Testing started at 2:28 pm ... /bin/bash -c ". /usr/local/share/chruby/chruby.sh && chruby ruby-2.6.3 && /home/tim/dev/cf/active_campaign/bin/bundle exec /home/tim/.rubies/ruby-2.6.3/bin/ruby /home/tim/dev/cf/active_campaign/bin/rspec /home/tim/dev/cf/active_campaign/spec --require teamcity/spec/runner/formatter/teamcity/formatter --format 'Spec::Runner::Formatter::TeamcityFormatter' --pattern '**/*_spec.rb' --order default" Run options: include {:focus=>true} All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true} D, [2020-07-15T14:29:30.879894 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:29:38.503706 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:29:46.705965 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:29:54.956464 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:01.958486 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:10.821134 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:23.243299 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::DealStages#create_deal_stage returns a deal_stage hash Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deal_stage: { card_region1: deal_stage_card_region_1, card_region2: deal_stage_card_region_2, card_region3: deal_stage_card_region_3, card_region4: deal_stage_card_region_4, card_region5: deal_stage_card_region_5, color: deal_stage_color, deal_order: deal_stage_deal_order, group: deal_stage_group, json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/deal_stages_spec.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:30:27.776947 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::DealStages#show_deal_stage returns a deal_stage hash Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deal_stage: { card_region1: deal_stage_card_region_1, card_region2: deal_stage_card_region_2, card_region3: deal_stage_card_region_3, card_region4: deal_stage_card_region_4, card_region5: deal_stage_card_region_5, color: deal_stage_color, deal_order: deal_stage_deal_order, group: deal_stage_group, json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/deal_stages_spec.rb:43:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:30:31.870951 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::DealStages#update_deal_stage returns a deal_stage hash Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deal_stage: { card_region1: deal_stage_card_region_1, card_region2: deal_stage_card_region_2, card_region3: deal_stage_card_region_3, card_region4: deal_stage_card_region_4, card_region5: deal_stage_card_region_5, color: new_deal_stage_color, deal_order: deal_stage_deal_order, group: deal_stage_group, json atom at path "deal_stage/card_region4" is not equal to expected value: expected: "contact-fullname-orgname" got: "contact-fullname-acctname" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/deal_stages_spec.rb:79:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:30:36.885678 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "meta/total" is not equal to expected value: expected: "110" got: "154" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::DealStages#show_deal_stages returns a deal_stages array Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deal_stages: [], meta: { total: '110' } ) json atom at path "meta/total" is not equal to expected value: expected: "110" got: "154" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/deal_stages_spec.rb:107:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:30:41.069038 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:46.216913 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:51.371106 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:30:57.429741 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "deals/0/id" is not equal to expected value: expected: "1" got: "34" json atom at path "deals/1" is missing json atom at path "deals/2" is missing json atom at path "deals/3" is missing json atom at path "deals/4" is missing json atom at path "deals/5" is missing json atom at path "deals/6" is missing json atom at path "deals/7" is missing json atom at path "deals/8" is missing 0) ActiveCampaign::API::Deals#show_deals returns a deal hash Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deals: [ { id: '1' }, { id: '5' }, { id: '9' }, { id: '2' }, { id: '6' }, { id: '10' }, { id: '3' }, { id: '7' }, json atom at path "deals/0/id" is not equal to expected value: expected: "1" got: "34" json atom at path "deals/1" is missing json atom at path "deals/2" is missing json atom at path "deals/3" is missing json atom at path "deals/4" is missing json atom at path "deals/5" is missing json atom at path "deals/6" is missing json atom at path "deals/7" is missing json atom at path "deals/8" is missing # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/deals_spec.rb:99:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:31:03.569572 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:31:09.071140 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:05.230157 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:05.959431 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:06.998728 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:07.341121 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"mhenrixon Consulting", :descript=>"https://www.mhenrixon.com"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:08.030652 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:09.165490 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because list {:list=>{:name=>"Awesome List", :stringid=>"awesome-list", :sender_url=>"https://mhenrixon.com", :sender_reminder=>"This is why we are sending you this"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:10.116725 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because list {:list=>{:name=>"Awesome List", :stringid=>"awesome-list", :sender_url=>"https://mhenrixon.com", :sender_reminder=>"This is why we are sending you this"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:11.390567 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because list {:list=>{:name=>"Awesome List", :stringid=>"awesome-list", :sender_url=>"https://mhenrixon.com", :sender_reminder=>"This is why we are sending you this"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:12.681382 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:16.200680 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:19.377644 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:24.422675 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "deal_groups/0/id" is not equal to expected value: expected: "60" got: "17" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::Pipelines#show_pipelines returns a pipelines array Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json( deal_groups: [{ id: pipeline_id, title: pipeline_title, currency: pipeline_currency }] ) json atom at path "deal_groups/0/id" is not equal to expected value: expected: "60" got: "17" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/pipelines_spec.rb:84:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:32:34.737040 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:36.730147 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:39.115926 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:41.425470 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:43.841866 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} json atom at path "user/first_name" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Mikael" got: "JakeMccGwire" json atom at path "user/last_name" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Henriksson" got: "" json atom at path "user/email" is not equal to expected value: expected: "mikael@mhenrixon.com" got: "jake@camplify.com.au" json atom at path "user/local_zoneid" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Europe/Berlin" got: "America/Chicago" 0) ActiveCampaign::API::Users#show_user_logged_in returns a user hash Failure/Error: expect(response).to include_json(user: expected_user_response) json atom at path "user/first_name" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Mikael" got: "JakeMccGwire" json atom at path "user/last_name" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Henriksson" got: "" json atom at path "user/email" is not equal to expected value: expected: "mikael@mhenrixon.com" got: "jake@camplify.com.au" json atom at path "user/local_zoneid" is not equal to expected value: expected: "Europe/Berlin" got: "America/Chicago" # ./spec/lib/active_campaign/api/users_spec.rb:56:in `block (3 levels) in ' D, [2020-07-15T14:32:46.329633 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} D, [2020-07-15T14:32:48.530159 #30317] DEBUG -- : Using body as is because group {:group=>{:title=>"Awesome", :descript=>"My really awesome group"}} 94 examples, 7 failures, 87 passed Finished in 244.889959031 seconds SimpleCov failed with exit 1 Coverage report generated for RSpec to/home/tim/dev/cf/active_campaign/coverage. 483 / 545 LOC (88.62%) covered. Coverage report generated for RSpec to /home/tim/dev/cf/active_campaign/coverage/coverage.json. 545 / 545 LOC (88.62%) covered. Process finished with exit code 1