1https://github.com/RestComm/jdiameter/blob/672134c378ea9704bf06dbe1985872ad4ebf4640/core/jdiameter/impl/src/main/java/org/jdiameter/client/impl/app/cxdx/CxDxClientSessionImpl.java#L187-L191CxDxClientSessionImpl.sendRegistrationTerminationAnswer/ * ( non - Javadoc )@ Override public void sendRegistrationTerminationAnswer ( JRegistrationTerminationAnswer answer ) throws InternalException , IllegalDiameterStateException , RouteException , OverloadException { send ( Event . Type . SEND_MESSAGE , null , answer ) ; } 1https://github.com/QSFT/Doradus/blob/ad64d3c37922eefda68ec8869ef089c1ca604b70/doradus-server/src/main/java/com/dell/doradus/service/rest/RESTRegistry.java#L220-L245RESTRegistry.registerCommandRegister the given command and throw if is a duplicate name or command .private void registerCommand ( String cmdOwner , RegisteredCommand cmd ) { // Add to owner map in RESTCatalog. Map < String , RESTCommand > nameMap = getCmdNameMap ( cmdOwner ) ; String cmdName = cmd . getName ( ) ; RESTCommand oldCmd = nameMap . put ( cmdName , cmd ) ; if ( oldCmd != null ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Duplicate REST command with same owner/name: " + "owner=" + cmdOwner + ", name=" + cmdName + ", [1]=" + cmd + ", [2]=" + oldCmd ) ; } // Add to local evaluation map. Map < HttpMethod , SortedSet < RegisteredCommand > > evalMap = getCmdEvalMap ( cmdOwner ) ; for ( HttpMethod method : cmd . getMethods ( ) ) { SortedSet < RegisteredCommand > methodSet = evalMap . get ( method ) ; if ( methodSet == null ) { methodSet = new TreeSet <> ( ) ; evalMap . put ( method , methodSet ) ; } if ( ! methodSet . add ( cmd ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Duplicate REST command: owner=" + cmdOwner + ", name=" + cmdName + ", commmand=" + cmd ) ; } } } 0https://github.com/lastaflute/lastaflute/blob/17b56dda8322e4c6d79043532c1dda917d6b60a8/src/main/java/org/lastaflute/web/aspect/RomanticActionCustomizer.java#L163-L167RomanticActionCustomizer.createActionExecute-----------------protected ActionExecute createActionExecute ( ActionMapping actionMapping , Method executeMethod ) { final Execute anno = getExecuteAnnotation ( executeMethod ) ; // exists, already checked final ExecuteOption executeOption = createExecuteOption ( anno ) ; return newActionExecute ( actionMapping , executeMethod , executeOption ) ; } 0https://github.com/forge/javaee-descriptors/blob/cb914330a1a0b04bfc1d0f199bd9cde3bbf0b3ed/impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/shrinkwrap/descriptor/impl/jobXML10/DecisionImpl.java#L248-L258EntityImpl.getOrCreateTableReturns all stop< / code > elementspublic Table < Entity < T > > getOrCreateTable ( ) { Node node = childNode . getOrCreate ( "table" ) ; Table < Entity < T > > table = new TableImpl < Entity < T > > ( this , "table" , childNode , node ) ; return table ; } 1https://github.com/inkstand-io/scribble/blob/66e67553bad4b1ff817e1715fd1d3dd833406744/scribble-inject/src/main/java/io/inkstand/scribble/inject/Injection.java#L257-L271Injection.isNullOrMatchingTypeChecks if the specified value is either null or compatible with the field . Compatibility is verified based on inheritance or primitive - type compatibility .private boolean isNullOrMatchingType ( final Object injectedValue , final Field field ) { if ( injectedValue == null ) { // null is always type-compatible return true ; } final Class < ? > fieldType = field . getType ( ) ; final Class < ? > valueType = injectedValue . getClass ( ) ; if ( fieldType . isPrimitive ( ) ) { return fieldType == primitiveTypeFor ( valueType ) ; } return fieldType . isAssignableFrom ( valueType ) ; } 0https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/blob/fa8a86df11d37623f5faa8d445a5876612bc47b0/src/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptRuntime.java#L2916-L2948ScriptRuntime.nameIncrDecras ~toInt32 ( val )@ Deprecated public static Object nameIncrDecr ( Scriptable scopeChain , String id , int incrDecrMask ) { return nameIncrDecr ( scopeChain , id , Context . getContext ( ) , incrDecrMask ) ; } 0https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/BoofCV/blob/f01c0243da0ec086285ee722183804d5923bc3ac/main/boofcv-feature/src/main/java/boofcv/factory/feature/detect/peak/FactorySearchLocalPeak.java#L57-L62BoofConcurrency.loopForMean - shift based search with a Gaussian kernelpublic static void loopFor ( int start , int endExclusive , IntConsumer consumer ) { try { pool . submit ( ( ) -> IntStream . range ( start , endExclusive ) . parallel ( ) . forEach ( consumer ) ) . get ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException | ExecutionException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } } 0https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/aa38502458969b2d13a1c3665a56aba600e4dbd0/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/auth/AbstractAWSSigner.java#L271-L281AbstractAWSSigner.getCanonicalizedQueryStringReturns the request s payload as binary data .protected String getCanonicalizedQueryString ( Map < String , List < String > > parameters ) { final SortedMap < String , List < String > > sorted = new TreeMap < String , List < String > > ( ) ; /** * Signing protocol expects the param values also to be sorted after url * encoding in addition to sorted parameter names. */ for ( Map . Entry < String , List < String > > entry : parameters . entrySet ( ) ) { final String encodedParamName = SdkHttpUtils . urlEncode ( entry . getKey ( ) , false ) ; final List < String > paramValues = entry . getValue ( ) ; final List < String > encodedValues = new ArrayList < String > ( paramValues . size ( ) ) ; for ( String value : paramValues ) { encodedValues . add ( SdkHttpUtils . urlEncode ( value , false ) ) ; } Collections . sort ( encodedValues ) ; sorted . put ( encodedParamName , encodedValues ) ; } final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ( ) ; for ( Map . Entry < String , List < String > > entry : sorted . entrySet ( ) ) { for ( String value : entry . getValue ( ) ) { if ( result . length ( ) > 0 ) { result . append ( "&" ) ; } result . append ( entry . getKey ( ) ) . append ( "=" ) . append ( value ) ; } } return result . toString ( ) ; } 1https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/aa38502458969b2d13a1c3665a56aba600e4dbd0/aws-java-sdk-ssm/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/simplesystemsmanagement/model/transform/GetConnectionStatusRequestMarshaller.java#L42-L53GetConnectionStatusRequestMarshaller.marshallMarshall the given parameter object .public void marshall ( GetConnectionStatusRequest getConnectionStatusRequest , ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller ) { if ( getConnectionStatusRequest == null ) { throw new SdkClientException ( "Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)" ) ; } try { protocolMarshaller . marshall ( getConnectionStatusRequest . getTarget ( ) , TARGET_BINDING ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new SdkClientException ( "Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } } 0https://github.com/kiegroup/drools/blob/22b0275d6dbe93070b8090948502cf46eda543c4/kie-dmn/kie-dmn-model/src/main/java/org/kie/dmn/model/v1_2/dmndi/DMNDiagram.java#L49-L51EqualityAssertMapComparator.equalSets the value of the size property .public boolean equal ( final Object o1 , Object o2 ) { if ( o1 == o2 ) { return true ; } // o1 is a FactHandle, so just check their id's are the same if ( o1 instanceof FactHandle ) { return ( ( InternalFactHandle ) o1 ) . getId ( ) == ( ( InternalFactHandle ) o2 ) . getId ( ) ; } // o1 is an object, so unwrap o2 for comparison final InternalFactHandle handle = ( ( InternalFactHandle ) o2 ) ; o2 = handle . getObject ( ) ; return o1 == o2 || o2 . equals ( o1 ) ; } 0https://github.com/OpenLiberty/open-liberty/blob/ca725d9903e63645018f9fa8cbda25f60af83a5d/dev/com.ibm.ws.messaging.common/src/com/ibm/ws/sib/msgstore/gbs/GBSNode.java#L1375-L1393AbstractCDIArchive.loadBdaClassesUsed by test code to make sure that all of the keys within a node are in the correct collating sequence .@ FFDCIgnore ( { ClassNotFoundException . class , LinkageError . class } ) public Map < String , Class < ? > > loadBdaClasses ( Set < String > internalClassNames , Set < String > additionalClassNames ) throws CDIException { Map < String , Class < ? > > classes = new HashMap < String , Class < ? > > ( ) ; ClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader ( ) ; for ( String className : additionalClassNames ) { try { Class < ? > clazz = classLoader . loadClass ( className ) ; classes . put ( className , clazz ) ; } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { // skip classes that can't be loaded if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "Skipping additional class which can't be loaded" , className , classLoader ) ; } } catch ( LinkageError e ) { // skip classes that have linkage errors if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "Skipping additional class which can't be loaded" , className , classLoader ) ; } } } for ( String className : internalClassNames ) { try { Class < ? > clazz = classLoader . loadClass ( className ) ; // only add the class if it was loaded by the archive class loader if ( clazz . getClassLoader ( ) == classLoader ) { classes . put ( className , clazz ) ; } else { if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "Skipping class which is external to the BDA" , clazz , clazz . getClassLoader ( ) , classLoader ) ; } } } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { //skip over classes that can't be loaded if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "Skipping class which can't be loaded" , className , classLoader ) ; } } catch ( LinkageError e ) { // skip classes that have linkage errors if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "Skipping class which can't be loaded" , className , classLoader ) ; } } } return classes ; } 0https://github.com/fozziethebeat/S-Space/blob/a608102737dfd3d59038a9ead33fe60356bc6029/src/main/java/edu/ucla/sspace/beagle/Beagle.java#L382-L391Beagle.changeVectorPopulates the given array with values 0 to {private DoubleVector changeVector ( DoubleVector data , int [ ] orderVector ) { DoubleVector result = new DenseVector ( indexVectorSize ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexVectorSize ; i ++ ) result . set ( i , data . get ( orderVector [ i ] ) ) ; return result ; } 1https://github.com/biojava/biojava/blob/a1c71a8e3d40cc32104b1d387a3d3b560b43356e/biojava-structure/src/main/java/org/biojava/nbio/structure/align/fatcat/calc/AFPPostProcessor.java#L83-L162AFPPostProcessor.splitBlockin some special cases there is no maginificent twists in the final chaining result ; however their rmsd ( original and after optimizing ) are very large . Therefore a post - process is taken to split the blocks further at the ralative bad connections ( with relative high distance variation ) to be tested : split or not according to optimized or initial chaining???private static void splitBlock ( FatCatParameters params , AFPChain afpChain , Atom [ ] ca1 , Atom [ ] ca2 ) { if ( debug ) System . err . println ( "AFPPostProcessor: splitBlock" ) ; int i , a , bk , cut ; double maxs , maxt ; int blockNum = afpChain . getBlockNum ( ) ; int maxTra = params . getMaxTra ( ) ; double badRmsd = params . getBadRmsd ( ) ; int blockNum0 = blockNum ; double [ ] blockRmsd = afpChain . getBlockRmsd ( ) ; int [ ] blockSize = afpChain . getBlockSize ( ) ; int [ ] block2Afp = afpChain . getBlock2Afp ( ) ; double [ ] afpChainTwiList = afpChain . getAfpChainTwiList ( ) ; bk = 0 ; while ( blockNum < maxTra + 1 ) { maxs = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < blockNum ; i ++ ) { if ( blockRmsd [ i ] > maxs && blockSize [ i ] > 2 ) { //according to the optimized alignment maxs = blockRmsd [ i ] ; bk = i ; } //!(Note: optRmsd, not blockRmsd, according to the optimized alignment } if ( maxs < badRmsd ) break ; maxt = 0 ; cut = 0 ; for ( i = 1 ; i < blockSize [ bk ] ; i ++ ) { a = i + block2Afp [ bk ] ; if ( afpChainTwiList [ a ] > maxt ) { maxt = afpChainTwiList [ a ] ; cut = i ; } } if ( debug ) System . out . println ( String . format ( "block %d original size %d rmsd %.3f maxt %.2f cut at %d\n" , bk , blockSize [ bk ] , maxs , maxt , cut ) ) ; for ( i = blockNum - 1 ; i > bk ; i -- ) { block2Afp [ i + 1 ] = block2Afp [ i ] ; blockSize [ i + 1 ] = blockSize [ i ] ; blockRmsd [ i + 1 ] = blockRmsd [ i ] ; } //update block information block2Afp [ bk + 1 ] = cut + block2Afp [ bk ] ; blockSize [ bk + 1 ] = blockSize [ bk ] - cut ; blockSize [ bk ] = cut ; if ( debug ) System . out . println ( String . format ( " split into %d and %d sizes\n" , blockSize [ bk ] , blockSize [ bk + 1 ] ) ) ; int [ ] afpChainList = afpChain . getAfpChainList ( ) ; //int[] subrange1 = getSubrange(afpChainList, block2Afp[bk + 1] ); blockRmsd [ bk + 1 ] = AFPChainer . calAfpRmsd ( blockSize [ bk + 1 ] , afpChainList , block2Afp [ bk + 1 ] , afpChain , ca1 , ca2 ) ; //int[] subrange2 = getSubrange(afpChainList, block2Afp[bk] ); blockRmsd [ bk ] = AFPChainer . calAfpRmsd ( blockSize [ bk ] , afpChainList , block2Afp [ bk ] , afpChain , ca1 , ca2 ) ; //split a block at the biggest position blockNum ++ ; afpChain . setAfpChainList ( afpChainList ) ; } if ( blockNum - blockNum0 > 0 ) { if ( debug ) System . out . println ( String . format ( "Split %d times:\n" , blockNum - blockNum0 ) ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < blockNum ; i ++ ) { if ( debug ) System . out . println ( String . format ( " block %d size %d from %d rmsd %.3f\n" , i , blockSize [ i ] , block2Afp [ i ] , blockRmsd [ i ] ) ) ; } } afpChain . setBlockNum ( blockNum ) ; afpChain . setBlockSize ( blockSize ) ; afpChain . setBlockRmsd ( blockRmsd ) ; afpChain . setBlock2Afp ( block2Afp ) ; } 0https://github.com/alkacon/opencms-core/blob/bc104acc75d2277df5864da939a1f2de5fdee504/src-gwt/org/opencms/gwt/client/ui/input/form/CmsBasicFormField.java#L125-L135CmsBasicFormField.createFieldUtility method for creating a basic form field .

public static CmsBasicFormField createField ( CmsXmlContentProperty propertyConfig ) { return createField ( propertyConfig , Collections . < String , String > emptyMap ( ) ) ; } 0https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock/blob/2c71339e756bcc0b1424c4525680549ba3a2dc97/actionbarsherlock/src/com/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/IcsProgressBar.java#L436-L448IcsProgressBar.setSecondaryProgress

Initialize the progress bar s default values : < / p >