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put a possibly better preproc_readr.c in attic
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berndbischl committed Sep 7, 2016
1 parent 229b79b commit 575044b
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 0 deletions.
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions attic/preproc_readr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <Rdefines.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "tools.h"

void rd_convert_line(char s[], char t[]) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int in_quotes = 0;
int is_quote = 0;
char old_quote = 0;
int done = 0;

while(!done) {
/* got string delim: copy + take a break */
if (s[i] == 0) {
t[j] = 0; i++; j++;

if (in_quotes) {
/* in quote, we copy all chars, except if we find the exakt old quote char from the start */
/* in that case we copy " to t and leave quote mode */
if (s[i] == old_quote) {
t[j] = '"'; i++; j++;
in_quotes = 0;
} else if (s[i] == '\\') {
if (s[i+1] == 'n') {
t[j] = '\n'; i+=2; j+=1;
} else if (s[i+1] == '\'' && old_quote == '\'') {
t[j] = '\''; i+=2; j+=1;
} else if (s[i+1] == '"' && old_quote == '\'') {
t[j] = '\\'; t[j+1] = '"'; i+=2; j+=2;
} else if (s[i+1] == '"' && old_quote == '"') {
t[j] = '\\'; t[j+1] = '"'; i+=2; j+=2;
} else {
i += 1;
} else {
t[j] = s[i]; i++; j++;
} else {
switch(s[i]) {
case '%': /* found comment char: set linebreak in t and stop copying */
t[j] = '\n'; t[j+1] = 0; done = 1; break;
case '\'':; /* found quote: copy " to t, go to quoted mode and store old quote */
case '"':
t[j] = '"'; old_quote = s[i]; in_quotes = 1; i++; j++; break;
case ' ': /* got space: remove the crap */
i++; break;
case '?': /* got ?: copy NA */
t[j++] = 'N'; t[j++] = 'A'; i++; break;
default: /*copy slot */
t[j] = s[i]; i++; j++; break;

/* throw away line if it
* - is empty
* - exactly starts with comment char '%'
SEXP c_rd_preproc(SEXP s_path_in, SEXP s_path_out, SEXP s_data_sect_index) {

FILE* handle_in;
FILE* handle_out;
const char* path_in = CHAR(asChar(s_path_in));
const char* path_out = CHAR(asChar(s_path_out));
int data_sect_index = asInteger(s_data_sect_index);
/* char line_buf_1[MAX_LINE_LEN]; */
/* char line_buf_2[MAX_LINE_LEN]; */
char* line_buf_1;
char* line_buf_2;
char* line_p;
int data_sect_reached = 0;
int gl_line_bytes = 100000;
int gl_bytes_read;

handle_in = fopen(path_in, "r");
handle_out = fopen(path_out, "w");

/* FIXME: can we skip these lines faster? */
for (int i = 0; i<data_sect_index; i++) {
line_buf_1 = (char *) malloc (gl_line_bytes + 1);
gl_bytes_read = getline(&line_buf_1, &gl_line_bytes, handle_in);
Rprintf("%i\n", i);
Rprintf("%s\n", line_buf_1);
if (gl_bytes_read == -1)
error("error in getline1!");
/* fgets(line_buf_1, sizeof line_buf_1, handle_in); */
while (fgets(line_buf_1, sizeof line_buf_1, handle_in)) {
line_buf_1 = (char *) malloc (gl_line_bytes + 1);
gl_bytes_read = getline(&line_buf_1, &gl_line_bytes, handle_in);
Rprintf("%s\n", line_buf_1);
if (gl_bytes_read == -1)
error("error in getline2!");
line_buf_2 = (char *) malloc (gl_bytes_read + 1);
rd_convert_line(line_buf_1, line_buf_2);
if (!is_empty(line_buf_2))
fputs(line_buf_2, handle_out);
return R_NilValue;

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