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File metadata and controls

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JavaScript Client API Reference Slack

Initialize Minio Client object.


var Minio = require('minio')

var minioClient = new Minio.Client({
    endPoint: '',
    port: 9000,
    useSSL: true,
    accessKey: 'Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F',
    secretKey: 'zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG'


var Minio = require('minio')

var s3Client = new Minio.Client({
    endPoint:  '',
    accessKey: 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID',
Bucket operations Object operations Presigned operations Bucket Policy & Notification operations
makeBucket getObject presignedUrl getBucketNotification
listBuckets getPartialObject presignedGetObject setBucketNotification
bucketExists fGetObject presignedPutObject removeAllBucketNotification
removeBucket putObject presignedPostPolicy getBucketPolicy
listObjects fPutObject setBucketPolicy
listObjectsV2 copyObject listenBucketNotification
listIncompleteUploads statObject

1. Constructor

new Minio.Client ({endPoint, port, useSSL, accessKey, secretKey})

new Minio.Client ({endPoint, port, useSSL, accessKey, secretKey})
Initializes a new client object.


Param Type Description
endPoint string endPoint is a host name or an IP address.
port number TCP/IP port number. This input is optional. Default value set to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPs.
useSSL bool If set to true, https is used instead of http. Default is true.
accessKey string accessKey is like user-id that uniquely identifies your account.
secretKey string secretKey is the password to your account.
region string Set this value to override region cache. (Optional)
transport string Set this value to pass in a custom transport. (Optional)
sessionToken string Set this value to provide x-amz-security-token (AWS S3 specific). (Optional)


Create client for Minio

var Minio = require('minio')

var minioClient = new Minio.Client({
    endPoint: '',
    port: 9000,
    useSSL: true,
    accessKey: 'Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F',
    secretKey: 'zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG'

Create client for AWS S3

var Minio = require('minio')

var s3Client = new Minio.Client({
    endPoint:  '',
    accessKey: 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID',

2. Bucket operations

makeBucket(bucketName, region[, callback])

Creates a new bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
region string Region where the bucket is created. This parameter is optional. Default value is us-east-1.
callback(err) function Callback function with err as the error argument. err is null if the bucket is successfully created. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


minioClient.makeBucket('mybucket', 'us-east-1', function(err) {
  if (err) return console.log('Error creating bucket.', err)
  console.log('Bucket created successfully in "us-east-1".')


Lists all buckets.


Param Type Description
callback(err, bucketStream) function Callback function with error as the first argument. bucketStream is the stream emitting bucket information. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.

bucketStream emits Object with the format:-

Param Type Description string bucket name
bucket.creationDate Date date when bucket was created.


minioClient.listBuckets(function(err, buckets) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)
  console.log('buckets :', buckets)

bucketExists(bucketName, callback)

Checks if a bucket exists.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
callback(err, exists) function exists is a boolean which indicates whether bucketName exists or not. err is set when an error occurs during the operation.


minioClient.bucketExists('mybucket', function(err, exists) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)
  if (exists) {
    return console.log('Bucket exists.')

removeBucket(bucketName[, callback])

Removes a bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
callback(err) function err is null if the bucket is removed successfully. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


minioClient.removeBucket('mybucket', function(err) {
  if (err) return console.log('unable to remove bucket.')
  console.log('Bucket removed successfully.')

listObjects(bucketName, prefix, recursive)

Lists all objects in a bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
prefix string The prefix of the objects that should be listed (optional, default '').
recursive bool true indicates recursive style listing and false indicates directory style listing delimited by '/'. (optional, default false).

Return Value

Param Type Description
stream Stream Stream emitting the objects in the bucket.

The object is of the format:

Param Type Description string name of the object.
obj.prefix string name of the object prefix.
obj.size number size of the object.
obj.etag string etag of the object.
obj.lastModified Date modified time stamp.


var stream = minioClient.listObjects('mybucket','', true)
stream.on('data', function(obj) { console.log(obj) } )
stream.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err) } )

listObjectsV2(bucketName, prefix, recursive, startAfter)

Lists all objects in a bucket using S3 listing objects V2 API


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
prefix string The prefix of the objects that should be listed (optional, default '').
recursive bool true indicates recursive style listing and false indicates directory style listing delimited by '/'. (optional, default false).
startAfter string Specifies the object name to start after when listing objects in a bucket. (optional, default '').

Return Value

Param Type Description
stream Stream Stream emitting the objects in the bucket.

The object is of the format:

Param Type Description string name of the object.
obj.prefix string name of the object prefix.
obj.size number size of the object.
obj.etag string etag of the object.
obj.lastModified Date modified time stamp.


var stream = minioClient.listObjectsV2('mybucket','', true,'')
stream.on('data', function(obj) { console.log(obj) } )
stream.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err) } )

listIncompleteUploads(bucketName, prefix, recursive)

Lists partially uploaded objects in a bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketname string Name of the bucket.
prefix string Prefix of the object names that are partially uploaded. (optional, default '')
recursive bool true indicates recursive style listing and false indicates directory style listing delimited by '/'. (optional, default false).

Return Value

Param Type Description
stream Stream Emits objects of the format listed below:
Param Type Description
part.key string name of the object.
part.uploadId string upload ID of the object.
part.size Integer size of the partially uploaded object.


var Stream = minioClient.listIncompleteUploads('mybucket', '', true)
Stream.on('data', function(obj) {
Stream.on('end', function() {
Stream.on('error', function(err) {

3. Object operations

getObject(bucketName, objectName[, callback])

Downloads an object as a stream.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
callback(err, stream) function Callback is called with err in case of error. stream is the object content stream. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


var size = 0
minioClient.getObject('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', function(err, dataStream) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)
  dataStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    size += chunk.length
  dataStream.on('end', function() {
    console.log('End. Total size = ' + size)
  dataStream.on('error', function(err) {

getPartialObject(bucketName, objectName, offset, length[, callback])

Downloads the specified range bytes of an object as a stream.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
offset number offset of the object from where the stream will start.
length number length of the object that will be read in the stream (optional, if not specified we read the rest of the file from the offset).
callback(err, stream) function Callback is called with err in case of error. stream is the object content stream. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


var size = 0
// reads 30 bytes from the offset 10.
minioClient.getPartialObject('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', 10, 30, function(err, dataStream) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)
  dataStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    size += chunk.length
  dataStream.on('end', function() {
    console.log('End. Total size = ' + size)
  dataStream.on('error', function(err) {

fGetObject(bucketName, objectName, filePath[, callback])

Downloads and saves the object as a file in the local filesystem.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
filePath string Path on the local filesystem to which the object data will be written.
callback(err) function Callback is called with err in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


var size = 0
minioClient.fGetObject('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', '/tmp/photo.jpg', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)

putObject(bucketName, objectName, stream, size, metaData[, callback])

Uploads an object from a stream/Buffer.

From a stream


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
stream Stream Readable stream.
size number Size of the object (optional).
metaData Javascript Object metaData of the object (optional).
callback(err, etag) function Non-null err indicates error, etag string is the etag of the object uploaded. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


The maximum size of a single object is limited to 5TB. putObject transparently uploads objects larger than 5MiB in multiple parts. This allows failed uploads to resume safely by only uploading the missing parts. Uploaded data is carefully verified using MD5SUM signatures.

var Fs = require('fs')
var file = '/tmp/40mbfile'
var fileStream = Fs.createReadStream(file)
var fileStat = Fs.stat(file, function(err, stats) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)
  minioClient.putObject('mybucket', '40mbfile', fileStream, stats.size, function(err, etag) {
    return console.log(err, etag) // err should be null
From a "Buffer" or a "string"


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
string or Buffer Stream or Buffer Readable stream.
metaData Javascript Object metaData of the object (optional).
callback(err, etag) function Non-null err indicates error, etag string is the etag of the object uploaded.


var buffer = 'Hello World'
minioClient.putObject('mybucket', 'hello-file', buffer, function(err, etag) {
  return console.log(err, etag) // err should be null

fPutObject(bucketName, objectName, filePath, metaData[, callback])

Uploads contents from a file to objectName.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
filePath string Path of the file to be uploaded.
metaData Javascript Object Metadata of the object.
callback(err, etag) function Non-null err indicates error, etag string is the etag of the object uploaded. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


The maximum size of a single object is limited to 5TB. fPutObject transparently uploads objects larger than 5MiB in multiple parts. This allows failed uploads to resume safely by only uploading the missing parts. Uploaded data is carefully verified using MD5SUM signatures.

var file = '/tmp/40mbfile'
var metaData = {
  'Content-Type': 'text/html',
  'Content-Language': 123,
  'X-Amz-Meta-Testing': 1234,
  'example': 5678
minioClient.fPutObject('mybucket', '40mbfile', file, metaData, function(err, etag) {
  return console.log(err, etag) // err should be null

copyObject(bucketName, objectName, sourceObject, conditions[, callback])

Copy a source object into a new object in the specified bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
sourceObject string Path of the file to be copied.
conditions CopyConditions Conditions to be satisfied before allowing object copy.
callback(err, {etag, lastModified}) function Non-null err indicates error, etag string and lastModified Date are the etag and the last modified date of the object newly copied. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


var conds = new Minio.CopyConditions()
minioClient.copyObject('mybucket', 'newobject', '/mybucket/srcobject', conds, function(e, data) {
  if (e) {
    return console.log(e)
  console.log("Successfully copied the object:")
  console.log("etag = " + data.etag + ", lastModified = " + data.lastModified)

statObject(bucketName, objectName[, callback])

Gets metadata of an object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
callback(err, stat) function err is not null in case of error, stat contains the object information listed below. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.
Param Type Description
stat.size number size of the object.
stat.etag string etag of the object.
stat.metaData Javascript Object metadata of the object.
stat.lastModified Date Last Modified time stamp.


minioClient.statObject('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', function(err, stat) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)

removeObject(bucketName, objectName[, callback])

Removes an object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null value in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


minioClient.removeObject('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log('Unable to remove object', err)
  console.log('Removed the object')

removeObjects(bucketName, objectsList[, callback])

Remove all objects in the objectsList.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectsList object list of objects in the bucket to be removed.
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null value in case of error.


var objectsList = []

// List all object paths in bucket my-bucketname.
var objectsStream = s3Client.listObjects('my-bucketname', 'my-prefixname', true)

objectsStream.on('data', function(obj) {

objectsStream.on('error', function(e) {

objectsStream.on('end', function() {

  s3Client.removeObjects('my-bucketname',objectsList, function(e) {
    if (e) {
        return console.log('Unable to remove Objects ',e)
    console.log('Removed the objects successfully')


removeIncompleteUpload(bucketName, objectName[, callback])

Removes a partially uploaded object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null value in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


minioClient.removeIncompleteUpload('mybucket', 'photo.jpg', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log('Unable to remove incomplete object', err)
  console.log('Incomplete object removed successfully.')

4. Presigned operations

Presigned URLs are generated for temporary download/upload access to private objects.

presignedUrl(httpMethod, bucketName, objectName[, expiry, reqParams, requestDate, cb])

Generates a presigned URL for the provided HTTP method, 'httpMethod'. Browsers/Mobile clients may point to this URL to directly download objects even if the bucket is private. This presigned URL can have an associated expiration time in seconds after which the URL is no longer valid. The default value is 7 days.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
expiry number Expiry time in seconds. Default value is 7 days. (optional)
reqParams object request parameters. (optional)
requestDate Date A date object, the url will be issued at. Default value is now. (optional)
callback(err, presignedUrl) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. presignedUrl will be the URL using which the object can be downloaded using GET request. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.

Example 1

// presigned url for 'getObject' method.
// expires in a day.
minioClient.presignedUrl('GET', 'mybucket', 'hello.txt', 24*60*60, function(err, presignedUrl) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

Example 2

// presigned url for 'listObject' method.
// Lists objects in 'myBucket' with prefix 'data'.
// Lists max 1000 of them.
minioClient.presignedUrl('GET', 'mybucket', '', 1000, {'prefix': 'data', 'max-keys': 1000}, function(err, presignedUrl) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

presignedGetObject(bucketName, objectName[, expiry, respHeaders, requestDate, cb])

Generates a presigned URL for HTTP GET operations. Browsers/Mobile clients may point to this URL to directly download objects even if the bucket is private. This presigned URL can have an associated expiration time in seconds after which the URL is no longer valid. The default value is 7 days.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
expiry number Expiry time in seconds. Default value is 7 days. (optional)
respHeaders object response headers to override (optional)
requestDate Date A date object, the url will be issued at. Default value is now. (optional)
callback(err, presignedUrl) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. presignedUrl will be the URL using which the object can be downloaded using GET request. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


// expires in a day.
minioClient.presignedGetObject('mybucket', 'hello.txt', 24*60*60, function(err, presignedUrl) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

presignedPutObject(bucketName, objectName, expiry[, callback])

Generates a presigned URL for HTTP PUT operations. Browsers/Mobile clients may point to this URL to upload objects directly to a bucket even if it is private. This presigned URL can have an associated expiration time in seconds after which the URL is no longer valid. The default value is 7 days.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Name of the object.
expiry number Expiry time in seconds. Default value is 7 days.
callback(err, presignedUrl) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. presignedUrl will be the URL using which the object can be uploaded using PUT request. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


// expires in a day.
minioClient.presignedPutObject('mybucket', 'hello.txt', 24*60*60, function(err, presignedUrl) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

presignedPostPolicy(policy[, callback])

Allows setting policy conditions to a presigned URL for POST operations. Policies such as bucket name to receive object uploads, key name prefixes, expiry policy may be set.


Param Type Description
policy object Policy object created by minioClient.newPostPolicy()
callback(err, {postURL, formData}) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. postURL will be the URL using which the object can be uploaded using POST request. formData is the object having key/value pairs for the Form data of POST body. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.

Create policy:

var policy = minioClient.newPostPolicy()

Apply upload policy restrictions:

// Policy restricted only for bucket 'mybucket'.

// Policy restricted only for hello.txt object.


// Policy restricted for incoming objects with keyPrefix.

var expires = new Date
expires.setSeconds(24 * 60 * 60 * 10)
// Policy expires in 10 days.

// Only allow 'text'.

// Only allow content size in range 1KB to 1MB.
policy.setContentLengthRange(1024, 1024*1024)

POST your content from the browser using superagent:

minioClient.presignedPostPolicy(policy, function(err, data) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

  var req =
  _.each(data.formData, function(value, key) {
    req.field(key, value)

  // file contents.
  req.attach('file', '/path/to/hello.txt', 'hello.txt')

  req.end(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err.toString())
    console.log('Upload successful.')

5. Bucket Policy & Notification operations

Buckets are configured to trigger notifications on specified types of events and paths filters.

getBucketNotification(bucketName[, cb])

Fetch the notification configuration stored in the S3 provider and that belongs to the specified bucket name.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
callback(err, bucketNotificationConfig) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. bucketNotificationConfig will be the object that carries all notification configurations associated to bucketName. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


minioClient.getBucketNotification('mybucket', function(err, bucketNotificationConfig) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

setBucketNotification(bucketName, bucketNotificationConfig[, callback])

Upload a user-created notification configuration and associate it to the specified bucket name.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
bucketNotificationConfig BucketNotification Javascript object that carries the notification configuration.
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.


// Create a new notification object
var bucketNotification = new Minio.NotificationConfig();

// Setup a new topic configuration
var arn = Minio.buildARN('aws', 'sns', 'us-west-2', '408065449417', 'TestTopic')
var topic = new Minio.TopicConfig(arn)

// Add the topic to the overall notification object

minioClient.setBucketNotification('mybucket', bucketNotification, function(err) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

removeAllBucketNotification(bucketName[, callback])

Remove the bucket notification configuration associated to the specified bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.
minioClient.removeAllBucketNotification('my-bucketname', function(e) {
  if (e) {
    return console.log(e)

listenBucketNotification(bucketName, prefix, suffix, events)

Listen for notifications on a bucket. Additionally one can provider filters for prefix, suffix and events. There is no prior set bucket notification needed to use this API. This is an Minio extension API where unique identifiers are regitered and unregistered by the server automatically based on incoming requests.

Returns an EventEmitter, which will emit a notification event carrying the record.

To stop listening, call .stop() on the returned EventEmitter.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
prefix string Object key prefix to filter notifications for.
suffix string Object key suffix to filter notifications for.
events Array Enables notifications for specific event types.

See here for a full example.

var listener = minioClient.listenBucketNotification('my-bucketname', 'photos/', '.jpg', ['s3:ObjectCreated:*'])
listener.on('notification', function(record) {
  // For example: 's3:ObjectCreated:Put event occurred (2016-08-23T18:26:07.214Z)'
  console.log('%s event occurred (%s)', record.eventName, record.eventTime)

getBucketPolicy(bucketName [, callback])

Get the bucket policy associated with the specified bucket. If objectPrefix is not empty, the bucket policy will be filtered based on object permissions as well.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
callback(err, policy) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. policy is the bucket policy. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.
// Retrieve bucket policy of 'my-bucketname'
minioClient.getBucketPolicy('my-bucketname', function(err, policy) {
  if (err) throw err

  console.log(`Bucket policy file: ${policy}`)

setBucketPolicy(bucketName, bucketPolicy[, callback])

Set the bucket policy on the specified bucket. bucketPolicy is detailed here.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
bucketPolicy string bucket policy.
callback(err) function Callback function is called with non null err value in case of error. If no callback is passed, a Promise is returned.
// Set the bucket policy of `my-bucketname`
minioClient.setBucketPolicy('my-bucketname', JSON.stringify(policy), function(err) {
  if (err) throw err

  console.log('Bucket policy set')

6. HTTP request options


Set the HTTP/HTTPS request options. Supported options are agent (http.Agent()) and tls related options ('agent', 'ca', 'cert', 'ciphers', 'clientCertEngine', 'crl', 'dhparam', 'ecdhCurve', 'honorCipherOrder', 'key', 'passphrase', 'pfx', 'rejectUnauthorized', 'secureOptions', 'secureProtocol', 'servername', 'sessionIdContext') documented here

// Do not reject self signed certificates.
minioClient.setRequestOptions({rejectUnauthorized: false})

7. Explore Further