VR application for different scenarios as code review, presentation or showroom. Developed with Unity for Google Cardboard.
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The user is placed into a realistic presentation room and can conduct a presentation. Firstly, the user needs to choose his slides on his mobile device. Then he is placed in the room behind a lectern where his slides are placed (see figure 1). In front of him is the grandstand, where other users which join the presentation are placed (see figure 2). He can navigate through the slides, can use a laser pointer or can show all his slides (see figure 3).
Figure 1: Position of the lecturer
Figure 2: Position of the spectator
Figure 3: Show all slides
Firstly, the user needs to choose his code fragment. Then he is placed in the room. In Front is the current code fragment (see figure 4). He can rate this code fragment into 3 categories (Uncritical, Minor, Major) by choosing the button "Rate" in the menu. Furthermore, he can edit the code fragment by adding a comment. To the right are the upcoming code fragments (see figure 5). To the left is information about the current code fragment (see figure 6).
Figure 4: Current code fragment and menu
Figure 5: View of the next code fragments
The user is placed into an empty world. He can add objects (cube, sphere etc.), can edit them (move, rotate and color) and take photos. Furthermore, he can walk freely in the world.
Figure 7: Options to manipulate the scene
Figure 8: Example of a figment created in the scene