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michaeljoseph committed Jun 2, 2014
1 parent f3fdb4d commit 579b3d4
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<h1>Michael Joseph: Professional Resume</h1>
<p>Hi, I'm Michael, Michael Joseph (yes, two first names, I know. MJ works as
an internet handle, for people not into the whole brevity thing and
disambiguation purposes).</p>
<p>I have worked in the computer / internet industry for the last 14 years,
primarily as a backend software engineer for web applications.</p>
<p>I have seen enough technology pass through the mill to be fairly agnostic
across all the usual religious divides (programming language, editor,
tabs vs spaces (ok, wait, scratch the last one, I <em>am</em> zealous about
whitespace)). I play extremely well with others, but I also <em>need</em> to have
<em>some</em> solo time.</p>
<p>I can write, read, review, edit and correct
(in order of preference and experience):</p>
<li>Bash + GNU</li>
<li>Javascript, Ruby</li>
<p>I've been the technology lead of small developer teams (max 5), providing
technical leadership and engineering management roles.</p>
<p>I spoke at <a href="">PyconZA 2013</a>
about the work we did at <a href="">Yola</a> during my time there.</p>
<p><a href="">Application to Platform: How we used Python to scale Yola</a></p>
<li>Senior Software Developer / Engineer</li>
<li>Team Lead</li>
<li>Trainer / Mentor / Skills Development Planning</li>
<li>Communication Bridge between misunderstanding teams / groups
e.g. engineering and marketing / product / programme management (#suitsvsnerds)</li>
<li>Developer Evangelist</li>
<li>Chief Cognitive Scientist</li>
<h2>Work Experience</h2>
<h3>Services Team Lead @</h3>
<h4>February 2011 - May 2014 (3 years 4 months)</h4>
<p>Senior role with slightly more focus on architecture discussions and code reviews.
I also wrote Java and PHP when required.</p>
<h3>Systems Engineer @</h3>
<h4>February 2010 - January 2012 (2 years)</h4>
<p>Built out the Python Services API layer as part of the distributed architecture
<h3>Senior Software Developer / Software Engineer @ Sadalbari Open Software</h3>
<h4>November 2008 - January 2010 (1 year 3 months)</h4>
<p>Java consultant to large financial and insurance businesses based in Johannesburg.
I reviewed and recommended changes to their JVM configuration to meet the
scaling needs of their internal applications.</p>
<h3>Open Source Business Unit Manager @ AdaptIT</h3>
<h4>April 2008 - November 2008 (8 months)</h4>
<p>Additional Roles:
- Technical leadership and mentoring
- Application Design and Documentation
- Work Breakdown, Allocation and Management</p>
<h3>Senior Software Developer @ AdaptIT</h3>
<h4>December 2007 - April 2008 (5 months)</h4>
<p>Technical Lead of the Open Source Business Unit software development team.
building and maintaining the intranet and internet sites for the eThekwini
Municipality (GNU/Linux/Python/Zope/Plone).</p>
<h3>Founder @ Elucidate Consulting</h3>
<h4>June 2007 - November 2007 (6 months)</h4>
<p>Freelance software development consultancy</p>
<h3>Senior Software Developer @ Jam Warehouse</h3>
<h4>December 2002 - May 2007 (4 years 6 months)</h4>
<p>Software development team lead on the PHP, C# and Python development projects.</p>
<li>KnowledgeTree (
Software Development Lead responsible for the design and management of KnowledgeTree,
an open source document management system.
I was the release manager for the initial SourceForge releases.</li>
<li>BrandDirector ( implementation for Woolworths</li>
<h1>c# #dotnet</h1>
<li>eThekwini Municipality Internet and Intranet Portals</li>
<h1>python #plone #cms #integration #legacy #localgovernment</h1>
<h3>Senior Developer @ iTouch Labs</h3>
<h4>2002 – 2002 (less than a year)</h4>
<p>I was a senior member of the iTouch TAS, the internal research and development
company providing services to the operational companies of the iTouch Group,
We provided developer support services, localisable infrastructure applications
and operating system level management services.</p>
<li>FTP Interface for the Corporate Messaging Server</li>
<h1>java #ftp</h1>
<li>iTouch SA CMS WebSMS Deployment</li>
<h1>deployment #documentation #idempotency #installation #configuration #testing</h1>
<h3>Software Developer @ iTouch Ireland</h3>
<h4>2000 – 2001 (1 year)</h4>
<p>As a senior member of the development team, I provided a bridge between
the development and network and hardware operations groups.
I also contributed to troubleshooting performance and deployment issues.</p>
<h1>php #java #jsp #mobile #ivr #4voice #sms #smpp #sybase #er #modelling #databasedesign</h1>
<h3>Software Developer @ Vodacom</h3>
<h4>1999 – 2000 (1 year)</h4>
I developed and maintained one of the internal mobile network performance
management systems at Vodacom. We used RDBMS backends and OLAP data cubes.</li>
<h1>olap #statistics #oracle #parsing #holos #seagatesoftware</h1>
<h3>IT Specialist @ Telkom</h3>
<h4>March 1999 – May 1999 (3 months)</h4>
<p>I was responsible for the development and maintenance of a VB6 application
that managed circuit fault information in a an MS Access database.</p>
<h1>vb6 #msaccess #forms #validation #reports</h1>
<h3>University of KwaZulu-Natal</h3>
<p>B. Sc. Computer Science(Hons) (Cum Laude), Computer Science, Statistics
1995 – 1999</p>
<li>telkom bursary</li>
<li>certificates of merit
<a href="resources/und-certificates.png">Certificates</a>
<a href="resources/und-transcript.png">Transcript</a></li>
<h1 class="entry-title"></h1>
<p class="meta">

<p class="meta">
<time datetime="2014-02-07T15:23:00+02:00" pubdate data-updated="true">Feb 7<span>th</span>, 2014</time>
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