#!/bin/bash #set -x ############################################################################################ ## ## Script to install the latest [APPNAME] ## ## VER 3.0.1 ## ## Change Log ## ## 2022-01-05 - Updated Rosetta detection code ## 2021-11-19 - Added logic to handle both APP and PKG inside DMG file. New function DMGPKG ## 2021-12-06 - Added --compressed to curl cli ## - Fixed DMGPKG detection ## ############################################################################################ ## Copyright (c) 2020 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. ## Scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. ## Microsoft disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a ## particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall ## Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever ## (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary ## loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility ## of such damages. ## Feedback: neiljohn@microsoft.com # User Defined variables weburl=$(curl --silent --fail -H "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" -H "Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "Referer: https://get.adobe.com/reader/enterprise/" -H "Accept: */*" "https://get.adobe.com/reader/webservices/json/standalone/?platform_type=Macintosh&platform_dist=OSX&platform_arch=x86-32&language=English&eventname=readerotherversions" | grep -Eo '"download_url":.*?[^\\]",' | head -n 1 | cut -d \" -f 4) appname="Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" # The name of our App deployment script (also used for Octory monitor) app="Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app" # The actual name of our App once installed logandmetadir="/Library/Logs/Microsoft/IntuneScripts/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" # The location of our logs and last updated data processpath="/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app/Contents/MacOS/AdobeReader" # The process name of the App we are installing terminateprocess="false" # Do we want to terminate the running process? If false we'll wait until its not running autoUpdate="true" # Application updates itself, if already installed we should exit # Generated variables tempdir=$(mktemp -d) log="$logandmetadir/$appname.log" # The location of the script log file metafile="$logandmetadir/$appname.meta" # The location of our meta file (for updates) # function to delay script if the specified process is running waitForProcess () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## Function to pause while a specified process is running ## ## Functions used ## ## None ## ## Variables used ## ## $1 = name of process to check for ## $2 = length of delay (if missing, function to generate random delay between 10 and 60s) ## $3 = true/false if = "true" terminate process, if "false" wait for it to close ## ############################################################### ############################################################### processName=$1 fixedDelay=$2 terminate=$3 echo "$(date) | Waiting for other [$processName] processes to end" while ps aux | grep "$processName" | grep -v grep &>/dev/null; do if [[ $terminate == "true" ]]; then echo "$(date) | + [$appname] running, terminating [$processpath]..." pkill -f "$processName" return fi # If we've been passed a delay we should use it, otherwise we'll create a random delay each run if [[ ! $fixedDelay ]]; then delay=$(( $RANDOM % 50 + 10 )) else delay=$fixedDelay fi echo "$(date) | + Another instance of $processName is running, waiting [$delay] seconds" sleep $delay done echo "$(date) | No instances of [$processName] found, safe to proceed" } # function to check if we need Rosetta 2 checkForRosetta2 () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## Simple function to install Rosetta 2 if needed. ## ## Functions ## ## waitForProcess (used to pause script if another instance of softwareupdate is running) ## ## Variables ## ## None ## ############################################################### ############################################################### echo "$(date) | Checking if we need Rosetta 2 or not" # if Software update is already running, we need to wait... waitForProcess "/usr/sbin/softwareupdate" ## Note, Rosetta detection code from https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2020/11/17/installing-rosetta-2-on-apple-silicon-macs/ OLDIFS=$IFS IFS='.' read osvers_major osvers_minor osvers_dot_version <<< "$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion)" IFS=$OLDIFS if [[ ${osvers_major} -ge 11 ]]; then # Check to see if the Mac needs Rosetta installed by testing the processor processor=$(/usr/sbin/sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string | grep -o "Intel") if [[ -n "$processor" ]]; then echo "$(date) | $processor processor installed. No need to install Rosetta." else # Check for Rosetta "oahd" process. If not found, # perform a non-interactive install of Rosetta. if /usr/bin/pgrep oahd >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$(date) | Rosetta is already installed and running. Nothing to do." else /usr/sbin/softwareupdate –install-rosetta –agree-to-license if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$(date) | Rosetta has been successfully installed." else echo "$(date) | Rosetta installation failed!" exitcode=1 fi fi fi else echo "$(date) | Mac is running macOS $osvers_major.$osvers_minor.$osvers_dot_version." echo "$(date) | No need to install Rosetta on this version of macOS." fi } # Function to update the last modified date for this app fetchLastModifiedDate() { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and downloads the URL provided to a temporary location ## ## Functions ## ## none ## ## Variables ## ## $logandmetadir = Directory to read nand write meta data to ## $metafile = Location of meta file (used to store last update time) ## $weburl = URL of download location ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $lastmodified = Generated by the function as the last-modified http header from the curl request ## ## Notes ## ## If called with "fetchLastModifiedDate update" the function will overwrite the current lastmodified date into metafile ## ############################################################### ############################################################### ## Check if the log directory has been created if [[ ! -d "$logandmetadir" ]]; then ## Creating Metadirectory echo "$(date) | Creating [$logandmetadir] to store metadata" mkdir -p "$logandmetadir" fi # generate the last modified date of the file we need to download lastmodified=$(curl -sIL "$weburl" | grep -i "last-modified" | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | awk '{ sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print }' | tr -d '\r') if [[ $1 == "update" ]]; then echo "$(date) | Writing last modifieddate [$lastmodified] to [$metafile]" echo "$lastmodified" > "$metafile" fi } function downloadApp () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and downloads the URL provided to a temporary location ## ## Functions ## ## waitForCurl (Pauses download until all other instances of Curl have finished) ## downloadSize (Generates human readable size of the download for the logs) ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $weburl = URL of download location ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## ############################################################### ############################################################### echo "$(date) | Starting downlading of [$appname]" # wait for other downloads to complete waitForProcess "curl -f" #download the file updateOctory installing echo "$(date) | Downloading $appname [$weburl]" cd "$tempdir" curl -f -s --connect-timeout 30 --retry 5 --retry-delay 60 --compressed -L -J -O "$weburl" if [ $? == 0 ]; then # We have downloaded a file, we need to know what the file is called and what type of file it is tempSearchPath="$tempdir/*" for f in $tempSearchPath; do tempfile=$f done case $tempfile in *.pkg|*.PKG) packageType="PKG" ;; *.zip|*.ZIP) packageType="ZIP" ;; *.dmg|*.DMG) # We have what we think is a DMG, but we don't know what is inside it yet, could be an APP or PKG # Let's mount it and try to guess what we're dealing with... echo "$(date) | Found DMG, looking inside..." # Mount the dmg file... volume="$tempdir/$appname" echo "$(date) | Mounting Image [$volume] [$tempfile]" hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse -mountpoint "$volume" "$tempfile" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | Mounted succesfully to [$volume]" else echo "$(date) | Failed to mount [$tempfile]" fi if [[ $(ls "$volume" | grep -i .app) ]] && [[ $(ls "$volume" | grep -i .pkg) ]]; then echo "$(date) | Detected both APP and PKG in same DMG, exiting gracefully" else if [[ $(ls "$volume" | grep -i .app) ]]; then echo "$(date) | Detected APP, setting PackageType to DMG" packageType="DMG" fi if [[ $(ls "$volume" | grep -i .pkg) ]]; then echo "$(date) | Detected PKG, setting PackageType to DMGPKG" packageType="DMGPKG" fi fi # Unmount the dmg echo "$(date) | Un-mounting [$volume]" hdiutil detach -quiet "$volume" ;; *) # We can't tell what this is by the file name, lets look at the metadata echo "$(date) | Unknown file type [$f], analysing metadata" metadata=$(file "$tempfile") if [[ "$metadata" == *"Zip archive data"* ]]; then packageType="ZIP" mv "$tempfile" "$tempdir/install.zip" tempfile="$tempdir/install.zip" fi if [[ "$metadata" == *"xar archive"* ]]; then packageType="PKG" mv "$tempfile" "$tempdir/install.pkg" tempfile="$tempdir/install.pkg" fi if [[ "$metadata" == *"bzip2 compressed data"* ]] || [[ "$metadata" == *"zlib compressed data"* ]] ; then packageType="DMG" mv "$tempfile" "$tempdir/install.dmg" tempfile="$tempdir/install.dmg" fi ;; esac if [[ ! $packageType ]]; then echo "Failed to determine temp file type [$metadata]" rm -rf "$tempdir" else echo "$(date) | Downloaded [$app] to [$tempfile]" echo "$(date) | Detected install type as [$packageType]" fi else echo "$(date) | Failure to download [$weburl] to [$tempfile]" updateOctory failed exit 1 fi } # Function to check if we need to update or not function updateCheck() { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following dependencies and variables and exits if no update is required ## ## Functions ## ## fetchLastModifiedDate ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $volume = name of volume mount point ## $app = name of Application directory under /Applications ## ############################################################### ############################################################### echo "$(date) | Checking if we need to install or update [$appname]" ## Is the app already installed? if [ -d "/Applications/$app" ]; then # App is installed, if it's updates are handled by MAU we should quietly exit if [[ $autoUpdate == "true" ]]; then echo "$(date) | [$appname] is already installed and handles updates itself, exiting" exit 0; fi # App is already installed, we need to determine if it requires updating or not echo "$(date) | [$appname] already installed, let's see if we need to update" fetchLastModifiedDate ## Did we store the last modified date last time we installed/updated? if [[ -d "$logandmetadir" ]]; then if [ -f "$metafile" ]; then previouslastmodifieddate=$(cat "$metafile") if [[ "$previouslastmodifieddate" != "$lastmodified" ]]; then echo "$(date) | Update found, previous [$previouslastmodifieddate] and current [$lastmodified]" update="update" else echo "$(date) | No update between previous [$previouslastmodifieddate] and current [$lastmodified]" echo "$(date) | Exiting, nothing to do" exit 0 fi else echo "$(date) | Meta file [$metafile] not found" echo "$(date) | Unable to determine if update required, updating [$appname] anyway" fi fi else echo "$(date) | [$appname] not installed, need to download and install" fi } ## Install PKG Function function installPKG () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and installs the PKG file ## ## Functions ## ## isAppRunning (Pauses installation if the process defined in global variable $processpath is running ) ## fetchLastModifiedDate (Called with update flag which causes the function to write the new lastmodified date to the metadata file) ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $volume = name of volume mount point ## $app = name of Application directory under /Applications ## ############################################################### ############################################################### # Check if app is running, if it is we need to wait. waitForProcess "$processpath" "300" "$terminateprocess" echo "$(date) | Installing $appname" # Update Octory monitor updateOctory installing # Remove existing files if present if [[ -d "/Applications/$app" ]]; then rm -rf "/Applications/$app" fi installer -pkg "$tempfile" -target /Applications # Checking if the app was installed successfully if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | $appname Installed" echo "$(date) | Cleaning Up" rm -rf "$tempdir" echo "$(date) | Application [$appname] succesfully installed" fetchLastModifiedDate update updateOctory installed exit 0 else echo "$(date) | Failed to install $appname" rm -rf "$tempdir" updateOctory failed exit 1 fi } ## Install DMG Function function installDMGPKG () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and installs the DMG file into /Applications ## ## Functions ## ## isAppRunning (Pauses installation if the process defined in global variable $processpath is running ) ## fetchLastModifiedDate (Called with update flag which causes the function to write the new lastmodified date to the metadata file) ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $volume = name of volume mount point ## $app = name of Application directory under /Applications ## ############################################################### ############################################################### # Check if app is running, if it is we need to wait. waitForProcess "$processpath" "300" "$terminateprocess" echo "$(date) | Installing [$appname]" updateOctory installing # Mount the dmg file... volume="$tempdir/$appname" echo "$(date) | Mounting Image" hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse -mountpoint "$volume" "$tempfile" # Remove existing files if present if [[ -d "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | Removing existing files" rm -rf "/Applications/$app" fi for file in "$volume"/*.pkg do echo "$(date) | Starting installer for [$file]" installer -pkg "$file" -target /Applications done # Unmount the dmg echo "$(date) | Un-mounting [$volume]" hdiutil detach -quiet "$volume" # Checking if the app was installed successfully if [[ -a "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | [$appname] Installed" echo "$(date) | Cleaning Up" rm -rf "$tempfile" echo "$(date) | Fixing up permissions" sudo chown -R root:wheel "/Applications/$app" echo "$(date) | Application [$appname] succesfully installed" fetchLastModifiedDate update updateOctory installed exit 0 else echo "$(date) | Failed to install [$appname]" rm -rf "$tempdir" updateOctory failed exit 1 fi } ## Install DMG Function function installDMG () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and installs the DMG file into /Applications ## ## Functions ## ## isAppRunning (Pauses installation if the process defined in global variable $processpath is running ) ## fetchLastModifiedDate (Called with update flag which causes the function to write the new lastmodified date to the metadata file) ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $volume = name of volume mount point ## $app = name of Application directory under /Applications ## ############################################################### ############################################################### # Check if app is running, if it is we need to wait. waitForProcess "$processpath" "300" "$terminateprocess" echo "$(date) | Installing [$appname]" updateOctory installing # Mount the dmg file... volume="$tempdir/$appname" echo "$(date) | Mounting Image" hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse -mountpoint "$volume" "$tempfile" # Remove existing files if present if [[ -d "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | Removing existing files" rm -rf "/Applications/$app" fi # Sync the application and unmount once complete echo "$(date) | Copying app files to /Applications/$app" rsync -a "$volume"/*.app/ "/Applications/$app" # Unmount the dmg echo "$(date) | Un-mounting [$volume]" hdiutil detach -quiet "$volume" # Checking if the app was installed successfully if [[ -a "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | [$appname] Installed" echo "$(date) | Cleaning Up" rm -rf "$tempfile" echo "$(date) | Fixing up permissions" sudo chown -R root:wheel "/Applications/$app" echo "$(date) | Application [$appname] succesfully installed" fetchLastModifiedDate update updateOctory installed exit 0 else echo "$(date) | Failed to install [$appname]" rm -rf "$tempdir" updateOctory failed exit 1 fi } ## Install ZIP Function function installZIP () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function takes the following global variables and installs the DMG file into /Applications ## ## Functions ## ## isAppRunning (Pauses installation if the process defined in global variable $processpath is running ) ## fetchLastModifiedDate (Called with update flag which causes the function to write the new lastmodified date to the metadata file) ## ## Variables ## ## $appname = Description of the App we are installing ## $tempfile = location of temporary DMG file downloaded ## $volume = name of volume mount point ## $app = name of Application directory under /Applications ## ############################################################### ############################################################### # Check if app is running, if it is we need to wait. waitForProcess "$processpath" "300" "$terminateprocess" echo "$(date) | Installing $appname" updateOctory installing # Change into temp dir cd "$tempdir" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | Changed current directory to $tempdir" else echo "$(date) | failed to change to $tempfile" if [ -d "$tempdir" ]; then rm -rf $tempdir; fi updateOctory failed exit 1 fi # Unzip files in temp dir unzip -qq -o "$tempfile" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | $tempfile unzipped" else echo "$(date) | failed to unzip $tempfile" if [ -d "$tempdir" ]; then rm -rf $tempdir; fi updateOctory failed exit 1 fi # If app is already installed, remove all old files if [[ -a "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | Removing old installation at /Applications/$app" rm -rf "/Applications/$app" fi # Copy over new files rsync -a "$app/" "/Applications/$app" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | $appname moved into /Applications" else echo "$(date) | failed to move $appname to /Applications" if [ -d "$tempdir" ]; then rm -rf $tempdir; fi updateOctory failed exit 1 fi # Make sure permissions are correct echo "$(date) | Fix up permissions" sudo chown -R root:wheel "/Applications/$app" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$(date) | correctly applied permissions to $appname" else echo "$(date) | failed to apply permissions to $appname" if [ -d "$tempdir" ]; then rm -rf $tempdir; fi updateOctory failed exit 1 fi # Checking if the app was installed successfully if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then if [[ -a "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "$(date) | $appname Installed" updateOctory installed echo "$(date) | Cleaning Up" rm -rf "$tempfile" # Update metadata fetchLastModifiedDate update echo "$(date) | Fixing up permissions" sudo chown -R root:wheel "/Applications/$app" echo "$(date) | Application [$appname] succesfully installed" exit 0 else echo "$(date) | Failed to install $appname" exit 1 fi else # Something went wrong here, either the download failed or the install Failed # intune will pick up the exit status and the IT Pro can use that to determine what went wrong. # Intune can also return the log file if requested by the admin echo "$(date) | Failed to install $appname" if [ -d "$tempdir" ]; then rm -rf $tempdir; fi exit 1 fi } function updateOctory () { ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################# ## ## This function is designed to update Octory status (if required) ## ## ## Parameters (updateOctory parameter) ## ## notInstalled ## installing ## installed ## ############################################################### ############################################################### # Is Octory present if [[ -a "/Library/Application Support/Octory" ]]; then # Octory is installed, but is it running? if [[ $(ps aux | grep -i "Octory" | grep -v grep) ]]; then echo "$(date) | Updating Octory monitor for [$appname] to [$1]" /usr/local/bin/octo-notifier monitor "$appname" --state $1 >/dev/null fi fi } function startLog() { ################################################### ################################################### ## ## start logging - Output to log file and STDOUT ## #################### #################### if [[ ! -d "$logandmetadir" ]]; then ## Creating Metadirectory echo "$(date) | Creating [$logandmetadir] to store logs" mkdir -p "$logandmetadir" fi exec &> >(tee -a "$log") } # function to delay until the user has finished setup assistant. waitForDesktop () { until ps aux | grep /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock | grep -v grep &>/dev/null; do delay=$(( $RANDOM % 50 + 10 )) echo "$(date) | + Dock not running, waiting [$delay] seconds" sleep $delay done echo "$(date) | Dock is here, lets carry on" } ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ## ## Begin Script Body ## ##################################### ##################################### # Initiate logging startLog echo "" echo "##############################################################" echo "# $(date) | Logging install of [$appname] to [$log]" echo "############################################################" echo "" # Install Rosetta if we need it checkForRosetta2 # Test if we need to install or update updateCheck # Wait for Desktop waitForDesktop # Download app downloadApp # Install PKG file if [[ $packageType == "PKG" ]]; then installPKG fi # Install PKG file if [[ $packageType == "ZIP" ]]; then installZIP fi # Install PKG file if [[ $packageType == "DMG" ]]; then installDMG fi # Install DMGPKG file if [[ $packageType == "DMGPKG" ]]; then installDMGPKG fi