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Setup Device and Backend

To profile the inference latency of a model on mobile devices, we implement several backends, where each backend consists of a software-stack inference framework and a hardware. These backends will run the model and parse the command line outputs to get latency results. To hide the measurement complexities caused by various inference frameworks and hardware devices, we provide a consistent API for backends. Currently we provide three instances on two inference frameworks, i.e., CPU backend (named "tflite_cpu"), GPU backend (named "tflite_gpu") with TFLite platform, and VPU backend (named "openvino_vpu") with OpenVINO platform.

Users could list all the supported backends by running

nn-meter --list-backends

Besides of the current backends, users can implement a customized backend via nn-Meter to build latency predictors for your own devices. We allow users to install the customized backend as a builtin algorithm, so that users can easily use the backend in the same way as nn-Meter builtin backends. To use the customized backend, users can follow the customize backend guidance.

Next, we will introduce how to build the customized backend. The process is to setup the device and get connection to the backend.

Setup Device

Prepare your Enviroment

When you build a new backend, we recommend to use virtualenv. We use python3.6 as our test environment.

virtualenv openvino_env
source openvino_env/bin/activate
pip install -r docs/requirements/openvino_requirements.txt

TFLite Android Guide

TFLite is a widely-used and efficient inference framework for Android device. To setup Android device and TFLite framework, we list out the major steps as followings.

1. Install ADB and Android SDK

Follow Android Guide to install adb on your host device.

The easiest way is to directly download Android Studio from this page. After installing it, you will find adb at path $HOME/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/.

2. Get TFLite Benchmark Model

The benchmark_model is a tool provided by TensorFlow Lite, which can run a model and output its latency. Because nn-Meter needs to parse the text output of benchmark_model, a fixed version is required. For the convenience of users, we have released two modified version of benchmark_model based on tensorflow==2.1 and tensorflow==2.7, respectively. Users could download our complied version of benchmark_model from here.

NOTE: In our tf21 version, we have not specified to use Aarch64 for benchmark model compiling, which is an optional argument at that moment, and become a default setting with no need to specify by now. As a result, our benchmark model shows larger profiling latency than newly compiled benchmark tool. Users should apply our benchmark_model_cpu_v2.1 and benchmark_model_gpu_v2.1 to reproduce the consistent latency with our paper.

NOTE: On a same hardware, the different versions of benchmark_model can result in different inference latency for a same model. We recommend users compile and build the benchmark_model for latest version. Users could follow Official Guidance to build benchmark tool with new version TensorFlow Lite. Meanwhile, the class of LatencyParser may need to be refined. We are working to release the source code of this modified version.

3. Setup Benckmark Tool on Device

Push the benchmark_model to edge device by specifying its serial (if any).

adb [-s <device-serial>] push bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model /data/local/tmp

# add executable permission to benchmark_model
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model

OpenVINO VPU Guide

Follow OpenVINO Installation Guide to install OpenVINO on your host.

Prepare Configuration File

When connecting to backend, a series of configs should be manually defined by users. Firstly, users are required to create a workspace folder(Workspace Guidance). Then, a yaml file named backend_config.yaml will be created in <workspace-path>/configs/. Users can open <workspace-path>/configs/backend_config.yaml and edit the content to change configuration.

Specifically, for Android CPU or GPU backends, the required parameters include:

  • REMOTE_MODEL_DIR: path to the folder (on mobile device) where temporary models will be copied to.
  • BENCHMARK_MODEL_PATH: path (on android device) where the binary file benchmark_model is deployed.
  • DEVICE_SERIAL: if there are multiple adb devices connected to your host, you need to provide the corresponding serial id. Set to '' if there is only one device connected to your host.
  • KERNEL_PATH: path (on mobile device) where the kernel implementations will be dumped.

For VPU backends with OpenVINO, the required parameters include:

  • OPENVINO_ENV: path to openvino virtual environment (./docs/requirements/openvino_requirements.txt is provided)
  • OPTIMIZER_PATH: path to openvino optimizer
  • OPENVINO_RUNTIME_DIR: directory to openvino runtime
  • DEVICE_SERIAL: serial id of the device
  • DATA_TYPE: data type of the model (e.g., fp16, fp32)

When completing setting the configuration by editting <workspace-path>/configs/backend_config.yaml, users should initialize the workspace in builder_config module before connecting the backend:

from nn_meter.builder import builder_config

# initialize builder config with workspace
) # change the text to required platform type and workspace path

Note: after executing builder_config.init, the config are loaded permanently. If users want to update a config, it's required to repeat this initialization process again.

Connect to Backend

We recommend users run the following command to test the connection with your backend:

nn-meter connect --backend <backend-name> --workspace <path/to/workspace>

If the connection is successfully built, a message will be shown as:

(nn-Meter) hello backend !

To apply the backend for model inference and profiling, nn-Meter provides an interface connect_backend to initialize the backend connection. When using connect_backend, you need define a name for the backend.

# initialize workspace in code
workspace_path = "/path/to/workspace/"
from nn_meter.builder import builder_config

# connect to backend
from nn_meter.builder.backends import connect_backend
backend = connect_backend(backend_name='tflite_cpu')

Users can follow this example to get more details about our API.

Build Customized Backend

Prepare Customized Backend Class

nn-Meter provides API for users to customize their own backend. Here we firstly describe the implementation of BaseBackend. We define the base of all backend in nn_meter.builder.backends.BaseBackend as follows:

  • profiler_class: a subclass inherit form nn_meter.builder.backend.BaseProfiler to specify the running command of the backend. A profiler contains commands to push the model to mobile device, run the model on the mobile device, get stdout from the mobile device, and related operations. In the implementation of a profiler, an interface of Profiler.profile() is required. Users need to modify this at the most time.

    • profile: Main steps of Profiler.profile() includes 1) push the model file to edge devices, 2) profile models in required times and get back running results. Return the running results on edge device.
  • parser_class: a subclass inherit form nn_meter.builder.backend.BaseParser to parse the profiled results. A parser parses the stdout from device runner and get required metrics. In the implementation of a parser, interface of Parser.parse() and property of Parser.results() are required. Users are required to modify this all the time.

    • parse: a string parser to parse profiled results value from the standard output of devices runner. This method should return the instance class itself.

    • results: warp the parsed results by ProfiledResults class from nn_meter.builder.backend_meta.utils and return the parsed results value.

  • update_configs: update the config parameters for the backend. Users need to modify this all the time.

  • convert_model: convert the Keras model instance to the type required by the backend inference. For some time you will need to modify this.

  • profile: load model by model file path and run self.profile(). nn-Meter only support latency for metric by now. Users may provide other metrics in their customized backend. At the most time you won't need to modify this.

  • profile_model_file: load model by model file path and run self.profile(). At the most time you won't need to modify this.

  • test_connection: check the status of backend interface connection. For some time you won't need to implement this as it is for testing only.

Here is an example of how to create a new backend class:

from nn_meter.builder.backends import BaseBackend, BaseParser, BaseProfiler

class MyParser(BaseParser): ...
class MyProfiler(BaseProfiler): ...

class MyBackend(BaseBackend):
    parser_class = MyParser
    profiler_class = MyProfiler

Besides these customized backends, nn-Meter also provide TFLite backend (nn_meter.builder.backend.TFLiteBackend), and OpenVINO backend (nn_meter.builder.backend.OpenVINOBackend). If users want to create new device instance based on TFLite or OpenVINO, you can firstly inherit these two classes. Some methods such as convert_model, profile, and test_connection can be reused.

Here is an example that firstly inherits TFLiteBackend and then creates a backend named my_tflite:

from nn_meter.builder.backends import TFLiteBackend, TFLiteProfiler, BaseParser

class MyParser(BaseParser): ...
- class MyProfiler(BaseProfiler): ...
+ class MyProfiler(TFLiteProfiler): ...

- class MyBackend(BaseBackend):
+ class MyTFLiteBackend(TFLiteBackend):
    parser_class = MyParser
    profiler_class = MyProfiler

Register Backend to nn-Meter

Step 1: Create a Package for the Customized Backend

After preparing the backend class, users should also prepare a default config file in yaml format if there is any modifiable configs. This config file will be copied to workspace when running nn-meter create --customized-workspace <path/to/place/workspace/> --backend <backend-name>. Users can refer to the Configuration of TFLite and OpenVINO as a reference. nn-Meter suggests users to gather all code of backend and default config files in a package with a predefined location. The folder should contain all relevant classes, such as Parser and Profiler. A folder will be treated as a package with a file added. Here is a demo of folder structure:

└── default_config.yaml

The interface of customized backend class is stored in ./customized_backend/ In this demo, includes:

import logging
from nn_meter.builder.backends import BaseBackend, BaseParser, BaseProfiler

class MyParser(BaseParser): ...

class MyProfiler(BaseProfiler): ...

class MyBackend(BaseBackend):
    parser_class = MyParser
    profiler_class = MyProfiler

    def __init__(self, config):

    def test_connection(self):
        """check the status of backend interface connection
        logging.keyinfo("hello backend !")

Step 2: Prepare Meta File

Create a yaml file with following keys as meta file:

  • builtin_name: builtin name used in nn-Meter configuration file to call the customized backend, such as "my_backend".

  • package_location: the absolute path of the package.

  • class_module: the module of the backend class, in this example is backend, representing

  • class_name: the backend class name, in this example is MyBackend.

  • defaultConfigFile: the absolute path of the default configuration file. If there is no need to structure configuration file, defaultConfigFile could be set as empty.

Following is an example of the yaml file:

builtin_name: my_backend
package_location: /home/{USERNAME}/working/customized_backend
class_module: backend
class_name: MyBackend

Step 3: Register Customized Backend into nn-Meter

Run the following command to register customized backend into nn-Meter:

nn-meter register --backend path/to/meta/file

If the registration success, nn-Meter will show:

(nn-Meter) Successfully register backend my_backend.

nn-Meter will test whether the module can be imported during the registration process. If the registration process is not successful, please check the package according to the error information.

After the backend registration, users can check all backends by running:

nn-meter --list-backends
(nn-Meter) Supported backends: ('*' indicates customized backends)
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_cpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_gpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] openvino_vpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] * my_backend

Note: the package of customized backend must be retained in a fixed path as registered one. Otherwise may cause error when calling the registered module.

Step 4: Test the Registered Backend

After the registration, users can create customized workspace according to the customized backend:

nn-meter create --customized-workspace <workspace-path> --backend my_backend 
(nn-Meter) Workspace <workspace-path> for customized platform has been created. Users can edit experiment config in <workspace-path>/configs/.

Users could edit experiment configuration file in <workspace-path>/configs/backend_config.yaml (if any), and test the connection to the registered backend by running:

nn-meter connect --backend my_backend --workspace <workspace-path>
(nn-Meter) hello backend !

Use the Customized Backend in Experiment

If the backend is successfully registered, users are supposed to access to the customized backend by calling its builtin name:

# initialize builder config with workspace
from nn_meter.builder import builder_config
builder_config.init(workspace_path="/path/to/workspace/") # the path of workspace

# connect to backend
from nn_meter.builder.backends import connect_backend
backend = connect_backend(backend_name='my_backend')

Manage the Registered Backend

Users can view all builtin and registered backends by running:

nn-meter --list-backends
(nn-Meter) Supported backends: ('*' indicates customized backends)
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_cpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_gpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] openvino_vpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] * my_backend

Besides, users can unregister the backend by calling its name in command:

nn-meter unregister --backend my_backend
(nn-Meter) Successfully unregister my_backend.

After unregister the backend, "my_backend" will be removed from the backend list:

nn-meter --list-backends
(nn-Meter) Supported backends: ('*' indicates customized backends)
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_cpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] tflite_gpu
(nn-Meter) [Backend] openvino_vpu