Cultural transmission models in python using simuPOP, SciPy, and NumPy. Data storage is currently in a MongoDB instance, which can be local or remote, if simulations are being run on multiple machines.
CTPy is a software layer on top of simuPOP by Bo Peng, currently version 1.X. See for source code, license, and documentation.
analytics : python scripts which process simulation data from the database, and make entries into the database of their results.
ctpy : python modules and classes used in simulations and analytics
simulations : python scripts which run simuPOP simulations of cultural transmission models, logging samples to the database.
test : unit and functional test scripts
CTPy assumes that there is an instance of MongoDB to which it can log samples and statistical data. The file in the ctpy/sampling directory contains the database initialization, so that remote connections can be substituted for a local development server. This may be more easily configurable in future releases.
CTPy uses the Ming object relational library to connect from Python to MongoDB.
find . -name "*.py" | xargs grep -h 'import ' | grep -v ctpy | grep -v simu | sort | cut -d' ' -f2 | uniq > required-modules.txt
Mark E. Madsen Copyright 2012-2013. All rights reserved. This software is made available under the Apache Software License (see file LICENSE), which allows you to use the software for commercial or non-commercial purposes, but you must attribute authorship, and derivatives must allow the user to find the original code and license.