The Conveyancer Frontend provides a way for Conveyancers to create Mortgage deeds and send them to Borrowers to be signed.
All of the acceptance tests are contained within the acceptance-tests folder with the feature files under the features folder and the step-definitions under the steps folder.
If you would like to run all of the acceptance tests then navigate into the acceptance-tests folder and run the following command:
You can also pass arguments to this command as you would if you were just running cucumber on it's own.
For example you can use the following command to display a cut down version of cucumbers progress when it is running:
./ --format progress
Or you can use the following to run only the scenarios that have been tagged with whatever tags you specify:
/ --tags @USXX
Rubocop is ruby gem that will check any ruby code in the repository against the ruby style guide and then provide a report of any offenses.
In order to run Rubocop on the acceptance test code then navigate into the acceptance test folder and run the command:
If you wish to amend what cops are used, what files are ignored when running Rubocop then you will need to put this in the rubocop.yml file.