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S1: A player written in cpp

Miguel Riem de Oliveira edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 7 revisions

Introduction to cpp

We will do a very brief introduction to cpp, with the goal of allowing you to understand the ROS code we will supply.

However, a deep study of cpp is out of the scope of this workshop. You can check several cpp courses online, e.g.:

We will use c++ functionalities to create code for our game. Later on we will plug in the ROS stuff to this code skeleton.


First lets create a file:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2018/rws2018_moliveira/player_moliveira/src
touch player_moliveira_node.cpp

and paste the following inside the file:

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;           
    return 1;                                                      

Editing CMakeLists.txt, compiling with catkin_make and executing with rosrun

NOTE: you may configure vscode to compile and run ros projects. It is better than gedit (and much worse than vim).

Classes, constructor and public atributes

Create a class Player, with a constructor which receives as argument an std::string.

#include <iostream>                                                                                     

class Player

    Player(std::string name)
        this->name = name;

    std::string name;



int main()

    std::string player_name = "moliveira";
    //Creating an instance of class Player
    Player player(player_name);

    std::cout << "Created an instance of class player with public name " << << std::endl;

Private attributes and accessors

#include <iostream>

class Player

    //Constructor with the same name as the class
    Player(std::string name) { this->name = name;}

    //Set team name, if given a correct team name (accessor)
    int setTeamName(std::string team)
        if (team=="red" || team=="green" || team=="blue")
            this->team = team;
            return 1;
            std::cout << "cannot set team name to " << team << std::endl;
            return 0;

    //Gets team name (accessor)
    std::string getTeam(void) {return team;}
    std::string name; //A public atribute

    std::string team;

int main()
    //Creating an instance of class Player
    Player player("moliveira");
    std::cout << " is " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "team is " << player.getTeam() << std::endl;

Function overload and function argument default values

#include <iostream>

class Player

    //Constructor with the same name as the class
    Player(std::string name) { this->name = name;}

    int setTeamName(int team_index = 0 /*default value*/)
        switch (team_index)
            case 0: 
                return setTeamName("red"); break;
            case 1: 
                return setTeamName("green"); break;
            case 2: 
                return setTeamName("blue");  break;
                std::cout << "wrong team index given. Cannot set team" << std::endl; break;

    //Set team name, if given a correct team name (accessor)
    int setTeamName(std::string team)
        if (team=="red" || team=="green" || team=="blue")
            this->team = team;
            return 1;                                                                                   
            std::cout << "cannot set team name to " << team << std::endl;
            return 0;

    //Gets team name (accessor)
    std::string getTeamName(void) {return team;}
    std::string name; //A public atribute

    std::string team;

int main()
    //Creating an instance of class Player
    Player player("moliveira");
    std::cout << " is " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "team is " << player.getTeamName() << std::endl;


Class inheritance, passing arguments to superclass constructor

class Player 
// ... (hidden for better visualization)

//Class myPlayer extends class Player
class myPlayer: public Player
    myPlayer(std::string name, std::string team): Player(name)

int main()
    //Creating an instance of class Player
    myPlayer my_player("moliveira","green");
    std::cout << " is " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "team is " << my_player.getTeamName() << std::endl;


We can use namespaces to group functions, classes, variables, etc under a common name.

For example, all opencv stuff is under the namespace cv::

In the following code, we created our own namespace. In addition, we are using a shortcut to the namespace std

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;                                                                                    

namespace rws_moliveira

class Player **//hidden for better visualization**

//Class myPlayer extends class Player
class myPlayer: public Player **//hidden for better visualization**

} //end of namespace rws_moliveira
int main()
    //Creating an instance of class Player
    rws_moliveira::myPlayer my_player("moliveira","green");
    cout << " is " << << endl;
    cout << "team is " << my_player.getTeamName() << endl;                                              

std::vector, boost::shared_ptr, templates and references

A class team should contain a list of players.

//System includes
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

//Boost includes
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

using namespace std;

 * @brief The namespace of this lib
namespace rws2018_moliveira

class Player **//hidden for better visualization**

//Class myPlayer extends class Player
class myPlayer: public Player **//hidden for better visualization**

* @brief Contains a description of a team
  class Team
       * @brief Constructor
       * @param team_name the team name
      Team(string team_name)
        name = team_name; 


       * @brief Prints the name of the team and the names of all its players
      void printTeamInfo(void)
        //Write code here ...

       * @brief Checks if a player belongs to the team
       * @param player_name the name of the player to check
       * @return true or false, yes or no
      bool playerBelongsToTeam(string player_name)
        //write code here ...

       * @brief The team name
      string name;

       * @brief A list of the team's player names
      vector<string> players;

  };//end of class Team
} //end of namespace rws_moliveira

int main()
    //Creating an instance of class Team
    rws_moliveira::Team team("green");
