Python classes for the SARIF 2.1.0 object model
pip install sarif-om import sarif_om
This module contains classes for the object model defined by the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) Version 2.1.0 file format, an OASIS Committee Specification.
To learn more about SARIF and find resources for working with it, you can visit the SARIF Home Page.
The source code is available at
The classes in this module were generated from the SARIF JSON schema
by the jschema-to-python code generator,
using the final SARIF standard JSON schema file sarif-schema-2.1.0.json
and the code generation hints file code-gen-hints.json
at the root of the GitHub repo, with the following command line:
pip install jschema-to-python py -m jschema_to_python --schema-path sarif-schema-2.1.0.json --module-name sarif_om --output-directory sarif_om --root-class-name SarifLog --hints-file-path code-gen-hints.json --force -vv
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