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API documentation for crucial methods.
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miohtama committed Jul 30, 2016
1 parent b1a0289 commit fe3c6f7
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 14 deletions.
137 changes: 123 additions & 14 deletions web3/
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
"""Interaction with smart contracts over Web3 connector.
See for more details.
new web3.eth.contract(abi, address);
> {
address: '0x123456...',
deploy: function(options){...},
encodeABI: function(options){...},
// events
on: function(event, options, callback){...},
pastEvents: function(event, options, callback){...},
// methods
estimateGas: function(options){...},
call: function(options){...},
transact: function(options){...}

import functools

from eth_abi import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +36,11 @@

class _Contract(object):
"""Base class for Contract proxy classes.
See :func:`construct_contract_class` for creating your own Contract instances.

# set during class construction
web3 = None

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,6 +309,24 @@ def call_contract_function(contract=None,
"""Calls a contract constant or function.
The function must not have state changing effects.
For those see :func:`transact_with_contract_function`
.. code-block:: python
call_contract_function(my_token_address, "balanceOf", {})
:param contract: :class:`web3.contract.Contract` object instance
:param function_name: Contract function name to call
:param transaction: Transaction parameters to pass to underlying ````
:param *arguments: Arguments to be passed to contract function. Automatically encoded
:return: Function call results, encoded to Python object
if not arguments:
arguments = []

Expand All @@ -340,6 +353,55 @@ def transact_with_contract_function(contract=None,
"""Transacts with a contract.
Sends in a transaction that interacts with the contract.
You should specify the account that pays the gas for this
transaction in `transaction`.
.. code-block:: python
def withdraw(self, to_address: str, amount_in_eth: Decimal, from_account=None, max_gas=50000) -> str:
'''Withdraw funds from a wallet contract.
:param amount_in_eth: How much as ETH
:param to_address: Destination address we are withdrawing to
:param from_account: Which Geth accout pays the gas
:return: Transaction hash
assert isinstance(amount_in_eth, Decimal) # Don't let floats slip through
wei = to_wei(amount_in_eth)
if not from_account:
# Default to coinbase for transaction fees
from_account = self.contract.web3.eth.coinbase
tx_info = {
# The Ethereum account that pays the gas for this operation
"from": from_account,
"gas": max_gas,
# Interact with underlying wrapped contract
txid = transact_with_contract_function(self.contract, "withdraw", tx_info, to_address, wei)
return txid
The transaction is created in the Ethereum node memory pool.
Transaction receipt is not available until the transaction has been mined.
See :func:`populus.transaction.wait_for_transaction_receipt`.
:param contract: :class:`web3.contract.Contract` object instance
:param function_name: Contract function name to call
:param transaction: Dictionary of transaction parameters to pass to underlying ``web3.eth.sendTransaction``
:param *arguments: Arguments to be passed to contract function. Automatically encoded
:return: String, 0x formatted transaction hash.

if not arguments:
arguments = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,6 +440,53 @@ def estimate_gas_for_function(contract=None,

def construct_contract_class(web3, abi, code=None,
code_runtime=None, source=None):
"""Creates a new Contract class.
Contract lass is a Python proxy class to interact with smart contracts.
``abi`` and other contract definition fields are coming from
``solc`` compiler or ``build/contracts.json`` in the
case of Populus framework.
After contract has been instiated you can interact with it
using :meth:`transact_with_contract_function` and
.. code-block:: python
# Assume we have a contract called Token from token.sol, as
# previously build by Populus command line client
contract_abis = json.load(open("build/contracts.json", "rt"))
contract_definition = contract_abis["Token"]
# contract_class is now Python "Token" class
contract_class = construct_contract_class(
# Create Contract proxy object based on a given
# smart contract address in block chain
contract = contract_class(
:param web3: Web3 connection
:param abi: As given by solc compiler
:param code: As given by solc compiler
:param code_runtime: As given by solc compiler
:param source: As given by solc compiler
:return: Contract class (not instance)
_dict = {
'web3': web3,
'abi': abi,
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