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Marko Mikulicic committed Mar 29, 2010
1 parent d123c1b commit 40762c2
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 10 deletions.
44 changes: 34 additions & 10 deletions src/haml_macro/core.clj
@@ -1,34 +1,58 @@
(ns haml-macro.core
(:use [eu.dnetlib.clojure clarsec monad]))

(declare tag)

(defn not-nil? [p] (not (nil? p)))

(def newlinep (one-of "\n"))
(def sspace (one-of " "))

(defn prefixed [ch p]
(>> (is-char ch) p))

(defn repeated [n p]
(if (<= n 0)
(result [])
(m-sequence (repeat n p))))

(defn indented [level p] (let-bind [_ newlinep
_ (repeated level sspace)]

(def anyChar (not-char \newline))

(def text (>>== (many anyChar) #(vector :text (apply str %))))

(defn statement [l] (delay (either (tag l) text)))

(def tagPrefix (one-of "%#."))
(def tagChar (either letter digit (one-of "-_") tagPrefix))
(def tagName (let-bind [prefix tagPrefix
rest (many1 tagChar)]
(let [autoTag (if (not= \% prefix) "%div")]
(result (keyword (apply str autoTag prefix rest))))))
(let [autoTag (if (not= \% prefix) "div")]
(result (keyword (apply str autoTag (if (not= \% prefix) prefix) rest))))))

(def tag (let-bind [t tagName
b (optional (>> space text))]
(result [:tag t (second b)])))
(defn make-compojure-tag [t inline body]
(apply vector (filter not-nil? (apply vector t (second inline) body))))

(def text (>>== (many anyChar) #(vector :text (apply str %))))
(defn tag [l]
(let [nl (+ 2 l)]
(let-bind [t tagName
inline (optional (>> sspace text))
body (optional (many1 (indented nl (tag nl))))]
(result (make-compojure-tag t inline body)))))

(def statement (either tag text))

(def statements (followedBy (sepBy1 statement newlinep) (optional newlinep)))
(defn statements [l] (followedBy (sepBy1 (statement l) newlinep) (optional newlinep)))

(def body statements)
(def body (statements 0))

(def source
(followedBy body (lexeme eof)))

(defn haml [strn]
(defn haml-str [strn]
(:value (parse source strn)))

(defn haml-file [file]
(haml-str (slurp file)))

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