Purpose of this package is to provide a command that can process math in HTML files, either in MathML or LaTeX formats, to plain HTML.
mjcli [options] <filename>
<filemame> Input file name. Process standard input if ommited
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--em em-size in pixels [default: 16]
--ex ex-size in pixels [default: 8]
--latex, -l [boolean] [default: false]
--mathml, -m [boolean] [default: true]
--packages the packages to use, e.g. "base, ams"
[default: "action, ams, amscd, base, bbox, boldsymbol, braket, bussproofs,
cancel, color, configmacros, enclose, extpfeil, html, mhchem, newcommand,
noerrors, noundefined, tagformat, textmacros, unicode, verb"]
--svg, -s output math as SVG [boolean] [default: false]
--fontURL the URL to use for web fonts [default:
By default, mjcli
expects math to be included in the MathML format in HTML file.
If you use LaTeX syntax instead, try to execute
mjcli --latex file.html > converted.html
This project uses Node.js and npm, so you need to install them first.
When you have npm
ready, clone or download this repository and run
npm install -g
This will install the mjcli
command on your system.
uses Node version of MathJax. In particular, it uses an adapted version of
example from MathJax-demos-node project.