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Replica of the pre-v14 era query editor, with some enhancements.


  • The component has been upgraded to v19 (previously v17, v14 before that)
  • The Form object is now used instead of a process object variable to manage context


When the repeat option is used, the initial current selection is now the starting point of search history. You can revert all the way back to that selection using the "back" button. Previously, the result of the first query was the starting point.

A new cache mechanism for table lists is implemented.

The structure XML (EXPORT STRUCTURE) and parameters are hashed and used as list identifiers. If an identical list has been created previously by the component, it will be loaded from disk on the client side. If not, it will be created on the server side (to reduce network traffic) and cached on the server side (for other clients) as well as the client side (for local use).

Was new...

French localisation is available.

New option windowType to specify the editor window type (default:Default window type = Plain form window + Form has no menu bar).

New option useSheetForFileSelect to specify whether to add the Use sheet window when calling Select document (default:False).

Recursive relations are blocked when it reaches the master table.

The system variables OK and DOCUMENT are returned in the context object, when the repeat option is not used.

C_LONGINT is used extensively to avoid default typing of C_REAL by the compiler

The form "Developer" is now an inherited form of "Standard".

No longer calls DESCRIBE QUERY EXECUTION in standard mode.

The bottom area (input value, input value list, boolean radio button group, operator, conjunction, field list) is updated whenever a line in the query is selected.

Up/down arrow can be used to select a query line when the input value has focus.

You can use 4DF files created in v11-v13.


Pass an object to the shared CLASSIC_QUERY method.


OB SET($params;\
  "depth";Default depth;\



repeat: Keep the editor open in the same process with DIALOG(*) to perform continuous queries on the same selection.

Note: In repeat mode, the user can quickly navigate through previous queries using the back and forward buttons.

developer: Display the query path and query plan.

selection: Disable the query button and allow query selection only.

windowType: Change the editor's Open form window option

useSheetForFileSelect: Change the editor's Select document option

depth: Specify how deep the field list should traverse a relation. The default is 3 levels. The maximum is 9 levels. The minimum is 1 level. Out-of-range values are cajoled. You can pass the Default depth constant for 3. Recursive relations are blocked when it reaches the master table. Unlike the original editor, both ONE and MANY relations are traced.



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