diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index e4fe76746a..225eb31b54 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -69,3 +69,14 @@ node_modules/ .bsp website/.docusaurus null/ + +# pytorch_lightning logs +**/lightning_logs/* + +# pytest +.pytest_cache/ + +# python wheel +**/build/* +**/dist/* +**/*.egg-info/* diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt index 992bfb3e94..4e982dc1da 100644 --- a/build.sbt +++ b/build.sbt @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ generateDotnetDoc := { val doxygenHelperFile = join(dotnetSrcDir, "DoxygenHelper.txt") if (doxygenHelperFile.exists()) FileUtils.forceDelete(doxygenHelperFile) FileUtils.writeStringToFile(doxygenHelperFile, fileContent, "utf-8") - runCmd(Seq("bash", "-c","cat DoxygenHelper.txt >> Doxyfile", ""), dotnetSrcDir) + runCmd(Seq("bash", "-c", "cat DoxygenHelper.txt >> Doxyfile", ""), dotnetSrcDir) runCmd(Seq("doxygen"), dotnetSrcDir) } @@ -270,9 +270,11 @@ publishPypi := { val publishDocs = TaskKey[Unit]("publishDocs", "publish docs for scala, python and dotnet") publishDocs := { - generatePythonDoc.value - (root / Compile / unidoc).value - generateDotnetDoc.value + Def.sequential( + generatePythonDoc, + generateDotnetDoc, + (root / Compile / unidoc) + ).value val html = """ |
@@ -382,10 +384,10 @@ lazy val cognitive = (project in file("cognitive"))
       "com.azure" % "azure-ai-textanalytics" % "5.1.4"
     dependencyOverrides ++= Seq(
-      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" %  "jackson-databind" % "2.12.5",
-      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" %  "jackson-core" % "2.12.5",
-      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" %  "jackson-annotations" % "2.12.5",
-      "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat"  %  "jackson-dataformat-xml" % "2.12.5",
+      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % "2.12.5",
+      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-core" % "2.12.5",
+      "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-annotations" % "2.12.5",
+      "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat" % "jackson-dataformat-xml" % "2.12.5",
       "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype" % "jackson-datatype-jsr310" % "2.12.5"
     name := "synapseml-cognitive"
diff --git a/core/src/main/python/synapse/doc/conf.py b/core/src/main/python/synapse/doc/conf.py
index a1c64ced63..a549447d82 100644
--- a/core/src/main/python/synapse/doc/conf.py
+++ b/core/src/main/python/synapse/doc/conf.py
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
 # ones.
 extensions = [
+    "sphinx.ext.doctest",
+    "sphinx_paramlinks",
 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@@ -106,26 +108,17 @@
 # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
-intersphinx_mapping = {"https://docs.python.org/": None}
+intersphinx_mapping = {
+    "python": ("https://docs.python.org/3", None),
+    "torch": ("https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/", None),
+    "numpy": ("https://numpy.org/doc/stable/", None),
+    "pytorch_lightning": ("https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", None),
+    "torchvision": ("https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/", None),
 # intersphinx_mapping = { "scala": ("/scala/index.html", None) }
-# -- Mock out pandas+numpy that can't be found ----------------------------
-import sys
-    from unittest.mock import MagicMock  # python >= 3.3
-except ImportError:
-    from mock import Mock as MagicMock  # older
-class Mock(MagicMock):
-    @classmethod
-    def __getattr__(cls, name):
-        return MagicMock()
-MOCK_MODULES = ["numpy", "pandas"]
-sys.modules.update((mod_name, Mock()) for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES)
+# -- Mock out pandas that can't be found ----------------------------
+autodoc_mock_imports = ["pandas"]
 # -- Setup AutoStructify --------------------------------------------------
 # Use this if we ever want to use markdown pages instead of rst pages.
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/CodeGen.scala b/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/CodeGen.scala
index 96c784c455..94f2eed06f 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/CodeGen.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/CodeGen.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.codegen
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.build.BuildInfo
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.codegen.CodegenConfigProtocol._
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.codegen.DotnetCodegen.dotnetGen
+import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.codegen.GenerationUtils.indent
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.env.FileUtilities._
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.utils.JarLoadingUtils.instantiateServices
 import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ object CodeGen {
           |    testthat (>= 3.0.0)
           |Config/testthat/edition: 3
+          |Encoding: UTF-8
     val scalaVersion = BuildInfo.scalaVersion.split(".".toCharArray).dropRight(1).mkString(".")
@@ -134,11 +136,25 @@ object CodeGen {
   //noinspection ScalaStyle
+  //scalastyle:off
   def generatePyPackageData(conf: CodegenConfig): Unit = {
     if (!conf.pySrcDir.exists()) {
     val extraPackage = if (conf.name.endsWith("core")){" + [\"mmlspark\"]"}else{""}
+    val requireList = if(conf.name.contains("deep-learning")) {
+      s"""MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.8"""".stripMargin
+    } else ""
+    val extraRequirements = if (conf.name.contains("deep-learning")) {
+      s"""extras_require={"extras": [
+         |    "cmake",
+         |    "horovod==0.25.0",
+         |    "pytorch_lightning>=1.5.0,<1.5.10",
+         |    "torch==1.11.0",
+         |    "torchvision>=0.12.0"
+         |]},
+         |python_requires=f">={MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION}",""".stripMargin
+    } else ""
     writeFile(join(conf.pySrcDir, "setup.py"),
          |# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@@ -149,6 +165,8 @@ object CodeGen {
          |import codecs
          |import os.path
+         |$requireList
+         |
          |    name="${conf.name}",
          |    version="${conf.pythonizedVersion}",
@@ -171,10 +189,17 @@ object CodeGen {
          |    ],
          |    zip_safe=True,
          |    package_data={"synapseml": ["../LICENSE.txt", "../README.txt"]},
+         |    project_urls={
+         |        "Website": "https://microsoft.github.io/SynapseML/",
+         |        "Documentation": "https://mmlspark.blob.core.windows.net/docs/${conf.pythonizedVersion}/pyspark/index.html",
+         |        "Source Code": "https://github.com/Microsoft/SynapseML",
+         |    },
+         |${indent(extraRequirements, 1)}
+  //scalastyle:on
   def rGen(conf: CodegenConfig): Unit = {
     println(s"Generating R for ${conf.jarName}")
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/DotnetWrappable.scala b/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/DotnetWrappable.scala
index 1cc16958b3..b606c11fc7 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/DotnetWrappable.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/DotnetWrappable.scala
@@ -275,7 +275,9 @@ trait DotnetWrappable extends BaseWrappable {
     val srcFolders = importPath.mkString(".")
       .replaceAllLiterally("com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml", "synapse.ml").split(".".toCharArray)
     val srcDir = FileUtilities.join((Seq(conf.dotnetSrcDir.toString) ++ srcFolders.toSeq): _*)
-    srcDir.mkdirs()
+    if (!srcDir.exists()) {
+      srcDir.mkdirs()
+    }
       FileUtilities.join(srcDir, dotnetClassName + ".cs").toPath,
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksTests.scala b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksTests.scala
index 38e87598d0..07618d59e4 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksTests.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksTests.scala
@@ -3,53 +3,18 @@
 package com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest
-import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.test.base.TestBase
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.DatabricksUtilities._
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
 import scala.concurrent.Await
 import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
 import scala.language.existentials
-class DatabricksTests extends TestBase {
+class DatabricksTests extends DatabricksTestHelper {
-  val clusterId: String = createClusterInPool(ClusterName, PoolId)
-  val jobIdsToCancel: mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = mutable.ListBuffer[Int]()
-  println("Checking if cluster is active")
-  tryWithRetries(Seq.fill(60 * 15)(1000).toArray) { () =>
-    assert(isClusterActive(clusterId))
-  }
-  println("Installing libraries")
-  installLibraries(clusterId)
-  tryWithRetries(Seq.fill(60 * 3)(1000).toArray) { () =>
-    assert(areLibrariesInstalled(clusterId))
-  }
-  println(s"Creating folder $Folder")
-  workspaceMkDir(Folder)
-  println(s"Submitting jobs")
-  val parNotebookRuns: Seq[DatabricksNotebookRun] = ParallelizableNotebooks.map(uploadAndSubmitNotebook(clusterId, _))
-  parNotebookRuns.foreach(notebookRun => jobIdsToCancel.append(notebookRun.runId))
-  println(s"Submitted ${parNotebookRuns.length} for execution: ${parNotebookRuns.map(_.runId).toList}")
-  assert(parNotebookRuns.nonEmpty)
-  parNotebookRuns.foreach(run => {
-    println(s"Testing ${run.notebookName}")
-    test(run.notebookName) {
-      val result = Await.ready(
-        run.monitor(logLevel = 0),
-        Duration(TimeoutInMillis.toLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).value.get
-      if (!result.isSuccess){
-        throw result.failed.get
-      }
-    }
-  })
+  val clusterId: String = createClusterInPool(ClusterName, AdbRuntime, NumWorkers, PoolId, "[]")
+  val jobIdsToCancel: ListBuffer[Int] = databricksTestHelper(clusterId, Libraries, CPUNotebooks)
   println(s"Submitting nonparallelizable job...")
   NonParallelizableNotebooks.toIterator.foreach(notebook => {
@@ -68,16 +33,12 @@ class DatabricksTests extends TestBase {
   protected override def afterAll(): Unit = {
-    println("Suite DatabricksTests finished. Running afterAll procedure...")
-    jobIdsToCancel.foreach(cancelRun)
-    deleteCluster(clusterId)
-    println(s"Deleted cluster with Id $clusterId.")
+    afterAllHelper(jobIdsToCancel, clusterId, ClusterName)
-  ignore("list running jobs for convenievce") {
+  ignore("list running jobs for convenience") {
     val obj = databricksGet("jobs/runs/list?active_only=true&limit=1000")
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksUtilities.scala b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksUtilities.scala
index c9abeb0ddb..5c240100c2 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksUtilities.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/DatabricksUtilities.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.Secrets
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.build.BuildInfo
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.env.FileUtilities
+import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.test.base.TestBase
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.io.http.RESTHelpers
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.DatabricksUtilities.{TimeoutInMillis, monitorJob}
 import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.SprayImplicits._
@@ -18,8 +19,10 @@ import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsValue, _}
 import java.io.{File, FileInputStream}
 import java.time.LocalDateTime
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
-import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, blocking}
+import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, TimeoutException}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
+import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future, blocking}
 //noinspection ScalaStyle
 object DatabricksUtilities {
@@ -27,7 +30,9 @@ object DatabricksUtilities {
   // ADB Info
   val Region = "eastus"
   val PoolName = "synapseml-build-10.1"
+  val GpuPoolName = "synapseml-build-10.4-gpu"
   val AdbRuntime = "10.1.x-scala2.12"
+  val AdbGpuRuntime = "10.4.x-gpu-ml-scala2.12"
   val NumWorkers = 5
   val AutoTerminationMinutes = 15
@@ -36,7 +41,9 @@ object DatabricksUtilities {
     .encode(("token:" + Token).getBytes("UTF-8"))
   val BaseURL = s"https://$Region.azuredatabricks.net/api/2.0/"
   lazy val PoolId: String = getPoolIdByName(PoolName)
+  lazy val GpuPoolId: String = getPoolIdByName(GpuPoolName)
   lazy val ClusterName = s"mmlspark-build-${LocalDateTime.now()}"
+  lazy val GPUClusterName = s"mmlspark-build-gpu-${LocalDateTime.now()}"
   val Folder = s"/SynapseMLBuild/build_${BuildInfo.version}"
   val ScalaVersion: String = BuildInfo.scalaVersion.split(".".toCharArray).dropRight(1).mkString(".")
@@ -56,15 +63,28 @@ object DatabricksUtilities {
     Map("pypi" -> Map("package" -> "mlflow"))
+  // TODO: install synapse.ml.dl wheel package here
+  val GPULibraries: String = List(
+    Map("maven" -> Map("coordinates" -> Version, "repo" -> Repository))
+  ).toJson.compactPrint
+  val GPUInitScripts: String = List(
+    Map("dbfs" -> Map("destination" -> "dbfs:/FileStore/horovod/horovod_installation.sh"))
+  ).toJson.compactPrint
   // Execution Params
   val TimeoutInMillis: Int = 40 * 60 * 1000
   val NotebookFiles: Array[File] = FileUtilities.recursiveListFiles(
-      BuildInfo.baseDirectory.getParent, "notebooks").getCanonicalFile)
+      BuildInfo.baseDirectory.getParent, "notebooks", "features").getCanonicalFile)
   val ParallelizableNotebooks: Seq[File] = NotebookFiles.filterNot(_.isDirectory)
+  val CPUNotebooks: Seq[File] = ParallelizableNotebooks.filterNot(_.getAbsolutePath.contains("simple_deep_learning"))
+  val GPUNotebooks: Seq[File] = ParallelizableNotebooks.filter(_.getAbsolutePath.contains("simple_deep_learning"))
   val NonParallelizableNotebooks: Seq[File] = Nil
   def databricksGet(path: String): JsValue = {
@@ -117,35 +137,55 @@ object DatabricksUtilities {
+  def uploadFileToDBFS(file: File, dest: String): Unit = {
+    val content = BaseEncoding.base64().encode(
+      IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(file)))
+    val body =
+      s"""
+         |{
+         |  "contents": "$content",
+         |  "path": "$dest",
+         |  "overwrite": true
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    databricksPost("dbfs/put", body)
+    ()
+  }
   def workspaceRmDir(dir: String): Unit = {
     val body = s"""{"path": "$dir", "recursive":true}"""
     databricksPost("workspace/delete", body)
-  def createClusterInPool(clusterName: String, poolId: String): String = {
+  def createClusterInPool(clusterName: String,
+                          sparkVersion: String,
+                          numWorkers: Int,
+                          poolId: String,
+                          initScripts: String): String = {
     val body =
          |  "cluster_name": "$clusterName",
-         |  "spark_version": "$AdbRuntime",
-         |  "num_workers": $NumWorkers,
+         |  "spark_version": "$sparkVersion",
+         |  "num_workers": $numWorkers,
          |  "autotermination_minutes": $AutoTerminationMinutes,
          |  "instance_pool_id": "$poolId",
          |  "spark_env_vars": {
          |     "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/databricks/python3/bin/python3"
-         |   }
+         |   },
+         |  "init_scripts": $initScripts
     databricksPost("clusters/create", body).select[String]("cluster_id")
-  def installLibraries(clusterId: String): Unit = {
+  def installLibraries(clusterId: String, libraries: String): Unit = {
          | "cluster_id": "$clusterId",
-         | "libraries": $Libraries
+         | "libraries": $libraries
@@ -334,6 +374,61 @@ object DatabricksUtilities {
+abstract class DatabricksTestHelper extends TestBase {
+  import DatabricksUtilities._
+  def databricksTestHelper(clusterId: String, libraries: String, notebooks: Seq[File]): mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = {
+    val jobIdsToCancel: mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = mutable.ListBuffer[Int]()
+    println("Checking if cluster is active")
+    tryWithRetries(Seq.fill(60 * 15)(1000).toArray) { () =>
+      assert(isClusterActive(clusterId))
+    }
+    println("Installing libraries")
+    installLibraries(clusterId, libraries)
+    tryWithRetries(Seq.fill(60 * 3)(1000).toArray) { () =>
+      assert(areLibrariesInstalled(clusterId))
+    }
+    println(s"Creating folder $Folder")
+    workspaceMkDir(Folder)
+    println(s"Submitting jobs")
+    val parNotebookRuns: Seq[DatabricksNotebookRun] = notebooks.map(uploadAndSubmitNotebook(clusterId, _))
+    parNotebookRuns.foreach(notebookRun => jobIdsToCancel.append(notebookRun.runId))
+    println(s"Submitted ${parNotebookRuns.length} for execution: ${parNotebookRuns.map(_.runId).toList}")
+    assert(parNotebookRuns.nonEmpty)
+    parNotebookRuns.foreach(run => {
+      println(s"Testing ${run.notebookName}")
+      test(run.notebookName) {
+        val result = Await.ready(
+          run.monitor(logLevel = 0),
+          Duration(TimeoutInMillis.toLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).value.get
+        if (!result.isSuccess) {
+          throw result.failed.get
+        }
+      }
+    })
+    jobIdsToCancel
+  }
+  protected def afterAllHelper(jobIdsToCancel: mutable.ListBuffer[Int],
+                               clusterId: String,
+                               clusterName: String): Unit = {
+    println("Suite test finished. Running afterAll procedure...")
+    jobIdsToCancel.foreach(cancelRun)
+    deleteCluster(clusterId)
+    println(s"Deleted cluster with Id $clusterId, name $clusterName")
+  }
 case class DatabricksNotebookRun(runId: Int, notebookName: String) {
   def monitor(logLevel: Int = 2): Future[Any] = {
     monitorJob(runId, TimeoutInMillis, logLevel)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/GPUTests.scala b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/GPUTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab2b62411d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/nbtest/GPUTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+package com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest
+import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.build.BuildInfo
+import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.env.FileUtilities
+import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.DatabricksUtilities._
+import java.io.File
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+class GPUTests extends DatabricksTestHelper {
+  val horovodInstallationScript: File = FileUtilities.join(
+    BuildInfo.baseDirectory.getParent, "deep-learning",
+    "src", "main", "python", "horovod_installation.sh").getCanonicalFile
+  uploadFileToDBFS(horovodInstallationScript, "/FileStore/horovod/horovod_installation.sh")
+  val clusterId: String = createClusterInPool(GPUClusterName, AdbGpuRuntime, 2, GpuPoolId, GPUInitScripts)
+  val jobIdsToCancel: ListBuffer[Int] = databricksTestHelper(clusterId, GPULibraries, GPUNotebooks)
+  protected override def afterAll(): Unit = {
+    afterAllHelper(jobIdsToCancel, clusterId, GPUClusterName)
+    super.afterAll()
+  }
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/horovod_installation.sh b/deep-learning/src/main/python/horovod_installation.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..822792fc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/horovod_installation.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This is the script used to install horovod on ubuntu2004 with NCCL on databricks
+# exit immediately on failure, or if an undefined variable is used
+set -eu
+# Install prerequisite libraries that horovod depends on
+pip install pytorch-lightning==1.5.0
+pip install torchvision==0.12.0
+# Remove Outdated Signing Key:
+sudo apt-key del 7fa2af80
+# Install the new cuda-keyring package:
+wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2004/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb
+sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb
+apt-key adv --fetch-keys http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/machine-learning/repos/ubuntu2004/x86_64/7fa2af80.pub
+wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/machine-learning/repos/ubuntu2004/x86_64/nvidia-machine-learning-repo-ubuntu2004_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb
+dpkg -i ./nvidia-machine-learning-repo-ubuntu2004_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb
+apt-get update
+apt-get install --allow-downgrades --no-install-recommends -y \
+cuda-nvml-dev-11-0=11.0.167-1 \
+cuda-nvcc-11-0=11.0.221-1 \
+cuda-cudart-dev-11-0=11.0.221-1 \
+cuda-libraries-dev-11-0=11.0.3-1 \
+libnccl-dev=2.10.3-1+cuda11.0 \
+git clone --recursive https://github.com/horovod/horovod.git
+cd horovod
+# fix version 0.25.0
+git fetch origin refs/tags/v0.25.0:tags/v0.25.0
+git checkout tags/v0.25.0 -b v0.25.0-branch
+rm -rf build/ dist/
+/databricks/python3/bin/python setup.py bdist_wheel
+readlink -f dist/horovod-*.whl
+pip install --no-cache-dir dist/horovod-0.25.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl --force-reinstall --no-deps
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionClassifier.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionClassifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a29483caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionClassifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import sys
+import torchvision.transforms as transforms
+from horovod.spark.common.backend import SparkBackend
+from horovod.spark.lightning import TorchEstimator
+from PIL import Image
+from pyspark.context import SparkContext
+from pyspark.ml.param.shared import Param, Params
+from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _module_available
+from synapse.ml.dl.DeepVisionModel import DeepVisionModel
+from synapse.ml.dl.LitDeepVisionModel import LitDeepVisionModel
+from synapse.ml.dl.utils import keywords_catch
+from synapse.ml.dl.PredictionParams import PredictionParams
+_HOROVOD_AVAILABLE = _module_available("horovod")
+    import horovod
+    _HOROVOD_EQUAL_0_25_0 = horovod.__version__ == "0.25.0"
+    if not _HOROVOD_EQUAL_0_25_0:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "horovod should be of version 0.25.0, found: {}".format(horovod.__version__)
+        )
+    raise ModuleNotFoundError("module not found: horovod")
+class DeepVisionClassifier(TorchEstimator, PredictionParams):
+    backbone = Param(
+        Params._dummy(), "backbone", "backbone of the deep vision classifier"
+    )
+    additional_layers_to_train = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "additional_layers_to_train",
+        "number of last layers to fine tune for the model, should be between 0 and 3",
+    )
+    num_classes = Param(Params._dummy(), "num_classes", "number of target classes")
+    loss_name = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "loss_name",
+        "string representation of torch.nn.functional loss function for the underlying pytorch_lightning model, e.g. binary_cross_entropy",
+    )
+    optimizer_name = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "optimizer_name",
+        "string representation of optimizer function for the underlying pytorch_lightning model",
+    )
+    dropout_aux = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "dropout_aux",
+        "numeric value that's applied to googlenet InceptionAux module's dropout layer only: probability of an element to be zeroed",
+    )
+    transform_fn = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "transform_fn",
+        "A composition of transforms used to transform and augnment the input image, should be of type torchvision.transforms.Compose",
+    )
+    @keywords_catch
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        backbone=None,
+        additional_layers_to_train=0,
+        num_classes=None,
+        optimizer_name="adam",
+        loss_name="cross_entropy",
+        dropout_aux=0.7,
+        transform_fn=None,
+        # Classifier args
+        label_col="label",
+        image_col="image",
+        prediction_col="prediction",
+        # TorchEstimator args
+        num_proc=None,
+        backend=None,
+        store=None,
+        metrics=None,
+        loss_weights=None,
+        sample_weight_col=None,
+        gradient_compression=None,
+        input_shapes=None,
+        validation=None,
+        callbacks=None,
+        batch_size=None,
+        val_batch_size=None,
+        epochs=None,
+        verbose=1,
+        random_seed=None,
+        shuffle_buffer_size=None,
+        partitions_per_process=None,
+        run_id=None,
+        train_minibatch_fn=None,
+        train_steps_per_epoch=None,
+        validation_steps_per_epoch=None,
+        transformation_fn=None,
+        train_reader_num_workers=None,
+        trainer_args=None,
+        val_reader_num_workers=None,
+        reader_pool_type=None,
+        label_shapes=None,
+        inmemory_cache_all=False,
+        num_gpus=None,
+        logger=None,
+        log_every_n_steps=50,
+        data_module=None,
+        loader_num_epochs=None,
+        terminate_on_nan=False,
+        profiler=None,
+        debug_data_loader=False,
+        train_async_data_loader_queue_size=None,
+        val_async_data_loader_queue_size=None,
+        use_gpu=True,
+        mp_start_method=None,
+    ):
+        super(DeepVisionClassifier, self).__init__()
+        self._setDefault(
+            backbone=None,
+            additional_layers_to_train=0,
+            num_classes=None,
+            optimizer_name="adam",
+            loss_name="cross_entropy",
+            dropout_aux=0.7,
+            transform_fn=None,
+            feature_cols=["image"],
+            label_cols=["label"],
+            label_col="label",
+            image_col="image",
+            prediction_col="prediction",
+        )
+        kwargs = self._kwargs
+        self._set(**kwargs)
+        self._update_input_shapes()
+        self._update_cols()
+        self._update_transformation_fn()
+        model = LitDeepVisionModel(
+            backbone=self.getBackbone(),
+            additional_layers_to_train=self.getAdditionalLayersToTrain(),
+            num_classes=self.getNumClasses(),
+            input_shape=self.getInputShapes()[0],
+            optimizer_name=self.getOptimizerName(),
+            loss_name=self.getLossName(),
+            label_col=self.getLabelCol(),
+            image_col=self.getImageCol(),
+            dropout_aux=self.getDropoutAUX(),
+        )
+        self._set(model=model)
+    def setBackbone(self, value):
+        return self._set(backbone=value)
+    def getBackbone(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.backbone)
+    def setAdditionalLayersToTrain(self, value):
+        return self._set(additional_layers_to_train=value)
+    def getAdditionalLayersToTrain(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.additional_layers_to_train)
+    def setNumClasses(self, value):
+        return self._set(num_classes=value)
+    def getNumClasses(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.num_classes)
+    def setLossName(self, value):
+        return self._set(loss_name=value)
+    def getLossName(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.loss_name)
+    def setOptimizerName(self, value):
+        return self._set(optimizer_name=value)
+    def getOptimizerName(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.optimizer_name)
+    def setDropoutAUX(self, value):
+        return self._set(dropout_aux=value)
+    def getDropoutAUX(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.dropout_aux)
+    def setTransformFn(self, value):
+        return self._set(transform_fn=value)
+    def getTransformFn(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.transform_fn)
+    def _update_input_shapes(self):
+        if self.getInputShapes() is None:
+            if self.getBackbone().startswith("inception"):
+                self.setInputShapes([[-1, 3, 299, 299]])
+            else:
+                self.setInputShapes([[-1, 3, 224, 224]])
+    def _update_cols(self):
+        self.setFeatureCols([self.getImageCol()])
+        self.setLabelCols([self.getLabelCol()])
+    def _fit(self, dataset):
+        return super()._fit(dataset)
+    # override this method to provide a correct default backend
+    def _get_or_create_backend(self):
+        backend = self.getBackend()
+        num_proc = self.getNumProc()
+        if backend is None:
+            if num_proc is None:
+                num_proc = self._find_num_proc()
+            backend = SparkBackend(
+                num_proc,
+                stdout=sys.stdout,
+                stderr=sys.stderr,
+                prefix_output_with_timestamp=True,
+                verbose=self.getVerbose(),
+            )
+        elif num_proc is not None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'At most one of parameters "backend" and "num_proc" may be specified'
+            )
+        return backend
+    def _find_num_proc(self):
+        if self.getUseGpu():
+            # set it as number of executors for now (ignoring num_gpus per executor)
+            sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
+            return sc._jsc.sc().getExecutorMemoryStatus().size() - 1
+        return None
+    def _update_transformation_fn(self):
+        if self.getTransformationFn() is None:
+            if self.getTransformFn() is None:
+                crop_size = self.getInputShapes()[0][-1]
+                transform = transforms.Compose(
+                    [
+                        transforms.RandomResizedCrop(crop_size),
+                        transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
+                        transforms.ToTensor(),
+                        transforms.Normalize(
+                            mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
+                        ),
+                    ]
+                )
+                self.setTransformFn(transform)
+            def _create_transform_row(image_col, label_col, transform):
+                def _transform_row(row):
+                    path = row[image_col]
+                    label = row[label_col]
+                    image = Image.open(path).convert("RGB")
+                    image = transform(image).numpy()
+                    return {image_col: image, label_col: label}
+                return _transform_row
+            self.setTransformationFn(
+                _create_transform_row(
+                    self.getImageCol(),
+                    self.getLabelCol(),
+                    self.getTransformFn(),
+                )
+            )
+    def get_model_class(self):
+        return DeepVisionModel
+    def _get_model_kwargs(self, model, history, optimizer, run_id, metadata):
+        return dict(
+            history=history,
+            model=model,
+            optimizer=optimizer,
+            input_shapes=self.getInputShapes(),
+            run_id=run_id,
+            _metadata=metadata,
+            loss=self.getLoss(),
+            loss_constructors=self.getLossConstructors(),
+            label_col=self.getLabelCol(),
+            image_col=self.getImageCol(),
+            prediction_col=self.getPredictionCol(),
+        )
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionModel.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionModel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f35112df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/DeepVisionModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torchvision.transforms as transforms
+from horovod.spark.lightning import TorchModel
+from PIL import Image
+from synapse.ml.dl.PredictionParams import PredictionParams
+from pyspark.ml.param import Param, Params, TypeConverters
+from pyspark.sql.functions import col, udf
+from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
+from synapse.ml.dl.utils import keywords_catch
+class DeepVisionModel(TorchModel, PredictionParams):
+    transform_fn = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "transform_fn",
+        "A composition of transforms used to transform and augnment the input image, should be of type torchvision.transforms.Compose",
+    )
+    @keywords_catch
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        history=None,
+        model=None,
+        input_shapes=None,
+        optimizer=None,
+        run_id=None,
+        _metadata=None,
+        loss=None,
+        loss_constructors=None,
+        # diff from horovod
+        transform_fn=None,
+        label_col="label",
+        image_col="image",
+        prediction_col="prediction",
+    ):
+        super(DeepVisionModel, self).__init__()
+        self._setDefault(
+            optimizer=None,
+            loss=None,
+            loss_constructors=None,
+            input_shapes=None,
+            transform_fn=None,
+            label_col="label",
+            image_col="image",
+            prediction_col="prediction",
+            feature_columns=["image"],
+            label_columns=["label"],
+            outputCols=["output"],
+        )
+        kwargs = self._kwargs
+        self._set(**kwargs)
+        self._update_transform_fn()
+        self._update_cols()
+    def setTransformFn(self, value):
+        return self._set(transform_fn=value)
+    def getTransformFn(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.transform_fn)
+    def setTransformationFn(self, value):
+        return self._set(transformation_fn=value)
+    def getTransformationFn(self):
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.transformation_fn)
+    def _update_transform_fn(self):
+        if self.getTransformFn() is None:
+            crop_size = self.getInputShapes()[0][-1]
+            transform = transforms.Compose(
+                [
+                    transforms.CenterCrop(crop_size),
+                    transforms.ToTensor(),
+                    transforms.Normalize(
+                        mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
+                    ),
+                ]
+            )
+            self.setTransformFn(transform)
+    def _update_cols(self):
+        self.setFeatureColumns([self.getImageCol()])
+        self.setLabelColoumns([self.getLabelCol()])
+    # override this to open the image if it's a path
+    def get_prediction_fn(self):
+        input_shape = self.getInputShapes()[0]
+        image_col = self.getImageCol()
+        def _create_predict_fn(transform):
+            def predict_fn(model, row):
+                if type(row[image_col]) == str:
+                    image = Image.open(row[image_col]).convert("RGB")
+                    data = torch.tensor(transform(image).numpy()).reshape(input_shape)
+                else:
+                    data = torch.tensor([row[image_col]]).reshape(input_shape)
+                with torch.no_grad():
+                    pred = model(data)
+                return pred
+            return predict_fn
+        return _create_predict_fn(self.getTransformFn())
+    # pytorch_lightning module has its own optimizer configuration
+    def getOptimizer(self):
+        return None
+    def _transform(self, df):
+        output_df = super()._transform(df)
+        argmax = udf(lambda v: float(np.argmax(v)), returnType=DoubleType())
+        pred_df = output_df.withColumn(
+            self.getPredictionCol(), argmax(col(self.getOutputCols()[0]))
+        )
+        return pred_df
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/LitDeepVisionModel.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/LitDeepVisionModel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50342e4567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/LitDeepVisionModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import inspect
+import pytorch_lightning as pl
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import torch.optim as optim
+from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _module_available
+_TORCHVISION_AVAILABLE = _module_available("torchvision")
+    import torchvision
+    _TORCHVISION_GREATER_EQUAL_0_12_0 = torchvision.__version__ >= "0.12.0"
+        from torchvision import models
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "torchvision should be >= 0.12.0, found: {}".format(torchvision.__version__)
+        )
+    raise ModuleNotFoundError("module not found: torchvision")
+class LitDeepVisionModel(pl.LightningModule):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        backbone,
+        additional_layers_to_train,
+        num_classes,
+        input_shape,
+        optimizer_name,
+        loss_name,
+        label_col,
+        image_col,
+        dropout_aux=0.7,
+    ):
+        super(LitDeepVisionModel, self).__init__()
+        self.backbone = backbone
+        self.additional_layers_to_train = additional_layers_to_train
+        self.num_classes = num_classes
+        self.input_shape = input_shape
+        self.optimizer_name = optimizer_name
+        self.loss_name = loss_name
+        self.label_col = label_col
+        self.image_col = image_col
+        self.dropout_aux = dropout_aux
+        self._check_params()
+        # Freeze those weights
+        for p in self.model.parameters():
+            p.requires_grad = False
+        # Tune certain layers including num_classes
+        if backbone.startswith("alexnet"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[6].in_features
+            self.model.classifier[6] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("densenet"):
+            self.model.classifier = nn.Linear(
+                self.model.classifier.in_features, num_classes
+            )
+        elif backbone.startswith("efficientnet"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[-1].in_features
+            self.model.classifier = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("googlenet"):
+            if self.model.aux_logits:
+                self.model.aux1 = models.googlenet.InceptionAux(
+                    512, num_classes, dropout=self.dropout_aux
+                )
+                self.model.aux2 = models.googlenet.InceptionAux(
+                    528, num_classes, dropout=self.dropout_aux
+                )
+            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("inception"):
+            """Inception v3
+            Be careful, expects (299,299) sized images and has auxiliary output
+            """
+            # Handle the auxilary net
+            self.model.AuxLogits.fc = nn.Linear(
+                self.model.AuxLogits.fc.in_features, num_classes
+            )
+            # Handle the primary net
+            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("mnasnet"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[-1].in_features
+            self.model.classifier[-1] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("mobilenet"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[-1].in_features
+            self.model.classifier[-1] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("regnet"):
+            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, num_classes)
+        elif (
+            backbone.startswith("resnet")
+            or backbone.startswith("resnext")
+            or backbone.startswith("wide_resnet")
+        ):
+            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("shufflenet"):
+            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("squeezenet"):
+            self.model.classifier[1] = nn.Conv2d(
+                512, num_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1)
+            )
+        elif backbone.startswith("vgg"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[6].in_features
+            self.model.classifier[6] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("vit"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.heads.head.in_features
+            self.model.heads.head = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        elif backbone.startswith("convnext"):
+            num_ftrs = self.model.classifier[-1].in_features
+            self.model.classifier[-1] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)
+        # The Lightning checkpoint also saves the arguments passed into the LightningModule init
+        # under the "hyper_parameters" key in the checkpoint.
+        self.save_hyperparameters(
+            "backbone",
+            "additional_layers_to_train",
+            "num_classes",
+            "input_shape",
+            "optimizer_name",
+            "loss_name",
+            "label_col",
+            "image_col",
+            "dropout_aux",
+        )
+    def _check_params(self):
+        # TORCHVISION
+        if self.backbone in models.__dict__:
+            self.model = models.__dict__[self.backbone](pretrained=True)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("No model: {} found".format(self.backbone))
+        if self.additional_layers_to_train < 0 or self.additional_layers_to_train > 3:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "additional_layers_to_train has to between 0 and 3: {} found".format(
+                    self.additional_layers_to_train
+                )
+            )
+        if self.loss_name.lower() not in F.__dict__:
+            raise ValueError("No loss function: {} found".format(self.loss_name))
+        self.loss_fn = F.__dict__[self.loss_name.lower()]
+        optimizers_mapping = {
+            key.lower(): value
+            for key, value in optim.__dict__.items()
+            if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, optim.Optimizer)
+        }
+        if self.optimizer_name.lower() not in optimizers_mapping:
+            raise ValueError("No optimizer: {} found".format(self.optimizer_name))
+        self.optimizer_fn = optimizers_mapping[self.optimizer_name.lower()]
+    # tune last additional_layers_to_train layers
+    def _fine_tune_layers(self):
+        children = list(self.model.children())
+        added_layer, cur_layer = 0, -1
+        while added_layer < self.additional_layers_to_train and -cur_layer < len(
+            children
+        ):
+            tunable = False
+            for p in children[cur_layer].parameters():
+                p.requires_grad = True
+                tunable = True
+            # only tune those layers contain parameters
+            if tunable:
+                added_layer += 1
+            cur_layer -= 1
+    def forward(self, x):
+        x = x.float()
+        return self.model.forward(x)
+    def configure_optimizers(self):
+        self._fine_tune_layers()
+        params_to_update = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters())
+        return self.optimizer_fn(params_to_update)
+    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+        loss = self._step(batch, False)
+        self.log("train_loss", loss)
+        return loss
+    def _step(self, batch, validation):
+        inputs = {"x": batch[self.image_col].reshape(self.input_shape)}
+        label = batch[self.label_col]
+        output = self(**inputs)
+        if self.backbone.startswith("inception") and not validation:
+            # https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/how-to-optimize-inception-model-with-auxiliary-classifiers/7958/9
+            loss1 = self.loss_fn(output.logits, label.long())
+            loss2 = self.loss_fn(output.aux_logits, label.long())
+            loss = loss1 + 0.4 * loss2
+        else:
+            loss = self.loss_fn(output, label.long())
+        return loss
+    def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+        loss = self._step(batch, True)
+        self.log("val_loss", loss)
+    def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs):
+        avg_loss = (
+            torch.stack([x["val_loss"] for x in outputs]).mean()
+            if len(outputs) > 0
+            else float("inf")
+        )
+        self.log("avg_val_loss", avg_loss)
+    def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+        loss = self._step(batch, False)
+        return loss
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/PredictionParams.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/PredictionParams.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4c68845ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/PredictionParams.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+from pyspark.ml.param import Param, Params, TypeConverters
+class PredictionParams(Params):
+    label_col = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "label_col",
+        "label column name.",
+        typeConverter=TypeConverters.toString,
+    )
+    image_col = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "image_col",
+        "image column name.",
+        typeConverter=TypeConverters.toString,
+    )
+    prediction_col = Param(
+        Params._dummy(),
+        "prediction_col",
+        "prediction column name.",
+        typeConverter=TypeConverters.toString,
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(PredictionParams, self).__init__()
+        self._setDefault(
+            label_col="label", image_col="image", prediction_col="prediction"
+        )
+    def setLabelCol(self, value):
+        """
+        Sets the value of :py:attr:`label_col`.
+        """
+        return self._set(label_col=value)
+    def getLabelCol(self):
+        """
+        Gets the value of label_col or its default value.
+        """
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.label_col)
+    def setImageCol(self, value):
+        """
+        Sets the value of :py:attr:`image_col`.
+        """
+        return self._set(image_col=value)
+    def getImageCol(self):
+        """
+        Gets the value of image_col or its default value.
+        """
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.image_col)
+    def setPredictionCol(self, value):
+        """
+        Sets the value of :py:attr:`prediction_col`.
+        """
+        return self._set(prediction_col=value)
+    def getPredictionCol(self):
+        """
+        Gets the value of prediction_col or its default value.
+        """
+        return self.getOrDefault(self.prediction_col)
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/__init__.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a8ad55d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+from synapse.ml.dl.DeepVisionClassifier import *
+from synapse.ml.dl.DeepVisionModel import *
+from synapse.ml.dl.LitDeepVisionModel import *
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/utils.py b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..956d98541c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/main/python/synapse/ml/dl/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+from functools import wraps
+def keywords_catch(func):
+    """
+    A decorator that forces keyword arguments in the wrapped method
+    and saves actual input keyword arguments in `_kwargs`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Should only be used to wrap a method where first arg is `self`
+    """
+    @wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if len(args) > 0:
+            raise TypeError("Method %s forces keyword arguments." % func.__name__)
+        self._kwargs = kwargs
+        return func(self, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/__init__.py b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/conftest.py b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..200dd6b8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import urllib
+from os.path import join
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+import torchvision.transforms as transforms
+IS_WINDOWS = os.name == "nt"
+delimiter = "\\" if IS_WINDOWS else "/"
+dataset_dir = (
+    delimiter.join([os.getcwd(), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir])
+    + delimiter
+def _download_dataset():
+    urllib.request.urlretrieve(
+        "https://mmlspark.blob.core.windows.net/publicwasb/17flowers.tgz",
+        dataset_dir + "17flowers.tgz",
+    )
+    if os.path.exists(dataset_dir + "jpg"):
+        shutil.rmtree(dataset_dir + "jpg")
+    command = "tar -xzf {}17flowers.tgz -C {} \n".format(dataset_dir, dataset_dir)
+    subprocess.run(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    os.remove(dataset_dir + "17flowers.tgz")
+    files = [
+        join(dp, f)
+        for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(dataset_dir + "jpg")
+        for f in filenames
+        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".jpg"
+    ]
+    assert len(files) == 1360
+    np.random.shuffle(files)
+    train_files, test_files = np.split(np.array(files), [int(len(files) * 0.75)])
+    train_dir = dataset_dir + "jpg{}train".format(delimiter)
+    test_dir = dataset_dir + "jpg{}test".format(delimiter)
+    if not os.path.exists(train_dir):
+        os.makedirs(train_dir)
+    if not os.path.exists(test_dir):
+        os.makedirs(test_dir)
+    for name in train_files:
+        path, image = (
+            delimiter.join(name.split(delimiter)[:-1]),
+            name.split(delimiter)[-1],
+        )
+        shutil.move(name, delimiter.join([path, "train", image]))
+    for name in test_files:
+        path, image = (
+            delimiter.join(name.split(delimiter)[:-1]),
+            name.split(delimiter)[-1],
+        )
+        shutil.move(name, delimiter.join([path, "test", image]))
+def get_data_path():
+    if not os.path.exists(join(dataset_dir, "jpg", delimiter, "train")):
+        _download_dataset()
+    train_folder = dataset_dir + "jpg" + delimiter + "train"
+    test_folder = dataset_dir + "jpg" + delimiter + "test"
+    return train_folder, test_folder
+def transform():
+    transform = transforms.Compose(
+        [
+            transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224),
+            transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
+            transforms.ToTensor(),
+            transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
+        ]
+    )
+    return transform
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_classifier.py b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20e1d45d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import contextlib
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import pytest
+from horovod.spark.common.store import LocalStore
+from pyspark.ml.evaluation import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
+from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
+from pyspark.sql.functions import col
+from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
+from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
+from synapse.ml.dl import *
+from .test_deep_vision_model import MyDummyCallback
+def tempdir():
+    dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    try:
+        yield dirpath
+    finally:
+        shutil.rmtree(dirpath)
+def local_store():
+    with tempdir() as tmp:
+        store = LocalStore(tmp)
+        yield store
+def generate_data(spark, train_folder, test_folder):
+    train_files = [
+        os.path.join(dp, f)
+        for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(train_folder)
+        for f in filenames
+        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".jpg"
+    ]
+    test_files = [
+        os.path.join(dp, f)
+        for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(test_folder)
+        for f in filenames
+        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".jpg"
+    ]
+    def extract_path_and_label(path):
+        num = int(path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].split("_")[1])
+        label = num // 81  # Assign the label
+        return (path, label)
+    train_df = spark.createDataFrame(
+        map(extract_path_and_label, train_files), ["image", "label"]
+    ).withColumn("label", col("label").cast(DoubleType()))
+    test_df = spark.createDataFrame(
+        map(extract_path_and_label, test_files), ["image", "label"]
+    ).withColumn("label", col("label").cast(DoubleType()))
+    return train_df, test_df
+class CallbackBackend(object):
+    def run(self, fn, args=(), kwargs={}, env={}):
+        return [fn(*args, **kwargs)] * self.num_processes()
+    def num_processes(self):
+        return 1
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="not testing this for now")
+def test_mobilenet_v2(get_data_path):
+    spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
+    ctx = CallbackBackend()
+    epochs = 5
+    callbacks = [
+        MyDummyCallback(epochs),
+        ModelCheckpoint(dirpath="target/mobilenet_v2/"),
+    ]
+    train_folder, test_folder = get_data_path
+    with local_store() as store:
+        deep_vision_classifier = DeepVisionClassifier(
+            backbone="mobilenet_v2",
+            store=store,
+            backend=ctx,
+            callbacks=callbacks,
+            num_classes=17,
+            batch_size=16,
+            epochs=epochs,
+            validation=0.1,
+        )
+        train_df, test_df = generate_data(spark, train_folder, test_folder)
+        deep_vision_model = deep_vision_classifier.fit(train_df)
+        pred_df = deep_vision_model.transform(test_df)
+        evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(
+            predictionCol="prediction", labelCol="label", metricName="accuracy"
+        )
+        accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(pred_df)
+        assert accuracy > 0.5
+    spark.stop()
diff --git a/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_model.py b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13ab6ca773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep-learning/src/test/python/synapsemltest/dl/test_deep_vision_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
+import os
+import random
+from os.path import join
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from PIL import Image
+from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
+from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
+from synapse.ml.dl import *
+class MyDummyCallback(Callback):
+    def __init__(self, epochs=10):
+        self.epochs = epochs
+        self.epcoh_end_counter = 0
+        self.train_epcoh_end_counter = 0
+        self.validation_epoch_end_counter = 0
+    def on_init_start(self, trainer):
+        print("Starting to init trainer!")
+    def on_init_end(self, trainer):
+        print("Trainer is initialized.")
+    def on_epoch_end(self, trainer, model):
+        print("A epoch ended.")
+        self.epcoh_end_counter += 1
+    def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, model, unused=None):
+        print("A train epoch ended.")
+        self.train_epcoh_end_counter += 1
+    def on_validation_epoch_end(self, trainer, model, unused=None):
+        print("A val epoch ended.")
+        self.validation_epoch_end_counter += 1
+    def on_train_end(self, trainer, model):
+        print(
+            "Training ends:"
+            f"epcoh_end_counter={self.epcoh_end_counter}, "
+            f"train_epcoh_end_counter={self.train_epcoh_end_counter}, "
+            f"validation_epoch_end_counter={self.validation_epoch_end_counter} \n"
+        )
+        assert self.train_epcoh_end_counter <= self.epochs
+        assert (
+            self.train_epcoh_end_counter + self.validation_epoch_end_counter
+            == self.epcoh_end_counter
+        )
+def test_lit_deep_vision_model(transform, get_data_path):
+    seed = np.random.randint(2147483647)
+    random.seed(seed)
+    torch.manual_seed(seed)
+    class ImageDataset(Dataset):
+        def __init__(self, root, transform):
+            super(ImageDataset, self).__init__()
+            self.root = join(root)
+            self.transform = transform
+            self.images = [f for f in os.listdir(self.root) if f.split(".")[1] == "jpg"]
+        def __getitem__(self, index):
+            image = Image.open(join(self.root, self.images[index])).convert("RGB")
+            image = self.transform(image)
+            label = int(self.images[index].split(".")[0].split("_")[1]) // 81
+            return {"image": image, "label": label}
+        def __len__(self):
+            return len(self.images)
+    train_folder, test_folder = get_data_path
+    train_loader = DataLoader(
+        ImageDataset(
+            train_folder,
+            transform,
+        ),
+        batch_size=16,
+        shuffle=True,
+        num_workers=0,
+        pin_memory=True,
+    )
+    test_loader = DataLoader(
+        ImageDataset(
+            test_folder,
+            transform,
+        ),
+        batch_size=16,
+        shuffle=True,
+        num_workers=0,  # make sure this is 0 to avoid 'can't pickle local object Dataset' error
+        pin_memory=True,
+    )
+    epochs = 10
+    model = LitDeepVisionModel(
+        backbone="resnet50",
+        additional_layers_to_train=1,
+        num_classes=17,
+        input_shape=[-1, 3, 224, 224],
+        optimizer_name="adam",
+        loss_name="cross_entropy",
+        label_col="label",
+        image_col="image",
+    )
+    callbacks = [MyDummyCallback(epochs)]
+    trainer = Trainer(callbacks=callbacks, max_epochs=epochs)
+    trainer.fit(model, train_dataloaders=train_loader)
+    trainer.test(model, dataloaders=test_loader)
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index 6dd9579143..565e335993 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ dependencies:
   - requests=2.26.0
   - pip=21.3
   - r-base=4.1.1
-  - r-sparklyr=1.7.2
+  - r-sparklyr=1.7.6
   - r-devtools=2.4.2
   - pip:
     - wheel
     - sphinx==4.2.0
+    - sphinx_paramlinks==0.5.2
     - sphinx_rtd_theme
     - coverage
     - pytest
@@ -24,3 +25,10 @@ dependencies:
     - twine
     - jupyter
     - mlflow
+    - numpy==1.19.3
+    - torch==1.11.0
+    - torchvision==0.12.0
+    - horovod==0.25.0
+    - petastorm>=0.11.0
+    - pyarrow>=0.15.0
+    - pytorch_lightning==1.5.0
diff --git a/notebooks/features/simple_deep_learning/DeepLearning - Deep Vision Classifier.ipynb b/notebooks/features/simple_deep_learning/DeepLearning - Deep Vision Classifier.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..318f26875d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/features/simple_deep_learning/DeepLearning - Deep Vision Classifier.ipynb	
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ "cells": [
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "## Deep Learning - Deep Vision Classifier"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Environment Setup -- reinstall horovod based on new version of pytorch"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "# install cloudpickle 2.0.0 to add synapse module for usage of horovod\n",
+    "%pip install cloudpickle==2.0.0 --force-reinstall --no-deps"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "import synapse\n",
+    "import cloudpickle\n",
+    "\n",
+    "cloudpickle.register_pickle_by_value(synapse)"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "! horovodrun --check-build"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col, regexp_replace\n",
+    "from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType\n",
+    "from pyspark.ml.evaluation import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Read Dataset"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "def assign_label(path):\n",
+    "    num = int(path.split(\"/\")[-1].split(\".\")[0].split(\"_\")[1])\n",
+    "    return num // 81\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "assign_label_udf = udf(assign_label, IntegerType())"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "# These files are already uploaded for build test machine\n",
+    "train_df = (\n",
+    "    spark.read.format(\"binaryFile\")\n",
+    "    .option(\"pathGlobFilter\", \"*.jpg\")\n",
+    "    .load(\"/tmp/17flowers/train\")\n",
+    "    .withColumn(\"image\", regexp_replace(\"path\", \"dbfs:\", \"/dbfs\"))\n",
+    "    .withColumn(\"label\", assign_label_udf(col(\"path\")))\n",
+    "    .select(\"image\", \"label\")\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "display(train_df.limit(100))"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "test_df = (\n",
+    "    spark.read.format(\"binaryFile\")\n",
+    "    .option(\"pathGlobFilter\", \"*.jpg\")\n",
+    "    .load(\"/tmp/17flowers/test\")\n",
+    "    .withColumn(\"image\", regexp_replace(\"path\", \"dbfs:\", \"/dbfs\"))\n",
+    "    .withColumn(\"label\", assign_label_udf(col(\"path\")))\n",
+    "    .select(\"image\", \"label\")\n",
+    ")"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Training"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "from horovod.spark.common.store import DBFSLocalStore\n",
+    "from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint\n",
+    "from synapse.ml.dl import *\n",
+    "\n",
+    "run_output_dir = \"/dbfs/FileStore/test/resnet50\"\n",
+    "store = DBFSLocalStore(run_output_dir)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "epochs = 10\n",
+    "\n",
+    "callbacks = [ModelCheckpoint(filename=\"{epoch}-{train_loss:.2f}\")]"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "deep_vision_classifier = DeepVisionClassifier(\n",
+    "    backbone=\"resnet50\",\n",
+    "    store=store,\n",
+    "    callbacks=callbacks,\n",
+    "    num_classes=17,\n",
+    "    batch_size=16,\n",
+    "    epochs=epochs,\n",
+    "    validation=0.1,\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "deep_vision_model = deep_vision_classifier.fit(train_df)"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Prediction"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "pred_df = deep_vision_model.transform(test_df)\n",
+    "evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(\n",
+    "    predictionCol=\"prediction\", labelCol=\"label\", metricName=\"accuracy\"\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "print(\"Test accuracy:\", evaluator.evaluate(pred_df))"
+   ]
+  }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+  "kernelspec": {
+   "display_name": "Python 3.8.13 ('synapseml')",
+   "language": "python",
+   "name": "python3"
+  },
+  "language_info": {
+   "name": "python",
+   "version": "3.8.13"
+  },
+  "orig_nbformat": 4,
+  "vscode": {
+   "interpreter": {
+    "hash": "e618ed4c1ce23faf0894af85b02b5324888e2d70eeb0f2451cf171faa1cbba7a"
+   }
+  }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/pipeline.yaml b/pipeline.yaml
index 375bd28653..a9271c426e 100644
--- a/pipeline.yaml
+++ b/pipeline.yaml
@@ -122,6 +122,14 @@ jobs:
         scriptType: bash
         inlineScript: 'sbt "testOnly com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.DatabricksTests"'
       condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.runTests, 'True'))
+    - task: AzureCLI@2
+      displayName: 'GPU tests'
+      inputs:
+        azureSubscription: 'MMLSpark Build'
+        scriptLocation: inlineScript
+        scriptType: bash
+        inlineScript: 'sbt "testOnly com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.nbtest.GPUTests"'
+      condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.runTests, 'True'))
     - task: PublishTestResults@2
       displayName: 'Publish Test Results'
@@ -450,8 +458,6 @@ jobs:
     - template: templates/update_cli.yml
     - template: templates/conda.yml
     - template: templates/kv.yml
-    - bash: curl https://archive.apache.org/dist/spark/spark-3.2.0/spark-3.2.0-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz -o spark-3.2.0-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz
-      displayName: Download spark
     - task: AzureCLI@2
       displayName: 'Test R Code'
       timeoutInMinutes: 30
diff --git a/tools/tests/run_r_tests.R b/tools/tests/run_r_tests.R
index 996966e01d..4e0c8d27f0 100644
--- a/tools/tests/run_r_tests.R
+++ b/tools/tests/run_r_tests.R
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
-  spark_install_find(version = "3.2.0")
-  error=function(err) {
-    spark_install_tar("../../../../../../../spark-3.2.0-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz")
-  }
+spark_install(version = "3.2.0", hadoop_version = "3.2")
 options("testthat.output_file" = "../../../../r-test-results.xml")
 devtools::test(reporter = JunitReporter$new())
diff --git a/website/.gitignore b/website/.gitignore
index 99b5174260..4f9eab662e 100644
--- a/website/.gitignore
+++ b/website/.gitignore
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 !/docs/features/responsible_ai/Data Balance Analysis.md
 !/docs/features/responsible_ai/Model Interpretation on Spark.md
diff --git a/website/docs/features/simple_deep_learning/about.md b/website/docs/features/simple_deep_learning/about.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f66fc886f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/features/simple_deep_learning/about.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Deep Vision Classification on Databricks
+sidebar_label: Deep Vision Classification on Databricks
+## 1. Re-install horovod using our prepared script
+We build on top of torchvision, horovod and pytorch_lightning, so we need to reinstall horovod by building on specific versions of those packages.
+Please download our [horovod installation script](https://mmlspark.blob.core.windows.net/publicwasb/horovod_installation.sh) and upload
+it to databricks dbfs.
+Add the path of this script to `Init Scripts` section when configuring the spark cluster.
+Restarting the cluster will automatically install horovod v0.25.0 with pytorch_lightning v1.5.0 and torchvision v0.12.0.
+## 2. Install SynapseML Deep Learning Component
+You could install the single synapseml-deep-learning wheel package to get the full functionality of deep vision classification.
+Run the following command:
+pip install https://mmlspark.blob.core.windows.net/pip/$SYNAPSEML_SCALA_VERSION/synapseml_deep_learning-$SYNAPSEML_PYTHON_VERSION-py2.py3-none-any.whl
+An alternative is installing the SynapseML jar package in library management section, by adding:
+Coordinate: com.microsoft.azure:synapseml_2.12:SYNAPSEML_SCALA_VERSION
+Repository: https://mmlspark.azureedge.net/maven
+If you install the jar package, you need to follow the first two cell of this [sample](./DeepLearning%20-%20Deep%20Vision%20Classifier.md/#environment-setup----reinstall-horovod-based-on-new-version-of-pytorch)
+to make horovod recognizing our module.
+## 3. Try our sample notebook
+You could follow the rest of this [sample](./DeepLearning%20-%20Deep%20Vision%20Classifier.md) and have a try on your own dataset.
+Supported models (`backbone` parameter for `DeepVisionClassifer`) should be string format of [torchvision supported models](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/v0.12.0/torchvision/models/__init__.py);
+You could also check by running `backbone in torchvision.models.__dict__`.
diff --git a/website/sidebars.js b/website/sidebars.js
index 4c991f14fb..7ad9cc2b03 100644
--- a/website/sidebars.js
+++ b/website/sidebars.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ let ss_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "spark_serving");
 let ocv_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "opencv");
 let cls_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "classification");
 let reg_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "regression");
+let dl_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "simple_deep_learning");
 let other_pages = listExamplePaths("features", "other");
 module.exports = {
@@ -88,6 +89,11 @@ module.exports = {
           label: 'Regression',
           items: reg_pages,
+        {
+          type: 'category',
+          label: 'Simple Deep Learning',
+          items: dl_pages,
+        },
           type: 'category',
           label: 'Other',