Python-based APRS-IS data collector of High Altitude Balloon APRS Tracker. Requires PHP-based API to access saved data from other applications.
- aprslib=0.7.2
- pyaml=6.0
- mysqlclient=2.1.1
- Upload code to your VPS or server
- Rename configuration.example.yaml to configuration.yaml
- Update configuration.yaml file with your own configuration
- Update habat.service file with the proper path to the installation folder.
- Copy habat.service file to systemd folder (/etc/systemd/system/)
- Enable and start a service named habat.
- aprs
- call_sign - unique call sign and SSID, used to identify you at APRS-IS server
- host - hostname of APRS IS server
- filter - filter, applied to APRS-IS stream. Keep this as it is
- history
- keep - how many rows keep for every balloon. Number or string 'all' is only allowed.
- logging
- level - use ERROR for production and DEBUG for debugging
- mysql - MySQL/MariaDB server configuration, use TCP-IP or Unix Socket, depends on your system.