Warning: 'atom_types' is missing in single.xyz. Assuming all atoms are type=0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/run/media/giese/timext14tb1/allegro/allegro_tutorial/../test/run_nequip.py", line 150, in ene,frc = eval_allegro_model(model,metadata,crds,atypes) File "/run/media/giese/timext14tb1/allegro/allegro_tutorial/../test/run_nequip.py", line 75, in eval_allegro_model res = model.forward(inp) RuntimeError: The following operation failed in the TorchScript interpreter. Traceback of TorchScript, serialized code (most recent call last): File "code/__torch__/nequip/nn/_grad_output.py", line 32, in forward _7 = torch.append(_3, data[k]) func0 = self.func data0 = (func0).forward(data, ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE of = self.of _8 = [torch.sum(data0[of])] File "code/__torch__/nequip/nn/_graph_mixin.py", line 28, in forward input1 = (radial_basis).forward(input0, ) input2 = (spharm).forward(input1, ) input3 = (allegro).forward(input2, ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE input4 = (edge_eng).forward(input3, ) input5 = (edge_eng_sum).forward(input4, ) File "code/__torch__/allegro/nn/_allegro.py", line 107, in forward _15 = torch.cat(latent_inputs_to_cat, -1) _16 = annotate(List[Optional[Tensor]], [prev_mask]) new_latents = (_00).forward(torch.index(_15, _16), ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE _17 = annotate(List[Optional[Tensor]], [active_edges0]) _18 = torch.unsqueeze(torch.index(cutoff_coeffs, _17), -1) File "code/__torch__/allegro/nn/_fc.py", line 12, in forward x: Tensor) -> Tensor: _forward = self._forward return (_forward).forward(x, ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE class ScalarMLP(Module): __parameters__ = [] File "code/__torch__/torch/fx/graph_module/___torch_mangle_4.py", line 17, in forward _weight_0 = self._weight_0 mul = torch.mul(_weight_0, 0.31622776601683794) matmul = torch.matmul(x, mul) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE silu = __torch__.torch.nn.functional.silu(matmul, False, ) _weight_1 = self._weight_1 Traceback of TorchScript, original code (most recent call last): File "/home/giese/devel/envs/python3.9/local/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nequip/nn/_grad_output.py", line 85, in forward wrt_tensors.append(data[k]) # run func data = self.func(data) ~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE # Get grads grads = torch.autograd.grad( File "/home/giese/devel/envs/python3.9/local/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nequip/nn/_graph_mixin.py", line 356, in forward def forward(self, input: AtomicDataDict.Type) -> AtomicDataDict.Type: for module in self: input = module(input) ~~~~~~ <--- HERE return input File "/home/giese/devel/envs/python3.9/local/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/allegro/nn/_allegro.py", line 500, in forward # Compute latents new_latents = latent(torch.cat(latent_inputs_to_cat, dim=-1)[prev_mask]) ~~~~~~ <--- HERE # Apply cutoff, which propagates through to everything else new_latents = cutoff_coeffs[active_edges].unsqueeze(-1) * new_latents File "/home/giese/devel/envs/python3.9/local/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/allegro/nn/_fc.py", line 169, in forward def forward(self, x): return self._forward(x) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE File ".17", line 7, in forward _weight_0 = self._weight_0 mul = _weight_0 * 0.31622776601683794; _weight_0 = None matmul = torch.matmul(x, mul); x = mul = None ~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE silu = torch.nn.functional.silu(matmul, inplace = False); matmul = None _weight_1 = self._weight_1 RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (0x8 and 10x32)