On December 19, 2014 we stop developing and supporting openpayu_ruby plugin. Nevertheless, feel free to create pull requests we will gladly accept.
The OpenPayU Ruby library provides integration access to the PayU Gateway API ver. 2.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'openpayu'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install openpayu
##Configure Gem To configure OpenPayU environment add a file to config/initializers/openpayu.rb containing:
OpenPayU::Configuration.configure do |config|
config.merchant_pos_id = '145227'
config.signature_key = '13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50'
config.algorithm = 'MD5' # MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
config.service_domain = 'payu.com'
config.protocol = 'https'
config.env = 'secure'
config.order_url = 'http://localhost/order'
config.notify_url = 'http://localhost/notify'
config.continue_url = 'http://localhost/success'
Or by providing a path to YAML file
OpenPayU::Configuration.configure File.join(Rails.root, 'config/openpayu.yml')
Structure of YAML file:
merchant_pos_id: '145227'
signature_key: 13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50
algorithm: MD5 # MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
service_domain: payu.com
protocol: https
env: secure
order_url: http://localhost/order
notify_url: http://localhost/notify
continue_url: http://localhost/success
merchant_pos_id: '145227'
signature_key: 13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50
algorithm: MD5 # MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
service_domain: payu.com
protocol: https
env: secure
order_url: http://localhost/order
notify_url: http://localhost/notify
continue_url: http://localhost/success
###Creating Transparent order For more information about order please refer to: http://developers.payu.com/pl/restapi.html#payusdk_creating_new_order_api . To create an order you must provide a Hash with order:
order = {
merchant_pos_id: "145227",
customer_ip: "", # You can user request.remote_ip in your controller
ext_order_id: 1342, #Order id in your system
order_url: "http://localhost/",
description: "New order",
currency_code: "PLN",
total_amount: 10000,
notify_url: "http://localhost/",
complete_url: "http://localhost/",
buyer: {
email: 'dd@ddd.pl',
phone: '123123123',
first_name: 'Jan',
last_name: 'Kowalski',
language: 'PL',
delivery: {
street: 'street',
postal_code: 'postal_code',
city: 'city',
country_code: 'PL'
products: [
name: 'Mouse',
unit_price: 10000,
quantity: 1
shipping_method: {
country: 'PL',
price: 'price',
name: 'shipping name'
When you have ready order Hash you can create new order:
@response = OpenPayU::Order.create(order)
If request succeed to create it will return "COMPLETE" as a status_code. There might be also a redirect to page with confirmation. There are three redirect types:
case @response.status["status_code"]
# order has been created
#need to redirec user to a provided URL
redirect_to @response.redirect_uri
#in other cases something went wrong
logger.info "Unable to create order.
Status: #{@response.status["status_code"]}.
Response: #{@response}"
###Creating Hosted order
If you pass the same Hash of order as above to hosted_order_form you will get a String containgin a form to embed in your view
#in your controller
@order_form_data = OpenPayU.hosted_order_form(order)
# in your view
<%= @order_form_data.html_safe %>
###Retrieving order from OpenPayU You can retrieve order by its PayU order_id
@response = OpenPayU::Order.retrieve("Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01")
###Cancelling order You can cancel order by its PayU order_id
@response = OpenPayU::Order.cancel("Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01")
###Updating order status You can update order status to accept order when Autoreceive in POS is turned off
status_update = {
order_id: "Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01",
order_status: 'COMPLETED'
@response = OpenPayU::Order.status_update(status_update)
###Handling notifications from PayU PayU sends requests to your application when order status changes
@response = OpenPayU::Order.consume_notification(request) #request object from controller
#you should response to PayU with special structure (OrderNotifyResponse)
render json: OpenPayU::Order.build_notify_response(@response.req_id)
###Refund money
@refund = OpenPayU::Refund.create({
order_id: "Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01", #required
description: "Money refund", #required
ext_refund_id: 21312, #Refund Id in your syste, optional
amount: 1000, #If not provided, returns whole transaction, optional
commission_amount: 123, #optional
currency_code: "PLN" #optional
##Changelog 0.1.2
- Gem adjusted to OpenPayU REST API v 2.0
- Communication with OpenPayU only in JSON format, XML is no longer supported
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request