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Add some simple OUnit tests for Dns.Packet.parse using pcap files
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lcdunstan committed Nov 25, 2014
1 parent 22e4940 commit 7e8b58a
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Showing 12 changed files with 265 additions and 23 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .merlin
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
PKG lwt cstruct mirage-net-unix mirage
PKG pcap-format oUnit
S lib
S lib_test
S lwt
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Expand Up @@ -38,3 +38,7 @@ install:
ocamlopt.opt -o $@ $< || ocamlopt -o $@ $< || ocamlc -o $@ $<
$(RM) setup.cmx setup.cmi setup.o setup.cmo

test: build
./setup.bin -test

17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions _oasis
Expand Up @@ -131,8 +131,17 @@ Executable async_resolver
Install: false
BuildDepends: async, dns.async

Executable test
Path: lib_test/ounit
Build$: flag(tests)
Custom: true
CompiledObject: best
Install: false
BuildDepends: dns, unix, oUnit, pcap-format

Test test
Run$: flag(tests)
Command: $test
WorkingDirectory: lib_test/ounit

Test lwt_server
Run$: flag(tests) && flag(lwt)
Command: $lwt_server
WorkingDirectory: lib_test/unix
24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion _tags
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# DO NOT EDIT (digest: b3901364fc2b9324b871174e167753ca)
# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 6bcb902477722ed05ad25beb2555acfe)
# Ignore VCS directories, you can use the same kind of rule outside
# OASIS_START/STOP if you want to exclude directories that contains
# useless stuff for the build process
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,28 @@ true: annot, bin_annot
<lib_test/async/*.ml{,i,y}>: use_dns
<lib_test/async/*.ml{,i,y}>: use_dns-async
<lib_test/async/test_async_dns_resolver_unix.{native,byte}>: custom
# Executable test
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_base64
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_cstruct
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_cstruct.syntax
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_ipaddr
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_oUnit
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_pcap-format
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_re
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_re.str
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: pkg_unix
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: use_dns
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_base64
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_cstruct
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_cstruct.syntax
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_ipaddr
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_oUnit
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_pcap-format
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_re
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_re.str
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: pkg_unix
<lib_test/ounit/*.ml{,i,y}>: use_dns
<lib_test/ounit/test.{native,byte}>: custom
true: annot, bin_annot
<lib/*>: syntax_camlp4o, pkg_lwt.syntax
Expand Down
Binary file added lib_test/ounit/dns-q-A.pcap
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lib_test/ounit/dns-r-A.pcap
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lib_test/ounit/mdns-q-A.pcap
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lib_test/ounit/mdns-r-A.pcap
Binary file not shown.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions lib_test/ounit/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

open OUnit2

let () =
run_test_tt_main ("dns" >::: [

167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions lib_test/ounit/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@

open OUnit2
open Printf

exception TestData

(* Adapted from ocaml-pcap/print/ *)

cstruct ethernet {
uint8_t dst[6];
uint8_t src[6];
uint16_t ethertype
} as big_endian

cstruct ipv4 {
uint8_t hlen_version;
uint8_t tos;
uint16_t len;
uint16_t id;
uint16_t off;
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t proto;
uint16_t csum;
uint8_t src[4];
uint8_t dst[4]
} as big_endian

cstruct udpv4 {
uint16_t source_port;
uint16_t dest_port;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t checksum
} as big_endian

let load_pcap path =
let fd = Unix.(openfile path [O_RDONLY] 0) in
let buf = Bigarray.(Array1.map_file fd Bigarray.char c_layout false (-1)) in
let buf = Cstruct.of_bigarray buf in
let header, body = Cstruct.split buf Pcap.sizeof_pcap_header in
match Pcap.detect header with
| Some h ->
Pcap.packets h body
| None ->
assert_failure "Not pcap format"

let load_packet path =
match (load_pcap path) () with
| Some (hdr, eth) ->
assert_equal 0x0800 (get_ethernet_ethertype eth);
let ip = Cstruct.shift eth sizeof_ethernet in
let version = get_ipv4_hlen_version ip lsr 4 in
assert_equal 4 version;
assert_equal 17 (get_ipv4_proto ip);
let udp = Cstruct.shift ip sizeof_ipv4 in
let body = Cstruct.shift udp sizeof_udpv4 in
Dns.Buf.of_cstruct body
| None ->
assert_failure "No packets"

open Dns.Packet
open Dns.Name

let tests =
"Packet" >:::
"parse-dns-q" >:: (fun test_ctxt ->
let raw = load_packet "dns-q-A.pcap" in
let packet = parse raw in
assert_equal ~msg:"id" 0x930b;
assert_equal ~msg:"qr" Query packet.detail.qr;
assert_equal ~msg:"opcode" Standard packet.detail.opcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"aa" false packet.detail.aa;
assert_equal ~msg:"tc" false;
assert_equal ~msg:"rd" true packet.detail.rd;
assert_equal ~msg:"ra" false packet.detail.ra;
assert_equal ~msg:"rcode" NoError packet.detail.rcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"#qu" 1 (List.length packet.questions);
assert_equal ~msg:"#an" 0 (List.length packet.answers);
assert_equal ~msg:"#ad" 0 (List.length packet.additionals);

let q = List.hd packet.questions in
assert_equal ~msg:"q_name" "" (domain_name_to_string q.q_name);
assert_equal ~msg:"q_type" Q_A q.q_type;
assert_equal ~msg:"q_class" Q_IN q.q_class;

"parse-dns-r-A" >:: (fun test_ctxt ->
let raw = load_packet "dns-r-A.pcap" in
let packet = parse raw in
assert_equal ~msg:"id" 0x930b;
assert_equal ~msg:"qr" Response packet.detail.qr;
assert_equal ~msg:"opcode" Standard packet.detail.opcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"aa" false packet.detail.aa;
assert_equal ~msg:"tc" false;
assert_equal ~msg:"rd" true packet.detail.rd;
assert_equal ~msg:"ra" true packet.detail.ra;
assert_equal ~msg:"rcode" NoError packet.detail.rcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"#qu" 1 (List.length packet.questions);
assert_equal ~msg:"#an" 5 (List.length packet.answers);
assert_equal ~msg:"#ad" 0 (List.length packet.additionals);

let q = List.hd packet.questions in
assert_equal ~msg:"q_name" "" (domain_name_to_string q.q_name);
assert_equal ~msg:"q_type" Q_A q.q_type;
assert_equal ~msg:"q_class" Q_IN q.q_class;

let rev_answers = List.rev packet.answers in
let expected_fourth = [208; 211; 209; 212; 210] in
List.iter2 (fun fourth a ->
assert_equal ~msg:"name" "" (domain_name_to_string;
assert_equal ~msg:"cls" RR_IN a.cls;
assert_equal ~msg:"flush" false a.flush;
assert_equal ~msg:"ttl" (Int32.of_int 220) a.ttl;
let expected_addr = "74.125.237." ^ (string_of_int fourth) in
match a.rdata with
| A addr -> assert_equal ~msg:"A" ~printer:(fun s -> s) expected_addr (Ipaddr.V4.to_string addr)
| _ -> assert_failure "RR type";
) expected_fourth rev_answers

"parse-mdns-q-A" >:: (fun test_ctxt ->
let raw = load_packet "mdns-q-A.pcap" in
let packet = parse raw in
assert_equal ~msg:"id" 0;
assert_equal ~msg:"qr" Query packet.detail.qr;
assert_equal ~msg:"opcode" Standard packet.detail.opcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"aa" false packet.detail.aa;
assert_equal ~msg:"tc" false;
assert_equal ~msg:"rd" false packet.detail.rd;
assert_equal ~msg:"ra" false packet.detail.ra;
assert_equal ~msg:"rcode" NoError packet.detail.rcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"#qu" 1 (List.length packet.questions);
assert_equal ~msg:"#an" 0 (List.length packet.answers);
assert_equal ~msg:"#ad" 0 (List.length packet.additionals);

let q = List.hd packet.questions in
assert_equal ~msg:"q_name" "cubieboard2.local" (domain_name_to_string q.q_name);
assert_equal ~msg:"q_type" Q_A q.q_type;
assert_equal ~msg:"q_class" Q_IN q.q_class

"parse-mdns-r-A" >:: (fun test_ctxt ->
let raw = load_packet "mdns-r-A.pcap" in
let packet = parse raw in
assert_equal ~msg:"id" 0;
assert_equal ~msg:"qr" Response packet.detail.qr;
assert_equal ~msg:"opcode" Standard packet.detail.opcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"aa" true packet.detail.aa;
assert_equal ~msg:"tc" false;
assert_equal ~msg:"rd" false packet.detail.rd;
assert_equal ~msg:"ra" false packet.detail.ra;
assert_equal ~msg:"rcode" NoError packet.detail.rcode;
assert_equal ~msg:"#qu" 0 (List.length packet.questions);
assert_equal ~msg:"#an" 1 (List.length packet.answers);
assert_equal ~msg:"#ad" 0 (List.length packet.additionals);

let a = List.hd packet.answers in
assert_equal ~msg:"name" "cubieboard2.local" (domain_name_to_string;
assert_equal ~msg:"cls" RR_IN a.cls;
assert_equal ~msg:"flush" true a.flush;
assert_equal ~msg:"ttl" (Int32.of_int 120) a.ttl;
match a.rdata with
| A addr -> assert_equal ~msg:"A" "" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string addr)
| _ -> assert_failure "RR type";

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 431e2a727922c8711dad01fd85c1dba3) *)
(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: c0bc55b8a1eef376ad5f495bdd68cf50) *)
module OASISGettext = struct
(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,6 +622,7 @@ let package_default =
("mirage", ["lib"; "lwt"]);
("lwt", ["lib"]);
("lib_test/unix", ["lib"; "lwt"]);
("lib_test/ounit", ["lib"]);
("lib_test/async", ["async"]);
("async", ["lib"])
Expand All @@ -632,6 +633,6 @@ let conf = {MyOCamlbuildFindlib.no_automatic_syntax = false}

let dispatch_default = MyOCamlbuildBase.dispatch_default conf package_default;;

# 636 ""
# 637 ""
Ocamlbuild_plugin.dispatch dispatch_default;;

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