Sensotron is Arduino kit with 7 sensors. It can sense light, sound, temperature, moisture, pressure, touch, movement and gasses, and display measured results on built-in LCD.
The kit includes:
LCD Keypad Shield Touch sensor electronic brick PIR motion sensor module MPL115A2 I2C Barrometric pressure/temperature sensor Light sensor electronic brick Sound sensor/Microphone electronic brick DHT 11 Humidity/Temperature sensor electronic brick MQ-2 Gas sensor electronic brick
... and last but not least, an Arduino Uno.
We recommend ITeaduino Uno, since it makes connections easy and cheap. With other Uno derviatives, we recommend using Sensor shield. To build it, you will probably also need:
Arduino Stackable Header Kit 40-pin dupont female-to-female cables
or equivalent.
This Arduino sketch contains all the code needed to read sensors, and display the readings on LCD. The code is supposed to be simple enough for young students to read and modify.
Required libraries are included in the repository, in libraries folder. To add them to Arduino IDE, go to Sketch -> Import library -> Add library, or just copy them to your arduino folder.
The kit including all the components, and 3D printed box, may be obtained from