4 Band tiff to CMYK jpg to preserve 4 channels @ 8 bit as a jpg and can the reverse process, using fast libraries TurboJpeg and vips. Created to compress 4 band tiffs for ftp while still being an easly viewable format, CMYK jpgs are up to 20% more effeciant than 2 seperate jpgs.
While the jpg is stored as CMYK, the channels are unchanged.
This should be about 3.5 times faster than compairable imagemagick scripts
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPATH, --inpath INPATH
path to input file or folder
-o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH
path to output file or folder
-q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
jpeg quality value [0-100]
-f {j,jpg,t,tif}, --format {j,jpg,t,tif}
output format
-ov, --overwrite replace existing files
-r, --recurse include all sub dirrectories
-cpu CPU, --cpu CPU Percent of threads to CPUs [150 - 25]
requires python, 64bit suggested, tested with 3.8.6 on windows 10
install libjpeg-turbo
install vips lib
add vips\bin to system path (restart recomended)
pip install -r requirements.txt