# --------------------------------------------------- ROUTERS ---------------------------------------------------- # The routers map an URI prefix to the correct service (see below), and tie in middlewares (see below) # the /dashboard/ URI of the server points to the Traefik dashboard [http.routers.api] rule = "Host(`traefik.haul.de`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))" entrypoints = ["websecure"] middlewares = ["simpleAuth"] service = "api@internal" [http.routers.api.tls] certResolver = "lets-encrypt" # --------------------------------------------------- MIDDLEWARES ---------------------------------------------------- # Middlewares are filters that sit in the traffik pipeline and can manipulate the data stream. They are called in by the routers defined above [http.middlewares] # the middleware named simpleAuth provides a basic authentication with the users as stated here [http.middlewares.simpleAuth.basicAuth] users = [ "admin:$apr1$q900DVLT$k1.Q92drYj95XDW3f8R.b." ] # --------------------------------------------------- SERVICES ---------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTS -------------------------------------------------- [http.serversTransports.nocertcheck] insecureSkipVerify = true