From 9b05e4a8f0c133fee761eaeb75388a938eb08c2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: BorisMoore Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 16:56:41 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Updated readme. Updated minified versions. --- | 8 ++++---- demos/movies/PagesCore/movies.html | 4 ---- demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies1.html | 4 ---- demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies2.html | 4 ---- demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies3.html | 4 ---- demos/movies/css/movies.css | 10 ---------- jquery.tmpl.js | 7 +++++-- jquery.tmpl.min.js | 11 ++++++++++- jquery.tmplPlus.js | 2 +- jquery.tmplPlus.min.js | 11 +++++++++++ jquery.tmplplus.min.js | 1 - 11 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) create mode 100644 jquery.tmplPlus.min.js delete mode 100644 jquery.tmplplus.min.js diff --git a/ b/ index 7b2fa89..eaed674 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -# jQuery Templates plugin +# jQuery Templates plugin v1.0.0pre. -_Note: this plugin requires jquery version 1.4.2._ - -jQuery templates contain markup with binding expressions. Templates are applied to data objects or arrays, and rendered into the HTML DOM +_Note: This plugin is currently in beta form and may change significantly before version 1.0 is released. See tagged versions for stable Beta releases. Requires jquery version 1.4.2._ + +jQuery templates contain markup with binding expressions ('Template tags'). Templates are applied to data objects or arrays, and rendered into the HTML DOM Documentation for the _jQuery Templates_ plugin can be found on the jQuery documentation site: diff --git a/demos/movies/PagesCore/movies.html b/demos/movies/PagesCore/movies.html index 9421a0e..8432ee1 100644 --- a/demos/movies/PagesCore/movies.html +++ b/demos/movies/PagesCore/movies.html @@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ -
- This is a demo of updates to the jQuery templating feature, proposed by Microsoft.
- The source can be viewed here: NJE Templating Branch on GitHub -

Netflix: Book a Movie...

diff --git a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies1.html b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies1.html index 211feeb..6795af8 100644 --- a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies1.html +++ b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies1.html @@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ -
- This is a demo of updates to the jQuery templating feature, proposed by Microsoft.
- The source can be viewed here: NJE Templating Branch on GitHub -

Netflix: Book a Movie...

diff --git a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies2.html b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies2.html index ba948bd..5fbd382 100644 --- a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies2.html +++ b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies2.html @@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ -
- This is a demo of updates to the jQuery templating feature, proposed by Microsoft.
- The source can be viewed here: NJE Templating Branch on GitHub -

Netflix: Book a Movie...

diff --git a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies3.html b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies3.html index 889e539..4f46b8f 100644 --- a/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies3.html +++ b/demos/movies/PagesTmplPlus/movies3.html @@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ -
- This is a demo of updates to the jQuery templating feature, proposed by Microsoft.
- The source can be viewed here: NJE Templating Branch on GitHub -

Netflix: Book a Movie...

diff --git a/demos/movies/css/movies.css b/demos/movies/css/movies.css index 22e15d9..3f13aa9 100644 --- a/demos/movies/css/movies.css +++ b/demos/movies/css/movies.css @@ -5,16 +5,6 @@ font-size: 12px; } -#about -{ - text-align:center; - margin: auto; - margin-bottom: 5px; - background-color: #F9F5FA; - padding: 3px; - width: 50%; -} - #pageBody { display: block; diff --git a/jquery.tmpl.js b/jquery.tmpl.js index 93bc16f..fcefd39 100644 --- a/jquery.tmpl.js +++ b/jquery.tmpl.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*! - * jQuery Templates Plugin v1.0pre + * jQuery Templates Plugin 1.0.0pre * * Requires jQuery 1.4.2 * @@ -183,7 +183,10 @@ } if ( tmpl.nodeType ) { // If this is a template block, use cached copy, or generate tmpl function and cache. - tmpl = tmpl, "tmpl" ) || tmpl, "tmpl", buildTmplFn( tmpl.innerHTML )); + tmpl = tmpl, "tmpl" ) || tmpl, "tmpl", buildTmplFn( tmpl.innerHTML )); + // Issue: In IE, if the container element is not a script block, the innerHTML will remove quotes from attribute values whenever the value does not include white space. + // This means that foo="${x}" will not work if the value of x includes white space: foo="${x}" -> foo=value of x. + // To correct this, include space in tag: foo="${ x }" -> foo="value of x" } return typeof name === "string" ? (jQuery.template[name] = tmpl) : tmpl; } diff --git a/jquery.tmpl.min.js b/jquery.tmpl.min.js index f08e81d..631fb75 100644 --- a/jquery.tmpl.min.js +++ b/jquery.tmpl.min.js @@ -1 +1,10 @@ -(function(a){var r=a.fn.domManip,d="_tmplitem",q=/^[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|\{\{\! /,b={},f={},e,p={key:0,data:{}},h=0,c=0,l=[];function g(e,d,g,i){var c={data:i||(d?{}),_wrap:d?d._wrap:null,tmpl:null,parent:d||null,nodes:[],calls:u,nest:w,wrap:x,html:v,update:t};e&&a.extend(c,e,{nodes:[],parent:d});if(g){c.tmpl=g;c._ctnt=c._ctnt||c.tmpl(a,c);c.key=++h;(l.length?f:b)[h]=c}return c}a.each({appendTo:"append",prependTo:"prepend",insertBefore:"before",insertAfter:"after",replaceAll:"replaceWith"},function(f,d){a.fn[f]=function(n){var g=[],i=a(n),k,h,m,l,j=this.length===1&&this[0].parentNode;e=b||{};if(j&&j.nodeType===11&&j.childNodes.length===1&&i.length===1){i[d](this[0]);g=this}else{for(h=0,m=i.length;h0?this.clone(true):this).get();a.fn[d].apply(a(i[h]),k);g=g.concat(k)}c=0;g=this.pushStack(g,f,i.selector)}l=e;e=null;a.tmpl.complete(l);return g}});a.fn.extend({tmpl:function(d,c,b){return a.tmpl(this[0],d,c,b)},tmplItem:function(){return a.tmplItem(this[0])},template:function(b){return a.template(b,this[0])},domManip:function(d,l,j){if(d[0]&&d[0].nodeType){var f=a.makeArray(arguments),g=d.length,i=0,h;while(i1)f[0]=[a.makeArray(d)];if(h&&c)f[2]=function(b){a.tmpl.afterManip(this,b,j)};r.apply(this,f)}else r.apply(this,arguments);c=0;!e&&a.tmpl.complete(b);return this}});a.extend({tmpl:function(d,h,e,c){var j,k=!c;if(k){c=p;d=a.template[d]||a.template(null,d);f={}}else if(!d){d=c.tmpl;b[c.key]=c;c.nodes=[];c.wrapped&&n(c,c.wrapped);return a(i(c,null,c.tmpl(a,c)))}if(!d)return[];if(typeof h==="function")||{});e&&e.wrapped&&n(e,e.wrapped);j=a.isArray(h)?,function(a){return a?g(e,c,d,a):null}):[g(e,c,d,h)];return k?a(i(c,null,j)):j},tmplItem:function(b){var c;if(b instanceof a)b=b[0];while(b&&b.nodeType===1&&!(,"tmplItem"))&&(b=b.parentNode));return c||p},template:function(c,b){if(b){if(typeof b==="string")b=o(b);else if(b instanceof a)b=b[0]||{};if(b.nodeType),"tmpl")||,"tmpl",o(b.innerHTML));return typeof c==="string"?(a.template[c]=b):b}return c?typeof c!=="string"?a.template(null,c):a.template[c]||a.template(null,q.test(c)?c:a(c)):null},encode:function(a){return(""+a).split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">").split('"').join(""").split("'").join("'")}});a.extend(a.tmpl,{tag:{tmpl:{_default:{$2:"null"},open:"if($notnull_1){_=_.concat($item.nest($1,$2));}"},wrap:{_default:{$2:"null"},open:"$item.calls(_,$1,$2);_=[];",close:"call=$item.calls();_=call._.concat($item.wrap(call,_));"},each:{_default:{$2:"$index, $value"},open:"if($notnull_1){$.each($1a,function($2){with(this){",close:"}});}"},"if":{open:"if(($notnull_1) && $1a){",close:"}"},"else":{_default:{$1:"true"},open:"}else if(($notnull_1) && $1a){"},html:{open:"if($notnull_1){_.push($1a);}"},"=":{_default:{$1:"$data"},open:"if($notnull_1){_.push($.encode($1a));}"},"!":{open:""}},complete:function(){b={}},afterManip:function(f,b,d){var e=b.nodeType===11?a.makeArray(b.childNodes):b.nodeType===1?[b]:[];,b);m(e);c++}});function i(e,g,f){var b,c=f?,function(a){return typeof a==="string"?e.key?a.replace(/(<\w+)(?=[\s>])(?![^>]*_tmplitem)([^>]*)/g,"$1 "+d+'="'+e.key+'" $2'):a:i(a,e,a._ctnt)}):e;if(g)return c;c=c.join("");c.replace(/^\s*([^<\s][^<]*)?(<[\w\W]+>)([^>]*[^>\s])?\s*$/,function(f,c,e,d){b=a(e).get();m(b);if(c)b=j(c).concat(b);if(d)b=b.concat(j(d))});return b?b:j(c)}function j(c){var b=document.createElement("div");b.innerHTML=c;return a.makeArray(b.childNodes)}function o(b){return new Function("jQuery","$item","var $=jQuery,call,_=[],$data=$;with($data){_.push('"+a.trim(b).replace(/([\\'])/g,"\\$1").replace(/[\r\t\n]/g," ").replace(/\$\{([^\}]*)\}/g,"{{= $1}}").replace(/\{\{(\/?)(\w+|.)(?:\(((?:[^\}]|\}(?!\}))*?)?\))?(?:\s+(.*?)?)?(\(((?:[^\}]|\}(?!\}))*?)\))?\s*\}\}/g,function(m,l,j,d,b,c,e){var i=a.tmpl.tag[j],h,f,g;if(!i)throw"Template command not found: "+j;h=i._default||[];if(c&&!/\w$/.test(b)){b+=c;c=""}if(b){b=k(b);e=e?","+k(e)+")":c?")":"";f=c?b.indexOf(".")>-1?b+c:"("+b+").call($item"+e:b;g=c?f:"(typeof("+b+")==='function'?("+b+").call($item):("+b+"))"}else g=f=h.$1||"null";d=k(d);return"');"+i[l?"close":"open"].split("$notnull_1").join(b?"typeof("+b+")!=='undefined' && ("+b+")!=null":"true").split("$1a").join(g).split("$1").join(f).split("$2").join(d?d.replace(/\s*([^\(]+)\s*(\((.*?)\))?/g,function(d,c,b,a){a=a?","+a+")":b?")":"";return a?"("+c+").call($item"+a:d}):h.$2||"")+"_.push('"})+"');}return _;")}function n(c,b){c._wrap=i(c,true,a.isArray(b)?b:[q.test(b)?b:a(b).html()]).join("")}function k(a){return a?a.replace(/\\'/g,"'").replace(/\\\\/g,"\\"):null}function s(b){var a=document.createElement("div");a.appendChild(b.cloneNode(true));return a.innerHTML}function m(o){var n="_"+c,k,j,l={},e,p,i;for(e=0,p=o.length;e=0;i--)m(j[i]);m(k)}function m(j){var p,i=j,k,e,m;if(m=j.getAttribute(d)){while(i.parentNode&&(i=i.parentNode).nodeType===1&&!(p=i.getAttribute(d)));if(p!==m){i=i.parentNode?i.nodeType===11?0:i.getAttribute(d)||0:0;if(!(e=b[m])){e=f[m];e=g(e,b[i]||f[i],null,true);e.key=++h;b[h]=e}c&&o(m)}j.removeAttribute(d)}else if(c&&(,"tmplItem"))){o(e.key);b[e.key]=e;,"tmplItem");i=i?i.key:0}if(e){k=e;while(k&&k.key!=i){k.nodes.push(j);k=k.parent}delete e._ctnt;delete e._wrap;,"tmplItem",e)}function o(a){a=a+n;e=l[a]=l[a]||g(e,b[e.parent.key+n]||e.parent,null,true)}}}function u(a,d,c,b){if(!a)return l.pop();l.push({_:a,tmpl:d,item:this,data:c,options:b})}function w(d,c,b){return a.tmpl(a.template(d),c,b,this)}function x(b,d){var c=b.options||{};c.wrapped=d;return a.tmpl(a.template(b.tmpl),,c,b.item)}function v(d,c){var b=this._wrap;return""):b).filter(d||"*"),function(a){return c?a.innerText||a.textContent:a.outerHTML||s(a)})}function t(){var b=this.nodes;a.tmpl(null,null,null,this).insertBefore(b[0]);a(b).remove()}})(jQuery) \ No newline at end of file +/* + * jQuery Templates Plugin 1.0.0pre + * + * Requires jQuery 1.4.2 + * + * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * + */ +(function (a) { var r = a.fn.domManip, d = "_tmplitem", q = /^[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|\{\{\! /, b = {}, f = {}, e, p = { key: 0, data: {} }, i = 0, c = 0, l = []; function g(e, d, g, h) { var c = { data: h || (d ? : {}), _wrap: d ? d._wrap : null, tmpl: null, parent: d || null, nodes: [], calls: u, nest: w, wrap: x, html: v, update: t }; e && a.extend(c, e, { nodes: [], parent: d }); if (g) { c.tmpl = g; c._ctnt = c._ctnt || c.tmpl(a, c); c.key = ++i; (l.length ? f : b)[i] = c } return c } a.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function (f, d) { a.fn[f] = function (n) { var g = [], i = a(n), k, h, m, l, j = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode; e = b || {}; if (j && j.nodeType === 11 && j.childNodes.length === 1 && i.length === 1) { i[d](this[0]); g = this } else { for (h = 0, m = i.length; h < m; h++) { c = h; k = (h > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get(); a(i[h])[d](k); g = g.concat(k) } c = 0; g = this.pushStack(g, f, i.selector) } l = e; e = null; a.tmpl.complete(l); return g } }); a.fn.extend({ tmpl: function (d, c, b) { return a.tmpl(this[0], d, c, b) }, tmplItem: function () { return a.tmplItem(this[0]) }, template: function (b) { return a.template(b, this[0]) }, domManip: function (d, m, k) { if (d[0] && a.isArray(d[0])) { var g = a.makeArray(arguments), h = d[0], j = h.length, i = 0, f; while (i < j && !(f =[i++], "tmplItem"))); if (f && c) g[2] = function (b) { a.tmpl.afterManip(this, b, k) }; r.apply(this, g) } else r.apply(this, arguments); c = 0; !e && a.tmpl.complete(b); return this } }); a.extend({ tmpl: function (d, h, e, c) { var i, k = !c; if (k) { c = p; d = a.template[d] || a.template(null, d); f = {} } else if (!d) { d = c.tmpl; b[c.key] = c; c.nodes = []; c.wrapped && n(c, c.wrapped); return a(j(c, null, c.tmpl(a, c))) } if (!d) return []; if (typeof h === "function") h = || {}); e && e.wrapped && n(e, e.wrapped); i = a.isArray(h) ?, function (a) { return a ? g(e, c, d, a) : null }) : [g(e, c, d, h)]; return k ? a(j(c, null, i)) : i }, tmplItem: function (b) { var c; if (b instanceof a) b = b[0]; while (b && b.nodeType === 1 && !(c =, "tmplItem")) && (b = b.parentNode)); return c || p }, template: function (c, b) { if (b) { if (typeof b === "string") b = o(b); else if (b instanceof a) b = b[0] || {}; if (b.nodeType) b =, "tmpl") ||, "tmpl", o(b.innerHTML)); return typeof c === "string" ? (a.template[c] = b) : b } return c ? typeof c !== "string" ? a.template(null, c) : a.template[c] || a.template(null, q.test(c) ? c : a(c)) : null }, encode: function (a) { return ("" + a).split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">").split('"').join(""").split("'").join("'") } }); a.extend(a.tmpl, { tag: { tmpl: { _default: { $2: "null" }, open: "if($notnull_1){_=_.concat($item.nest($1,$2));}" }, wrap: { _default: { $2: "null" }, open: "$item.calls(_,$1,$2);_=[];", close: "call=$item.calls();_=call._.concat($item.wrap(call,_));" }, each: { _default: { $2: "$index, $value" }, open: "if($notnull_1){$.each($1a,function($2){with(this){", close: "}});}" }, "if": { open: "if(($notnull_1) && $1a){", close: "}" }, "else": { _default: { $1: "true" }, open: "}else if(($notnull_1) && $1a){" }, html: { open: "if($notnull_1){_.push($1a);}" }, "=": { _default: { $1: "$data" }, open: "if($notnull_1){_.push($.encode($1a));}" }, "!": { open: ""} }, complete: function () { b = {} }, afterManip: function (f, b, d) { var e = b.nodeType === 11 ? a.makeArray(b.childNodes) : b.nodeType === 1 ? [b] : [];, b); m(e); c++ } }); function j(e, g, f) { var b, c = f ?, function (a) { return typeof a === "string" ? e.key ? a.replace(/(<\w+)(?=[\s>])(?![^>]*_tmplitem)([^>]*)/g, "$1 " + d + '="' + e.key + '" $2') : a : j(a, e, a._ctnt) }) : e; if (g) return c; c = c.join(""); c.replace(/^\s*([^<\s][^<]*)?(<[\w\W]+>)([^>]*[^>\s])?\s*$/, function (f, c, e, d) { b = a(e).get(); m(b); if (c) b = k(c).concat(b); if (d) b = b.concat(k(d)) }); return b ? b : k(c) } function k(c) { var b = document.createElement("div"); b.innerHTML = c; return a.makeArray(b.childNodes) } function o(b) { return new Function("jQuery", "$item", "var $=jQuery,call,_=[],$data=$;with($data){_.push('" + a.trim(b).replace(/([\\'])/g, "\\$1").replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ").replace(/\$\{([^\}]*)\}/g, "{{= $1}}").replace(/\{\{(\/?)(\w+|.)(?:\(((?:[^\}]|\}(?!\}))*?)?\))?(?:\s+(.*?)?)?(\(((?:[^\}]|\}(?!\}))*?)\))?\s*\}\}/g, function (m, l, k, d, b, c, e) { var j = a.tmpl.tag[k], i, f, g; if (!j) throw "Template command not found: " + k; i = j._default || []; if (c && !/\w$/.test(b)) { b += c; c = "" } if (b) { b = h(b); e = e ? "," + h(e) + ")" : c ? ")" : ""; f = c ? b.indexOf(".") > -1 ? b + h(c) : "(" + b + ").call($item" + e : b; g = c ? f : "(typeof(" + b + ")==='function'?(" + b + ").call($item):(" + b + "))" } else g = f = i.$1 || "null"; d = h(d); return "');" + j[l ? "close" : "open"].split("$notnull_1").join(b ? "typeof(" + b + ")!=='undefined' && (" + b + ")!=null" : "true").split("$1a").join(g).split("$1").join(f).split("$2").join(d ? d.replace(/\s*([^\(]+)\s*(\((.*?)\))?/g, function (d, c, b, a) { a = a ? "," + a + ")" : b ? ")" : ""; return a ? "(" + c + ").call($item" + a : d }) : i.$2 || "") + "_.push('" }) + "');}return _;") } function n(c, b) { c._wrap = j(c, true, a.isArray(b) ? b : [q.test(b) ? b : a(b).html()]).join("") } function h(a) { return a ? a.replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\") : null } function s(b) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.appendChild(b.cloneNode(true)); return a.innerHTML } function m(o) { var n = "_" + c, k, j, l = {}, e, p, h; for (e = 0, p = o.length; e < p; e++) { if ((k = o[e]).nodeType !== 1) continue; j = k.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (h = j.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) m(j[h]); m(k) } function m(j) { var p, h = j, k, e, m; if (m = j.getAttribute(d)) { while (h.parentNode && (h = h.parentNode).nodeType === 1 && !(p = h.getAttribute(d))); if (p !== m) { h = h.parentNode ? h.nodeType === 11 ? 0 : h.getAttribute(d) || 0 : 0; if (!(e = b[m])) { e = f[m]; e = g(e, b[h] || f[h]); e.key = ++i; b[i] = e } c && o(m) } j.removeAttribute(d) } else if (c && (e =, "tmplItem"))) { o(e.key); b[e.key] = e; h =, "tmplItem"); h = h ? h.key : 0 } if (e) { k = e; while (k && k.key != h) { k.nodes.push(j); k = k.parent } delete e._ctnt; delete e._wrap;, "tmplItem", e) } function o(a) { a = a + n; e = l[a] = l[a] || g(e, b[e.parent.key + n] || e.parent) } } } function u(a, d, c, b) { if (!a) return l.pop(); l.push({ _: a, tmpl: d, item: this, data: c, options: b }) } function w(d, c, b) { return a.tmpl(a.template(d), c, b, this) } function x(b, d) { var c = b.options || {}; c.wrapped = d; return a.tmpl(a.template(b.tmpl),, c, b.item) } function v(d, c) { var b = this._wrap; return ? b.join("") : b).filter(d || "*"), function (a) { return c ? a.innerText || a.textContent : a.outerHTML || s(a) }) } function t() { var b = this.nodes; a.tmpl(null, null, null, this).insertBefore(b[0]); a(b).remove() } })(jQuery) diff --git a/jquery.tmplPlus.js b/jquery.tmplPlus.js index 01f3d66..af3b233 100644 --- a/jquery.tmplPlus.js +++ b/jquery.tmplPlus.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*! - * tmplPlus.js: for jQuery Templates Plugin v1.0pre + * tmplPlus.js: for jQuery Templates Plugin 1.0.0pre * Additional templating features or support for more advanced/less common scenarios. * Requires jquery.tmpl.js * diff --git a/jquery.tmplPlus.min.js b/jquery.tmplPlus.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0092b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/jquery.tmplPlus.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* + * tmplPlus.js: for jQuery Templates Plugin 1.0.0pre + * Additional templating features or support for more advanced/less common scenarios. + * Requires jquery.tmpl.js + * + * + * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * + */ +(function (a) { var c = a.tmpl.complete, b = a.fn.domManip; a.tmpl.complete = function (d) { var b; c(d); for (b in d) { b = d[b]; b.addedTmplItems && a.inArray(b, b.addedTmplItems) === -1 && b.addedTmplItems.push(b) } for (b in d) { b = d[b]; b.rendered && b.rendered(b) } }; a.extend({ tmplCmd: function (f, b, c) { var e = [], d; function g(f, c) { for (var e = [], a, b, i = c.length, d, g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; ) { d = f[g++]; for (b = 0; b < i; ) { a = c[b++]; === d && e.push(a) } } return e } b = a.isArray(b) ? b : [b]; switch (f) { case "find": return g(b, c); case "replace": b.reverse() } a.each(c ? g(b, c) : b, function (g, b) { coll = b.nodes; switch (f) { case "update": b.update(); break; case "remove": a(coll).remove(); c && c.splice(a.inArray(b, c), 1); break; case "replace": d = d ? a(coll).insertBefore(d)[0] : a(coll).appendTo(coll[0].parentNode)[0]; e.unshift(b) } }); return e } }); a.fn.extend({ domManip: function (c, i, f) { var e = c[1], g = c[0], d; if (c.length >= 2 && typeof e === "object" && !e.nodeType && !(e instanceof a)) { d = a.makeArray(arguments); d[0] = [a.tmpl(a.template(g), e, c[2], c[3])]; d[2] = function (b) { a.tmpl.afterManip(this, b, f) }; return b.apply(this, d) } return b.apply(this, arguments) } }) })(jQuery) diff --git a/jquery.tmplplus.min.js b/jquery.tmplplus.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2df9af9..0000000 --- a/jquery.tmplplus.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -(function(a){var c=a.tmpl.complete,b=a.fn.domManip;a.tmpl.complete=function(d){var b;c(d);for(b in d){b=d[b];b.addedTmplItems&&a.inArray(b,b.addedTmplItems)===-1&&b.addedTmplItems.push(b)}for(b in d){b=d[b];b.rendered&&b.rendered(b)}};a.extend({tmplCmd:function(f,b,c){var e=[],d;function g(f,c){for(var e=[],a,b,i=c.length,d,g=0,h=f.length;g=2&&typeof e==="object"&&!e.nodeType&&!(e instanceof a)){d=a.makeArray(arguments);d[0]=[a.tmpl(a.template(g),e,c[2],c[3])];d[2]=function(b){a.tmpl.afterManip(this,b,f)};return b.apply(this,d)}return b.apply(this,arguments)}})})(jQuery) \ No newline at end of file