A simple conversion routine for converting from Wordpress to Tinkerer.
Copyright 2012 Michael Farrell http://micolous.id.au/
This is a work in progress and incomplete.
- Python 2.7 (2.6 may work if you have my patches for Tinkerer).
- python-mysqldb
- pandoc (used to convert HTML to Restructured Text)
- MySQL database with your Wordpress data
- Wordpress to be installed.
$ python -m wordtinkerer.main -o blog -p
This will attempt to convert the wordpress blog in the MySQL database
using the username wordpress
on localhost
, prompting for a
password and outputting to the blog at blog
Additional command line arguments --help
will let you change the behaviours.
- Page hierarchy, author or creation date isn't properly preserved.
- Post categories and tags are not preserved.
- Importing from Wordpress backup XML (do we want to support this?)
wordtinkerer is licensed under the same terms as Tinkerer itself (FreeBSD).
See the accompanying file COPYING
for details.