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File metadata and controls

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Dynamic Pages

Dynamic Pages

Middleman has the ability to generate pages which do not have a one-to-one relationship with their template files. What this means is that you can have a single template which generates multiple files based on variables. Here's an example config.rb setup:

["tom", "dick", "harry"].each do |name|
  page "/about/#{name}.html", :proxy => "/about/template.html" do
    @person_name = name

When this project is built, four files will be output:

  • /about/tom.html (with @person_name equalling "tom" in the template)
  • /about/dick.html (with @person_name equalling "dick" in the template)
  • /about/harry.html (with @person_name equalling "harry" in the template)
  • /about/template.html (with @person_name being nil in the template)

In most cases, you will not want to generate the template itself without the @person_name variable, so you can tell Middleman to ignore it:

["tom", "dick", "harry"].each do |name|
  page "/about/#{name}.html", :proxy => "/about/template.html", :ignore => true do
    @person_name = name

Now, only the about/tom.html, about/dick.html and about/harry.html files will be output.

Arbitrary Ignores

It is also possible to ignore arbitrary paths when building a site using the new ignore method in your config.rb:

ignore "/ignore-this-template.html"

You can give ignore exact source paths, filename globs, or regexes.