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Interactions Catalog

Chris Shoemaker edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 18 revisions

Prairie comes built-in with a number of interactions. Each interaction has a specific action that occurs when the player triggers it, and often the action can be used for multiple effects.

Below is a table of all the interactions that Prairie comes packaged with. Click on an interaction's name for a more detailed description on that interaction.

Name Action Uses
Annotation Shows a description and/or historical text Annotate objects with detailed historical information
Audio Plays an audio clip Interactive music players or triggering sound effects
Component Toggle Toggles any other Unity component in the scene Turn on/off lights, effects, physics objects, or custom scripts
Debug Prints a message to the Unity console Testing your game
NextTwine Advances a Twine story to a selected TwineNode Progressing through the Twine story imported into the game
Slideshow Plays an series of images in order Annotate objects with real world imagery, attach primary source scans on a book object, etc.
Swivel Rotates an object by 90° Interactive doors
Trigger Causes interactions on other objects to activate Triggering multiple actions at once or propagating an interaction to a different object
Tumble Allows an object to be picked up and spun around Detailed inspection of an object in your game