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Created new script, and app to jumpstart the development
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mhishami committed Nov 6, 2015
1 parent 942bdeb commit f159862
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Showing 18 changed files with 393 additions and 489 deletions.
375 changes: 86 additions & 289 deletions
@@ -1,312 +1,109 @@
> Tuah
> ====
> Tuah is a simple, HTTP framework, inspired by BeepBeep with Cowboy as the underlying mechanism.
> Easy to extend, comes with session management and continous code compilations make it a very productive framework to begin with.
> Built on the strength of Cowboy and MongoDB, development time is greatly reduced.
Tuah is a simple, HTTP framework, inspired by BeepBeep with Cowboy as the underlying mechanism.

Quick Start

1. Create A New Project

Create a new project using rebar template

```` bash
$ mkdir ~/Projects/Erlang/foo
$ cd ~/Projects/Erlang/foo
$ wget

Create a skeleton for the OTP project
```` bash
$ make bootstrap bootstrap-rel

Edit the generated Makefile, and add the content as per below
```` bash
$ cat Makefile
DEPS = tuah sync eunit_formatters

dep_tuah = git master


2. Add The Codes

The content might be similar to these:

%% file:
application, foo, [
{description, ""},
{vsn, "0.1"},
{modules, []},
{registered, [fishbid_sup]},
{applications, [kernel,stdlib,tuah,sync,eunit_formatters]},
{mod, {foo_app, []}},
{env, [
{http, [{port, 8080}]},
{pools, [
{foo, [
{size, 10},
{max_overflow, 30}
], [
{database, <<"foo">>},
{w_mode, safe}


```` erlang



start(_Type, _Args) ->

%% set debug for console logs
lager:set_loglevel(lager_console_backend, debug),


stop(_State) ->

Create a new project is made simple via the addition of `` script

3. Implement Your Controller

```` bash
$ touch src/home_controller_.erl

```` erlang
-module (home_controller).
-export ([handle_request/5]).
% -export ([before_filter/1]).

% before_filter(SessionId) ->
% %% do some checking
% Sid = session_worker:get_cookies(SessionId),
% case Sid of
% {error, undefined} ->
% {redirect, <<"/auth/login">>};
% _ ->
% {ok, proceed}
% end.

handle_request(<<"GET">>, <<"/">>, _Args, _Params, _Req) ->
%% Action / will render home.dtl
{render, []};

handle_request(_, _, _, _, _) ->
{error, <<"Opps, Forbidden">>}.


```` bash
$ touch src/auth_controller_.erl

```` erlang
-module (auth_controller).
-export ([handle_request/5]).

handle_request(<<"GET">>, <<"login">> = Action, _Args, _Params, _Req) ->
%% Action login will render login.dtl
{render, Action, []};

handle_request(<<"POST">>, <<"login">>, _, Params, _) ->
{ok, PostVals} = maps:find(<<"qs_body">>, Params),
Email = proplists:get_value(<<"email">>, PostVals),
Password = proplists:get_value(<<"password">>, PostVals),

%% authenticate the user
case authenticate(Email, Password) of
{ok, proceed} ->
%% set the session id, and user email
Sid = web_util:hash_password(word_util:gen_pnr()),
session_worker:set_cookies(Sid, Email),

%% redirect, assuming "main" is defined.
{redirect, <<"/main">>};
_ ->
{redirect, <<"/">>}

handle_request(_, _, _, _, _) ->
{error, <<"Opps, Forbidden">>}.

%% private function
authenticate(_Email, _Password) ->
{ok, proceed}.


4. Do The Templates

```` bash
$ mkdir templates
$ cd templates
$ touch home.dtl
``` shell
hisham@skrall:tuah$ ./ foo
Creating new app: foo
Creating directory...
Creating template files...
Creating bootstrap files...
Finishing up...
Done. Your app is created in ../foo.
| Happy coding! |

We will be using a bootstrap sample page for this example.
```` bash
$ cd ~/Projects/Web
$ git clone

Put all the static files in the `priv` directory, and prepend it with `static` name, i.e.
```` bash
$ cd ~/Projects/Erlang/foo
$ mkdir -p priv/static/css
$ cp -r ~/Projects/Web/bootstrap/dist priv/static/.
$ cp -r ~/Projects/Web/bootstrap/assets priv/static/.
$ cp ~/Projects/Web/bootstrap/docs/examples/jumbotron-narrow/index.html templates/base.dtl
$ cp ~/Projects/Web/bootstrap/docs/examples/jumbotron-narrow/jumbotron-narrow.css priv/static/css/style.css
2. The project structure looks like

Replace all references to css and js files
Edit `base.dtl` header file to be:

``` html
``` shell
├── Makefile
├── include
│   └── bb.hrl
├── priv
│   └── static
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── css/
│   └── dist/
├── rel
│   ├── sys.config
│   └── vm.args
├── relx.config
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├── foo_app.erl
│   ├── foo_sup.erl
│   └── home_controller.erl
└── templates
├── error.dtl
├── home.dtl
├── login.dtl
├── public.dtl
└── register.dtl

<!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
<link href="/static/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/static/assets/dist/js/ie-emulation-modes-warning.js"></script>
3. Start the mongodb server, as the sample application does live registration and all.

4. Run The App
> The App
> ====
> This simple app does user registration, login and logout.
> Extend this further to your likings.
<!-- Custom styles for this template -->
<link href="/static/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
``` shell
$ make
$ ./ console

Edit the `base.dtl` file to include the `content` block to be:

``` html

{% block content %}
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Jumbotron heading</h1>

<p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.</p>
{% endblock %}


Edit `home.dtl` to use the said template

```` bash
$ cat home.dtl

{% extends "base.dtl" %}


``` bash
+-- Project
+-- deps
+-- ebin
+-- include
+-- priv
+-- assets
+-- css
- bootstrap.css
- ...
+-- js
+-- img
View the app at http://localhost:8080
That's it!

5. Run The App
5. Extend the app the way you like it by adding more templates, controllers to make a full blown app

``` shell
$ make; make run
View the app at http://localhost:8080
6. Feel free to fork this. Cheers!

6. Deploy to Heroku
Mongo Backend
1. Tuah framework comes with mongo client integration. Almost *all* the APIs are supported. Feel free to browse the source code.

Once everything is fine, we can then deploy it to Heroku
2. Advanced examples such as regex search, complex find and match are supported. Details query and projection operators can be found at [](MongoDB Reference)

3. Different notations for find (use which you like). I prefer the second as it is easier to read and comprehend.

Add git repo, and remove `ebin/*` from your `.gitignore` dir as heroku will not compile the dtl template we compiled earlier.

```` bash
$ git init

Edit `.gitignore`
```` bash
$ cat .gitignore

$ git commit -am 'initial commit'

``` bash
$ heroku create <<your app>> --stack cedar \
Create a Profile that contains the above running instructions. Ensure all are in one line.
``` bash
$ cat Procfile
web: erl -sname foo -pa ebin include deps/*/ebin deps/*/include ebin include __
-boot start_sasl -s reloader -s tuah -s foo -noshell -noinput
Specify Erlang version
``` bash
$ echo OTP_R15B01 > .preferred_otp_version
Add all to git, and do
``` bash
$ git add .
$ git commit -am 'commit to heroku'
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku ps:scale worker=1
$ heroku open
mongo_worker:find(<<"posts">>, {}, [{batchsize, 3}, {skip, 1},
{projector, {<<"created_at">>, 1, <<"grpid">>, 1}}]).
mongo_worker:find(<<"posts">>, {}, [{batchsize, 3}, {skip, 1},
{projector, #{<<"created_at">> => 1, <<"grpid">> => 1}}]).
That's it!

4. Regular expressions are also there.

1. Reply can be done in several ways in the controller:
``` erlang
{redirect, <<"/page">>} %% redirect to page_controller -> page.dtl
{render, Data} %% return the page for the current controller with Data
{render, <<"adm">>, Data} %% render the page adm.dtl in the current controller with data
{json, DataList} %% return json data from erlang list
2. Customize your error view with custom error.dtl page that takes `{{ error }}` as the message
mongo_worker:find(<<"posts">>, {}, [{batchsize, 1}, {skip, 1}]).
{<<"title">>, #{<<"$regex">> => <<"some*">>,
<<"$options">> => <<"i">>}},
[{projector, #{<<"grpid">> => 1,
<<"title">> => 1,
<<"author.fullname">> => 1}}]).

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