Analysis date: Sat Mar 16 23:38:18 CET 2024 Input file(s): barcode09.fastq Output file(s): barcode09_mixcr_results/barcode09_result.vdjca Version: 4.6.0; built=Sat Dec 09 20:48:42 CET 2023; rev=c9fafa41fe; lib=repseqio.v4.0 Command line arguments: align --report barcode09_mixcr_results/ --json-report barcode09_mixcr_results/ --preset generic-ont --save-output-file-names barcode09_mixcr_results/barcode09_result.align.list --species dog --library imgt barcode09.fastq barcode09_mixcr_results/barcode09_result.vdjca Analysis time: 23.88s Total sequencing reads: 791960 Successfully aligned reads: 105197 (13.28%) Coverage (percent of successfully aligned): CDR3: 97555 (92.74%) FR3_TO_FR4: 41710 (39.65%) CDR2_TO_FR4: 101778 (96.75%) FR2_TO_FR4: 101063 (96.07%) CDR1_TO_FR4: 100658 (95.69%) VDJRegion: 101667 (96.64%) Alignment failed: no hits (not TCR/IG?): 625559 (78.99%) Alignment failed: absence of J hits: 61204 (7.73%) Overlapped: 0 (0%) Overlapped and aligned: 0 (0%) Overlapped and not aligned: 0 (0%) Alignment-aided overlaps, percent of overlapped and aligned: 0 (NaN%) No CDR3 parts alignments, percent of successfully aligned: 2444 (2.32%) Partial aligned reads, percent of successfully aligned: 5198 (4.94%) Realigned with forced non-floating bound: 0 (0%) Realigned with forced non-floating right bound in left read: 0 (0%) Realigned with forced non-floating left bound in right read: 0 (0%) IGH chains: 39518 (37.57%) IGH non-functional: 6950 (17.59%) IGK chains: 1 (0%) IGK non-functional: 0 (0%) IGL chains: 65678 (62.43%) IGL non-functional: 8708 (13.26%) ======================================