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Fix stuctural propagation of rendering extensions
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mrkkrp committed Jan 22, 2018
1 parent 0cc0aea commit 2af074b
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Showing 4 changed files with 39 additions and 18 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
## MMark

* Fix the bug that prevented application of rendering extensions to
sub-blocks (blocks contained inside other blocks) and sub-inlines (inlines
contained inside other inlines).

## MMark

* The parser can now recover from block-level parse errors in tables and
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37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions Text/MMark/Render.hs
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,15 +57,18 @@ applyBlockRender
:: Render (Block (Ois, Html ()))
-> Block (Ois, Html ())
-> Html ()
applyBlockRender r = getRender r defaultBlockRender
applyBlockRender r = fix (runRender r . defaultBlockRender)

-- | The default 'Block' render. Note that it does not care about what we
-- have rendered so far because it always starts rendering. Thus it's OK to
-- just pass it something dummy as the second argument of the inner
-- function.

defaultBlockRender :: Block (Ois, Html ()) -> Html ()
defaultBlockRender = \case
:: (Block (Ois, Html ()) -> Html ())
-- ^ Rendering function to use to render sub-blocks
-> Block (Ois, Html ()) -> Html ()
defaultBlockRender blockRender = \case
ThematicBreak ->
hr_ [] >> newline
Heading1 (h,html) ->
Expand All @@ -88,21 +92,21 @@ defaultBlockRender = \case
Paragraph (_,html) ->
p_ html >> newline
Blockquote blocks -> do
blockquote_ (newline <* mapM_ defaultBlockRender blocks)
blockquote_ (newline <* mapM_ blockRender blocks)
OrderedList i items -> do
let startIndex = [start_ (T.pack $ show i) | i /= 1]
ol_ startIndex $ do
forM_ items $ \x -> do
li_ (newline <* mapM_ defaultBlockRender x)
li_ (newline <* mapM_ blockRender x)
UnorderedList items -> do
ul_ $ do
forM_ items $ \x -> do
li_ (newline <* mapM_ defaultBlockRender x)
li_ (newline <* mapM_ blockRender x)
Table calign (hs :| rows) -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,32 +139,35 @@ defaultBlockRender = \case
-- | Apply a render to a given 'Inline'.

applyInlineRender :: Render Inline -> Inline -> Html ()
applyInlineRender r = getRender r defaultInlineRender
applyInlineRender r = fix (runRender r . defaultInlineRender)

-- | The default render for 'Inline' elements. Comments about
-- 'defaultBlockRender' apply here just as well.

defaultInlineRender :: Inline -> Html ()
defaultInlineRender = \case
:: (Inline -> Html ())
-- ^ Rendering function to use to render sub-inlines
-> Inline -> Html ()
defaultInlineRender inlineRender = \case
Plain txt ->
toHtml txt
LineBreak ->
br_ [] >> newline
Emphasis inner ->
em_ (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
em_ (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
Strong inner ->
strong_ (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
strong_ (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
Strikeout inner ->
del_ (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
del_ (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
Subscript inner ->
sub_ (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
sub_ (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
Superscript inner ->
sup_ (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
sup_ (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
CodeSpan txt ->
code_ (toHtmlRaw txt)
Link inner dest mtitle ->
let title = maybe [] (pure . title_) mtitle
in a_ (href_ (URI.render dest) : title) (mapM_ defaultInlineRender inner)
in a_ (href_ (URI.render dest) : title) (mapM_ inlineRender inner)
Image desc src mtitle ->
let title = maybe [] (pure . title_) mtitle
in img_ (alt_ (asPlainText desc) : src_ (URI.render src) : title)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Text/MMark/Type.hs
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ instance Monoid Extension where
-- the type @a -> Html ()@.

newtype Render a = Render
{ getRender :: (a -> Html ()) -> a -> Html () }
{ runRender :: (a -> Html ()) -> a -> Html () }

instance Semigroup (Render a) where
Render f <> Render g = Render $ \h -> f (g h)
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions tests/Text/MMark/ExtensionSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -24,21 +24,29 @@ spec = parallel $ do
doc <- mkDoc "# My heading"
toText (MMark.useExtension h1_to_h2 doc)
`shouldBe` "<h2 id=\"my-heading\">My heading</h2>\n"
describe "blockRender" $
describe "blockRender" $ do
it "works" $ do
doc <- mkDoc "# My heading"
toText (MMark.useExtension add_h1_content doc)
`shouldBe` "<h1 data-content=\"My heading\" id=\"my-heading\">My heading</h1>\n"
it "extensions can affect nested block structures" $ do
doc <- mkDoc "* # Something"
toText (MMark.useExtension add_h1_content doc)
`shouldBe` "<ul>\n<li>\n<h1 data-content=\"Something\" id=\"something\">Something</h1>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"
describe "inlineTrans" $
it "works" $ do
doc <- mkDoc "# My *heading*"
toText (MMark.useExtension em_to_strong doc)
`shouldBe` "<h1 id=\"my-heading\">My <strong>heading</strong></h1>\n"
describe "inlineRender" $
describe "inlineRender" $ do
it "works" $ do
doc <- mkDoc "# My *heading*"
toText (MMark.useExtension (add_em_class "foo") doc)
`shouldBe` "<h1 id=\"my-heading\">My <em class=\"foo\">heading</em></h1>\n"
it "extensions can affect nested inline structures" $ do
doc <- mkDoc "[*heading*](/url)"
toText (MMark.useExtension (add_em_class "foo") doc)
`shouldBe` "<p><a href=\"/url\"><em class=\"foo\">heading</em></a></p>\n"
describe "asPlainText" $ do
let f x = Ext.asPlainText (x:|[])
context "with Plain" $
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