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Matt Lauber edited this page Oct 31, 2013 · 1 revision

The [monitor://<path>] stanza in inputs.conf

This resource defines the [monitor://] stanza(s) used in the inputs.conf file. It has one required attribute path. The supported attributes are based on the inputs.conf.spec. An example of a [monitor://<path>] stanza definition is as follows:

splunk::input::monitor { 'title':
  path              => ['/path/to/log/file', '/path/to/log/file']
  host              => 'host',
  index             => 'index',
  source            => 'source',
  sourcetype        => 'sourcetype',
  queue             => 'queue',
  host_regex        => 'regex',
  host_segment      => 1,
  whitelist         => 'regex',
  blacklist         => 'regex',
  crcSalt           => 'crcSalt',
  initCrcLength     => 256,
  ignoreOlderThan   => '1d',
  followTail        => 0,
  alwaysOpenFile    => 0,
  time_before_close => 256,
  recursive         => 'true',
  followSymlink     => 'true'