def primary_group_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def profile(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def home_dir_drive(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_expired(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_INFO_4: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_INFO_4 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def priv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def home_dir(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def script_path(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def auth_flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def full_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def usr_comment(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def parms(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def workstations(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def last_logon(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def last_logoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def acct_expires(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_storage(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def units_per_week(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_hours(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def bad_pw_count(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def num_logons(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def logon_server(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def country_code(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def code_page(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def user_sid(self) -> PySID: """""" ... @property def primary_group_id(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def profile(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def home_dir_drive(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password_expired(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_MODALS_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def min_passwd_len(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def max_passwd_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def min_passwd_age(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def force_logoff(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def password_hist_len(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_MODALS_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def role(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def primary(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_MODALS_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def domain_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def domain_id(self) -> PySID: """""" ... class PyUSER_MODALS_INFO_3: """A dictionary holding the information in a Win32 USER_MODALS_INFO_3 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def lockout_duration(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def lockout_observation_window(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def usrmod3_lockout_threshold(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSE_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 USE_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def local(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def remote(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSE_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 USE_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def local(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def remote(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def status(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def asg_type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def refcount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def usecount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUSE_INFO_2: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 USE_INFO_2 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def local(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def remote(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def status(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def asg_type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def refcount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def usecount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def username(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def domainname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... class PyUSE_INFO_3: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 USE_INFO_3 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def local(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def remote(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def password(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def status(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def asg_type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def refcount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def usecount(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def username(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def domainname(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyUnicode: """A Python object, representing a Unicode string.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyUrlCacheHANDLE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyWAVEFORMATEX: """A Python object, representing a WAVEFORMATEX structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def wFormatTag(self) -> int: """Waveform-audio format type. pywintypes only defines WAVE_FORMAT_PCM as a constant. Other values must be looked up in the mmsystem.h header file.""" ... @property def nChannels(self) -> int: """Number of channels. 1 for Mono, 2 for Stereo, anything, but never 5.1.""" ... @property def nSamplesPerSec(self) -> int: """Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz), that each channel should be played or recorded. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then common values for nSamplesPerSec are 8000, 11025, 22050, and 44100 Hz""" ... @property def nAvgBytesPerSec(self) -> int: """Required average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the format tag. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, nAvgBytesPerSec should be equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign.""" ... @property def nBlockAlign(self) -> int: """Block alignment, in bytes. The block alignment is the minimum atomic unit of data for the wFormatTag format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, nBlockAlign should be equal to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte). For non-PCM formats, this member must be computed according to the manufacturer’s specification of the format tag.""" ... @property def wBitsPerSample(self) -> int: """Bits per sample for the wFormatTag format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then wBitsPerSample should be equal to 8 or 16. Sentinel""" ... class PyWINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO: """A tuple representing a WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_100: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_100 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates platform level to use to retrieve platform specific information""" ... @property def computername(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the local computer""" ... @property def langroup(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the domain to which computer belongs""" ... @property def ver_major(self) -> typing.Any: """Major version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def ver_minor(self) -> typing.Any: """Minor version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_101: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_101 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates platform level to use to retrieve platform specific information""" ... @property def computername(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the local computer""" ... @property def langroup(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the domain to which computer belongs""" ... @property def ver_major(self) -> typing.Any: """Major version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def ver_minor(self) -> typing.Any: """Minor version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def lanroot(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Path to the LANMAN directory""" ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_102: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_102 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def platform_id(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicate platform level to use to retrieve platform specific information""" ... @property def computername(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the local computer""" ... @property def langroup(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the domain to which computer belongs""" ... @property def ver_major(self) -> typing.Any: """Major version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def ver_minor(self) -> typing.Any: """Minor version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def lanroot(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Path to the LANMAN directory""" ... @property def logged_on_users(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of users who are logged on to the local computer""" ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_302: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_302 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def char_wait(self) -> typing.Any: """number of seconds the computer will wait for a remote resource to become available""" ... @property def collection_time(self) -> typing.Any: """number of milliseconds the computer will collect data before sending the data to a character device resource. The workstation waits the specified time or collects the number of characters specified by wki302_maximum_collection_count, whichever comes first.""" ... @property def maximum_collection_count(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of bytes of information the computer will collect before sending the data to a character device resource. The workstation collects the specified number of bytes or waits the time specified by wki302_collection_time, whichever comes first.""" ... @property def keep_conn(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of seconds the server will maintain an inactive connection to a resource.""" ... @property def keep_search(self) -> typing.Any: """Defines the number of seconds an inactive search will continue.""" ... @property def max_cmds(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of simultaneous network device driver commands that can be sent to the network.""" ... @property def num_work_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of internal buffers the computer has.""" ... @property def siz_work_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the size, in bytes, of each internal buffer.""" ... @property def max_wrk_cache(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of an internal cache buffer.""" ... @property def siz_error(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the size, in bytes, of an internal error buffer.""" ... @property def num_alerts(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum number of clients that can receive alert messages. (This member is not supported under MS-DOS.) The Alerter service registers at least three clients when it begins to run.""" ... @property def num_services(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of services that can be installed on the computer at any time.""" ... @property def errlog_sz(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the client's error log file.""" ... @property def print_buf_time(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of seconds the server waits before closing inactive compatibility-mode print jobs.""" ... @property def num_char_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of character pipe buffers and device buffers the client can have.""" ... @property def siz_char_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a character pipe buffer and device buffer.""" ... @property def wrk_heuristics(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Pointer to a Unicode string of flags used to control a client's operation.""" ... @property def mailslots(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum number of mailslots allowed.""" ... @property def num_dgram_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of buffers to allocate for receiving datagrams.""" ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_402: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_402 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def char_wait(self) -> typing.Any: """number of seconds the computer will wait for a remote resource to become available""" ... @property def collection_time(self) -> typing.Any: """number of milliseconds the computer will collect data before sending the data to a character device resource. The workstation waits the specified time or collects the number of characters specified by wki402_maximum_collection_count, whichever comes first.""" ... @property def maximum_collection_count(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of the domain to which computer belongs""" ... @property def keep_conn(self) -> typing.Any: """Major version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def keep_search(self) -> typing.Any: """Minor version number of operating system running on the computer""" ... @property def max_cmds(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def num_work_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of users who are logged on to the local computer""" ... @property def siz_work_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of users who are logged on to the local computer""" ... @property def max_wrk_cache(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def sess_timeout(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def siz_error(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def num_alerts(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def num_services(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def errlog_sz(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def print_buf_time(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def num_char_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def siz_char_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a character pipe buffer and device buffer.""" ... @property def mailslots(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def num_dgram_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """..""" ... @property def max_threads(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of threads the computer can dedicate to the network""" ... class PyWKSTA_INFO_502: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_INFO_502 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def char_wait(self) -> typing.Any: """number of seconds the computer will wait for a remote resource to become available""" ... @property def collection_time(self) -> typing.Any: """number of milliseconds the computer will collect data before sending the data to a character device resource. The workstation waits the specified time or collects the number of characters specified by wki502_maximum_collection_count, whichever comes first.""" ... @property def maximum_collection_count(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of bytes of information the computer will collect before sending the data to a character device resource. The workstation collects the specified number of bytes or waits the time specified by wki302_collection_time, whichever comes first.""" ... @property def keep_conn(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of seconds the server will maintain an inactive connection to a resource.""" ... @property def max_cmds(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of simultaneous network device driver commands that can be sent to the network.""" ... @property def max_wrk_cache(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates the number of seconds the server waits before disconnecting an inactive session.""" ... @property def siz_char_buf(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a character pipe buffer and device buffer.""" ... @property def lock_quota(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def lock_increment(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def lock_maximum(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def pipe_increment(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def pipe_maximum(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def cache_file_timeout(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def dormant_file_limit(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def read_ahead_throughput(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def num_mailslot_buffers(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def num_srv_announce_buffers(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def max_illegal_datagram_events(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def illegal_datagram_event_reset_frequency(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def log_election_packets(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_opportunistic_locking(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_unlock_behind(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_close_behind(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def buf_named_pipes(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_lock_read_unlock(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def utilize_nt_caching(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_raw_read(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_raw_write(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_write_raw_data(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_encryption(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def buf_files_deny_write(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def buf_read_only_files(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def force_core_create_mode(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... @property def use_512_byte_max_transfer(self) -> typing.Any: """TODO""" ... class PyWKSTA_TRANSPORT_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_TRANSPORT_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def quality_of_service(self) -> typing.Any: """Supplies a value that specifies the search order of the transport protocol with respect to other transport protocols. The highest value is searched first.""" ... @property def number_of_vcs(self) -> typing.Any: """Specifies the number of clients communicating with the server using this transport protocol.""" ... @property def transport_name(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Specifies the device name of the transport protocol.""" ... @property def transport_address(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Specifies the address of the server on this transport protocol.""" ... @property def wan_ish(self) -> typing.Any: """This member is ignored by the NetWkstaTransportAdd function. For the NetWkstaTransportEnum function, this member indicates that this transport protocol is a WAN transport protocol. This member is set TRUE for NetBIOS/TCIP; it is set FALSE for NetBEUI and NetBIOS/IPX.""" ... class PyWKSTA_USER_INFO_0: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_USER_INFO_0 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def username(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of user currently logged on to the workstation""" ... class PyWKSTA_USER_INFO_1: """A dictionary holding the infomation in a Win32 WKSTA_USER_INFO_1 structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def username(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Name of user currently logged on to the workstation""" ... @property def logon_domain(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Returns the domain name of the user account of the user currently logged on to the workstation.""" ... @property def oth_domains(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Returns the list of other operating system domains browsed by the workstation. The domain names are separated by blanks.""" ... @property def logon_server(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """Returns the name of the computer that authenticated the server.""" ... class PyWNDCLASS: """A Python object, representing an WNDCLASS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def style(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def cbWndExtra(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def hInstance(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def hIcon(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def hCursor(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def hbrBackground(self) -> int: """These 3 handled manually in PyWNDCLASS::getattro/setattro. The pymeth below is used as an end tag, so these props will be lost if below it""" ... @property def lpszMenuName(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def lpszClassName(self) -> typing.Union[str]: """""" ... @property def lpfnWndProc(self) -> typing.Any: """MethodsSetDialogProcSets the WNDCLASS to be for a dialog box. """ ... def SetDialogProc(self) -> None: """ Sets the WNDCLASS to be for a dialog box Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyXFORM: """Dict representing an XFORM struct used as a world transformation matrix All members are optional, defaulting to 0.0.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def M11(self) -> float: """Usage is dependent on operation performed, see MSDN docs""" ... @property def M12(self) -> float: """Usage is dependent on operation performed, see MSDN docs""" ... @property def M21(self) -> float: """Usage is dependent on operation performed, see MSDN docs""" ... @property def M22(self) -> float: """Usage is dependent on operation performed, see MSDN docs""" ... @property def Dx(self) -> float: """Horizontal offset in logical units""" ... @property def Dy(self) -> float: """Vertical offset in logical units""" ... class Pymmapfile: """Object that provides access to memory-mapped file operations.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the file mapping handle and releases mapped view Args: Returns: None """ ... def find(self, needle: typing.Any, start: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Finds a string in the buffer. Args: needle(typing.Any):String to be located start(typing.Any):Pos at which to start search, current pos assumed if not specifiedReturn ValueReturns pos of string, or -1 if not found Returns: typing.Any:Pos at which to start search, current pos assumed if not specifiedReturn ValueReturns pos of string, or -1 if not found """ ... def flush(self, offset: typing.Any = ..., size: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Flushes memory buffer to disk Args: offset(typing.Any):Position in buffer at which to flush size(typing.Any):Number of bytes to flush, 0 to flush remainder of buffer past the offset Returns: None """ ... def move(self, dest: typing.Any, src: typing.Any, count: typing.Any) -> None: """ Moves data from one place in buffer to another Args: dest(typing.Any):Destination position in buffer src(typing.Any):Source position in buffer count(typing.Any):Number of bytes to move Returns: None """ ... def read(self, num_bytes: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns specified number of bytes from buffer, and advances current position Args: num_bytes(typing.Any):Number of bytes to read Returns: typing.Any """ ... def read_byte(self) -> typing.Any: """ Reads a single character from current pos Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def read_line(self) -> typing.Any: """ Reads data from current pos up to next EOL. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def resize(self, MaximumSize: typing.Any, FileOffset: typing.Any = ..., NumberOfBytesToMap: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Resizes the file mapping and view. Args: MaximumSize(typing.Any):New size for file mapping. Use a multiple of system page size (see win32api::GetSystemInfo) FileOffset(typing.Any):Offset into file mapping. Must be multiple of allocation granularity. NumberOfBytesToMap(typing.Any):New view size. Specify a multiple of system page size.CommentsIf MaximumSize is 0, only the mapped view will be affected.Accepts keyword args. Returns: None """ ... def seek(self, dist: typing.Any, how: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Changes current position Args: dist(typing.Any):Distance to seek how(typing.Any):Pos from which to seekhowmeaning0Seek from start of buffer1Seek from current position2Seek backwards from end of buffer Returns: None """ ... def size(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns size of current view Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def tell(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns current position in buffer Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def write(self, data: typing.Any) -> None: """ Places data at current pos in buffer. Args: data(typing.Any):Data to be written Returns: None """ ... def write_byte(self, char: typing.Any) -> None: """ Writes a single character of data Args: char(typing.Any):Single byte to be placed in buffer Returns: None """ ... class RASDIALEXTENSIONS: """An object that describes a Win32 RASDIALEXTENSIONS structure TRUE*/)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwfOptions(self) -> int: """(fOptions may also be used)""" ... @property def hwndParent(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def reserved(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def reserved1(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def RasEapInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class RASDIALPARAMS: """A tuple that describes a Win32 RASDIALPARAMS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SC_ACTION: """Tuple of 2 ints (Type,Delay) used to represent an SC_ACTION structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Type(self) -> typing.Any: """One of SC_ACTION_NONE, SC_ACTION_REBOOT, SC_ACTION_RESTART, SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND""" ... @property def Delay(self) -> typing.Any: """Time delay before specified action is taken (in milliseconds)""" ... class SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS: """A dictionary representing a SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ResetPeriod(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates how many seconds to wait to reset the failure count, can be INFINITE""" ... @property def RebootMsg(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """Message displayed when reboot action is taken""" ... @property def Command(self) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """Command line to execute for SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND""" ... @property def Actions(self) -> typing.Any: """A tuple of SC_ACTION tuples""" ... class SERVICE_STATUS: """A Win32 service status object is represented by a tuple:""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class TRACKMOUSEEVENT: """A tuple of (dwFlags, hwndTrack, dwHoverTime)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class ULARGE_INTEGER: """A Python object used wherever a COM ULARGE_INTEGER is used.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class WIN32_FIND_DATA: """A tuple representing a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class com_error: """An exception raised when a COM exception occurs.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class connection: """An object representing an ODBC connection""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def setautocommit(self, c: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the autocommit mode. Args: c(typing.Any):The boolean autocommit mode. Returns: None """ ... def commit(self) -> None: """ Commits a transaction. Args: Returns: None """ ... def rollback(self) -> None: """ Rollsback a transaction. Args: Returns: None """ ... def cursor(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the connection. Args: Returns: None """ ... class cursor: """An object representing an ODBC cursor.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the cursor Args: Returns: None """ ... def execute(self, sql: str, arg: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Execute some SQL Args: sql(str):The SQL to execute arg(typing.Any):Input variables. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def fetchone(self) -> typing.Any: """ Fetch one row of data Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def fetchmany(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Fetch many rows of data Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def fetchall(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Fetch all rows of data Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def setinputsizes(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def setoutputsize(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... class error: """An exception raised when a win32 error occurs""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class COMPONENT: """A dictionary containing data to fill a COMPPOS struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ID(self) -> typing.Any: """Id of component, ignored when adding a new component""" ... @property def ComponentType(self) -> typing.Any: """One of shellcon.COMP_TYPE_* values""" ... @property def Checked(self) -> typing.Any: """True indicates item is currently displayed""" ... @property def fDirty(self) -> typing.Any: """Indicates if unsaved changes exist""" ... @property def NoScroll(self) -> typing.Any: """True disables scrolling""" ... @property def Pos(self) -> typing.Any: """COMPPOS dictionary determining window size and placement""" ... @property def FriendlyName(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most MAX_PATH-1 characters, truncated if longer""" ... @property def Source(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH-1 characters""" ... @property def SubscribedURL(self) -> typing.Any: """String of at most INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH-1 characters""" ... @property def CurItemState(self) -> typing.Any: """One of shellcon.IS_* flags""" ... @property def Original(self) -> typing.Any: """COMPSTATEINFO dictionary""" ... @property def Restored(self) -> typing.Any: """COMPSTATEINFO dictionary""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class COMPONENTSOPT: """A dictionary containing data to fill a COMPONENTSOPT struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def EnableComponents(self) -> typing.Any: """True if components are enabled""" ... @property def ActiveDesktop(self) -> typing.Any: """True if Active Desktop is enabled""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class COMPPOS: """A dictionary containing data to fill a COMPPOS struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Left(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Top(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Width(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Height(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Index(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def CanResize(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def CanResizeX(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def CanResizeY(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def PreferredLeftPercent(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def PreferredTopPercent(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class COMPSTATEINFO: """A dictionary containing data to fill a COMPSTATEINFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Left(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified as screen coordinates""" ... @property def Top(self) -> typing.Any: """Specified as screen coordinates""" ... @property def Width(self) -> typing.Any: """Measured in pixels""" ... @property def Height(self) -> typing.Any: """Measured in pixels""" ... @property def dwItemState(self) -> typing.Any: """One of IS_NORMAL, IS_FULLSCREEN IS_SPLIT""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class DEFCONTENTMENU: """A tuple representing a DEFCONTEXTMENU structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class ELEMDESC: """An ELEMDESC is respresented as a tuple of""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class EXP_DARWIN_LINK: """Dictionary containing information for a EXP_DARWIN_LINK struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Signature(self) -> typing.Any: """The type of data block, one of shellcon.*_SIG values""" ... @property def DarwinID(self) -> typing.Any: """The Windows Installer id for the link""" ... @property def wDarwinID(self) -> typing.Any: """The installer id as Unicode""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER: """Dictionary containing information for a EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Signature(self) -> typing.Any: """The type of data block, one of shellcon.*_SIG values""" ... @property def idSpecialFolder(self) -> typing.Any: """The special folder id of the target (shellcon.CSIDL_*)""" ... @property def Offset(self) -> typing.Any: """Offset into the link's PIDL""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class EXP_SZ_LINK: """Dictionary containing information for an EXP_SZ_LINK or EXP_SZ_ICON struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Signature(self) -> typing.Any: """The type of data block, one of shellcon.*_SIG values""" ... @property def Target(self) -> typing.Any: """The link's target or icon location""" ... @property def wTarget(self) -> typing.Any: """The target in Unicode form""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class FUNCDESC: """A FUNCDESC object represents a COM TYPEATTR structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def memid(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def scodeArray(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """""" ... @property def args(self) -> typing.Tuple[ELEMDESC, ...]: """""" ... @property def funckind(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def invkind(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def callconv(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def cParamsOpt(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def oVft(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def rettype(self) -> ELEMDESC: """""" ... @property def wFuncFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class IDLDESC: """An IDLDESC is respresented as""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class MAPIINIT_0: """A MAPIINIT_0 is represented as a tuple of:""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class NT_CONSOLE_PROPS: """Dictionary containing information for a NT_CONSOLE_PROPS struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Signature(self) -> typing.Any: """The type of data block, one of shellcon.*_SIG values""" ... @property def FillAttribute(self) -> typing.Any: """Character attributes for fill operations""" ... @property def PopupFillAttribute(self) -> typing.Any: """Fill attributes for popups""" ... @property def ScreenBufferSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """Size of console screen buffer, in character cells""" ... @property def WindowSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """Size of console window in character cells""" ... @property def WindowOrigin(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """Window position, in screen coordinates""" ... @property def nFont(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of font to be displayed. See win32console::GetNumberOfConsoleFonts""" ... @property def InputBufferSize(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of console's input buffer""" ... @property def FontSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """Size of font""" ... @property def FontFamily(self) -> typing.Any: """Font family""" ... @property def FontWeight(self) -> typing.Any: """Controls thickness of displayed font""" ... @property def FaceName(self) -> typing.Any: """Name of font face, 31 characters at most""" ... @property def CursorSize(self) -> typing.Any: """Relative size of cursor, expressed as percent of character size""" ... @property def FullScreen(self) -> typing.Any: """Causes console to run in full screen mode""" ... @property def QuickEdit(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def InsertMode(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def AutoPosition(self) -> typing.Any: """Lets system determine window placement""" ... @property def HistoryBufferSize(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of command line history buffer""" ... @property def NumberOfHistoryBuffers(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def HistoryNoDup(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def ColorTable(self) -> typing.Any: """Tuple of 16 ints containing console's color attributes""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS: """Dictionary containing information for a NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Signature(self) -> typing.Any: """The type of data block, one of shellcon.*_SIG values""" ... @property def CodePage(self) -> typing.Any: """The codepage to be used for console text""" ... @property def Size(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of structure, ignored on input""" ... class PROPSPEC: """Identifies a property. Can be either an int property id, or a str/unicode property name.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyADSVALUE: """A tuple:""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyADS_ATTR_INFO: """Represents a ADS_ATTR_INFO structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def AttrName(self) -> typing.Any: """The name""" ... @property def ControlCode(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def ADsType(self) -> int: """""" ... @property def Values(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """""" ... class PyADS_OBJECT_INFO: """Represents a ADS_OBJECT_INFO structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def RDN(self) -> typing.Any: """The name""" ... @property def ObjectDN(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def ParentDN(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def ClassName(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO: """A tuple of:""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyBIND_OPTS: """Dictionary representation of a BIND_OPTS struct May eventually be extended to include BIND_OPTS2 members""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """Value from BIND_FLAGS enum: BIND_MAYBOTHERUSER, BIND_JUSTTESTEXISTENCE or 0""" ... @property def Mode(self) -> typing.Any: """Combination of storagecon.STGM_* values""" ... @property def TickCountDeadline(self) -> typing.Any: """Operation timeout in milliseconds""" ... @property def cbStruct(self) -> typing.Any: """Size of struct, ignored on input""" ... class PyCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO: """A tuple of parameters to be converted to a CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDSBCAPS: """A Python object, representing a DSBCAPS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Flags that specify buffer-object capabilities.FlagDescriptionDSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFERIndicates that the buffer is a primary sound buffer. If this value is not specified, a secondary sound buffer will be created.DSBCAPS_STATICIndicates that the buffer will be used for static sound data. Typically, these buffers are loaded once and played many times. These buffers are candidates for hardware memory.DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWAREThe buffer is in hardware memory and uses hardware mixing.DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWAREThe buffer is in software memory and uses software mixing.DSBCAPS_CTRL3DThe buffer is either a primary buffer or a secondary buffer that uses 3-D control. To create a primary buffer, the dwFlags member of the DSBUFFERDESC structure should include the DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER flag.DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCYThe buffer must have frequency control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLPANThe buffer must have pan control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUMEThe buffer must have volume control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFYThe buffer must have control position notify capability.DSBCAPS_STICKYFOCUSChanges the focus behavior of the sound buffer. This flag can be specified in an IDirectSound::CreateSoundBuffer call. With this flag set, an application using DirectSound can continue to play its sticky focus buffers if the user switches to another application not using DirectSound. In this situation, the application's normal buffers are muted, but the sticky focus buffers are still audible. This is useful for nongame applications, such as movie playback (DirectShow™), when the user wants to hear the soundtrack while typing in Microsoft Word or Microsoft® Excel, for example. However, if the user switches to another DirectSound application, all sound buffers, both normal and sticky focus, in the previous application are muted.DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUSThe buffer is a global sound buffer. With this flag set, an application using DirectSound can continue to play its buffers if the user switches focus to another application, even if the new application uses DirectSound. The one exception is if you switch focus to a DirectSound application that uses the DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE or DSSCL_WRITEPRIMARY flag for its cooperative level. In this case, the global sounds from other applications will not be audible.DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2Indicates that IDirectSoundBuffer::GetCurrentPosition should use the new behavior of the play cursor. In DirectSound in DirectX 1, the play cursor was significantly ahead of the actual playing sound on emulated sound cards; it was directly behind the write cursor. Now, if the DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 flag is specified, the application can get a more accurate play position. If this flag is not specified, the old behavior is preserved for compatibility. Note that this flag affects only emulated sound cards; if a DirectSound driver is present, the play cursor is accurate for DirectSound in all versions of DirectX.DSBCAPS_MUTE3DATMAXDISTANCEThe sound is reduced to silence at the maximum distance. The buffer will stop playing when the maximum distance is exceeded, so that processor time is not wasted.""" ... @property def nChannels(self) -> int: """Size of the buffer, in bytes.""" ... @property def dwUnlockTransferRate(self) -> int: """Specifies the rate, in kilobytes per second, at which data is transferred to the buffer memory when IDirectSoundBuffer::Unlock is called. High-performance applications can use this value to determine the time required for IDirectSoundBuffer::Unlock to execute. For software buffers located in system memory, the rate will be very high because no processing is required. For hardware buffers, the rate might be slower because the buffer might have to be downloaded to the sound card, which might have a limited transfer rate.""" ... @property def nAvgBytesPerSec(self) -> int: """Specifies whether the returned handle is inherited when a new process is created. If this member is TRUE, the new process inherits the handle. Sentinel""" ... class PyDSBUFFERDESC: """A Python object, representing a DSBUFFERDESC structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Identifies the capabilities to include when creating a new DirectSoundBuffer object. Specify one or more of the following:FlagDescriptionDSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFERIndicates that the buffer is a primary sound buffer. If this value is not specified, a secondary sound buffer will be created.DSBCAPS_STATICIndicates that the buffer will be used for static sound data. Typically, these buffers are loaded once and played many times. These buffers are candidates for hardware memory.DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWAREThe buffer is in hardware memory and uses hardware mixing.DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWAREThe buffer is in software memory and uses software mixing.DSBCAPS_CTRL3DThe buffer is either a primary buffer or a secondary buffer that uses 3-D control. To create a primary buffer, the dwFlags member of the DSBUFFERDESC structure should include the DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER flag.DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCYThe buffer must have frequency control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLPANThe buffer must have pan control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUMEThe buffer must have volume control capability.DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFYThe buffer must have control position notify capability.DSBCAPS_STICKYFOCUSChanges the focus behavior of the sound buffer. This flag can be specified in an IDirectSound::CreateSoundBuffer call. With this flag set, an application using DirectSound can continue to play its sticky focus buffers if the user switches to another application not using DirectSound. In this situation, the application's normal buffers are muted, but the sticky focus buffers are still audible. This is useful for nongame applications, such as movie playback (DirectShow™), when the user wants to hear the soundtrack while typing in Microsoft Word or Microsoft® Excel, for example. However, if the user switches to another DirectSound application, all sound buffers, both normal and sticky focus, in the previous application are muted.DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUSThe buffer is a global sound buffer. With this flag set, an application using DirectSound can continue to play its buffers if the user switches focus to another application, even if the new application uses DirectSound. The one exception is if you switch focus to a DirectSound application that uses the DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE or DSSCL_WRITEPRIMARY flag for its cooperative level. In this case, the global sounds from other applications will not be audible.DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2Indicates that IDirectSoundBuffer::GetCurrentPosition should use the new behavior of the play cursor. In DirectSound in DirectX 1, the play cursor was significantly ahead of the actual playing sound on emulated sound cards; it was directly behind the write cursor. Now, if the DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 flag is specified, the application can get a more accurate play position. If this flag is not specified, the old behavior is preserved for compatibility. Note that this flag affects only emulated sound cards; if a DirectSound driver is present, the play cursor is accurate for DirectSound in all versions of DirectX.DSBCAPS_MUTE3DATMAXDISTANCEThe sound is reduced to silence at the maximum distance. The buffer will stop playing when the maximum distance is exceeded, so that processor time is not wasted.""" ... @property def dwBufferBytes(self) -> int: """Size of the new buffer, in bytes. This value must be 0 when creating primary buffers. For secondary buffers, the minimum and maximum sizes allowed are specified by DSBSIZE_MIN and DSBSIZE_MAX.""" ... @property def lpwfxFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """Structure specifying the waveform format for the buffer. This value must be None for primary buffers. The application can use IDirectSoundBuffer::SetFormat to set the format of the primary buffer. Sentinel""" ... class PyDSCAPS: """A Python object, representing a DSCAPS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Specifies device capabilities. Can be one or more of the following:FlagDescriptionDSCAPS_PRIMARYMONOThe device supports monophonic primary buffers.DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREOThe device supports stereo primary buffers.DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BITThe device supports hardware-mixed secondary buffers with 8-bit samples.DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BITThe device supports primary sound buffers with 16-bit samples.DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATEThe device supports all sample rates between the dwMinSecondarySampleRate and dwMaxSecondarySampleRate member values. Typically, this means that the actual output rate will be within +/- 10 hertz (Hz) of the requested frequency.DSCAPS_EMULDRIVERThe device does not have a DirectSound driver installed, so it is being emulated through the waveform-audio functions. Performance degradation should be expected.DSCAPS_CERTIFIEDThis driver has been tested and certified by Microsoft.DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONOThe device supports hardware-mixed monophonic secondary buffers.DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREOThe device supports hardware-mixed stereo secondary buffers.DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BITThe device supports hardware-mixed secondary buffers with 8-bit samples.DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BITThe device supports hardware-mixed secondary sound buffers with 16-bit samples.""" ... @property def dwMinSecondarySampleRate(self) -> int: """Minimum sample rate supported by this device's hardware secondary sound buffers.""" ... @property def dwMaxSecondarySampleRate(self) -> int: """Maximum sample rate supported by this device's hardware secondary sound buffers.""" ... @property def dwPrimaryBuffers(self) -> int: """Number of primary buffers supported. This value will always be 1.""" ... @property def dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers(self) -> int: """Specifies the total number of buffers that can be mixed in hardware. This member can be less than the sum of dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers and dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers. Resource tradeoffs frequently occur.""" ... @property def dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers(self) -> int: """Specifies the maximum number of static sound buffers.""" ... @property def dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers(self) -> int: """Specifies the maximum number of streaming sound buffers.""" ... @property def dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free hardware mixing capabilities of the device. An application can use this value to determine whether hardware resources are available for allocation to a secondary sound buffer. Also, by comparing these values to the members that specify maximum mixing capabilities, the resources that are already allocated can be determined.""" ... @property def dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free hardware mixing capabilities of the device. An application can use this value to determine whether hardware resources are available for allocation to a secondary sound buffer. Also, by comparing these values to the members that specify maximum mixing capabilities, the resources that are already allocated can be determined.""" ... @property def dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free hardware mixing capabilities of the device. An application can use this value to determine whether hardware resources are available for allocation to a secondary sound buffer. Also, by comparing these values to the members that specify maximum mixing capabilities, the resources that are already allocated can be determined.""" ... @property def dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free, or unallocated, hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free, or unallocated, hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the free, or unallocated, hardware 3-D positional capabilities of the device.""" ... @property def dwTotalHwMemBytes(self) -> int: """Size, in bytes, of the amount of memory on the sound card that stores static sound buffers.""" ... @property def dwFreeHwMemBytes(self) -> int: """Size, in bytes, of the free memory on the sound card.""" ... @property def dwMaxContigFreeHwMemBytes(self) -> int: """Size, in bytes, of the largest contiguous block of free memory on the sound card.""" ... @property def dwUnlockTransferRateHwBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the rate, in kilobytes per second, at which data can be transferred to hardware static sound buffers. This and the number of bytes transferred determines the duration of a call to the IDirectSoundBuffer::Update method.""" ... @property def dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers(self) -> int: """Description of the processing overhead, as a percentage of the central processing unit, needed to mix software buffers (those located in main system memory). This varies according to the bus type, the processor type, and the clock speed. The unlock transfer rate for software buffers is 0 because the data need not be transferred anywhere. Similarly, the play processing overhead for hardware buffers is 0 because the mixing is done by the sound device.""" ... class PyDSCBCAPS: """A Python object, representing a DSCBCAPS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Specifies device capabilities. Can be 0 or DSCBCAPS_EMULDRIVER (indicates that no DirectSound Device is available and standard wave audio functions are being used).""" ... @property def dwBufferBytes(self) -> int: """The size, in bytes, of the capture buffer.""" ... class PyDSCBUFFERDESC: """A Python object, representing a DSCBUFFERDESC structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Identifies the capabilities to include when creating a new DirectSoundBuffer object. Can be zero or the following flag:FlagDescriptionDSCBCAPS_WAVEMAPPEDThe Win32 wave mapper will be used for formats not supported by the device.""" ... @property def dwBufferBytes(self) -> int: """Size of the new buffer, in bytes. This value must be 0 when creating primary buffers. For secondary buffers, the minimum and maximum sizes allowed are specified by DSBSIZE_MIN and DSBSIZE_MAX.""" ... @property def lpwfxFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """Structure specifying the waveform format for the buffer. This value must be None for primary buffers. The application can use IDirectSoundBuffer::SetFormat to set the format of the primary buffer. Sentinel""" ... class PyDSCCAPS: """A Python object, representing a DSCCAPS structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dwFlags(self) -> int: """Specifies device capabilities. Can be zero or the following flag:FlagDescriptionDSCCAPS_EMULDRIVERIndicates that no DirectSound Device is available and standard wave audio functions are being used.""" ... @property def dwFormats(self) -> int: """Bitset of supported WAVE_FORMAT formats.""" ... @property def dwChannels(self) -> int: """Number of channels supported by the device.""" ... class PyDSOP_FILTER_FLAGS: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def uplevel(self) -> PyDSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS: """""" ... @property def downlevel(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def type(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def scope(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def hr(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def dcName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def filterFlags(self) -> PyDSOP_FILTER_FLAGS: """""" ... class PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFOs: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyDSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def bothModes(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def mixedModeOnly(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def nativeModeOnly(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class PyFORMATETC: """Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing an OLE data format""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyGFileOperationProgressSink: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def StartOperations(self) -> None: """ Called as operation begins, before any modifications are done Args: Returns: None """ ... def FinishOperations(self, Result: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called after all actions have been performed Args: Result(typing.Any):HRESULT of last operation performed Returns: None """ ... def PreRenameItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called before each file rename Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying copy behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of the copied item NewName(typing.Any):New display name of the item Returns: None """ ... def PostRenameItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, hrRename: typing.Any, NewlyCreated: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called after each file rename Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying rename behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of item before rename NewName(typing.Any):The new name of the item, may be mangled to resolve filename conflicts hrRename(typing.Any):HRESULT of the rename operation NewlyCreated(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of the item after rename Returns: None """ ... def PreMoveItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called before each move operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying move behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):The item to be moved DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):The folder into which it will be moved NewName(typing.Any):Name of moved item, may be None if not to be changed Returns: None """ ... def PostMoveItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, hrMove: typing.Any, NewlyCreated: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called after each move operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying move behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):Interface of the item before it was moved DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):The folder into which it was moved NewName(typing.Any):Name of item in its new location, may be mangled in case of conflict hrMove(typing.Any):HRESULT of the move operation NewlyCreated(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of the item in its new location Returns: None """ ... def PreCopyItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called before each copy operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying copy behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):The item to be copied DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder into which it will be copied NewName(typing.Any):Name to be given to the copy, will be None if keeping original name Returns: None """ ... def PostCopyItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, hrCopy: typing.Any, NewlyCreated: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called after each copy operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying copy behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):The original item DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder into which it was copied NewName(typing.Any):Name of item after copy, may be mangled in case of name conflict hrCopy(typing.Any):HRESULT of the copy operation NewlyCreated(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of the copy Returns: None """ ... def PreDeleteItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called before each delete operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying delete behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):Item to be deleted Returns: None """ ... def PostDeleteItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, Item: PyIShellItem, hrDelete: typing.Any, NewlyCreated: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called after each delete operation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying delete behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Item(PyIShellItem):Item that was deleted hrDelete(typing.Any):HRESULT of the delete operation NewlyCreated(PyIShellItem):Item in the recycle bin, or None if deleted without recycling Returns: None """ ... def PreNewItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called before each new file is created Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying creation behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder where item will be created NewName(typing.Any):Name of item to be created Returns: None """ ... def PostNewItem(self, Flags: typing.Any, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, TemplateName: typing.Any, FileAttributes: typing.Any, hrNew: typing.Any, NewItem: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Called after each new file is created Args: Flags(typing.Any):Flags specifying creation behaviour, combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder in which item was created NewName(typing.Any):Name of created item, may be mangled if file name conflicts occurred TemplateName(typing.Any):Template file used to initialize new item FileAttributes(typing.Any):File attributes of new item hrNew(typing.Any):HRESULT of the create operation NewItem(PyIShellItem):Shell interface of created item Returns: None """ ... def UpdateProgress(self, WorkTotal: typing.Any, WorkSoFar: typing.Any) -> None: """ Gives an estimate of total work completed Args: WorkTotal(typing.Any):Undimensioned number representing total amount of work WorkSoFar(typing.Any):Undimensioned number representing amount already completed Returns: None """ ... def ResetTimer(self) -> None: """ Not implemented, according to MSDN Args: Returns: None """ ... def PauseTimer(self) -> None: """ Not implemented, according to MSDN Args: Returns: None """ ... def ResumeTimer(self) -> None: """ Not implemented, according to MSDN Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyGSecurityInformation: """Gateway wrapper for the implement-only ISecurityInformation interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetObjectInformation(self) -> SI_OBJECT_INFO: """ Returns information identifying the object whose security is to be editted, and which pages are to appear in the property sheet Args: Returns: SI_OBJECT_INFO:PyGSecurityInformation.GetObjectInformation SI_OBJECT_INFO = GetObjectInformation()Returns information identifying the object whose security is to be editted, and which pages are to appear in the property sheet Comments Due to peculiarities of the underlying system calls, this method will only be called once, and subsequent calls will return the information obtained on the first call. As a consequence, a new instance of the interface will need to be created for each object whose security is to be displayed. Return ValueYour implementation of this method should return a SI_OBJECT_INFO tuple """ ... def GetSecurity(self, RequestedInformation: typing.Any, Default: typing.Any) -> PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: """ Retrieves the object's current security settings Args: RequestedInformation(typing.Any):Combination of SECURITY_INFORMATION flags indicating which components of the object's security descriptor you should return Default(typing.Any):If true, return a default security descriptor rather than current security. (invoked when 'Reset' button is clicked) Returns: PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR """ ... def SetSecurity(self, SecurityInformation: typing.Any, SecurityDescriptor: PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) -> None: """ Applies the modified security to the object Args: SecurityInformation(typing.Any):SECURITY_INFORMATION flags specifying which types of security information are to be applied SecurityDescriptor(PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR):The security information to be applied to the objectReturn ValueAny returned value is ignored Returns: None:The security information to be applied to the objectReturn ValueAny returned value is ignored """ ... def GetAccessRights(self, ObjectType: PyIID, Flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[SI_ACCESS, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves permission that can be set Args: ObjectType(PyIID):GUID representing type of object, may be None Flags(typing.Any):Indicates which page is requesting the access rights (SI_ADVANCED, SI_EDIT_AUDITS, SI_EDIT_PROPERTIES)Return ValueThis method should return a 2-tuple containing a sequence of SI_ACCESS tuples, and a zero-based index indicating which of them is the default Returns: typing.Tuple[SI_ACCESS, typing.Any]:Indicates which page is requesting the access rights (SI_ADVANCED, SI_EDIT_AUDITS, SI_EDIT_PROPERTIES)Return ValueThis method should return a 2-tuple containing a sequence of SI_ACCESS tuples, and a zero-based index indicating which of them is the default """ ... def MapGeneric(self, ObjectType: PyIID, AceFlags: typing.Any, Mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Translates generic access rights to specific equivalents Args: ObjectType(PyIID):Type of object that permissions apply to, None or GUID_NULL indicates object itself AceFlags(typing.Any):Flags from the ACE that contains the permissions Mask(typing.Any):Bitmask containing access rightsCommentsSee win32security::MapGenericMaskReturn ValueThis method should return the input bitmask will all generic rights mapped to specific rights Returns: typing.Any:Bitmask containing access rightsComments See win32security::MapGenericMask Return ValueThis method should return the input bitmask will all generic rights mapped to specific rights """ ... def GetInheritTypes(self) -> typing.Tuple[SI_INHERIT_TYPE, ...]: """ Requests types of inheritance that your implementation supports Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[SI_INHERIT_TYPE, ...]:PyGSecurityInformation.GetInheritTypes (SI_INHERIT_TYPE,...) = GetInheritTypes()Requests types of inheritance that your implementation supports Return ValueReturns a sequence of SI_INHERIT_TYPE tuples """ ... def PropertySheetPageCallback(self, hwnd: typing.Any, Msg: typing.Any, Page: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called by each page as it is created and destroyed Args: hwnd(typing.Any):Handle to the window for the page Msg(typing.Any):Flag indicating type of event, one of PSPCB_CREATE,PSPCB_RELEASE,PSPCB_SI_INITDIALOG Page(typing.Any):SI_PAGE_TYPE value indicating which page is making the call (ntsecuritycon.SI_PAGE_*)Return ValueAny returned value will be ignored Returns: None:SI_PAGE_TYPE value indicating which page is making the call (ntsecuritycon.SI_PAGE_*)Return ValueAny returned value will be ignored """ ... class PyIADesktopP2: """An interface to the ActiveDesktop""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def UpdateAllDesktopSubscriptions(self) -> None: """ Updates webpage subscriptions on the desktop Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIADs: """An object representing the IADs interface. In most cases you can achieve the same result via IDispatch - however, this interface allows you get get and set properties without the IDispatch overhead.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ADsPath(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def AdsPath(self) -> str: """Synonym for ADsPath""" ... @property def Class(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def GUID(self) -> str: """Like the IADs method, this returns a string rather than a GUID object.""" ... @property def Name(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Parent(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Schema(self) -> str: """""" ... def GetInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of SetInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Get(self, prop: str) -> typing.Any: """ Description of Get. Args: prop(str):The name of the property to fetchReturn ValueThe result is a Python object converted from a COM variant. It may be an array, or any types supported by COM variant. Returns: typing.Any:The name of the property to fetchReturn ValueThe result is a Python object converted from a COM variant. It may be an array, or any types supported by COM variant. """ ... def Put(self, _property: str, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Put. Args: _property(str):The property name to set val(typing.Any):The value to set. Returns: None """ ... def get(self, prop: str) -> typing.Any: """ Description of Get. Args: prop(str):The name of the property to fetchReturn ValueThe result is a Python object converted from a COM variant. It may be an array, or any types supported by COM variant. Returns: typing.Any:The name of the property to fetchReturn ValueThe result is a Python object converted from a COM variant. It may be an array, or any types supported by COM variant. """ ... def put(self, _property: str, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Put. Args: _property(str):The property name to set val(typing.Any):The value to set. Returns: None """ ... class PyIADsContainer: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetObject(self, _class: str, relativeName: str) -> PyIDispatch: """ None Args: _class(str):Specifies the name of the object class as known in the underlying directory and identical to the one retrieved through the get_Class property method. If the class name is None, the provider returns the first item found in the container. relativeName(str):Specifies the name of the object as known in the underlying directory and identical to the one retrieved through the get_Name property method. Returns: PyIDispatch """ ... def get_Count(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def get_Filter(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_Filter(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_Hints(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_Hints(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class PyIADsUser: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def get_AccountDisabled(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_AccountDisabled(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_AccountExpirationDate(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_AccountExpirationDate(self, val: PyTime) -> None: """ None Args: val(PyTime): Returns: None """ ... def get_BadLoginAddress(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def get_BadLoginCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def get_Department(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_Department(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_Description(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_Description(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_Division(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_Division(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_EmailAddress(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_EmailAddress(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_EmployeeID(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_EmployeeID(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_FirstName(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_FirstName(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_FullName(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_FullName(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_HomeDirectory(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_HomeDirectory(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_HomePage(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_HomePage(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def get_LoginScript(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def put_LoginScript(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SetPassword(self, val: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: val(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def ChangePassword(self, oldval: typing.Any, newval: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: oldval(typing.Any): newval(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveDesktop: """An interface to the ActiveDesktop""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ApplyChanges(self, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Applies changes to ActiveDesktop settings and persists them to the registry. Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.AD_APPLY_* flags Returns: None """ ... def GetWallpaper(self, cchWallpaper: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the current wallpaper Args: cchWallpaper(typing.Any):Number of characters to allocate for buffer Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetWallpaper(self, Wallpaper: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the desktop wallpaper Args: Wallpaper(typing.Any):File to be used as new wallpaper Reserved(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def GetWallpaperOptions(self, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns wallpaper style Args: Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed inReturn ValueReturns one of the WPSTYLE_* values Returns: typing.Any:Use 0 if passed in Return ValueReturns one of the WPSTYLE_* values """ ... def SetWallpaperOptions(self, Style: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets wallpaper style Args: Style(typing.Any):The wallpaper style, one of the WPSTYLE_* constants Reserved(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def GetPattern(self, cchPattern: typing.Any = ..., Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Returns the wallpaper pattern Args: cchPattern(typing.Any):Number of characters to allocate for buffer Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed inReturn ValueReturns a unicode string containing decimal values representing the pattern Returns: None:Use 0 if passed in Return ValueReturns a unicode string containing decimal values representing the pattern """ ... def SetPattern(self, Pattern: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the wallpaper pattern Args: Pattern(typing.Any):String of decimal numbers representing a picture Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def GetDesktopItemOptions(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns options for Active Desktop. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIActiveDesktop.GetDesktopItemOptions dict = GetDesktopItemOptions()Returns options for Active Desktop. Return ValueReturns a COMPONENTSOPT dictionary """ ... def SetDesktopItemOptions(self, comp: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets Active Desktop options Args: comp(typing.Any):COMPONENTSOPT dictionary Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def AddDesktopItem(self, comp: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates a new item to display on the desktop Args: comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def AddDesktopItemWithUI(self, hwnd: int, comp: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds a desktop item, allowing user interaction Args: hwnd(int):Handle to parent window comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary Flags(typing.Any):One of shellcon.DTI_ADDUI_* flags Returns: None """ ... def ModifyDesktopItem(self, comp: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Changes parameters for a desktop item Args: comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.COMP_ELEM_* flags Returns: None """ ... def RemoveDesktopItem(self, comp: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Removes an item from the Active Desktop Args: comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary specifying which component to remove Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def GetDesktopItemCount(self) -> None: """ Returns number of defined desktop items. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDesktopItem(self, Component: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns desktop item parameters by index Args: Component(typing.Any):The zero-based index of the component to get Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed inReturn ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary describing the item Returns: typing.Any:Use 0 if passed in Return ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary describing the item """ ... def GetDesktopItemByID(self, ID: typing.Any, reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns desktop item parameters by Id Args: ID(typing.Any):The Id of the desktop item reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed inReturn ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary Returns: typing.Any:Use 0 if passed in Return ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary """ ... def GenerateDesktopItemHtml(self, FileName: typing.Any, comp: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates an HTML page for the desktop item Args: FileName(typing.Any):Name of file to be created comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary specifying the desktop item Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed in Returns: None """ ... def AddUrl(self, hwnd: int, Source: typing.Any, comp: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds a web page to desktop, allowing user interaction Args: hwnd(int):Parent windows for any user interactive Source(typing.Any):Source URL comp(typing.Any):COMPONENT dictionary Flags(typing.Any):ADDURL_SILENT, or 0 Returns: None """ ... def GetDesktopItemBySource(self, Source: typing.Any, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns desktop item parameters by URL Args: Source(typing.Any):The URL address of the item to retrieve Reserved(typing.Any):Use 0 if passed inReturn ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary Returns: typing.Any:Use 0 if passed in Return ValueReturns a COMPONENT dictionary """ ... class PyIActiveDesktopP: """An interface to the ActiveDesktop""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetSafeMode(self, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Changes Active Desktop to safe mode Args: Flags(typing.Any):One of shellcon.SSM_* flags Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveScriptDebug: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetScriptTextAttributes(self, pstrCode: str, pstrDelimiter: str, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Returns the text attributes for an arbitrary block of script text. Args: pstrCode(str):The script block text. pstrDelimiter(str):See PyIActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText for a description of this argument. dwFlags(typing.Any):See PyIActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText for a description of this argument.CommentsSmart hosts use this call to delegate GetText calls made on their axscript::PyIDebugDocumentText Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...] """ ... def GetScriptletTextAttributes(self, pstrCode: str, pstrDelimiter: str, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetScriptletTextAttributes. Args: pstrCode(str):The script block text. pstrDelimiter(str):See PyIActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText for a description of this argument. dwFlags(typing.Any):See PyIActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText for a description of this argument. Returns: None """ ... def EnumCodeContextsOfPosition(self, dwSourceContext: typing.Any, uCharacterOffset: typing.Any, uNumChars: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EnumCodeContextsOfPosition. Args: dwSourceContext(typing.Any):Description for dwSourceContext uCharacterOffset(typing.Any):Description for uCharacterOffset uNumChars(typing.Any):Description for uNumChars Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveScriptError: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetExceptionInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetExceptionInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSourcePosition(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSourcePosition. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSourceLineText(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSourceLineText. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveScriptErrorDebug: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocumentContext(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDocumentContext. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetStackFrame(self) -> None: """ Description of GetStackFrame. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveScriptParseProcedure: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ParseProcedureText(self, pstrCode: typing.Any, pstrFormalParams: typing.Any, pstrProcedureName: typing.Any, pstrItemName: typing.Any, punkContext: PyIUnknown, pstrDelimiter: typing.Any, dwSourceContextCookie: typing.Any, ulStartingLineNumber: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ParseProcedureText. Args: pstrCode(typing.Any):Description for pstrCode pstrFormalParams(typing.Any):Description for pstrFormalParams pstrProcedureName(typing.Any):Description for pstrProcedureName pstrItemName(typing.Any):Description for pstrItemName punkContext(PyIUnknown):Description for punkContext pstrDelimiter(typing.Any):Description for pstrDelimiter dwSourceContextCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwSourceContextCookie ulStartingLineNumber(typing.Any):Description for ulStartingLineNumber dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... class PyIActiveScriptSite: """An object providing the IActiveScriptSite interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLCID(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDocVersionString(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnStateChange(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnEnterScript(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnLeaveScript(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnScriptError(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnScriptTerminate(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIActiveScriptSiteDebug: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocumentContextFromPosition(self, dwSourceContext: typing.Any, uCharacterOffset: typing.Any, uNumChars: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetDocumentContextFromPosition. Args: dwSourceContext(typing.Any):Description for dwSourceContext uCharacterOffset(typing.Any):Description for uCharacterOffset uNumChars(typing.Any):Description for uNumChars Returns: None """ ... def GetApplication(self) -> None: """ Description of GetApplication. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetRootApplicationNode(self) -> None: """ Description of GetRootApplicationNode. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnScriptErrorDebug(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Allows a smart host to control the handling of runtime errors Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:PyIActiveScriptSiteDebug.OnScriptErrorDebug int, int = OnScriptErrorDebug()Allows a smart host to control the handling of runtime errors Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (bCallDebugger, bCallOnScriptErrorWhenContinuing) """ ... class PyIAddrBook: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ResolveName(self, uiParm: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, entryTitle: str, ADRLIST: typing.Any) -> None: """ Performs name resolution, assigning entry identifiers to recipients in a recipient list. Args: uiParm(typing.Any):hwnd of a dialogs parent. flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls whether a dialog box can be displayed. entryTitle(str): ADRLIST(typing.Any):Partial addresses to resolve. Returns: None """ ... def OpenEntry(self, entryId: str, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens a folder or message and returns an interface object for further access. Args: entryId(str):The entryID of the object iid(PyIID):The IID of the object to return, or None for the default IID flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls how the object is opened. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CompareEntryIDs(self, entryId: str, entryId1: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Compares two entry identifiers belonging to a particular address book provider to determine if they refer to the same address book object Args: entryId(str):The first entry ID to be compared entryId1(str):The second entry ID to be compared flags(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero.Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. Returns: typing.Any:Reserved - must be zero. Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. """ ... class PyIApplicationDebugger: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryAlive(self) -> None: """ Returns true if alive, else false. Args: Returns: None """ ... def CreateInstanceAtDebugger(self, rclsid: PyIID, pUnkOuter: PyIUnknown, dwClsContext: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> None: """ Create objects in the application process address space. Args: rclsid(PyIID):Description for rclsid pUnkOuter(PyIUnknown):Description for pUnkOuter dwClsContext(typing.Any):Description for dwClsContext riid(PyIID):Description for riidCommentsProvides a mechanism for the debugger IDE, running out-of-process to the application, to create objects in the application process. This method simply delegates to CoCreateInstance. Returns: None """ ... def onDebugOutput(self, pstr: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: pstr(typing.Any):Description for pstrCommentsThe debugger can use this to display the string in an output window. Returns: None """ ... def onHandleBreakPoint(self, prpt: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread, br: typing.Any, pError: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called when a breakpoint is hit. Args: prpt(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prpt br(typing.Any):Description for br pError(typing.Any):Description for pErrorCommentsThe application will remain suspended until the debugger IDE calls PyIDebugApplication::ResumeFromBreakPoint. Returns: None """ ... def onClose(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def onDebuggerEvent(self, guid: PyIID, uUnknown: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Description of onDebuggerEvent. Args: guid(PyIID): uUnknown(PyIUnknown):CommentsThe semantics of guid and unknown are entirely application/debugger defined This method may return E_NOTIMPL. Returns: None """ ... class PyIApplicationDestinations: """Allows an application to removed items from its jump lists""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetAppID(self, AppID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specifies the application whose jump list is to be accessed Args: AppID(typing.Any):Taskbar identifier for the applicationCommentsThis method is only needed if the application sets its own taskbar identifier Returns: None """ ... def RemoveDestination(self, punk: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Removes a single entry from the jump lists Args: punk(PyIUnknown):IShellItem or IShellLink representing an item in the application's jump listCommentsDoes not remove pinned items Returns: None """ ... def RemoveAllDestinations(self) -> None: """ Removes all Recent and Frequent jump list entries Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIApplicationDocumentLists: """Interface used to retrieve the jump lists for an application""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetAppID(self, AppID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specifies the application whose jump list is to be accessed Args: AppID(typing.Any):Taskbar identifier for the applicationCommentsThis method is only needed if the application sets its own taskbar identifier Returns: None """ ... def GetList(self, ListType: typing.Any, riid: PyIID, ItemsDesired: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIEnumObjects: """ Retrieves a list of items in a jump list Args: ListType(typing.Any):Type of document list to return, shellcon.ADLT_RECENT or ADLT_FREQUENT riid(PyIID):The interface to return, IID_IEnumObjects or IID_IObjectArray ItemsDesired(typing.Any):Number of items to return, use 0 for all available Returns: PyIEnumObjects """ ... class PyIAsyncOperation: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetAsyncMode(self, fDoOpAsync: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetAsyncMode. Args: fDoOpAsync(typing.Any):Description for fDoOpAsync Returns: None """ ... def GetAsyncMode(self) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetAsyncMode. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def StartOperation(self, pbcReserved: PyIBindCtx) -> None: """ Description of StartOperation. Args: pbcReserved(PyIBindCtx):Description for pbcReserved Returns: None """ ... def InOperation(self) -> None: """ Description of InOperation. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EndOperation(self, hResult: typing.Any, pbcReserved: PyIBindCtx, dwEffects: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EndOperation. Args: hResult(typing.Any):Description for hResult pbcReserved(PyIBindCtx):Description for pbcReserved dwEffects(typing.Any):Description for dwEffects Returns: None """ ... class PyIAttach: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIBindCtx: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetRunningObjectTable(self) -> PyIRunningObjectTable: """ Retrieves an object interfacing to the Running Object Table. Args: Returns: PyIRunningObjectTable """ ... def GetBindOptions(self) -> PyBIND_OPTS: """ Retrieves the bind options for the bind context Args: Returns: PyBIND_OPTS """ ... def SetBindOptions(self, bindopts: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the bind options for the context Args: bindopts(typing.Any):PyBIND_OPTS dictionary containing the binding options Returns: None """ ... def RegisterObjectParam(self, Key: str, punk: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Adds an object to the context's keyed table of associated objects Args: Key(str):The string key for the object to be registered punk(PyIUnknown):COM object to be registered with the bind context Returns: None """ ... def RevokeObjectParam(self, Key: str) -> None: """ Removes one of the bind context's registered objects Args: Key(str):The string key for the object to be removed Returns: None """ ... def GetObjectParam(self, Key: str) -> PyIUnknown: """ Returns one of the bind context's associated objects Args: Key(str):The string key for the object to be returned Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def EnumObjectParam(self) -> PyIEnumString: """ Creates an enumerator to list context's string keys Args: Returns: PyIEnumString """ ... class PyIBrowserFrameOptions: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetFrameOptions(self, dwMask: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetFrameOptions. Args: dwMask(typing.Any):Description for dwMask Returns: None """ ... class PyICancelMethodCalls: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Cancel(self, Seconds: typing.Any) -> None: """ Cancels a pending call Args: Seconds(typing.Any):Wait timeout in seconds Returns: None """ ... def TestCancel(self) -> typing.Any: """ Checks if a request has been made to cancel a call Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyICancelMethodCalls.TestCancel int = TestCancel()Checks if a request has been made to cancel a call Return ValueCan return RPC_S_CALLPENDING or RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED """ ... class PyICatInformation: """A Python interface to ICatInformation""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumCategories(self, lcid: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO: """ Returns an enumerator for the component categories registered on the system. Args: lcid(typing.Any):lcid Returns: PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO """ ... def GetCategoryDesc(self, lcid: typing.Any = ...) -> str: """ Retrieves the localized description string for a specific category ID. Args: lcid(typing.Any):lcidCommentsThe return type is a unicode object. Returns: str """ ... def EnumClassesOfCategories(self, listIIdImplemented: typing.List[PyIID] = ..., listIIdRequired: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIEnumGUID: """ Returns an enumerator over the classes that implement one or more interfaces. Args: listIIdImplemented(typing.List[PyIID]):A sequence of PyIID objects, or None. listIIdRequired(typing.Any):A sequence of PyIID objects, or None. Returns: PyIEnumGUID """ ... class PyICatRegister: """An interface to a COM ICatRegister interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def RegisterCategories(self, arg: typing.List[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, str]]) -> None: """ Registers one or more component categories. Each component category consists of a CATID and a list of locale-dependent description strings. Args: arg(typing.List[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, str]]):A sequence of category descriptions. Returns: None """ ... def UnRegisterCategories(self, arg: typing.List[PyIID]) -> None: """ Unregister one or more previously registered categories. Args: arg(typing.List[PyIID]):The list of category IDs to be unregistered. Returns: None """ ... def RegisterClassImplCategories(self, clsid: PyIID, arg: typing.List[PyIID]) -> None: """ Registers the class as implementing one or more component categories. Args: clsid(PyIID):Class ID of the relevent class arg(typing.List[PyIID]):A sequence of category IDs to be associated with the class. Returns: None """ ... def UnRegisterClassImplCategories(self, clsid: PyIID, arg: typing.List[PyIID]) -> None: """ Unregisters the class as implementing one or more component categories. Args: clsid(PyIID):Class ID of the relevent class arg(typing.List[PyIID]):A sequence of category IDs to be unregistered from the class. Returns: None """ ... def RegisterClassReqCategories(self, clsid: PyIID, arg: typing.List[PyIID]) -> None: """ Registers the class as requiring one or more component categories. Args: clsid(PyIID):Class ID of the relevent class arg(typing.List[PyIID]):A sequence of category IDs to be associated with the class. Returns: None """ ... def UnRegisterClassReqCategories(self, clsid: PyIID, arg: typing.List[PyIID]) -> None: """ Unregisters the class as requiring one or more component categories. Args: clsid(PyIID):Class ID of the relevent class arg(typing.List[PyIID]):A sequence of category IDs to be unregistered for the class. Returns: None """ ... class PyICategoryProvider: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CanCategorizeOnSCID(self, pscid: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CanCategorizeOnSCID. Args: pscid(typing.Any):Description for pscid Returns: None """ ... def GetDefaultCategory(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDefaultCategory. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCategoryForSCID(self, pscid: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetCategoryForSCID. Args: pscid(typing.Any):Description for pscid Returns: None """ ... def EnumCategories(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumCategories. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCategoryName(self, guid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of GetCategoryName. Args: guid(PyIID):Description for pguidCommentsThe buffer is always 1024 chars long Returns: None """ ... def CreateCategory(self, guid: PyIID, riid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of CreateCategory. Args: guid(PyIID):Description for pguid riid(PyIID):Description for riid Returns: None """ ... class PyIClassFactory: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateInstance(self, outerUnknown: PyIUnknown, iid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Creates an uninitialized object. Args: outerUnknown(PyIUnknown):Usually None, otherwise the outer unknown if the object is being created as part of an aggregate. iid(PyIID):The IID of the resultant object.Return ValueThe result object will always be derived from PyIUnknown, but will be of the type specified by iid. Returns: PyIUnknown:The IID of the resultant object.Return ValueThe result object will always be derived from PyIUnknown, but will be of the type specified by iid. """ ... def LockServer(self, bInc: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called by the client of a class object to keep a server open in memory, allowing instances to be created more quickly. Args: bInc(typing.Any):1 of the server should be locked, 0 if the server should be unlocked. Returns: None """ ... class PyIClientSecurity: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryBlanket(self, Proxy: PyIUnknown) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the authentication settings for an interface Args: Proxy(PyIUnknown):An interface created through a proxy Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetBlanket(self, Proxy: PyIUnknown, AuthnSvc: typing.Any, AuthzSvc: typing.Any, ServerPrincipalName: str, AuthnLevel: typing.Any, ImpLevel: typing.Any, AuthInfo: typing.Any, Capabilities: typing.Any) -> None: """ Changes the authentication options used with an interface Args: Proxy(PyIUnknown):The proxy interface for which to set security options AuthnSvc(typing.Any):Authentication service identifier, pythoncom.RPC_C_AUTHN_* (but not RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_*) AuthzSvc(typing.Any):Authorization service identifier, pythoncom.RPC_C_AUTHZ_* ServerPrincipalName(str):SPN that identifies the server, can be None AuthnLevel(typing.Any):Authentication level, pythoncom.RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_* ImpLevel(typing.Any):Impersonation level, pythoncom.RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_* AuthInfo(typing.Any):Not supported yet, use only None Capabilities(typing.Any):Combination of pythoncom.EOAC_* flags. Must be a subset of the capabilities of the specified authentication service. Returns: None """ ... def CopyProxy(self, Proxy: PyIUnknown) -> PyIUnknown: """ Makes a private copy of a proxy interface Args: Proxy(PyIUnknown):The remote interface to be copied Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... class PyIColumnProvider: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, psci: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: psci(typing.Any):Description for psci Returns: None """ ... def GetColumnInfo(self, dwIndex: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetColumnInfo. Args: dwIndex(typing.Any):Description for dwIndex Returns: None """ ... def GetItemData(self, pscid: typing.Any, pscd: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetItemData. Args: pscid(typing.Any):Description for pscid pscd(typing.Any):Description for pscd Returns: None """ ... class PyIConnectionPoint: """A Python wrapper of a COM IConnectionPoint interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetConnectionInterface(self) -> PyIID: """ Retrieves the IID of the interface represented by the connection point. Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... def GetConnectionPointContainer(self) -> PyIConnectionPointContainer: """ Gets the connection point container for the object. Args: Returns: PyIConnectionPointContainer """ ... def Advise(self, unk: PyIUnknown) -> typing.Any: """ Establishes a connection between the connection point object and the client's sink. Args: unk(PyIUnknown):The client's advise sinkReturn ValueThe result is the connection point identifier used by PyIConnectionPoint::Unadvise Returns: typing.Any:The client's advise sinkReturn ValueThe result is the connection point identifier used by PyIConnectionPoint::Unadvise """ ... def Unadvise(self, cookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Terminates an advisory connection previously established through IConnectionPoint::Advise. The dwCookie parameter identifies the connection to terminate. Args: cookie(typing.Any):The connection token Returns: None """ ... def EnumConnections(self) -> PyIEnumConnections: """ Creates an enumerator to iterate through the connections for the connection point Args: Returns: PyIEnumConnections """ ... class PyIConnectionPointContainer: """A Python wrapper of a COM IConnectionPointContainer interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumConnectionPoints(self) -> PyIEnumConnectionPoints: """ Creates an enumerator object to iterate through all the connection points supported in the connectable object, one connection point per outgoing IID. Args: Returns: PyIEnumConnectionPoints """ ... def FindConnectionPoint(self, iid: PyIID) -> PyIConnectionPoint: """ Finds a connection point for the given IID Args: iid(PyIID):The IID of the requested connection. Returns: PyIConnectionPoint """ ... class PyIContext: """Allows access to properties defined for the current context (Requires win2k or later)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetProperty(self, rpolicyId: PyIID, flags: typing.Any, pUnk: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Sets a property on the context Args: rpolicyId(PyIID):GUID identifying the property to be set flags(typing.Any):Reserved, use only 0 pUnk(PyIUnknown):The property value Returns: None """ ... def RemoveProperty(self, rPolicyId: PyIID) -> None: """ Removes a property from the context Args: rPolicyId(PyIID):GUID that identifies a context property Returns: None """ ... def GetProperty(self, rGuid: PyIID) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIUnknown]: """ Retrieves a context property Args: rGuid(PyIID):GUID that identifies a context propertyReturn ValueReturns flags (CPFLAGS is reserved, no defined values) and the IUnknown interface set for the property Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIUnknown]:GUID that identifies a context propertyReturn ValueReturns flags (CPFLAGS is reserved, no defined values) and the IUnknown interface set for the property """ ... def EnumContextProps(self) -> PyIEnumContextProps: """ Returns an enumerator for the context properties Args: Returns: PyIEnumContextProps """ ... class PyIContextMenu: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryContextMenu(self, hmenu: int, indexMenu: typing.Any, idCmdFirst: typing.Any, idCmdLast: typing.Any, uFlags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Adds options to a context menu Args: hmenu(int):Handle to menu to which items should be added indexMenu(typing.Any):Zero-based index at which to add first item idCmdFirst(typing.Any):Minimum menu item Id idCmdLast(typing.Any):Max menu item Id uFlags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.CMF_* flags, can be 0 Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InvokeCommand(self, pici: PyCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO) -> None: """ Executes a context menu option Args: pici(PyCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO):Tuple of parameters representing a CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO struct Returns: None """ ... def GetCommandString(self, idCmd: typing.Any, uType: typing.Any, cchMax: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves verb or help text for a context menu option Args: idCmd(typing.Any):Id of the command uType(typing.Any):One of the shellcon.GCS_* constants cchMax(typing.Any):Size of buffer to create for returned string Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyICopyHookA: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CopyCallback(self, hwnd: typing.Any, wFunc: typing.Any, wFlags: typing.Any, srcFile: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], srcAttribs: typing.Any, destFile: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], destAttribs: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CopyCallback. Args: hwnd(typing.Any):Description for hwnd wFunc(typing.Any):Description for wFunc wFlags(typing.Any):Description for wFlags srcFile(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):Description for srcFile srcAttribs(typing.Any):Description for srcAttribs destFile(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):Description for destFile destAttribs(typing.Any):Description for destAttribs Returns: None """ ... class PyICopyHookW: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CopyCallback(self, hwnd: typing.Any, wFunc: typing.Any, wFlags: typing.Any, srcFile: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], srcAttribs: typing.Any, destFile: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], destAttribs: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CopyCallback. Args: hwnd(typing.Any):Description for hwnd wFunc(typing.Any):Description for wFunc wFlags(typing.Any):Description for wFlags srcFile(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):Description for srcFile srcAttribs(typing.Any):Description for srcAttribs destFile(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):Description for destFile destAttribs(typing.Any):Description for destAttribs Returns: None """ ... class PyICreateTypeInfo: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetGuid(self, guid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of SetGuid. Args: guid(PyIID):Description for guid Returns: None """ ... def SetTypeFlags(self, uTypeFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetTypeFlags. Args: uTypeFlags(typing.Any):Description for uTypeFlags Returns: None """ ... def SetDocString(self, pStrDoc: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDocString. Args: pStrDoc(typing.Any):Description for pStrDoc Returns: None """ ... def SetHelpContext(self, dwHelpContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHelpContext. Args: dwHelpContext(typing.Any):Description for dwHelpContext Returns: None """ ... def SetVersion(self, wMajorVerNum: typing.Any, wMinorVerNum: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVersion. Args: wMajorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMajorVerNum wMinorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMinorVerNum Returns: None """ ... def AddRefTypeInfo(self, pTInfo: PyITypeInfo) -> None: """ Description of AddRefTypeInfo. Args: pTInfo(PyITypeInfo):Description for pTInfo Returns: None """ ... def AddFuncDesc(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AddFuncDesc. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index Returns: None """ ... def AddImplType(self, index: typing.Any, hRefType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AddImplType. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index hRefType(typing.Any):A hRefType Returns: None """ ... def SetImplTypeFlags(self, index: typing.Any, implTypeFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetImplTypeFlags. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index implTypeFlags(typing.Any):Description for implTypeFlags Returns: None """ ... def SetAlignment(self, cbAlignment: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetAlignment. Args: cbAlignment(typing.Any):Description for cbAlignment Returns: None """ ... def SetSchema(self, pStrSchema: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetSchema. Args: pStrSchema(typing.Any):Description for pStrSchema Returns: None """ ... def AddVarDesc(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AddVarDesc. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index Returns: None """ ... def SetFuncAndParamNames(self, index: typing.Any, rgszNames: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> None: """ Description of SetFuncAndParamNames. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the item to set. rgszNames(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):A sequence of unicode or String objects. Returns: None """ ... def SetVarName(self, index: typing.Any, szName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVarName. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index szName(typing.Any):Description for szName Returns: None """ ... def SetTypeDescAlias(self) -> None: """ Description of SetTypeDescAlias. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DefineFuncAsDllEntry(self, index: typing.Any, szDllName: typing.Any, szProcName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of DefineFuncAsDllEntry. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index szDllName(typing.Any):Description for szDllName szProcName(typing.Any):Description for szProcName Returns: None """ ... def SetFuncDocString(self, index: typing.Any, szDocString: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetFuncDocString. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index szDocString(typing.Any):Description for szDocString Returns: None """ ... def SetVarDocString(self, index: typing.Any, szDocString: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVarDocString. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index szDocString(typing.Any):Description for szDocString Returns: None """ ... def SetFuncHelpContext(self, index: typing.Any, dwHelpContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetFuncHelpContext. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index dwHelpContext(typing.Any):Description for dwHelpContext Returns: None """ ... def SetVarHelpContext(self, index: typing.Any, dwHelpContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVarHelpContext. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index dwHelpContext(typing.Any):Description for dwHelpContext Returns: None """ ... def SetMops(self, index: typing.Any, bstrMops: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetMops. Args: index(typing.Any):Description for index bstrMops(typing.Any):Description for bstrMops Returns: None """ ... def LayOut(self) -> None: """ Description of LayOut. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyICreateTypeLib: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateTypeInfo(self, szName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CreateTypeInfo. Args: szName(typing.Any):Description for szName Returns: None """ ... def SetName(self, szName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetName. Args: szName(typing.Any):Description for szName Returns: None """ ... def SetVersion(self, wMajorVerNum: typing.Any, wMinorVerNum: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVersion. Args: wMajorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMajorVerNum wMinorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMinorVerNum Returns: None """ ... def SetGuid(self, guid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of SetGuid. Args: guid(PyIID):Description for guid Returns: None """ ... def SetDocString(self, szDoc: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDocString. Args: szDoc(typing.Any):Description for szDoc Returns: None """ ... def SetHelpFileName(self, szHelpFileName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHelpFileName. Args: szHelpFileName(typing.Any):Description for szHelpFileName Returns: None """ ... def SetHelpContext(self, dwHelpContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHelpContext. Args: dwHelpContext(typing.Any):Description for dwHelpContext Returns: None """ ... def SetLcid(self) -> None: """ Description of SetLcid. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetLibFlags(self, uLibFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetLibFlags. Args: uLibFlags(typing.Any):Description for uLibFlags Returns: None """ ... def SaveAllChanges(self) -> None: """ Description of SaveAllChanges. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyICreateTypeLib2: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateTypeInfo(self, szName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CreateTypeInfo. Args: szName(typing.Any):Description for szName Returns: None """ ... def SetName(self, szName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetName. Args: szName(typing.Any):Description for szName Returns: None """ ... def SetVersion(self, wMajorVerNum: typing.Any, wMinorVerNum: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetVersion. Args: wMajorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMajorVerNum wMinorVerNum(typing.Any):Description for wMinorVerNum Returns: None """ ... def SetGuid(self, guid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of SetGuid. Args: guid(PyIID):Description for guid Returns: None """ ... def SetDocString(self, szDoc: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDocString. Args: szDoc(typing.Any):Description for szDoc Returns: None """ ... def SetHelpFileName(self, szHelpFileName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHelpFileName. Args: szHelpFileName(typing.Any):Description for szHelpFileName Returns: None """ ... def SetHelpContext(self, dwHelpContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHelpContext. Args: dwHelpContext(typing.Any):Description for dwHelpContext Returns: None """ ... def SetLcid(self) -> None: """ Description of SetLcid. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetLibFlags(self, uLibFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetLibFlags. Args: uLibFlags(typing.Any):Description for uLibFlags Returns: None """ ... def SaveAllChanges(self) -> None: """ Description of SaveAllChanges. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyICurrentItem: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyICustomDestinationList: """Interface used to customize an application's jump list""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetAppID(self, AppID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specifies the taskbar identifier for the jump list Args: AppID(typing.Any):The taskbar identifier of the applicationCommentsOnly needed if the calling app doesn't use the system-assigned default Returns: None """ ... def BeginList(self, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIObjectArray]: """ Clears the jump list and prepares it to be repopulated Args: riid(PyIID):The interface to returnReturn ValueReturns the number of slots and a collection of all destinations removed from the jump list Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIObjectArray]:The interface to return Return ValueReturns the number of slots and a collection of all destinations removed from the jump list """ ... def AppendCategory(self, Category: typing.Any, Items: PyIObjectArray) -> None: """ Adds a custom category to the jump list Args: Category(typing.Any):Display name of the category, can also be a dll and resource id for localization Items(PyIObjectArray):Collection of IShellItem and/or IShellLink interfaces Returns: None """ ... def AppendKnownCategory(self, Category: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds one of the predefined categories to the custom list Args: Category(typing.Any):shellcon.KDC_RECENT or KDC_FREQUENT Returns: None """ ... def AddUserTasks(self, Items: PyIObjectArray) -> None: """ Sets the entries shown in the Tasks category Args: Items(PyIObjectArray):Collection of PyIShellItem and/or PyIShellLink interfaces Returns: None """ ... def CommitList(self) -> None: """ Finalizes changes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetRemovedDestinations(self, riid: PyIID) -> PyIObjectArray: """ Returns all the items removed from the jump list Args: riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIObjectArray """ ... def DeleteList(self, AppID: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Removes any customization, leaving only the system-maintained Recent and Frequent lists Args: AppID(typing.Any):The taskbar identifier of the application Returns: None """ ... def AbortList(self) -> None: """ Discards all changes Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDL: """A Python representation of an IDL. Implemented as a sequence of Python strings. FALSE*/, UINT *pcb /* = NULL */)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIDataObject: """Used to transfer data in various formats throughout the shell""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetData(self, pformatetcIn: PyFORMATETC) -> PySTGMEDIUM: """ Retrieves data from the object in specified format Args: pformatetcIn(PyFORMATETC):Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing how the data should be returned Returns: PySTGMEDIUM """ ... def GetDataHere(self, pformatetcIn: PyFORMATETC) -> PySTGMEDIUM: """ Retunrs a copy of the object's data in specified format Args: pformatetcIn(PyFORMATETC):Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing how the data should be returned Returns: PySTGMEDIUM """ ... def QueryGetData(self, pformatetc: PyFORMATETC) -> None: """ Checks if the objects supports returning data in a particular format. Args: pformatetc(PyFORMATETC):Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing how the data should be returnedReturn ValueReturns None if the object supports the specified format, otherwise an error is raised. Returns: None:Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing how the data should be returnedReturn ValueReturns None if the object supports the specified format, otherwise an error is raised. """ ... def GetCanonicalFormatEtc(self, pformatectIn: PyFORMATETC) -> PyFORMATETC: """ Transforms a FORMATECT data description into a general format that the object supports Args: pformatectIn(PyFORMATETC):Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing how the data should be returned Returns: PyFORMATETC """ ... def SetData(self, pformatetc: PyFORMATETC, pmedium: PySTGMEDIUM, fRelease: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the data that the object will return. Args: pformatetc(PyFORMATETC):Tuple representing a FORMATETC struct describing the type of data to be set pmedium(PySTGMEDIUM):The data to be placed in the object fRelease(typing.Any):If True, transfers ownership of the data to the object. If False, caller is responsible for releasing the STGMEDIUM. Returns: None """ ... def EnumFormatEtc(self, dwDirection: typing.Any) -> PyIEnumFORMATETC: """ Returns an enumerator to list the data formats that the object supports. Args: dwDirection(typing.Any):Indicates whether to return formats that can be queried or set (pythoncom.DATADIR_GET or DATADIR_SET) Returns: PyIEnumFORMATETC """ ... def DAdvise(self, pformatetc: PyFORMATETC, advf: typing.Any, pAdvSink: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Connects the object to an interface that will receive notifications when its data changes Args: pformatetc(PyFORMATETC):Defines the type of data for which the sink will receive notifications. advf(typing.Any):Combination of values from ADVF enum. (which currently do not appear in any of the constants modules!) pAdvSink(typing.Any):Currently this interface is not wrapped.Return ValueReturns a unique number that is used to identify the connection Returns: typing.Any:Currently this interface is not wrapped.Return ValueReturns a unique number that is used to identify the connection """ ... def DUnadvise(self, dwConnection: typing.Any) -> None: """ Disconnects a notification sink. Args: dwConnection(typing.Any):Identifier of the connection as returned by DAdvise. Returns: None """ ... def EnumDAdvise(self) -> typing.Any: """ Creates an enumerator to list connected notification sinks. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIDebugApplication: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetName(self, pstrName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the name of the application. Args: pstrName(typing.Any):The name of the application.CommentsThe provided name will be returned in subsequent calls to >om PyIRemoteDebugApplication.GetName>. Returns: None """ ... def StepOutComplete(self) -> None: """ Called by language engines, in single step mode, just before they return to their caller. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DebugOutput(self, pstr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Causes the given string to be displayed by the debugger IDE, normally in an output window. Args: pstr(typing.Any):Description for pstrCommentsThis mechanism provides the means for a language engine to implement language specific debugging output support. Example: Debug.writeln("Help") in JavaScript. Returns: None """ ... def StartDebugSession(self) -> None: """ Causes a default debugger IDE to be started and a debug session to be attached to this application if one does not already exist. Args: Returns: None """ ... def HandleBreakPoint(self, br: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Called by the language engine in the context of a thread that has hit a breakpoint. Args: br(typing.Any):Break reason - one of the BREAKREASON_* constants.CommentsThis method causes the current thread to block and a notification of the breakpoint to be sent to the debugger IDE. When the debugger IDE resumes the application this method returns with the action to be taken.Note: While in the breakpoint the language engine may be called in this thread to do various things such as enumerating stack frames or evaluating expressions.Return ValueThe result is the break resume action - one of the BREAKRESUMEACTION contsants. Returns: typing.Any:Break reason - one of the BREAKREASON_* constants.Comments This method causes the current thread to block and a notification of the breakpoint to be sent to the debugger IDE. When the debugger IDE resumes the application this method returns with the action to be taken. Note: While in the breakpoint the language engine may be called in this thread to do various things such as enumerating stack frames or evaluating expressions. Return ValueThe result is the break resume action - one of the BREAKRESUMEACTION contsants. """ ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Causes this application to release all references and enter a zombie state. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetBreakFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the current break flags for the application. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCurrentThread(self) -> PyIDebugApplicationThread: """ Returns the application thread object associated with the currently running thread. Args: Returns: PyIDebugApplicationThread """ ... def CreateAsyncDebugOperation(self, psdo: PyIDebugSyncOperation) -> None: """ None Args: psdo(PyIDebugSyncOperation):Description for psdoCommentsThis provides a mechanism for language engines to implement asynchronous expression and evaluation, etc. without having to know the details of synchronization with the debugger thread. See the descriptions for PyIDebugSyncOperation and PyIDebugAsyncOperation for more details. Returns: None """ ... def AddStackFrameSniffer(self, pdsfs: PyIDebugStackFrameSniffer) -> typing.Any: """ Adds a stack frame sniffer to this application. Args: pdsfs(PyIDebugStackFrameSniffer):Description for pdsfsCommentsGenerally called by a language engine to expose its stack frames to the debugger. It is possible for other entities to expose stack frames.Return ValueThe result is an integer cookie, to be passed to PyIDebugApplication::RemoveStackFrameSniffer Returns: typing.Any:Description for pdsfsComments Generally called by a language engine to expose its stack frames to the debugger. It is possible for other entities to expose stack frames. Return ValueThe result is an integer cookie, to be passed to PyIDebugApplication::RemoveStackFrameSniffer """ ... def RemoveStackFrameSniffer(self, dwCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Removes a stack frame sniffer from this application. Args: dwCookie(typing.Any):A cookie obtained from PyIDebugApplication::AddStackFrameSniffer Returns: None """ ... def QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread(self) -> None: """ Determines if the current running thread is the debugger thread. Args: Returns: None:PyIDebugApplication.QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread()Determines if the current running thread is the debugger thread. Return ValueReturns S_OK if the current running thread is the debugger thread. Otherwise, returns S_FALSE. """ ... def SynchronousCallInDebuggerThread(self, pptc: typing.Any, dwParam1: typing.Any, dwParam2: typing.Any, dwParam3: typing.Any) -> None: """ Provides a mechanism for the caller to run code in the debugger thread. Args: pptc(typing.Any):Description for pptc dwParam1(typing.Any):Description for dwParam1 dwParam2(typing.Any):Description for dwParam2 dwParam3(typing.Any):Description for dwParam3CommentsThis is generally used so that language engines and hosts can implement free threaded objects on top of their single threaded implementations. Returns: None """ ... def CreateApplicationNode(self) -> PyIDebugApplicationNode: """ Creates a new application node which is associated with a specific document provider. Args: Returns: PyIDebugApplicationNode """ ... def FireDebuggerEvent(self, guid: typing.Any, unknown: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Fire a generic event to the IApplicationDebugger (if any) Args: guid(typing.Any):A GUID. unknown(PyIUnknown):An unknown object. Returns: None """ ... def HandleRuntimeError(self, pErrorDebug: PyIActiveScriptErrorDebug, pScriptSite: PyIActiveScriptSite) -> None: """ Description of HandleRuntimeError. Args: pErrorDebug(PyIActiveScriptErrorDebug):Description for pErrorDebug pScriptSite(PyIActiveScriptSite):Description for pScriptSite Returns: None """ ... def FCanJitDebug(self) -> None: """ Description of FCanJitDebug. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled(self) -> None: """ Description of FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled. Args: Returns: None """ ... def AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider(self, pdsfs: PyIProvideExpressionContexts) -> None: """ Description of AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider. Args: pdsfs(PyIProvideExpressionContexts):Description for pdsfs Returns: None """ ... def RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider(self, dwCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider. Args: dwCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwCookie Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugApplicationNode: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumChildren(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumChildren. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetParent(self) -> PyIDebugApplicationNode: """ Returns the parent node. Args: Returns: PyIDebugApplicationNode """ ... def SetDocumentProvider(self, pddp: PyIDebugDocumentProvider) -> None: """ Description of SetDocumentProvider. Args: pddp(PyIDebugDocumentProvider):Description for pddp Returns: None """ ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Description of Close. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Attach(self, pdanParent: PyIDebugApplicationNode) -> None: """ Attach a node to its parent. Args: pdanParent(PyIDebugApplicationNode):The parent node. None is not acceptable. Returns: None """ ... def Detach(self) -> None: """ Detach a node from its parent. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugApplicationNodeEvents: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def onAddChild(self, prddpChild: PyIDebugApplicationNode) -> None: """ Description of onAddChild. Args: prddpChild(PyIDebugApplicationNode):Description for prddpChild Returns: None """ ... def onRemoveChild(self, prddpChild: PyIDebugApplicationNode) -> None: """ Description of onRemoveChild. Args: prddpChild(PyIDebugApplicationNode):Description for prddpChild Returns: None """ ... def onDetach(self) -> None: """ Description of onDetach. Args: Returns: None """ ... def onAttach(self, prddpParent: PyIDebugApplicationNode) -> None: """ Description of onAttach. Args: prddpParent(PyIDebugApplicationNode):Description for prddpParent Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugApplicationThread: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SynchronousCallIntoThread(self, pstcb: typing.Any, dwParam1: typing.Any, dwParam2: typing.Any, dwParam3: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SynchronousCallIntoThread. Args: pstcb(typing.Any):Description for pstcb dwParam1(typing.Any):Description for dwParam1 dwParam2(typing.Any):Description for dwParam2 dwParam3(typing.Any):Description for dwParam3 Returns: None """ ... def QueryIsCurrentThread(self) -> None: """ Description of QueryIsCurrentThread. Args: Returns: None """ ... def QueryIsDebuggerThread(self) -> None: """ Description of QueryIsDebuggerThread. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugCodeContext: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocumentContext(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDocumentContext. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetBreakPoint(self, bps: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetBreakPoint. Args: bps(typing.Any):Description for bps Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocument: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIDebugDocumentContext: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocument(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDocument. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnumCodeContexts(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumCodeContexts. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentHelper: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Init(self, pda: PyIDebugApplication, pszShortName: typing.Any, pszLongName: typing.Any, docAttr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Init. Args: pda(PyIDebugApplication):Description for pda pszShortName(typing.Any):Description for pszShortName pszLongName(typing.Any):Description for pszLongName docAttr(typing.Any):Description for docAttr Returns: None """ ... def Attach(self, pddhParent: PyIDebugDocumentHelper) -> None: """ Add the document to the doc tree Args: pddhParent(PyIDebugDocumentHelper):Parent item. If none, this item is top level. Returns: None """ ... def Detach(self) -> None: """ Description of Detach. Args: Returns: None """ ... def AddUnicodeText(self, pszText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AddUnicodeText. Args: pszText(typing.Any):Description for pszText Returns: None """ ... def AddDBCSText(self) -> None: """ Description of AddDBCSText. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDebugDocumentHost(self, pddh: PyIDebugDocumentHost) -> None: """ Description of SetDebugDocumentHost. Args: pddh(PyIDebugDocumentHost):Description for pddh Returns: None """ ... def AddDeferredText(self, cChars: typing.Any, dwTextStartCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AddDeferredText. Args: cChars(typing.Any):Description for cChars dwTextStartCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwTextStartCookie Returns: None """ ... def DefineScriptBlock(self, ulCharOffset: typing.Any, cChars: typing.Any, pas: typing.Any, fScriptlet: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of DefineScriptBlock. Args: ulCharOffset(typing.Any):Description for ulCharOffset cChars(typing.Any):Description for cChars pas(typing.Any):Description for pas fScriptlet(typing.Any):Description for fScriptlet Returns: None """ ... def SetDefaultTextAttr(self, staTextAttr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDefaultTextAttr. Args: staTextAttr(typing.Any):Description for staTextAttr Returns: None """ ... def SetTextAttributes(self, ulCharOffset: typing.Any, obAttr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetTextAttributes. Args: ulCharOffset(typing.Any):Description for ulCharOffset obAttr(typing.Any):A sequence of attributes. Returns: None """ ... def SetLongName(self, pszLongName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetLongName. Args: pszLongName(typing.Any):Description for pszLongName Returns: None """ ... def SetShortName(self, pszShortName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetShortName. Args: pszShortName(typing.Any):Description for pszShortName Returns: None """ ... def SetDocumentAttr(self, pszAttributes: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDocumentAttr. Args: pszAttributes(typing.Any):Description for pszAttributes Returns: None """ ... def GetDebugApplicationNode(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDebugApplicationNode. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetScriptBlockInfo(self, dwSourceContext: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetScriptBlockInfo. Args: dwSourceContext(typing.Any):Description for dwSourceContext Returns: None """ ... def CreateDebugDocumentContext(self, iCharPos: typing.Any, cChars: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CreateDebugDocumentContext. Args: iCharPos(typing.Any):Description for iCharPos cChars(typing.Any):Description for cChars Returns: None """ ... def BringDocumentToTop(self) -> None: """ Description of BringDocumentToTop. Args: Returns: None """ ... def BringDocumentContextToTop(self, pddc: PyIDebugDocumentContext) -> None: """ Description of BringDocumentContextToTop. Args: pddc(PyIDebugDocumentContext):Description for pddc Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentHost: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDeferredText(self, dwTextStartCookie: typing.Any, cMaxChars: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetDeferredText. Args: dwTextStartCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwTextStartCookie cMaxChars(typing.Any):Description for cMaxChars Returns: None """ ... def GetScriptTextAttributes(self, pstrCode: typing.Any, pstrDelimiter: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetScriptTextAttributes. Args: pstrCode(typing.Any):Description for pstrCode pstrDelimiter(typing.Any):Description for pstrDelimiter dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def OnCreateDocumentContext(self) -> None: """ Description of OnCreateDocumentContext. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPathName(self) -> None: """ Description of GetPathName. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetFileName(self) -> None: """ Description of GetFileName. Args: Returns: None """ ... def NotifyChanged(self) -> None: """ Description of NotifyChanged. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentInfo: """Provides information on a document, which may or may not be instantiated.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetName(self) -> None: """ Returns the specified name for the document. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDocumentClassId(self) -> PyIID: """ Returns a CLSID describing the document type. Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentProvider: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocument(self) -> PyIDebugDocument: """ Causes the document to be instantiated if it does not already exist. Args: Returns: PyIDebugDocument """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentText: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocumentAttributes(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDocumentAttributes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSize(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSize. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPositionOfLine(self, cLineNumber: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetPositionOfLine. Args: cLineNumber(typing.Any):Description for cLineNumber Returns: None """ ... def GetLineOfPosition(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetLineOfPosition. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition Returns: None """ ... def GetText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cMaxChars: typing.Any, bWantAttr: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Description of GetText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any): cMaxChars(typing.Any):Max chars to return bWantAttr(typing.Any):Should the attributes be returned? Returns: None """ ... def GetPositionOfContext(self, psc: PyIDebugDocumentContext) -> None: """ Description of GetPositionOfContext. Args: psc(PyIDebugDocumentContext):Description for psc Returns: None """ ... def GetContextOfPosition(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumChars: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetContextOfPosition. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumChars(typing.Any):Description for cNumChars Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentTextAuthor: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InsertText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToInsert: typing.Any, pcharText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of InsertText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToInsert(typing.Any):Description for cNumToInsert pcharText(typing.Any):Description for pcharText Returns: None """ ... def RemoveText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToRemove: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of RemoveText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToRemove(typing.Any):Description for cNumToRemove Returns: None """ ... def ReplaceText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToReplace: typing.Any, pcharText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ReplaceText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToReplace(typing.Any):Description for cNumToReplace pcharText(typing.Any):Description for pcharText Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentTextEvents: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def onDestroy(self) -> None: """ Description of onDestroy. Args: Returns: None """ ... def onInsertText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToInsert: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onInsertText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToInsert(typing.Any):Description for cNumToInsert Returns: None """ ... def onRemoveText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToRemove: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onRemoveText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToRemove(typing.Any):Description for cNumToRemove Returns: None """ ... def onReplaceText(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToReplace: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onReplaceText. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToReplace(typing.Any):Description for cNumToReplace Returns: None """ ... def onUpdateTextAttributes(self, cCharacterPosition: typing.Any, cNumToUpdate: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onUpdateTextAttributes. Args: cCharacterPosition(typing.Any):Description for cCharacterPosition cNumToUpdate(typing.Any):Description for cNumToUpdate Returns: None """ ... def onUpdateDocumentAttributes(self, textdocattr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onUpdateDocumentAttributes. Args: textdocattr(typing.Any):Description for textdocattr Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugDocumentTextExternalAuthor: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPathName(self) -> None: """ Description of GetPathName. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetFileName(self) -> None: """ Description of GetFileName. Args: Returns: None """ ... def NotifyChanged(self) -> None: """ Description of NotifyChanged. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugExpression: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Start(self, pdecb: PyIDebugExpressionCallBack) -> None: """ Description of Start. Args: pdecb(PyIDebugExpressionCallBack):Description for pdecb Returns: None """ ... def Abort(self) -> None: """ Description of Abort. Args: Returns: None """ ... def QueryIsComplete(self) -> None: """ Description of QueryIsComplete. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetResultAsString(self) -> None: """ Description of GetResultAsString. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetResultAsDebugProperties(self) -> None: """ Description of GetResultAsDebugProperty. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugExpressionCallBack: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def onComplete(self) -> None: """ Description of onComplete. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugExpressionContext: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ParseLanguageText(self, pstrCode: typing.Any, nRadix: typing.Any, pstrDelimiter: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ParseLanguageText. Args: pstrCode(typing.Any):Description for pstrCode nRadix(typing.Any):Description for nRadix pstrDelimiter(typing.Any):Description for pstrDelimiter dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def GetLanguageInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetLanguageInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugProperty: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPropertyInfo(self, dwFieldSpec: typing.Any, nRadix: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetPropertyInfo. Args: dwFieldSpec(typing.Any):Description for dwFieldSpec nRadix(typing.Any):Description for nRadix Returns: None """ ... def GetExtendedInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetExtendedInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetValueAsString(self, pszValue: typing.Any, nRadix: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetValueAsString. Args: pszValue(typing.Any):Description for pszValue nRadix(typing.Any):Description for nRadix Returns: None """ ... def EnumMembers(self, dwFieldSpec: typing.Any, nRadix: typing.Any, refiid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of EnumMembers. Args: dwFieldSpec(typing.Any):Description for dwFieldSpec nRadix(typing.Any):Description for nRadix refiid(PyIID):Description for refiid Returns: None """ ... def GetParent(self) -> None: """ Description of GetParent. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugSessionProvider: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def StartDebugSession(self, pda: PyIRemoteDebugApplication) -> None: """ Description of StartDebugSession. Args: pda(PyIRemoteDebugApplication):Description for pda Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugStackFrame: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCodeContext(self) -> None: """ Returns the current code context associated with the stack frame. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDescriptionString(self, fLong: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a short or long textual description of the stack frame. Args: fLong(typing.Any):If false, provide only the name of the function associated with the stack frame. When true it may also provide the parameter(s) to the function or whatever else is relevant. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLanguageString(self, fLong: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a short or long textual description of the language. Args: fLong(typing.Any):If False, just the language name should be provided, eg, "Python". If True a full product description may be provided (eg, "Python 1.4 ActiveX Debugging Host") Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetThread(self) -> PyIDebugApplicationThread: """ Returns the thread associated with this stack frame. Args: Returns: PyIDebugApplicationThread """ ... class PyIDebugStackFrameSniffer: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumStackFrames(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumStackFrames. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugStackFrameSnifferEx: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumStackFramesEx(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumStackFrames. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDebugSyncOperation: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetTargetThread(self) -> None: """ Description of GetTargetThread. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Execute(self) -> None: """ Description of Execute. Args: Returns: None """ ... def InProgressAbort(self) -> None: """ Description of InProgressAbort. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDefaultExtractIconInit: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetFlags(self, uFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetFlags. Args: uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags Returns: None """ ... def SetKey(self, hkey: PyHKEY) -> None: """ Description of SetKey. Args: hkey(PyHKEY):Description for hkey Returns: None """ ... def SetNormalIcon(self, pszFile: typing.Any, iIcon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetNormalIcon. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile iIcon(typing.Any):Description for iIcon Returns: None """ ... def SetOpenIcon(self, pszFile: typing.Any, iIcon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetOpenIcon. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile iIcon(typing.Any):Description for iIcon Returns: None """ ... def SetShortcutIcon(self, pszFile: typing.Any, iIcon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetShortcutIcon. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile iIcon(typing.Any):Description for iIcon Returns: None """ ... def SetDefaultIcon(self, pszFile: typing.Any, iIcon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetDefaultIcon. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile iIcon(typing.Any):Description for iIcon Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectSound: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, guid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: guid(PyIID):Globally unique identifier (GUID) specifying the sound driver to which this DirectSound object binds. Pass None to select the primary sound driver. Returns: None """ ... def SetCooperativeLevel(self, hwnd: typing.Any, level: typing.Any) -> None: """ The IDirectSound::SetCooperativeLevel method sets the cooperative level of the application for this sound device. Args: hwnd(typing.Any):Window handle to the application or None. level(typing.Any):Requested priority level. Specify one of the following values:LevelDescriptionDSSCL_NORMALSets the application to a fully cooperative status. Most applications should use this level, because it has the smoothest multitasking and resource-sharing behavior.DSSCL_PRIORITYSets the application to the priority level. Applications with this cooperative level can call the DirectSoundBuffer.setFormat and DirectSound.compact methods.DSSCL_EXCLUSIVESets the application to the exclusive level. When it has the input focus, the application will be the only one audible (sounds from applications with the DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS flag set will be muted). With this level, it also has all the privileges of the DSSCL_PRIORITY level. DirectSound will restore the hardware format, as specified by the most recent call to the DirectSoundBuffer.setFormat method, once the application gains the input focus. (Note that DirectSound will always restore the wave format, no matter what priority level is set.)DSSCL_WRITEPRIMARYThis is the highest priority level. The application has write access to the primary sound buffers. No secondary sound buffers in any application can be played. Returns: None """ ... def CreateSoundBuffer(self, lpDSCBufferDesc: PyDSCBUFFERDESC, unk: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ The IDirectSound::CreateSoundBuffer method creates a DirectSoundBuffer object to hold a sequence of audio samples. Args: lpDSCBufferDesc(PyDSCBUFFERDESC):a DSBUFFERDESC structure containing values for the sound buffer being created. unk(typing.Any):The IUnknown for COM aggregation. Returns: None """ ... def GetCaps(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def Compact(self) -> None: """ The Compact method moves the unused portions of on-board sound memory, if any, to a contiguous block so that the largest portion of free memory will be available. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectSoundBuffer: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetStatus(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the current status of the sound buffer. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCaps(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the capabilities of the DirectSoundBuffer object as a DSBCAPS object. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Restore(self) -> None: """ Restores the memory allocation for a lost sound buffer for the specified DirectSoundBuffer object. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCurrentPosition(self) -> None: """ Description of GetCurrentPosition. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Play(self) -> None: """ Description of Play. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetCurrentPosition(self) -> None: """ Description of SetCurrentPosition. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Stop(self) -> None: """ Description of Stop. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetFrequency(self) -> None: """ Description of GetFrequency. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPan(self) -> None: """ Description of GetPan. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetVolume(self) -> None: """ Description of GetVolume. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFrequency(self) -> None: """ Description of SetFrequency. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPan(self) -> None: """ Description of SetPan. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetVolume(self) -> None: """ Description of SetVolume. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectSoundCapture: """The methods of the IDirectSoundCapture interface are used to create sound capture buffers.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self) -> None: """ Not normally called directly. Use DirectSoundCaptureCreate instead. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCaps(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectSoundCaptureBuffer: """The methods of the IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer interface are used to manipulate sound capture buffers.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self) -> None: """ Not normally used. Used IDirectSoundCapture.CreateCaptureBuffer instead. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetStatus(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the current status of the sound capture buffer. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCurrentPosition(self) -> None: """ Returns a tuple of the current capture and read position in the buffer. The capture position is ahead of the read position. These positions are not always identical due to possible buffering of captured data either on the physical device or in the host. The data after the read position up to and including the capture position is not necessarily valid data. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Stop(self) -> None: """ The IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer::Stop method puts the capture buffer into the "stop" state and stops capturing data. If the capture buffer is already in the stop state then the method has no effect. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectSoundNotify: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIDirectoryObject: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetObjectInformation(self) -> PyADS_OBJECT_INFO: """ None Args: Returns: PyADS_OBJECT_INFO """ ... def GetObjectAttributes(self, names: typing.Tuple[str, ...]) -> typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...]: """ None Args: names(typing.Tuple[str, ...]): Returns: typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...] """ ... def SetObjectAttributes(self, attrs: typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...]) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: attrs(typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...]):The attributes to set Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateDSObject(self, rdn: str, attrs: typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...]) -> PyIDispatch: """ None Args: rdn(str):The relative distinguished name (relative path) of the object to be created. attrs(typing.Tuple[PyADS_ATTR_INFO, ...]):The attributes to set. Returns: PyIDispatch """ ... def DeleteDSObject(self, rdn: str) -> None: """ Deletes a leaf object in a directory tree Args: rdn(str):The relative distinguished name (relative path) of the object to be deleted. Returns: None """ ... class PyIDirectorySearch: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetSearchPreference(self, prefs: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ None Args: prefs(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is the hresult of the call, and a list of integer status codes for each of the preferences set. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:Return ValueThe result is the hresult of the call, and a list of integer status codes for each of the preferences set. """ ... def ExecuteSearch(self, _filter: str, attrNames: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: _filter(str): attrNames(typing.List[str]):Return ValueThe result is an integer search handle. PyIDirectorySearch::CloseSearchHandle should be called to close the handle. Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is an integer search handle. PyIDirectorySearch::CloseSearchHandle should be called to close the handle. """ ... def GetNextRow(self, handle: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: handle(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown """ ... def GetFirstRow(self, handle: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: handle(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown """ ... def GetPreviousRow(self, handle: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: handle(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the call - no exceptions are thrown """ ... def CloseSearchHandle(self, handle: typing.Any) -> None: """ Closes a previously opened search handle. Args: handle(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def AdandonSearch(self, handle: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: handle(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def GetColumn(self, handle: typing.Any, name: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ None Args: handle(typing.Any):Handle to a search name(str):The column name to fetch Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetNextColumnName(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None:PyIDirectorySearch.GetNextColumnName GetNextColumnName() Return ValueReturns None when the underlying ADSI function return S_ADS_NOMORE_COLUMNS. """ ... class PyIDispatch: """A OLE automation client object.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Invoke(self, dispid: typing.Any, lcid: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, bResultWanted: typing.Any, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> typing.Any: """ Invokes a DISPID, using the passed arguments. Args: dispid(typing.Any):The dispid to use. Typically this value will come from PyIDispatch::GetIDsOfNames or from a type library. lcid(typing.Any):The locale id to use. flags(typing.Any):The flags for the call. The following flags can be used.FlagDescriptionDISPATCH_METHODThe member is invoked as a method. If a property has the same name, both this and the DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET flag may be set.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGETThe member is retrieved as a property or data member.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTThe member is changed as a property or data member.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREFThe member is changed by a reference assignment, rather than a value assignment. This flag is valid only when the property accepts a reference to an object. bResultWanted(typing.Any):Indicates if the result of the call should be requested. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):The parameters to pass.Return ValueIf the bResultWanted parameter is False, then the result will be None. Otherwise, the result is determined by the COM object itself (and may still be None) Returns: typing.Any:The parameters to pass.Return ValueIf the bResultWanted parameter is False, then the result will be None. Otherwise, the result is determined by the COM object itself (and may still be None) """ ... def InvokeTypes(self, dispid: typing.Any, lcid: typing.Any, wFlags: typing.Any, resultTypeDesc: typing.Any, typeDescs: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], args: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> typing.Any: """ Invokes a DISPID, using the passed arguments and type descriptions. Args: dispid(typing.Any):The dispid to use. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke. lcid(typing.Any):The locale ID. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke. wFlags(typing.Any):Flags for the call. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke. resultTypeDesc(typing.Any):A tuple describing the type of the result. See the comments for more information. typeDescs(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):A sequence of tuples describing the types of the parameters for the function. See the comments for more information. args(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):The args to the function.CommentsThe Microsoft documentation for IDispatch should be used for all params except 'resultTypeDesc' and 'typeDescs'. 'resultTypeDesc' describes the return value of the function, and is a tuple of (type_id, flags). 'typeDescs' describes the type of each parameters, and is a list of the same (type_id, flags) tuple.itemDescriptiontype_idA valid "variant type" constant (eg, VT_I4 | VT_ARRAY, VT_DATE, etc - see VARIANT at MSDN).flagsOne of the PARAMFLAG constants (eg, PARAMFLAG_FIN, PARAMFLAG_FOUT etc - see PARAMFLAG at MSDN).ExampleAn example from the makepy generated file for Wordclass Cells(DispatchBaseClass):... def SetWidth(self, ColumnWidth=..., RulerStyle=...): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(202, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((4, 1), (3, 1)),...)The interesting bits areresultTypeDesc: (24, 0) - (VT_VOID, <no flags>)typeDescs: ((4, 1), (3, 1)) - ((VT_R4, PARAMFLAG_FIN), (VT_I4, PARAMFLAG_FIN))So, in this example, the function returns no value and takes 2 "in" params - ColumnWidth is a float, and RulerStule is an int. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetIDsOfNames(self, name: str, arg: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Union[typing.Any]]: """ Get the DISPID for the passed names. Args: name(str):A name to query forAlternative Parameters arg(typing.Any):A sequence of string names to queryCommentsCurrently the LCID can not be specified, and LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT is used.Return ValueIf the first parameter is a sequence, the result will be a tuple of integers for each name in the sequence. If the first parameter is a single string, the result is a single integer with the ID of requested item. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Union[typing.Any]]:A sequence of string names to query Comments Currently the LCID can not be specified, and LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT is used. Return ValueIf the first parameter is a sequence, the result will be a tuple of integers for each name in the sequence. If the first parameter is a single string, the result is a single integer with the ID of requested item. """ ... def GetTypeInfo(self, locale: typing.Any, index: typing.Any = ...) -> PyITypeInfo: """ Get type information for the object. Args: locale(typing.Any):The locale to use. index(typing.Any):The index of the typelibrary to fetch. Note that these params are reversed from the win32 call. Returns: PyITypeInfo """ ... def GetTypeInfoCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIDispatchEx: """A OLE automation client object that uses the IDispatchEx scripting interface..""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDispID(self, name: str, fdex: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the member id for a name Args: name(str):Passed in name to be mapped fdex(typing.Any):Determines the options for obtaining the member identifier. This can be a combination of the fdex* constants: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InvokeEx(self, dispid: typing.Any, lcid: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, args: typing.List[typing.Any], types: typing.List[typing.Any] = ..., returnDesc: typing.Any = ..., serviceProvider: PyIServiceProvider = ...) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: dispid(typing.Any): lcid(typing.Any): flags(typing.Any): args(typing.List[typing.Any]):The arguments. types(typing.List[typing.Any]):A tuple of type description object, or None if type descriptions are not available. returnDesc(typing.Any):If types==None, should be a BOOL indicating if the result is needed. If types is a tuple, then should a be type description. serviceProvider(PyIServiceProvider):A service provider object supplied by the caller which allows the object to obtain services from the caller. Can be None. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DeleteMemberByName(self, name: str, fdex: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: name(str):Passed in name to be mapped fdex(typing.Any):Determines the options Returns: None """ ... def DeleteMemberByDispID(self, dispid: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: dispid(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def GetMemberProperties(self, dispid: typing.Any, fdex: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns mask of fdex* flags describing a member Args: dispid(typing.Any):The member id fdex(typing.Any):fdex* flags specifying which properties to return Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMemberName(self, dispid: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the name associated with a member id Args: dispid(typing.Any):The member id Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNextDispID(self, fdex: typing.Any, dispid: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Enumerates member ids. Args: fdex(typing.Any):Determines the options dispid(typing.Any):Current member, or DISPID_STARTENUM to begin enumeration. GetNextDispID will retrieve the item in the enumeration after this one. Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIDisplayItem: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIDocHostUIHandler: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ShowContextMenu(self, dwID: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pcmdtReserved: PyIUnknown, pdispReserved: PyIDispatch) -> None: """ Description of ShowContextMenu. Args: dwID(typing.Any):Description for dwID pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for ppt pcmdtReserved(PyIUnknown):Description for pcmdtReserved pdispReserved(PyIDispatch):Description for pdispReserved Returns: None """ ... def GetHostInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetHostInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ShowUI(self, dwID: typing.Any, pActiveObject: PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject, pCommandTarget: PyIOleCommandTarget, pFrame: PyIOleInPlaceFrame, pDoc: PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow) -> None: """ Description of ShowUI. Args: dwID(typing.Any):Description for dwID pActiveObject(PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject):Description for pActiveObject pCommandTarget(PyIOleCommandTarget):Description for pCommandTarget pFrame(PyIOleInPlaceFrame):Description for pFrame pDoc(PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow):Description for pDoc Returns: None """ ... def HideUI(self) -> None: """ Description of HideUI. Args: Returns: None """ ... def UpdateUI(self) -> None: """ Description of UpdateUI. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnableModeless(self, fEnable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EnableModeless. Args: fEnable(typing.Any):Description for fEnable Returns: None """ ... def OnDocWindowActivate(self, fActivate: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnDocWindowActivate. Args: fActivate(typing.Any):Description for fActivate Returns: None """ ... def OnFrameWindowActivate(self, fActivate: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnFrameWindowActivate. Args: fActivate(typing.Any):Description for fActivate Returns: None """ ... def ResizeBorder(self, prcBorder: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], pUIWindow: PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow, fRameWindow: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ResizeBorder. Args: prcBorder(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for prcBorder pUIWindow(PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow):Description for pUIWindow fRameWindow(typing.Any):Description for fRameWindow Returns: None """ ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, lpMsg: typing.Any, pguidCmdGroup: PyIID, nCmdID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: lpMsg(typing.Any):Description for lpMsg pguidCmdGroup(PyIID):Description for pguidCmdGroup nCmdID(typing.Any):Description for nCmdID Returns: None """ ... def GetOptionKeyPath(self, dw: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetOptionKeyPath. Args: dw(typing.Any):Description for dw Returns: None """ ... def GetDropTarget(self, pDropTarget: PyIDropTarget) -> None: """ Description of GetDropTarget. Args: pDropTarget(PyIDropTarget):Description for pDropTarget Returns: None """ ... def GetExternal(self) -> None: """ Description of GetExternal. Args: Returns: None """ ... def TranslateUrl(self, dwTranslate: typing.Any, pchURLIn: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TranslateUrl. Args: dwTranslate(typing.Any):Description for dwTranslate pchURLIn(typing.Any):Description for pchURLIn Returns: None """ ... def FilterDataObject(self, pDO: PyIDataObject) -> None: """ Description of FilterDataObject. Args: pDO(PyIDataObject):Description for pDO Returns: None """ ... class PyIDropSource: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryContinueDrag(self, fEscapePressed: typing.Any, grfKeyState: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of QueryContinueDrag. Args: fEscapePressed(typing.Any):Description for fEscapePressed grfKeyState(typing.Any):Description for grfKeyState Returns: None """ ... def GiveFeedback(self, dwEffect: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GiveFeedback. Args: dwEffect(typing.Any):Description for dwEffect Returns: None """ ... class PyIDropTarget: """Interface that acts as a target of OLE drag and drop operations""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DragEnter(self, pDataObj: PyIDataObject, grfKeyState: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pdwEffect: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Called when an object is initially dragged into a window Args: pDataObj(PyIDataObject):IDataObject interface that contains the object being dragged grfKeyState(typing.Any):Combination of win32con.MK_* flags containing keyboard modifier state pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):(x,y) Screen coordinates of cursor pdwEffect(typing.Any):shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return a shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* value indicating if the object can be accepted Returns: typing.Any:shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return a shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* value indicating if the object can be accepted """ ... def DragOver(self, grfKeyState: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pdwEffect: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Called as the dragged object moves over the window Args: grfKeyState(typing.Any):Combination of win32con.MK_* flags containing keyboard modifier state pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):(x,y) Screen coordinates of cursor pdwEffect(typing.Any):shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return a shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* value indicating if the object can be accepted at the current position Returns: typing.Any:shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return a shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* value indicating if the object can be accepted at the current position """ ... def DragLeave(self) -> None: """ Called as the object is dragged back out of the window Args: Returns: None """ ... def Drop(self, pDataObj: PyIDataObject, grfKeyState: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dwEffect: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Called when the object is dropped onto the window Args: pDataObj(PyIDataObject):IDataObject interface containing the dropped object grfKeyState(typing.Any):Combination of win32con.MK_* flags containing keyboard modifier state pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):(x,y) Screen coordinates of cursor dwEffect(typing.Any):shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return one of the shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* values Returns: typing.Any:shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* valueReturn ValueYour implementation of this function should return one of the shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* values """ ... class PyIDropTargetHelper: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DragEnter(self, hwnd: int, pDataObj: PyIDataObject, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dwEffect: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of DragEnter. Args: hwnd(int):Handle to target window pDataObj(PyIDataObject):Object that is dragged onto the window pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Coordinates where drag operation entered the window dwEffect(typing.Any):One of shellcon.DROPEFFECT_* values Returns: None """ ... def DragOver(self, hwnd: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pdwEffect: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of DragOver. Args: hwnd(typing.Any): pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pt pdwEffect(typing.Any):Description for pdwEffect Returns: None """ ... def DragLeave(self) -> None: """ Description of DragLeave. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Drop(self, pDataObj: PyIDataObject, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dwEffect: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Drop. Args: pDataObj(PyIDataObject):Description for pDataObj pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pt dwEffect(typing.Any):Description for dwEffect Returns: None """ ... class PyIDsObjectPicker: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, targetComputer: str, scopeInfos: PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFOs, options: typing.Any = ..., attrNames: typing.List[str] = ...) -> None: """ Initializes the IDsObjectPicker interface with information about the scopes, filters, and options used by the object picker dialog box. Args: targetComputer(str): scopeInfos(PyDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFOs): options(typing.Any): attrNames(typing.List[str]): Returns: None """ ... def InvokeDialog(self, hwnd: typing.Any) -> PyIDataObject: """ Displays a modal object picker dialog box and returns the user's selections. Args: hwnd(typing.Any): Returns: PyIDataObject """ ... class PyIEmptyVolumeCache: """Used for cleaning up temporary file ("disk cleanup")""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIEmptyVolumeCache2: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ScanProgress(self, dwlSpaceUsed: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any, pcwszStatus: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ScanProgress. Args: dwlSpaceUsed(typing.Any):Description for dwlSpaceUsed dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags pcwszStatus(typing.Any):Description for pcwszStatus Returns: None """ ... def PurgeProgress(self, dwlSpaceFreed: typing.Any, spaceFreed: typing.Any, spaceToFree: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, status: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of PurgeProgress. Args: dwlSpaceFreed(typing.Any):Description for dwlSpaceFreed spaceFreed(typing.Any): spaceToFree(typing.Any): flags(typing.Any): status(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO: """A Python interface to IEnumCATEGORYINFO""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, str], ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (IID object, LCID, string description) tuples, one for each element returned. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, str], ...]:Number of items to retrieve. Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (IID object, LCID, string description) tuples, one for each element returned. """ ... def Skip(self, num: typing.Any) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: num(typing.Any):The number of elements being requested. Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumCATEGORYINFO """ ... class PyIEnumConnectionPoints: """A Python interface to IEnumConnectionPoints""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[PyIConnectionPoint, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIConnectionPoint, ...] """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumConnectionPoints: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumConnectionPoints """ ... class PyIEnumConnections: """A Python interface to IEnumConnections""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumConnections: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumConnections """ ... class PyIEnumContextProps: """A Python interface to IEnumContextProps""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, PyIUnknown], ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve.Return ValueReturns a tuple of 3-tuples representing ContextProperty structs: First item is GUID identifying the property, second is Flags (reserved), third is the interface set as the property value Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[PyIID, typing.Any, PyIUnknown], ...]:Number of items to retrieve. Return ValueReturns a tuple of 3-tuples representing ContextProperty structs: First item is GUID identifying the property, second is Flags (reserved), third is the interface set as the property value """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumContextProps: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumContextProps """ ... class PyIEnumDebugApplicationNodes: """A Python interface to IEnumDebugApplicationNodes""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumDebugApplicationNodes: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumDebugApplicationNodes """ ... class PyIEnumDebugCodeContexts: """A Python interface to IEnumDebugCodeContexts""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumDebugCodeContexts: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumDebugCodeContexts """ ... class PyIEnumDebugExpressionContexts: """A Python interface to IEnumDebugExpressionContexts""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumDebugExpressionContexts: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumDebugExpressionContexts """ ... class PyIEnumDebugPropertyInfo: """A Python interface to IEnumDebugPropertyInfo""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumDebugPropertyInfo: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumDebugPropertyInfo """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Obtains the number of items Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIEnumDebugStackFrames: """A Python interface to IEnumDebugStackFrames""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumDebugStackFrames: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumDebugStackFrames """ ... class PyIEnumExplorerCommand: """A Python interface to IEnumExplorerCommand""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumExplorerCommand: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumExplorerCommand """ ... class PyIEnumFORMATETC: """A Python interface to IEnumFORMATETC""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumFORMATETC: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumFORMATETC """ ... class PyIEnumGUID: """A Python interface to IEnumGUID""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of PyIID objects, one for each element returned. Note that if zero elements are returned, it is not considered an error condition - an empty tuple is simply returned. Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...]:Number of items to retrieve. Return ValueThe result is a tuple of PyIID objects, one for each element returned. Note that if zero elements are returned, it is not considered an error condition - an empty tuple is simply returned. """ ... def Skip(self, num: typing.Any) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: num(typing.Any):The number of elements being requested. Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumGUID: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumGUID """ ... class PyIEnumIDList: """A Python interface to IEnumIDList""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumIDList: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumIDList """ ... class PyIEnumMoniker: """A Python interface to IEnumMoniker""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIMoniker: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of PyIID objects, one for each element returned. Note that if zero elements are returned, it is not considered an error condition - an empty tuple is simply returned. Returns: PyIMoniker:Number of items to retrieve. Return ValueThe result is a tuple of PyIID objects, one for each element returned. Note that if zero elements are returned, it is not considered an error condition - an empty tuple is simply returned. """ ... def Skip(self, num: typing.Any) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: num(typing.Any):The number of elements being requested. Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumMoniker: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumMoniker """ ... class PyIEnumObjects: """Iterates through a number of arbitrary interfaces""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, riid: PyIID, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[PyIUnknown, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: riid(PyIID):The interfaces to return num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIUnknown, ...] """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumObjects: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumObjects """ ... class PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads: """A Python interface to IEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads """ ... class PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplications: """A Python interface to IEnumRemoteDebugApplications""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplications: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplications """ ... class PyIEnumResources: """A Python interface to IEnumResources""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumResources: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumResources """ ... class PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG: """A Python interface to IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG """ ... class PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG: """A Python interface to IEnumSTATPROPSTG""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG """ ... class PyIEnumSTATSTG: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[STATSTG, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Tuple[STATSTG, ...] """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumSTATSTG: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumSTATSTG """ ... class PyIEnumShellItems: """A Python interface to IEnumShellItems""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[PyIShellItem, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIShellItem, ...] """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumShellItems: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumShellItems """ ... class PyIEnumString: """An enumerator interface to list strings""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Next(self, num: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[str, ...]: """ Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. Args: num(typing.Any):Number of items to retrieve. Returns: typing.Tuple[str, ...] """ ... def Skip(self) -> None: """ Skips over the next specified elementes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIEnumString: """ Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one Args: Returns: PyIEnumString """ ... class PyIErrorLog: """A Python wrapper for a COM IErrorLog interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddError(self, propName: str, excepInfo: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Adds an error to the error log. Args: propName(str):The name of the error excepInfo(typing.Any):A COM exception. Must be a complete COM exception (ie, pythoncom.com_error, or win32com.server.exceptions.COMException()) Returns: None """ ... class PyIExplorerBrowser: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, hwndParent: typing.Any, prc: PyRECT, pfs: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: hwndParent(typing.Any):Description for hwndParent prc(PyRECT):Description for prc pfs(typing.Any):Description for pfs Returns: None """ ... def Destroy(self) -> None: """ Description of Destroy. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetRect(self, hdwp: typing.Any, rcBrowser: PyRECT) -> int: """ Description of SetRect. Args: hdwp(typing.Any):Description for phdwp rcBrowser(PyRECT):Description for rcBrowser Returns: int """ ... def SetPropertyBag(self, PropertyBag: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetPropertyBag. Args: PropertyBag(typing.Any):Description for pszPropertyBag Returns: None """ ... def SetEmptyText(self, EmptyText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetEmptyText. Args: EmptyText(typing.Any):Description for pszEmptyText Returns: None """ ... def SetFolderSettings(self, pfs: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetFolderSettings. Args: pfs(typing.Any):Description for pfs Returns: None """ ... def Advise(self, psbe: PyIExplorerBrowserEvents) -> typing.Any: """ Description of Advise. Args: psbe(PyIExplorerBrowserEvents):Description for psbe Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Unadvise(self, dwCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Unadvise. Args: dwCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwCookie Returns: None """ ... def SetOptions(self, dwFlag: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetOptions. Args: dwFlag(typing.Any):Description for dwFlag Returns: None """ ... def GetOptions(self) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetOptions. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def BrowseToIDList(self, pidl: typing.Any, uFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of BrowseToIDList. Args: pidl(typing.Any):Description for pidl uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags Returns: None """ ... def BrowseToObject(self, punk: PyIUnknown, uFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of BrowseToObject. Args: punk(PyIUnknown):Description for punk uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags Returns: None """ ... def FillFromObject(self, punk: PyIUnknown, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of FillFromObject. Args: punk(PyIUnknown):Description for punk dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def RemoveAll(self) -> None: """ Description of RemoveAll. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCurrentView(self, riid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Description of GetCurrentView. Args: riid(PyIID):Description for riid Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... class PyIExplorerBrowserEvents: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnNavigationPending(self, pidlFolder: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnNavigationPending. Args: pidlFolder(typing.Any):Description for pidlFolder Returns: None """ ... def OnViewCreated(self, psv: PyIShellView) -> None: """ Description of OnViewCreated. Args: psv(PyIShellView):Description for psv Returns: None """ ... def OnNavigationComplete(self, pidlFolder: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnNavigationComplete. Args: pidlFolder(typing.Any):Description for pidlFolder Returns: None """ ... def OnNavigationFailed(self, pidlFolder: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnNavigationFailed. Args: pidlFolder(typing.Any):Description for pidlFolder Returns: None """ ... class PyIExplorerCommand: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetTitle(self, psiItemArray: PyIShellItemArray) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetTitle. Args: psiItemArray(PyIShellItemArray):Description for psiItemArray Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetIcon(self, psiItemArray: PyIShellItemArray) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetIcon. Args: psiItemArray(PyIShellItemArray):Description for psiItemArray Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetToolTip(self, psiItemArray: PyIShellItemArray) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetToolTip. Args: psiItemArray(PyIShellItemArray):Description for psiItemArray Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCanonicalName(self) -> PyIID: """ Description of GetCanonicalName. Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... def GetState(self, psiItemArray: PyIShellItemArray, fOkToBeSlow: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetState. Args: psiItemArray(PyIShellItemArray):Description for psiItemArray fOkToBeSlow(typing.Any):Description for fOkToBeSlow Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Invoke(self, psiItemArray: PyIShellItemArray, pbc: PyIBindCtx) -> None: """ Description of Invoke. Args: psiItemArray(PyIShellItemArray):Description for psiItemArray pbc(PyIBindCtx):Description for pbc Returns: None """ ... def GetFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetFlags. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EnumSubCommands(self) -> PyIEnumExplorerCommand: """ Description of EnumSubCommands. Args: Returns: PyIEnumExplorerCommand """ ... class PyIExplorerCommandProvider: """This is a gateway only interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIExplorerPaneVisibility: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIExternalConnection: """A Python wrapper for a COM IExternalConnection interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddConnection(self, extconn: typing.Any, reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Increments an object's count of its strong external connections (links). Args: extconn(typing.Any):Type of external connection to the object. The only type of external connection currently supported by this interface is strong, which means that the object must remain alive as long as this external connection exists. Strong external connections are represented by the value EXTCONN_STRONG = 0x0001, which is defined in the enumeration EXTCON reserved(typing.Any):A reserved parameterReturn ValueThe result is the number of reference counts on the object; used for debugging purposes only. Returns: typing.Any:A reserved parameter Return ValueThe result is the number of reference counts on the object; used for debugging purposes only. """ ... def ReleaseConnection(self, extconn: typing.Any, reserved: typing.Any, fLastReleaseCloses: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Decrements an object's count of its strong external connections (references). Args: extconn(typing.Any):Type of external connection reserved(typing.Any):A reserved parameter. fLastReleaseCloses(typing.Any):TRUE specifies that if the connection being released is the last external lock on the object, the object should close. FALSE specifies that the object should remain open until closed by the user or another process.Return ValueThe result is the number of reference counts on the object; used for debugging purposes only. Returns: typing.Any:TRUE specifies that if the connection being released is the last external lock on the object, the object should close. FALSE specifies that the object should remain open until closed by the user or another process.Return ValueThe result is the number of reference counts on the object; used for debugging purposes only. """ ... class PyIExtractIcon: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Extract(self, pszFile: typing.Any, nIconIndex: typing.Any, nIconSize: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Extract. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile nIconIndex(typing.Any):Description for nIconIndex nIconSize(typing.Any):Description for nIconIndexReturn ValueThe result is (hicon_large, hicon_small), or (None,None) if the underlying function returns S_FALSE, indicating the calling application should extract it. Returns: None:Description for nIconIndexReturn ValueThe result is (hicon_large, hicon_small), or (None,None) if the underlying function returns S_FALSE, indicating the calling application should extract it. """ ... def GetIconLocation(self, uFlags: typing.Any, cchMax: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetIconLocation. Args: uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags cchMax(typing.Any):Buffer size to allocate for file name Returns: None """ ... class PyIExtractIconW: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Extract(self, pszFile: typing.Any, nIconIndex: typing.Any, nIconSize: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Extract. Args: pszFile(typing.Any):Description for pszFile nIconIndex(typing.Any):Description for nIconIndex nIconSize(typing.Any):Description for nIconIndexReturn ValueThe result is (hicon_large, hicon_small), or (None,None) if the underlying function returns S_FALSE, indicating the calling application should extract it. Returns: None:Description for nIconIndexReturn ValueThe result is (hicon_large, hicon_small), or (None,None) if the underlying function returns S_FALSE, indicating the calling application should extract it. """ ... def GetIconLocation(self, uFlags: typing.Any, cchMax: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetIconLocation. Args: uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags cchMax(typing.Any):Buffer size to allocate for file name Returns: None """ ... class PyIExtractImage: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLocation(self, dwPriority: typing.Any, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dwRecClrDepth: typing.Any, pdwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetLocation. Args: dwPriority(typing.Any):Description for dwPriority size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for prgSize dwRecClrDepth(typing.Any):Description for dwRecClrDepth pdwFlags(typing.Any):Description for pdwFlags Returns: None """ ... def Extract(self) -> None: """ Description of Extract. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIFileOperation: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Advise(self, Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink) -> typing.Any: """ Connects an event sink to receive updates Args: Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Interface that receives progress updatesReturn ValueReturns a cookie to be passed to PyIFileOperation::Unadvise to disconnect Returns: typing.Any:Interface that receives progress updatesReturn ValueReturns a cookie to be passed to PyIFileOperation::Unadvise to disconnect """ ... def Unadvise(self, Cookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Disconnects a progress sink Args: Cookie(typing.Any):Identifies the sink to disconnect, as returned by PyIFileOperation::Advise Returns: None """ ... def SetOperationFlags(self, OperationFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets option flags for the operation Args: OperationFlags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.FOF_* and FOFX_* flags Returns: None """ ... def SetProgressMessage(self, Message: typing.Any) -> None: """ Not implemented. Args: Message(typing.Any):Description for Message Returns: None """ ... def SetProgressDialog(self, popd: typing.Any) -> None: """ Provides an interface used to display a progress dialog Args: popd(typing.Any):Progress dialog interfaceCommentsIOperationsProgressDialog is not yet supported Returns: None """ ... def SetProperties(self, proparray: PyIPropertyChangeArray) -> None: """ Specifies a set of properties to be changed. Args: proparray(PyIPropertyChangeArray):Sequence of property changes to be performed (see propsys::PSCreatePropertyChangeArray)CommentsNote that these properties will be set for *any* files created by the operation, not just items passed to ApplyPropertiesToItem(s). New items created as the result of a rename, copy, or move must have a property handler, or the operation fails with the vague com_error: (-2147467259, 'Unspecified error', None, None) (E_FAIL, or 0x80004005 in hex) even though the given file operation was actually performed. Returns: None """ ... def SetOwnerWindow(self, Owner: int) -> None: """ Sets the parent window for any UI displayed. Args: Owner(int):Handle to parent window Returns: None """ ... def ApplyPropertiesToItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Specifies the item that will receive property changes Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item to which property changes will be applied Returns: None """ ... def ApplyPropertiesToItems(self, Items: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Specifies multiple items that will receive property changes Args: Items(PyIUnknown):PyIShellItemArray, PyIDataObject, or PyIEnumShellItems containing the target items Returns: None """ ... def RenameItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink = ...) -> None: """ Adds a rename to the operation sequence Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item to be renamed NewName(typing.Any):The new name Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Progress sink for this operation only. Returns: None """ ... def RenameItems(self, pUnkItems: PyIUnknown, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds multiple renames to the operation sequence Args: pUnkItems(PyIUnknown):PyIShellItemArray, PyIDataObject, or PyIEnumShellItems containing items to be renamed NewName(typing.Any):New name for all items. Collisions handled automatically. Returns: None """ ... def MoveItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, pszNewName: typing.Any = ..., Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink = ...) -> None: """ Adds a move operation to the configuration Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item to be moved DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):The folder into which it will be moved pszNewName(typing.Any):Name to be given to moved item, use None to keep original name Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Progress sink to receive notification for just this operation Returns: None """ ... def MoveItems(self, Items: PyIUnknown, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Adds multiple move operations to the configuration Args: Items(PyIUnknown):PyIShellItemArray, PyIDataObject, or PyIEnumShellItems containing the items to be moved DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder into which all items will be moved Returns: None """ ... def CopyItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, CopyName: typing.Any = ..., Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink = ...) -> None: """ Adds a copy operation to the configuration Args: Item(PyIShellItem):Item to be copied DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder into which it will be copied CopyName(typing.Any):New name for the copied file, use None to keep original name Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Progress sink for just this operation Returns: None """ ... def CopyItems(self, Items: PyIUnknown, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Adds multiple copy operations to the configuration Args: Items(PyIUnknown):PyIShellItemArray, PyIDataObject, or PyIEnumShellItems containing items to be copied DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder into which they will be copied Returns: None """ ... def DeleteItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink = ...) -> None: """ Adds a delete operation to the configuration Args: Item(PyIShellItem):Description for psiItem Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Progress sink for just this operation Returns: None """ ... def DeleteItems(self, Items: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Adds multiple delete operations to the configuration Args: Items(PyIUnknown):PyIShellItemArray, PyIDataObject, or PyIEnumShellItems containing the items to be deleted Returns: None """ ... def NewItem(self, DestinationFolder: PyIShellItem, FileAttributes: typing.Any, Name: typing.Any, TemplateName: typing.Any = ..., Sink: PyGFileOperationProgressSink = ...) -> None: """ Creates a new file as part of the operation Args: DestinationFolder(PyIShellItem):Folder in which to create the file FileAttributes(typing.Any):Combination of win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* flags Name(typing.Any):Name of the new file TemplateName(typing.Any):Template file used to initialize the new file Sink(PyGFileOperationProgressSink):Progress sink for just this operation Returns: None """ ... def PerformOperations(self) -> None: """ Effects all configured file system modifications Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetAnyOperationsAborted(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if any operations were terminated Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIIdentityName: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyIInitializeWithFile: """Initializes a property handler that requires a file path instead of a stream""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, FilePath: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Passes a file path to a property handler on startup Args: FilePath(typing.Any):Full path to the file whose properties are to be accessed Mode(typing.Any):Indicates if properties can be written, STGM_READ or STGM_READWRITE Returns: None """ ... class PyIInitializeWithStream: """Interface that initializes a handler capable of reading properties from a stream""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, Stream: PyIStream, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Initializes a property handler with a stream Args: Stream(PyIStream):Stream containing the contents from which to extract properties Mode(typing.Any):Indicates if stream is writable, STGM_READ or STGM_READWRITE Returns: None """ ... class PyIInputObject: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, pmsg: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: pmsg(typing.Any):Description for pmsg Returns: None """ ... def UIActivate(self, uState: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of UIActivate. Args: uState(typing.Any):Description for uState Returns: None """ ... def HasFocusIO(self) -> None: """ Description of Refresh. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetBindInfo: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetBindInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetBindInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetBindString(self) -> None: """ Description of GetBindString. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetPriority: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetPriority(self, nPriority: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetPriority. Args: nPriority(typing.Any):Description for nPriority Returns: None """ ... def GetPriority(self) -> None: """ Description of GetPriority. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetProtocol: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Read(self, cb: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Read. Args: cb(typing.Any):Description for cb Returns: None """ ... def Seek(self, dlibMove: LARGE_INTEGER, dwOrigin: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Seek. Args: dlibMove(LARGE_INTEGER):Description for dlibMove dwOrigin(typing.Any):Description for dwOrigin Returns: None """ ... def LockRequest(self, dwOptions: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of LockRequest. Args: dwOptions(typing.Any):Description for dwOptions Returns: None """ ... def UnlockRequest(self) -> None: """ Description of UnlockRequest. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetProtocolInfo: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ParseUrl(self, pwzUrl: typing.Any, ParseAction: typing.Any, dwParseFlags: typing.Any, cchResult: typing.Any, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ParseUrl. Args: pwzUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwzUrl ParseAction(typing.Any):Description for ParseAction dwParseFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwParseFlags cchResult(typing.Any):Description for cchResult dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReserved Returns: None """ ... def CombineUrl(self, pwzBaseUrl: typing.Any, pwzRelativeUrl: typing.Any, dwCombineFlags: typing.Any, cchResult: typing.Any, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CombineUrl. Args: pwzBaseUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwzBaseUrl pwzRelativeUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwzRelativeUrl dwCombineFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwCombineFlags cchResult(typing.Any):Description for cchResult dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReserved Returns: None """ ... def CompareUrl(self, pwzUrl1: typing.Any, pwzUrl2: typing.Any, dwCompareFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CompareUrl. Args: pwzUrl1(typing.Any):Description for pwzUrl1 pwzUrl2(typing.Any):Description for pwzUrl2 dwCompareFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwCompareFlags Returns: None """ ... def QueryInfo(self, pwzUrl: typing.Any, OueryOption: typing.Any, dwQueryFlags: typing.Any, cbBuffer: typing.Any, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Description of QueryInfo. Args: pwzUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwzUrl OueryOption(typing.Any):Description for OueryOption dwQueryFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwQueryFlags cbBuffer(typing.Any):Description for cbBuffer dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReservedCommentsIf the buffer size is the size of an integer, an integer will be returned, otherwise a string. Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIInternetProtocolRoot: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Start(self, szUrl: typing.Any, pOIProtSink: PyIInternetProtocolSink, pOIBindInfo: PyIInternetBindInfo, grfPI: typing.Any, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Start. Args: szUrl(typing.Any):Description for szUrl pOIProtSink(PyIInternetProtocolSink):Description for pOIProtSink pOIBindInfo(PyIInternetBindInfo):Description for pOIBindInfo grfPI(typing.Any):Description for grfPI dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReserved Returns: None """ ... def Continue(self) -> None: """ Description of Continue. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Abort(self, hrReason: typing.Any, dwOptions: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Abort. Args: hrReason(typing.Any):Description for hrReason dwOptions(typing.Any):Description for dwOptions Returns: None """ ... def Terminate(self, dwOptions: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Terminate. Args: dwOptions(typing.Any):Description for dwOptions Returns: None """ ... def Suspend(self) -> None: """ Description of Suspend. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Resume(self) -> None: """ Description of Resume. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetProtocolSink: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Switch(self) -> None: """ Description of Switch. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ReportProgress(self, ulStatusCode: typing.Any, szStatusText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ReportProgress. Args: ulStatusCode(typing.Any):Description for ulStatusCode szStatusText(typing.Any):Description for szStatusText Returns: None """ ... def ReportData(self, grfBSCF: typing.Any, ulProgress: typing.Any, ulProgressMax: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ReportData. Args: grfBSCF(typing.Any):Description for grfBSCF ulProgress(typing.Any):Description for ulProgress ulProgressMax(typing.Any):Description for ulProgressMax Returns: None """ ... def ReportResult(self, hrResult: typing.Any, dwError: typing.Any, szResult: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ReportResult. Args: hrResult(typing.Any):Description for hrResult dwError(typing.Any):Description for dwError szResult(typing.Any):Description for szResult Returns: None """ ... class PyIInternetSecurityManager: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetSecuritySite(self, pSite: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetSecuritySite. Args: pSite(typing.Any):Description for pSite Returns: None """ ... def GetSecuritySite(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSecuritySite. Args: Returns: None """ ... def MapUrlToZone(self, pwszUrl: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of MapUrlToZone. Args: pwszUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwszUrl dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def GetSecurityId(self, pwszUrl: typing.Any, pcbSecurityId: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetSecurityId. Args: pwszUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwszUrl pcbSecurityId(typing.Any):Description for pcbSecurityId Returns: None """ ... def ProcessUrlAction(self, pwszUrl: typing.Any, dwAction: typing.Any, context: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ProcessUrlAction. Args: pwszUrl(typing.Any):Description for pwszUrl dwAction(typing.Any):Description for dwAction context(typing.Any): dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def SetZoneMapping(self, dwZone: typing.Any, lpszPattern: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetZoneMapping. Args: dwZone(typing.Any):Description for dwZone lpszPattern(typing.Any):Description for lpszPattern dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def GetZoneMappings(self, dwZone: typing.Any, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetZoneMappings. Args: dwZone(typing.Any):Description for dwZone dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... class PyIKnownFolder: """Interface representing a known folder that serves as a replacement for the numeric CSIDL definitions and API functions. Requires Vista or later.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetId(self) -> PyIID: """ Returns the id of the folder Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... def GetCategory(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the category for a folder (shellcon.KF_CATEGORY_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetShellItem(self, riid: PyIID, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIShellItem: """ Returns a shell interface for the folder Args: riid(PyIID):The interface to return (IShellItem or IShellItem2) Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.KF_FLAG_* values Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def GetPath(self, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the path to the folder Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.KF_FLAG_* flags controlling how the path is returned Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetPath(self, Flags: typing.Any, Path: typing.Any) -> None: """ Changes the location of the folder Args: Flags(typing.Any):KF_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND, or 0 Path(typing.Any):New path for known folder Returns: None """ ... def GetIDList(self, Flags: typing.Any) -> PyIDL: """ Returns the folder's location as an item id list. Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.KF_FLAG_* values that affect how the operation is performed Returns: PyIDL """ ... def GetFolderType(self) -> PyIID: """ Returns the type of the folder Args: Returns: PyIID:PyIKnownFolder.GetFolderType PyIID = GetFolderType()Returns the type of the folder Return ValueReturns a folder type guid (shell.FOLDERTYPEID_*) """ ... def GetRedirectionCapabilities(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags indicating how the folder can be redirected Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIKnownFolder.GetRedirectionCapabilities int = GetRedirectionCapabilities()Returns flags indicating how the folder can be redirected Return ValueCombination of shellcon.KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES_* flags """ ... def GetFolderDefinition(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves detailed information about a known folder Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIKnownFolder.GetFolderDefinition dict = GetFolderDefinition()Retrieves detailed information about a known folder Return ValueReturns a dict containing info from a KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION struct """ ... class PyIKnownFolderManager: """Interface used to manage known folder definitions.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def FolderIdFromCsidl(self, Csidl: typing.Any) -> PyIID: """ Returns the folder id that corresponds to a CSIDL Args: Csidl(typing.Any):The legacy CSIDL identifying a folder Returns: PyIID """ ... def FolderIdToCsidl(self, _id: PyIID) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the CSIDL equivalent of a known folder Args: _id(PyIID):A known folder id (shell.FOLDERID_*) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetFolderIds(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...]: """ Retrieves all known folder ids. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...] """ ... def GetFolder(self, _id: PyIID) -> PyIKnownFolder: """ Returns a folder by its id. Args: _id(PyIID):A known folder id (shell.FOLDERID_*) Returns: PyIKnownFolder """ ... def GetFolderByName(self, Name: typing.Any) -> PyIKnownFolder: """ Returns a folder by canonical name Args: Name(typing.Any):The nonlocalized name of a known folder Returns: PyIKnownFolder """ ... def RegisterFolder(self, _id: PyIID, Definition: typing.Any) -> None: """ Defines a new known folder Args: _id(PyIID):GUID used to identify the new known folder Definition(typing.Any):Dictionary containing info to be placed in a KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION structCommentsPyIKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition can be used to get a template dictionary Returns: None """ ... def UnregisterFolder(self, _id: PyIID) -> None: """ Removes the definition of a known folder Args: _id(PyIID):GUID of a known folder to be unregistered Returns: None """ ... def FindFolderFromPath(self, Path: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any) -> PyIKnownFolder: """ Retrieves a known folder by path Args: Path(typing.Any):Path of a folder Mode(typing.Any):FFFP_EXACTMATCH or FFFP_NEARESTPARENTMATCH Returns: PyIKnownFolder """ ... def FindFolderFromIDList(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> PyIKnownFolder: """ Retrieves a known folder using its item id list. Args: pidl(PyIDL):Item id list of the folder Returns: PyIKnownFolder """ ... def Redirect(self, _id: PyIID, hwnd: int, flags: typing.Any, TargetPath: typing.Any, Exclusion: typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...]) -> None: """ Redirects a known folder to an alternate location Args: _id(PyIID):Id of the known folder to be redirected hwnd(int):Handle of window to be used for user interaction flags(typing.Any):Combination of KF_REDIRECT_* flags TargetPath(typing.Any):Path to which the known folder will be redirected Exclusion(typing.Tuple[PyIID, ...]):Sequence of known folder ids of subfolders to be excluded from redirection Returns: None """ ... class PyILockBytes: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ReadAt(self, ulOffset: ULARGE_INTEGER, cb: typing.Any) -> str: """ Reads a specified number of bytes starting at a specified offset from the beginning of the byte array object. Args: ulOffset(ULARGE_INTEGER):Offset to start reading cb(typing.Any):Number of bytes to readCommentsThe result is a binary buffer returned in a string. Returns: str """ ... def WriteAt(self, ulOffset: ULARGE_INTEGER, data: str) -> typing.Any: """ Writes the specified number of bytes starting at a specified offset from the beginning of the byte array. Args: ulOffset(ULARGE_INTEGER):Offset to write at. data(str):Data to writeReturn ValueThe result is the number of bytes actually written. Returns: typing.Any:Data to writeReturn ValueThe result is the number of bytes actually written. """ ... def Flush(self) -> None: """ Ensures that any internal buffers maintained by the byte array object are written out to the backing storage. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetSize(self, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER) -> None: """ Changes the size of the byte array. Args: cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The new size. Returns: None """ ... def LockRegion(self, libOffset: ULARGE_INTEGER, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER, dwLockType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Restricts access to a specified range of bytes in the byte array. Args: libOffset(ULARGE_INTEGER):The beginning of the region to lock. cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The number of bytes to lock. dwLockType(typing.Any):Specifies the restrictions being requested on accessing the range. Returns: None """ ... def UnlockRegion(self, libOffset: ULARGE_INTEGER, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER, dwLockType: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: libOffset(ULARGE_INTEGER):The beginning of the region to unlock. cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The number of bytes to lock. dwLockType(typing.Any):Specifies the restrictions being requested on accessing the range. Returns: None """ ... def Stat(self, grfStatFlag: typing.Any) -> STATSTG: """ None Args: grfStatFlag(typing.Any):Specifies that this method does not return some of the fields in the STATSTG structure, thus saving a memory allocation operation. Values are taken from the STATFLAG enumerationg Returns: STATSTG """ ... class PyIMAPIContainer: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OpenEntry(self, entryId: str, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens an object and returns an interface object for further access. Args: entryId(str):The EntryID to open. iid(PyIID):The IID of the returned interface, or None for the default interface. flags(typing.Any):Flags for the call. May include MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, MAPI_MODIFY and possibly others (see the MAPI documentation) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetContentsTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Returns an object representing the container's contents table. Args: flags(typing.Any):The flags to use. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def GetHierarchyTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Returns an object representing the container's hierarchy table. Args: flags(typing.Any):The flags to use. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... class PyIMAPIFolder: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateFolder(self, folderType: typing.Any, folderName: str, folderComment: str = ..., iid: PyIID = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIMAPIFolder: """ Creates a folder object. Args: folderType(typing.Any):The type of folder to create folderName(str):The name of the folder. folderComment(str):A comment for the folder or None iid(PyIID):The IID of the object to return. Should usually be None. flags(typing.Any): Returns: PyIMAPIFolder """ ... def CreateMessage(self, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMessage: """ Creates a message in a folder Args: iid(PyIID):The IID of the object to return. Should usually be None. flags(typing.Any): Returns: PyIMessage """ ... def CopyMessages(self, msgs: PySBinaryArray, iid: PyIID, folder: PyIMAPIFolder, ulUIParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Copies the specified messages Args: msgs(PySBinaryArray): iid(PyIID):IID representing the interface to be used to access the destination folder. Should usually be None. folder(PyIMAPIFolder):The destination folder ulUIParam(typing.Any):Handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows this method displays. progress(typing.Any):A progress object, or None flags(typing.Any):A bitmask ofMaskDescriptionMAPI_DECLINE_OKInforms the message store provider to immediately return MAPI_E_DECLINE_COPY if it implements CopyMessage by calling the support object's IMAPISupport::DoCopyTo or IMAPISupport::DoCopyProps method.MESSAGE_DIALOGDisplays a progress indicator as the operation proceeds.MESSAGE_MOVEThe message or messages are to be moved rather than copied. If MESSAGE_MOVE is not set, the messages are copied. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DeleteFolder(self, entryId: str, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes a subfolder. Args: entryId(str):The EntryID of the subfolder to delete. uiParam(typing.Any):Handle of the parent window of the progress indicator. progress(typing.Any):A progress object, or None Returns: None """ ... def DeleteMessages(self, msgs: PySBinaryArray, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes the specified messages. Args: msgs(PySBinaryArray): uiParam(typing.Any):A HWND for the progress progress(typing.Any):A progress object, or None flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EmptyFolder(self, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ deletes all messages and subfolders from a folder without deleting the folder itself. Args: uiParam(typing.Any):A HWND for the progress progress(typing.Any):A progress object, or None flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetReadFlags(self, msgs: PySBinaryArray, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, flag: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets or clears the MSGFLAG_READ flag in the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS (PidTagMessageFlags) property of one or more of the folder's messages, and manages the sending of read reports. Args: msgs(PySBinaryArray): uiParam(typing.Any):A HWND for the progress progress(typing.Any):A progress object, or None flag(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls the setting of a message's read flag - that is, the message's MSGFLAG_READ flag in its PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property and the processing of read reports. Returns: None """ ... class PyIMAPIProp: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetProps(self, propList: PySPropTagArray, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns a list of property values. Args: propList(PySPropTagArray):The list of properties flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def DeleteProps(self, propList: PySPropTagArray, wantProblems: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Deletes a set of properties. Args: propList(PySPropTagArray):The list of properties wantProblems(typing.Any):Return detailed error information Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetProps(self, propList: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], wantProblems: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Sets a set of properties. Args: propList(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The list of properties wantProblems(typing.Any):Return detailed error information Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def CopyTo(self, IIDExcludeList: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], propTags: PySPropTagArray, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, resultIID: PyIID, dest: PyIMAPIProp, flags: typing.Any, wantProblems: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Copies an object to another Args: IIDExcludeList(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):A sequence of IIDs to exclude. propTags(PySPropTagArray):The property tags to exclude. uiParam(typing.Any):Handle to the parent window of the progress object progress(typing.Any):Reserved - must pass None resultIID(PyIID):IID of the destination object dest(PyIMAPIProp):The destination object flags(typing.Any):flags wantProblems(typing.Any):Return detailed error information Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def CopyProps(self, propTags: PySPropTagArray, uiParam: typing.Any, progress: typing.Any, resultIID: PyIID, dest: PyIMAPIProp, flags: typing.Any, wantProblems: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Copies a set of properties to another object Args: propTags(PySPropTagArray):The property tags to copy uiParam(typing.Any):Handle to the parent window of the progress object progress(typing.Any):Reserved - must pass None resultIID(PyIID):IID of the destination object dest(PyIMAPIProp):The destination object flags(typing.Any):flags wantProblems(typing.Any):Return detailed error information Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def OpenProperty(self, propTag: typing.Any, iid: PyIID, interfaceOptions: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIUnknown: """ Returns an interface object to be used to access a property. Args: propTag(typing.Any):The property tag to open iid(PyIID):The IID of the resulting interface. interfaceOptions(typing.Any):Data that relates to the interface identified by the lpiid parameter. flags(typing.Any):flags Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def GetIDsFromNames(self, nameIds: PyMAPINAMEIDArray, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PySPropTagArray: """ Determines property IDs Args: nameIds(PyMAPINAMEIDArray):Sequence of name ids flags(typing.Any): Returns: PySPropTagArray """ ... def GetNamesFromIDs(self, propTags: PySPropTagArray, propSetGuid: PyIID = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PySPropTagArray, PyMAPINAMEIDArray]: """ Determines property names Args: propTags(PySPropTagArray):Sequence of property tags, or None propSetGuid(PyIID):a globally unique identifier, identifying a property set, or None flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PySPropTagArray, PyMAPINAMEIDArray] """ ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SaveChanges(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Saves pending changes to the object Args: flags(typing.Any):flags Returns: None """ ... def GetPropList(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PySPropTagArray: """ Gets a list of properties Args: flags(typing.Any):flags Returns: PySPropTagArray """ ... class PyIMAPISession: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OpenEntry(self, entryId: str, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens an object and returns an interface object for further access. Args: entryId(str):The EntryID to open. iid(PyIID):The IID of the returned interface, or None for the default interface. flags(typing.Any):Flags for the call. May include MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, MAPI_MODIFY and possibly others (see the MAPI documentation) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OpenMsgStore(self, uiParam: typing.Any, entryId: str, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIUnknown: """ Opens a message store. Args: uiParam(typing.Any):Handle to the parent window for dialogs. entryId(str):The entry ID of the message store to open. iid(PyIID):The IID of the interface returned, or None flags(typing.Any):Options for the call.CommentsThe result is the interface specified by the IID, or IID_IMsgStore if None is used. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def QueryIdentity(self) -> str: """ Returns the entry identifier of the object that provides the primary identity for the session. Args: Returns: str """ ... def Advise(self, entryId: str, mask: typing.Any, sink: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: entryId(str):The entryID of the object mask(typing.Any): sink(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is an integer which should be passed to PyIMAPISession::Unadvise Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is an integer which should be passed to PyIMAPISession::Unadvise """ ... def Unadvise(self, connection: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: connection(typing.Any):Value returned from PyIMAPISession::Advise Returns: None """ ... def CompareEntryIDs(self, entryId: str, entryId1: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Compares two entry identifiers belonging to a particular address book provider to determine if they refer to the same address book object Args: entryId(str):The first entry ID to be compared entryId1(str):The second entry ID to be compared flags(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero.Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. Returns: typing.Any:Reserved - must be zero. Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. """ ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMsgStoresTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Provides access to the message store table - a table with information about all of the message stores in the session profile. Args: flags(typing.Any):Flags that control the opening. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def GetStatusTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Provides access to the status table - a table with information about all of the MAPI resources in the session. Args: flags(typing.Any):Flags that control the opening. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def Logoff(self, uiParm: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, reserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ends a MAPI session. Args: uiParm(typing.Any):hwnd of a dialog is to be displayed. flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that control the logoff operation. reserved(typing.Any):Reserved; must be zero. Returns: None """ ... def OpenAddressBook(self, uiParm: typing.Any, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIAddrBook: """ Opens the integrated address book. Args: uiParm(typing.Any):hwnd of a dialog is to be displayed. iid(PyIID):The IID of the interface, or None. flags(typing.Any):Flags that control the opening - AB_NO_DIALOG. Returns: PyIAddrBook """ ... def OpenProfileSection(self, iidSection: PyIID, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens a section of the current profile and returns an object for futher access Args: iidSection(PyIID):The MAPIIID of the profile section iid(PyIID):The IID of the interface, or None. flags(typing.Any):Flags that control the opening. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AdminServices(self, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIMsgServiceAdmin: """ Provides access to a message service administration object for making changes to the message services. Args: flags(typing.Any):reserved; must be zero. Returns: PyIMsgServiceAdmin """ ... class PyIMAPIStatus: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ChangePassword(self, oldPassword: typing.Any, newPassword: typing.Any, ulFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: oldPassword(typing.Any): newPassword(typing.Any): ulFlags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SettingsDialog(self, ulUIParam: typing.Any, ulFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: ulUIParam(typing.Any): ulFlags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def ValidateState(self, ulUIParam: typing.Any, ulFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: ulUIParam(typing.Any): ulFlags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def FlushQueues(self, ulUIParam: typing.Any, transport: str, ulFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: ulUIParam(typing.Any): transport(str):Blob of data ulFlags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class PyIMAPITable: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Advise(self, eventMask: typing.Any, adviseSink: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Registers to receive notification of specified events affecting the table. Args: eventMask(typing.Any): adviseSink(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SeekRow(self, bookmark: typing.Any, rowCount: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Moves the cursor to a specific position in the table. Args: bookmark(typing.Any):The bookmark. rowCount(typing.Any):Return ValueThe result is the number of rows processed. Returns: typing.Any:Return ValueThe result is the number of rows processed. """ ... def SeekRowApprox(self, numerator: typing.Any, denominator: typing.Any) -> None: """ Moves the cursor to an approximate fractional position in the table. Args: numerator(typing.Any):The numerator of the fraction representing the table position denominator(typing.Any):The denominator of the fraction representing the table position. This must not be zero. Returns: None """ ... def GetRowCount(self, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the total number of rows in the table. Args: flags(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero Returns: typing.Any """ ... def QueryRows(self, rowCount: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns one or more rows from a table, beginning at the current cursor position. Args: rowCount(typing.Any):Number of rows to retrieve flags(typing.Any):Flags. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetColumns(self, propTags: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Defines the particular properties and order of properties to appear as columns in the table. Args: propTags(typing.Any):Sequence of property tags identifying properties to be included as columns in the table. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def GetStatus(self) -> None: """ Returns the table's status and type. Args: Returns: None:PyIMAPITable.GetStatus GetStatus()Returns the table's status and type. Return ValueResult is a tuple of (tableStatus, tableType) """ ... def QueryPosition(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the current table row position of the cursor, based on a fractional value. Args: Returns: None:PyIMAPITable.QueryPosition QueryPosition()Retrieves the current table row position of the cursor, based on a fractional value. Return ValueResult is a tuple of (row, numerator, denominator) """ ... def QueryColumns(self, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a list of columns for the table. Args: flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Abort(self) -> None: """ Stops any asynchronous operations currently in progress for the table. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FreeBookmark(self, bookmark: typing.Any) -> None: """ Releases the memory associated with a bookmark. Args: bookmark(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def CreateBookmark(self) -> typing.Any: """ Marks the table's current position. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Restrict(self, restriction: PySRestriction, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row set to only those rows matching the specified criteria. Args: restriction(PySRestriction): flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def FindRow(self, restriction: PySRestriction, bookmarkOrigin: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Finds the next row in a table that matches specific search criteria. Args: restriction(PySRestriction): bookmarkOrigin(typing.Any): flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SortTable(self, sortOrderSet: PySSortOrderSet, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Orders the rows of the table based on sort criteria. Args: sortOrderSet(PySSortOrderSet): flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def Unadvise(self, handle: typing.Any) -> None: """ Cancels the sending of notifications previously set up with a call to the IMAPITable::Advise method. Args: handle(typing.Any):Handle returned from PyIMAPITable::Advise Returns: None """ ... class PyIMachineDebugManager: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddApplication(self, pda: PyIRemoteDebugApplication) -> None: """ Description of AddApplication. Args: pda(PyIRemoteDebugApplication):Description for pda Returns: None """ ... def RemoveApplication(self, dwAppCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of RemoveApplication. Args: dwAppCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwAppCookie Returns: None """ ... def EnumApplications(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumApplications. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIMachineDebugManagerEvents: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def onAddApplication(self, pda: PyIRemoteDebugApplication, dwAppCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onAddApplication. Args: pda(PyIRemoteDebugApplication):Description for pda dwAppCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwAppCookie Returns: None """ ... def onRemoveApplication(self, pda: PyIRemoteDebugApplication, dwAppCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of onRemoveApplication. Args: pda(PyIRemoteDebugApplication):Description for pda dwAppCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwAppCookie Returns: None """ ... class PyIMessage: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetReadFlag(self, flag: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the read flags for a message Args: flag(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls the setting of a message's read flag - that is, the message's MSGFLAG_READ flag in its PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property and the processing of read reports. Returns: None """ ... def GetAttachmentTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Returns the message's attachment table. Args: flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that relate to the creation of the table. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def OpenAttach(self, attachmentNum: typing.Any, interface: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIAttach: """ Opens an attachment Args: attachmentNum(typing.Any): interface(PyIID):The interface to use, or None flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls how the attachment is opened. Returns: PyIAttach """ ... def CreateAttach(self, interface: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIAttach]: """ Creates an attachment Args: interface(PyIID):The interface to use, or None flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls how the attachment is created.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (attachmentNum, attachmentObject) Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIAttach]:Bitmask of flags that controls how the attachment is created.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (attachmentNum, attachmentObject) """ ... def DeleteAttach(self, attachmentNum: typing.Any, ulUIParam: typing.Any, interface: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes an attachment Args: attachmentNum(typing.Any): ulUIParam(typing.Any): interface(typing.Any):The interface to use, or None flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls the display of a user interface. Returns: None """ ... def ModifyRecipients(self, flags: typing.Any, mods: typing.Any) -> None: """ adds, deletes, or modifies message recipients. Args: flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls the recipient changes. If zero is passed for the ulFlags parameter, ModifyRecipients replaces all existing recipients with the recipient list in the mods parameter. mods(typing.Any):The list of recipients. Returns: None """ ... def GetRecipientTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Returns the message's recipient table. Args: flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that relate to the creation of the table. Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def SubmitMessage(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Saves all of the message's properties and marks the message as ready to be sent. Args: flags(typing.Any):Flags which specify how the message is submitted. Returns: None """ ... class PyIMoniker: """A Python interface to IMoniker""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def BindToObject(self, bindCtx: PyIBindCtx, moniker: PyIMoniker, iidResult: typing.Any) -> PyIUnknown: """ Uses the moniker to bind to the object it identifies. Args: bindCtx(PyIBindCtx):bind context object to be used. moniker(PyIMoniker):If the moniker is part of a composite moniker, otherwise None iidResult(typing.Any):IID of the result object. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def BindToStorage(self, bindCtx: PyIBindCtx, moniker: PyIMoniker, iidResult: typing.Any) -> PyIUnknown: """ Retrieves an interface object to the storage that contains the object identified by the moniker. Args: bindCtx(PyIBindCtx):bind context object to be used. moniker(PyIMoniker):If the moniker is part of a composite moniker, otherwise None iidResult(typing.Any):IID of the result object. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def GetDisplayName(self, bindCtx: PyIBindCtx, moniker: PyIMoniker) -> str: """ Gets the display name , which is a user-readable representation of this moniker. Args: bindCtx(PyIBindCtx):bind context object to be used. moniker(PyIMoniker):If the moniker is part of a composite moniker, otherwise None Returns: str """ ... def ComposeWith(self, mkRight: PyIMoniker, fOnlyIfNotGeneric: typing.Any) -> PyIMoniker: """ Combines the current moniker with another moniker, creating a new composite moniker. Args: mkRight(PyIMoniker):The IMoniker interface on the moniker to compose onto the end of this moniker. fOnlyIfNotGeneric(typing.Any):If TRUE, the caller requires a non-generic composition, so the operation should proceed only if pmkRight is a moniker class that this moniker can compose with in some way other than forming a generic composite. If FALSE, the method can create a generic composite if necessary. Returns: PyIMoniker """ ... def Enum(self, fForward: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIEnumMoniker: """ Supplies an enumerator that can enumerate the components of a composite moniker. Args: fForward(typing.Any):If TRUE, enumerates the monikers from left to right. If FALSE, enumerates from right to left. Returns: PyIEnumMoniker """ ... def IsEqual(self, other: PyIMoniker) -> typing.Any: """ Compares this moniker with a specified moniker and indicates whether they are identical. Args: other(PyIMoniker):The moniker to compare Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsSystemMoniker(self) -> typing.Any: """ Indicates whether this moniker is of one of the system-supplied moniker classes. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Hash(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calculates a 32-bit integer using the internal state of the moniker. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIMsgServiceAdmin: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateMsgService(self, serviceName: str, displayName: str, flags: typing.Any, uiParam: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates a message service. Args: serviceName(str):The name of the service. displayName(str):Display name of the service, or None flags(typing.Any):A bitmask of flags that controls how the message service is installed. uiParam(typing.Any):A handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows that this method displays. Returns: None """ ... def ConfigureMsgService(self, iid: PyIID, ulUIParam: typing.Any, ulFlags: typing.Any, arg: typing.List[typing.Any]) -> None: """ Reconfigures a message service. Args: iid(PyIID):The unique identifier for the message service to configure. ulUIParam(typing.Any):Handle of the parent window for the configuration property sheet. ulFlags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls the display of the property sheet. arg(typing.List[typing.Any]):Property values describing the properties to display in the property sheet. Should not be None if the service is to be configured without a message service. Returns: None """ ... def GetMsgServiceTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Retrieves a table of services. Args: flags(typing.Any): Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def GetProviderTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ Retrieves a table of service providers. Args: flags(typing.Any): Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def DeleteMsgService(self, uuid: PyIID) -> None: """ Deletes the specified service Args: uuid(PyIID):The ID of the service Returns: None """ ... def RenameMsgService(self, uuid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any, newName: str) -> None: """ Renames the specified service Args: uuid(PyIID):The ID of the service flags(typing.Any): newName(str):The new name for the service.CommentsThis is deprecated, and there is no replacement referenced to use instead. Returns: None """ ... def OpenProfileSection(self, uuid: PyIID, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens a profile section Args: uuid(PyIID):The ID of the service iid(PyIID):The IID of the resulting object, or None for the default flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AdminProviders(self, uuid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns an object providing access to a provider administration object. Args: uuid(PyIID):The ID of the service flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIMsgStore: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OpenEntry(self, entryId: str, iid: PyIID, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Opens a folder or message and returns an interface object for further access. Args: entryId(str):The entryID of the object iid(PyIID):The IID of the object to return, or None for the default IID flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls how the object is opened. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetReceiveFolder(self, messageClass: str = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[PyIID, str]: """ Obtains the folder that was established as the destination for incoming messages of a specified message class or the default receive folder for the message store. Args: messageClass(str):Message class that is associated with a receive folder. If this parameter is set to None or an empty string, GetReceiveFolder returns the default receive folder for the message store. flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Tuple[PyIID, str] """ ... def GetReceiveFolderTable(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIMAPITable: """ provides access to the receive folder table, a table that includes information about all of the receive folders for the message store. Args: flags(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags that controls table access Returns: PyIMAPITable """ ... def CompareEntryIDs(self, entryId: str, entryId1: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Compares two entry identifiers belonging to a particular address book provider to determine if they refer to the same address book object Args: entryId(str):The first entry ID to be compared entryId1(str):The second entry ID to be compared flags(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero.Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. Returns: typing.Any:Reserved - must be zero. Return ValueThe result is set to TRUE if the two entry identifiers refer to the same object, and FALSE otherwise. """ ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AbortSubmit(self, entryId: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Attempts to remove a message from the outgoing queue. Args: entryId(str):The entry ID of the item to be aborted. flags(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Advise(self, entryId: str, eventMask: typing.Any, adviseSink: typing.Any) -> None: """ Registers to receive notification of specified events that affect the message store. Args: entryId(str):entry identifier of the folder or message about which notifications should be generated, or None eventMask(typing.Any):A mask of values that indicate the types of notification events. adviseSink(typing.Any):An advise sink. Returns: None """ ... def Unadvise(self, connection: typing.Any) -> None: """ Cancels the sending of notifications previously set up with a call to the IMsgStore::Advise method. Args: connection(typing.Any):Connection number returned from PyIMsgStore::Advise Returns: None """ ... class PyINameSpaceTreeControl: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, hwndParent: typing.Union[typing.Any], prc: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], nsctsFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: hwndParent(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for hwndParent prc(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for prc nsctsFlags(typing.Any):Description for nsctsFlags Returns: None """ ... def TreeAdvise(self, punk: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Description of TreeAdvise. Args: punk(PyIUnknown):Description for punk Returns: None """ ... def TreeUnadvise(self, dwCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TreeUnadvise. Args: dwCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwCookie Returns: None """ ... def AppendRoot(self, psiRoot: PyIShellItem, grfEnumFlags: typing.Any, grfRootStyle: typing.Any, pif: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of AppendRoot. Args: psiRoot(PyIShellItem):Description for psiRoot grfEnumFlags(typing.Any):Description for grfEnumFlags grfRootStyle(typing.Any):Description for grfRootStyle pif(typing.Any):Description for pif Returns: None """ ... def InsertRoot(self, iIndex: typing.Any, psiRoot: PyIShellItem, grfEnumFlags: typing.Any, grfRootStyle: typing.Any, pif: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of InsertRoot. Args: iIndex(typing.Any):Description for iIndex psiRoot(PyIShellItem):Description for psiRoot grfEnumFlags(typing.Any):Description for grfEnumFlags grfRootStyle(typing.Any):Description for grfRootStyle pif(typing.Any):Description for pif Returns: None """ ... def RemoveRoot(self, psiRoot: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Description of RemoveRoot. Args: psiRoot(PyIShellItem):Description for psiRoot Returns: None """ ... def RemoveAllRoots(self) -> None: """ Description of RemoveAllRoots. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetRootItems(self) -> None: """ Description of GetRootItems. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetItemState(self, psi: PyIShellItem, nstcisMask: typing.Any, nstcisFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetItemState. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi nstcisMask(typing.Any):Description for nstcisMask nstcisFlags(typing.Any):Description for nstcisFlags Returns: None """ ... def GetItemState(self, psi: PyIShellItem, nstcisMask: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetItemState. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi nstcisMask(typing.Any):Description for nstcisMask Returns: None """ ... def GetSelectedItems(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSelectedItems. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetItemCustomState(self, psi: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Description of GetItemCustomState. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi Returns: None """ ... def SetItemCustomState(self, psi: PyIShellItem, iStateNumber: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetItemCustomState. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi iStateNumber(typing.Any):Description for iStateNumber Returns: None """ ... def EnsureItemVisible(self, psi: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Description of EnsureItemVisible. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi Returns: None """ ... def SetTheme(self, pszTheme: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetTheme. Args: pszTheme(typing.Any):Description for pszTheme Returns: None """ ... def GetNextItem(self, psi: PyIShellItem, nstcgi: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetNextItem. Args: psi(PyIShellItem):Description for psi nstcgi(typing.Any):Description for nstcgi Returns: None """ ... def HitTest(self, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of HitTest. Args: pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for ppt Returns: None """ ... def GetItemRect(self) -> None: """ Description of GetItemRect. Args: Returns: None """ ... def CollapseAll(self) -> None: """ Description of CollapseAll. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyINamedPropertyStore: """Contains a collection of properties indentified by name""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetNamedValue(self, Name: typing.Any) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Retrieves a property value by name Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of the property Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... def SetNamedValue(self, propvar: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the value of a property Args: propvar(typing.Any):Description for propvar Returns: None """ ... def GetNameCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of named properties in the store Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNameAt(self, Index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a property name by zero-based index Args: Index(typing.Any):Index of the property name Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIObjectArray: """Holds a collection of interface objects""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns number of objects in collection Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAt(self, Index: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Retrieves an item by zero-based index Args: Index(typing.Any):Index of item to retrieve riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... class PyIObjectCollection: """Modifiable container for a number of IUnknown objects""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddObject(self, punk: PyIUnknown) -> None: """ Adds a single object to the collection Args: punk(PyIUnknown):Object to be added Returns: None """ ... def AddFromArray(self, Source: PyIObjectArray) -> None: """ None Args: Source(PyIObjectArray):Objects to be added to the collection Returns: None """ ... def RemoveObjectAt(self, Index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Removes a single object from the collection Args: Index(typing.Any):Zero-based index of item to remove Returns: None """ ... def Clear(self) -> None: """ Empties the container. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIObjectWithPropertyKey: """Interface implemented by objects that have an associated property id""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetPropertyKey(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> None: """ Sets the property id Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The identifier of the property Returns: None """ ... def GetPropertyKey(self) -> PyPROPERTYKEY: """ Returns the property id Args: Returns: PyPROPERTYKEY """ ... class PyIObjectWithSite: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetSite(self, pUnkSite: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetSite. Args: pUnkSite(typing.Any):Description for pUnkSite Returns: None """ ... def GetSite(self, riid: PyIID) -> None: """ Description of GetSite. Args: riid(PyIID):Description for riid Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleClientSite: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SaveObject(self) -> None: """ Description of SaveObject. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetMoniker(self, dwAssign: typing.Any, dwWhichMoniker: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetMoniker. Args: dwAssign(typing.Any):Description for dwAssign dwWhichMoniker(typing.Any):Description for dwWhichMoniker Returns: None """ ... def GetContainer(self) -> None: """ Description of GetContainer. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ShowObject(self) -> None: """ Description of ShowObject. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnShowWindow(self, fShow: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnShowWindow. Args: fShow(typing.Any):Description for fShow Returns: None """ ... def RequestNewObjectLayout(self) -> None: """ Description of RequestNewObjectLayout. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleCommandTarget: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryStatus(self) -> None: """ Description of QueryStatus. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Exec(self) -> None: """ Description of Exec. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleControl: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetControlInfo(self) -> None: """ Description of GetControlInfo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnMnemonic(self, msg: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnMnemonic. Args: msg(typing.Any):A tuple representing a MSG structure. Returns: None """ ... def OnAmbientPropertyChange(self, dispID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnAmbientPropertyChange. Args: dispID(typing.Any):Description for dispID Returns: None """ ... def FreezeEvents(self, bFreeze: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of FreezeEvents. Args: bFreeze(typing.Any):Description for bFreeze Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleControlSite: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnControlInfoChanged(self) -> None: """ Description of OnControlInfoChanged. Args: Returns: None """ ... def LockInPlaceActive(self, fLock: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of LockInPlaceActive. Args: fLock(typing.Any):Description for fLock Returns: None """ ... def GetExtendedControl(self) -> None: """ Description of GetExtendedControl. Args: Returns: None """ ... def TransformCoords(self, PtlHimetric: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pPtfContainer: typing.Tuple[float, float], dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TransformCoords. Args: PtlHimetric(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pPtlHimetric pPtfContainer(typing.Tuple[float, float]):Description for pPtfContainer dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlagsReturn ValueThe result is a tuple of the transformed input points - ie, a tuple of ((int, int), (float, float)) Returns: None:Description for dwFlagsReturn ValueThe result is a tuple of the transformed input points - ie, a tuple of ((int, int), (float, float)) """ ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, pMsg: PyMSG, grfModifiers: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: pMsg(PyMSG):Description for pMsg grfModifiers(typing.Any):Description for grfModifiers Returns: None """ ... def OnFocus(self, fGotFocus: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnFocus. Args: fGotFocus(typing.Any):Description for fGotFocus Returns: None """ ... def ShowPropertyFrame(self) -> None: """ Description of ShowPropertyFrame. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, lpmsg: PyMSG) -> None: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: lpmsg(PyMSG):Description for lpmsg Returns: None """ ... def OnFrameWindowActivate(self, fActivate: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnFrameWindowActivate. Args: fActivate(typing.Any):Description for fActivate Returns: None """ ... def OnDocWindowActivate(self, fActivate: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnDocWindowActivate. Args: fActivate(typing.Any):Description for fActivate Returns: None """ ... def ResizeBorder(self, rcBorder: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], pUIWindow: PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow, fFrameWindow: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ResizeBorder. Args: rcBorder(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for prcBorder pUIWindow(PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow):Description for pUIWindow fFrameWindow(typing.Any):Description for fFrameWindow Returns: None """ ... def EnableModeless(self, fEnable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EnableModeless. Args: fEnable(typing.Any):Description for fEnable Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceFrame: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InsertMenus(self, hmenuShared: typing.Union[typing.Any], menuWidths: PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS) -> None: """ Description of InsertMenus. Args: hmenuShared(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for hmenuShared menuWidths(PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS): Returns: None """ ... def SetMenu(self, hmenuShared: typing.Union[typing.Any], holemenu: typing.Union[typing.Any], hwndActiveObject: typing.Union[typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of SetMenu. Args: hmenuShared(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for hmenuShared holemenu(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for holemenu hwndActiveObject(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for hwndActiveObject Returns: None """ ... def RemoveMenus(self, hmenuShared: typing.Union[typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of RemoveMenus. Args: hmenuShared(typing.Union[typing.Any]):Description for hmenuShared Returns: None """ ... def SetStatusText(self, pszStatusText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetStatusText. Args: pszStatusText(typing.Any):Description for pszStatusText Returns: None """ ... def EnableModeless(self, fEnable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EnableModeless. Args: fEnable(typing.Any):Description for fEnable Returns: None """ ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, lpmsg: PyMSG, wID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: lpmsg(PyMSG):Description for lpmsg wID(typing.Any):Description for wID Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceObject: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InPlaceDeactivate(self) -> None: """ Description of InPlaceDeactivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def UIDeactivate(self) -> None: """ Description of UIDeactivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetObjectRects(self) -> None: """ Description of SetObjectRects. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ReactivateAndUndo(self) -> None: """ Description of ReactivateAndUndo. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceSite: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CanInPlaceActivate(self) -> None: """ Description of CanInPlaceActivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnInPlaceActivate(self) -> None: """ Description of OnInPlaceActivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnUIActivate(self) -> None: """ Description of OnUIActivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetWindowContext(self) -> None: """ Description of GetWindowContext. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Scroll(self) -> None: """ Description of Scroll. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnUIDeactivate(self, fUndoable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnUIDeactivate. Args: fUndoable(typing.Any):Description for fUndoable Returns: None """ ... def OnInPlaceDeactivate(self) -> None: """ Description of OnInPlaceDeactivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DiscardUndoState(self) -> None: """ Description of DiscardUndoState. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DeactivateAndUndo(self) -> None: """ Description of DeactivateAndUndo. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnPosRectChange(self) -> None: """ Description of OnPosRectChange. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceSiteEx: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnInPlaceActivateEx(self, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnInPlaceActivateEx. Args: dwFlags(typing.Any):Description for dwFlags Returns: None """ ... def OnInPlaceDeactivateEx(self, fNoRedraw: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnInPlaceDeactivateEx. Args: fNoRedraw(typing.Any):Description for fNoRedraw Returns: None """ ... def RequestUIActivate(self) -> None: """ Description of RequestUIActivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CanWindowlessActivate(self) -> None: """ Description of CanWindowlessActivate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCapture(self) -> None: """ Description of GetCapture. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetCapture(self, fCapture: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetCapture. Args: fCapture(typing.Any):Description for fCapture Returns: None """ ... def GetFocus(self) -> None: """ Description of GetFocus. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFocus(self, fFocus: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetFocus. Args: fFocus(typing.Any):Description for fFocus Returns: None """ ... def GetDC(self, grfFlags: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of GetDC. Args: grfFlags(typing.Any):Description for grfFlags rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]): Returns: None """ ... def ReleaseDC(self, hDC: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ReleaseDC. Args: hDC(typing.Any):Description for hDC Returns: None """ ... def InvalidateRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], fErase: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of InvalidateRect. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]): fErase(typing.Any):Description for fErase Returns: None """ ... def InvalidateRgn(self, hRgn: typing.Any, fErase: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of InvalidateRgn. Args: hRgn(typing.Any):Handle to a region fErase(typing.Any):Description for fErase Returns: None """ ... def ScrollRect(self, dx: typing.Any, dy: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ScrollRect. Args: dx(typing.Any):Description for dx dy(typing.Any):Description for dy Returns: None """ ... def AdjustRect(self) -> None: """ Description of AdjustRect. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnDefWindowMessage(self, msg: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any, lParam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnDefWindowMessage. Args: msg(typing.Any):Description for msg wParam(typing.Any):Description for wParam lParam(typing.Any):Description for lParam Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleInPlaceUIWindow: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetBorder(self) -> None: """ Description of GetBorder. Args: Returns: None """ ... def RequestBorderSpace(self, borderwidths: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of RequestBorderSpace. Args: borderwidths(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pborderwidths Returns: None """ ... def SetBorderSpace(self, borderwidths: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of SetBorderSpace. Args: borderwidths(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pborderwidths Returns: None """ ... def SetActiveObject(self, pActiveObject: PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject, pszObjName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetActiveObject. Args: pActiveObject(PyIOleInPlaceActiveObject):Description for pActiveObject pszObjName(typing.Any):Description for pszObjName Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleObject: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetClientSite(self, pClientSite: PyIOleClientSite) -> None: """ Description of SetClientSite. Args: pClientSite(PyIOleClientSite):Description for pClientSite Returns: None """ ... def GetClientSite(self) -> None: """ Description of GetClientSite. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetHostNames(self, szContainerApp: typing.Any, szContainerObj: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetHostNames. Args: szContainerApp(typing.Any):Description for szContainerApp szContainerObj(typing.Any):Description for szContainerObj Returns: None """ ... def Close(self, dwSaveOption: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Close. Args: dwSaveOption(typing.Any):Description for dwSaveOption Returns: None """ ... def SetMoniker(self, dwWhichMoniker: typing.Any, pmk: PyIMoniker) -> None: """ Description of SetMoniker. Args: dwWhichMoniker(typing.Any):Description for dwWhichMoniker pmk(PyIMoniker):Description for pmk Returns: None """ ... def GetMoniker(self, dwAssign: typing.Any, dwWhichMoniker: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetMoniker. Args: dwAssign(typing.Any):Description for dwAssign dwWhichMoniker(typing.Any):Description for dwWhichMoniker Returns: None """ ... def InitFromData(self, pDataObject: PyIDataObject, fCreation: typing.Any, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of InitFromData. Args: pDataObject(PyIDataObject):Description for pDataObject fCreation(typing.Any):Description for fCreation dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReserved Returns: None """ ... def GetClipboardData(self, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetClipboardData. Args: dwReserved(typing.Any):Description for dwReserved Returns: None """ ... def DoVerb(self, iVerb: typing.Any, msg: PyMSG, pActiveSite: PyIOleClientSite, lindex: typing.Any, hwndParent: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of DoVerb. Args: iVerb(typing.Any):Description for iVerb msg(PyMSG):MSG tuple, a-la win32gui etc. pActiveSite(PyIOleClientSite):Description for pActiveSite lindex(typing.Any):Description for lindex hwndParent(typing.Any):Description for hwndParent rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]): Returns: None """ ... def EnumVerbs(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumVerbs. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Update(self) -> None: """ Description of Update. Args: Returns: None """ ... def IsUpToDate(self) -> None: """ Description of IsUpToDate. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetUserClassID(self) -> None: """ Description of GetUserClassID. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetUserType(self, dwFormOfType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetUserType. Args: dwFormOfType(typing.Any):Description for dwFormOfType Returns: None """ ... def SetExtent(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of SetExtent. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Size limit for the object. Returns: None """ ... def GetExtent(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Description of GetExtent. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Size limit for the object. Returns: None """ ... def Advise(self, pAdvSink: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Advise. Args: pAdvSink(typing.Any):Description for pAdvSink Returns: None """ ... def Unadvise(self, dwConnection: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Unadvise. Args: dwConnection(typing.Any):Description for dwConnection Returns: None """ ... def EnumAdvise(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumAdvise. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetMiscStatus(self, dwAspect: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetMiscStatus. Args: dwAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwAspect Returns: None """ ... def SetColorScheme(self) -> None: """ Description of SetColorScheme. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIOleWindow: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetWindow(self) -> None: """ Description of GetWindow. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ContextSensitiveHelp(self, fEnterMode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of ContextSensitiveHelp. Args: fEnterMode(typing.Any):Description for fEnterMode Returns: None """ ... class PyIPersist: """A Python interface to IPersist""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetClassID(self) -> PyIID: """ Returns the class identifier (CLSID) for the component object. Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... class PyIPersistFile: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsDirty(self) -> None: """ Checks an object for changes since it was last saved to its current file. Args: Returns: None:PyIPersistFile.IsDirty IsDirty()Checks an object for changes since it was last saved to its current file. Return ValueThis method returns the raw COM error code without raising the normal COM exception. You should treat any error return codes as an indication that the object has changed. Unless this method explicitly returns S_FALSE, assume that the object must be saved. """ ... def Load(self, FileName: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Opens the specified file and initializes an object from the file contents. Args: FileName(typing.Any):Absolute path of the file to open Mode(typing.Any):Specifies the access mode from the STGM enumeration. Returns: None """ ... def Save(self, FileName: typing.Any, fRemember: typing.Any) -> None: """ Saves the object into the specified file. Args: FileName(typing.Any):absolute path of the file where the object is saved. fRemember(typing.Any):Specifies whether the file is to be the current working file or not. Returns: None """ ... def SaveCompleted(self, FileName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Notifies the object that it can revert from NoScribble mode to Normal mode. Args: FileName(typing.Any):Absolute path of the file where the object was saved. Returns: None """ ... def GetCurFile(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the current name of the file associated with the object. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPersistFolder: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: pidl(PyIDL):Description for pidl Returns: None """ ... class PyIPersistFolder2: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCurFolder(self) -> None: """ Description of GetCurFolder. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIPersistPropertyBag: """A Python wrapper for a COM IPersistPropertyBag interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InitNew(self) -> None: """ Called by the container when the control is initialized to initialize the property bag. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Load(self, bag: PyIPropertyBag, log: PyIErrorLog = ...) -> None: """ Called by the container to load the control's properties. Args: bag(PyIPropertyBag):the caller's property bag. log(PyIErrorLog):the caller's error log, or None Returns: None """ ... def Save(self, bag: PyIPropertyBag, clearDirty: typing.Any, saveProperties: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called by the container to save the object's properties. Args: bag(PyIPropertyBag):the caller's property bag. clearDirty(typing.Any):Specifies whether to clear the dirty flag. saveProperties(typing.Any):Specifies whether to save all properties or just those that have changed Returns: None """ ... class PyIPersistSerializedPropStorage: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetFlags(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets flags for the store Args: flags(typing.Any):Combination of pscon.FPSPS_* values Returns: None """ ... def SetPropertyStorage(self, ps: typing.Any) -> None: """ Initializes the store with a serialized buffer Args: ps(typing.Any):Bytes or buffer object containing a serialized property store Returns: None """ ... def GetPropertyStorage(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the current contents of the property store Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPersistStorage: """A Python wrapper of a COM IPersistStorage interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsDirty(self) -> typing.Any: """ Checks the object for changes since it was last saved. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InitNew(self, PyIStorage: PyIStorage) -> None: """ Initializes a new object, providing a storage object to be used for the object. Args: PyIStorage(PyIStorage):PyIStorage for the new storage object to be initialized. The container creates a nested storage object in its storage object (see PyIStorage::CreateStorage). Then, the container calls the PyIPersistStorage::WriteClassStg function to initialize the new storage object with the object class identifier (CLSID). Returns: None """ ... def Load(self, storage: PyIStorage) -> None: """ Loads an object from its existing storage. Args: storage(PyIStorage):Existing storage for the object. Returns: None """ ... def Save(self, PyIStorage: PyIStorage, _int: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: PyIStorage(PyIStorage):Storage for the object _int(typing.Any):Indicates whether the specified storage object is the current one. This parameter is set to FALSE when performing a Save As or Save A Copy To operation or when performing a full save. In the latter case, this method saves to a temporary file, deletes the original file, and renames the temporary file. This parameter is set to TRUE to perform a full save in a low-memory situation or to perform a fast incremental save in which only the dirty components are saved. Returns: None """ ... def SaveCompleted(self, PyIStorage: PyIStorage) -> None: """ None Args: PyIStorage(PyIStorage):The current storage object Returns: None """ ... def HandsOffStorage(self) -> None: """ Instructs the object to release all storage objects that have been passed to it by its container and to enter HandsOff mode, in which the object cannot do anything and the only operation that works is a close operation. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIPersistStream: """A Python interface to IPersistStream""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsDirty(self) -> typing.Any: """ Checks the object for changes since it was last saved. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Load(self, stream: PyIStream) -> None: """ Initializes an object from the stream where it was previously saved. Args: stream(PyIStream):Stream object to load from.CommentsThis method loads an object from its associated stream. The seek pointer is set as it was in the most recent PyIPersistStream::Save method. This method can seek and read from the stream, but cannot write to it.On exit, the seek pointer must be in the same position it was in on entry, immediately past the end of the data. Returns: None """ ... def Save(self, stream: PyIStream, bClearDirty: typing.Any) -> None: """ Saves an object to the specified stream. Args: stream(PyIStream):The stream to save to. bClearDirty(typing.Any):Indicates whether to clear the dirty flag after the save is complete Returns: None """ ... def GetSizeMax(self) -> ULARGE_INTEGER: """ Returns the size in bytes of the stream needed to save the object. Args: Returns: ULARGE_INTEGER """ ... class PyIPersistStreamInit: """A Python interface to IPersistStreamInit""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InitNew(self) -> None: """ Initializes the object to a default state. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIProcessDebugManager: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateApplication(self) -> None: """ Description of CreateApplication. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDefaultApplication(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDefaultApplication. Args: Returns: None """ ... def AddApplication(self, pda: PyIDebugApplication) -> None: """ Description of AddApplication. Args: pda(PyIDebugApplication):Description for pda Returns: None """ ... def RemoveApplication(self, dwAppCookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of RemoveApplication. Args: dwAppCookie(typing.Any):Description for dwAppCookie Returns: None """ ... def CreateDebugDocumentHelper(self, unkOuter: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of CreateDebugDocumentHelper. Args: unkOuter(typing.Any):The outer object for aggregation, or (usually!) None Returns: None """ ... class PyIProfAdmin: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetLastError(self, hr: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the last error code for the object. Args: hr(typing.Any):Contains the error code generated in the previous method call. flags(typing.Any):Indicates for format for the output. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateProfile(self, oldProfileName: str, Password: str, uiParam: typing.Any = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates a new profile. Args: oldProfileName(str):The name of the new profile. Password(str):Must be None uiParam(typing.Any):A handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows that this method displays. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def DeleteProfile(self, oldProfileName: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Deletes a profile. Args: oldProfileName(str):The name of the profile to be deleted. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def CopyProfile(self, oldProfileName: str, Password: str, newProfileName: str, uiParam: typing.Any = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Copies a profile. Args: oldProfileName(str):The name of the profile to copy. Password(str):Must be None newProfileName(str):The new name of the copied profile. uiParam(typing.Any):A handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows that this method displays. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def RenameProfile(self, oldProfileName: str, Password: str, newProfileName: str, uiParam: typing.Any = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Assigns a new name to a profile. Args: oldProfileName(str):The current name of the profile to rename. Password(str):Must be None newProfileName(str):The new name of the profile to rename. uiParam(typing.Any):A handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows that this method displays. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SetDefaultProfile(self, profileName: str, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets or clears a client's default profile. Args: profileName(str):The name of the profile that will become the default, or None. Setting profileName to None indicates that SetDefaultProfile should remove the existing default profile, leaving the client without a default. flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def AdminServices(self, profileName: str, Password: str = ..., uiParam: typing.Any = ..., flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIProfAdmin: """ Provides access to a message service administration object for making changes to the message services in a profile. Args: profileName(str):The name of the profile to be modified. Password(str): uiParam(typing.Any):A handle of the parent window for any dialog boxes or windows that this method displays. flags(typing.Any): Returns: PyIProfAdmin """ ... class PyIPropertyBag: """A Python wrapper for a COM IPropertyBag interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Read(self, propName: typing.Any, propType: typing.Any, errorLog: PyIErrorLog = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Called by the control to read a property from the storage provided by the container. Args: propName(typing.Any):Name of the property to read. propType(typing.Any):The type of the object to read. Must be a VT_* Variant Type constant. errorLog(PyIErrorLog):The caller's PyIErrorLog object in which the property bag stores any errors that occur during reads. Can be None in which case the caller is not interested in errors.CommentsThe result is a Python object, mapped from a COM VARIANT of type as specified in the propType parameter. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Write(self, propName: typing.Any, value: typing.Any) -> None: """ Called by the control to write each property in turn to the storage provided by the container. Args: propName(typing.Any):Name of the property to read. value(typing.Any):The value for the property. The value must be able to be converted to a COM VARIANT. Returns: None """ ... class PyIPropertyChange: """Interface used to specify a change to a property""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ApplyToPropVariant(self, OrigVal: PyPROPVARIANT) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Applies the change to a variant value Args: OrigVal(PyPROPVARIANT):The value to be modified Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... class PyIPropertyChangeArray: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of changes in the array Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAt(self, Index: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyChange: """ Retrieves a change by zero-based index Args: Index(typing.Any):Index of the change to retrieve riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyChange """ ... def InsertAt(self, Index: typing.Any, PropChange: PyIPropertyChange) -> None: """ Inserts a change at a specific position Args: Index(typing.Any):Position at which to place the change PropChange(PyIPropertyChange):The change to be added Returns: None """ ... def Append(self, PropChange: PyIPropertyChange) -> None: """ Adds a change to the end of the array Args: PropChange(PyIPropertyChange):The change to be added Returns: None """ ... def AppendOrReplace(self, PropChange: PyIPropertyChange) -> None: """ Adds a change, or replaces if an identical property key is already in container Args: PropChange(PyIPropertyChange):The change to be added or replaced Returns: None """ ... def RemoveAt(self, Index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Removes a change from the array Args: Index(typing.Any):Index of change to be removed Returns: None """ ... def IsKeyInArray(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Checks if array contains a change to a property Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property key to look for Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPropertyDescription: """Gives access to the details of a property definition""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPropertyKey(self) -> PyPROPERTYKEY: """ Returns the unique identifier for a property Args: Returns: PyPROPERTYKEY """ ... def GetCanonicalName(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the name of the property Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPropertyType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the variant type of the property (VT_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDisplayName(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the property name as shown in the UI Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetEditInvitation(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the input prompt used in edit controls Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTypeFlags(self, mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns type flags for the property Args: mask(typing.Any):Specifies which flags to retrieve (PDTF_*) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetViewFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the view flags that control how the property is displayed (PDVF_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDefaultColumnWidth(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the default width in characters Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDisplayType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the display type (PDDT_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetColumnState(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags that control how property is displayed in column (SHCOLSTATE_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetGroupingRange(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns property's grouping attributes (PDGR_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRelativeDescriptionType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the relative description type (PDRDT_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRelativeDescription(self, var1: PyPROPVARIANT, var2: PyPROPVARIANT) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Compares two values Args: var1(PyPROPVARIANT):The first value var2(PyPROPVARIANT):The second value Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetSortDescription(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns value that determines how sorting options are displayed (PDSD_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSortDescriptionLabel(self, Descending: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns description of current sort order Args: Descending(typing.Any):Indicates if order is reversed Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAggregationType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Describes how properties for multiple items are displayed (PDAT_*) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetConditionType(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns options that determine how the property is used to build a search query Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:PyIPropertyDescription.GetConditionType (int, int) = GetConditionType()Returns options that determine how the property is used to build a search query Return ValueReturns the condition type (PDCOT_*) and default operation (COP_*) """ ... def GetEnumTypeList(self, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyEnumTypeList: """ Returns an interface used for querying valid property range Args: riid(PyIID):IID of the requested interface Returns: PyIPropertyEnumTypeList """ ... def CoerceToCanonicalValue(self, Value: PyPROPVARIANT) -> typing.Any: """ Converts a variant value to the exact type expected by the property Args: Value(PyPROPVARIANT):The property value to be convertedCommentsThis method mutates the PyPROPVARIANT in place. It may be cleared on failure.Return ValueReturns the HRESULT from the operation on success. Returns: typing.Any:The property value to be convertedComments This method mutates the PyPROPVARIANT in place. It may be cleared on failure. Return ValueReturns the HRESULT from the operation on success. """ ... def FormatForDisplay(self, Value: PyPROPVARIANT, Flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Converts a value to its string representation Args: Value(PyPROPVARIANT):The value to be formatted Flags(typing.Any):Combination of PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS (PDFF_*) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsValueCanonical(self, Value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if a value exactly matches the specification for the property Args: Value(typing.Any):The value to check Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPropertyDescriptionAliasInfo: """Interface that gives access to the sorting columns for a property""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetSortByAlias(self, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescription: """ Returns the primary column used for sorting Args: riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescription """ ... def GetAdditionalSortByAliases(self, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """ Returns secondary sorting columns Args: riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescriptionList """ ... class PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """Container for a number of property descriptions""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the number of properties in the list Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAt(self, Elem: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescription: """ Retrieves a description from the list Args: Elem(typing.Any):Index of the element to return riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescription """ ... class PyIPropertyDescriptionSearchInfo: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetSearchInfoFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags controlling how property is indexed Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIPropertyDescriptionSearchInfo.GetSearchInfoFlags int = GetSearchInfoFlags()Returns flags controlling how property is indexed Return ValueReturns a combination of PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS values """ ... def GetColumnIndexType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags indicating type of property Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIPropertyDescriptionSearchInfo.GetColumnIndexType int = GetColumnIndexType()Returns flags indicating type of property Return ValueReturns a value from the PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE enum """ ... def GetProjectionString(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the canonical name of the property Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMaxSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the maximum size specified in search options Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPropertyEnumType: """Contains information about an allowable value or range for a property""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetEnumType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the type (PROPENUMTYPE) Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIPropertyEnumType.GetEnumType int = GetEnumType()Retrieves the type (PROPENUMTYPE) Return Valuepscon.PET_* """ ... def GetValue(self) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Retrieves the defined value Args: Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... def GetRangeMinValue(self) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Returns the minimum allowed value for the property Args: Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... def GetRangeSetValue(self) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Returns a fixed value defined for the property Args: Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... def GetDisplayText(self) -> None: """ Returns the display text for the enumerated type Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIPropertyEnumTypeList: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of objects in the list Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAt(self, itype: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyEnumType: """ Retrieves an item by index Args: itype(typing.Any):Zero based index of type to return riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyEnumType """ ... def FindMatchingIndex(self, Cmp: PyPROPVARIANT) -> typing.Any: """ Attempts to match the specified value to one of the allowable values for the property Args: Cmp(PyPROPVARIANT):A value to match against the defined values of the property Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPropertySetStorage: """Container for a collection of property sets. Can be iterated over to enumerate property sets.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Create(self, fmtid: PyIID, clsid: PyIID, Flags: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any) -> PyIPropertyStorage: """ Creates a new property set in the storage object Args: fmtid(PyIID):GUID identifying a property set, pythoncom.FMTID_* clsid(PyIID):CLSID of property set handler, usually same as fmtid Flags(typing.Any):Specifies behaviour of property set, storagecon.PROPSETFLAG_* Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags Returns: PyIPropertyStorage """ ... def Open(self, fmtid: PyIID, Mode: typing.Any) -> PyIPropertyStorage: """ Opens an existing property set Args: fmtid(PyIID):GUID of a property set, pythoncom.FMTID_* Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags Returns: PyIPropertyStorage """ ... def Delete(self, fmtid: PyIID) -> None: """ Removes a property set from this storage object Args: fmtid(PyIID):GUID of a property set, pythoncom.FMTID_* Returns: None """ ... def Enum(self) -> PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG: """ Creates an iterator to enumerate contained property sets Args: Returns: PyIEnumSTATPROPSETSTG """ ... class PyIPropertyStorage: """Structured storage object that contains a set of properties. Supports iteration to list properties.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ReadMultiple(self, props: typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Reads specified properties from the current property set. Args: props(typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...]):Sequence of property IDs or names.Return ValueReturned values are automatically converted to an appropriate python type Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]:Sequence of property IDs or names.Return ValueReturned values are automatically converted to an appropriate python type """ ... def WriteMultiple(self, props: typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...], values: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], propidNameFirst: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates or modifies properties in the property set Args: props(typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...]):Sequence containing names or integer ids of properties to write values(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):The values for the properties. propidNameFirst(typing.Any):Minimum property id to be assigned to new properties specified by name Returns: None """ ... def DeleteMultiple(self, props: typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...]) -> None: """ Deletes properties from the property set Args: props(typing.Tuple[PROPSPEC, ...]):Sequence containing names or IDs of properties to be deleted Returns: None """ ... def ReadPropertyNames(self, props: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Retrieves any existing string names for the specified property identifiers. Args: props(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):Sequence of ints containing property IDs. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...] """ ... def WritePropertyNames(self, props: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], names: typing.Tuple[str, ...]) -> None: """ Assigns string names to a specified array of property IDs in the current property set. Args: props(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):Sequence containing the property IDs. names(typing.Tuple[str, ...]):Equal length sequence of property names. Returns: None """ ... def DeletePropertyNames(self, props: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> None: """ Removes property names from specified properties. Args: props(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):Sequence of ints containing property IDs. Returns: None """ ... def Commit(self, CommitFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Persists the property set to its base storage Args: CommitFlags(typing.Any):Combination of storagecon.STGC_* flags Returns: None """ ... def Revert(self) -> None: """ Discards any changes that have been made Args: Returns: None """ ... def Enum(self) -> PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG: """ Creates an enumerator for properties in the property set Args: Returns: PyIEnumSTATPROPSTG """ ... def SetTimes(self, ctime: PyTime, atime: PyTime, mtime: PyTime) -> None: """ Sets the creation, last access, and modification time Args: ctime(PyTime):Creation time, or None for no change atime(PyTime):Last access time, or None for no change mtime(PyTime):Modification time, or None for no changeCommentsSome property sets do not support these times. Returns: None """ ... def SetClass(self, clsid: PyIID) -> None: """ Sets the GUID for the property set Args: clsid(PyIID):Description for clsid Returns: None """ ... def Stat(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns various infomation about the property set Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIPropertyStorage.Stat tuple = Stat()Returns various infomation about the property set Return ValueReturns a tuple representing a STATPROPSETSTG struct. """ ... class PyIPropertyStore: """Contains a collection of properties""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of properties in the store Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAt(self, iProp: typing.Any) -> PyPROPERTYKEY: """ Returns the property key for the specified property Args: iProp(typing.Any):Zero-based index of property Returns: PyPROPERTYKEY """ ... def GetValue(self, Key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Retrieves the value of a property Args: Key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property key as returned by PyIPropertyStore::GetAt Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... def SetValue(self, Key: PyPROPERTYKEY, Value: PyPROPVARIANT) -> None: """ Sets the value of a property Args: Key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property key (see PyIPropertyStore::GetAt) Value(PyPROPVARIANT):Variant value which can be converted to the appropriate variant type for the property Pass a VT_EMPTY variant to indicate that the property should be removed. Returns: None """ ... def Commit(self) -> None: """ Commits property changes Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIPropertyStoreCache: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetState(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the current state of a property Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property identifierReturn ValueA value from the PSC_STATE enum (PSC_NORMAL, PSC_NOTINSOURCE. PSC_DIRTY) Returns: typing.Any:Property identifierReturn ValueA value from the PSC_STATE enum (PSC_NORMAL, PSC_NOTINSOURCE. PSC_DIRTY) """ ... def GetValueAndState(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Tuple[PyPROPVARIANT, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the current value and state of a property Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property identifier Returns: typing.Tuple[PyPROPVARIANT, typing.Any] """ ... def SetState(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY, state: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the state of a property Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property identifier state(typing.Any):Value from the PSC_STATE enum (pscon.PSC_*) Returns: None """ ... def SetValueAndState(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY, value: PyPROPVARIANT, state: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the value and state of a property Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property identifier value(PyPROPVARIANT):The new value state(typing.Any):The new state (pscon.PSC_*) Returns: None """ ... class PyIPropertyStoreCapabilities: """Property providers use this interface to indicate whether properties are writeable.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsPropertyWritable(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Asks provider if a property can be editted. Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property identifier Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIPropertySystem: """Wraps the IPropertySystem interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPropertyDescription(self, Key: PyPROPERTYKEY, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescription: """ Returns an interface used to describe a property Args: Key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Fmtid and propertyid that uniquely identifies a property riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescription """ ... def GetPropertyDescriptionByName(self, CanonicalName: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescription: """ Returns an interface used to describe a property Args: CanonicalName(typing.Any):Registered name of the property riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescription """ ... def GetPropertyDescriptionListFromString(self, PropList: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """ Retrieves property descriptions from a string of property names Args: PropList(typing.Any):String containing a list of properties and flags riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescriptionList """ ... def EnumeratePropertyDescriptions(self, Filter: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """ Returns an interface used to list defined properties Args: Filter(typing.Any):Value from PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER (pscon.PDEF_*) that limits what types of properties are listed riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescriptionList """ ... def FormatForDisplay(self, Key: PyPROPERTYKEY, Value: PyPROPVARIANT, Flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Formats a property into a string Args: Key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Fmtid and property id that identifies the property Value(PyPROPVARIANT):The value to format Flags(typing.Any):Combination of PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS (pscon.PDFF_*) indicating formatting options Returns: typing.Any """ ... def RegisterPropertySchema(self, Path: typing.Any) -> None: """ Registers a set of properties defined in a .propdesc file Args: Path(typing.Any):Path to a property schema XML file (.propdesc) Returns: None """ ... def UnregisterPropertySchema(self, Path: typing.Any) -> None: """ Removes a set of registered properties Args: Path(typing.Any):Path to a property schema XML file (.propdesc) Returns: None """ ... def RefreshPropertySchema(self) -> None: """ Not currently implemented by the OS Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIProvideClassInfo: """A Python interface to IProvideClassInfo""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetClassInfo(self) -> PyITypeInfo: """ Gets information about the CO_CLASS. Args: Returns: PyITypeInfo """ ... class PyIProvideClassInfo2: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetGUID(self, flags: typing.Any) -> PyIID: """ Gets the GUID for the object. Args: flags(typing.Any):The flags for the GUID. Returns: PyIID """ ... class PyIProvideExpressionContexts: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnumExpressionContexts(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumStackFrames. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIProvideTaskPage: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPage(self, tpType: typing.Any, PersistChanges: typing.Any) -> None: """ Return a property sheet page handle for the spedified type (TASKPAGE_TASK,TASKPAGE_SCHEDULE,TASKPAGE_SETTINGS) Args: tpType(typing.Any):Type of page to retreive (TASKPAGE_TASK,TASKPAGE_SCHEDULE,TASKPAGE_SETTINGS) PersistChanges(typing.Any):Indicates if changes should be saved automaticallyCommentsThere's not yet anything useful that can be done with this handle - return type subject to change Returns: None """ ... class PyIQueryAssociations: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Init(self, flags: typing.Any, assoc: str, hkeyProgId: PyHKEY = ..., hwnd: int = ...) -> None: """ Initializes the IQueryAssociations interface and sets the root key to the appropriate ProgID. Args: flags(typing.Any):One of shellcon.ASSOCF_* flags assoc(str):The string data (ie, extension, prog-id, etc) hkeyProgId(PyHKEY):Root registry key, can be None hwnd(int):Reserved, must be 0 or None Returns: None """ ... def GetKey(self, flags: typing.Any, assocKey: typing.Any, arg: str) -> typing.Any: """ Searches for and retrieves a file association-related key from the registry. Args: flags(typing.Any):Used to control the search. assocKey(typing.Any):Specifies the type of key that is to be returned. arg(str):Optional string with information about the location of the key. It is normally set to a shell verb such as 'open'. Set this parameter to None if it is not used. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetString(self, flags: typing.Any, assocStr: typing.Any, arg: str) -> typing.Any: """ Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry. Args: flags(typing.Any):Used to control the search. assocStr(typing.Any):Specifies the type of string that is to be returned. arg(str):Optional string with information about the location of the key. It is normally set to a shell verb such as 'open'. Set this parameter to None if it is not used.CommentsNote that ASSOCF_NOTRUNCATE semantics are currently not supported - the buffer passed is 2048 bytes long, and will be truncated by the shell if too small. Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIRelatedItem: """Interface used as the base for objects that have a related shell item (eg ITransferMediumItem, IDisplayItem, etc). Should not be used directly.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetItemIDList(self) -> PyIDL: """ Returns the ID list of the related item Args: Returns: PyIDL """ ... def GetItem(self) -> PyIShellItem: """ Returns the related item Args: Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... class PyIRemoteDebugApplication: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ResumeFromBreakPoint(self, prptFocus: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread, bra: typing.Any, era: typing.Any) -> None: """ Continue an application which is currently in a breakpoint. Args: prptFocus(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prptFocus bra(typing.Any):Break resume action era(typing.Any):Error resume action Returns: None """ ... def CauseBreak(self) -> None: """ Causes the application to break into the debugger at the earliest opportunity. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ConnectDebugger(self, pad: PyIApplicationDebugger) -> None: """ Connects a debugger to the application. Args: pad(PyIApplicationDebugger):Description for padCommentsOnly one debugger may be connected at a time; this method fails if there is already a debugger connected. Returns: None """ ... def DisconnectDebugger(self) -> None: """ Disconnects the current debugger from the application. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDebugger(self) -> PyIApplicationDebugger: """ Returns the current debugger connected to the application. Args: Returns: PyIApplicationDebugger """ ... def CreateInstanceAtApplication(self, rclsid: PyIID, pUnkOuter: PyIUnknown, dwClsContext: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Create objects in the application process address space. Args: rclsid(PyIID):Description for rclsid pUnkOuter(PyIUnknown):Description for pUnkOuter dwClsContext(typing.Any):Description for dwClsContext riid(PyIID):Description for riidCommentsProvides a mechanism for the debugger IDE, running out-of-process to the application, to create objects in the application process. This method simply delegates to CoCreateInstance. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def QueryAlive(self) -> None: """ Returns True if alive, else False. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnumThreads(self) -> PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads: """ Enumerates all threads known to be associated with the application. Args: Returns: PyIEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads """ ... def GetName(self) -> None: """ Description of GetName. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetRootNode(self) -> PyIDebugApplicationNode: """ Returns the application node under which all nodes associated with the application are added. Args: Returns: PyIDebugApplicationNode """ ... def EnumGlobalExpressionContexts(self) -> typing.Any: """ Enumerates all global expression contexts Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIRemoteDebugApplicationEvents: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnConnectDebugger(self, pad: PyIApplicationDebugger) -> None: """ Description of OnConnectDebugger. Args: pad(PyIApplicationDebugger):Description for pad Returns: None """ ... def OnDisconnectDebugger(self) -> None: """ Description of OnDisconnectDebugger. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnSetName(self, pstrName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnSetName. Args: pstrName(typing.Any):Description for pstrName Returns: None """ ... def OnDebugOutput(self, pstr: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OnDebugOutput. Args: pstr(typing.Any):Description for pstr Returns: None """ ... def OnClose(self) -> None: """ Description of OnClose. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnEnterBreakPoint(self, prdat: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread) -> None: """ Description of OnEnterBreakPoint. Args: prdat(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prdat Returns: None """ ... def OnLeaveBreakPoint(self, prdat: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread) -> None: """ Description of OnLeaveBreakPoint. Args: prdat(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prdat Returns: None """ ... def OnCreateThread(self, prdat: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread) -> None: """ Description of OnCreateThread. Args: prdat(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prdat Returns: None """ ... def OnDestroyThread(self, prdat: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread) -> None: """ Description of OnDestroyThread. Args: prdat(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prdat Returns: None """ ... def OnBreakFlagChange(self, abf: typing.Any, prdatSteppingThread: PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread) -> None: """ Description of OnBreakFlagChange. Args: abf(typing.Any):Description for abf prdatSteppingThread(PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread):Description for prdatSteppingThread Returns: None """ ... class PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetSystemThreadId(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSystemThreadId. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetApplication(self) -> None: """ Description of GetApplication. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnumStackFrames(self) -> None: """ Description of EnumStackFrames. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDescription(self) -> None: """ Description of GetDescription. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetNextStatement(self, pStackFrame: PyIDebugStackFrame, pCodeContext: PyIDebugCodeContext) -> None: """ Description of SetNextStatement. Args: pStackFrame(PyIDebugStackFrame):Description for pStackFrame pCodeContext(PyIDebugCodeContext):Description for pCodeContext Returns: None """ ... def GetState(self) -> None: """ Description of GetState. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Suspend(self) -> None: """ Description of Suspend. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Resume(self) -> None: """ Description of Resume. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSuspendCount(self) -> None: """ Description of GetSuspendCount. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIRunningObjectTable: """A Python interface to IRunningObjectTable""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Register(self) -> typing.Any: """ Registers an object and its identifying moniker in the Running Object Table (ROT). Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Revoke(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsRunning(self, objectName: PyIMoniker) -> typing.Any: """ Checks whether an object is running. Args: objectName(PyIMoniker):The PyIMoniker interface on the moniker to search for in the Running Object Table.Return ValueDescriptionS_OK (ie, 0)The object identified by objectName is running.S_FALSE (ie, 1)There is no entry for objectName in the ROT, or that the object it identifies is no longer running (in which case, the entry is revoked). Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetObject(self, objectName: PyIMoniker) -> PyIUnknown: """ Checks whether an object is running. Args: objectName(PyIMoniker):The PyIMoniker interface on the moniker to search for in the Running Object Table. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def EnumRunning(self) -> PyIEnumMoniker: """ Creates an enumerator that can list the monikers of all the objects currently registered in the Running Object Table (ROT). Args: Returns: PyIEnumMoniker """ ... class PyIScheduledWorkItem: """Python object that encapsulates the IScheduledWorkItem interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateTrigger(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyITaskTrigger]: """ Creates a new trigger for a task, returns index and new ITaskTrigger interface Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyITaskTrigger] """ ... def DeleteTrigger(self, Trigger: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes specified trigger Args: Trigger(typing.Any):Index of trigger to delete Returns: None """ ... def GetTriggerCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns number of triggers defined for the task Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTrigger(self, iTrigger: typing.Any) -> PyITaskTrigger: """ Retrieves ITaskTrigger interface for specified trigger index Args: iTrigger(typing.Any):Index of trigger to retrieve Returns: PyITaskTrigger """ ... def GetTriggerString(self) -> typing.Any: """ Creates a human-readable summary of specified trigger Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRunTimes(self, Count: typing.Any, Begin: PyTime, End: PyTime) -> typing.Tuple[PyTime, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Return specified number of run times within given time frame Args: Count(typing.Any):Number of run times to retrieve Begin(PyTime):Start time, defaults to current time if not passed or None End(PyTime):End time, defaults to unlimited if not passed or None Returns: typing.Tuple[PyTime, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetNextRunTime(self) -> PyTime: """ Returns next time that task is scheduled to run Args: Returns: PyTime """ ... def SetIdleWait(self, wIdleMinutes: typing.Any, wDeadlineMinutes: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets idle parms for task with trigger of type TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE Args: wIdleMinutes(typing.Any):Nbr of minutes computer must be idle before task fires wDeadlineMinutes(typing.Any):Maximum nbr of minutes task will wait for computer to become idle Returns: None """ ... def GetIdleWait(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Gets IdleMinutes and DeadlineMinutes parms for task with trigger of type TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def Run(self) -> None: """ Starts task Args: Returns: None """ ... def Terminate(self) -> None: """ Terminate process if task is running Args: Returns: None """ ... def EditWorkItem(self, hParent: int, dwReserved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Brings up standard Scheduled Task dialog Args: hParent(int):Reserved, use 0 or None if passed dwReserved(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed Returns: None """ ... def GetMostRecentRunTime(self) -> PyTime: """ Returns last time task ran Args: Returns: PyTime """ ... def GetStatus(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns status (SCHED_S_TASK... constants) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetExitCode(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns tuple of task's exit code and error returned to Task Scheduler if process could not start Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetComment(self, Comment: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set comment string for task Args: Comment(typing.Any):Freeform comment string Returns: None """ ... def GetComment(self) -> str: """ Return comment string associated with task. Args: Returns: str """ ... def SetCreator(self, Creator: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specify who (or what) created task, can be any string Args: Creator(typing.Any):Originator of task, does not have to be valid username Returns: None """ ... def GetCreator(self) -> None: """ Returns creator info, can be any string data Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetWorkItemData(self, Data: str) -> None: """ Set data associated with task (treated as uninterpreted bytes) Args: Data(str):Character data, treated as uninterpreted bytes Returns: None """ ... def GetWorkItemData(self) -> str: """ Retrieve data associated with task Args: Returns: str """ ... def SetErrorRetryCount(self, wRetryCount: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specify nbr of times to attempt to run task if it can't start (not currently implemented) Args: wRetryCount(typing.Any):Nbr of attemps to start task Returns: None """ ... def GetErrorRetryCount(self) -> None: """ Return nbr of times Task scheduler should try to run task (not currently implemented) Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetErrorRetryInterval(self, RetryInterval: typing.Any) -> None: """ Interval in minutes between attempts to run task. Not implemented according to SDK Args: RetryInterval(typing.Any):Interval in minutes Returns: None """ ... def GetErrorRetryInterval(self) -> None: """ Returns nbr of minutes between attempts to run task. Not implemented according to SDK Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFlags(self, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set flags for task Args: dwFlags(typing.Any):Combination of TASK_FLAG_* constants Returns: None """ ... def GetFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags for task (TASK_FLAG_* constants) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetAccountInformation(self, AccountName: typing.Any, Password: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set username and password under which task will run Args: AccountName(typing.Any):AccountName, use "" for local system account (can only be used by Administrators) Password(typing.Any):Password - Can be None for local System account, or if TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON is setCommentsOn some systems, username and password are verified at the time the task is saved, on others when the task tries to run Returns: None """ ... def GetAccountInformation(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns username that task will run under Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIServerSecurity: """Interface used to access client security settings and perform impersonation""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryBlanket(self, Capabilities: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves security settings specified by the client Args: Capabilities(typing.Any):Can be EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC for SChannel provider Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ImpersonateClient(self) -> None: """ Initiates impersonation of client Args: Returns: None """ ... def RevertToSelf(self) -> None: """ Ends impersonation of client Args: Returns: None """ ... def IsImpersonating(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if server is currently impersonating a client Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIServiceProvider: """A Python interface to IServiceProvider""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryService(self, clsid: PyIID, iid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Creates or accesses the specified service and returns an interface object to the specified interface for the service. Args: clsid(PyIID):Unique identifier for the requested service. iid(PyIID):Unique identifier for the requested interface on the service. Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... class PyIShellBrowser: """Exposed by Windows Explorer and the Open File common dialog box to provide services for namespace extensions.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def InsertMenusSB(self, hmenuShared: int, lpMenuWidths: PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS) -> PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS: """ Updates a composite menu with container's options Args: hmenuShared(int):Newly created menu that contains no items lpMenuWidths(PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS):Tuple of 6 ints. Items 0,2,and 4 are updated when the tuple is returned. Returns: PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS """ ... def SetMenuSB(self, hmenuShared: int, holemenuRes: int, hwndActiveObject: int) -> None: """ Attaches a shared menu to a shell view window Args: hmenuShared(int):Handle to the shared menu holemenuRes(int):Reserved, use only None (or 0) hwndActiveObject(int):Handle to the shell window Returns: None """ ... def RemoveMenusSB(self, hmenuShared: int) -> None: """ Asks container to remove any items it added to a composite menu Args: hmenuShared(int):Handle to the composite menu Returns: None """ ... def SetStatusTextSB(self, pszStatusText: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the status text in view's status bar Args: pszStatusText(typing.Any):New status to be displayed Returns: None """ ... def EnableModelessSB(self, fEnable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Enables or disables modeless dialogs Args: fEnable(typing.Any):Use True to enable or False to disable modeless dialog boxes Returns: None """ ... def TranslateAcceleratorSB(self, pmsg: PyMSG, wID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Translates keystrokes used as menu item activators Args: pmsg(PyMSG):Keystroke message to be translated wID(typing.Any):Menu command id for the keystroke Returns: None """ ... def BrowseObject(self, pidl: PyIDL, wFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Navigates to a different location Args: pidl(PyIDL):Item id list that specifies the new browse location, can be None wFlags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SBSP_* flags Returns: None """ ... def GetViewStateStream(self, grfMode: typing.Any) -> PyIStream: """ Returns a stream that can be used to access view state information Args: grfMode(typing.Any):Read/write mode, one of STGM_READ,STGM_WRITE,STGM_READWRITE Returns: PyIStream """ ... def GetControlWindow(self, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Returns a handle to one of the browser's control elements Args: _id(typing.Any):One of shellcon.FCW_* values Returns: None """ ... def SendControlMsg(self, _id: typing.Any, uMsg: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any, lParam: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sends a control msg to browser's toolbar or status bar Args: _id(typing.Any):shellcon.FCW_TOOLBAR or FCW_STATUS uMsg(typing.Any):The message to send wParam(typing.Any):Value is dependent on the message lParam(typing.Any):Value is dependent on the message Returns: typing.Any """ ... def QueryActiveShellView(self) -> PyIShellView: """ Returns the currently displayed view Args: Returns: PyIShellView """ ... def OnViewWindowActive(self, pshv: PyIShellView) -> None: """ Callback triggered when a view window is activated Args: pshv(PyIShellView):The activated view object Returns: None """ ... def SetToolbarItems(self, lpButtons: typing.Any, uFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds toolbar buttons to the browser's toolbar Args: lpButtons(typing.Any):Sequence of tuples describing the buttons to be added uFlags(typing.Any):Indicates button positions, combination of shellcon.FCT_* Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellExtInit: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Initialize(self, pFolder: PyIDL, pDataObject: PyIDataObject, hkey: int) -> None: """ Description of Initialize. Args: pFolder(PyIDL):Description for pFolder pDataObject(PyIDataObject):Description for pDataObject hkey(int):Description for hkey Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellFolder: """Interface that represents an Explorer folder""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ParseDisplayName(self, hwndOwner: int, pbc: PyIBindCtx, DisplayName: typing.Any, Attributes: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the PIDL of an item in a shell folder Args: hwndOwner(int):Window in which to display any dialogs or message boxes, can be 0 pbc(PyIBindCtx):Bind context that affects how parsing is performed, can be None DisplayName(typing.Any):Display name to parse, format is dependent on the shell folder. Desktop folder will accept a file path, as well as guids of the form ::{guid} Example: '::%s\\::%s' %(shell.CLSID_MyComputer,shell.CLSID_ControlPanel) Attributes(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* constants specifying which attributes should be returnedReturn ValueThe result is a tuple of cchEaten, pidl, attrItems[0] int : cchEatenthe number of characters of the input name that were parsed[1] PyIDL : pidlspecifies the relative path from the parsing folder to the object[2] int : Attributesreturns any requested attributes Returns: typing.Any:Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* constants specifying which attributes should be returned Return ValueThe result is a tuple of cchEaten, pidl, attr Items[0] int : cchEaten the number of characters of the input name that were parsed [1] PyIDL : pidl specifies the relative path from the parsing folder to the object [2] int : Attributes returns any requested attributes """ ... def EnumObjects(self, grfFlags: typing.Any, hwndOwner: int = ...) -> PyIEnumIDList: """ Creates an enumerator to list the contents of the shell folder Args: grfFlags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SHCONTF_* constants hwndOwner(int):Window to use if any user interaction is required Returns: PyIEnumIDList """ ... def BindToObject(self, pidl: PyIDL, pbc: PyIBindCtx, riid: PyIID) -> PyIShellFolder: """ Returns an IShellFolder interface for a subfolder Args: pidl(PyIDL):Relative item id list that identifies the subfolder, can be multi-level pbc(PyIBindCtx):Bind context to be used, can be None riid(PyIID):IID of the desired interface, usually IID_IShellFolder Returns: PyIShellFolder """ ... def BindToStorage(self, pidl: PyIDL, pbc: PyIBindCtx, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Any: """ Returns an interface to a storage object in a shell folder Args: pidl(PyIDL):Relative pidl for the folder item, must be a single item id pbc(PyIBindCtx):Bind context that affects how binding is performed, can be None riid(PyIID):IID of the desired interface, one of IID_IStream, IID_IStorage, IID_IPropertySetStorageReturn ValueReturns PyIStream, PyIStorage or PyIPropertySetStorage depending on the riid passed in Returns: typing.Any:IID of the desired interface, one of IID_IStream, IID_IStorage, IID_IPropertySetStorageReturn ValueReturns PyIStream, PyIStorage or PyIPropertySetStorage depending on the riid passed in """ ... def CompareIDs(self, lparam: typing.Any, pidl1: PyIDL, pidl2: PyIDL) -> typing.Any: """ Determines the sorting order of 2 items in shell folder Args: lparam(typing.Any):Lower 16 bits specify folder-dependent sorting rules, 0 means to sort by display name. System folder view uses these as a column number. Upper sixteen bits is used for flags SHCIDS_ALLFIELDS or SHCIDS_CANONICALONLY pidl1(PyIDL):Item id list that idenfies an object relative to the folder pidl2(PyIDL):Item id list that idenfies an object relative to the folderReturn ValueReturns 0 if items compare equal, -1 if the pidl1 comes first, or 1 if pidl2 comes first Returns: typing.Any:Item id list that idenfies an object relative to the folderReturn ValueReturns 0 if items compare equal, -1 if the pidl1 comes first, or 1 if pidl2 comes first """ ... def CreateViewObject(self, hwndOwner: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIShellView: """ Creates a view object for a shell folder. Args: hwndOwner(typing.Any):Parent window for a custom folder view, or 0 riid(PyIID):IID of the desired interface, usually IID_IShellView Returns: PyIShellView """ ... def GetAttributesOf(self, pidl: typing.Tuple[PyIDL, ...], rgfInOut: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Queries attributes of items within the shell folder Args: pidl(typing.Tuple[PyIDL, ...]):A sequence of single-level pidls identifying items directly contained by the folder rgfInOut(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* constantsReturn ValueThe requested attributes are only returned if they are common to all of the specified items Returns: typing.Any:Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* constantsReturn ValueThe requested attributes are only returned if they are common to all of the specified items """ ... def GetUIObjectOf(self, hwndOwner: int, pidl: typing.Tuple[PyIDL, ...], riid: PyIID, iidout: PyIID, Reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIUnknown]: """ Creates an interface to one or more items in a shell folder Args: hwndOwner(int):Specifies a window in which to display any required dialogs or errors, can be 0 pidl(typing.Tuple[PyIDL, ...]):A sequence of single-level pidls identifying items in the folder riid(PyIID):The interface to create, one of IID_IContextMenu, IID_IContextMenu2, IID_IDataObject, IID_IDropTarget, IID_IExtractIcon, IID_IQueryInfo iidout(PyIID):The interface to return. Can be used in the case where there is not a python wrapper for the desired interface. You must make certain that the interface identified by riid actually supports the iidout interface, or Bad Things Will Happen. It should always be safe to return PyIUnknown, which is the base for all interfaces.Return ValueReturns the Reserved parameter and the requested interface Reserved(typing.Any):Reserved, use 0 if passed in Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIUnknown]:The interface to return. Can be used in the case where there is not a python wrapper for the desired interface. You must make certain that the interface identified by riid actually supports the iidout interface, or Bad Things Will Happen. It should always be safe to return PyIUnknown, which is the base for all interfaces. Return ValueReturns the Reserved parameter and the requested interface """ ... def GetDisplayNameOf(self, pidl: PyIDL, uFlags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the display name of an item within this shell folder Args: pidl(PyIDL):PIDL that identifies the item relative to the parent folder uFlags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SHGDN_* flags Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetNameOf(self, hwndOwner: typing.Any, pidl: PyIDL, Name: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> PyIDL: """ Sets the display name of an item and changes its PIDL Args: hwndOwner(typing.Any):Window in which to display any message boxes or dialogs, can be 0 pidl(PyIDL):PIDL that identifies the item relative to the parent folder Name(typing.Any):New name for the item Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SHGDM_* valuesReturn ValueReturns the new PIDL for item Returns: PyIDL:Combination of shellcon.SHGDM_* valuesReturn ValueReturns the new PIDL for item """ ... class PyIShellFolder2: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDefaultSearchGUID(self, pguid: PyIID) -> PyIID: """ Retrieves the default search for the folder Args: pguid(PyIID):Description for pguid Returns: PyIID """ ... def EnumSearches(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns an interface that lists searches defined for the folder Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDefaultColumn(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the columns used for sorting and display Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetDefaultColumnState(self, iColumn: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns flags indicating the default behaviour of the column Args: iColumn(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the columnReturn ValueReturns a combination of shellcon.SHCOLSTATE_* flags Returns: typing.Any:Zero-based index of the columnReturn ValueReturns a combination of shellcon.SHCOLSTATE_* flags """ ... def GetDetailsEx(self, pidl: PyIDL, pscid: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the details of an item by Column ID Args: pidl(PyIDL):Relative id list of an item in the folder pscid(typing.Any):The Column id/property key of a column in the folder's Details viewReturn ValueThe type of returned object is determined by the variant type of the requested column Returns: typing.Any:The Column id/property key of a column in the folder's Details viewReturn ValueThe type of returned object is determined by the variant type of the requested column """ ... def GetDetailsOf(self, pidl: PyIDL, iColumn: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the value or title of a column in the folder's Details view. Args: pidl(PyIDL):The relative idl of an item in the folder. Use None to retrieve column title. iColumn(typing.Any):Zero based index of columnReturn ValueReturns a tuple representing a SHELLDETAILS struct, containing the formst (LVCFMT_*), column width in characters, and string representation of the requested value Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:Zero based index of columnReturn ValueReturns a tuple representing a SHELLDETAILS struct, containing the formst (LVCFMT_*), column width in characters, and string representation of the requested value """ ... def MapColumnToSCID(self, Column: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the unique identifier (FMTID, pid) of a column Args: Column(typing.Any):The zero-based index of the column as presented by the folder's Details viewReturn ValueOn XP and earlier, this is the Column Id as provided by PyIColumnProvider. For Vista and later, this is the Property Key used with the property system interfaces. Returns: typing.Any:The zero-based index of the column as presented by the folder's Details viewReturn ValueOn XP and earlier, this is the Column Id as provided by PyIColumnProvider. For Vista and later, this is the Property Key used with the property system interfaces. """ ... class PyIShellIcon: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetIconOf(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> None: """ Description of GetIconOf. Args: pidl(PyIDL):Description for pidl Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellIconOverlay: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetOverlayIndex(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> None: """ Description of GetOverlayIndex. Args: pidl(PyIDL):Description for pidl Returns: None """ ... def GetOverlayIconIndex(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> None: """ Description of GetOverlayIconIndex. Args: pidl(PyIDL):Description for pidl Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellIconOverlayIdentifier: """Interface that supplies icon overlay information to the shell""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsMemberOf(self, path: str, attrib: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if a shell object should have an icon overlay Args: path(str):Fully qualified path of the shell object attrib(typing.Any):Shell attributes, combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* flagsReturn ValueThe gateway implementation of this function should return winerror.S_OK to display the overlay, S_FALSE if not, or throw a COM exception with E_FAIL on error. The client implementation of this function returns the same values - ie, Python's True and False should not be used, as S_OK==0==False. Returns: typing.Any:Shell attributes, combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* flagsReturn ValueThe gateway implementation of this function should return winerror.S_OK to display the overlay, S_FALSE if not, or throw a COM exception with E_FAIL on error. The client implementation of this function returns the same values - ie, Python's True and False should not be used, as S_OK==0==False. """ ... def GetOverlayInfo(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the path to the overlay icon Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any, typing.Any]:PyIShellIconOverlayIdentifier.GetOverlayInfo (PyUnicode, int, int) = GetOverlayInfo()Retrieves the path to the overlay icon Return ValueReturns the path to the icon file, the index of icon within the file, and Flags containing combination of shellcon.ISIOI_ICON* flags """ ... def GetPriority(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the relative priority of the overlay Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIShellIconOverlayIdentifier.GetPriority int = GetPriority()Retrieves the relative priority of the overlay Return ValueImplementation of this function should return a number in the range 0-100 (0 is highest priority) """ ... class PyIShellIconOverlayManager: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetFileOverlayInfo(self, path: typing.Any, attrib: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns an index into the system image list for the icon image or overlay image Args: path(typing.Any):Full path to the file attrib(typing.Any):File attributes (win32com.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*) flags(typing.Any):SIOM_OVERLAYINDEX (1) or SIOM_ICONINDEX (2) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetReservedOverlayInfo(self, path: typing.Any, attrib: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, ireservedID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetReservedOverlayInfo. Args: path(typing.Any):Description for path attrib(typing.Any):Description for attrib flags(typing.Any):Description for flags ireservedID(typing.Any):Description for ireservedID Returns: None """ ... def RefreshOverlayImages(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of RefreshOverlayImages. Args: flags(typing.Any):Description for flags Returns: None """ ... def LoadNonloadedOverlayIdentifiers(self) -> None: """ Description of LoadNonloadedOverlayIdentifiers. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OverlayIndexFromImageIndex(self, iImage: typing.Any, fAdd: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of OverlayIndexFromImageIndex. Args: iImage(typing.Any):Description for iImage fAdd(typing.Any):Description for fAdd Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellItem: """Interface that represents an item in the Explorer shell""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def BindToHandler(self, pbc: PyIBindCtx, bhid: PyIID, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Any: """ Creates an instance of one of the item's handlers Args: pbc(PyIBindCtx):Used to pass parameters that influence the binding operation, can be None bhid(PyIID):GUID that identifies a handler (shell.BHID_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetParent(self) -> PyIShellItem: """ Retrieves the parent of this item Args: Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def GetDisplayName(self, sigdnName: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the display name of the item in the specified format Args: sigdnName(typing.Any):Format of name to return, shellcon.SIGDN_* Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetAttributes(self, Mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns shell attributes of the item Args: Mask(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* values indicating the flags to returnReturn ValueReturns a combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* values Returns: typing.Any:Combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* values indicating the flags to returnReturn ValueReturns a combination of shellcon.SFGAO_* values """ ... def Compare(self, psi: PyIShellItem, hint: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Compares another shell item with this item Args: psi(PyIShellItem):A shell item to be compared with this item hint(typing.Any):shellcon.SICHINT_* value indicating how the comparison is to be performedReturn ValueReturns 0 if items compare as equal, nonzero otherwise Returns: typing.Any:shellcon.SICHINT_* value indicating how the comparison is to be performedReturn ValueReturns 0 if items compare as equal, nonzero otherwise """ ... class PyIShellItem2: """Extends the IShellItem interface, giving access to an item's properties""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPropertyStore(self, Flags: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyStore: """ Returns a collection of the item's properties Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS values (shellcon.GPS_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyStore """ ... def GetPropertyStoreForKeys(self, Keys: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], Flags: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyStore: """ Creates a property store containing just the specified properties of the item Args: Keys(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]):A sequence of property identifiers Flags(typing.Any):Combination of GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS values (shellcon.GPS_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyStore """ ... def GetPropertyStoreWithCreateObject(self, Flags: typing.Any, CreateObject: PyIUnknown, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyStore: """ Returns the property store for the item, with alternate handler instantiation Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS values (shellcon.GPS_*) CreateObject(PyIUnknown):An interface that implements ICreateObject, used to create the property handler riid(PyIID):The interface to be createdCommentsPrimarily used to create a handler in a separate process with reduced privileges Returns: PyIPropertyStore """ ... def GetPropertyDescriptionList(self, Type: PyPROPERTYKEY, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """ Retrieves descriptions of properties in a particular group Args: Type(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property list identifier (pscon.PKEY_PropList_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescriptionList """ ... def Update(self, BindCtx: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Refreshes properties that have been modified since interface was created Args: BindCtx(typing.Any):Bind context used when requesting the interface, or None Returns: None """ ... def GetProperty(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the value of a property, converted to an appropriate python type Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieveReturn ValueType of returned object is determined by the variant type of the property Returns: typing.Any:The id of the property to retrieveReturn ValueType of returned object is determined by the variant type of the property """ ... def GetCLSID(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> PyIID: """ Retrieves the value of a property as a CLSID (VT_CLSID) Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: PyIID """ ... def GetFileTime(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> PyTime: """ Retrieves the value of a property as a FILETIME Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: PyTime """ ... def GetInt32(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the value of a property as a 32 bit int. Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetString(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the value of a property as a string Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetUInt32(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the value of a property as a 32 bit unsigned int Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetUInt64(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the value of a property as an unsigned 64-bit int Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetBool(self, key: PyPROPERTYKEY) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the value of a property as a boolean Args: key(PyPROPERTYKEY):The id of the property to retrieve Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIShellItemArray: """Container for a number of shell items""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def BindToHandler(self, pbc: PyIBindCtx, rbhid: PyIID, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Any: """ Creates an instance of a handler for the items in the container Args: pbc(PyIBindCtx):Bind context, can be None rbhid(PyIID):Bind handler GUID (shell.BHID_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPropertyStore(self, flags: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyStore: """ Retrieves a store containing consolidated properties of items in container Args: flags(typing.Any):Flags indicating how the properties are retrieved (shellcon.GPS_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return, IID_IPropertyStore or related interface Returns: PyIPropertyStore """ ... def GetPropertyDescriptionList(self, Type: PyPROPERTYKEY, riid: PyIID) -> PyIPropertyDescriptionList: """ Retrieves descriptions for a defined group of properties Args: Type(PyPROPERTYKEY):Property list identifier (pscon.PKEY_PropList_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIPropertyDescriptionList """ ... def GetAttributes(self, AttribFlags: typing.Any, Mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves shell attributes of contained items Args: AttribFlags(typing.Any):SIATTRIBFLAGS value (shellcon.SIATTRIBFLAGS_*) specifying how to combine attributes of multiple items Mask(typing.Any):Combination of SFGAOF flags (shellcon.SFGAO_*) specifying which attributes to return Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of items in the container Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemAt(self, dwIndex: typing.Any) -> PyIShellItem: """ Retrieves an item by index Args: dwIndex(typing.Any):Zero-based index of item to retrieve Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def EnumItems(self) -> PyIEnumShellItems: """ Returns an enumeration interface to list contained items Args: Returns: PyIEnumShellItems """ ... class PyIShellItemResources: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetAttributes(self) -> None: """ Description of GetAttributes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetSize. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTimes(self) -> None: """ Description of GetTimes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetTimes(self, pftCreation: PyTime, pftWrite: PyTime, pftAccess: PyTime) -> None: """ Description of SetTimes. Args: pftCreation(PyTime):Description for pftCreation pftWrite(PyTime):Description for pftWrite pftAccess(PyTime):Description for pftAccess Returns: None """ ... def GetResourceDescription(self, pcsir: PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE) -> None: """ Description of GetResourceDescription. Args: pcsir(PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE):Description for pcsir Returns: None """ ... def EnumResources(self) -> PyIEnumResources: """ Description of EnumResources. Args: Returns: PyIEnumResources """ ... def SupportsResource(self, pcsir: PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE) -> typing.Any: """ Description of SupportsResource. Args: pcsir(PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE):Description for pcsir Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OpenResource(self, pcsir: PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE, riid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Description of OpenResource. Args: pcsir(PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE):Description for pcsir riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def CreateResource(self, sir: PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Any: """ Description of CreateResource. Args: sir(PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE):Resource identifier riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: typing.Any """ ... def MarkForDelete(self) -> None: """ Description of MarkForDelete. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellLibrary: """Interface used to access Libraries""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def LoadLibraryFromItem(self, Library: PyIShellItem, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Loads an existing library file Args: Library(PyIShellItem):Shell item interface representing the library file Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags Returns: None """ ... def LoadLibraryFromKnownFolder(self, Library: PyIID, Mode: typing.Any) -> None: """ Initializes library from a known folder Args: Library(PyIID):Known folder id, shell.FOLDERID_* Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags Returns: None """ ... def AddFolder(self, Location: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Includes a folder Args: Location(PyIShellItem):Shell item interface representing the folder Returns: None """ ... def RemoveFolder(self, Location: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Removes a folder Args: Location(PyIShellItem):Shell item interface representing the folder Returns: None """ ... def GetFolders(self, Filter: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIShellItemArray: """ Retrieves a collection of folders in the library Args: Filter(typing.Any):Specifies what types of folder to return (shellcon.LFF_*) riid(PyIID):The interface to return, IObjectCollection and IObjectArray also accepted. Returns: PyIShellItemArray """ ... def ResolveFolder(self, FolderToResolve: PyIShellItem, Timeout: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIShellItem: """ Attempts to locate a folder that has been moved or renamed Args: FolderToResolve(PyIShellItem):Library item whose location has changed Timeout(typing.Any):Max search time, specified in milliseconds riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def GetDefaultSaveFolder(self, Type: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIShellItem: """ Returns the default folder in which new items are saved Args: Type(typing.Any):Specifies whether to return public or private save location, shellcon.DSFT_* riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def SetDefaultSaveFolder(self, Type: typing.Any, SaveFolder: PyIShellItem) -> None: """ Sets the default save location Args: Type(typing.Any):Specifies public or private save location, shellcon.DSFT_* SaveFolder(PyIShellItem):New default location, must be in the library Returns: None """ ... def GetOptions(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves library option flags Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIShellLibrary.GetOptions int = GetOptions()Retrieves library option flags Return ValueReturns a combination of shellcon.LOF_* flags """ ... def SetOptions(self, Mask: typing.Any, Options: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets library option flags Args: Mask(typing.Any):Bitmask of flags to be changed, combination of shellcon.LOF_* values Options(typing.Any):New options, combination of shellcon.LOF_* values Returns: None """ ... def GetFolderType(self) -> PyIID: """ Returns the library type, shell.FOLDERTYPEID_* Args: Returns: PyIID """ ... def SetFolderType(self, Type: PyIID) -> None: """ Sets the folder type for the library Args: Type(PyIID):New type, shell.FOLDERTYPEID_* Returns: None """ ... def GetIcon(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the location of the library's icon Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIShellLibrary.GetIcon str = GetIcon()Returns the location of the library's icon Return ValueUses "module,resource" format """ ... def SetIcon(self, Icon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the library icon Args: Icon(typing.Any):Icon location in "module,resource" syntax Returns: None """ ... def Commit(self) -> None: """ Saves changes (only if loaded from an existing library) Args: Returns: None """ ... def Save(self, FolderToSaveIn: PyIShellItem, LibraryName: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> PyIShellItem: """ Saves the library to a specific location Args: FolderToSaveIn(PyIShellItem):The destination folder, use None to save in current user's Libraries folder LibraryName(typing.Any):Filename for the new library, without file extension Flags(typing.Any):Determines behaviour if file already exists, shellcon.LSF_*Return ValueReturns a shell item for the saved file. Returns: PyIShellItem:Determines behaviour if file already exists, shellcon.LSF_*Return ValueReturns a shell item for the saved file. """ ... def SaveInKnownFolder(self, FolderToSaveIn: PyIID, LibraryName: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> PyIShellItem: """ Saves the library in a known folder Args: FolderToSaveIn(PyIID):The destination folder, shell.FOLDERID_* LibraryName(typing.Any):Filename for the new library, without file extension Flags(typing.Any):Determines behaviour if file already exists, shellcon.LSF_* Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... class PyIShellLink: """Interface used to access the properties of a shell link file (*.lnk)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPath(self, fFlags: typing.Any, cchMaxPath: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, WIN32_FIND_DATA]: """ Retrieves the target path and file name of a shell link object Args: fFlags(typing.Any):One of the following values:ValueDescriptionSLGP_SHORTPATHRetrieves the standard short (8.3 format) file name.SLGP_UNCPRIORITYRetrieves the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path name of the file.SLGP_RAWPATHRetrieves the raw path name. A raw path is something that might not exist and may include environment variables that need to be expanded. cchMaxPath(typing.Any):Number of characters to allocate for returned filenameCommentsThe AlternateFileName (8.3) member of WIN32_FIND_DATA does not return information Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, WIN32_FIND_DATA] """ ... def GetIDList(self) -> PyIDL: """ Retrieves the item id list that identifies the target of the shell link. Args: Returns: PyIDL """ ... def SetIDList(self, pidl: PyIDL) -> None: """ Sets the target of the link using an item id list Args: pidl(PyIDL):Absolute item id list that identifies the target Returns: None """ ... def GetDescription(self, cchMaxName: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the description of the link (displays as Comment in the UI) Args: cchMaxName(typing.Any):Number of character to allocate for the retrieved text Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetDescription(self, Name: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the description of the link (displays as Comment in the UI) Args: Name(typing.Any):The description for the link Returns: None """ ... def GetWorkingDirectory(self, cchMaxName: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the working directory for the link Args: cchMaxName(typing.Any):Number of characters to allocate for returned text Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetWorkingDirectory(self, Dir: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the working directory for the link. Args: Dir(typing.Any):The working directory for the link Returns: None """ ... def GetArguments(self, cchMaxName: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the command-line arguments associated with a shell link object. Args: cchMaxName(typing.Any):Number of characters to fetch. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetArguments(self, args: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the command-line arguments associated with a shell link object. Args: args(typing.Any):The new arguments. Returns: None """ ... def GetHotkey(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the hot key for a shell link object. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetHotkey(self, wHotkey: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the hot key for a shell link object. Args: wHotkey(typing.Any):The virtual key code is in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte. The modifier flags can be a combination of the values specified in the description of the PyIShellLink::GetHotkey method. Returns: None """ ... def GetShowCmd(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the show (SW_) command for a shell link object. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetShowCmd(self, iShowCmd: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the show (SW_) command for a shell link object. Args: iShowCmd(typing.Any):The new show command value. Returns: None """ ... def GetIconLocation(self, cchMaxPath: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the location (path and index) of the icon for a shell link object. Args: cchMaxPath(typing.Any):Number of characters to allocate for the result string. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetIconLocation(self, iconPath: str, iIcon: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the location (path and index) of the icon for a shell link object. Args: iconPath(str):Path to the file with the icon. iIcon(typing.Any):Index of the icon. Returns: None """ ... def SetRelativePath(self, relPath: str, reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the relative path for a shell link object. Args: relPath(str):The relative path. reserved(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero.CommentsThis mechanism allows for moved link files to reestablish connection with relative files through similar-prefix comparisons Returns: None """ ... def Resolve(self, hwnd: typing.Any, fFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Resolves a shell link by searching for the shell link object and updating the shell link path and its list of identifiers (if necessary) Args: hwnd(typing.Any):The parent window of a dialog which will pop up if resolution fails. fFlags(typing.Any):One of the following constants:ValueDescriptionSLR_INVOKE_MSICall the Microsoft Windows Installer.SLR_NOLINKINFODisable distributed link tracking. By default, distributed link tracking tracks removable media across multiple devices based on the volume name. It also uses the UNC path to track remote file systems whose drive letter has changed. Setting SLR_NOLINKINFO disables both types of tracking.SLR_NO_UIDo not display a dialog box if the link cannot be resolved. When SLR_NO_UI is set, the high-order word of fFlags can be set to a time-out value that specifies the maximum amount of time to be spent resolving the link. The function returns if the link cannot be resolved within the time-out duration. If the high-order word is set to zero, the time-out duration will be set to the default value of 3,000 milliseconds (3 seconds). To specify a value, set the high word of fFlags to the desired time-out duration, in milliseconds.SLR_NOUPDATEDo not update the link information.SLR_NOSEARCHDo not execute the search heuristics.SLR_NOTRACKDo not use distributed link tracking.SLR_UPDATEIf the link object has changed, update its path and list of identifiers. If SLR_UPDATE is set, you do not need to call IPersistFile::IsDirty to determine whether or not the link object has changed. Returns: None """ ... def SetPath(self, path: str) -> None: """ Sets the path and file name of a shell link object. Args: path(str):The path and filename of the link. Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellLinkDataList: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddDataBlock(self, DataBlock: typing.Any) -> None: """ Inserts a data block into the link Args: DataBlock(typing.Any):Contents are dependent on type of data block being addedCommentsInput should be one of NT_CONSOLE_PROPS, NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS, EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER, EXP_DARWIN_LINK, or EXP_SZ_LINK. Expected form is indicated by the Signature member. Returns: None """ ... def CopyDataBlock(self, Sig: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the specified data block from the link Args: Sig(typing.Any):The type of data block to retrieve, one of the shellcon.*_SIG constantsReturn ValueThe returned dictionary will contain different information depending on the value passed in Returns: typing.Any:The type of data block to retrieve, one of the shellcon.*_SIG constantsReturn ValueThe returned dictionary will contain different information depending on the value passed in """ ... def GetFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the link's flags Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyIShellLinkDataList.GetFlags int = GetFlags()Retrieves the link's flags Return ValueReturns combination of shellcon.SLDF_* flags """ ... def RemoveDataBlock(self, Sig: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes one of the link's data blocks Args: Sig(typing.Any):Identifies which block is to be removed, one of shellcon.*_SIG constants Returns: None """ ... def SetFlags(self, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the flags indicating which data blocks are present Args: Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.SLDF_* flags Returns: None """ ... class PyIShellView: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def TranslateAccelerator(self, pmsg: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Description of TranslateAccelerator. Args: pmsg(typing.Any):Description for pmsgReturn ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the underlying TranslateAccelerator call Returns: typing.Any:Description for pmsgReturn ValueThe result is the HRESULT from the underlying TranslateAccelerator call """ ... def EnableModeless(self, fEnable: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of EnableModeless. Args: fEnable(typing.Any):Description for fEnable Returns: None """ ... def UIActivate(self, uState: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of UIActivate. Args: uState(typing.Any):Description for uState Returns: None """ ... def Refresh(self) -> None: """ Description of Refresh. Args: Returns: None """ ... def CreateViewWindow(self, psvPrevious: PyIShellView, pfs: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], psb: PyIShellBrowser, prcView: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Description of CreateViewWindow. Args: psvPrevious(PyIShellView):Description for psvPrevious pfs(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for pfs psb(PyIShellBrowser):Description for psb prcView(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Description for prcViewReturn ValueThe result is an integer handle to the new window. Returns: typing.Any:Description for prcViewReturn ValueThe result is an integer handle to the new window. """ ... def DestroyViewWindow(self) -> None: """ Description of DestroyViewWindow. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCurrentInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """ Description of GetCurrentInfo. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SaveViewState(self) -> None: """ Description of SaveViewState. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SelectItem(self, pidlItem: PyIDL, uFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SelectItem. Args: pidlItem(PyIDL):Description for pidlItem uFlags(typing.Any):Description for uFlags Returns: None """ ... def GetItemObject(self, uItem: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyIUnknown: """ Description of GetItemObject. Args: uItem(typing.Any):Description for uItem riid(PyIID):Description for riid Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... class PyISpecifyPropertyPages: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPages(self) -> None: """ Description of GetPages. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIStorage: """Structured storage compound storage object""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateStream(self, Name: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any, reserved1: typing.Any = ..., reserved2: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIStream: """ Creates and opens a stream object with the specified name contained in this storage object. All elements within a storage object — both streams and other storage objects — are kept in the same name space. Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of the new stream Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, storagecon.STGM_* reserved1(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. reserved2(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. Returns: PyIStream """ ... def OpenStream(self, Name: typing.Any, reserved1: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any, reserved2: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIStream: """ Opens an existing stream object within this storage object in the specified access mode. Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of stream to be opened reserved1(typing.Any):A reserved param. Always pass None. NULL is always passed to the COM function Mode(typing.Any):Access mode, storagecon.STGM_* reserved2(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. Returns: PyIStream """ ... def CreateStorage(self, Name: typing.Any, Mode: typing.Any, StgFmt: typing.Any, reserved2: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIStorage: """ Creates and opens a new storage object nested within this storage object. Args: Name(typing.Any):The name of the newly created stream. Mode(typing.Any):Access mode - combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags StgFmt(typing.Any):Documented as "reserved"! reserved2(typing.Any):Description for reserved2 Returns: PyIStorage """ ... def OpenStorage(self, Name: typing.Any, Priority: PyIStorage, Mode: typing.Any, snbExclude: typing.Any, reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIStorage: """ Opens an existing storage object with the specified name in the specified access mode. Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of the storage, or None. Priority(PyIStorage):If the pstgPriority parameter is not None, it is a PyIStorage object to a previous opening of an element of the storage object, usually one that was opened in priority mode. The storage object should be closed and re-opened according to grfMode. When the PyIStorage::OpenStorage method returns, pstgPriority is no longer valid - use the result value. If the pstgPriority parameter is None, it is ignored. Mode(typing.Any):Access mode - combination of storagecon.STGM_* flags (must include STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE) snbExclude(typing.Any):Reserved for later - Must be None reserved(typing.Any):Reserved integer param. Returns: PyIStorage """ ... def CopyTo(self, rgiidExclude: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], snbExclude: typing.Any, stgDest: PyIStorage) -> None: """ Copies the entire contents of an open storage object to another storage object. Args: rgiidExclude(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):List of IID's to be excluded. Use empty seq to exclude all objects, or None to indicate no excludes. snbExclude(typing.Any):Reserved for later - Must be None stgDest(PyIStorage):The open storage object into which this storage object is to be copied. The destination storage object can be a different implementation of the PyIStorage interface from the source storage object. Thus, IStorage::CopyTo can only use publicly available methods of the destination storage object. If stgDest is open in transacted mode, it can be reverted by calling its PyIStorage::Revert method. Returns: None """ ... def MoveElementTo(self, Name: typing.Any, stgDest: PyIStorage, NewName: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Copies or moves a substorage or stream from this storage object to another storage object. Args: Name(typing.Any):A string that contains the name of the element in this storage object to be moved or copied. stgDest(PyIStorage):PyIStorage for the destination storage object. NewName(typing.Any):A string that contains the new name for the element in its new storage object. Flags(typing.Any):Specifies whether to move or copy (storagecon.STGMOVE_MOVE or STGMOVE_COPY) Returns: None """ ... def Commit(self, grfCommitFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ensures that any changes made to a storage object open in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage; for a root storage, reflects the changes in the actual device, for example, a file on disk. For a root storage object opened in direct mode, this method has no effect except to flush all memory buffers to the disk. For non-root storage objects in direct mode, this method has no effect. Args: grfCommitFlags(typing.Any):Controls how the changes are committed to the storage object. See the STGC enumeration for a definition of these values. Returns: None """ ... def Revert(self) -> None: """ Discards all changes that have been made to the storage object since the last commit. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnumElements(self, reserved1: typing.Any = ..., reserved2: typing.Any = ..., reserved3: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIEnumSTATSTG: """ Retrieves an enumerator object that can be used to enumerate the storage and stream objects contained within this storage object. Args: reserved1(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. reserved2(typing.Any):A reserved param. Always pass None. NULL is always passed to the COM function reserved3(typing.Any):Reserved - must be zero. Returns: PyIEnumSTATSTG """ ... def DestroyElement(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes the specified storage or stream from this storage object. Args: name(str):The name of the element to be removed. Returns: None """ ... def RenameElement(self, OldName: typing.Any, NewName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Renames the specified substorage or stream in this storage object. Args: OldName(typing.Any):The name of the substorage or stream to be changed. NewName(typing.Any):The new name for the specified sustorage or stream. Returns: None """ ... def SetElementTimes(self, name: typing.Any, ctime: PyTime, atime: PyTime, mtime: PyTime) -> None: """ Sets the modification, access, and creation times of the specified storage element, if supported by the underlying file system. Args: name(typing.Any):The name of the storage object element whose times are to be modified. If NULL, the time is set on the root storage rather than one of its elements. ctime(PyTime):Either the new creation time for the element or None if the creation time is not to be modified. atime(PyTime):Either the new access time for the element or None if the access time is not to be modified. mtime(PyTime):Either the new modification time for the element or None if the modification time is not to be modified. Returns: None """ ... def SetClass(self, clsid: PyIID) -> None: """ Assigns the specified CLSID to this storage object. Args: clsid(PyIID):The class identifier (CLSID) that is to be associated with the storage object. Returns: None """ ... def SetStateBits(self, grfStateBits: typing.Any, grfMask: typing.Any) -> None: """ Stores up to 32 bits of state information in this storage object. Args: grfStateBits(typing.Any):Specifies the new values of the bits to set. No legal values are defined for these bits; they are all reserved for future use and must not be used by applications. grfMask(typing.Any):A binary mask indicating which bits in grfStateBits are significant in this call. Returns: None """ ... def Stat(self, grfStatFlag: typing.Any) -> STATSTG: """ Retrieves the STATSTG structure for this open storage object. Args: grfStatFlag(typing.Any):Specifies that some of the fields in the STATSTG structure are not returned, thus saving a memory allocation operation. Values are taken from the STATFLAG enumeration. Returns: STATSTG """ ... class PyIStream: """A Python interface to IStream""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Read(self, numBytes: typing.Any) -> str: """ Read the specified number of bytes from the string. Args: numBytes(typing.Any):The number of bytes to read from the stream. Must not be zero.Return ValueThe result is a string containing binary data. Returns: str:The number of bytes to read from the stream. Must not be zero.Return ValueThe result is a string containing binary data. """ ... def read(self, numBytes: typing.Any) -> str: """ Read the specified number of bytes from the string. Args: numBytes(typing.Any):The number of bytes to read from the stream. Must not be zero.Return ValueThe result is a string containing binary data. Returns: str:The number of bytes to read from the stream. Must not be zero.Return ValueThe result is a string containing binary data. """ ... def Write(self, data: str) -> None: """ Write data to a stream Args: data(str):The binary data to write. Returns: None """ ... def write(self, data: str) -> None: """ Write data to a stream Args: data(str):The binary data to write. Returns: None """ ... def Seek(self, offset: typing.Any, origin: typing.Any) -> ULARGE_INTEGER: """ Changes the seek pointer to a new location. Args: offset(typing.Any):The new location origin(typing.Any):Relative to where? Returns: ULARGE_INTEGER """ ... def SetSize(self, newSize: ULARGE_INTEGER) -> None: """ Changes the size of the stream object. Args: newSize(ULARGE_INTEGER):The new size Returns: None """ ... def CopyTo(self, stream: PyIStream, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER) -> ULARGE_INTEGER: """ Copies a specified number of bytes from the current seek pointer in the stream to the current seek pointer in another stream. Args: stream(PyIStream):The stream to write to. cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The number of bytes to write.Return ValueThe return value is the number of bytes actually written. Returns: ULARGE_INTEGER:The number of bytes to write.Return ValueThe return value is the number of bytes actually written. """ ... def Commit(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ensures that any changes made to a stream object open in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage. Args: flags(typing.Any):Controls how changes are performed. Returns: None """ ... def Revert(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def LockRegion(self, offset: ULARGE_INTEGER, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER, lockType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Restricts access to a specified range of bytes in the stream. Args: offset(ULARGE_INTEGER):Integer that specifies the byte offset for the beginning of the range. cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The number of bytes to restrict. lockType(typing.Any):Restrictions requested. Returns: None """ ... def UnLockRegion(self, offset: ULARGE_INTEGER, cb: ULARGE_INTEGER, lockType: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: offset(ULARGE_INTEGER):Integer that specifies the byte offset for the beginning of the range. cb(ULARGE_INTEGER):The number of bytes to restrict. lockType(typing.Any):Restrictions requested. Returns: None """ ... def Clone(self) -> PyIStream: """ Creates a new stream object with its own seek pointer that references the same bytes as the original stream. Args: Returns: PyIStream """ ... def Stat(self, grfStatFlag: typing.Any = ...) -> STATSTG: """ Returns information about the stream Args: grfStatFlag(typing.Any):Flags. Returns: STATSTG """ ... class PyITask: """Python object that encapsulates the ITask interface, inherits all the methods of PyIScheduledWorkItem""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetApplicationName(self, ApplicationName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Specify which program the task will run Args: ApplicationName(typing.Any):Program to execute Returns: None """ ... def GetApplicationName(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve name of program that task will run Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetParameters(self, Parameters: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets command line parameters Args: Parameters(typing.Any):String containing command line parameters Returns: None """ ... def GetParameters(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns command line parameters for task Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetWorkingDirectory(self, WorkingDirectory: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets initial working directory for task Args: WorkingDirectory(typing.Any):Initial working directory Returns: None """ ... def GetWorkingDirectory(self) -> typing.Any: """ Return working directory that the task will start out in Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetPriority(self, Priority: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets priority for task Args: Priority(typing.Any):One of REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS Returns: None """ ... def GetPriority(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets priority that will be assigned to process when task starts Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTaskFlags(self, dwFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets flag for task. Args: dwFlags(typing.Any):None currently defined Returns: None """ ... def GetTaskFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve task flags (None currently defined) Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetMaxRunTime(self, MaxRunTimeMS: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets maximun run time for task, use -1 to disable Args: MaxRunTimeMS(typing.Any):Specified in milliseconds (use -1 to disable, not 0) Returns: None """ ... def GetMaxRunTime(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns maximun run time for task Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyITaskScheduler: """Interface to the Windows Task Scheduler""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetTargetComputer(self, Computer: typing.Any) -> None: """ Connect to another machine to manage its tasks Args: Computer(typing.Any):Name of system to connect toCommentsLeading backslashes are required. Call will succeed without them, but no other methods will work. Returns: None """ ... def GetTargetComputer(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns name of computer that the Task Scheduler is connected to Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Enum(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, ...]: """ Retrieve list of task names Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[str, ...] """ ... def Activate(self, Name: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> PyITask: """ Opens the specified task and returns an ITask interface for it Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of task to retreive riid(PyIID):IID to return, currently only IID_ITask accepted Returns: PyITask """ ... def Delete(self, TaskName: typing.Any) -> None: """ Delete task by name Args: TaskName(typing.Any):Name of task to delete Returns: None """ ... def NewWorkItem(self, TaskName: typing.Any, rclsid: PyIID, riid: PyIID) -> PyITask: """ Creates a new task Args: TaskName(typing.Any):Name of new task rclsid(PyIID):Class id of work item, currently only CLSID_CTask (defaults if not passed in) riid(PyIID):Interface IID to return, currently only IID_ITask (defaults if not passed in) Returns: PyITask """ ... def AddWorkItem(self, TaskName: typing.Any, WorkItem: PyITask) -> None: """ Create a new scheduled task from PyITask object Args: TaskName(typing.Any):Name of task to be created WorkItem(PyITask):Existing PyITask objectCommentsThe PyItask passed in is modified in place and on success is associated with the new task, not the old one Returns: None """ ... def IsOfType(self, Name: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> None: """ Check if named object supports specified interface Args: Name(typing.Any):Name of object riid(PyIID):Named object is checked that it supports the interface of this IID Returns: None """ ... class PyITaskTrigger: """Python object that encapsulates the ITaskTrigger interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetTrigger(self, Trigger: PyTASK_TRIGGER) -> None: """ Set trigger parameters from a PyTASK_TRIGGER object Args: Trigger(PyTASK_TRIGGER):Python object representing a TASK_TRIGGER struct Returns: None """ ... def GetTrigger(self) -> PyTASK_TRIGGER: """ Retrieves trigger parms as a PyTASK_TRIGGER object Args: Returns: PyTASK_TRIGGER """ ... def GetTriggerString(self) -> str: """ Build text summary of trigger Args: Returns: str """ ... class PyITaskbarList: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def HrInit(self) -> None: """ Intializes the interface before use Args: Returns: None """ ... def AddTab(self, hwnd: int) -> None: """ Places a window on the taskbar Args: hwnd(int):Handle to window, should have WS_CAPTION style Returns: None """ ... def DeleteTab(self, hwnd: int) -> None: """ Removes a window from the taskbar Args: hwnd(int):Handle to window, should have WS_CAPTION style Returns: None """ ... def ActivateTab(self, hwnd: int) -> None: """ Marks a window as the active tab on the taskbar Args: hwnd(int):Handle to window, should have WS_CAPTION style Returns: None """ ... def SetActiveAlt(self, hwnd: int) -> None: """ Sets the window as the active tab, without displaying it as pressed on the taskbar Args: hwnd(int):Handle to window, should have WS_CAPTION style Returns: None """ ... class PyITransferAdviseSink: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def UpdateProgress(self, SizeCurrent: typing.Any, SizeTotal: typing.Any, FilesCurrent: typing.Any, FilesTotal: typing.Any, FoldersCurrent: typing.Any, FoldersTotal: typing.Any) -> None: """ Gives an estimate of amount of work completed Args: SizeCurrent(typing.Any):Bytes transferred so far SizeTotal(typing.Any):Total number of bytes FilesCurrent(typing.Any):Number of files processed already FilesTotal(typing.Any):Total number of files FoldersCurrent(typing.Any):Number of folders processed already FoldersTotal(typing.Any):Total number of folder Returns: None """ ... def UpdateTransferState(self, State: typing.Any) -> None: """ Notifies client of current operation state Args: State(typing.Any):A TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE value (shellcon.TS_*) Returns: None """ ... def ConfirmOverwrite(self, Source: PyIShellItem, DestParent: PyIShellItem, Name: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Asks user for permission to overwrite an existing item Args: Source(PyIShellItem):The item that will replace existing item DestParent(PyIShellItem):Folder into which item will be placed Name(typing.Any):New name for item, or None if item is to keep original name Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ConfirmEncryptionLoss(self, Source: PyIShellItem) -> typing.Any: """ Notifies user when an item can't be encrypted at destination Args: Source(PyIShellItem):Item that failed to be encrypted Returns: typing.Any """ ... def FileFailure(self, Item: PyIShellItem, ItemName: typing.Any, Error: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Notifies user of failure, and queries how to proceed Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The shell item that caused the failure ItemName(typing.Any):Name of item if different than above, can be None Error(typing.Any):HRESULT error code from operationReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT and new file name if renaming resolved the failure Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:HRESULT error code from operationReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT and new file name if renaming resolved the failure """ ... def SubStreamFailure(self, Item: PyIShellItem, StreamName: typing.Any, Error: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Notifies user of failure on a substream, and queries how to proceed Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item whose stream couldn't be created StreamName(typing.Any):Name of the failed stream Error(typing.Any):HRESULT failure code from operationReturn ValueReturns COPYENGINE_S_* if operation is to continue, or COPYENGINE_E_* HRESULT if cancelled Returns: typing.Any:HRESULT failure code from operationReturn ValueReturns COPYENGINE_S_* if operation is to continue, or COPYENGINE_E_* HRESULT if cancelled """ ... def PropertyFailure(self, Item: PyIShellItem, key: PyPROPERTYKEY, Error: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Notifies user of failure to set an item's properties Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item whose property could not be set key(PyPROPERTYKEY):Identifies the property that caused the error, or None if all properties failed Error(typing.Any):HRESULT error code returned by the operationReturn ValueReturns COPYENGINE_S_* to indicate that the failure was handled, or COPYENGINE_E_USERCANCELLED to cancel pending operations Returns: typing.Any:HRESULT error code returned by the operationReturn ValueReturns COPYENGINE_S_* to indicate that the failure was handled, or COPYENGINE_E_USERCANCELLED to cancel pending operations """ ... class PyITransferDestination: """Implemented by shell extensions that act as targets for item copy or move operations""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Advise(self, Sink: PyITransferAdviseSink) -> typing.Any: """ Connects an advise sink Args: Sink(PyITransferAdviseSink):Event sink to receive notificationsReturn ValueReturns an id for the connection, to be passed to PyITransferDestination::Unadvise Returns: typing.Any:Event sink to receive notificationsReturn ValueReturns an id for the connection, to be passed to PyITransferDestination::Unadvise """ ... def Unadvise(self, Cookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Disconnects an advise sink Args: Cookie(typing.Any):Connection identifier as returned by PyITransferDestination::Advise Returns: None """ ... def CreateItem(self, Name: typing.Any, Attributes: typing.Any, Size: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any, riidItem: PyIID, riidResources: PyIID) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Requests that a new item be created Args: Name(typing.Any):Filename to be created Attributes(typing.Any):File attributes Size(typing.Any):Size of file Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags riidItem(PyIID):Item interface to return riidResources(PyIID):Resource interface to returnReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT and requested interfaces. Interfaces may be None if function returns one of the informational codes (shellcon.COPYENGINE_S_*) Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:Resource interface to return Return ValueReturns the HRESULT and requested interfaces. Interfaces may be None if function returns one of the informational codes (shellcon.COPYENGINE_S_*) """ ... class PyITransferMediumItem: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyITransferSource: """Implemented by shell folders that can act as the source of shell item operations""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Advise(self, Sink: PyITransferAdviseSink) -> typing.Any: """ Connects an advise sink to receive notifications Args: Sink(PyITransferAdviseSink):Event sink to respond to notifications Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Unadvise(self, Cookie: typing.Any) -> None: """ Disconnects an event sink Args: Cookie(typing.Any):Connection id as returned by PyITransferSource::Advise Returns: None """ ... def SetProperties(self, proparray: PyIPropertyChangeArray) -> None: """ Specifies changes to be applied to items' properties Args: proparray(PyIPropertyChangeArray):Property changes to be applied by PyITransferSource::ApplyPropertiesToItem Returns: None """ ... def OpenItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, flags: typing.Any, riid: PyIID) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItemResources]: """ Initiates the copying of an item Args: Item(PyIShellItem):The item to be copied. flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags riid(PyIID):The interface to return Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItemResources] """ ... def MoveItem(self, Item: PyIShellItem, ParentDst: PyIShellItem, NameDst: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem]: """ Moves a shell item into another folder Args: Item(PyIShellItem):Item to be moved ParentDst(PyIShellItem):The folder into which it will be moved NameDst(typing.Any):New name for item after move, None to keep same name flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flagsReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT from the operation and the new shell item, which may be None when the code in one of the informational COPYENGINE_S_* values. See MSDN for descriptions of expected actions for specific error codes. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem]:Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flagsReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT from the operation and the new shell item, which may be None when the code in one of the informational COPYENGINE_S_* values. See MSDN for descriptions of expected actions for specific error codes. """ ... def RecycleItem(self, Source: PyIShellItem, ParentDest: PyIShellItem, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem]: """ Moves an item to the recycle bin Args: Source(PyIShellItem):The item to be recycled ParentDest(PyIShellItem):Shell item representing the recycle bin flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem] """ ... def RemoveItem(self, Source: PyIShellItem, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes an item without recycling Args: Source(PyIShellItem):The item to be deleted flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flagsReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT of the operation Returns: typing.Any:Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flagsReturn ValueReturns the HRESULT of the operation """ ... def RenameItem(self, Source: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem]: """ Renames a shell item Args: Source(PyIShellItem):Item to be renamed NewName(typing.Any):The name to be given to the item flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem] """ ... def LinkItem(self, Source: PyIShellItem, ParentDest: PyIShellItem, NewName: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem]: """ Not implemented, according to MSDN Args: Source(PyIShellItem):Description for psiSource ParentDest(PyIShellItem):Description for psiParentDest NewName(typing.Any):Description for NewName flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.TSF_* flags Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyIShellItem] """ ... def ApplyPropertiesToItem(self, Source: PyIShellItem) -> PyIShellItem: """ None Args: Source(PyIShellItem):Item whose properties are to be changed Returns: PyIShellItem """ ... def GetDefaultDestinationName(self, Source: PyIShellItem, ParentDest: PyIShellItem) -> typing.Any: """ Determines the name of an item as it would appear in a given folder Args: Source(PyIShellItem):The item whose name is wanted ParentDest(PyIShellItem):The destination folder Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EnterFolder(self, ChildFolderDest: PyIShellItem) -> typing.Any: """ Informs the copy engine that a folder will be the target of a file operation Args: ChildFolderDest(PyIShellItem):The destination folder for the operation Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LeaveFolder(self, ChildFolderDest: PyIShellItem) -> typing.Any: """ Informs the copy engine that the operation on a destination folder is finished Args: ChildFolderDest(PyIShellItem):Destination folder Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyITypeComp: """An object that implements the ITypeComp interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Bind(self, szName: str, wflags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ binds to a variable/type Args: szName(str):The name to bind to wflags(typing.Any):the bind flags Returns: typing.Any """ ... def BindType(self, szName: str) -> typing.Any: """ binds to a type Args: szName(str):The name to bind to Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyITypeInfo: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetContainingTypeLib(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyITypeLib, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the containing type library and the index of the type description within that type library. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[PyITypeLib, typing.Any] """ ... def GetDocumentation(self, memberId: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the documentation string, the complete Help file name and path, and the context ID for the Help topic for a specified type description. Args: memberId(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetFuncDesc(self, memberId: typing.Any) -> FUNCDESC: """ None Args: memberId(typing.Any): Returns: FUNCDESC """ ... def GetImplTypeFlags(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the IMPLTYPEFLAGS enumeration for one implemented interface or base interface in a type description. Args: index(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetIDsOfNames(self) -> typing.Any: """ Maps between member names and member IDs, and parameter names and parameter IDs. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNames(self, memberId: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the variable with the specified member ID (or the name of the property or method and its parameters) that correspond to the specified function ID. Args: memberId(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTypeAttr(self) -> TYPEATTR: """ None Args: Returns: TYPEATTR """ ... def GetRefTypeInfo(self, hRefType: typing.Any) -> PyITypeInfo: """ If a type description references other type descriptions, it retrieves the referenced type descriptions. Args: hRefType(typing.Any): Returns: PyITypeInfo """ ... def GetRefTypeOfImplType(self, hRefType: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the type description of the implemented interface types. Args: hRefType(typing.Any):CommentsIf a type description describes a COM class, it retrieves the type description of the implemented interface types. For an interface, GetRefTypeOfImplType returns the type information for inherited interfaces, if any exist. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetVarDesc(self, memberId: typing.Any) -> VARDESC: """ None Args: memberId(typing.Any): Returns: VARDESC """ ... def GetTypeComp(self) -> PyITypeComp: """ None Args: Returns: PyITypeComp """ ... class PyITypeLib: """An object that implements the ITypeLib interface.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDocumentation(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves documentation information about the library. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the type description within the libraryReturn ValueThe return type is a tuple of (name of item, documentation string, help context integer, help file name) Returns: typing.Any:The index of the type description within the libraryReturn ValueThe return type is a tuple of (name of item, documentation string, help context integer, help file name) """ ... def GetLibAttr(self) -> TLIBATTR: """ Retrieves the libraries attributes Args: Returns: TLIBATTR """ ... def GetTypeComp(self) -> PyITypeComp: """ None Args: Returns: PyITypeComp """ ... def GetTypeInfo(self, index: typing.Any) -> PyITypeInfo: """ Retrieves the specified type description in the library. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the type description within the library Returns: PyITypeInfo """ ... def GetTypeInfoCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTypeInfoOfGuid(self, iid: PyIID) -> PyITypeInfo: """ Retrieves the type info of the specified GUID. Args: iid(PyIID):GUID of the type description. Returns: PyITypeInfo """ ... def GetTypeInfoType(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the type of a type description. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the type description within the library Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIUniformResourceLocator: """Interface to an internet shortcut""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetURL(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the URL for the shortcut Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetURL(self, URL: typing.Any, InFlags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the URL for the shortcut Args: URL(typing.Any):The url to be set InFlags(typing.Any):One of the shellcon.IURL_SETURL* flags Returns: None """ ... def InvokeCommand(self, Verb: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ..., hwndParent: int = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Performs one of the object's predefined actions Args: Verb(typing.Any):The verb to be invoked Flags(typing.Any):Combination of shellcon.IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_* flags hwndParent(int):Handle to parent window Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyIUnknown: """The base object for all PythonCOM objects. Wraps a COM IUnknown object.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def QueryInterface(self, iid: typing.Any, useIID: typing.Any = ...) -> PyIUnknown: """ Queries an object for a specific interface. Args: iid(typing.Any):The IID requested. useIID(typing.Any):If provided and not None, will return an interface for the specified IID if (and only if) a native interface can not be supported. If the interface specified by iid is natively supported, this option is ignored.CommentsThe useIID parameter is a very dangerous option, and should only be used when you are sure you need it! By specifying this parameter, you are telling the COM framework that regardless of the true type of the result (as specified by iid), a Python wrapper of type useIID will be created. If iid does not derive from useIID, then it is almost certain that using the object will cause an Access Violation. For example, this option can be used to obtain a PyIUnknown object if pythoncom does not natively support the interface. Another example might be to return an unsupported persistence interface as a PyIPersist instance. For backwards compatibility: the integer 0 implies None, and the integer 1 implies IID_IUnknown.Return ValueThe result is always an object derived from PyIUnknown. Any error (including E_NOINTERFACE) will generate a com_error exception. Returns: PyIUnknown:If provided and not None, will return an interface for the specified IID if (and only if) a native interface can not be supported. If the interface specified by iid is natively supported, this option is ignored. Comments The useIID parameter is a very dangerous option, and should only be used when you are sure you need it! By specifying this parameter, you are telling the COM framework that regardless of the true type of the result (as specified by iid), a Python wrapper of type useIID will be created. If iid does not derive from useIID, then it is almost certain that using the object will cause an Access Violation. For example, this option can be used to obtain a PyIUnknown object if pythoncom does not natively support the interface. Another example might be to return an unsupported persistence interface as a PyIPersist instance. For backwards compatibility: the integer 0 implies None, and the integer 1 implies IID_IUnknown. Return ValueThe result is always an object derived from PyIUnknown. Any error (including E_NOINTERFACE) will generate a com_error exception. """ ... class PyIViewObject: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Draw(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, lindex: typing.Any, aspectFlags: typing.Any, hdcTargetDev: typing.Any, hdcDraw: typing.Any, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], arg1: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], funcContinue: typing.Any, obContinue: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Draw. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect lindex(typing.Any):Description for lindex aspectFlags(typing.Any):Integer value for the dwFlags item of the DVASPECTINFO structure. hdcTargetDev(typing.Any):Description for hdcTargetDev hdcDraw(typing.Any):Description for hdcDraw arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Bounds rectangle. arg1(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):WBounds rectangle. funcContinue(typing.Any):A continue function. obContinue(typing.Any):Value passed to the function. Returns: None """ ... def GetColorSet(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, lindex: typing.Any, aspectFlags: typing.Any, hicTargetDev: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetColorSet. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect lindex(typing.Any):Description for lindex aspectFlags(typing.Any):Integer value for the dwFlags item of the DVASPECTINFO structure. hicTargetDev(typing.Any):Description for hicTargetDev Returns: None """ ... def Freeze(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, lindex: typing.Any, aspectFlags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Freeze. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect lindex(typing.Any):Description for lindex aspectFlags(typing.Any):Integer value for the dwFlags item of the DVASPECTINFO structure. Returns: None """ ... def Unfreeze(self, dwFreeze: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of Unfreeze. Args: dwFreeze(typing.Any):Description for dwFreeze Returns: None """ ... def SetAdvise(self, aspects: typing.Any, advf: typing.Any, pAdvSink: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of SetAdvise. Args: aspects(typing.Any):Description for aspects advf(typing.Any):Description for advf pAdvSink(typing.Any):Description for pAdvSink Returns: None """ ... def GetAdvise(self) -> None: """ Description of GetAdvise. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyIViewObject2: """Description of the interface""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetExtent(self, dwDrawAspect: typing.Any, lindex: typing.Any, targetDevice: typing.Any) -> None: """ Description of GetExtent. Args: dwDrawAspect(typing.Any):Description for dwDrawAspect lindex(typing.Any):Description for lindex targetDevice(typing.Any):Description for lindex Returns: None """ ... class PyMAPINAMEIDArray: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS: """Tuple containing 6 ints indicating nbr of options in each menu group""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyPROPERTYKEY: """A tuple of a fmtid and property id (IID, int) that uniquely identifies a property""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyPROPVARIANT: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def vt(self) -> typing.Any: """The variant type, a combination of VARENUM values including flags. (read only)MethodsGetValueReturns an object representing the variant value ToStringReturns the value as a string ChangeTypeCoerce to a different variant type """ ... def GetValue(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns an object representing the variant value Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ToString(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the value as a string Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ChangeType(self, Type: typing.Any, Flags: typing.Any = ...) -> PyPROPVARIANT: """ Coerce to a different variant type Args: Type(typing.Any):New variant type, combination of pythoncom.VT_* values Flags(typing.Any):Reserved (PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS)Win32 API References Returns: PyPROPVARIANT """ ... class PySAndRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySBinaryArray: """A sequence of strings containing binary data.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySBitMaskRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySContentRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySExistRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySNotRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySOrRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySPropTagArray: """A sequence of integers""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySPropValue: """A MAPI property value. Property values can either be passed from python into MAPI functions, or returned from MAPI functions to Python.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySPropValueArray: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySPropertyRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySRestriction: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySRow: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySRowSet: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySSortOrderItem: """An item in a SortOrderSet.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySSortOrderSet: """An object describing a SortOrderSet.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PySTGMEDIUM: """A STGMEDIUM object represents a COM STGMEDIUM structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def tymed(self) -> typing.Any: """An integer indicating the type of data in the stgmedium""" ... @property def data(self) -> typing.Any: """The data in the stgmedium. The result depends on the value of the 'tymed' property of the PySTGMEDIUM object.tymedResult TypeTYMED_GDIAn integer GDI handleTYMED_MFPICTAn integer METAFILE handleTYMED_ENHMFAn integer ENHMETAFILE handleTYMED_HGLOBALA string with the bytes of the global memory object.TYMED_FILEA string/unicode filenameTYMED_ISTREAMA PyIStream objectTYMED_ISTORAGEA PyIStorage object""" ... @property def data_handle(self) -> typing.Any: """The raw 'integer' representation of the data. For TYMED_HGLOBAL, this is the handle rather than the string data. For the string and interface types, this is an integer holding the pointer.""" ... def set(self, tymed: typing.Any, data: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the type and data of the object. Args: tymed(typing.Any):The type of the data data(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class PyTASK_TRIGGER: """Python object representing a TASK_TRIGGER structure via the structmember Api""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class RTF_WCSINFO: """A tuple representing a RTF_WCSINFO structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SHFILEINFO: """A tuple representing a SHFILEINFO structure Represented as a tuple of (hIcon, iIcon, dwAttributes, displayName, typeName)""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SHFILEOPSTRUCT: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SI_ACCESS: """Tuple of 4 items representing SI_ACCESS struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SI_INHERIT_TYPE: """Tuple of 3 items describing a method of inheritance""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class SI_OBJECT_INFO: """Six-tuple representing SI_OBJECT_INFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class STATSTG: """A tuple representing a STATSTG structure""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class TLIBATTR: """Type library attributes are represented as a tuple of:""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class TYPEATTR: """A TYPEATTR object represents a COM TYPEATTR structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def iid(self) -> PyIID: """The IID""" ... @property def lcid(self) -> typing.Any: """The lcid""" ... @property def memidConstructor(self) -> typing.Any: """ID of constructor""" ... @property def memidDestructor(self) -> typing.Any: """ID of destructor""" ... @property def cbSizeInstance(self) -> typing.Any: """The size of an instance of this type""" ... @property def typekind(self) -> typing.Any: """The kind of type this information describes. One of the win32con.TKIND_* constants.""" ... @property def cFuncs(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of functions.""" ... @property def cVars(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of variables/data members.""" ... @property def cImplTypes(self) -> typing.Any: """Number of implemented interfaces.""" ... @property def cbSizeVft(self) -> typing.Any: """The size of this type's VTBL""" ... @property def cbAlignment(self) -> typing.Any: """Byte alignment for an instance of this type.""" ... @property def wTypeFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """One of the pythoncom TYPEFLAG_""" ... @property def wMajorVerNum(self) -> typing.Any: """Major version number.""" ... @property def wMinorVerNum(self) -> typing.Any: """Minor version number.""" ... @property def tdescAlias(self) -> TYPEDESC: """If TypeKind == pythoncom.TKIND_ALIAS, specifies the type for which this type is an alias.""" ... @property def idldeskType(self) -> IDLDESC: """IDL attributes of the described type.""" ... class TYPEDESC: """A typedesc is a complicated, recursive object, It may be either a simple Python type, or a tuple of (indirectType, object), where object may be a simple Python type, or a tuple of etc ...""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class VARDESC: """A VARDESC object represents a COM VARDESC structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def memid(self) -> typing.Any: """The dispid of the member""" ... @property def value(self) -> typing.Union[typing.Any]: """A value for the variant. If PERINSTANCE then an offset into the instance, otherwise a variant converted to a Python object.""" ... @property def elemdescVar(self) -> ELEMDESC: """Object describing the member.""" ... @property def varFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """Variable flags""" ... @property def varkind(self) -> typing.Any: """Kind flags.""" ... class CHARFORMAT: """Describes a CHARFORMAT tuple""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class CREATESTRUCT: """A representation of a Windows CREATESTRUCT structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class LV_COLUMN: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class LV_ITEM: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PARAFORMAT: """Describes a PARAFORMAT tuple""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyAssocCObject: """An internal class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyAssocObject: """An internal class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AttachObject(self) -> None: """ Attaches a Python object for lookup of "virtual" functions. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetAttachedObject(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returned the attached Python object, or None. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCBitmap: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateCompatibleBitmap(self, dc: PyCDC, width: typing.Any, height: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates a bitmap compatible with the specified device context. Args: dc(PyCDC):Specifies the device context. width(typing.Any):The width (in bits) of the bitmap height(typing.Any):The height (in bits) of the bitmap. Returns: None """ ... def GetSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the size of the bitmap object. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the HBITMAP for a bitmap object Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadBitmap(self, idRes: typing.Any, obDLL: PyDLL = ...) -> None: """ Loads a bitmap from a DLL object. Args: idRes(typing.Any):The resource ID of the bitmap obDLL(PyDLL):The DLL object to load from. Returns: None """ ... def LoadBitmapFile(self, fileObject: typing.Any) -> None: """ Loads a bitmap (.BMP) format from a file object. Args: fileObject(typing.Any):The file object to load the .BMP format file from. Returns: None """ ... def LoadPPMFile(self, fileObject: typing.Any, cols: typing.Any, rows: typing.Any) -> None: """ Loads a bitmap in Portable Pix Map (PPM) format from a file object. Args: fileObject(typing.Any):The file object to load the PPM format file from. cols(typing.Any):The number of columns in the bitmap. rows(typing.Any):The number of rows in the bitmap. Returns: None """ ... def Paint(self, dcObject: PyCDC, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], arg1: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Paint a bitmap. Args: dcObject(PyCDC):The DC object to paint the bitmap to. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The destination rectangle to paint to. arg1(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The source rectangle to paint from. Returns: None """ ... def GetInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the BITMAP structure info Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCBitmap.GetInfo dict = GetInfo()Returns the BITMAP structure info Return ValueA dictionary of integers, keyed by the following strings: bmType bmWidth bmHeight bmWidthBytes bmPlanes bmBitsPixel """ ... def GetBitmapBits(self, asString: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Union[str, typing.Any]: """ Returns the bitmap bits. Args: asString(typing.Any):If False, the result is a tuple of integers, if True, the result is a Python string Returns: typing.Union[str, typing.Any] """ ... def SaveBitmapFile(self, dcObject: PyCDC, Filename: str) -> typing.Any: """ Saves a bitmap to a file. Args: dcObject(PyCDC):The DC object that has rendered the bitmap. Filename(str):The file to save the bitmap to Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCBrush: """An object encapsulating an MFC PyCBrush class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateSolidBrush(self) -> None: """ Initializes a brush with a specified solid color. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSafeHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the HBRUSH for the brush as an integer Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCButton: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, caption: str, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the window for a new button object. Args: caption(str):The caption (text) for the button. style(typing.Any):The style for the button. Use any of the win32con.BS_* constants. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the button. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the button. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The buttons control ID. Returns: None """ ... def GetBitmap(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the button's bitmap Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetBitmap(self, hBitmap: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the button's bitmap Args: hBitmap(typing.Any):Handle of the new bitmap Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCheck(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the check state of a radio button or check box. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetCheck(self, idCheck: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets or resets the state of a radio button or check box. Args: idCheck(typing.Any):The ID of the button. Returns: None """ ... def GetState(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the state of the button. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetState(self, bHighlight: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the state of the button. Args: bHighlight(typing.Any):The new state for the button.CommentsHighlighting affects the exterior of a button control. It has no effect on the check state of a radio button or check box. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetButtonStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the style of the button. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetButtonStyle(self, style: typing.Any, bRedraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the style of the button. Args: style(typing.Any):The new style for the button. bRedraw(typing.Any):Should the button be redrawn? Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCCmdTarget: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def BeginWaitCursor(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def EndWaitCursor(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def HookCommand(self, obHandler: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Hook a windows command handler. Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler for the command message. This must be a callable object. _id(typing.Any):The ID of the command to be handled, or zero to handle all command messages.CommentsobHandler will be called as the application receives command notification messages with the specified ID. Command notification messages are usually sent in response to menu or toolbar commands. When updating a user interface element, Pythonwin will first check if a handler has been installed via PyCCmdTarget::HookCommandUpdate. If so, this alone determines the state of the interface object. If no Update handler exists, PythonWin will automatically enable a menu/toolbar item if a command handler exists The handler will be called with 2 arguments * The command id being handled. * The command notification code. If the handler returns TRUE, then the command will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the message will be consumed. This method is best suited to handling messages from user interface elements, such as menus, toolbars, etc. To handle notification messages from a control, you should use PyCCmdTarget::HookNotifyReturn ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. Returns: typing.Any:The ID of the command to be handled, or zero to handle all command messages.Comments obHandler will be called as the application receives command notification messages with the specified ID. Command notification messages are usually sent in response to menu or toolbar commands. When updating a user interface element, Pythonwin will first check if a handler has been installed via PyCCmdTarget::HookCommandUpdate. If so, this alone determines the state of the interface object. If no Update handler exists, PythonWin will automatically enable a menu/toolbar item if a command handler exists The handler will be called with 2 arguments * The command id being handled. * The command notification code. If the handler returns TRUE, then the command will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the message will be consumed. This method is best suited to handling messages from user interface elements, such as menus, toolbars, etc. To handle notification messages from a control, you should use PyCCmdTarget::HookNotify Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def HookCommandUpdate(self, obHandler: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Hook a windows command update handler. Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler for the command message. This must be a callable object. _id(typing.Any):The ID of the command to be handled.CommentsThe handler object passed will be called as the application updates user interface elements with the specified ID. See PyCCmdTarget::HookCommand for a description of the rules used to determine command routing and updating.Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. Returns: typing.Any:The ID of the command to be handled.Comments The handler object passed will be called as the application updates user interface elements with the specified ID. See PyCCmdTarget::HookCommand for a description of the rules used to determine command routing and updating. Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def HookOleEvent(self) -> typing.Any: """ Hook an OLE Event. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCCmdTarget.HookOleEvent object = HookOleEvent()Hook an OLE Event. Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def HookNotify(self, obHandler: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Hook a windows command handler. Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler for the command message. This must be a callable object. _id(typing.Any):The ID of the command to be handled, or zero to handle all command messages.CommentsobHandler will be called as the application receives control notification messages. These may also be handled via PyCCmdTarget::HookCommand, but this method is specific to control notifications, and therefore provides more information.The handler will be called with 2 arguments A tuple describing standard notification information. A tuple describing extra notification params, or an integer containing the address of the first byte of the extended information. If the handler returns TRUE, then the command will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the message will be consumed.Certain notification codes are recognised internally, and these are converted to a Python tuple. If the extra information is not recognised, the address is passed. These addresses could be extracted using win32ui::GetBytes and the struct module, or using Sam Rushing's calldll/dynwin module. (It would be possible to extend Pythonwin so a program can install certain knowledge about handlers, but this has not been implemented.)Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. Returns: typing.Any:The ID of the command to be handled, or zero to handle all command messages.Comments obHandler will be called as the application receives control notification messages. These may also be handled via PyCCmdTarget::HookCommand, but this method is specific to control notifications, and therefore provides more information. The handler will be called with 2 arguments A tuple describing standard notification information. A tuple describing extra notification params, or an integer containing the address of the first byte of the extended information. If the handler returns TRUE, then the command will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the message will be consumed. Certain notification codes are recognised internally, and these are converted to a Python tuple. If the extra information is not recognised, the address is passed. These addresses could be extracted using win32ui::GetBytes and the struct module, or using Sam Rushing's calldll/dynwin module. (It would be possible to extend Pythonwin so a program can install certain knowledge about handlers, but this has not been implemented.) Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def RestoreWaitCursor(self) -> None: """ Restores the appropriate hourglass cursor after the system cursor has changed. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCCmdUI: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def m_nIndex(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def m_nID(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def m_pMenu(self) -> PyCMenu: """""" ... @property def m_pSubMenu(self) -> PyCMenu: """""" ... def Enable(self, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Enables or disables the user-interface item for this command. Args: bEnable(typing.Any):TRUE if the item should be enabled, false otherwise. Returns: None """ ... def SetCheck(self, state: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the check state of the user-interface item for this command. Args: state(typing.Any):0 for unchecked, 1 for checked, or 2 for indeterminate. Returns: None """ ... def SetRadio(self, bOn: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Like the SetCheck member function, but operates on radio groups. Args: bOn(typing.Any):TRUE if the item should be enabled, false otherwise. Returns: None """ ... def SetText(self, text: str) -> None: """ Sets the text for the user-interface item for this command. Args: text(str):The text for the interface element. Returns: None """ ... def ContinueRouting(self) -> None: """ Tells the command-routing mechanism to continue routing the current message down the chain of handlers. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCColorDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines the selected color. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DoModal(self) -> typing.Any: """ Displays a dialog and allows the user to make a selection. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSavedCustomColors(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the saved custom colors. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetCurrentColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the currently selected color. Args: color(typing.Any):The color to set.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetCustomColors(self) -> None: """ Sets one or more custom colors Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCustomColors(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Gets the 16 currently defined custom colors Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...] """ ... class PyCComboBox: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddString(self, _object: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Adds a string to a combobox. Args: _object(typing.Any):Any object. If not a string, __str__, __repr__ or a default repr() will be usedMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::AddString Return ValueThe zero based index of the new string. """ ... def DeleteString(self, pos: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes an item from a combobox. Args: pos(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to delete.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::DeleteString Return ValueThe count of the items remaining in the list. """ ... def Dir(self, attr: typing.Any, wild: str) -> typing.Any: """ Fills the list portion of a combobox with a directory listing. Args: attr(typing.Any):The attributes of the files to locate wild(str):A file specification string - eg, *.*MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::Dir Return ValueThe index of the last file name added to the list. """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the count of items in the combobox. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::GetCount Return ValueReturns the number of items currently in the combobox. """ ... def GetCurSel(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the index of the currently selected item. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetEditSel(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the selection of the edit control portion of a combo box. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::GetEditSel Return ValueA 32-bit value that contains the starting position in the low-order word and the position of the first nonselected character after the end of the selection in the high-order word. If this function is used on a combo box without an edit control, an exception is raised. """ ... def GetExtendedUI(self) -> typing.Any: """ Indicates if the combo has the extended interface. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::GetExtendedUI Return ValueNonzero if the combo box has the extended user interface; otherwise 0. """ ... def GetItemData(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific object associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemValue(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific value associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLBText(self, index: typing.Any) -> str: """ Gets the string from the list of a combo box. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the item to return the string for.Return ValueThe requested string. If index does not specify a valid index, no exception is raised. Returns: str:The index of the item to return the string for.Return ValueThe requested string. If index does not specify a valid index, no exception is raised. """ ... def GetLBTextLen(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the length of a string in the list of a combobox. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the item to return the length of.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InsertString(self, pos: typing.Any, _object: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Insert a string into a combobox. Args: pos(typing.Any):The zero based index in the combobox to insert the new string _object(typing.Any):The object to be added to the comboboxMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CComboBox::InsertString Return ValueThe zero based index of the new string added. """ ... def LimitText(self, _max: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Limits the amount of text the edit portion of a combo box can hold. Args: _max(typing.Any):The maximum number of characters the user can enter. If zero, the size is set to (virtually) unlimited.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ResetContent(self) -> None: """ Clear all the items from a combobox. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SelectString(self, after: typing.Any, string: str) -> None: """ Searches for a combobox item that matches the specified string, and selects it. Args: after(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index of the item before the first item to be searched, or -1 for the entire combobox. string(str):The string to search for.MFC References Returns: None:CComboBoxBox::SelectString Return ValueThe return value is always None - an exception is raised if the string can not be located. """ ... def SetCurSel(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects an item in a combobox. Args: index(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to select.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetEditSel(self, start: typing.Any, end: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the selection in the edit control portion of a combo box. Args: start(typing.Any):Specifies the starting position. If the starting position is set to -1, then any existing selection is removed. end(typing.Any):Specifies the ending position. If the ending position is set to -1, then all text from the starting position to the last character in the edit control is selected.MFC References Returns: None:PyCComboBox::SetEditSel Return ValueThe return value is always None - an exception is raised if the combo is a dropdown style, or does not have an edit control. """ ... def SetExtendedUI(self, bExtended: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Selects the Extended UI mode for a combo box. Args: bExtended(typing.Any):Indicates if the combo should have the extended user interface.CommentsA combo box with the Extended UI flag set can be identified in the following ways:~ Clicking the static control displays the list box only for combo boxes with the CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.~ Pressing the DOWN ARROW key displays the list box (F4 is disabled).~ Scrolling in the static control is disabled when the item list is not visible (the arrow keys are disabled).MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetItemData(self, item: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific object value. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. Data(typing.Any):New value for the data.CommentsNote that a reference count is not added to the object. This it is your responsibility to make sure the object remains alive while in the list. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemValue(self, item: typing.Any, data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific value. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. data(typing.Any):New value for the data. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ShowDropDown(self, bShowIt: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Shows or hides the listbox portion of a combo box. Args: bShowIt(typing.Any):Indicates if the listbox should be shown or hidden. Returns: None """ ... class PyCCommonDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCControl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCControlBar: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def dockSite(self) -> PyCFrameWnd: """Current dock site, if dockable""" ... @property def dockBar(self) -> PyCWnd: """Current dock bar, if dockable""" ... @property def dockContext(self) -> PyCDockContext: """Used during dragging""" ... @property def dwStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """creation style (used for layout)""" ... @property def dwDockStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """indicates how bar can be docked""" ... def CalcDynamicLayout(self, length: typing.Any, dwMode: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions of a dynamic toolbar. Args: length(typing.Any):The requested dimension of the control bar, either horizontal or vertical, depending on dwMode. dwMode(typing.Any):A combination of flags. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CalcFixedLayout(self, bStretch: typing.Any, bHorz: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calculates the horizontal size of a control bar Args: bStretch(typing.Any):Indicates whether the bar should be stretched to the size of the frame. The bStretch parameter is nonzero when the bar is not a docking bar (not available for docking) and is 0 when it is docked or floating (available for docking). bHorz(typing.Any):Indicates that the bar is horizontally or vertically oriented. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EnableDocking(self, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ pecifies whether the control bar supports docking and the sides of its parent window. Args: style(typing.Any):Enables a control bar to be docked. Returns: None """ ... def EraseNonClient(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetBarStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the control bar style settings. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of non-HWND elements in the control bar. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDockingFrame(self) -> PyCFrameWnd: """ Returns the frame window to which a control bar is docked. Args: Returns: PyCFrameWnd """ ... def IsFloating(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a nonzero value if the control bar in question is a floating control bar. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetBarStyle(self, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Modifies the control bar style settings. Args: style(typing.Any):The new style Returns: None """ ... def ShowWindow(self) -> typing.Any: """ Shows the toolbar, and recalculates the button layout. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCControlBar.ShowWindow int = ShowWindow()Shows the toolbar, and recalculates the button layout. Comments This method is provided for convenience. For further details, see PyCWnd::ShowWindow and PyCFrameWnd::RecalcLayout Return ValueThe return value is that returned from PyCWnd::ShowWindow """ ... class PyCCtrlView: """A class which implementes a CCtrlView (ie, a view based on a dialog resource.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... class PyCDC: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AbortDoc(self) -> None: """ Aborts a print job Args: Returns: None """ ... def Arc(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], pointStart: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pointEnd: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Draws an eliptical arc. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the ellipse's bounding rectangle pointStart(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the point that defines the arc's starting point (in logical units). This point does not have to lie exactly on the arc. pointEnd(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the point that defines the arc's ending point (in logical units). This point does not have to lie exactly on the arc.CommentsThe arc drawn by using the function is a segment of the ellipse defined by the specified bounding rectangle. The actual starting point of the arc is the point at which a ray drawn from the center of the bounding rectangle through the specified starting point intersects the ellipse. The actual ending point of the arc is the point at which a ray drawn from the center of the bounding rectangle through the specified ending point intersects the ellipse. The arc is drawn in a counterclockwise direction. Since an arc is not a closed figure, it is not filled. Both the width and height of the rectangle must be greater than 2 units and less than 32,767 units.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::Arc Return ValueAlways none. If the function fails, an exception is raised. """ ... def BeginPath(self) -> None: """ Opens a path bracket in the device context Args: Returns: None """ ... def BitBlt(self, destPos: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dc: PyCDC, srcPos: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], rop: typing.Any) -> None: """ Copies a bitmap from the source device context to this device context. Args: destPos(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The logical x,y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the width and height (in logical units) of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. dc(PyCDC):Specifies the PyCDC object from which the bitmap will be copied. It must be None if rop specifies a raster operation that does not include a source. srcPos(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the logical x,y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the source bitmap. rop(typing.Any):Specifies the raster operation to be performed. See the win32 api documentation for details.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def Chord(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], pointStart: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], pointEnd: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Draws a chord. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the ellipse's bounding rectangle pointStart(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the point that defines the arc's starting point (in logical units). This point does not have to lie exactly on the arc. pointEnd(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the point that defines the arc's ending point (in logical units). This point does not have to lie exactly on the arc.CommentsDraws a chord (a closed figure bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment). The rect parameter specify the upper-left and lower-right corners, respectively, of a rectangle bounding the ellipse that is part of the chord. The pointStart and pointEnd parameters specify the endpoints of a line that intersects the ellipse. The chord is drawn by using the selected pen and filled by using the selected brush.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::Chord Return ValueAlways none. If the function fails, an exception is raised. """ ... def CreateCompatibleDC(self, dcFrom: PyCDC = ...) -> None: """ Creates a memory device context that is compatible with this DC. Args: dcFrom(PyCDC):The source DC, or None to make a screen compatible DC.CommentsNote that unlike the MFC version, this function calls the global CreateCompatibleDC function and returns a new PyCDC object.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CreatePrinterDC(self, printerName: str = ...) -> None: """ Creates a device context for a specific printer Args: printerName(str):The printer name, or None for the default printerMFC References Returns: None """ ... def DeleteDC(self) -> None: """ Deletes all resources associated with a device context. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DPtoLP(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Converts device units into logical units. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The point to convertAlternative Parameters x(typing.Any):The x coordinate to convert. y(typing.Any):The y coordinate to convert.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::DPtoLP To Do Should really handle list of (x,y) points Return ValueThe converted coordinates. """ ... def Draw3dRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], colorTopLeft: typing.Any, colorBotRight: typing.Any) -> None: """ Draws a three-dimensional rectangle. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units. colorTopLeft(typing.Any):Specifies the color of the top and left sides of the three-dimensional rectangle. colorBotRight(typing.Any):Specifies the color of the bottom and right sides of the three-dimensional rectangle.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def DrawFocusRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate the rectangle has focus Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The coordinates of the rectangleMFC References Returns: None """ ... def DrawFrameControl(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], typ: typing.Any, state: typing.Any) -> None: """ Draws a frame control of the specified type and style. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units. typ(typing.Any): state(typing.Any):MFC References Returns: None """ ... def DrawIcon(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], hIcon: int) -> None: """ Draws an icon on the DC. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The point coordinate to draw to. hIcon(int):The handle of the icon to draw.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def DrawText(self, s: str, _tuple: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], _format: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Formats text in the given rectangle Args: s(str):The desired output string _tuple(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The bounding rectangle in the form: (left, top, right, bottom) expressed in logical units (depending on selected coordinate system - see PyCDC::SetMapMode) _format(typing.Any):Specifies one or more bit-or'd format values, such as DT_BOTTOM, DT_CENTERDT_RIGHT, DT_VCENTER. For a complete list, see the Microsoft Win32 API documentation.ExampleExampleimport win32ui<nl> import win32con<nl> INCH = 1440 # twips - 1440 per inch allows fine res<nl> def drawtext_test():<nl> dc = win32ui.CreateDC()<nl> dc.CreatePrinterDC() # ties to default printer<nl> dc.StartDoc('My Python Document')<nl> dc.StartPage()<nl> <nl> # note: upper left is 0,0 with x increasing to the right,<nl> # and y decreasing (negative) moving down<nl> dc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TWIPS)<nl> <nl> # Centers "TEST" about an inch down on page<nl> dc.DrawText('TEST', (0,INCH*-1,INCH*8,INCH*-2), win32con.DT_CENTER )<nl> dc.EndPage()<nl> dc.EndDoc()<nl> del dc<nl>Return ValueHeight of text in pixelsThe return value is the height of the text, in logical units. If DT_VCENTER or DT_BOTTOM is specified, the return value is the offset from rect.top to the bottom of the drawn text. If the function fails, the return value is zero (no Python exception is thrown) Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:Specifies one or more bit-or'd format values, such as DT_BOTTOM, DT_CENTERDT_RIGHT, DT_VCENTER. For a complete list, see the Microsoft Win32 API documentation.ExampleExample import win32ui<nl> import win32con<nl> INCH = 1440 # twips - 1440 per inch allows fine res<nl> def drawtext_test():<nl> dc = win32ui.CreateDC()<nl> dc.CreatePrinterDC() # ties to default printer<nl> dc.StartDoc('My Python Document')<nl> dc.StartPage()<nl> <nl> # note: upper left is 0,0 with x increasing to the right,<nl> # and y decreasing (negative) moving down<nl> dc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TWIPS)<nl> <nl> # Centers "TEST" about an inch down on page<nl> dc.DrawText('TEST', (0,INCH*-1,INCH*8,INCH*-2), win32con.DT_CENTER )<nl> dc.EndPage()<nl> dc.EndDoc()<nl> del dc<nl> Return ValueHeight of text in pixels The return value is the height of the text, in logical units. If DT_VCENTER or DT_BOTTOM is specified, the return value is the offset from rect.top to the bottom of the drawn text. If the function fails, the return value is zero (no Python exception is thrown) """ ... def Ellipse(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Draws an Ellipse. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the ellipse's bounding rectangleCommentsThe center of the ellipse is the center of the bounding rectangle specified by rect. The ellipse is drawn with the current pen, and its interior is filled with the current brush.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::Ellipse Return ValueAlways none. If the function fails, an exception is raised. """ ... def EndDoc(self) -> None: """ Finishes spooling the document and starts printing it Args: Returns: None """ ... def EndPage(self) -> None: """ Finishes a page on a printer DC Args: Returns: None """ ... def EndPath(self) -> None: """ Closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the specified device context Args: Returns: None """ ... def ExtTextOut(self, _int: typing.Any, _int1: typing.Any, _int2: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], string: typing.Any, _tuple: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], ...]) -> None: """ Writes text to the DC. Args: _int(typing.Any):The x coordinate to write the text to. _int1(typing.Any):The y coordinate to write the text to. _int2(typing.Any):Specifies the rectangle type. This parameter can be one, both, or neither of ETO_CLIPPED and ETO_OPAQUE rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the text's bounding rectangle. (Can be None.) string(typing.Any):The text to write. _tuple(typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], ...]):Optional array of values that indicate distance between origins of character cells.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::ExtTextOut Return ValueAlways none. If the function fails, an exception is raised. """ ... def FillPath(self) -> None: """ Closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path's interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode. After its interior is filled, the path is discarded from the device context. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FillRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], brush: PyCBrush) -> None: """ Fills a given rectangle with the specified brush Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units. brush(PyCBrush):Specifies the brush to use.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def FillSolidRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Fills the given rectangle with the specified solid color. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units. color(typing.Any):Specifies the color to use.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def FrameRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], brush: PyCBrush) -> None: """ Draws a border around the rectangle specified by rect Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units. brush(PyCBrush):Specifies the brush to use.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def GetBrushOrg(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the origin (in device units) of the brush currently selected for the device context. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetClipBox(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the dimensions of the smallest bounding rectangle around the current clipping boundary. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::GetClipBox Return ValueA tuple of integers specifying the rectangle. """ ... def GetCurrentPosition(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the current position (in logical coordinates). Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetDeviceCaps(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves a capability of the device context. Args: index(typing.Any):The information requested. See the win32api documentation for details.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::GetDeviceCaps Return ValueThe value of the requested capability """ ... def GetHandleAttrib(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the handle of the attribute device context. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetHandleOutput(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the handle of the output device context. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMapMode(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the mapping mode for the device context. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNearestColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the closest color a device can map. Args: color(typing.Any):Specifies the color to be matched. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPixel(self, x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any) -> None: """ Gets a pixel at a local in a device context Args: x(typing.Any):Horizontal coordinate. y(typing.Any):Vertical coordinate. Returns: None """ ... def GetSafeHdc(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the HDC of this DC object. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTextExtent(self, text: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Calculates the width and height of a line of text using the current font to determine the dimensions. Args: text(str):The text to calculate for.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CFC::GetTextExtent Return ValueA tuple of integers with the size of the string, in logical units. """ ... def GetTextExtentPoint(self, text: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ None Args: text(str):The text to calculate for.Return ValueA tuple of integers with the size of the string, in logical units. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:The text to calculate for.Return ValueA tuple of integers with the size of the string, in logical units. """ ... def GetTextFace(self) -> str: """ Returns typeface name of the current font. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetTextMetrics(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the metrics for the current font in this device context. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CDC::GetTextMetrics Return ValueA dictionary of integers, keyed by the following strings: tmHeight tmAscent tmDescent tmInternalLeading tmExternalLeading tmAveCharWidth tmMaxCharWidth tmWeight tmItalic tmUnderlined tmStruckOut tmFirstChar tmLastChar tmDefaultChar tmBreakChar tmPitchAndFamily tmCharSet tmOverhang tmDigitizedAspectX tmDigitizedAspectY """ ... def GetViewportExt(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Gets the viewport extent of the device context Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetViewportOrg(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Gets the viewport origin of the device context Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetWindowExt(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Gets the window extent of the device context Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetWindowOrg(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the origin of the window associated with the device context. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def IntersectClipRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Creates a new clipping region by forming the intersection of the current region and the rectangle specified Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the bounding rectangle, in logical units.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::IntersectClipRect Return Valueregion type as integer """ ... def IsPrinting(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns 1 if the DC is currently printing, else 0 Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LineTo(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any) -> None: """ Draws a line to a specified point, using the currently selected pen. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The point coordinate to draw to.Alternative Parameters x(typing.Any):The x coordinate to draw to. y(typing.Any):The y coordinate to draw to.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def LPtoDP(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Converts logical units into device units. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The point coordinate to convert.Alternative Parameters x(typing.Any):The x coordinate to convert. y(typing.Any):The y coordinate to convert.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::LPtoDP Return ValueThe converted coordinates. """ ... def MoveTo(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Moves the current position to a specified point. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The point coordinate to move to.Alternative Parameters x(typing.Any):The x coordinate to move to. y(typing.Any):The y coordinate to move to.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::MoveTo Return ValueThe previous position. """ ... def OffsetWindowOrg(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Modifies the coordinates of the window origin relative to the coordinates of the current window origin. Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin offset.Return ValueThe previous origin as a tuple (x,y) Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:The new origin offset.Return ValueThe previous origin as a tuple (x,y) """ ... def OffsetViewportOrg(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Modifies the coordinates of the viewport origin relative to the coordinates of the current viewport origin Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin offset.Return ValueThe previous viewport origin as a tuple (x,y) Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:The new origin offset.Return ValueThe previous viewport origin as a tuple (x,y) """ ... def PatBlt(self, destPos: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], rop: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates a bit pattern on the device. Args: destPos(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The logical x,y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the width and height (in logical units) of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. rop(typing.Any):Specifies the raster operation to be performed. See the win32 api documentation for details.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def Pie(self, x1: typing.Any, y1: typing.Any, x2: typing.Any, y2: typing.Any, x3: typing.Any, y3: typing.Any, x4: typing.Any, y4: typing.Any) -> None: """ Draws a pie slice in a device context Args: x1(typing.Any):X coordinate of upper left corner y1(typing.Any):Y coordinate of upper left corner x2(typing.Any):X coordinate of lower right corner y2(typing.Any):Y coordinate of lower right corner x3(typing.Any):X coordinate of starting point of arc y3(typing.Any):Y coordinate of starting point of arc x4(typing.Any):X coordinate of ending point of arc y4(typing.Any):Y coordinate of ending point of arc Returns: None """ ... def PolyBezier(self) -> None: """ Draws one or more Bezier splines. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Polygon(self) -> None: """ Draws an Polygon. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Polyline(self, points: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]) -> None: """ Draws a Polyline. Args: points(typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]):A sequence of points Returns: None """ ... def RealizePalette(self) -> typing.Any: """ Maps palette entries in the current logical palette to the system palette. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCDC.RealizePalette int = RealizePalette()Maps palette entries in the current logical palette to the system palette. Return ValueIndicates how many entries in the logical palette were mapped to different entries in the system palette. This represents the number of entries that this function remapped to accommodate changes in the system palette since the logical palette was last realized. """ ... def Rectangle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Draws a rectangle using the current pen. The interior of the rectangle is filled using the current brush. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def RectVisible(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Determines whether any part of the given rectangle lies within the clipping region of the display context. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The coordinates of the reactangle to be checked.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::RectVisible Return ValueNon zero if any part of the rectangle lies within the clipping region, else zero. """ ... def RestoreDC(self, saved: typing.Any) -> None: """ Restores the state of the device context. Args: saved(typing.Any):The id of a previously saved device context. See PyCDC::SaveDCMFC References Returns: None """ ... def SaveDC(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SaveDC Return ValueAn integer identifying the context, which can be used by PyCDC::RestoreDC. An exception is raised if this function fails. """ ... def ScaleWindowExt(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Modifies the window extents relative to the current values. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def ScaleViewportExt(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Modifies the viewport extents relative to the current values. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SelectClipRgn(self) -> typing.Any: """ Selects the given region as the current clipping region for the device context Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCDC.SelectClipRgn obRgn = SelectClipRgn()Selects the given region as the current clipping region for the device context Return ValueThe return value specifies the region's complexity (integer) """ ... def SelectObject(self, ob: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: ob(typing.Any):The object to select.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SelectObject Return ValueThe previously selected object. This will be the same type as the object parameter. """ ... def SetBkColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current background color to the specified color. Args: color(typing.Any):A windows color specification. See the win32api documentation for details.CommentsIf the background mode is OPAQUE, the system uses the background color to fill the gaps in styled lines, the gaps between hatched lines in brushes, and the background in character cells. The system also uses the background color when converting bitmaps between color and monochrome device contexts.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetBkColor Return ValueThe return value is the previous background color. """ ... def SetBkMode(self, mode: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current background mode to the specified mode. Args: mode(typing.Any):A background mode. May be either TRANSPARENT or OPAQUE.CommentsSpecifies the mode to be set. This parameter can be either OPAQUE or TRANSPARENTMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetBkMode Return ValueThe return value is the previous background mode. """ ... def SetBrushOrg(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Specifies the origin that GDI will assign to the next brush that the application selects into the device context. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin in device units.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::SetBrushOrg Return ValueThe previous origin in device units. """ ... def SetGraphicsMode(self, mode: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the graphics mode for the specified device context Args: mode(typing.Any):The new mode. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetMapMode(self, newMode: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the mapping mode for the device context. Args: newMode(typing.Any):The new mode. Can be one of MM_ANISOTROPIC, MM_HIENGLISH, MM_HIMETRIC, MM_ISOTROPIC, MM_LOENGLISH, MM_LOMETRIC, MM_TEXT, MM_TWIPSMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetMapMode Return ValueThe previous mapping mode. """ ... def SetPixel(self, x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets a pixel in a device context Args: x(typing.Any):Horizontal coordinate. y(typing.Any):Vertical coordinate. color(typing.Any):The brush color. Returns: None """ ... def SetPolyFillMode(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the polygon-filling mode. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin in device units.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetPolyFillMode Return ValueThe previous PolyFillMode as integer The previous PolyFillMode. """ ... def SetROP2(self, mode: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current drawing mode. Args: mode(typing.Any):The new drawing mode.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTextAlign(self, newFlags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the text-alignment flags. Args: newFlags(typing.Any):The new alignment flags. Can be a combination of (TA_CENTER, TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT), (TA_BASELINE, TA_BOTTOM, TA_TOP) and (TA_NOUPDATECP, TA_UPDATECP) The default is TA_LEFT|TA_TOP|TA_NOUPDATECPMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetTextAlign Return ValueThe old alignment flags. """ ... def SetTextColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the text color to the specified color. Args: color(typing.Any):A windows color specification. See the win32api documentation for details.CommentsThis text color is used when writing text to this device context and also when converting bitmaps between color and monochrome device contexts. If the device cannot represent the specified color, the system sets the text color to the nearest physical color. The background color for a character is specified by the SetBkColor and SetBkMode member functions.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CDC::SetTextColor Return ValueThe return value is the previous text color. """ ... def SetWindowExt(self, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Sets the x,y extents of the window associated with the device context. Args: size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new size.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::SetWindowExt Return ValueThe previous extents of the window (in logical units). """ ... def SetWindowOrg(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Sets the window origin of the device context Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetViewportExt(self, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Sets the x,y extents of the viewport of the device context. Args: size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new size.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CDC::SetViewportExt Return ValueThe previous extents of the viewport (in logical units). """ ... def SetViewportOrg(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Sets the viewport origin of the device context Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new origin. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetWorldTransform(self) -> typing.Any: """ sets a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space for the specified device context. This transformation can be used to scale, rotate, shear, or translate graphics output. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def StartDoc(self, docName: str, outputFile: str) -> None: """ Starts spooling a document to a printer DC Args: docName(str):The document name outputFile(str):The output file name. Use this to spool to a file. Omit to send to the printer. Returns: None """ ... def StartPage(self) -> None: """ Starts a new page on a printer DC Args: Returns: None """ ... def StretchBlt(self, destPos: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], dc: PyCDC, srcPos: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], size1: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], rop: typing.Any) -> None: """ Copies a bitmap from the source device context to this device context. Args: destPos(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The logical x,y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the width and height (in logical units) of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. dc(PyCDC):Specifies the PyCDC object from which the bitmap will be copied. It must be None if rop specifies a raster operation that does not include a source. srcPos(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the logical x,y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the source bitmap. size1(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):Specifies the width and height (in logical units) of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. rop(typing.Any):Specifies the raster operation to be performed. See the win32 api documentation for details.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def StrokeAndFillPath(self) -> None: """ Closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush. The device context must contain a closed path. Args: Returns: None """ ... def StrokePath(self) -> None: """ Renders the specified path by using the current pen. Args: Returns: None """ ... def TextOut(self, _int: typing.Any, _int1: typing.Any, string: typing.Any) -> None: """ Outputs text to the display context, using the currently selected font. Args: _int(typing.Any):The x coordinate to write the text to. _int1(typing.Any):The y coordinate to write the text to. string(typing.Any):The text to write.MFC References Returns: None:CDC::TextOut Return ValueAlways none. If the function fails, an exception is raised. """ ... class PyCDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, obParent: PyCWnd = ...) -> None: """ Create a modeless window for the dialog box. Args: obParent(PyCWnd):The parent window for the new windowMFC References Returns: None """ ... def DoModal(self) -> typing.Any: """ Create a modal window for the dialog box. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CDialog::DoModal Return ValueThe return value from the dialog. This is the value passed to PyCDialog::EndDialog. """ ... def EndDialog(self, result: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ends a modal dialog box. Args: result(typing.Any):The value to be returned by the PyCDialog::DoModal method.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def GotoDlgCtrl(self, control: PyCWnd) -> None: """ Moves the focus to the specified control in the dialog box. Args: control(PyCWnd):The control to get the focus. Returns: None """ ... def MapDialogRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Converts the dialog-box units of a rectangle to screen units. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The rect to be converted Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def OnCancel(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnCancel handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnOK(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnOK handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnInitDialog(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnInitDialog handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCDialogBar: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, parent: PyCWnd, template: PyResourceId, style: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: parent(PyCWnd):The parent window template(PyResourceId):Template name or integer resource id style(typing.Any):The style for the window _id(typing.Any):The ID of the window Returns: None """ ... class PyCDocTemplate: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DoCreateDoc(self, fileName: str = ...) -> PyCDocument: """ Creates an underlying document object. Args: fileName(str):The name of the file to load. Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def FindOpenDocument(self, fileName: str) -> PyCDocument: """ Returns an existing document with the specified file name. Args: fileName(str):The fully qualified filename to search for. Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def GetDocString(self, docIndex: typing.Any) -> str: """ Retrieves a specific substring describing the document type. Args: docIndex(typing.Any):The document index. Must be one of the win32ui.CDocTemplate_* constants.CommentsFor more information on the doc strings, please see PyCDocTemplate::SetDocStrings Returns: str """ ... def GetDocumentList(self) -> typing.Any: """ Return a list of all open documents. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetResourceID(self) -> None: """ Returns the resource ID in use. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetSharedMenu(self) -> PyCMenu: """ Returns the shared menu object for all frames using this template. Args: Returns: PyCMenu """ ... def InitialUpdateFrame(self, frame: PyCFrameWnd = ..., doc: PyCDocument = ..., bMakeVisible: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Calls the default OnInitialFrame handler. Args: frame(PyCFrameWnd):The frame window. doc(PyCDocument):A document for the frame. bMakeVisible(typing.Any):Indicates of the frame should be shown.See Also Returns: None """ ... def SetContainerInfo(self, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the resources to be used when an OLE 2 object is in-place activated. Args: _id(typing.Any):The resource ID. Returns: None """ ... def SetDocStrings(self, docStrings: str) -> None: """ Assigns the document strings for the template. Args: docStrings(str):The document strings.CommentsThe string must be a \\n seperated list of docstrings. The elements are:elementNameDescriptionwindowTitleTitle used for the window (only for SDI applications)docNameRoot for the default document name.fileNewNameName of the document type, as displayed in the "File/New" dialogfilterNameDescription of the document type and a wildcard spec for the file open dialog.filterExtExtension for documents of this file type.regFileTypeIdInternal Id of the document as registered in the registry. Used to associate the extension with the file type.regFileTypeNameName of the document, as stored in the reigstry. This is the name presented to the user. Returns: None """ ... def OpenDocumentFile(self, filename: str, bMakeVisible: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Opens a document file, creating a view and frame. Args: filename(str):Name of file to open, or None bMakeVisible(typing.Any):Indicates if the document should be created visible. Returns: None """ ... class PyCDockContext: """A class which encapsulates an MFC CDockContext object""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ptLast(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def rectLast(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def sizeLast(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def bDitherLast(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def rectDragHorz(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def rectDragVert(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def rectFrameDragHorz(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def rectFrameDragVert(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def dwDockStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """allowable dock styles for bar""" ... @property def dwOverDockStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """style of dock that rect is over""" ... @property def dwStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """style of control bar""" ... @property def bFlip(self) -> typing.Any: """if shift key is down""" ... @property def bForceFrame(self) -> typing.Any: """if ctrl key is down CDC* m_pDC; // where to draw during drag""" ... @property def bDragging(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def nHitTest(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def uMRUDockID(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def rectMRUDockPos(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """""" ... @property def dwMRUFloatStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def ptMRUFloatPos(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """Sentinel""" ... def EndDrag(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def StartDrag(self, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EndResize(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def StartResize(self, hittest: typing.Any, pt: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: hittest(typing.Any): pt(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ToggleDocking(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCDocument: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DeleteContents(self) -> None: """ Call the MFC DeleteContents method. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DoSave(self, fileName: str, bReplace: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC DoSave method. Args: fileName(str):The name of the file to save to. bReplace(typing.Any):Should an existing file be silently replaced?.CommentsIf invalid or no filename, will prompt for a name, else will perform the actual saving of the document.See Also Returns: None """ ... def DoFileSave(self) -> None: """ Checks the file attributes. If the file is read only, a new name is prompted, else the file is saved (by calling DoSave) Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDocTemplate(self) -> PyCDocTemplate: """ Returns the template for the document. Args: Returns: PyCDocTemplate """ ... def GetAllViews(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Returns a list of all views for the current document. Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def GetFirstView(self) -> PyCView: """ Returns the first view object attached to this document. Args: Returns: PyCView """ ... def GetPathName(self) -> str: """ Returns the full path name of the current document. The string will be empty if no path name has been set. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetTitle(self) -> str: """ Returns the title of the current document. This will often be the file name portion of the path name. Args: Returns: str """ ... def IsModified(self) -> typing.Any: """ Return a flag indicating if the document has been modified. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnChangedViewList(self) -> None: """ Informs the document when a view is added or removed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnCloseDocument(self) -> None: """ Call the MFC OnCloseDocument handler. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnNewDocument(self) -> None: """ Call the MFC OnNewDocument handler. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnOpenDocument(self, pathName: str) -> None: """ Call the MFC OnOpenDocument handler. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: pathName(str):The full path of the file to open.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def OnSaveDocument(self, pathName: str) -> None: """ Call the MFC OnSaveDocument handler. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: pathName(str):The full path of the file to save.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetModifiedFlag(self, bModified: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Set the "dirty" flag for the document. Args: bModified(typing.Any):Set dirty flagMFC References Returns: None """ ... def SaveModified(self) -> typing.Any: """ Call the underlying MFC method. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CDocument::SaveModified Return ValueNonzero if it is safe to continue and close the document; 0 if the document should not be closed. """ ... def SetPathName(self, path: str) -> None: """ Set the full path name for the document. Args: path(str):The full path of the file.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetTitle(self, title: str) -> None: """ Set the title of the document (ie, the name to appear in the window caption for the document. Args: title(str):The new title.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def UpdateAllViews(self, sender: PyCView, hint: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Informs each view when a document changes. Args: sender(PyCView):The view who initiated the update hint(typing.Any):A hint for the update.MFC References Returns: None """ ... class PyCEdit: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the window for a new Edit object. Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the Edit. Use any of the win32con.BS_* constants. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the Edit. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the Edit. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The Edits control ID. Returns: None """ ... def Clear(self) -> typing.Any: """ Clears all text in an edit control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Copy(self) -> None: """ Copys the current selection to the clipboard. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Cut(self) -> None: """ Cuts the current selection to the clipboard. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FmtLines(self, bAddEOL: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the formatting options for the control. Args: bAddEOL(typing.Any):Specifies whether soft line-break characters are to be inserted. A value of TRUE inserts the characters; a value of FALSE removes them.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CEdit::FmtLines Return ValueNonzero if any formatting occurs; otherwise 0. """ ... def GetFirstVisibleLine(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns zero-based index of the topmost visible line. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CEdit::GetFirstVisibleLine Return ValueThe zero-based index of the topmost visible line. For single-line edit controls, the return value is 0. """ ... def GetSel(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the start and end of the current selection. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CEdit::GetSel Return ValueThe return tuple is (the first character in the current selection, first nonselected character past the end of the current selection) """ ... def GetLine(self, lineNo: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the text in a specified line. Args: lineNo(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index value for the desired line.CommentsThis function is not an MFC wrapper. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLineCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the number of lines in an edit control. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CEdit::GetLineCount Return ValueThe number of lines in the buffer. If the control is empty, the return value is 1. """ ... def LimitText(self, nChars: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets max length of text that user can enter Args: nChars(typing.Any):Specifies the length (in bytes) of the text that the user can enter. If this parameter is 0, the text length is set to UINT_MAX bytes. This is the default behavior.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def LineFromChar(self, charNo: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the line number of the specified character. Args: charNo(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index value for the desired character in the text of the edit control, or -1. If -1, then it specifies the current line.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CEdit::LineFromChar Return ValueThe zero-based line number of the line containing the character index specified by charNo. If charNo is -1, the number of the line that contains the first character of the selection is returned. If there is no selection, the current line number is returned. """ ... def LineIndex(self, lineNo: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the character index of a line within a multiple-line edit control. Args: lineNo(typing.Any):Contains the index value for the desired line in the text of the edit control, or contains -1. If -1, then it specifies the current line.CommentsThis method only works on multi-linr edit controls.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CEdit::LineIndex Return ValueThe character index of the line specified in lineNo, or -1 if the specified line number is greater then the number of lines in the edit control. """ ... def LineScroll(self, nLines: typing.Any, nChars: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Scroll the control vertically and horizontally Args: nLines(typing.Any):Specifies the number of lines to scroll vertically. nChars(typing.Any):Specifies the number of character positions to scroll horizontally. This value is ignored if the edit control has either the ES_RIGHT or ES_CENTER style.CommentsThis method only works on multi-linr edit controls.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Paste(self) -> None: """ Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the control. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ReplaceSel(self, text: str) -> None: """ Replaces the selection with the specified text. Args: text(str):The text to replace the selection with.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetReadOnly(self, bReadOnly: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets or clears the read-only status of the listbox. Args: bReadOnly(typing.Any):The read-only state to set.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetSel(self, start: typing.Any, end: typing.Any, arg: typing.Any, bNoScroll1: typing.Any, bNoScroll: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the selection in the edit control. Args: start(typing.Any):Specifies the starting position. If start is 0 and end is -1, all the text in the edit control is selected. If start is -1, any current selection is removed. end(typing.Any):Specifies the ending position. arg(typing.Any):As for normal start, end args. bNoScroll1(typing.Any):Indicates whether the caret should be scrolled into view. If 0, the caret is scrolled into view. If 1, the caret is not scrolled into view.MFC References bNoScroll(typing.Any):Indicates whether the caret should be scrolled into view. If 0, the caret is scrolled into view. If 1, the caret is not scrolled into view.Alternative Parameters Returns: None """ ... class PyCEditView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def IsModified(self) -> typing.Any: """ Indicates if the view's document has the modified flag set. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadFile(self, fileName: str) -> None: """ Loads a file into the view. Args: fileName(str):The name of the file to be loaded. Returns: None """ ... def SetModifiedFlag(self, bModified: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the modified flag for the view's document. Args: bModified(typing.Any):The modified state to set. Returns: None """ ... def GetEditCtrl(self) -> typing.Any: """ returns the underlying edit control object. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SaveFile(self, fileName: str) -> None: """ Saves the view to a file. Args: fileName(str):The name of the file to be written. Returns: None """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... class PyCFileDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPathName(self) -> str: """ Retrives the path name from the file dialog. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetFileName(self) -> str: """ Retrives the file name from the file dialog. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetFileExt(self) -> str: """ Retrives the file extension from the file dialog. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetFileTitle(self) -> str: """ Retrives the file title from the file dialog. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetPathNames(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the list of path names from the file dialog. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetReadOnlyPref(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrives the value of the "Read Only" checkbox on the file dialog. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetOFNTitle(self, title: str) -> None: """ Sets the Title for the dialog. Args: title(str):The title for the dialog box. May be None. Returns: None """ ... def SetOFNInitialDir(self, title: str) -> None: """ Sets the initial directory for the dialog. Args: title(str):The initial directory for the dialog box. May be None. Returns: None """ ... class PyCFont: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetSafeHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the HFONT for the font as an integer Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCFontDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DoModal(self) -> typing.Any: """ Displays a dialog and allows the user to make a selection. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCurrentFont(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a dictionary describing the current font. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCharFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the font selection in a CHARFORMAT tuple. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines the color of the selected font. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetFaceName(self) -> str: """ Returns the face name of the selected font. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetStyleName(self) -> str: """ Returns the style name of the selected font. Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns he font's size, in tenths of a point. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetWeight(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the font's weight. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsStrikeOut(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines whether the font is displayed with strikeout. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsUnderline(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines whether the font is displayed with underline. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsBold(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines whether the font is displayed bold. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsItalic(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines whether the font is displayed with italic. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCFormView: """A class which implementes a CFormView (ie, a view based on a dialog resource.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... class PyCFrameWnd: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def BeginModalState(self) -> None: """ Sets the frame window to modal. Args: Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindow(self, wndClass: str, title: str, style: typing.Any, PyCWnd: typing.Any, menuId: typing.Any, styleEx: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] = ..., createContext: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Creates the actual window for the PyCFrameWnd object. Args: wndClass(str):The window class name, or None title(str):The window title style(typing.Any):The window style PyCWnd(typing.Any):The parent window menuId(typing.Any):The string or integer id for the menu. styleEx(typing.Any):The extended style of the window being created.MFC References rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default rectangle createContext(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATECONTEXT structure. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EndModalState(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def DockControlBar(self, controlBar: PyCControlBar, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], dockBarId: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Docks a control bar. Args: controlBar(PyCControlBar):The control bar to dock. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Determines, in screen coordinates, where the control bar will be docked in the nonclient area of the destination frame window.MFC References dockBarId(typing.Any):Determines which sides of the frame window to consider for docking. Returns: None """ ... def EnableDocking(self, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Enable dockable control bars in a frame window Args: style(typing.Any):Specifies which sides of the frame window can serve as docking sites for control bars.CommentsBy default, control bars will be docked to a side of the frame window in the following order: top, bottom, left, right. Returns: None """ ... def FloatControlBar(self, controlBar: PyCControlBar, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Floats a control bar. Args: controlBar(PyCControlBar):The control bar to dock. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The location, in screen coordinates, where the top left corner of the control bar will be placed. style(typing.Any):Determines which sides of the frame window to consider for docking.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def GetActiveDocument(self) -> PyCDocument: """ Gets the currently active document, else None Args: Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def GetControlBar(self, _id: typing.Any) -> PyCControlBar: """ Retrieves the specified control bar. Args: _id(typing.Any):The ID of the toolbar to be retrieved Returns: PyCControlBar """ ... def GetMessageString(self, _id: typing.Any) -> str: """ Retrieves message corresponding to a command ID. Args: _id(typing.Any):The ID to be retrievedSee Also Returns: str """ ... def GetMessageBar(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Retrieves the message bar for the frame. Args: Returns: PyCWnd """ ... def IsTracking(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if splitter bar is currently being moved. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InModalState(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a value indicating whether or not a frame window is in a modal state. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadAccelTable(self, _id: PyResourceId) -> None: """ Loads an accelerator table. Args: _id(PyResourceId):Name or id of the resource that contains the table Returns: None """ ... def LoadFrame(self, idResource: typing.Any, style: typing.Any = ..., wndParent: PyCWnd = ..., context: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Loads a Windows frame window and associated resources Args: idResource(typing.Any):The Id of the resources (menu, icon, etc) for this window style(typing.Any):The window style. Note -1 implies win32con.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|win32con.FWS_ADDTOTITLE wndParent(PyCWnd):The parent of the window, or None. context(typing.Any):An object passed to the OnCreateClient for the frame,MFC References Returns: None """ ... def LoadBarState(self, profileName: str) -> None: """ Loads a control bars settings Args: profileName(str):Name of a section in the initialization file or a key in the Windows registry where state information is stored.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SaveBarState(self, profileName: str) -> None: """ Saves a control bars settings Args: profileName(str):Name of a section in the initialization file or a key in the Windows registry where state information is stored.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def ShowControlBar(self, controlBar: PyCControlBar, bShow: typing.Any, bDelay: typing.Any) -> None: """ Shows a control bar. Args: controlBar(PyCControlBar):The control bar to dock. bShow(typing.Any):Show or hide flag. bDelay(typing.Any):If TRUE, delay showing the control bar. If FALSE, show the control bar immediately.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def RecalcLayout(self, bNotify: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Called by the framework when the standard control bars are toggled on or off or when the frame window is resized. Args: bNotify(typing.Any):Notify flagMFC References Returns: None """ ... def GetActiveView(self) -> PyCView: """ Retrieves the active view. Args: Returns: PyCView """ ... def OnBarCheck(self, _id: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Changes the state of the specified controlbar. Args: _id(typing.Any):The control ID of the control bar. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnUpdateControlBarMenu(self, cmdUI: PyCCmdUI) -> typing.Any: """ Checks the state of a menu item Args: cmdUI(PyCCmdUI):A cmdui object Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetActiveView(self, view: PyCView, bNotify: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the active view for a frame. Args: view(PyCView):The view to set active. bNotify(typing.Any):Specifies whether the view is to be notified of activation. If TRUE, OnActivateView is called for the new view; if FALSE, it is not. Returns: None """ ... class PyCGdiObject: """A class which encapsulates an MFC CGdiObject.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCImageList: """A Python type encapsulating an MFC CImageList class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Add(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], bitmap: typing.Any, color: typing.Any, hIcon: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Adds an image to the list. Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):2 Bitmaps to use (primary and mask)Alternative Parameters bitmap(typing.Any):Bitmap to use color(typing.Any):Color to use for the mask.Alternative Parameters hIcon(typing.Any):Handle of an icon to add.Return ValueZero-based index of the first new image. Returns: typing.Any:Handle of an icon to add. Return ValueZero-based index of the first new image. """ ... def Destroy(self) -> None: """ Destroys the underlying CImageList Args: Returns: None """ ... def DeleteImageList(self) -> None: """ Deletes an image list. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetBkColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the background color of an Image List. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSafeHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the HIMAGELIST for the object Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetImageCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of images in an image list. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetImageInfo(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves information about an image. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of image.Return ValueThe return info is a tuple describing an IMAGELIST structure. Returns: typing.Any:Index of image.Return ValueThe return info is a tuple describing an IMAGELIST structure. """ ... def SetBkColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the background color for an Image List. Args: color(typing.Any):The new background color. Returns: None """ ... class PyCListBox: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddString(self, _object: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Adds a string to a listbox. Args: _object(typing.Any):Any object. If not a string, __str__, __repr__ or a default repr() will be usedMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::AddString Return ValueThe zero based index of the new string. """ ... def DeleteString(self, pos: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes an item from a listbox. Args: pos(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to delete.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::DeleteString Return ValueThe count of the items remaining in the list. """ ... def Dir(self, attr: typing.Any, wild: str) -> typing.Any: """ Fills a listbox with a directory listing. Args: attr(typing.Any):The attributes of the files to locate wild(str):A file specification string - eg, *.*MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::Dir Return ValueThe index of the last file name added to the list. """ ... def GetCaretIndex(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the index of the item which has focus. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCListBox.GetCaretIndex int = GetCaretIndex()Returns the index of the item which has focus. Return ValueThe zero-based index of the item that has the focus rectangle in a list box. If the list box is a single-selection list box, the return value is the index of the item that is selected, if any. """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the count of items in the listbox. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::GetCount Return ValueReturns the number of items currently in the listbox. """ ... def GetCurSel(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the index of the currently selected item. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemData(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific object associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemValue(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific value associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSel(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the selection state of a specified item. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the item to return the state for.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::GetSel Return ValueA +ve number if the item is selected, else zero. """ ... def GetSelCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of selected items in a multiple selection listbox. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelItems(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a list of the indexes of the currently selected items in a multiple selection listbox. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelTextItems(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a list of the strings of the currently selected items in a multiple selection listbox. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTopIndex(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the index of the top most visible item. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::GetTopIndex Return ValueThe zero based index of the top most visible item. """ ... def GetText(self, index: typing.Any) -> str: """ Returns the string for a specified item. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the item to retrieve the text of Returns: str """ ... def GetTextLen(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the length of the string for a specified item. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the item to retrieve the length of the text.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InsertString(self, pos: typing.Any, _object: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Insert a string into a listbox. Args: pos(typing.Any):The zero based index in the listbox to insert the new string _object(typing.Any):The object to be added to the listboxMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CListBox::InsertString Return ValueThe zero based index of the new string added. """ ... def ResetContent(self) -> None: """ Clear all the items from a listbox. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetCaretIndex(self, index: typing.Any, bScroll: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the focus rectange to a specified item. Args: index(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item. bScroll(typing.Any):Should the listbox scroll to the item?MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SelectString(self, after: typing.Any, string: str) -> None: """ Searches for a list-box item that matches the specified string, and selects it. Args: after(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index of the item before the first item to be searched, or -1 for the entire listbox. string(str):The string to search for.MFC References Returns: None:CListBox::SelectString Return ValueThe return value is always None - an exception is raised if the string can not be located. """ ... def SelItemRange(self, bSel: typing.Any, start: typing.Any, end: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects an item range. Args: bSel(typing.Any):Should the selection specified be set or cleared? start(typing.Any):The zero based index of the first item to select. end(typing.Any):The zero based index of the last item to select. Returns: None """ ... def SetCurSel(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects an item in a single selection listbox. Args: index(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to select.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetItemData(self, item: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific object value. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. Data(typing.Any):New value for the data.CommentsNote that a reference count is not added to the object. This it is your responsibility to make sure the object remains alive while in the list. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemValue(self, item: typing.Any, data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific value. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. data(typing.Any):New value for the data. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetSel(self, index: typing.Any, bSel: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Selects an item in a multiple selection listbox. Args: index(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to select. bSel(typing.Any):Should the item be selected or deselected?MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetTabStops(self, eachTabStop: typing.Any, tabStops: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the tab stops for a listbox. Args: eachTabStop(typing.Any):The position for each tab stop.Alternative Parameters tabStops(typing.Any):Each individual tab stop. Returns: None """ ... def SetTopIndex(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the top index (top most visible item) of the listbox. Args: index(typing.Any):The zero based index of the item to place at the top of the list.MFC References Returns: None """ ... class PyCListCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Arrange(self, code: typing.Any) -> None: """ Aligns items on a grid. Args: code(typing.Any):Specifies the alignment style for the items Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], PyCWnd: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual window for the object. Args: style(typing.Any):The window style rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default rectangle PyCWnd(typing.Any):The parent window _id(typing.Any):The control IDMFC References Returns: None """ ... def DeleteAllItems(self) -> None: """ Deletes all items from the list. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DeleteItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes the specified item. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to delete. Returns: None """ ... def GetTextColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the text color of a list view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTextColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the text color of a list view control. Args: color(typing.Any):The new color. Returns: None """ ... def GetBkColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the background color of the control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetBkColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the background color of the control. Args: color(typing.Any):The new background color. Returns: None """ ... def GetItem(self, item: typing.Any, sub: typing.Any) -> LV_ITEM: """ Retrieves the details of an items attributes. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose attributes are to be retrieved. sub(typing.Any):Specifies the subitem whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: LV_ITEM """ ... def GetItemCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of items in a list view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemRect(self, item: typing.Any, bTextOnly: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a list view item. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. bTextOnly(typing.Any):f this parameter is nonzero, the bounding rectangle includes only the text of the item. Otherwise it includes the entire line that the item occupies in the list view control. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetEditControl(self) -> PyCEdit: """ Retrieves the handle of the edit control used to edit the specified list view item. Args: Returns: PyCEdit """ ... def EditLabel(self, item: typing.Any) -> PyCEdit: """ Edits a specified list view item in-place. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of item to edit. Returns: PyCEdit """ ... def EnsureVisible(self, item: typing.Any, bPartialOK: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Ensures that a list view item is visible in its list view control. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of item to edit. bPartialOK(typing.Any):Specifies whether partial visibility is acceptable. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateDragImage(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[PyCImageList, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Creates a dragging bitmap for the specified list view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item to edit. Returns: typing.Tuple[PyCImageList, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetImageList(self, nImageList: typing.Any) -> PyCImageList: """ Retrieves the current image list. Args: nImageList(typing.Any):Value specifying which image list to retrieve. It can be one of: - commctrl.LVSIL_NORMAL Image list with large icons. - commctrl.LVSIL_SMALL Image list with small icons. - commctrl.LVSIL_STATE Image list with state images. Returns: PyCImageList """ ... def GetNextItem(self, item: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Searches for a list view item with specified properties and with specified relationship to a given item. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item to begin the searching with, or -1 to find the first item that matches the specified flags. The specified item itself is excluded from the search. flags(typing.Any):Geometric relation of the requested item to the specified item, and the state of the requested item. The geometric relation can be one of these values: LVNI_ABOVELVNI_ALLLVNI_BELOWLVNI_TOLEFTLVNI_TORIGHT The state can be zero, or it can be one or more of these values: LVNI_DROPHILITEDLVNI_FOCUSEDLVNI_HIDDENLVNI_MARKEDLVNI_SELECTED If an item does not have all of the specified state flags set, the search continues with the next item.Return ValueReturns an integer index, or raises a win32ui.error exception if not item can be found. Returns: typing.Any:Geometric relation of the requested item to the specified item, and the state of the requested item. The geometric relation can be one of these values: LVNI_ABOVELVNI_ALLLVNI_BELOWLVNI_TOLEFTLVNI_TORIGHT The state can be zero, or it can be one or more of these values: LVNI_DROPHILITEDLVNI_FOCUSEDLVNI_HIDDENLVNI_MARKEDLVNI_SELECTED If an item does not have all of the specified state flags set, the search continues with the next item.Return ValueReturns an integer index, or raises a win32ui.error exception if not item can be found. """ ... def InsertColumn(self, colNo: typing.Any, item: LV_COLUMN) -> typing.Any: """ Inserts a column into a list control when in report view. Args: colNo(typing.Any):The new column number item(LV_COLUMN):A tuple describing the new column. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InsertItem(self, item: LV_ITEM, item1: typing.Any, text: typing.Any, image: typing.Any, item2: typing.Any, text1: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Inserts an item into the list. Args: item(LV_ITEM):A tuple describing the new item.Alternative Parameters item1(typing.Any):The index of the item. text(typing.Any):The text of the item. image(typing.Any):The index of the image to use.Alternative Parameters item2(typing.Any):The index of the item. text1(typing.Any):The text of the item. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetImageList(self, imageList: PyCImageList, imageType: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Assigns an image list to a list view control. Args: imageList(PyCImageList):The Image List to use. imageType(typing.Any):Type of image list. It can be one of (COMMCTRL.) LVSIL_NORMAL, LVSIL_SMALL or LVSIL_STATE Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetColumn(self, column: typing.Any) -> LV_COLUMN: """ Retrieves the details of a column in the control. Args: column(typing.Any):The index of the column whose attributes are to be retrieved. Returns: LV_COLUMN """ ... def GetTextBkColor(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the text background color of a list view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTextBkColor(self, color: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the text background color of a list view control. Args: color(typing.Any):The new background color. Returns: None """ ... def GetTopIndex(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetCountPerPage(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calculates the number of items that can fit vertically in a list view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelectedCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of selected items in the list view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItem(self, item: LV_ITEM) -> typing.Any: """ Sets some of all of an items attributes. Args: item(LV_ITEM):A tuple describing the new item. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemState(self, item: typing.Any, state: typing.Any, mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Changes the state of an item in a list view control. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose state is to be set. state(typing.Any):New values for the state bits. mask(typing.Any):Mask specifying which state bits to change. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemState(self, item: typing.Any, mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the state of a list view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose position is to be retrieved. mask(typing.Any):Mask specifying which of the item's state flags to return. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemData(self, item: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific value. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose Data is to be set. Data(typing.Any):New value for the data.CommentsNote that a reference count is not added to the object. This it is your responsibility to make sure the object remains alive while in the list. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemData(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific value associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemCount(self, count: typing.Any) -> None: """ Prepares a list view control for adding a large number of items. Args: count(typing.Any):Number of items that the control will ultimately contain.CommentsBy calling this function before adding a large number of items, you enable a list view control to reallocate its internal data structures only once rather than every time you add an item. Returns: None """ ... def SetItemText(self, item: typing.Any, sub: typing.Any, text: str) -> typing.Any: """ Changes the text of a list view item or subitem. Args: item(typing.Any):Index of the item whose text is to be set. sub(typing.Any):Index of the subitem, or zero to set the item label. text(str):String that contains the new item text. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemText(self, item: typing.Any, sub: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the text of a list view item or subitem. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose text is to be retrieved. sub(typing.Any):Specifies the subitem whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def RedrawItems(self, first: typing.Any, first1: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Forces a listview to repaint a range of items. Args: first(typing.Any):Index of the first item to be repainted. first1(typing.Any):Index of the last item to be repainted.CommentsThe specified items are not actually repainted until the list view window receives a WM_PAINT message. To repaint immediately, call the Windows UpdateWindow function after using this function. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Update(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Forces the control to repaint a specified item. Args: item(typing.Any):The new color. Returns: None """ ... def SetColumn(self, colNo: typing.Any, item: LV_COLUMN) -> typing.Any: """ Changes column state in a list control when in report view. Args: colNo(typing.Any):The to be modified column number item(LV_COLUMN):A tuple describing the modified column. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DeleteColumn(self, first: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes the specified column from the list control. Args: first(typing.Any):Index of the column to be removed. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetColumnWidth(self, first: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the width of the specified column in the list control. Args: first(typing.Any):Index of the column whose width is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetColumnWidth(self, first: typing.Any, first1: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the width of the specified column in the list control. Args: first(typing.Any):Index of the column to be changed. first1(typing.Any):New width of the column. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetStringWidth(self, first: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the necessary column width to fully display this text in a column. Args: first(typing.Any):String that contains the text whose width is to be determined.CommentsDoesn't take the size of an included Image in account, only the size of the text is determined. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def HitTest(self, arg: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Determines which list view item, if any, is at a specified position. Args: arg(typing.Any):The point to test.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (flags, item, subItem). flags may be a combination of the following values:ValueDescriptioncommctrl.LVHT_ABOVEThe position is above the control's client area.commctrl.LVHT_BELOWThe position is below the control's client area.commctrl.LVHT_NOWHEREThe position is inside the list view control's client window, but it is not over a list item.commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMICONThe position is over a list view item's icon.commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMLABELThe position is over a list view item's text.commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICONThe position is over the state image of a list view item.commctrl.LVHT_TOLEFTThe position is to the left of the list view control's client area.commctrl.LVHT_TORIGHTThe position is to the right of the list view control's client area. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:The point to test.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (flags, item, subItem). flags may be a combination of the following values: Value Description commctrl.LVHT_ABOVEThe position is above the control's client area. commctrl.LVHT_BELOWThe position is below the control's client area. commctrl.LVHT_NOWHEREThe position is inside the list view control's client window, but it is not over a list item. commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMICONThe position is over a list view item's icon. commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMLABELThe position is over a list view item's text. commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICONThe position is over the state image of a list view item. commctrl.LVHT_TOLEFTThe position is to the left of the list view control's client area. commctrl.LVHT_TORIGHTThe position is to the right of the list view control's client area. """ ... def GetItemPosition(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Determines the position of the specified item. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to determine the position for. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... class PyCListView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetListCtrl(self) -> PyCListCtrl: """ Returns the underlying list control object. Args: Returns: PyCListCtrl """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... class PyCMDIChildWnd: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ActivateFrame(self, cmdShow: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC ActivateFrame method. Args: cmdShow(typing.Any):The status of the window.See Also Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindow(self, wndClass: str, title: str, style: typing.Any, PyCWnd: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] = ..., createContext: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Creates the actual window for the PyCWnd object. Args: wndClass(str):The window class name, or None title(str):The window title style(typing.Any):The window style PyCWnd(typing.Any):The parent window rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default rectangle createContext(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATECONTEXT structure.CommentsYou do not need to call this method if you use the MFC Document/View framework. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMDIFrame(self) -> None: """ Returns the MDI parent frame Args: Returns: None """ ... def MDIActivate(self, cmdShow: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Activates the MDI frame independent of the main frame. Args: cmdShow(typing.Any):The status of the window.See Also Returns: None """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PreTranslateMessage(self) -> None: """ Calls the base PreTranslateMessage handler Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... def OnClose(self) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnClose handler Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCMDIFrameWnd: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetMDIClient(self) -> PyCMDIFrameWnd: """ Returns the MDI client window Args: Returns: PyCMDIFrameWnd """ ... def MDIGetActive(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCMDIChildWnd, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the current active MDI child window, along with a flag indicating whether the child window is maximized. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[PyCMDIChildWnd, typing.Any] """ ... def MDIActivate(self, window: PyCWnd) -> PyCMDIFrameWnd: """ Activate an MDI child window Args: window(PyCWnd):The window to activate. Returns: PyCMDIFrameWnd """ ... def MDINext(self, fNext: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Activates the next MDI window Args: fNext(typing.Any):Indicates if the next (0) or previous (non-zero) window is requested.CommentsUnlike MFC, this version supports the fNext param in the WM_MDINEXT message. Returns: None """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PreTranslateMessage(self) -> None: """ Calls the base PreTranslateMessage handler Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... def OnContextHelp(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnContextHelp method. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnClose(self) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnClose handler Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCMenu: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AppendMenu(self, flags: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any = ..., value: typing.Union[str, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Appends a new item to the end of a menu. Python can specify the state of the menu item by setting values in nFlags. Args: flags(typing.Any):Specifies information about the state of the new menu item when it is added to the menu. May be a combination of the win32con.MF_* values. _id(typing.Any):Specifies either the command ID of the new menu item. value(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):Specifies the content of the new menu item. If used, flags must contain win32con.MF_STRING. Returns: None """ ... def DeleteMenu(self, _id: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> str: """ Deletes the specified menu item. Args: _id(typing.Any):The id of the item being deleted. flags(typing.Any):Specifies how the id parameter is interpreted. It must be one of win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND or win32con.MF_BYPOSITION. Returns: str """ ... def EnableMenuItem(self, _id: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Enables, disables, or dims a menu item. Args: _id(typing.Any):Specifies the command ID of the menu item. This parameter can specify pop-up menu items as well as standard menu items. flags(typing.Any):Specifies the action to take. It can be a combination of MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, or MF_GRAYED, with MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITIONCommentsThe PyCMenu::CreateMenu, PyCMenu::InsertMenu, PyCMenu::ModifyMenu, and PyCMenu::LoadMenuIndirect member functions can also set the state (enabled, disabled, or dimmed) of a menu item. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetHandle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the menu object's underlying hMenu. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMenuItemCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines the number of items in a menu. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCMenu.GetMenuItemCount int = GetMenuItemCount()Determines the number of items in a menu. Return ValueThe number of items in the menu if the function is successful; otherwise -1. """ ... def GetMenuItemID(self, pos: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the item ID for the specified item in a pop-up menu. Args: pos(typing.Any):The position (zero-based) of the menu item whose ID is being retrieved.CommentsIf the specified item is a pop-up menu (as opposed to an item within the pop-up menu), the return value is -1. If nPos corresponds to a SEPARATOR menu item, the return value is 0. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetMenuString(self, _id: typing.Any, arg: typing.Any) -> str: """ Returns the string for a specified menu item. Args: _id(typing.Any):The id of the item being requested. arg(typing.Any):Specifies how the id parameter is interpreted. It must be one of win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND or win32con.MF_BYPOSITION. Returns: str """ ... def GetSubMenu(self, pos: typing.Any) -> PyCMenu: """ Returns a submenu. Args: pos(typing.Any):The position (zero-based) of the menu item being retrieved. Returns: PyCMenu """ ... def InsertMenu(self, pos: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, _id: typing.Union[PyCMenu, typing.Any] = ..., value: typing.Union[str, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Inserts an item into a menu. Args: pos(typing.Any):The position (zero-based) the item should be inserted. flags(typing.Any):Flags for the new item. _id(typing.Union[PyCMenu, typing.Any]):The ID for a new menu item, or handle to a submenu value(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):A string for the menu item. Returns: None """ ... def ModifyMenu(self, pos: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any = ..., value: typing.Union[str, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Modify an item in a menu. Args: pos(typing.Any):The position (zero-based) the item to be changed. flags(typing.Any):Flags for the item. _id(typing.Any):The ID for the item. value(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):A string for the menu item. Returns: None """ ... def TrackPopupMenu(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], arg1: typing.Any, arg2: PyCWnd) -> None: """ Creates a popup menu anywhere on the screen. Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The position for the menu.. arg1(typing.Any):Flags for the menu. arg2(PyCWnd):The owner of the menu.CommentsThe TrackPopupMenu function displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. The floating pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen.Return ValueIf the underlying MFC function fails, but TPM_RETURNCMD is set in the flags parameter, then None is returned instead of the normal exception. Returns: None:The owner of the menu. Comments The TrackPopupMenu function displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. The floating pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen. Return ValueIf the underlying MFC function fails, but TPM_RETURNCMD is set in the flags parameter, then None is returned instead of the normal exception. """ ... class PyCOleClientItem: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateNewItem(self) -> None: """ Creates an embedded item. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Close(self) -> None: """ Closes the item Args: Returns: None """ ... def DoVerb(self) -> None: """ Executes the specified verb. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Draw(self) -> None: """ Draws the OLE item into the specified bounding rectangle using the specified device context. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetActiveView(self) -> PyCView: """ Obtains the active view for the item Args: Returns: PyCView """ ... def GetDocument(self) -> PyCDocument: """ Obtains the current document for the item Args: Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def GetInPlaceWindow(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Obtains the window in which the item has been opened for in-place editing. Args: Returns: PyCWnd """ ... def GetItemState(self) -> None: """ Obtains the OLE item's current state Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetObject(self) -> PyIUnknown: """ Returns the COM object to the item. This is the m_lpObject variable in MFC. Args: Returns: PyIUnknown """ ... def GetStorage(self) -> None: """ Returns the COM object used for storage Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnActivate(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnChange(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnChangeItemPosition(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC method. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCOleClientItem.OnChangeItemPosition int = OnChangeItemPosition()Calls the underlying MFC method. Return ValueThe result is a BOOL indicating if the function succeeded. No exception is thrown. """ ... def OnDeactivateUI(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC method. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Run(self) -> None: """ Runs the application associated with this item. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetItemRects(self) -> None: """ Sets the bounding rectangle or the visible rectangle of the OLE item. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCOleDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCOleDocument: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def EnableCompoundFile(self, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Call this function if you want to store the document using the compound-file format. Args: bEnable(typing.Any):Specifies whether compound file support is enabled or disabled. Returns: None """ ... def GetStartPosition(self) -> typing.Any: """ Obtains the position of the first item in the document. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNextItem(self, pos: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCOleClientItem]: """ Call this function repeatedly to access each of the items in your document. Args: pos(typing.Any):The position to iterate from. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, PyCOleClientItem] """ ... def GetInPlaceActiveItem(self, wnd: PyCWnd) -> PyCOleClientItem: """ Obtains the OLE item that is currently activated in place in the frame window containing the view identified by obWnd. Args: wnd(PyCWnd):The window. Returns: PyCOleClientItem """ ... class PyCOleInsertDialog: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetClassID(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the CLSID associated with the selected item Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelectionType(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the type of selection made Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPathName(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the full path to the file selected in the dialog box Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCPrintDialog: """An object which encapsulates an MFC CPrintDialog object.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCPrintInfo: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DocObject(self) -> None: """ Return true if the document being printed is a DocObject. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDwFlags(self) -> None: """ A flags specifying DocObject printing operations. Valid only if data member m_bDocObject is TRUE. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDwFlags(self) -> None: """ Set a flag specifying DocObject printing operations. Valid only if data member m_bDocObject is TRUE. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDocOffsetPage(self) -> None: """ Get the number of pages preceding the first page of a particular DocObject in a combined DocObject print job. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDocOffsetPage(self) -> None: """ Set the number of pages preceding the first page of a particular DocObject in a combined DocObject print job. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPrintDialog(self) -> None: """ Set a pointer to the CPrintDialog object used to display the Print dialog box for the print job. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDirect(self) -> None: """ TRUE if the Print dialog box will be bypassed for direct printing; FALSE otherwise. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDirect(self) -> None: """ Sets to TRUE if the Print dialog box will be bypassed for direct printing; FALSE otherwise. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPreview(self) -> None: """ A flag indicating whether the document is being previewed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPreview(self) -> None: """ Set whether the document is being previewed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetContinuePrinting(self) -> None: """ A flag indicating whether the framework should continue the print loop. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetContinuePrinting(self) -> None: """ Set whether the framework should continue the print loop. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCurPage(self) -> None: """ Get the number of the current page. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetCurPage(self) -> None: """ Set the number of the current page. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetNumPreviewPages(self) -> None: """ Get the number of pages displayed in preview mode. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetNumPreviewPages(self) -> None: """ Set the number of pages displayed in preview mode. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetUserData(self) -> None: """ Get a user-created structure. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetUserData(self) -> None: """ Set a user-created structure. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDraw(self) -> None: """ Get the usable drawing area of the page in logical coordinates. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDraw(self) -> None: """ Set the usable drawing area of the page in logical coordinates. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPageDesc(self) -> None: """ Get the format string used to display the page numbers during print preview Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPageDesc(self) -> None: """ Set the format string used to display the page numbers during print preview Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetMinPage(self) -> None: """ Get the number of the first page of the document. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetMinPage(self) -> None: """ Set the number of the first page of the document. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetMaxPage(self) -> None: """ Get the number of the last page of the document. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetMaxPage(self) -> None: """ Set the number of the last page of the document. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetOffsetPage(self) -> None: """ Get the number of pages preceding the first page of a DocObject item being printed in a combined DocObject print job. This currently does NOT work, as, if I include the symbol pInfo->GetOffsetPage(), the link fails to find its definition. Allways returns 0. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetFromPage(self) -> None: """ The number of the first page to be printed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetToPage(self) -> None: """ The number of the last page to be printed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetHDC(self, hdc: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the printer DC compatible with the users choices, call after the print dialog DoModal finishes. Args: hdc(typing.Any):The DC.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CreatePrinterDC(self) -> None: """ Handle to the newly created printer device context, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DoModal(self) -> None: """ Call DoModal on the dialog. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetCopies(self) -> None: """ The number of copies requested, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDefaults(self) -> None: """ Nonzero if the function was successful; otherwise 0. Call this function to retrieve the device defaults of the default printer without displaying a dialog box. The retrieved values are placed in the m_pd structure. In some cases, a call to this function will call the constructor for CPrintDialog with bPrintSetupOnly set to FALSE. In these cases, a printer DC and hDevNames and hDevMode (two handles located in the m_pd data member) are automatically allocated. If the constructor for CPrintDialog was called with bPrintSetupOnly set to FALSE, this function will not only return hDevNames and hDevMode (located in m_pd.hDevNames and m_pd.hDevMode) to the caller, but will also return a printer DC in m_pd.hDC. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete the printer DC and call the WindowsGlobalFree function on the handles when you are finished with the CPrintDialog object. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FreeDefaults(self) -> None: """ After a call to GetDefaults, and you are through with the CPrintDialog object, this call deletes the printer DC and calls GlobalFree function on the handles. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDeviceName(self) -> None: """ The name of the currently selected printer, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDriverName(self) -> None: """ The name of the currently selected printer device driver, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDlgFromPage(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the starting page of the print range. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetDlgToPage(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the ending page of the print range. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPortName(self) -> None: """ The name of the currently selected printer port, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPrinterDC(self) -> None: """ A handle to the printer device context if successful; otherwise NULL. If the bPrintSetupOnly parameter of the CPrintDialog constructor was FALSE (indicating that the Print dialog box is displayed), then GetPrinterDC returns a handle to the printer device context. You must call the WindowsDeleteDC function to delete the device context when you are done using it. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PrintAll(self) -> None: """ Nonzero if all pages in the document are to be printed; otherwise 0, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PrintCollate(self) -> None: """ Nonzero if the user selects the collate check box in the dialog box; otherwise 0, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PrintRange(self) -> None: """ Nonzero if only a range of pages in the document are to be printed; otherwise 0, call only after DoModal finishes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PrintSelection(self) -> None: """ Nonzero if only the selected items are to be printed; otherwise 0., call only after DoModal finishes Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetHDC(self) -> None: """ Identifies a device context or an information context, depending on whether the Flags member specifies the PD_RETURNDC or PC_RETURNIC flag. If neither flag is specified, the value of this member is undefined. If both flags are specified, PD_RETURNDC has priority. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetFlags(self) -> None: """ A set of bit flags that you can use to initialize the Print common dialog box. When the dialog box returns, it sets these flags to indicate the user's input. This member can be a combination of the following flags: PD_ALLPAGES, PD_COLLATE, PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE, PD_ENABLEPRINTHOOK, PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE, PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE, PD_ENABLESETUPHOOK, PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATE, PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATEHANDLE, PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE, PD_NONETWORKBUTTON, PD_NOPAGENUMS, PD_NOSELECTION, PD_NOWARNING, PD_PAGENUMS, PD_PRINTSETUP, PD_PRINTTOFILE, PD_RETURNDC, PD_RETURNDEFAULT, PD_RETURNIC, PD_SELECTION, PD_SHOWHELP, PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES, PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFlags(self) -> None: """ A set of bit flags that you can use to initialize the Print common dialog box. When the dialog box returns, it sets these flags to indicate the user's input. This member can be a combination of the following flags: PD_ALLPAGES, PD_COLLATE, PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE, PD_ENABLEPRINTHOOK, PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE, PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE, PD_ENABLESETUPHOOK, PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATE, PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATEHANDLE, PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE, PD_NONETWORKBUTTON, PD_NOPAGENUMS, PD_NOSELECTION, PD_NOWARNING, PD_PAGENUMS, PD_PRINTSETUP, PD_PRINTTOFILE, PD_RETURNDC, PD_RETURNDEFAULT, PD_RETURNIC, PD_SELECTION, PD_SHOWHELP, PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES, PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFromPage(self) -> None: """ The number of the first page to be printed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetToPage(self) -> None: """ The number of the last page to be printed. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPRINTDLGMinPage(self) -> None: """ Get the minimum value for the page range specified in the From and To page edit controls. If nMinPage equals nMaxPage, the Pages radio button and the starting and ending page edit controls are disabled. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPRINTDLGMinPage(self) -> None: """ Set the minimum value for the page range specified in the From and To page edit controls. If nMinPage equals nMaxPage, the Pages radio button and the starting and ending page edit controls are disabled. Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetPRINTDLGCopies(self) -> None: """ Get the initial number of copies for the Copies edit control if hDevMode is NULL; otherwise, the dmCopies member of theDEVMODE structure contains the initial value. When PrintDlg returns, nCopies contains the actual number of copies to print. This value depends on whether the application or the printer driver is responsible for printing multiple copies. If the PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE flag is set in the Flags member, nCopies is always 1 on return, and the printer driver is responsible for printing multiple copies. If the flag is not set, the application is responsible for printing the number of copies specified by nCopies. For more information, see the description of the PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE flag. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetPRINTDLGCopies(self) -> None: """ Set the initial number of copies for the Copies edit control if hDevMode is NULL; otherwise, the dmCopies member of theDEVMODE structure contains the initial value. When PrintDlg returns, nCopies contains the actual number of copies to print. This value depends on whether the application or the printer driver is responsible for printing multiple copies. If the PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE flag is set in the Flags member, nCopies is always 1 on return, and the printer driver is responsible for printing multiple copies. If the flag is not set, the application is responsible for printing the number of copies specified by nCopies. For more information, see the description of the PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE flag. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCProgressCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual control. Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the control. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the control. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the control. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The control's ID. Returns: None """ ... def SetRange(self, nLower: typing.Any = ..., nUpper: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Set the control's bounds Args: nLower(typing.Any):Specifies the lower limit of the range (default is zero). nUpper(typing.Any):Specifies the upper limit of the range (default is 100). Returns: None """ ... def SetPos(self, nPos: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's position Args: nPos(typing.Any):New position of the progress bar control. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OffsetPos(self, nPos: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Advances the progress bar control's current position by the increment specified Args: nPos(typing.Any):Amount to advance the position. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetStep(self, nStep: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Specifies the step increment for a progress bar control. Args: nStep(typing.Any):New step increment. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def StepIt(self) -> typing.Any: """ Advances the current position for a progress bar control by the step increment. Returns previous position. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCPropertyPage: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CancelToClose(self) -> None: """ Changes the Cancel button to Close. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnCancel(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnCancel handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnOK(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnOK handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnApply(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnApply handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnReset(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnReset handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnQueryCancel(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnQueryCancel handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnWizardBack(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnWizardBack handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnWizardNext(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnWizardNext handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnWizardFinish(self) -> None: """ Calls the default MFC OnWizardFinish handler. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnSetActive(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnSetActive handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCPropertyPage.OnSetActive virtual method Return ValueThe result is true if the page should be made active. Typically this result should be passed to the original OnSetActive handler. """ ... def OnKillActive(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnKillActive handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCPropertyPage.OnKillActive virtual method Return ValueThe result is true if the page should be deselected. Typically this result should be passed to the original OnSetActive handler. """ ... def SetModified(self, bChanged: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the modified flag. Args: bChanged(typing.Any):A flag to indicate the new modified state. Returns: None """ ... def SetPSPBit(self, bitMask: typing.Any, bitValue: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets or clears a bit in m_psp.dwFlags Args: bitMask(typing.Any):The PSP_* bit mask constant bitValue(typing.Any):1 to set, 0 to clear Returns: None """ ... class PyCPropertySheet: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddPage(self, page: PyCPropertyPage) -> None: """ Adds the supplied page with the rightmost tab in the property sheet. Args: page(PyCPropertyPage):The page to be added.CommentsAdd pages to the property sheet in the left-to-right order you want them to appear.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, exStyle: typing.Any, parent: PyCWnd = ...) -> None: """ Displays the property sheet as a modeless dialog. Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the window. exStyle(typing.Any):The extended style for the window. parent(PyCWnd):The parent of the dialog. Returns: None """ ... def DoModal(self) -> typing.Any: """ Displays the property sheet as a modal dialog. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def EnableStackedTabs(self, stacked: typing.Any) -> PyCPropertyPage: """ Enables or disables stacked tabs. Args: stacked(typing.Any):A boolean flag Returns: PyCPropertyPage """ ... def EndDialog(self, result: typing.Any) -> None: """ Closes the dialog, with the specified result. Args: result(typing.Any):The result to be returned by DoModal. Returns: None """ ... def GetActiveIndex(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the index of the active page of the property sheet. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetActivePage(self) -> PyCPropertyPage: """ Returns the currently active property page. Args: Returns: PyCPropertyPage """ ... def GetPage(self, pageNo: typing.Any) -> PyCPropertyPage: """ Returns the specified property page. Args: pageNo(typing.Any):The index of the page toretrieve.MFC References Returns: PyCPropertyPage """ ... def GetPageIndex(self, page: PyCPropertyPage) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the index of the specified page of the property sheet. Args: page(PyCPropertyPage):The page. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPageCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of pages. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTabCtrl(self) -> PyCTabCtrl: """ Returns the tab control used by the sheet. Args: Returns: PyCTabCtrl """ ... def OnInitDialog(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnInitDialog handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PressButton(self, button: typing.Any) -> None: """ Simulates the choice of the specified button in a property sheet. Args: button(typing.Any):The button to press Returns: None """ ... def RemovePage(self, offset: typing.Any, page: typing.Any) -> None: """ Removes the specified page from the sheet. Args: offset(typing.Any):The page number to removeAlternative Parameters page(typing.Any):The page to remove Returns: None """ ... def SetActivePage(self, page: PyCPropertyPage) -> None: """ Programmatically sets the active page object. Args: page(PyCPropertyPage):The page. Returns: None """ ... def SetTitle(self, title: str) -> None: """ Sets the caption for the property sheet. Args: title(str):The new caption Returns: None """ ... def SetFinishText(self, text: str) -> None: """ Sets the text for the Finish button Args: text(str):The next for the button Returns: None """ ... def SetWizardMode(self) -> None: """ Enables the wizard mode Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetWizardButtons(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Enables the wizard buttons Args: flags(typing.Any):The wizard flags Returns: None """ ... def SetPSHBit(self, bitMask: typing.Any, bitValue: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets or clears a bit in m_psh.dwFlags Args: bitMask(typing.Any):The PSH_* bit mask constant bitValue(typing.Any):1 to set, 0 to clear Returns: None """ ... class PyCRect: """A Python interface the the MFC CRect class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCRgn: """An object encapsulating an MFC PyCRgn class.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class PyCRichEditCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def Clear(self) -> typing.Any: """ Clears all text in an edit control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Copy(self) -> None: """ Copys the current selection to the clipboard. Args: Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates a rich edit control window. Args: style(typing.Any):The control style rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The position of the control parent(PyCWnd):The parent window. Must not be None _id(typing.Any):The control ID Returns: None """ ... def Cut(self) -> None: """ Cuts the current selection to the clipboard. Args: Returns: None """ ... def FindText(self, charPos: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Finds text in the control Args: charPos(typing.Any):The character position Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetCharPos(self, charPos: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the location of the top-left corner of the character specified by charPos. Args: charPos(typing.Any):The character positionReturn ValueThe return value is a win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple Returns: typing.Any:The character positionReturn ValueThe return value is a win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple """ ... def GetDefaultCharFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::GetDefaultCharFormat Return ValueThe return value is a win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple """ ... def GetEventMask(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the current event mask. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelectionCharFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the character formatting of the selection. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetFirstVisibleLine(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns zero-based index of the topmost visible line. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::GetFirstVisibleLine Return ValueThe zero-based index of the topmost visible line. For single-line edit controls, the return value is 0. """ ... def GetParaFormat(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the current paragraph formatting attributes. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::GetParaFormat Return ValueThe return value is a win32ui::PARAFORMAT tuple """ ... def GetSel(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the start and end of the current selection. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CRichEditCtrl::GetSel Return ValueThe return tuple is (the first character in the current selection, first nonselected character past the end of the current selection) """ ... def GetSelText(self) -> str: """ Returns the currently selected text Args: Returns: str """ ... def GetTextLength(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the length of the text in the control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLine(self, lineNo: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the text in a specified line. Args: lineNo(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index value for the desired line.CommentsThis function is not an MFC wrapper. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetModify(self) -> typing.Any: """ Nonzero if the text in this control has been modified; otherwise 0. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetLineCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the number of lines in an edit control. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::GetLineCount Return ValueThe number of lines in the buffer. If the control is empty, the return value is 1. """ ... def LimitText(self, nChars: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets max length of text that user can enter Args: nChars(typing.Any):Specifies the length (in bytes) of the text that the user can enter. If this parameter is 0, the text length is set to UINT_MAX bytes. This is the default behavior.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def LineFromChar(self, charNo: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the line number of the specified character. Args: charNo(typing.Any):Contains the zero-based index value for the desired character in the text of the edit control, or -1. If -1, then it specifies the current line.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::LineFromChar Return ValueThe zero-based line number of the line containing the character index specified by charNo. If charNo is -1, the number of the line that contains the first character of the selection is returned. If there is no selection, the current line number is returned. """ ... def LineIndex(self, lineNo: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the character index of a line within a multiple-line edit control. Args: lineNo(typing.Any):Contains the index value for the desired line in the text of the edit control, or contains -1. If -1, then it specifies the current line.CommentsThis method only works on multi-linr edit controls.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::LineIndex Return ValueThe character index of the line specified in lineNo, or -1 if the specified line number is greater then the number of lines in the edit control. """ ... def LineScroll(self, nLines: typing.Any, nChars: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Scroll the control vertically and horizontally Args: nLines(typing.Any):Specifies the number of lines to scroll vertically. nChars(typing.Any):Specifies the number of character positions to scroll horizontally. This value is ignored if the edit control has either the ES_RIGHT or ES_CENTER style.CommentsThis method only works on multi-linr edit controls.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Paste(self) -> None: """ Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the control. Args: Returns: None """ ... def ReplaceSel(self, text: str) -> None: """ Replaces the selection with the specified text. Args: text(str):The text to replace the selection with.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetBackgroundColor(self, bSysColor: typing.Any, cr: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the background color for the control. Args: bSysColor(typing.Any):Indicates if the background color should be set to the system value. If this value is TRUE, cr is ignored. cr(typing.Any):The requested background color. Used only if bSysColor is FALSE.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::SetEventMask Return ValueThe return value is the previous background color. """ ... def SetDefaultCharFormat(self, charFormat: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: charFormat(typing.Any):A charformat tuple. See win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple for details.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetEventMask(self, eventMask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the event motification mask. Args: eventMask(typing.Any):The new event mask. Must be one of the win32con.ENM_* flags.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::SetEventMask Return ValueThe return value is the previous event mask. """ ... def SetSelectionCharFormat(self, charFormat: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the current selections character formatting attributes. Args: charFormat(typing.Any):A charformat tuple. See win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple for details.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetModify(self, modified: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the modified flag for this control Args: modified(typing.Any):Indicates the new value for the modified flag.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetOptions(self, op: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets options for the control. Args: op(typing.Any):Indicates the operation. Must be one of the win32con.ECOOP_* flags. flags(typing.Any):Indicates the options. Must be one a combination of win32con.ECO_* flags.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetParaFormat(self, paraFormat: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the paragraph formatting Args: paraFormat(typing.Any):A charformat tuple. See win32ui::PARAFORMAT tuple for details.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CRichEditCtrl::SetParaFormat Return ValueThis function seems to return occasionally return failure, but the formatting is applied. Therefore an exception is not raised on failure, but the BOOL return code is passed back. """ ... def SetReadOnly(self, bReadOnly: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets or clears the read-only status of the listbox. Args: bReadOnly(typing.Any):The read-only state to set.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetSel(self, start: typing.Any, end: typing.Any, arg: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the selection in the edit control. Args: start(typing.Any):Specifies the starting position. If start is 0 and end is -1, all the text in the edit control is selected. If start is -1, any current selection is removed. end(typing.Any):Specifies the ending position.Alternative Parameters arg(typing.Any):As for normal start, end args.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetSelAndCharFormat(self, charFormat: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the selection and char format. Args: charFormat(typing.Any):A charformat tuple. See win32ui::CHARFORMAT tuple for details.CommentsHighly optimised for speed for color editors.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetTargetDevice(self, dc: PyCDC, lineWidth: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the target device for the control Args: dc(PyCDC):The new DC - may be None lineWidth(typing.Any):Line width to use for formatting.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def StreamIn(self, _format: typing.Any, method: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Invokes a callback to stream data into the control. Args: _format(typing.Any):The format. One of the win32con.SF_* flags (SF_TEXT,SF_RTF) method(typing.Any):A callable object (eg, a method or function) This method is called with a single integer param, which is the maximum number of bytes to fetch. The method should return a zero length string, or None to finish the operation, and a string otherwise.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CRichEditCtrl::StreamIn Return ValueThe return value is a tuple of (no bytes written, error code) """ ... def StreamOut(self, _format: typing.Any, method: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Invokes a callback to stream data into the control. Args: _format(typing.Any):The format. One of the win32con.SF_* flags (SF_TEXT,SF_RTF) and may also combine SFF_SELECTION. method(typing.Any):A callable object (eg, a method or function) This method is called with a string parameter. It should return an integer, zero to abort, non zero otherwise.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CRichEditCtrl::StreamOut Return ValueThe return value is a tuple of (no bytes written, error code) """ ... class PyCRichEditDoc: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def OnCloseDocument(self) -> None: """ Call the MFC OnCloseDocument handler. This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method can call the original MFC version if required. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCRichEditDocTemplate: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def DoCreateRichEditDoc(self, fileName: str = ...) -> PyCRichEditDoc: """ Creates an underlying document object. Args: fileName(str):The name of the file to load. Returns: PyCRichEditDoc """ ... class PyCRichEditView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetRichEditCtrl(self) -> PyCRichEditCtrl: """ Returns the underlying rich edit control object. Args: Returns: PyCRichEditCtrl """ ... def SetWordWrap(self, wordWrap: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the wordwrap state for the control. Args: wordWrap(typing.Any):The new word-wrap state.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def WrapChanged(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying WrapChanged method. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SaveTextFile(self, FileName: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Saves the contents of the control as a test file Args: FileName(typing.Any):Name of file to saveCommentsTheere is no equivilent MFC method. This is implemented in this module for performance reasons. Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCScrollView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetDeviceScrollPosition(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the positon of the scroll bars in device units. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetDC(self) -> PyCDC: """ Gets the view's current DC. Args: Returns: PyCDC """ ... def GetScrollPosition(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the current position of the scroll bars (in logical units). Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetTotalSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the total size of the view in logical units. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... def ResizeParentToFit(self, bShrinkOnly: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Lets the size of a view dictate the size of its frame window. Args: bShrinkOnly(typing.Any):The kind of resizing to perform. The default value, TRUE, shrinks the frame window if appropriate.CommentsThis is recommended only for views in MDI child frame windows. Use ResizeParentToFit in the OnInitialUpdate handler function of your View class. You must ensure the parent's PyCFrameWnd::RecalcLayout is called before using this method. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetScaleToFitSize(self, size: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Scales the viewport size to the current window size automatically. Args: size(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The horizontal and vertical sizes to which the view is to be scaled. The scroll view's size is measured in logical units. Returns: None """ ... def ScrollToPosition(self, position: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Scrolls to a given point in the view. Args: position(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The position to scroll to. Returns: None """ ... def SetScrollSizes(self, mapMode: typing.Any, sizeTotal: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], arg1: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Sets the sizes of the scroll bars Args: mapMode(typing.Any):The mapping mode for this view. sizeTotal(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The total size of the view. Sizes are in logical units. Both x and y must be greater than zero. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The number of untils to scroll in response to a page-down command. arg1(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The number of untils to scroll in response to a line-down command. Returns: None """ ... def UpdateBars(self) -> None: """ Update the scroll bars state Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCSliderCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual control. Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the control. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the control. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the control. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The control's ID. Returns: None """ ... def GetLineSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's position Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetLineSize(self, nLineSize: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's line size. Returns the previous line size. Args: nLineSize(typing.Any):New line size of the Slider bar control Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPageSize(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's position Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetPageSize(self, nPageSize: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's page size Returns the previous page size. Args: nPageSize(typing.Any):New page size of the Slider bar control. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRangeMax(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's Maximum Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRangeMin(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's Minimum Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRange(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's min and max Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetRange(self, nRangeMin: typing.Any = ..., nRangeMax: typing.Any = ..., bRedraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's min and max Args: nRangeMin(typing.Any):New minimum of the Slider bar control. nRangeMax(typing.Any):New maximum of the Slider bar control. bRedraw(typing.Any):Should slider be redrawn? Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelection(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's selection start and end positions Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetSelection(self, nRangeMin: typing.Any = ..., nRangeMax: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's selection start and end positions Args: nRangeMin(typing.Any):New start of the Slider's selection. nRangeMax(typing.Any):New end of the Slider's selection. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetChannelRect(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's channel rectangle Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetThumbRect(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's thumb rectangle Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPos(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get the control's position Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetPos(self, nPos: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the control's position Args: nPos(typing.Any):New position of the Slider bar control. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNumTics(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get number of tics in the slider Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTicArray(self) -> typing.Any: """ Get a tuple of slider tic positions Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTic(self, nTic: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Get the position of the specified tic number Args: nTic(typing.Any):Zero based index of the tic mark Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTicPos(self, nTic: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Get the position of the specified tic number in client coordinates Args: nTic(typing.Any):Zero based index of the tic mark Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTic(self, nTic: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set a tic at the specified position Args: nTic(typing.Any):Position of the desired tic mark Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTicFreq(self, nFreq: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set the tic frequency Args: nFreq(typing.Any):Frequency of tic marks Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ClearSel(self, bRedraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Clear the selection Args: bRedraw(typing.Any):Redraw the control? Returns: typing.Any """ ... def VerifyPos(self) -> typing.Any: """ Verify the position is between configured min and max Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ClearTics(self, bRedraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Clear the control's tic marks Args: bRedraw(typing.Any):Redraw the control? Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCSpinButtonCtrl: """A windows spin button control. Encapsulates an MFC CSpinButtonCtrl object.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPos(self) -> typing.Any: """ Obtains the current position for a spin button control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetPos(self, pos: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current position for a spin button control. Args: pos(typing.Any):The new position.Return ValueThe result is the previous position. Returns: typing.Any:The new position.Return ValueThe result is the previous position. """ ... def SetRange(self) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the upper and lower limits (range) for a spin button control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetRange32(self) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the 32 bit upper and lower limits (range) for a spin button control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCSplitterWnd: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPane(self, row: typing.Any, col: typing.Any) -> PyCWnd: """ None Args: row(typing.Any):The row in the splitter. col(typing.Any):The column in the splitter.CommentsTheoretically the return value can be a PyCWnd object, but currently it will always be a PyCView or derived object. Returns: PyCWnd """ ... def CreateView(self, view: PyCView, row: typing.Any, col: typing.Any, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Creates a view in a splitter window Args: view(PyCView):The view to place in the splitter pane. row(typing.Any):The row in the splitter to place the view. col(typing.Any):The column in the splitter to place the view. arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The initial size of the new view.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CreateStatic(self, parent: typing.Any, rows: typing.Any, cols: typing.Any, style: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates a static splitter window. Args: parent(typing.Any):The parent window. rows(typing.Any):The number of rows in the splitter. cols(typing.Any):The number of columns in the splitter. style(typing.Any):Specifies the window style _id(typing.Any):The child window ID of the window. The ID can be AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST unless the splitter window is nested inside another splitter window.CommentsA static splitter window is a splitter where the number of panes are fixed at window creation time. Currently this is the only splitter window supported by win32ui.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetColumnInfo(self, column: typing.Any, ideal: typing.Any, _min: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets a new minimum height and ideal height for a column Args: column(typing.Any):The column in the splitter. ideal(typing.Any):Specifies an ideal height for the splitter window column in pixels. _min(typing.Any):Specifies a minimum height for the splitter window column in pixels. Returns: None """ ... def SetRowInfo(self, row: typing.Any, ideal: typing.Any, _min: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets a new minimum height and ideal height for a row. Args: row(typing.Any):The row in the splitter. ideal(typing.Any):Specifies an ideal height for the splitter window row in pixels. _min(typing.Any):Specifies a minimum height for the splitter window row in pixels. Returns: None """ ... def IdFromRowCol(self, row: typing.Any, col: typing.Any) -> None: """ Gets the child window ID for the specified child. Args: row(typing.Any):The row in the splitter. col(typing.Any):The col in the splitter Returns: None """ ... def DoKeyboardSplit(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCStatusBar: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetPaneInfo(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the id, style, and width of the indicator pane at the location specified by index. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the pane whose information is to be retrieved.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetStatusBarCtrl(self) -> PyCStatusBarCtrl: """ Gets the statusbar control object for the statusbar. Args: Returns: PyCStatusBarCtrl """ ... def SetIndicators(self, indicators: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets each indicator's ID. Args: indicators(typing.Any):A tuple containing the ID's of the indicators. Returns: None """ ... def SetPaneInfo(self, index: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any, style: typing.Any, width: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the specified indicator pane to a new ID, style, and width. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the indicator pane whose style is to be set. _id(typing.Any):New ID for the indicator pane. style(typing.Any):New style for the indicator pane.The following indicator styles are supported:afxres.SBPS_NOBORDERS - No 3-D border around the pane.afxres.SBPS_POPOUT - Reverse border so that text "pops out."afxres.SBPS_DISABLED - Do not draw text.afxres.SBPS_STRETCH - Stretch pane to fill unused space. Only one pane per status bar can have this style.afxres.SBPS_NORMAL - No stretch, borders, or pop-out. width(typing.Any):New width for the indicator pane.MFC References Returns: None """ ... class PyCStatusBarCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual control. Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the control. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the control. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the control. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The control's ID. Returns: None """ ... def GetBorders(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieve the status bar control's current widths of the horizontal and vertical borders and of the space between rectangles. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetParts(self, nParts: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve coordinates of the parts in a status bar control. Args: nParts(typing.Any):The number of coordinates to retrieveCommentsThis function, as designed in MFC, returns both the *number* of parts, and, through an OUT parameter, an array of ints giving the coordinates of the parts. There is also an IN parameter saying how many coordinates to give back. Here, we're explicitly changing the semantics a bit.GetParts() -> Tuple of all coordinates GetParts(n) -> Tuple of the first n coordinates (or all coordinates, if fewer than n)So, in Python, you can't simultaneously find out how many coordinates there are, and retrieve a subset of them. In a reasonable universe, there would have been GetParts() -> int, and GetCoords() -> List. This means that I need to call the MFC method twice; once to find out how many there are, and another time to get them. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRect(self, nPane: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status bar control. Args: nPane(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the part whose bounding rectangle is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetText(self, nPane: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve the text from the given part of a status bar control. Args: nPane(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the part whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTextAttr(self, nPane: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve the attributes of the text in the given part of a status bar control. Args: nPane(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the part whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTextLength(self, nPane: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve the length the text in the given part of a status bar control. Args: nPane(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the part whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetMinHeight(self, nHeight: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set the minimum height of a status bar control's drawing area. Args: nHeight(typing.Any):Minimum height Returns: None """ ... def SetParts(self, coord: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the number of parts in a status bar control and the coordinate of the right edge of each part. Args: coord(typing.Any):Coordinates of each part Returns: None """ ... def SetText(self, text: str, nPane: typing.Any, nType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set the text in the given part of a status bar control. Args: text(str):The text to display nPane(typing.Any):Zero-based index of the part to set. nType(typing.Any):Type of drawing operation.CommentsThe drawing type can be set to one of:~ 0 - The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the status bar.~ win32con.SBT_NOBORDERS - The text is drawn without borders.~ win32con.SBT_OWNERDRAW - The text is drawn by the parent window.~ win32con.SBT_POPOUT - The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the status bar. Returns: None """ ... def SetTipText(self, nPane: typing.Any, text: str) -> None: """ Sets the tooltip text for a pane in a status bar. The status bar must have been created with the afxres.SBT_TOOLTIPS control style to enable ToolTips. Args: nPane(typing.Any):The zero-based index of status bar pane to receive the tooltip text. text(str):The string containing the tooltip text.CommentsPay attention, this tooltip text is ONLY displayed in two situations: 1. When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains only an icon. 2. When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains text that is truncated due to the size of the pane. To make the tooltip appear even if the text is not truncated, you could add additional spaces to the end of the pane text.MFC References Returns: None """ ... class PyCTabCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetCurSel(self) -> typing.Any: """ Gets the current selection of a tab control. Args: Returns: typing.Any:PyCTabCtrl.GetCurSel int = GetCurSel()Gets the current selection of a tab control. Return ValueThe zero-based index of the currently selected item, or -1 if no selection. """ ... def GetItemCountl(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the number of tabs in the control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetCurSel(self, index: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current selection of a tab control. Args: index(typing.Any):The index of the tab to set current.Return ValueThe zero-based index of the previously selected item. Returns: typing.Any:The index of the tab to set current.Return ValueThe zero-based index of the previously selected item. """ ... class PyCToolBar: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetButtonStyle(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Retrieves the style for a button. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the item whose style is to be retrieved. Returns: None """ ... def GetButtonText(self, index: typing.Any) -> str: """ Gets the text for a button. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the item whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: str """ ... def GetItemID(self, index: typing.Any) -> None: """ Returns the command ID of a button or separator at the given index. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the item whose ID is to be retrieved. Returns: None """ ... def SetButtonInfo(self, index: typing.Any, ID: typing.Any, style: typing.Any, imageIx: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the button's command ID, style, and image number. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the button or separator whose information is to be set. ID(typing.Any):The value to which the button's command ID is set. style(typing.Any):The new button style imageIx(typing.Any):New index for the button's image within the bitmap Returns: None """ ... def GetToolBarCtrl(self) -> PyCToolBarCtrl: """ Gets the toolbar control object for the toolbar Args: Returns: PyCToolBarCtrl """ ... def LoadBitmap(self, _id: PyResourceId) -> None: """ Loads the bitmap containing bitmap-button images. Args: _id(PyResourceId):Name or id of the resource that contains the bitmap.CommentsThe bitmap should contain one image for each toolbar button. If the images are not of the standard size (16 pixels wide and 15 pixels high), call PyCToolBar::SetSizes to set the button sizes and their images. Returns: None """ ... def LoadToolBar(self, _id: PyResourceId) -> None: """ Loads a toolbar from a toolbar resource. Args: _id(PyResourceId):Name or resource id of the resourceCommentsThe bitmap should contain one image for each toolbar button. If the images are not of the standard size (16 pixels wide and 15 pixels high), call PyCToolBar::SetSizes to set the button sizes and their images. Returns: None """ ... def SetBarStyle(self, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the toolbar part of style Args: style(typing.Any):The toolbar style to set. Returns: None """ ... def SetBitmap(self, hBitmap: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets a bitmapped image. Args: hBitmap(typing.Any):The handle to a bitmap resource.CommentsCall this method to set the bitmap image for the toolbar. For example, call SetBitmap to change the bitmapped image after the user takes an action on a document that changes the action of a button. Returns: None """ ... def SetButtons(self, buttons: typing.Any, numButtons: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets button styles and an index of button images within the bitmap. Args: buttons(typing.Any):A tuple containing the ID's of the buttons.Alternative Parameters numButtons(typing.Any):The number of buttons to pre-allocate. If this option is used, then PyCToolBar::PySetButtonInfo must be used. Returns: None """ ... def SetButtonStyle(self, index: typing.Any, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the style for a button. Args: index(typing.Any):Index of the item whose style is to be set style(typing.Any):The new style Returns: None """ ... def SetHeight(self, height: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the height of the toolbar. Args: height(typing.Any):The height in pixels of the toolbar. Returns: None """ ... def SetSizes(self, sizeButton: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], sizeButton1: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Sets the size of each button. Args: sizeButton(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size of each button. sizeButton1(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size of each bitmap. Returns: None """ ... class PyCToolBarCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddBitmap(self, numButtons: typing.Any, bitmap: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Add one or more button images to the list of button images Args: numButtons(typing.Any):Number of button images in the bitmap. bitmap(typing.Any):Bitmap containing button or buttons to be addedMFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AddButtons(self) -> typing.Any: """ Add one or more buttons to the toolbar Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AddStrings(self, strings: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Add one or more strings to the toolbar Args: strings(typing.Any):Strings to add. Can give more than one string. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def AutoSize(self) -> None: """ Resize the entire toolbar control Args: Returns: None """ ... def CheckButton(self, nID: typing.Any, bCheck: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Check or clear a given button in a toolbar control Args: nID(typing.Any):Command identifier of the button to check or clear. bCheck(typing.Any):1 to check, 0 to clear the buttonMFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CommandToIndex(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve the zero-based index for the button associated with the specified command identifier. Args: nID(typing.Any):Command identifier of the button you want to find.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the window for a new toolbar object Args: style(typing.Any):The style for the button. Use any of the win32con.BS_* constants. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the button. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the button. Usually a PyCDialog. _id(typing.Any):The buttons control ID.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def Customize(self) -> None: """ Display the Customize Toolbar dialog box. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DeleteButton(self, nID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Delete a button from the toolbar control. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to delete.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def EnableButton(self, nID: typing.Any, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Enable or disable a toolbar control button. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to enable or disable. bEnable(typing.Any):1 to enable, 0 to disableMFC References Returns: None """ ... def GetBitmapFlags(self) -> typing.Any: """ retrieve the bitmap flags from the toolbar. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetButton(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve information about the specified button in a toolbar control. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to retrieve.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetButtonCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve a count of the buttons currently in the toolbar control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemRect(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieve the bounding rectangle of a button in a toolbar control. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetRows(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieve the number of rows of buttons currently displayed Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def HideButton(self, nID: typing.Any, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Hide or show the specified button in a toolbar control. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to hide. bEnable(typing.Any):1 to hide, 0 to show.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def Indeterminate(self, nID: typing.Any, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Mark or unmark the specified button as indeterminate Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to mark. bEnable(typing.Any):1 to hide, 0 to show.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def InsertButton(self, nID: typing.Any, button: PyCToolBarCtrl) -> typing.Any: """ Insert a button in a toolbar control. Args: nID(typing.Any):Zero-based index of a button. This function inserts the new button to the left of this button. button(PyCToolBarCtrl):Bitmap containing button to be insertedCommentsThe image and/or string whose index you provide must have previously been added to the toolbar control's list using PyCToolBarCtrl::AddBitmap, PyCToolBarCtrl::AddString, and/or PyCToolBarCtrl::AddStrings.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsButtonChecked(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determine whether the specified button in a toolbar control is checked. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsButtonEnabled(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determine whether the specified button in a toolbar control is enabled. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsButtonHidden(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determine whether the specified button in a toolbar control is hidden. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsButtonIndeterminate(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determine whether the specified button in a toolbar control is indeterminate. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsButtonPressed(self, nID: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determine whether the specified button in a toolbar control is pressed. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PressButton(self, nID: typing.Any, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Mark or unmark the specified button as pressed. Args: nID(typing.Any):ID of the button to mark. bEnable(typing.Any):1 to mark, 0 to unmark.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetBitmapSize(self, width1: typing.Any, height1: typing.Any, width: typing.Any = ..., height: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Set the size of the actual bitmapped images to be added to a toolbar control. Args: width1(typing.Any):Width of bitmap images. height1(typing.Any):Height of bitmap images.MFC References width(typing.Any):Width of bitmap images. height(typing.Any):Height of bitmap images.Alternative Parameters Returns: None """ ... def SetButtonSize(self, width1: typing.Any, height1: typing.Any, width: typing.Any = ..., height: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Set the size of the buttons to be added to a toolbar control. Args: width1(typing.Any):Width of bitmap images. height1(typing.Any):Height of bitmap images.MFC References width(typing.Any):Width of buttons height(typing.Any):Height of buttonsAlternative Parameters Returns: None """ ... def SetCmdID(self, nIndex: typing.Any, nID: typing.Any) -> None: """ Set the command identifier which will be sent to the owner window when the specified button is pressed. Args: nIndex(typing.Any):The zero-based index of the button whose command ID is to be set. nID(typing.Any):The command ID to set the selected button to.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetRows(self, nRows: typing.Any, bLarger: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Ask the toolbar control to resize itself to the requested number of rows. Args: nRows(typing.Any):Requested number of rows. bLarger(typing.Any):Tells whether to use more rows or fewer rows if the toolbar cannot be resized to the requested number of rows.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... class PyCToolTipCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, parent: PyCWnd, style: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual control. Args: parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the control. style(typing.Any):The style for the control. Returns: None """ ... def UpdateTipText(self, text: str, wnd: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Update the tool tip text for a control's tools Args: text(str):The text for the tool. wnd(PyCWnd):The window of the tool. _id(typing.Any):The id of the tool Returns: None """ ... def AddTool(self, wnd: PyCWnd, text: str, _id: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Adds a tool to tooltip control. Args: wnd(PyCWnd):The window of the tool. text(str):The text for the tool. _id(typing.Any):The id of the tool rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default rectangle Returns: None """ ... def SetMaxTipWidth(self, width: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: width(typing.Any):The new width Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCTreeCtrl: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], PyCWnd: typing.Any, _id: typing.Any) -> None: """ Creates the actual window for the object. Args: style(typing.Any):The window style rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default rectangle PyCWnd(typing.Any):The parent window _id(typing.Any):The control IDMFC References Returns: None """ ... def GetCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of tree items associated with a tree view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetIndent(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetIndent(self, indent: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent. Args: indent(typing.Any):The new indent. Returns: None """ ... def GetImageList(self, nImageList: typing.Any) -> PyCImageList: """ Retrieves the current image list. Args: nImageList(typing.Any):Value specifying which image list to retrieve. It can be one of: - commctrl.LVSIL_NORMAL Image list with large icons. - commctrl.LVSIL_SMALL Image list with small icons. - commctrl.LVSIL_STATE Image list with state images. Returns: PyCImageList """ ... def SetImageList(self, imageList: PyCImageList, imageType: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Assigns an image list to a list view control. Args: imageList(PyCImageList):The Image List to use. imageType(typing.Any):Type of image list. It can be one of (COMMCTRL.) LVSIL_NORMAL, LVSIL_SMALL or LVSIL_STATE Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNextItem(self, item: typing.Any, code: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the next item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item code(typing.Any):Specifies the relationship of the item to fetch. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ItemHasChildren(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns nonzero if the specified item has child items. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetChildItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the first child item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNextSiblingItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the next sibling of the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetPrevSiblingItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the previous sibling of the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetParentItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the parent item of the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetFirstVisibleItem(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the first visible item of the tree view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetNextVisibleItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the next visible item of the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSelectedItem(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the currently selected tree view item. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDropHilightItem(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the target of a drag-and-drop operation. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetRootItem(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the root of the specified tree view item. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetToolTips(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the tooltip control Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItem(self, item: typing.Any, arg: typing.Any) -> TV_ITEM: """ Retrieves the details of an items attributes. Args: item(typing.Any):The item whose attributes are to be retrieved. arg(typing.Any):The requested attributes. Returns: TV_ITEM """ ... def SetItem(self, item: TV_ITEM) -> typing.Any: """ Sets some of all of an items attributes. Args: item(TV_ITEM):A tuple describing the new item. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemState(self, item: typing.Any, stateMask: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the state and mask of an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item stateMask(typing.Any):The mask for the result. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetItemState(self, item: typing.Any, state: typing.Any, stateMask: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the state of item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item state(typing.Any):The new state stateMask(typing.Any):The mask for the new state Returns: None """ ... def GetItemImage(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the index of an items images. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def SetItemImage(self, item: typing.Any, iImage: typing.Any, iSelectedImage: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the index of an items images. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item iImage(typing.Any):The offset of the image. iSelectedImage(typing.Any):The offset of the selected image. Returns: None """ ... def SetItemText(self, item: typing.Any, text: str) -> typing.Any: """ Changes the text of a list view item or subitem. Args: item(typing.Any):The item whose text is to be retrieved. text(str):String that contains the new item text. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemText(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the text of a list view item or subitem. Args: item(typing.Any):The item whose text is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemData(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the application-specific value associated with an item. Args: item(typing.Any):The index of the item whose data is to be retrieved. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetItemData(self, item: typing.Any, Data: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the item's application-specific value. Args: item(typing.Any):The item whose Data is to be set. Data(typing.Any):New value for the data.CommentsNote that a reference count is not added to the object. This it is your responsibility to make sure the object remains alive while in the list. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetItemRect(self, item: typing.Any, bTextOnly: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The item whose Data is to be set. bTextOnly(typing.Any):f this parameter is nonzero, the bounding rectangle includes only the text of the item. Otherwise it includes the entire line that the item occupies in the tree view control. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetEditControl(self) -> PyCEdit: """ Retrieves the handle of the edit control used to edit the specified tree view item. Args: Returns: PyCEdit """ ... def GetVisibleCount(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the number of visible tree items associated with a tree view control. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def InsertItem(self, hParent: typing.Any, hInsertAfter: typing.Any, item: TV_ITEM, mask: typing.Any, text: typing.Any, image: typing.Any, selectedImage: typing.Any, state: typing.Any, stateMask: typing.Any, lParam: typing.Any, parent: typing.Any, parent1: typing.Any, text1: typing.Any, image1: typing.Any, selectedImage1: typing.Any, parent2: typing.Any, insertAfter: typing.Any, text2: typing.Any, parent3: typing.Any, parent4: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Inserts an item into the list. Args: hParent(typing.Any):The parent item. If commctrl.TVI_ROOT or 0, it is added to the root. hInsertAfter(typing.Any):The item to insert after. Can be an item or TVI_FIRST, TVI_LAST or TVI_SORT item(TV_ITEM):A tuple describing the new item.Alternative Parameters mask(typing.Any):Integer specifying which attributes to set text(typing.Any):The text of the item. image(typing.Any):The index of the image to use. selectedImage(typing.Any):The index of the items selected image. state(typing.Any):The initial state of the item. stateMask(typing.Any):Specifies which bits of the state are valid. lParam(typing.Any):A user defined object for the item. parent(typing.Any):The parent of the item. parent1(typing.Any):The parent of the item.Alternative Parameters text1(typing.Any):The text for the item. image1(typing.Any):The index of the image to use. selectedImage1(typing.Any):The index of the items selected image. parent2(typing.Any):The parent of the item. insertAfter(typing.Any):The item to insert the new item after, or TVI_FIRST, TVI_LAST or TVI_SORTAlternative Parameters text2(typing.Any):The text for the item. parent3(typing.Any):The parent of the item. parent4(typing.Any):The parent of the item. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DeleteItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Deletes the specified item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: None """ ... def DeleteAllItems(self) -> typing.Any: """ Deletes all items in the control Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Expand(self, item: typing.Any, code: typing.Any) -> None: """ Expands, or collapses, the child items of the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item code(typing.Any):The action to take Returns: None """ ... def Select(self, item: typing.Any, code: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects, scrolls into view, or redraws a specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item code(typing.Any):The action to take Returns: None """ ... def SelectItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects a specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: None """ ... def SelectDropTarget(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Redraws the tree item as the target of a drag-and-drop operation. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: None """ ... def SelectSetFirstVisible(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects a specified tree view item as the first visible item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified item Returns: None """ ... def EditLabel(self, item: typing.Any) -> PyCEdit: """ Edits a specified tree view item in-place. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to edit. Returns: PyCEdit """ ... def CreateDragImage(self, item: typing.Any) -> PyCImageList: """ Creates a dragging bitmap for the specified tree view item. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to edit. Returns: PyCImageList """ ... def SortChildren(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sorts the children of a given parent item. Args: item(typing.Any):The specified parent item Returns: None """ ... def EnsureVisible(self, item: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Ensures that a tree view item is visible in its tree view control. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to edit. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def HitTest(self, arg: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Determines which tree view item, if any, is at a specified position. Args: arg(typing.Any):The point to test.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (flags, hItem). flags may be a combination of the following values:ValueDescriptioncommctrl.TVHT_ABOVEAbove the client area.commctrl.TVHT_BELOWBelow the client area.commctrl.TVHT_NOWHEREIn the client area, but below the last item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMOn the bitmap or label associated with an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMBUTTONOn the button associated with an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMICONOn the bitmap associated with an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMINDENTIn the indentation associated with an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMLABELOn the label (string) associated with an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMRIGHTIn the area to the right of an item.commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICONOn the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state.commctrl.TVHT_TOLEFTTo the left of the client area.commctrl.TVHT_TORIGHTTo the right of the client area. Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:The point to test.Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (flags, hItem). flags may be a combination of the following values: Value Description commctrl.TVHT_ABOVEAbove the client area. commctrl.TVHT_BELOWBelow the client area. commctrl.TVHT_NOWHEREIn the client area, but below the last item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMOn the bitmap or label associated with an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMBUTTONOn the button associated with an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMICONOn the bitmap associated with an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMINDENTIn the indentation associated with an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMLABELOn the label (string) associated with an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMRIGHTIn the area to the right of an item. commctrl.TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICONOn the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state. commctrl.TVHT_TOLEFTTo the left of the client area. commctrl.TVHT_TORIGHTTo the right of the client area. """ ... class PyCTreeView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetTreeCtrl(self) -> PyCTreeCtrl: """ Returns the underlying tree control object. Args: Returns: PyCTreeCtrl """ ... def OnCommand(self, wparam: typing.Any, lparam: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls the standard Python framework OnCommand handler Args: wparam(typing.Any): lparam(typing.Any):See Also Returns: None """ ... class PyCView: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateWindow(self, parent: PyCWnd, arg: typing.Any, arg1: typing.Any, arg2: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Creates the window for a view. Args: parent(PyCWnd):The parent window (usually a frame) arg(typing.Any):The child ID for the view arg1(typing.Any):The style for the view arg2(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The default position of the window. Returns: None """ ... def GetDocument(self) -> PyCDocument: """ Returns the document for a view. Args: Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def OnActivateView(self, activate: typing.Any, activateView: PyCView, DeactivateView: PyCView) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnActivateView method. Args: activate(typing.Any):Indicates whether the view is being activated or deactivated. activateView(PyCView):The view object that is being activated. DeactivateView(PyCView):The view object that is being deactivated.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnInitialUpdate(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnInitialUpdate method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnMouseActivate(self, wnd: PyCWnd, hittest: typing.Any, message: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the base MFC OnMouseActivate function. Args: wnd(PyCWnd): hittest(typing.Any): message(typing.Any):See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnFilePrint(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnFilePrint method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DoPreparePrinting(self) -> typing.Any: """ Invoke the Print dialog box and create a printer device context. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnBeginPrinting(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnBeginPrinting method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnEndPrinting(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnEndPrinting method. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyCWinApp: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddDocTemplate(self, template: PyCDocTemplate) -> None: """ Adds a template to the application list. Args: template(PyCDocTemplate):The template to be added. Returns: None """ ... def FindOpenDocument(self, fileName: str) -> PyCDocument: """ Returns an existing document with the specified file name. Args: fileName(str):The fully qualified filename to search for. Returns: PyCDocument """ ... def GetDocTemplateList(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Returns a list of all document templates. Args: Returns: typing.List[typing.Any] """ ... def InitDlgInstance(self, dialog: PyCDialog) -> None: """ Calls critical InitInstance processing for a dialog based application. Args: dialog(PyCDialog):The dialog object to be used as the main window for the application. Returns: None """ ... def LoadCursor(self, cursorId: PyResourceId) -> typing.Any: """ Loads a cursor. Args: cursorId(PyResourceId):The resource id or name of the cursor to load. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadStandardCursor(self, cursorId: PyResourceId) -> typing.Any: """ Loads a standard cursor. Args: cursorId(PyResourceId):The resource ID or name of the cursor to load. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadOEMCursor(self, cursorId: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Loads an OEM cursor. Args: cursorId(typing.Any):The ID of the cursor to load. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadIcon(self, idResource: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Loads an icon resource. Args: idResource(typing.Any):The ID of the icon to load. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LoadStandardIcon(self, resourceName: PyResourceId) -> typing.Any: """ Loads an icon resource. Args: resourceName(PyResourceId):The resource name or id of the standard icon to load. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OpenDocumentFile(self, fileName: str) -> None: """ Opens a document file by name. Args: fileName(str):The name of the document to open. Returns: None """ ... def OnFileNew(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying OnFileNew MFC method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def OnFileOpen(self) -> None: """ Calls the underlying OnFileOpen MFC method. Args: Returns: None """ ... def RemoveDocTemplate(self, template: PyCDocTemplate) -> None: """ Removes a template to the application list. Args: template(PyCDocTemplate):The template to be removed. Must have previously been added by PyCWinApp::AddDocTemplate.CommentsNote that MFC does not provide an equivilent function. Returns: None """ ... def Run(self) -> typing.Any: """ Starts the message pump. Advanced users only Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsInproc(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns a flag to indicate if the created CWinApp was in the DLL, or an external EXE. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... class PyCWinThread: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def CreateThread(self) -> None: """ Creates the actual thread behind the thread object. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PumpIdle(self) -> None: """ Pumps all idle messages. Args: Returns: None """ ... def PumpMessages(self) -> None: """ Pumps all messages to the application until a WM_QUIT message is received. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Run(self) -> typing.Any: """ Starts the message pump. Advanced users only Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetMainFrame(self, mainFrame: PyCWnd) -> None: """ Sets the threads main frame Args: mainFrame(PyCWnd):The applications main frame.CommentsYou can pass None to this function to reset the main frame. Should I free this? I dont think so! Returns: None """ ... def SetThreadPriority(self, priority: PyCWnd) -> None: """ Sets the threads priority. Returns TRUE if successful. Args: priority(PyCWnd):The threads priority. Returns: None """ ... class PyCWnd: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ActivateFrame(self, cmdShow: typing.Any) -> None: """ Searches upwards for a parent window which has a frame, and activates it. Args: cmdShow(typing.Any):The param passed to CFrameWnd::ShowWindow. See also PyCWnd::ShowWindow.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def BringWindowToTop(self) -> None: """ Brings the window to the top of a stack of overlapping windows. Args: Returns: None """ ... def BeginPaint(self) -> typing.Tuple[PyCDC, typing.Any]: """ Prepares a window for painting Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[PyCDC, typing.Any]:PyCWnd.BeginPaint PyCDC, PAINTSTRUCT = BeginPaint()Prepares a window for painting Return ValueYou must pass the PAINTSTRUCT param to the PyCWnd::EndPaint method. """ ... def CalcWindowRect(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], nAdjustType: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Computes the size of the window rectangle based on the desired client rectangle size. The resulting size can then be used as the initial size for the window object. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size to calculate from nAdjustType(typing.Any):An enumerated type used for in-place editing. It can have the following values: CWnd::adjustBorder = 0, which means that scrollbar sizes are ignored in calculation; and CWnd::adjustOutside = 1, which means that they are added into the final measurements of the rectangle.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def CenterWindow(self, altwin: PyCWnd = ...) -> None: """ Centers a window relative to its parent. Args: altwin(PyCWnd):alternate window relative to which it will be centered (other than the parent window).MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CheckRadioButton(self, idFirst: typing.Any, idLast: typing.Any, idCheck: typing.Any) -> None: """ Selects the specified radio button, and clears all others in the group. Args: idFirst(typing.Any):The identifier of the first radio button in the group. idLast(typing.Any):The identifier of the last radio button in the group. idCheck(typing.Any):The identifier of the radio button to be checked.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def ChildWindowFromPoint(self, x: typing.Any, y: typing.Any, flag: typing.Any = ...) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the child window that contains the point Args: x(typing.Any):x coordinate of point y(typing.Any):y coordinate of point flag(typing.Any):Specifies which child windows to skipMFC References Returns: PyCWnd """ ... def ClientToScreen(self, point: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], rect: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Converts the client coordinates of a given point on the display to screen coordinates. Args: point(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The client coordinates.Alternative Parameters rect(typing.Any):The client coordinates.CommentsThe new screen coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the system display. This function assumes that the given pointis in client coordinates.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def CreateWindow(self, classId: str, windowName: str, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any, context: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Creates the actual window Args: classId(str):The class ID for the window, or None windowName(str):The title for the window, or None style(typing.Any):The style for the window. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the window. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the new window.. _id(typing.Any):The control's ID. context(typing.Any):A CreateContext object.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def CreateWindowEx(self, styleEx: typing.Any, classId: str, windowName: str, style: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], parent: PyCWnd, _id: typing.Any, createStruct1: typing.Any, createStruct: CREATESTRUCT = ...) -> None: """ Creates the actual window using extended capabilities. Args: styleEx(typing.Any):The extended style of the window being created. classId(str):The class ID for the window. May not be None. windowName(str):The title for the window, or None style(typing.Any):The style for the window. rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The size and position of the window. parent(PyCWnd):The parent window of the new window.. _id(typing.Any):The control's ID. createStruct1(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.MFC References createStruct(CREATESTRUCT):A CreateStruct object (ie, a tuple) Returns: None """ ... def DefWindowProc(self, message: typing.Any, idLast: typing.Any, idCheck: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default message handler. Args: message(typing.Any):The Windows message. idLast(typing.Any):The lParam for the message. idCheck(typing.Any):The wParam for the message.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def DestroyWindow(self) -> None: """ Destroy the window attached to the object. Args: Returns: None """ ... def DlgDirList(self, defPath: str, idListbox: typing.Any, idStaticPath: typing.Any, fileType: typing.Any) -> None: """ Fill a list box with a file or directory listing. Args: defPath(str):The file spec to fill the list box with idListbox(typing.Any):The Id of the listbox control to fill. idStaticPath(typing.Any):The Id of the static control used to display the current drive and directory. If idStaticPath is 0, it is assumed that no such control exists. fileType(typing.Any):Specifies the attributes of the files to be displayed. It can be any combination of DDL_READWRITE, DDL_READONLY, DDL_HIDDEN, DDL_SYSTEM, DDL_DIRECTORY, DDL_ARCHIVE, DDL_POSTMSGS, DDL_DRIVES or DDL_EXCLUSIVEMFC References Returns: None """ ... def DlgDirListComboBox(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def DlgDirSelect(self, idListbox: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: idListbox(typing.Any):The Id of the listbox.MFC References Returns: str """ ... def DlgDirSelectComboBox(self, idListbox: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: idListbox(typing.Any):The Id of the combobox.MFC References Returns: str """ ... def DragAcceptFiles(self, bAccept: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Indicates that the window and children supports files dropped from file manager Args: bAccept(typing.Any):A flag indicating if files are accepted.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def DrawMenuBar(self) -> None: """ Redraws the menu bar. Can be called if the menu changes. Args: Returns: None """ ... def EnableWindow(self, bEnable: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Enables or disables the window. Typically used for dialog controls. Args: bEnable(typing.Any):A flag indicating if the window is to be enabled or disabled.MFC References Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::EnableWindow Return ValueReturns the state before the EnableWindow member function was called """ ... def EndModalLoop(self, result: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ends a modal loop. Args: result(typing.Any):The result as returned to RunModalLoop Returns: None """ ... def EndPaint(self, paintStruct: typing.Any) -> None: """ Ends painting Args: paintStruct(typing.Any):The object returned from PyCWnd::BeginPaint Returns: None """ ... def GetCheckedRadioButton(self, idFirst: typing.Any, idLast: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the ID of the checked radio button, or 0 if none is selected. Args: idFirst(typing.Any):The Id of the first radio button in the group. idLast(typing.Any):The Id of the last radio button in the group.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetClientRect(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the client coordinates of the window. left and top will be zero. Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetDC(self) -> PyCDC: """ Gets the windows current DC object. Args: Returns: PyCDC:PyCWnd.GetDC PyCDC = GetDC()Gets the windows current DC object. Return ValueThe result is a PyCDC, or a win32ui.error exception is raised. """ ... def GetDCEx(self) -> PyCDC: """ Gets the windows current DC object with extended caps. Args: Returns: PyCDC """ ... def GetDlgCtrlID(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the ID of this child window. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetDlgItem(self, idControl: typing.Any) -> PyCWnd: """ None Args: idControl(typing.Any):The Id of the control to be retrieved.MFC References Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetDlgItem Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd (or derived) object, or a win32ui.error exception is raised. """ ... def GetDlgItemInt(self, idControl: typing.Any, bUnsigned: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the integer value of a child window or control with the specified ID. Args: idControl(typing.Any):The Id of the control to be retrieved. bUnsigned(typing.Any):Should the function check for a minus signMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::GetDlgItemInt Return ValueIf the value can not be converted, a ValueError is raised. """ ... def GetDlgItemText(self, idControl: typing.Any) -> str: """ Returns the text of child window or control with the specified ID. Args: idControl(typing.Any):The Id of the control to be retrieved.MFC References Returns: str """ ... def GetLastActivePopup(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the last active popup Window, or the Window itself. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetLastActivePopup Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetMenu(self) -> PyCMenu: """ Returns the menu object for the window's menu. Args: Returns: PyCMenu:CWnd::GetMenu Return ValueThe result is a PyMenu object, or an exception is thrown. """ ... def GetParent(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the window's parent. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetParent Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetParentFrame(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the window's frame. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetParentFrame Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetSafeHwnd(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns the HWnd of this window. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetScrollInfo(self, nBar: typing.Any, mask: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Returns information about a scroll bar Args: nBar(typing.Any):The scroll bar to examine. Can be one of win32con.SB_BOTH, win32con.SB_VERT or win32con.SB_HORZ mask(typing.Any):The mask for attributes to retrieve. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetScrollPos(self, nBar: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the current position of the scroll box of a scroll bar. Args: nBar(typing.Any):The scroll bar to examine. Can be one of win32con.SB_VERT or win32con.SB_HORZ Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the window style Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetExStyle(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieves the window's extended style Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetSystemMenu(self) -> PyCMenu: """ Returns the menu object for the window's system menu. Args: Returns: PyCMenu """ ... def GetTopLevelFrame(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the top-level frame of the window. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetTopLevelFrame Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetTopLevelOwner(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the top-level owner of the window. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetTopLevelOwner Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetTopLevelParent(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns the top-level parent of the window. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetTopLevelParent Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd object, or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetTopWindow(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Identifies the top-level child window in a linked list of child windows. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetTopWindow Return ValueIf no child windows exist, the value is None. """ ... def GetWindow(self, _type: typing.Any) -> PyCWnd: """ Returns a window, with the specified relationship to this window. Args: _type(typing.Any):Specifies the relationship between the current and the returned window. It can take one of the following values: GW_CHILD, GW_HWNDFIRST, GW_HWNDLAST, GW_HWNDNEXT, GW_HWNDPREV or GW_OWNERMFC References Returns: PyCWnd:CWnd::GetWindow Return ValueThe result is a PyCWnd or None if no Window can be found. """ ... def GetWindowDC(self) -> PyCDC: """ Gets the windows current DC object. Args: Returns: PyCDC """ ... def GetWindowPlacement(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns placement information about the current window. Args: Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::GetWindowPlacement Return ValueThe result is a tuple of (flags, showCmd, (minposX, minposY), (maxposX, maxposY), (normalposX, normalposY)) Item Description flagsOne of the WPF_* constants showCmdCurrent state - one of the SW_* constants. minposSpecifies the coordinates of the window's upper-left corner when the window is minimized. maxposSpecifies the coordinates of the window's upper-left corner when the window is maximized. normalposSpecifies the window's coordinates when the window is in the restored position. """ ... def GetWindowRect(self) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Returns the screen coordinates of the windows upper left corner Args: Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] """ ... def GetWindowText(self) -> str: """ Returns the windows text. Args: Returns: str """ ... def HideCaret(self) -> None: """ Hides the caret Args: Returns: None """ ... def HookAllKeyStrokes(self, obHandler: typing.Any) -> None: """ Hook a key stroke handler for all key strokes. Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler for the keystrokes. This must be a callable object.CommentsThe handler object passed will be called as the application receives WM_CHAR messages. The handler will be called with 2 arguments The handler object (as per all hook functions). The keystroke being handled. If the handler returns TRUE, then the keystroke will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise it will be consumed. Note: This handler will prevent any PyCWnd::HookKeyStroke hooks from being called. Returns: None """ ... def HookKeyStroke(self, obHandler: typing.Any, ch: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Hook a key stroke handler Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler of the keystroke. This must be a callable object. ch(typing.Any):The ID for the keystroke to be handled. This may be an ascii code, or a virtual key code.CommentsThe handler object passed will be called as the application receives WM_CHAR message for the specified character code. The handler will be called with 2 arguments The handler object (as per all hook functions) The keystroke being handled. If the handler returns TRUE, then the keystroke will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the keystroke will be consumed. Note: This handler will not be called if a PyCWnd::HookAllKeyStrokes hook is in place.Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. Returns: typing.Any:The ID for the keystroke to be handled. This may be an ascii code, or a virtual key code.Comments The handler object passed will be called as the application receives WM_CHAR message for the specified character code. The handler will be called with 2 arguments The handler object (as per all hook functions) The keystroke being handled. If the handler returns TRUE, then the keystroke will be passed on to the default handler, otherwise the keystroke will be consumed. Note: This handler will not be called if a PyCWnd::HookAllKeyStrokes hook is in place. Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def HookMessage(self, obHandler: typing.Any, message: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Hook a message notification handler Args: obHandler(typing.Any):The handler for the message notification. This must be a callable object. message(typing.Any):The ID of the message to be handled.CommentsThe handler object passed will be called as the application receives messages with the specified ID. Note that it is not possible for PythonWin to consume a message - it is always passed on to the default handler. The handler will be called with 2 arguments The handler object (as per all hook functions). A tuple representing the message. The message tuple is in the following format:Items[0] int : hwndThe hwnd of the window.[1] int : messageThe message.[2] int : wParamThe wParam sent with the message.[3] int : lParamThe lParam sent with the message.[4] int : timeThe time the message was posted.[5] int, int : pointThe point where the mouse was when the message was posted.Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. Returns: typing.Any:The ID of the message to be handled.Comments The handler object passed will be called as the application receives messages with the specified ID. Note that it is not possible for PythonWin to consume a message - it is always passed on to the default handler. The handler will be called with 2 arguments The handler object (as per all hook functions). A tuple representing the message. The message tuple is in the following format: Items[0] int : hwnd The hwnd of the window. [1] int : message The message. [2] int : wParam The wParam sent with the message. [3] int : lParam The lParam sent with the message. [4] int : time The time the message was posted. [5] int, int : point The point where the mouse was when the message was posted. Return ValueThe return value is the previous handler, or None. """ ... def InvalidateRect(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], bErase: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Invalidates an area of a window. Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):Rectangle to be updated. If default param is used, the entire window is invalidated. bErase(typing.Any):Specifies whether the background within the update region is to be erased.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def InvalidateRgn(self, region: PyCRgn, bErase: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Invalidates a region of the window Args: region(PyCRgn):The region to erase. bErase(typing.Any):Indicates if the region should be erased. Returns: None """ ... def IsChild(self, obWnd: PyCWnd) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if a given window is a child of this window. Args: obWnd(PyCWnd):The window to be checkedMFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsDlgButtonChecked(self, idCtl: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if a dialog button is checked. Args: idCtl(typing.Any):The ID of the button to check.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsIconic(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if the window is currently displayed as an icon. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsZoomed(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if the window is currently maximised. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsWindow(self) -> typing.Any: """ determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsWindowVisible(self) -> typing.Any: """ Determines if the window is currently visible. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def KillTimer(self) -> typing.Any: """ Kills a system timer Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def LockWindowUpdate(self) -> None: """ Disables drawing in the given window Args: Returns: None """ ... def MapWindowPoints(self, wnd: PyCWnd, points: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]) -> None: """ Converts (maps) a set of points from the coordinate space of a window to the coordinate space of another window. Args: wnd(PyCWnd): points(typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]):The points to mapReturn ValueA list of the mapped points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window. Returns: None:The points to mapReturn ValueA list of the mapped points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window. """ ... def MouseCaptured(self) -> typing.Any: """ Returns 1 if the window has the mouse capture, else 0 Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def MessageBox(self, message: str, arg: typing.Any, title: typing.Union[str, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Display a message box. Args: message(str):The message to be displayed in the message box. arg(typing.Any):The style of the message box.MFC References title(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):The title for the message box. If None, the applications title will be used. Returns: None:CWnd::MessageBox Return ValueAn integer identifying the button pressed to dismiss the dialog. """ ... def ModifyStyle(self, remove: typing.Any, add: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Modifies the style of a window. Args: remove(typing.Any):Specifies window styles to be removed during style modification. add(typing.Any):Specifies window styles to be added during style modification. flags(typing.Any):Flags to be passed to SetWindowPos, or zero if SetWindowPos should not be called. The default is zero.CommentsIf nFlags is nonzero, ModifyStyle calls the Windows API function ::SetWindowPos and redraws the window by combining nFlags with the following four preset flags: * SWP_NOSIZE Retains the current size. * SWP_NOMOVE Retains the current position. * SWP_NOZORDER Retains the current Z order. * SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window. See also PyCWnd::ModifyStyleExMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::ModifyStyle Return ValueThe result is true if the style was changed, or false if the style is already the same as requested and no change was made. """ ... def ModifyStyleEx(self, remove: typing.Any, add: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Modifies the extended style of a window. Args: remove(typing.Any):Specifies extended window styles to be removed during style modification. add(typing.Any):Specifies extended extended window styles to be added during style modification. flags(typing.Any):Flags to be passed to SetWindowPos, or zero if SetWindowPos should not be called. The default is zero.CommentsIf nFlags is nonzero, ModifyStyleEx calls the Windows API function ::SetWindowPos and redraws the window by combining nFlags with the following four preset flags: * SWP_NOSIZE Retains the current size. * SWP_NOMOVE Retains the current position. * SWP_NOZORDER Retains the current Z order. * SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window. See also PyCWnd::ModifyStyleMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::ModifyStyleEx Return ValueThe result is true if the style was changed, or false if the style is already the same as requested and no change was made. """ ... def MoveWindow(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], bRepaint: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Move a window to a new location. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new location of the window, relative to the parent. bRepaint(typing.Any):Indicates if the window should be repainted after the move.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def OnClose(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnClose handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnCtlColor(self, dc: PyCDC, control: typing.Any, _type: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnCtlColor handler. Args: dc(PyCDC):The dc control(typing.Any):The control that want's it's color changed _type(typing.Any):Type of controlSee Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnEraseBkgnd(self, dc: PyCDC) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnEraseBkgnd handler. Args: dc(PyCDC):The dcSee Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnNcHitTest(self, arg: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the base MFC OnNcHitTest function. Args: arg(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]):The pointSee Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnPaint(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnPaint handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnQueryDragIcon(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the default MFC OnQueryDragIcon handler. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnQueryNewPalette(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC OnQueryNewPalette method. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnSetCursor(self, wnd: PyCWnd, hittest: typing.Any, message: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the base MFC OnSetCursor function. Args: wnd(PyCWnd): hittest(typing.Any): message(typing.Any):See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnMouseActivate(self, wnd: PyCWnd, hittest: typing.Any, message: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the base MFC OnMouseActivate function. Args: wnd(PyCWnd): hittest(typing.Any): message(typing.Any):See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def OnWndMsg(self, msg: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any, lParam: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Calls the default MFC Window Message handler. Args: msg(typing.Any):The message wParam(typing.Any):The wParam for the message lParam(typing.Any):The lParam for the messageMFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]:CWnd::OnWndMsg Return ValueThe return value is a tuple of (int, int), being the return value from the MFC function call, and the value of the lResult param. Please see the MFC documentation for more details. """ ... def PreCreateWindow(self, createStruct: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method. Args: createStruct(typing.Any):A tuple representing a CREATESTRUCT structure.See Also Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PumpWaitingMessages(self, firstMsg: typing.Any, lastMsg: typing.Any) -> None: """ Pump messages associate with a window. Args: firstMsg(typing.Any):First message ID to process lastMsg(typing.Any):First message ID to processMFC References Returns: None """ ... def RedrawWindow(self, _object: PyCRgn, flags: typing.Any, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any] = ...) -> None: """ Updates the specified rectangle or region in the given window's client area. Args: _object(PyCRgn):A region flags(typing.Any):MFC References rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):A rect, or None Returns: None """ ... def ReleaseCapture(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def ReleaseDC(self, dc: PyCDC) -> None: """ Releases a device context, freeing it for use by other applications. Args: dc(PyCDC):The DC to be released. Returns: None """ ... def RepositionBars(self, idFirst: typing.Any, idLast: typing.Any, idLeftOver: typing.Any) -> None: """ Repositions the windows control bars.( UINT nIDFirst, UINT nIDLast, UINT nIDLeftOver, UINT nFlag = CWnd::reposDefault, LPRECT lpRectParam = NULL, LPCRECT lpRectClient = NULL, BOOL bStretch = TRUE ); Args: idFirst(typing.Any):The ID of the first control to reposition. idLast(typing.Any):The ID of the last control to reposition. idLeftOver(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def RunModalLoop(self, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Begins a modal loop for the window. Args: flags(typing.Any): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def PostMessage(self, idMessage: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any = ..., lParam: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Post a message to the window. Args: idMessage(typing.Any):The ID of the message to post. wParam(typing.Any):The wParam for the message lParam(typing.Any):The lParam for the messageMFC References Returns: None """ ... def SendMessageToDescendants(self, idMessage: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any = ..., lParam: typing.Any = ..., bDeep: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Send a message to all descendant windows. Args: idMessage(typing.Any):The ID of the message to send. wParam(typing.Any):The wParam for the message lParam(typing.Any):The lParam for the message bDeep(typing.Any):Indicates if the message should be recursively sent to all childrenMFC References Returns: None """ ... def SendMessage(self, idMessage: typing.Any, idMessage1: typing.Any, ob: typing.Any, wParam: typing.Any = ..., lParam: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Send a message to the window. Args: idMessage(typing.Any):The ID of the message to send. idMessage1(typing.Any):The ID of the message to send. ob(typing.Any):A buffer whose size is passed in wParam, and address is passed in lParamMFC References wParam(typing.Any):The wParam for the message lParam(typing.Any):The lParam for the messageAlternative Parameters Returns: None """ ... def SetActiveWindow(self) -> PyCWnd: """ Sets the window active. Returns the previously active window, or None. Args: Returns: PyCWnd:PyCWnd.SetActiveWindow PyCWnd = SetActiveWindow()Sets the window active. Returns the previously active window, or None. Return ValueThe result is the previous window with focus, or None. """ ... def SetForegroundWindow(self) -> None: """ Puts the window into the foreground and activates the window. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetWindowPos(self, hWndInsertAfter: typing.Any, position: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the windows position information Args: hWndInsertAfter(typing.Any):A hwnd, else one of the win32con.HWND_* constants. position(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The new position of the window. flags(typing.Any):Window positioning flags.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def ScreenToClient(self, rect: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], pnt: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Converts the screen coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to client coordinates. Args: rect(typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]):The coordinates to convert.Alternative Parameters pnt(typing.Any):The coordinates to convert.MFC References Returns: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]:CWnd::ScreenToClient Return ValueThe result is the same size as the input argument. """ ... def SetCapture(self) -> None: """ Causes all subsequent mouse input to be sent to the window object regardless of the position of the cursor. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetDlgItemText(self, idControl: typing.Any, text: str) -> None: """ Sets the text for the child window or control with the specified ID. Args: idControl(typing.Any):The Id of the control text(str):The new textMFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetFocus(self) -> None: """ Claims the input focus. The object that previously had the focus loses it. Args: Returns: None """ ... def SetFont(self, font: PyCFont, bRedraw: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Sets the window's current font to the specified font. Args: font(PyCFont):The new font to use. bRedraw(typing.Any):If TRUE, redraw the window. Returns: None """ ... def SetIcon(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls the underlying MFC SetIcon method. Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetMenu(self, menuObj: PyCMenu) -> None: """ Sets the menu for a window. Args: menuObj(PyCMenu):The menu object to set, or None to remove the window. Returns: None """ ... def SetRedraw(self, bState: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Allows changes to be redrawn or to prevent changes from being redrawn. Args: bState(typing.Any):Specifies the state of the redraw flag.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetScrollPos(self, nBar: typing.Any, nPos: typing.Any, redraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the current position of the scroll box of a scroll bar. Args: nBar(typing.Any):The scroll bar to set. Can be one of win32con.SB_VERT or win32con.SB_HORZ nPos(typing.Any):The new position redraw(typing.Any):A flag indicating if the scrollbar should be redrawn. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetScrollInfo(self, nBar: typing.Any, ScrollInfo: typing.Any, redraw: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set information about a scroll bar Args: nBar(typing.Any):The scroll bar to examine. Can be one of win32con.SB_BOTH, win32con.SB_VERT or win32con.SB_HORZ ScrollInfo(typing.Any):The information to set redraw(typing.Any):A flag indicating if the scrollbar should be re-drawn. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetTimer(self, idEvent: typing.Any, elapse: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Installs a system timer Args: idEvent(typing.Any):The ID of the event elapse(typing.Any):How often the timer should fire.MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def SetWindowPlacement(self, placement: typing.Any) -> None: """ Sets the windows placement Args: placement(typing.Any):A tuple representing the WINDOWPLACEMENT structure.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def SetWindowText(self, text: str) -> None: """ Sets the window's text. Args: text(str):The windows text.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def ShowCaret(self) -> None: """ Shows the caret Args: Returns: None """ ... def ShowScrollBar(self, nBar: typing.Any, bShow: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Shows or hides a scroll bar. An application should not call ShowScrollBar to hide a scroll bar while processing a scroll-bar notification message. Args: nBar(typing.Any):Specifies whether the scroll bar is a control or part of a window's nonclient area. If it is part of the nonclient area, nBar also indicates whether the scroll bar is positioned horizontally, vertically, or both. It must be one of win32con.SB_BOTH, win32con.SB_HORZ or win32con.SB_VERT. bShow(typing.Any):Indicates if the scroll bar should be shown or hidden.MFC References Returns: None """ ... def ShowWindow(self, arg: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Sets the visibility state of the window. Args: arg(typing.Any):Specifies how the window is to be shown. It must be one of win32con.SW_HIDE, win32con.SW_MINIMIZE, win32con.SW_RESTORE, win32con.SW_SHOW, win32con.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED win32con.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, win32con.SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, win32con.SW_SHOWNA, win32con.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, or win32con.SW_SHOWNORMALMFC References Returns: typing.Any:CWnd::ShowWindow Return ValueReturns TRUE is the window was previously visible. """ ... def UnLockWindowUpdate(self) -> None: """ Unlocks a window that was locked with LockWindowUpdate Args: Returns: None """ ... def UpdateData(self, bSaveAndValidate: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Initialises data in a dialog box, or to retrieves and validates dialog data. Returns nonzero if the operation is successful; otherwise 0. If bSaveAndValidate is TRUE, then a return value of nonzero means that the data is successfully validated. Args: bSaveAndValidate(typing.Any):Flag that indicates whether dialog box is being initialized (FALSE) or data is being retrieved (TRUE).MFC References Returns: typing.Any """ ... def UpdateDialogControls(self, pTarget: PyCCmdTarget, disableIfNoHandler: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: pTarget(PyCCmdTarget):The main frame window of the application, and is used for routing update messages. disableIfNoHandler(typing.Any):Flag that indicates whether a control that has no update handler should be automatically displayed as disabled. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def UpdateWindow(self) -> None: """ Updates a window. This forces a paint message to be sent to the window, if any part of the window is marked as invalid. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDDEConv: """A DDE topic.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def ConnectTo(self, service: str, topic: str) -> None: """ Connects to a server Args: service(str):The service to connect to topic(str):The topic to connect to Returns: None """ ... def Connected(self) -> None: """ Determines if the conversation is connected. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Exec(self, Cmd: str) -> None: """ Executes a command. Args: Cmd(str):The Python statement to execute Returns: None """ ... def Request(self) -> None: """ Sends a request. Args: Returns: None """ ... def Poke(self) -> None: """ Sends a poke. Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDDEServer: """A DDE server.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddTopic(self, topic: PyDDETopic) -> None: """ None Args: topic(PyDDETopic):The topic to add. Returns: None """ ... def Create(self, name: str, filterFlags: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Create a server Args: name(str):Name of the server to start. filterFlags(typing.Any):Filter flags.CommentsNote there can only be one server per application. Returns: None """ ... def Destroy(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetLastError(self) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def Shutdown(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDDEStringItem: """A DDE string item.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def SetData(self, data: str) -> None: """ Sets an items data, and causes any underlying notification. Args: data(str):The data to set. Returns: None """ ... class PyDDETopic: """A DDE topic.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def AddItem(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: """ Add an item to the topic. Args: item(typing.Any):The item to add Returns: None """ ... def Destroy(self) -> None: """ Destroys an item Args: Returns: None """ ... class PyDLL: """A DLL object. A general utility object, and not associated with an MFC object.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetFileName(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the module associated with the DLL. Args: Returns: str """ ... def AttachToMFC(self) -> None: """ Attaches the DLL object to the MFC list of DLL's. Args: Returns: None """ ... class SCROLLINFO: """Tuple representing a SCROLLINFO struct""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class TV_ITEM: """""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... class EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK: """A python representation of an ISAPI EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Version(self) -> int: """Version info of this spec (read-only)""" ... @property def TotalBytes(self) -> typing.Any: """Total bytes indicated from client""" ... @property def AvailableBytes(self) -> typing.Any: """Available number of bytes""" ... @property def HttpStatusCode(self) -> typing.Any: """The status of the current transaction when the request is completed.""" ... @property def Method(self) -> typing.Any: """REQUEST_METHOD""" ... @property def ConnID(self) -> typing.Any: """Context number (read-only)""" ... @property def QueryString(self) -> typing.Any: """QUERY_STRING""" ... @property def PathInfo(self) -> typing.Any: """PATH_INFO""" ... @property def PathTranslated(self) -> typing.Any: """PATH_TRANSLATED""" ... @property def AvailableData(self) -> typing.Any: """Pointer to cbAvailable bytes""" ... @property def ContentType(self) -> typing.Any: """Content type of client data""" ... @property def LogData(self) -> typing.Any: """log data string""" ... def WriteClient(self, data: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], reserved: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ None Args: data(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]):The data to write reserved(typing.Any):Return Valuethe result is the number of bytes written. Returns: typing.Any: Return Valuethe result is the number of bytes written. """ ... def GetServerVariable(self, variable: str, default: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: variable(str): default(typing.Any):If specified, the function will return this value instead of raising an error if the variable could not be fetched.Return ValueThe result is a string object, unless the server variable name begins with 'UNICODE_', in which case it is a unicode object - see the ISAPI docs for more details. Returns: str:If specified, the function will return this value instead of raising an error if the variable could not be fetched.Return ValueThe result is a string object, unless the server variable name begins with 'UNICODE_', in which case it is a unicode object - see the ISAPI docs for more details. """ ... def ReadClient(self, nbytes: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: nbytes(typing.Any):Default is to read all available data. Returns: str """ ... def SendResponseHeaders(self, reply: str, headers: str, keepAlive: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX Args: reply(str): headers(str): keepAlive(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SetFlushFlag(self, flag: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_SET_FLUSH_FLAG. Args: flag(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def TransmitFile(self, callback: typing.Any, param: typing.Any, hFile: typing.Any, statusCode: str, BytesToWrite: typing.Any, Offset: typing.Any, head: str, tail: str, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE Args: callback(typing.Any): param(typing.Any):Any object - passed as 2nd arg to callback. hFile(typing.Any): statusCode(str): BytesToWrite(typing.Any): Offset(typing.Any): head(str): tail(str): flags(typing.Any):CommentsThe callback is called with 4 args - (PyECB, param, cbIO, dwErrCode) Returns: typing.Any """ ... def MapURLToPath(self) -> None: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH Args: Returns: None """ ... def DoneWithSession(self, status: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION Args: status(typing.Any):An optional status. HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS_AND_KEEP_CONN is supported by IIS to keep the connection alive. Returns: None """ ... def Redirect(self, url: str) -> None: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_SEND_URL_REDIRECT_RESP Args: url(str):The URL to redirect to Returns: None """ ... def IsKeepAlive(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... def GetAnonymousToken(self, metabase_path: typing.Union[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_GET_ANONYMOUS_TOKEN or HSE_REQ_GET_UNICODE_ANONYMOUS_TOKEN Args: metabase_path(typing.Union[str, typing.Any]): Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetImpersonationToken(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_GET_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IsKeepConn(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_IS_KEEP_CONN Args: Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ExecURL(self, url: str, method: str, clientHeaders: str, info: typing.Any, entity: typing.Any, flags: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_EXEC_URL Args: url(str): method(str): clientHeaders(str): info(typing.Any):Must be None entity(typing.Any):Must be None flags(typing.Any):CommentsThis function is only available in IIS6 and later. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def GetExecURLStatus(self) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_GET_EXEC_URL_STATUS Args: Returns: typing.Any:Search for HSE_EXEC_URL_STATUS at msdn, google or google groups. Return ValueThe result of a tuple of 3 integers - (uHttpStatusCode, uHttpSubStatus, dwWin32Error) """ ... def IOCompletion(self, func: typing.Any, arg: typing.Any = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Set a callback that will be used for handling asynchronous I/O operations. Args: func(typing.Any):The function to call, as described by the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::IOCallback method. arg(typing.Any):Any object which will be supplied as an argument to the callback function.CommentsIf you call this multiple times, the previous callback will be discarded.A reference to the callback and args are held until EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::DoneWithSession is called. If the callback function fails, DoneWithSession(HSE_STATUS_ERROR) will automatically be called and no further callbacks for the ECB will be made. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def ReportUnhealthy(self, reason: str = ...) -> typing.Any: """ Calls ServerSupportFunction with HSE_REQ_REPORT_UNHEALTHY Args: reason(str):An optional reason to be written to the log. Returns: typing.Any """ ... def IOCallback(self, ecb: EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK, arg: typing.Any, cbIO: typing.Any, dwError: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ A placeholder for a user-supplied callback function. Args: ecb(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK):The extension control block that is associated with the current, active request. arg(typing.Any):The user-supplied argument supplied to the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::IOCompletion function. cbIO(typing.Any):An integer that contains the number of bytes of I/O in the last call. dwError(typing.Any):The error code returned.CommentsThis is not a function you can call, it describes the signature of the callback function supplied to the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::IOCompletion function.Return ValueThe result of this function is ignored. Returns: typing.Any:The error code returned.Comments This is not a function you can call, it describes the signature of the callback function supplied to the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::IOCompletion function. Return ValueThe result of this function is ignored. """ ... class HSE_VERSION_INFO: """An object used by ISAPI GetExtensionVersion""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ExtensionDesc(self) -> str: """The description of the extension.""" ... class HTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def User(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Password(self) -> str: """""" ... class HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def Revision(self) -> typing.Any: """(read-only)""" ... @property def fIsSecurePort(self) -> typing.Any: """(read-only)""" ... @property def NotificationType(self) -> typing.Any: """(read-only)""" ... @property def FilterContext(self) -> typing.Any: """Any object you wish to associate with the request.""" ... def GetData(self) -> typing.Any: """ Obtains the data passed to The HttpFilterProc function. This is not techinally part of the HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT structure, but packaged here for convenience. Args: Returns: typing.Any:HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT.GetData object = GetData()Obtains the data passed to The HttpFilterProc function. This is not techinally part of the HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT structure, but packaged here for convenience. Return ValueThe result depends on the value of HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT::NotificationType NotificationType Result type SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAPHTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERSHTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS SF_NOTIFY_LOGHTTP_FILTER_LOG SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATAHTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATAHTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATIONHTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT """ ... def GetServerVariable(self, variable: str, default: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: variable(str): default(typing.Any):If specified, the function will return this value instead of raising an error if the variable could not be fetched.Return ValueThe result is a string object, unless the server variable name begins with 'UNICODE_', in which case it is a unicode object - see the ISAPI docs for more details. Returns: str:If specified, the function will return this value instead of raising an error if the variable could not be fetched.Return ValueThe result is a string object, unless the server variable name begins with 'UNICODE_', in which case it is a unicode object - see the ISAPI docs for more details. """ ... def WriteClient(self, data: str, reserverd: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ None Args: data(str): reserverd(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def AddResponseHeaders(self, data: str, reserverd: typing.Any = ...) -> None: """ None Args: data(str): reserverd(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... def SendResponseHeader(self, status: str, header: str) -> None: """ None Args: status(str): header(str): Returns: None """ ... def DisableNotifications(self, flags: typing.Any) -> None: """ None Args: flags(typing.Any): Returns: None """ ... class HTTP_FILTER_LOG: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_LOG structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ClientHostName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def ClientUserName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def ServerName(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Operation(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Target(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def Parameters(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def HttpStatus(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... class HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... def GetHeader(self, header: str, default: typing.Any) -> str: """ None Args: header(str): default(typing.Any):If specified, this will be returned on error. Returns: str """ ... def SetHeader(self, name: str, val: str) -> None: """ None Args: name(str): val(str): Returns: None """ ... def AddHeader(self) -> None: """ None Args: Returns: None """ ... class HTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def InData(self) -> str: """""" ... class HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP: """A Python representation of an ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def URL(self) -> str: """""" ... @property def PhysicalPath(self) -> str: """""" ... class HTTP_FILTER_VERSION: """A Python interface to the ISAPI HTTP_FILTER_VERSION structure.""" def __new__(cls): # -> NoReturn: ... @property def ServerFilterVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """(read-only)""" ... @property def FilterVersion(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def Flags(self) -> typing.Any: """""" ... @property def FilterDesc(self) -> str: """""" ...