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Releases: microsoft/SQL_LogScout

SQL LogScout v6.24.02.18

19 Feb 01:08
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certutil -hashfile SHA512

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Known Issue(s)

  1. When invoking SQL_LogScout as a scheduled task and passing the -Daily parameter, the first execution of LogScout will work properly but all subsequent attempts to launch SQL_LogScout will result in the execution to immediately terminate. Workaround is to use the -Once switch instead. We intend to fix this issue in the next release.


  • Create the Never-Ending Query scenario in SQL LogScout
  • Add a new scenario for Service Broker/Database Mail
  • Add support for diagnosing out-of-memory for memory-optimized tempdb collector
  • Refactor: Remove spaces in script file names like "Profiler Traces.sql", "Query Store", "SQL Server Perf Stats", "SQL Server Perf Stats Snapshot.sql"
  • Wrap T-SQL scripts in TRY..CATCH blocks to avoid overall script failures (Perfstat, High CPU queries, SQL_Server_Mem_Stats.sql)
  • Create offline option: enhance the Basic log scenario to get Errorlogs and configuration, and other SQL static logs when instances are stopped (offline)
  • SQLLogScout Code Refactor: Re-wrote multiple queries the MiscPSSDiagInfo.sql and renamed file to MiscDiagInfo.sql
  • Change new folder timestamp to use ISO format (yyyyMMddTHHmmss)
  • Add a function to detect whether the current instance is HADRenabled
  • Move capturing of loaded modules inside SQL Server from Perf scenarios to Basic scenario
  • Collect Exception.log as part of capturing dump information
  • Include the last 200 .txt files generated from memory dumps (SQLDump*.txt files)
  • Add collection of memory DMVs for In-Memory OTLP (XTP)
  • Add sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests to the High_IO_Perfstats.sql in the IO scenario
  • Add collection of Environment Variables in the Basic scenario
  • Add encryption to the SQLCMD connections -C -N to ensure traffic is protected over the wire when server supports encryption
  • Automate the test execution of Testing suite - have the Pipeline test upon every merge
  • Refactor: Remove GetErrorlogs() function and corresponding .sql file - as it's not used
  • Gather SQL VM configuration json file - Azure Instance Metadata Service
  • Examine the Pipeline sequence and ensure that PostAnalysis task is set in proper location and executed successfully
  • Update testing for SQL Nexus for XTP tables after they are introduced in SQL Nexus
  • Complete the Azure Pipeline to perform full suite testing. Include return values to mark task as failed if there's a failure in intermediate steps
  • Minor adjustments on the In-memory data collection from the SQL_Server_Mem_Stats script.
  • Make SystemInfo output importable into SQL Nexus
  • Change behavior to collect all Errorlog files regardless of file length (0 bytes or more)
  • Rename SQLAgent logs by appending servername to file name for consistency
  • Add support to collect dumps with new format name + compressed dumps
  • SQL Server dumps: increase size of memory dumps collected from 50 MB to 100 MB
  • Add the XTP memory scenario on the testing infrastructure
  • Integrate SQL Nexus in testing Pipeline - install components from command line
  • Add parallel compressed dumps as an option on the MemoryDump scenario
  • Collect sysaltfiles in MiscDiagInfo.sql for use with VSS non-component backup failures
  • Always attempt to collect SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG
  • Create GUI for Service Broker and Database Mail scenario
  • Create Service Broker and DbMail testing for tables imported via SQL Nexus
  • Generate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) in Pipeline
  • Add service status of SQL instance to SQL_LogScout GUI
  • Remove Service Broker-related Xevents from General and Detailed Perf scenarios as they are part of ServiceBroker scenario now
  • Skip the AG latency xevents and topology collection when isHADRenable = $false
  • Update Azure pipeline with a dynamic link for downloading SQLNexus (
  • Change the order SQL LogScout stops the T-SQL sessions - kill the sessions before Invoke-OnShutdown
  • Ensure testing infrastructure writes detailed output to screen when it fails for the purposes of Pipeline


  • Fixed a test failure due to SQLAgent files not being present when SQL Agent service is not running
  • Fix arithmetic overflow error in memory script \SQL_Server_Mem_Stats.sql
  • Define the TCP and UDP Perfmon counters correctly to use TCPv4, TCPv6 and UDPv4 , UDPv6
  • Fix issue where /? or -help or -? causes an error instead of producing help menu and build a test for it
  • Fix issues with testing infrastructure logic with logs when \output folders missing
  • Fix Perfstats - there's a missing column alias for two SELECT statements
  • Fix UTC to local server time offset to be negative if time zone "before" UTC and positive if time zone "after" UTC
  • Fix SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log was not being captured even though it's designed to do it
  • Fix issue where SQL \Log folder may be incorrectly constructed if the word "errorlog" is in the path name
  • Fix on the AG Topology XML data collector: duplicated file extension and blank space in the error output file.
  • Fix invocation of SQL_LogScout in testing infrastructure to use Start-Process instead of & call operator
  • Fix column name not using proper case in SQL Server Perf Stats Snapshot.sql script
  • Remove ucs.ucs_connection_rejected_by_proxy_whitelist Xevent from SSB scenario as it's not supported in SQL 2012 and not really needed
  • Fix failure to collect some data when Primary in AG is set to ReadWrite connections only and there's a secondary AG with read-intent only on same server
  • Fix error 'Write-LogInformation' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function when SQL LogScout is terminated with CTRL+C
  • Fix a failure to collect Xevents when xevent_core is unchecked in the UI with scenarios that use Xevent_Core
  • Fix Azure Arc Logs zip may be empty in some cases
  • Fix differences between memory grant data sets in Perfstats script
  • Fix incorrect entry for Broker Activation perfmon counters in LogmanConfig.txt
  • Fix testing failure for Arc agent logs because file name not in the Basic scenario array
  • Fix Network Scenario collection failure due to connection string being empty
  • Update testing infrastructure to exclude files where isHADRenabled = $false
  • Fix Initialize-ScheduledTaskLog to use incorrect date format
  • Handle the Basic scenario more gracefully when invalid instance is passed as a parameter
  • Fix instance name in the list of instances to be in alphabetical order
  • Fix proccache_summary query in Memory scenario produces an arithmetic overflow error
  • AlwaysOn Test on SQL2019 AG instance failed with missing tables in the SQL Nexus db due to insufficient time to run LogScout

SQL LogScout version

16 Jun 20:03
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Scroll down to the bottom of this page and find the Assets section. Expand it and select to download it

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You can verify the download by computing the hash of the file, using this command:

certutil -hashfile SHA512

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  • Update Network trace scenario - optimize shutdown and remove .bat files
  • Increase the output size for variable data types from T-SQL scripts to 512 from default 256 in SQLCMD calls -y parameter
  • Incorporate the Lease and HealthCheck timeout values in SQLLogScout collection
  • Move all files except SQL_LogScout.cmd into a subfolder to make it easy to invoke
  • Allow user to select and de-select entire group of Xevents in the GUI
  • Get disk and LUN information in Basic scenario
  • Gather logs for Azure Arc Enabled SQL Server as part of Basic scenario
  • Refactor Testing infrastructure items - rename or remove files, improve output in test files, better SQL Nexus testing
  • Create a T-SQL workload that we can run with Testing Infrastructure suites while testing various scenarios (GeneralPerf, DetailedPerf, LightPerf)
  • Limit the number of ERRORLOGs collected from a system that has tens/hundreds of them
  • Ensure that heavy collectors are stopped first upon SQL LogScout shutdown (Xevents, Procmon, Storport Wpr, Netmon)
  • Update the file to state that SQL LogScout should be executed on a fast drive
  • Collect installation related registry keys in the Setup Scenario
  • Improve error message when SQL LogScout fails due to connectivity issues
  • Document issues caused by non-alpha characters in folder names
  • Introduce conditional checks for file existence in testing infrastructure
  • Uniform formatting of messages when a collector is not invoked due to missing component (Assessment API and Azure Arc)
  • Optimize the shutdown of Network trace - make it asynchronous to shutdown with other processes running
  • Refactor StartNewProcess to return the process object and also handle the output when parent call does not use the return
  • Update Query Store (QDS) script with additional DMVs including some from SQL 2022
  • Capture DBCC LOGINFO or sys.dm_db_log_info information to help troubleshoot VLF issues
  • Capture Perfmon for a short duration in Basic Scenario
  • Capture top 10 high-CPU query plans in XML format (.plan)
  • Collect the last 2 months SQL memory dumps form the \Log folder, no greater than 50 MB in size
  • Prompt user to delete job or inform them that the job is retained - ScheduleSQLLogScoutAsTask
  • Enable option to "run if user is not logged in" - ScheduleSQLLogScoutAsTask
  • Rename the Testing infra logs to have the datetime at the end of file name
  • Improve the logging information for file validation outputs
  • Disable "Do you want to use GUI" prompt if Scenario, ServerName, CustomOutputPath and DeleteExistingOrCreateNew parameters are passed (not null)
  • Create conditional exclusions for SQLNexus related tables in TestingInfrastucture component
  • Update the Readme file that we capture QDS (Query Store) info with Perf scenarios
  • Refactor sqlnexus_tablecheck_proc.sql to insert rows only once for Basic scenario
  • Optimizations in Testing infrastructure when calling Get-Content with Select-String in FileCountAndTypeValidation.ps1
  • Create a test infra exclusion for Backup Restore scenario for Xevent on SQL 2014 or less
  • Create a test infra exclusion for AlwaysOn data movement scenario for Xevent on SQL 2014 SP2 or less
  • Rename the file validation test file by adding abbreviations to file name to be able to identify the scenarios that ran
  • Add parameter to ScheduleSQLLogscoutTask on whether User is Logged In or Not
  • Updated Perf Stats scripts to support SQL Server 2022
  • Improve SQLNexus_Test.ps1 logging to capture scenarios where Nexus failed or SQLCMD failed
  • Introduce a Scenarios parameter to ConsistentQualityTesting to allow for individual scenario testing
  • Refactor Testing Infrastructure - simplify code, remove un-needed components, reorganize
  • Created video training for diagnosing Always On Lease Timeout with SQL LogScout
  • Cleanup queries with string filtering to improve performance
  • Allow PowerPlan output to be imported into SQL Nexus by adding an identifier
  • Get IP Config, TCP and UDP endpoint info, and DNS cache info
  • Print the entire Summary.txt output on screen after ConsistentQualityTesting has completed at the end
  • Move the cluster log collection from Basic to Always On scenario.
  • Add tables and create exclusions in testing infrastructure for the QDS rowsets
  • Add exclusion for cluster log testing on systems that are not WSFC
  • Generate XML file required for AlwaysOn Data movement Xevent analysis
  • Add CTRL+C functionality in the function that generates Cluster logs to increase chance to cancel in case it's too long


  • GUI: Made all the Perfmon and Xevent checkboxes disabled (grayed out) when no scenario is selected
  • Enabled Quiet mode for Replication Scenario
  • Changed Readme to better document DoProcmonTest parameter
  • Fixed WPR scenario failure on Windows Server 2016/2019 due to unsupported -skippdbgen parameter
  • Created UX consistency between GUI and command-line with regard to \output and \output_ddMMyyhhmmss folders
  • Fixed Perfmon .BLGs taking a long time to import in SQL Nexus as compared to BLGs from PSSDIAG due to Thread object being present
  • Fixed issue with output file names containing gibberish instead of datetime when using PS 4.0
  • Fixed issue where Xevent session [xevent_SQLLogScout] gets created but doesn't get started when GeneralPerf +AlwaysOn scenarios are run together
  • Fixed issue where CleanupIncompleteShutdown.ps1 prints only the first character of an instance name on Win 2012 R2
  • Resolve XTP Perfmon counters differences between versions 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022
  • Detailed Xevent scenario incorrectly enables xevent_core instead of xevent_detailed when global:xevent_on = true
  • Fixed issue where AlwaysOn scenario does not collect 'Basic' logs by default
  • Improved -daily switch behavior of ScheduleSQLLogScoutAsTask
  • RunIndividualTest.bat reports no results when run against any 2-digit scenario such as LightPerf, IO, BackupRestore
  • Resolve minor issue with sys.database_scoped_configurations columns to ensure that this can be imported in SQL Nexus tables
  • Fixed tests where IO+NoBasic, Memory+NoBasic incorrectly report missing files from the Basic scenario
  • Fixed testing issue where Network trace file validation incorrectly reports that Basic files are missing
  • Fixed issue where SQL Audit Xevents are not showing up in --XEvent Session Details-- output in MiscPssdiagInfo.out
  • Cleanup script not recognizing SQL FCI instances
  • Ensure that the memory grant diagnostic queries do not use memory grant themselves or will get stuck waiting
  • Perf Extended Events trace creation fails when you uncheck the ExistingConnection xevent in Core and file_write_completed xevent in AlwaysOn
  • Remove digital signature from GUIHandler.psm1 file in the code as this is handled during release.
  • Script collecting existing XE sessions is returning duplicate events
  • Fixed documentation: clarify that AlwaysOn scenario collects some core Xevents (RPC and Batch started and completed, login/logout, errors)
  • Fixed Xevent core not being stopped with AlwaysOn scenario during regular clean up
  • Fixed an issue with blank Instance name when SQL LogScout is executed on an OS with non-English language
  • Fixed issue with GetRunningDrivers on Windows with non-English Language
  • Fixed memory stats script failure on SQL 2022

SQL LogScout version 5.0

22 Nov 16:53
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Verify downloaded file:

You can verify the download by computing the hash of the file, using this command:

certutil -hashfile SHA512

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  1. Make SQLLogScout data collection configurable with GUI
  2. Add a new Procmon scenario to collect Process Monitor (procmon) trace
  3. Enhance TempDB Space usage script to match the updates on PSSDiag (Use of DMVs, optimized code, and streamlined resultset to only show non-empty tempdb pages)
  4. Enhance TempDB_and_Tran_Analysis.sql script with latest (from PSSDIAG) for better formatting of resultset
  5. Enhance Replication scenario to include distribution database metadata about publication, subscriptions, etc
  6. Add support for Instant file initialization check in the MiscPssdiagInfo.sql
  7. Add support for resumable indexes is for SQL Server versions 2019 and later
  8. Add ability to execute SQL LogScout on Secondary replicas in Availability Group with Read-Intent Only
  9. Add ability to make SQLLogScout schedulable as a Windows task
  10. Add support for scheduling multiple SQLLogScout sessions at different times with different task names by including a -CmdTaskName parameter when calling ScheduleSQLLogScoutAsTask.ps1
  11. Enhance linked_server_config.sql to eliminate errors when executed by non-sysadmin user and also enhance readability of the output log
  12. Create a clean-up script which will close/shut down any left-over processes in case the CMD window from which SQLLogScout was launched is closed before LogScout completes
  13. Add a warning message during quiet mode execution that indicates to the end user that the quite mode suppresses all prompts and accepts all Y for user input
  14. Support collection of Service Broker Xevents by default in General and Detailed Scenarios
  15. Add functionality to capture only the head and tail parts (500 lines on each end) for large ERRORLOG files (> 1GB)
  16. Add collection of server properties for display in SQLNexus in all collectors even if Basic collector is not explicitly selected for execution
  17. Add support for collecting FSUtil info in the Basic scenario to get disk sector information
  18. Add ability to export the list of filtered drivers into SQL Nexus so the filtered driver list can be viewed directly from SQL Nexus
  19. Enable support for usage of "server,port" as a ServerName in command options
  20. Enable Setup scenario to run on shutdown
  21. Enhance Spinlock collection to include only non-zero spins
  22. Make the TaskList outputs importable into SQL Nexus by using an identifier and column names
  23. Move all AG-related queries to AlwaysOnDiagScript.sql and (out of MiscPssdiagInfo.sql)
  24. Simplify the output of ServerProperties resultset by removing dependency on xp_instance_regread in MiscPssdiagInfo.sql
  25. Split SQLLogScoutPs.ps1 into multiple PSM modules
  26. Update PerfStats snapshot script to reflect some of the changes that exist in Diagmanager
  27. Create hashtables to store Scenario Name and Bit value to simplify lookups


  1. Added backslash support in the $OutputPath and $LogScoutPath parameter values
  2. BackupRestore_Test.ps1 is no longer unresponsive due to displaying a prompt for SQL VSS Writer service restart agreement when executed from command prompt with Quiet mode
  3. Clean up or improve some text messages (UX)
  4. Confirm-SQLPermissions now has a check for empty string in addition to the check for NULL for user or password variables
  5. Fixed exception "file is being used by another process" when SQLLogScoutPs.ps1 is invoked directly inside Powershell is fixed
  6. Fix for Error "class keyword not supported" on Powershell version 4.0
  7. Fix for error 469 indicating collation conflict when running '--XEvent Session Details--' query in MiscPssdiagInfo.sql when user database has a different collation from master database
  8. Fix for Error in SQLLogScoutPs.ps1 Collector: "Function 'Select-Scenario' failed with error: Cannot index into a null array."
  9. Fix for errors observed when a choice is made to not proceed with DetailedPerf
  10. Fix for failure in Execution of AlwaysOn+DumpMemory+GeneralPerf with error: "The team .\sqldumphelper.ps1 is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file or operable program"
  11. Fix for Failure in Function 'Invoke-DiagnosticCleanUpAndExit' with error: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression when closing the GUI with Cancel button
  12. Fix for failure to locate/open the .SQL files for hash validation if sqllogscoutps.ps1 is executed directly
  13. Fix for intermittent failure in GeneralPerf and DetailedPerf collections with error : "Cannot alter the event session 'xevent_SQLLogScout', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
  14. Fix for unresponsive GUI for a few seconds and exit back to CMD mode when SQLLogScout is opened in PowerShell
  15. Get-FileAttributes now excludes psm, htm, and txt files. Previously it was only excluding ps1 files and not the other files.
  16. GetAlwaysOnHealthXel function now successfully gets AlwaysOn_health*.xel files using Get-InstanceNameOnly to retrieve instance name even when SQL Server Parameters registry key is NULL
  17. High_IO_Perfstats.sql , StartNetworkTrace.bat, and StopNetworkTrace.bat are now hashed in Confirm-FileAttributes
  18. IO scenario now recognizes when an instance name is provided and collects DMV info, previously it would fail due to it being included in the list of instance independent scenarios
  19. Kill-ActiveLogScoutSessions no longer runs when Procmon scenario is used without an instance
  20. Perfmon counters are now collected for a default SQL instance on a cluster
  21. Re-run of SQLLogScoutPs.ps1 in the same PowerShell session is now possible due to a fix that ensures that all handles to open log files are closed
  22. SQL Instance name in the form of ippadd,portno is now resolved in function GetSQLErrorLogsDumpsSysHealth() that obtains logs from SQL Log folder
  23. T-SQL scripts that execute on shutdown are now executed synchronously so that they are not terminated early during shutdown due to asynchronous call
  24. Update Replication Collector to Print Header Only if Table Exists
  25. Warning messages indicating skipping execution of collector(s) are shown to the user when the user does not have access granted on SQL instance
  26. WPR collection now limits the user entry for duration of WPR trace to a valid range of 3-45 seconds
  27. WPR collection now uses the server name if made available as a parameter instead of always using the no_instance_found as default from the file name
  28. Update SQL_Server_Mem_Stats.sql to allow it to import in SQL Nexus data

Automated Tests - Fixes and Enhancements

  1. Add scenario name in Files Name generated in Test Infrastructure run
  2. Add the SQLNexus replication testing in ConsistentQualityTests , since the replication tables are made importable in Nexus
  3. Add Validation to ensure processing of SQLLogScout output by SQLNexus for the following scenarios: GeneralPerf, DetailedPerf, and LightPerf
  4. Automated testing for Replication Collector does not handle No Replication Configuration
  5. Fix for Failure in Function 'Write-Log' fails with error: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Message'
  6. Fix for failure to run test against the AlwaysOn scenario due to a misspelled scenario name - Always_On instead of AlwaysOn
  7. Fix for failures with Network trace scenario test due to incorrect number of files
  8. Fix for Test name sometimes shows up as blank ''
  9. SQLAssessmentAPI.out output file is removed as a required output file to prevent tests failing due to missing SQLAssessmentAPI.out file
  10. Visually deliniate each individual test scenario on console output for ease of readability
  11. Add summary file for all tests run and dump the result in single file

SQL LogScout version 4.5

18 Mar 16:03
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Release Notes:

This is SQL LogScout version 4.5. It contains digitally-signed Powershell files so it can be run Windows Server with default execution policy.


  • Added help option for command - SQLLogScout
  • Keep last few ##SQLLOGSCOUT_DEBUG.LOG in the %temp% folder
  • Check collector logs in internal folder for errors
  • Invoke Get-Cluster logs against each node individually by using the -Node parameter
  • Create the ability to disable "Basic" as default scenario from all other scenarios (command switch and menu)- NoBasic
  • Add os_thread_id is HighCPU_perfstats.sql script to be able to show parallel queries (same SPID different thread ID)
  • Avoid using Hostname.exe in calls and use a single global to store the hostname
  • Break up SQLLogScoutPs.ps1 into multiple files - PSM modules
  • WPR improvements: Increase collect time to 45 sec, provide a right before we start WPR , skip PDB gen
  • Refactoring: Need to add function name to errors and warnings to allow clear understaning where message comes from - for debugging
  • Add a column to indicate whether an Xevent is expensive in MiscPssdiagInfo.sql
  • Need to collect the data that produces the tbl_ServerProperties in SQLNexus with LightPerf and other perf scenarios
  • Create the ability to generate Hash for a single file in Get-FileAttributes


  • "Connection string is not valid" error in Confirm-SQLPermissions
  • If DiagStartTime is specified before current time, then user may leave screen and then get prompted for more input, UNLESS Quiet is specified
  • Improve Confirm-SQLPermissions to test create/start of an event session
  • Verify that error logging works correctly when launching SQLCMD.EXE
  • Fix the Help message to reflect the proper parameter name for ServerName
  • Allow SQL Perfstats Snapshot to allow it to import in SQLNexus
  • Change Tracking minor fix into the .SQL script transferred from PSSDIAG
  • Not collecting SQLPerfstats Snapshot data on shutdown when using LightPerf Scenario
  • Core Xevents from Xevent_core.sql script are created, but never collected/start in the AlwaysOn Scenario
  • FilecountandtypeValidation.ps1 fails to execute in main() 'Write-LogInformation' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet (line: 738, 29)
  • Convert period "." / (local) into a hostname if user uses "." for server name - the goal is avoid . in the output file names
  • Scenario check is incorrect in ArbitrateSelectedScenarios causing Basic to be collected every time
  • LightPerf scenario does not collect SQLPerfstats Snapshot on Shutdown
  • Confirm-SQLPermissions is failing when executing query - Method invocation failed because [System.Data.CommandBehavior] does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'
  • In function GetClusterInformation(), at the end vairable $output_file need to reinitialized
  • Not collecting SQLDIAG_.xel files + Improve debugging for copying of Errolrogs, Agent logx, Systemhealth.xel, sp_serverdiagnostic xel, AlwaysOn.xel and Polybase logs
  • SQL LogScout is being detected as threat by some security software
  • SQLWriter service is being restarted on shutdown regardless of whether customer agreed and whether on SQL 2019
  • Create a function that can be used inside Catch blocks to handle catch scenarios and add ScriptName
  • Handling Exception with proper Error Message in case User don't have permission on Output Folder
  • Add a Try Catch block for many functions
  • TestingInfrastructure - Tests don't execute or fail when ran with Command line parameters
  • Error: Data Collector Set was not found. Error: Data Collector Set was not found when running AlwaysOn Scenario
  • The event name, "sqlserver.file_write_enqueued", is invalid, or the object could not be found when running AlwaysOn scenario on SQL 2012
  • Exclude "DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator." message from being shown as an issue from a non-empty log
  • Minor bug with Testininfrastructure - likely just a location fix for the CommonFunction.psm1
  • When Basic scenario is enabled as part of other scenarios, then DiagStopTime (EndTime) does not work

SQL LogScout version 4.1.11

10 Sep 22:17
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Important Note:

SQL LogScout development team is aware that some third-party tools are flagging both the ZIP package and individual files as a malicious threat. The development team conducted extensive review of the source files and found no malicious code in it. In addition, the development teams is improving the software to avoid this annoyance in the future. We have discovered that if we break up the main file into several files - smaller and less complex scripts - then this issue is no longer reported. We wanted to remind you that all of the SQL LogScout files are digitally signed which ensures that they cannot be modified or tampered with – for more details around the security measures see section SQL LogScout - Security.

Release Notes:

This is SQL LogScout version 4.1.11. It contains digitally-signed Powershell files so it can be run Windows Server with default execution policy.

Fix List:

  • Quite mode $InteractivePrompts = "Quiet" not honored when passed in
  • When run as Command line param GeneralPerf scenario does not collect Basic with it
  • I/O scenario string causes failure to collect when passed as a parameter
  • Added support for/compatibility with Powershell v4.0
  • Create Event logs in .TXT format , in addition to the existing CSV
  • Export Cluster hive as a binary .HIV file
  • Added a Light Performance Scenario (Basic + Perfstats + Perfmon ) No Xevents traces
  • Created 2 sets of logs: one Console log and one Debug Log
  • Moved parameter validation to a separate function which will replace ValidateSet and ValidateScript
  • Fixed error "Cannot alter the event session 'Xevent_SQLLogScout', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
  • Fixed ability to right-click SQL_LogScout.CMD as Admin and launch

SQL LogScout version 4.0.0

16 Jul 21:00
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This is SQL LogScout version 4.0.0. It contains signed Powershell files so it can be run Windows Server with default execution policy.

SQL LogScout version 3.3.3

02 Apr 20:51
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This is the third release of SQL LogScout. It contains digitally-signed Powershell files so it can be run Windows Server with default execution policy.