diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index dd451bb9b..b9704f6b1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ Now you'll be able to see CodePush logs in either debug or release mode, on both | Server responds with a `404` when calling `sync` or `checkForUpdate` | Double-check that the deployment key you added to your `Info.plist` (iOS), `build.gradle` (Android) or that you're passing to `sync`/`checkForUpdate`, is in fact correct. You can run `code-push deployment ls [APP_NAME] -k` to view the correct keys for your app deployments. | | Update not being discovered | Double-check that the version of your running app (e.g. `1.0.0`) matches the version you specified when releasing the update to CodePush. Additionally, make sure that you are releasing to the same deployment that your app is configured to sync with. | | Update not being displayed after restart | If you're not calling `sync` on app start (e.g. within `componentDidMount` of your root component), then you need to explicitly call `notifyApplicationReady` on app start, otherwise, the plugin will think your update failed and roll it back. | +| I've released an update for iOS but my Android app also shows an update and it breaks it | Be sure you have different deployment keys for each platform in order to receive updates correctly | | Images dissappear after installing CodePush update | If your app is using the React Native assets system to load images (i.e. the `require(./foo.png)` syntax), then you **MUST** release your assets along with your JS bundle to CodePush. Follow [these instructions](#releasing-updates-javascript--images) to see how to do this. | | No JS bundle is being found when running your app against the iOS simulator | By default, React Native doesn't generate your JS bundle when running against the simulator. Therefore, if you're using `[CodePush bundleURL]`, and targetting the iOS simulator, you may be getting a `nil` result. This issue will be fixed in RN 0.22.0, but only for release builds. You can unblock this scenario right now by making [this change](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/9ae3714f4bebdd2bcab4d7fdbf23acebdc5ed2ba) locally.